-Satiarday nigisi cars alpped ielpiassiy on tise mais and ped- es-rias a sna d to navifate on hondsansd kneea. unday mornnsg mas treaciseroas ils speara ofi me faligirnm everywisere ta spiînir on the mc elon. ofut tise beauty of al tise Ice gllalealng and aparis- ing agatat tiese ky. alernaiely dasling biue and naimnua grey, la lise eariy Sunisy moning sunlightî mas a consolationafnr'tise dreadisui conditiones beinar, WATCH FOR CATILE UPRISINGS! HUMAN MAJORITY ONLY 954 Be kund 15 coma. And tnt jus& There mo're many more steep because liere peseisi, agreestrie nd lamina; Decemiser ni t950 found crittera mtro lihe ta lelinte sade 2730 and 1951, 4,040. try a trea. Be kini and eare Theres as record in the figurrs -heware n case they strnld dec'e released by1 the Ontaro Depari- la anite and rise up anme day. ment oAgricultreas tuttre am- Wee amot oumhered, iM tacti.oantoaey in Ballon ist yesr, There re repnried 10 ie 39.700 tafhrln lseaioaing nis cama la the casnly af Hltas-siid milh ai least, Tisere mre t7500 anly 40,654 people. Oly a majnriay mars and treier tara yeama nid s. ni 954 peuple! over hept mainiy for milk papas- A cenus ofni allon cale ta s. Tiere aere Iuss a littieearr Decemiser of 1951 hnwed oouai7u 16000 te year tefore. Perisaps mihiersanad beefera totalled neai'iY butten can takle the place aifisoncy 40000. n tris oommary ni Matons pros- Tsme pia tisaI deight citY ia- periîy. The amount ni crea.InerY itm i arm barns tltotgisatt thse ntter proiucei in January. 1952- cnnty mi i kly total over 24000 the montis teinre lasi-aras 48,93 tiis year-that aras tefilgure fnr paund. The yosr briore il aras December. 1951 FrolicMg IsiriDs 49,501 pooads-aligistly iigher. namberng 4040 friaked in Ballon Nom dama itu straight slatiruic. tisai mnntis and trere mere 2.575 A breshdoarn ai tise 39,700 cttia isomaes.in tise oniy shows tiere wre 70 Atisangis tiase figuras are ni hlls one yesrsd anor; 17500 coara primary interest la realinallon of and hurera tara yoars and orer for tihe importance of agriculture in miih; 2,300 mars and houfera ior Ialocmparlsnn oi figurea ilsh eef; 60000 isliermo bcbg rasaed for tisof Decembor, 1900 sowed mliii1500 houfera tring rasaed for marhed difierencas. Tise numbr betarn id 2200 teers one yrrano ni calves tndem one year maa 11P anar. by 2,iOO iaring tise yesr; tise nues- Th 240 amn are opsd b>er ai cama jamped rones31,170 ra Thai 24,000 siewr-cmoe 39,70. o 4,00 aineovorr 6 aronlhsisn1- 29,700. ladini aoara snd 20.000 aine aun- Saine issd a tig bot, atis, 6mnts 16,t00 eunteinl 1900 and 24,000 Il 1951. As for iosmns, tise nummer Thr 4040 lamin asnd steep break aioppoi irnes 3,410 10 2,575. dram ta 140 rama oner one yar; 2,800 rare on0e year and oner; ani 1,00msn nder ooneyosr. OBITUANT The total naminer of trorsersand ______talliansinu ldes 1.300 mura-at.v easand arer;, 1200 grldin%. tri Arrived In Canada lr and ovrr and 60 rrl'a and ln 191' trs. Ali isora Mn inghues, E aa ini E Mrs.Galla for tas lfeights She oa William E 1813. Bshe Mng Star i 5ev T funeral