Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Mar 1952, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO ___________________________________PA« S. A. FAY and . Plumbing and Heati Sheet Metal Work PHONE 205W SONS ng MILTON, ONT. ROBERTSON'S COAL At Lowest Prices IRON IRIMAN Stokers and Oil Dumners lntall.d and Sevlod TELEVISION REFRIGERATORS STOVIS 1Ai lEetrical Appliances HORNBY PHONE 76-14 BA LMON LVERAP 1/;39o $AR DI NS T]4?29. ORUNEIM 5, MOR IÂT, 80=I =Tu NA'TIN*250' ORANGE JUICE 4T"Nz26e DLENDED JUIC E TI26 tofmate JUICE Eelgbt2 20--z 27, YMRTOMATO UP iOZ. l1op DEANS wiTM PORK 20 OZ.1TI FA NCY COR ltN 20ON TIN SAYLMER 2 20-OZ CARROTSDICED 2TINS' 21C NIAGARA KIST STRAWBERRY M24E JAR PURE LARD 2 'KS25e SIRORTENING 1LB K .25c PANCAKE FLOUR P 21o OLD FABEIONED LEMON PIE MADE THE NEW FASHIONED WÂY WITK MONARCH PIE CRUST MlIX PEU.- 33e JELL-O LEMON PIE FILLING 3 29C SAVE MONEY ON CARROLL'S OWN DOG MEAL BAG 2lc FRSBARKER'W] FGBARS LB. 24)0 25C 17e iso *- doz. 27c --pkg.19c -bunchl15C --pkg. 17c .1 =0 Elsct Mac Sprowl Juniors'Prosident On Monday evesîng, Marris 3rd, at lise Agriculture Office, Mlton, Mac Spîowi seas elecled eounty prealdent ut the Halton Juntor Farmers Mac Spnowl waa hors and has lived os tise tamiiy tarco home easaiut Acton ail his 11e. Ne t- tendeti Bannockbsurn Pubiie Scisuol 1934 to 1941 and Acton Continuai- ion Sehoul 1941 ta 194. In 1947 hec'lsie aoammi'r of thi Acton Junior Fa'mecs and ha heceu active ini thiso rganiluatio uisce thul lime. biigsecrelary 'n 1949 and president for the past year and a half, aise servlng as vice-president of Raltus Juniors. Du'ng the paut ecsn yeasx, h hou heon active ils ludeisa compet- itionu soumed by the Halton Junior Farmers, having won the Thomas Blahelocis Trophy for the brut Judge ut swine is Haiton Ccunty sIn1949. On Achlevement Day ins June. 1951, Mac Sprowl iecame the timlt winner outIhe Namilton Spectator speeil aacrd toc the outzlanding Junior S'armer I Hatton County, thus enhtljif hminelu a 150 mlle hu trip thcuugh the rasteen Stules, namely New Yorh, Pennsylvanie, West Virgulia, Virgisia and Mry- 1asd. lInIfovemiser ut 1951, he wau o memiser oftIhe Rallun Conly iodaSsg e ar that cumpeted aIt tse Royal Wter Fir, Hallon pluehig third In thirly coustes thot cump- rîrd. At Geneva Parti in 1950, he Ia he Nltun boy delegate at the Junior Furiners' povfieillcamp. Receslly ho was appoinled as a Juonior Farmer dîreclor trom Fs- quesisg ltownship lu the Hallon Federallon uf Agricultare. For the pooltfoue years, ho has served ove yeur au an asmeliate dieector and three yeuns as a dir- celer outlhe Acton Faîl Fair Board. In hecomlng euunly prWdent, Mac Sprowl wiU nuw represent ail tive clubso ln RaIson Counly, ile-.1l tutlling 225 lu 250 Junior Farmerti CABLE TO SPAN VALLEY A helîcupler milI houed tor laying a power cable line acruso a 5.250 vlley of dense wuudlond un the western aide of Brtasn's Malverne Rîts Hihest Prices Paid For BATTERIES SCRAP IRON, STEEL, METALS, MISCELLANEOUS FARM SCRAP Deiiveed 50oUr. yard 175 Caroline St.N. HAMILTON 1. Wcixman & Sons Phone Hamît',v 27061 and 83611 't' .'it..t.tia.'i i..'ai t MISS MII.DRED BURNADO, staff nurie of the Ontario Society for Crippled Childeen, makes a home nusit uccompanied by a local public iseolths varie. A checkis being mode on the fittang of the patient's leg bruce. Thse t952 toiler Seal cumpaign is being con- dacted