s intentent Cemeery, Survivir Sreeseil: Fiomersaa dollai A OBITUAI 1, Passes On ce Galiogisem. ato ma oInechurctr, North iras- ngand, ita 1884. pasoi fittaesn oser tara years. Tt.c Orpaniment o Ageriiiutameý'. Oo0su.,stoarr trat tisemo acre 71315 farmitaniai10 insoheuimi- oiea listrdi n rceesher of 1951. A large noithrof anitals ta fred agher, who had been 111 cata and pet rahbits years, liied in Milton ________________ n rmEngland to Can- E eutrsS l 91,and aras mared ta x c trsS l EL Galisîher in Mlton ina Of aras a member f Rien- Regsterd folPraoShort- Rebeoca Lodge, Milto'a. hr.,mlemntu Spn. ervice on March 25 and L olloarnd in Evergreon Tise property nf the ýMilton. LATE BRRR COOK ag as aeil as hr hasbaîtd Lot 29. Con. 6. Eaque.ing, li il iFrodeeinh William 5of North 7No. 7 Highway. e and tara slalom, Ms. . SATURDAY, APRIL 12 and Mrs. Frederick lun- HINISLEY ANDS ELLIOVr. Llveehurrs, Engiasad. bAuctionec.ý IlI L Injuries Fatal To -A KO Former Miltonian T <ILTIMC lB T Etrenezer Wian, 58, ai Rndnny, -ro OCATI4 died lanlHamilton General Hospital Saturday, Mareh 15, as a resat of injuries received ia an automnoile accident nor iOalvilomrecntly. Barn a Miltnn, he liard for; aar time at Gat and Windsor heome mavn o aRdney 23 yearo ago. lHe as a al srnan for tise Canadian Waad Pradarts Ca. ai Radnry. He waiaa mernaof Ith, laday United Clssrrt, Radney Sii, Ladgo, Order of thr Esten'Star and Brarh .552 ai tOn landian A dollar stili buys you 000 ýhu. Lrgionn dred cents worth of exper.r_ Sarv mîng bridra hirs wle are pairs at our garage. Our engins,, tara daaghter, Mia. Wiliam GOn- brako and transmission work wilI' tr and Mm.rsElie Eiaan. hb,'lt belp your nId car la h ang around ni Radnry; tliero, o., Rabt o!a for a few mare yoars cf dopend.'i Galt; Cari and Edarard ai Ra)daroy able transportation. 1,3 grandnhlidrrn; sixnbro hon . j).5t1Foir t to Fa iras Canirron ni Caarpbrlriitr; Grorge 949 Mrury SM(ian ni Gat; Roberofn Pembroke and 19481 Miooary Saîlan Norman snd AthraofTronto. 1947 Monarch Sedain and Wiiaimi of Brsndoîn, Man. 946 Pontiacr Sidan Borane aas etd n Marh oîis SOiFord Sedan Sericewashel onMarh lth 940 Cher. Coarch cosdsnted by Rer. E. R. My, Rod- M sny carlier modria to choose ney United Citarh. Inierroeni aas froar. in Rdney Cemetery. Wilh greater marketings of trop la prospectlfor 1952 il seema probs- able liere iii 'h oanme surpus ai ponk and park praducia durlng tise cnmlssg year. - Phono 177J - Mifton ART:1 Original JORDANUS March 28 Ninetoon Hi MR. VAN DER VUI ON API DIAMONDS--WA Georgetown Beail fL l LjnW J. A. ELLIOTT Lloea dAuctinoa ao itsefo Mia is tinainso o phni] lu220 or seat tatise Canaitan REAL ISTATE PAUE TM .. -ApUUl Iooi'a Day next Tueday. -Buter la jist a 1111e over tWa weeka away. -fTe moter tise road, the harder -Thse Bronte park area maa daml- Il Do ra Laged by toranaover lise week-end -. .- wmus fioodl na tirealehlnc hommes, mires Mnlise district sufered dis- Mng Salsrday evenings snons, -.rAsls iave arrlaod Ila ban, but nit tiMk mugis ni aur tes- pitallty m far as meather 100. -Tise sdden. very huslneslke iall of .50w on Wedneaday mss un- esipeeet for apring. But lisen. as ils bemi oald, InIer oflen lingera ta tise lbp (i prisg long enougis to misse lalk. LET US BE YOUR GUIOI GOOD LOOKS 0F YOU BOUND TO BE M( FINO THAT SUIT NO VIDUAL AT SHOP Hi Satisfaction quarar Phone I 2 Quality Mer, T H E FRI.-SAT. "*HALLS ( Splendida MON.-TU ES. 1T,700 y A new, ai THt Arad elephar THIJES.FR1.- ""THE Ri ""HER FI Aiao s nnws rmoli 1 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY, XARR à7th. IM 1 Pollock end Births, Marries1 Campbell Deaths, Etc. EZIZI ANJ*Au HIGH DEMMRAS - SI LATEOT TIME FOR INSERTION -B FIL WEDNESDAT MEMORIAL ENGRA9ING ROBERTBON-Dr, and Mni, W. J. Robertson are ippy ta oniSisce R ATES - 62 Wate St., North GALT the bicOt Sf liseir son. Arntold No charge for announcemenis of Biriisa, Mariages, Deata TEEHN U Piuip, an Marcis 18, 1952, at - and Engagements TELEPOPIESaill Ste, Marie, Ont. Ia Memoriam 50c pies 10e per iUne for verses. Articles for Sais, TPXIGAIRT - Mr and MeS. BIM Rent. oic-lec a mord, Minimum cash 25e (Ii nai pald unlil afler Teggarl. R. R. 1, Westan, are insertion, 5c. Bex No., M lis office l5e aditional. Comlng isappy 10 annotance Mhe lit ni Evets-i0c per caunt lise; 30e minimises Carda ni Tlsass.-IOe. _________________ Me n on, Donald Mose,on __________________________ BARBER'S Tisursday, Marcis 20, 1812, ai Billon Privule Hospital. For Sale FOR SALE CONTINIIE you ta attend an LYONS-Me. un Mea. AI Lyons, ____________ FOR SALE - QOtario Variegatetil 249 Miil St., Arton, arretrappy Io FOR SALE-Typearuters. Phione Alialia, Canadias Grimes Alfalfa, anaousce tise hirtis oi lieir 59.C-42-2 Peel Brand Pastiaremix for liay., E X H IB IT dsugisier, Sandra Diane. an Set-- Pasure or Grams itage, Cortifleti urday, Marcis 22, 1952. ai Milon FOR SAI-2 pair relier skates. Ladin, Brame Grass, AH Ciovers 01 anig ~Priv&te Hospital. Sister for pisoitMiHtoa 73. c ani Grasses Glovemomeal Grade to-. iOi anns Sharon. b i, Ceriified Wisconsin Gromn Hiy- LOT FOR BAL-On Sydney St.. brud Corn. Write or phoane for V AN DER VLIET 66xi32 fil. Pisane l1 istlton. c pricas. Willilam Cause ani Bousa M4ARRIED FRSI Oeî'AaialLu., Sîreeisviiie, Oai. Pisones 1 th ta Aprilt i th BAYLI-LOaUGHEED - On Wed- floar modei television set, $42500. and 1i4bi-34-5 undad nd i~.wonesay, Mureis th, 952un Grace Milton Eecîric, pisane 259. c -F R S L lundred an Fifty-TwoAnglican Cisurcis, Miltn, by tise-F R S L Ban. Hamer Ferria. Anale bIsel FOR SAL-I pelce cesterfield ET ii be IN ATTENDANCE Laugiseed, iaagister nf Mrs. Laug- suite, reasonabto. Phone Mitan 1 iseod and te late Irarin Laugiseed 52r3li c 1 L82 International Dump Trucir, OIL 2 and 9 ONI.Y of Milton laO ea. W. Bayiis, son 1LWR o a caies a,înom ai Mes. Baylii and tise laie Joastee Bn FloESrilocsiodens oe L1800international Dump Trucok. Bayls o Tornto Ont 498ll.c-tf i L170 Intermatianal Dump Triuck, ISRBER'S Byi iTrna n. 401.nom ,TCHES-JEWELLERY--GIFTS DORD FOR SALE-1K17 Dodge Sedan, i 3-tan 1950 Dodge Dump Track gaod tiras, fair sapo. Pisone Mil- i 1910 GîM.C. 3-tan 5 yd. Dusmp ide the Roxy Telephone 310 GALLAGMBR- At Hamilton an tan 94r5. c Truck Sstardsy, Marcis 22, 1952, Mlice FOR SAL!,,,L S puletayîng. 