by the local Rotary Club which wili continue thene services to crippled childcen that are îo important in îhaping their life, Con- tribations may be ieft ut the tank of Nova Scotia or tise Canadian Bank of Commerce. Do yose share by baying toiler Seals. m-sQý U N A COUNTRY LANE U, LsilsauCollier (Gray 1 Forac aosorngsiti Ive 1wuhened and heocd ceows peu. Sclaiming lu tthe wocld at large thal sthey have docided it's spcing. Il iu a very wetcnme sousd. foc, iuuklsg hians, il dcs seemn quile a long lime sînre they touS their depue- ture. There has heen the odd rrow ucousd, though, for seneral weehs, and mayhe ail wisler. But lhey do sot have a great deal lu say unlil that spcing-liho feeling is in the air. We wece oitting in the hitchen un t unday atterson. everynne cead- ring qsietty, srith sufl musiecumoning usi o the radio when suddesly thece anas a horst ut meludioshird songt hat seemod tlu h o ming tcnm ciisl ousnide tise window. We att pciched Up osc earn, wn decîsg if a flucti ut sunguteco had tant aecîved tcom Ithe soutti. Thon we dincovcced the oinging waa part cf thse radio music. And il ws still cscly in Mact, and not suite Opcing yet. Il anas inleeatng lu 901 a phonte cati aftocmy tasI counts appoaced, trous a neigihuor aho bold me thse îdenlily cf the M- famîly anhicis the Hon. Amelia Murray isad visil- cd when it Milton 98 ycacn agit, il oa vesn mure itires.ting tas trc Ihat the cacor of the tam men- tiosoct iad lived a eey short dis. lase frotomishee se tire living right soc'. Sa tise tisee oancn huif mîtes tise pacty avalhed mas i ordirection. Anothec gttcd neigisisur ho u st taued me a book iy tise mei. hnown hîntorian, W. H. Smiîthsasd ibuis bokis tmcunlaînorefecence tu Milton ond district. and a map nsows Hall un cosnty as itltoohcd rthon. Therecarensevecai maee place 1Tiscre are amasnn f tories con- ecstng thsneacly pioseer dayo. Coscecntng Wentwoclh cunty, 1 nctîced tlisaitem. "An old log bsuilditng sred tise pscposes ni a tait.uist aiw as su nec y ifserure tisaI peinneco are said ts have fre saienly ganeihome at nigisl.and ietued tn thse oit in tise moning; and ooer csn fum Ascaslec. a prisciaer for deisl. vocy coolly sent wcrd ts-heSha-cîft tia saiawintec waurtcoig nand thtewealher irtîtin,. talai f ho dtd naît muse isitte ia iea.'aal a Idketheit pae tat ale s tt ttIl isc. lftaidjtrnatts aiI s lai illa Abo t four i tl.andTtisas alsi titi Il .. .y i t tit i l-t' i .ttt. i Ni t; a, I .t i,-ti ii i i ' it.i t1' a. lt , ti 1 , - 288,S ORANGES- TOMATOES- PASCAL CELERY HEARTS FRESR WASNIED SPINACH-- I Il lise writer saya, "The townesp of Tratalgar eommenced setîling about tse year 1807, when wlld land wau selling ai neven shillings and uix- pence per acre. in 1807, it ronlain- ed 548 nhaiitonto, une griot aud tour 00w rmilla, and producod trum the crup ut 1849, 146,000 isuseis ot wisoat, 56,0009 isuhelsofutoats, 26,000 isushels ut peas, 30,000 isushelu ut pulatues, 11,000 isushelu ut turnips, 31,000 poands ut wool, and 17,09 pounds ut buîter. The land iheougis the township is generally rolling, sud the limiser lu a mixture of var- tous hindu ut hacdwood and ploc". And tisaI remînds me thal Mr. Victor Hall tld nie an inlecesting bistcflloallho,y svl1cîaiît Moffat Man Bost Showman At Royal Boul all-roiund showman ol the Cultege Roal, held aI the Ontario Atricoltucal Coilege in Guelph tout weeh was John Garnet Norrish