1147Daife Cisassis and Cala - Biandoil, ieiaved wmue ni Williaom F1kHa 1o Jc aas 948 Caev, Cisassis and Cab take Galisgher, ai Milaon Meigisîs, acoirnM rley o Jak0w. ,phoe1 97Fard panel Truck,i-Ionn motiser ai Fred ai Streelavilie, in Milton _____10w. ______1i1949 idisa G.M.C. panel Triuck lier 691h year. FOR SALE-Speciai coal and ci- I 1951 Fard Victoria Fanerai aervice mas heli aI Alilectric' range, lvcCiary, $165.()0i 1951 FardBoida Saints' Chureis, Milton Meighna, on Phone 259, Mitan Eiectric, i 1951 Fard cuotom Beorad o Tuesisy. Interment Evrgreen -___ ______i15 adcsnsCai Cemetery, Milta. FOR SALE - Turquoise rajon i 1949 Chev. Seans gabardiné eteîeî saortie coat, nom 1 Fesn Tractar, nom WINN-AI tise amuton General sire 16. Phoane Mitain 450w., 1 M r-Deer, Farinai M traclor,. Hospital an Friiay, Marcis 141h. - - nom 'OU 152, Rinnezer WMnn, Mntria 591is FOR RAL-Seeod coi eed naits, i McCar.-Deer. Farinai H traciar, OUR j ~ i yease, heloaed hisudof ~iMamie Roxton ani Seaver. Boy Clion, used 'i Joisaston and brother ofWilai R. R.4,pisone Milton 79r31. c-42-2 1 ?fineapaIla at rc BrnoMn;Art niGr.No- IMlndne naMline Z traier ro- Brandon, Man.; iloatr reg I i bell 4"peioi dggF man ai Toronto; Campbell aifORBL rno0t e 4 olioodgn Campbelliîle; George ai Gal-, and Comim. I; Carter nais Canmst. I. for Ford or Fergisson Robert oi Pembroke. -Colin Beaty, pisone Miton 282r12 i1 Dearlanrie 91 poat hisledlgger RE for Fard or Ferguson ~EFanerai service uni intermrnt FOR hAL-1i N yesr ol Gilson Severai ina piceimoi Ciseva. sant was t Rodaey, Ont., on Marris 18, reirigerator, 9 eu. fil., excelent Foria 1952. bargain. Milton Eleetrin, piOne TIfOS. .EWBON GODFBEY-At Si. Joap's Hospit- 259. - c Phtone 332w, Georgetoma lat al on Fiay, Marais 21, Aigail FOR BALE-Grade non. 1Bearer Caller. aunaw of tise laIe Won.. 001 grwn rnes regisîered aeed, T Cry 9 ontngha. etm t'. 10bu .E Frphono Hilton LV WANTED-Fa Guelpis, dear maliser oif o i c-43-2a te <lrda Heimne)ml Bm George 1FOR BLE-Roi claver need; iheESTomeerpls ash ai - Fr Thrtl. .R.5.Gelh aerrg. ostein heifer; 7 meaited piga ae fr )ado lcasheit auor 1Howaard Goaland. phono Min on s hn olctMlo 0w Foeal saramceraas heu eenm 28r-c-43-3 Wll BaSoe osa Lii c-t LENTY ýHomrGpoMtp onMo. ne- FOR SALE- acrs of landi.-'Egvaoînsn ment Waadlso-n Cemermy. Millon. Lo CP. a loa, ph e atifarim lie yoora. Leb us introduca 150r3. L. auro phon ~' iieta yoo BRoy Hindiey, Evemon. EAST R ERL AI iltn o Tueday1 l8r32 c-3-4phono Sockaood 19r3, Asselato 1 Maieh 25. 1952. Harold Rdira FOR BALE - Brick snî plsrîre- Brsdleya Rosil Estste, Douglas St.. aral. son ai the laie Edwimn Fiid eetngaelaadGep.b Rail and Mary Anne Haloutoand.mmnai rvt am dGops and bm,îttrrf Mr. J.H. Pou- erra oatoe. Phono 754ar. Tom WANTED TO BOY - Modemn TO HE UALTYFIN FT AO reh Rdna i Tmoni; m HaRinas, Bon 20, Georgetowa, Giela house la Hilton or an immediate Wterîer <Ofaeli oi Nigara --- _________ e_ outakirto, for occupancy July lat. R NEW SPINO SUIT-AND YOURE Falls, NY. ni ChestereofMili- FOR SALE - Nsny blue mari Please ilate type of construction, tain. in tia 60h year. aataz 0 pTpTlas nlocation, oter delsîta and price la 06ETHN APL STISIE -Legian fanerai seraiceroctainplaco noar condition; ason mail bshy repiy la Boa 742 Canadien Champ- irait MarNais and Son FaneraIcin Pan 0e ito. con. c-42-Z HERE WHERE VARIETY AND Pai or nThaîrsday. Marais 27tt rbPoe47Mitn c TTENTION IS OUR KEYNOTE ai 2 lies inta-imeat ENo-e-eil FOR BALE - Foiding maroon WANTED) - Lino Paulloy anti Cenaa ta Mlton. baby eseriage; Taylor Forbea 5- featisma mated. Bigist prionS _______________________ trade 14" mt steel arneeied îarn pali Pisone Rsniaii Si Morley, MII- esoaer. Phono Billon 3W., ton 143, or Wes. Dent, Milton 92r15 tsEA D A EI MMORIAMc or arrite Moses Zoner. 402 Daver- ined ryormoe efned AMSRN - oigm ôrs FOR SALE-Oumo watra premiare court Rd.. Toronto. TF oteed ~ ~ ~ ~ o oryuMm.oefne ARMSTRONG inLcin memrry antear complote, motar, pomy and ix'MisMaorAmalonOwtasinicni tank, oea condition. FARMS WANTED *passed aras an Miltonn Haspar.i Gardon Hume, phono Millon 435r14. We invite Mhe litiini of ous' April 4. 1961. faimn. Mo have buyers maltlng As ai- o d liem.,___ _ _ Asoring yoa of tre Spirit ni Clod Sro e 110 her. ALUSINUM arndoars oMarnindSeraice. ' ~ A lwa,remomherai ry 1%1r. H. aoen sastr. complote onîta, guae- JOSEPH ANDSERSON. Braher 1frat~m m iiuherinKton.ninter; Mr'. D soterd for lifr. Fiee Servicea 18 3 Lascriies Sivi., Tnronto 12. Ont. Strlotaaehnarre, Carttwrighst. Ban. nonths 10 psy. Phoneo akvilie Phsone MYland 6776 c-3?-T or edmai son. Brion. aiso passmi FOR SL-e claver aroî :, denoeinationali chareh groupe for an yMamet 28,.191. eieanod. Ataoiutlyeyue ofaipro- anierpriviieged chilirena canor n T oa e îasp h i .,aatr n i. $ 1 0 . O us, N rm a n C a n trto , p h ao n arîwm m în g facilitien . N o sw sm p . clanduse t Lamer rices Mlon, 0n I..Ra happy aie. iaore. Billon 189r5. c Buildings nat essential, Btinait To rean r iavrie -cdoarnpayaient.Bon. M. J. Hil, ___________________ And seetia <mite. FOR SALE-Omude no. i Baaaer 520 00mbe St., Toronto JU2077. b Thtaoevantîosaaei, t sir c as. geoanirom egoýtoredoooed. ________ -Alo-.-irmerei v isr irarm$1.40 aau., aLro baird timottry llade nd iter lady. and alialia hay. H. Rlohardoao iclaeu _________phone 27-2-i Billon, c-43-2 PAOS 0F TA'5015 FOR SAL-3 pîoroeisesîarfîald CRESS CORN SALVE for mre Ou Oic re hni auni apprer-sile, orena la double lied; 6o icorrelief. Orsggisla nel GrenaS ias- itoIoalfr caris, gimta m-indînoteite u, tagisl ahat îfiis.ion Saîne-arear otylins ohoas Sacn. afmmrneý(n oaar flamand bramntaamut.s 2 yrarsolad. Photne c-S-W Wddn -mnivramy. MaraO lIed. Bllon 41w, Saillie, Beonao St. c___________ B rs adMrc Peter Dliartian FOR SAL-Rame grao nîlaf Personal sedgrad no. 1and2; red cover, __________ 1 wol ai totranh irienia. lnîtty, gradeno.1land 2.Phone N 1 R E as.relaivre toieMaxndVoi arro-eyo rio r.acise . aG r.N EN, WgeluaNîdGal, moia tr o arais. fitorer,Oserty, R. R. i. Ingleoras, Oat. 1u 15 Iha. Nom pep. 1on. Tmy famoiso N C ri n idera <homo darint -.