ut R. R. 1, Muffol. A third year tudesl aI the O.A.C., Mc. Nucriais woIhe silver tray donoled isy Canada Pochera le the boul ail- round showman ithe 15divisions ut the uludeni show. lHe cuppedi he greatcul nuonier ut pointu. and cumpeted in Use mosl divisions in the 201h annual College Royal. Hielouis the remerve chompioouhlp in apiculture with Il points, was awacded 42 pointu le agrunomy, 10 inoagrculuîalentineerint and one point in animal hubandey, mahing a total uf 64. The accrda conditions clit toc the contestant lu place ianimcal hushandcy and aI Ieast une- other division, ond lu win pointsuin t toast two ohcr setions. Other conty compelitions whs placeu we D. C. Aexonder of Georgetown'. 16 pointa in the O.V.C. division; Water Rose ut Freeman mtis52-42 pointa nn art and Judy Rercy of Outiville who reeeived lIse awacd lu the Mac diplnmo cla.s.; J. oodalot Rochwood ptaced seond in the poaltty dlvi- Grand champion lîvestocti showe- moan was Robsert Jamnes Stewart ut R R. 4, Boton, tac the seond yerin successilon. Renserve show- manhip honuswen t GlenM .tuhnoton of Mooceietd. The Cottete Royal tlseen. Joan Lennon ut Clacisoon, otticiated ut ses-oral functions ducing the day of the tsow, In 1949 Canadians spent $1.270.- 000,000in tond sores, ut whlish $300.060.000 was spent l in cale stores 8.SIR mem for smre mmali change - perisaps tw psy for a cup of coffee, or mme cindy. or her favorite magazine. les thse klnd of casual purchase we ID make every day. You may flot thinti oi your telephone bil la juat the smre say. Yet the daily coua ai telephone service mu a *imail change' purchase too. The maut anybody pays for a home telephone la 180 a cday; must people pay consideraisiy iess. SMeasuce thia coat agaimît the value of your telephone's round-tise. dlock convenience .. tise way it saves yosa stepa, time. money. Think. too. how lia usefuineu has grosen. You can reach twice as many peopie as ten yeara ago:, and more telephones are going in ail tise time. Fsw home necessities mean as murs as your telephone, or match it for ail-round value. THE BELL TILIPHONI COMPANY 0F CANADA 158.0 IMPLEMENT PRICES ARE LOW in comparison with pricos of othor supplies the farmer buys " The outstanding achievement by Massey-Hàrris in keeping the prices of ifs Canadian-made produci s ut a Iow level of increase over 1941, is clearly shown by the above chart of price indexes. " AIl commodities are shown as 97.797 higher than 1941; raw materials are 98.2%f higher; average hourly rates of puy Massey-Harris Canadian plants are 158.0% higher: yet Mussey-Harris Canadian-made farm implements have increased oniy 66.2%7. " The continued great world demund for labour-saving farm equip. ment has given a volume permitting high operating efficiency ini relation go production and selling costs, making possible the partial absorption of the increased costs of materials and labour. " Wigh the scarcity and high cost of experienced help, farmers find in modemn machinery the means to maintain high volume pro- duction at low operating cost. *a.sa .E..sut Siase" .Wb.-lePerasm .d.sMs MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANYr LIMITID Maltera of HigI,-Quedf y Fora Impl.m.uf a Slace 184 '!II5DY. MIA.30013h. 1952 '1 E S DEAL TMt WAX BEANS 15O. I GREEN BEANS20OTN 1 9 1 - HeIp The +*o Red Cross FSALADLq e 4jjd ujÀo4I

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