-Ostren Tonîc Tohleta for double m rent dn FOR SALE - One rcgisîoerarsuits; nea iseaitisy flash; nom MARCH 28-29 - hor.retivaiir aîad B sb Ma h. HrlRedPon m aioreenthrue FOR SALR. Reonitionoiîîîa- O F mentZUM Staoerrly chianes; grain, uni iertilicor dritll Teon Tomn anuoeFiudy, Muecis Mis. Jone and Fortita 13 dira; 2-farrow ploar; MH. 81 2808.30 p.m , B . S. Admission TECNnCdO so Bs. Storry ssieî) trsctom; MBH. 102 Jr. tracta,; 28 25c and 50c TEHNCOORplato diae. Pardy ad Pady LIa.. C _____________________Main t, Mlton. cRmaerin a Sorday, May 3isl for action piclama by Widmark SA Eleu uni Sslaing Sale, St. PaulSa AU TIN ER f BARLEY FOR SALI' -; Evning Aaaiiiaey.c AUCTON ALE CoîmmercîilNo. 1, gromo irait -rgitlrrriMontcalit, germinaiona Reaere Apri 24 and 2Sîifor MARCH 31-APRIL 1 MLTON LIVESTOCK BARKET .96 per cr01., si for <ample. E. A. Billon PuiemnSeiool Operetta. ON iiiThursaavand Every Thuaday Wear, . R. 1B. i. alaben. phoîne Ag- "The Magieo Sestsik. oe àf At1 .m. iîouîrt Zonre 2-4B6. c-Il At i ps. Ime Renom, Blon Arrns, Fiday, (OUNG O KISA maakel t ,itlhird soaty faim BEfD GRAIN FOR SALE Ha-rujt Apeal 4, 830 pis - by RHamilton th iat. profs rrourlie. «< .1.earaatop heirayictiag, tif baliag CluaO(50 saaîral. Aus- cash prices. Renie.aeeaant, rgmadano. i. liica Baîpla Lei eap, Knox <raI 00eforyoan popir ii oaarîiaaaaa i.atiiityapojetciiaait 41-5601;,maitoth ii awnd ,aaa- ChueoO AdaitasOcc hldeen 25c. caaaOa.ea. AaataraaaaPaifkaaa, ,,eargradeano. i irai 41- -2-3 a i, ain, aatae nair- lit a tehjo e 0y, le 501 bt.pe cre. J. JRSDAY, APRIL 3RD ('«i'i<idiiiti area Bi aai iltottaaa idaS. iatia iltn- e 581.c Esore anddne twrt nextThti-.,diy wth iof I e1 al. Friday, Apoit 18. Garis Ralins riaich ohestea. Credsal 830. Admassion )RY HUNTERS" Lisoaatioiu,1-sfo* 3yearGoodwill Used Cars 1 ria oiaey. aogAtiota TECHRIOUQE e gc ai-r imiii laifare yar ia o TrafalgaaFcaeratio i fAgicai- 50 Baînart. tilty eiuiiiii<i ichre insTTaalgar Memorisi Mail, in boni for aaocy for Blard Balls 49 Plmaiaot 4-doan. lihe aerO Friday. Apeal 41is. Carda 8.30 p. 48 Bercaary CouapmeDancing 9 p..Cirrie "A"Ram- 47 Cher. 2-dorinSedans btîea. Lunsch prasadri. Ererynne AUHRZD 4t f aur 2-door Sedans amîcome. Admisioun 75c. c-43-2 -SAT, FI 1-81 39 Ford 2-dror Sedian - I 1-8-936 Plymouth 2-door Bedana POULTET VOTE TRUCKS A noIe on tise Poultry Pioducero 5t G.MC. Oump itaihating anieme ailbc poited on tOYAL JOURNEY" 49 Mera I)oitmp April1718ad9.Anetg s .0 G MC. I ton Panel Nelson Towrnship Bail, Sabuedsy, -aitao Us.--Ta.Cna 50 Farga i Ion BMarh 29. 1.30 pes. Eaquasln.g. HIUoae oiuissona StewarrRown Hall, Monday, Mare O DCT RO AN E"1 CHAPEL ST. er 3!. 8.30 pit. Nassa-gameya, Brook- RMP 7W--pes. Trafalgar, Oah2Setoal of~~~~ ih-Kn-sfnoaiwil..aow m N.RWAEMoos t. Ola4-- ed 7say B-30i n l