Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jan 1952, p. 8

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monANDA CAPON ITO.OTAI TUGAYiAUAYStlt Items for lis aclsamn may De ahassed f0 220 or sent fa the Canadian Champion Office in Sitto -The Farna Forom' tpie for -Flatlrry is a fout tisaI mac- (he math of Felrsry ti "Mar age iarvitatsly carra. lsetlng". -Apparratly there were osly -Lowet temperatore ihn thebroc- fier cooptes ai Tea Tomn asbt ent coldaspllarrmo tois e rirca wrk. Prraps oomcospeciairs'rals 10 lelow thse zero lim. ceead interrot tise local (ornera, -Thi i teistcsday et Jasssery and St Vaentinsa y fast op- peouching. This is irsp yoar, to, girl. -This wealiser ta tise kld tisai plays havue mitis car. Ooad chance ta trst just hom good s starter y sur car l. -A resse this erS showsq that in tise peid teom Janusry, 1950 ta Septesaher, 1951, theiselo- crosse la motar vehicie accidenta bu tiis district was 30.6 per cent. over 189. Rlton CountY lu in- cludod wth Brant, Nos-ltisand Weutmcsrtis Tise numbr o! ac- cidents lu 19500mas 3,350; la 1951, 4,376. Tise per cent of aîl accid- ents in Ontario lu 116. -Areceerd btitteeocei in tise sate et mter veisie permilu and drivera' liconues basa bren repotd this yer. Evdeatly nuira are qute, ait doma tram last yeae and a iast minute rush ta expocted. -Tise former Jean Johnstone, whase destis ta reported this week, matac uluer of Louis Johastone of Milttan Two ister, Ms, Starg- aret Mamman o Hamilton and Mes. Lscisda Bomman of Nom Westminstier, B.C., aise survive. -Tise Frencis romanticiot pot, Lassartine, aaid (is romantie French, -Sad lu hie lot, mis, once ut teast in hkm lite. has nt ernas pot'. There must ho quite a tom sud peope in tomnansd tise dis- trict. Any mising tb dispel tisai sorwsiseld rememiser tise Part, Cerner, miere local porta are fot- red> -Osais mas cisrted et s Georgeowcn resideat. Mes. Ethel Huedman. at Stardsy wminse jsmped tram ise car seconsds h- fore it waa tescis iy a train and csrried 600 fret 510sf tise tracks sttccctel raasinfioust et of Brampton. risc car, ekici stsrsd- dird tise raitsst ud soi mane on tise ce-ceated rvsd. Hire Matron, Supt. "For Halton Home i Contisurd fs-ms Page Ose) rrty. echicis sstd bcr eap tasse- anc,. Otiser memiesrafrit thcy coutd nt single out just ose dus-ý fer, mies an esriy t rosi. ecnd and o tise treot et mnents ceatd ais ie eut a lac cro comptete rop - "A commnicatonîeas reccecd WILLIAM NELSON FERRIER mas tram tise Ontario Depa rment of ftlybsrned te his trailer on Bîgisce ys in respose to e etct Monday night dsrîng tise ssu-- ytigisi s sata igalis orenafi zes-omeutiser. He mss suffeciisg liza.akc iBgkesy and tise Sintis from a foot îjecy aItishe lime Of Lise. TrattlarTise Deeseisen i fise fire. Services cere held expnenclt maîd net is, salis- Wednesdlay. fatort'in::hacc anatiser trafit:' signitai: ce' ta is,îune ateady îîît.îted t tishe seeli ie. They. Senior W.A. Elts rlsseitgceeed atise Sîsti Lic 1ec ccopetedasdn e.seisdreh Mrs. Lindsay Pres. îîîed Seeofted ihatec tise eeli tîeeet stose lîiht. Tise anssat eeig oethue Set -> ior Branh ofthe WecensAssee- I'i, exeet cltte.t-etttil lttas of GracecChereis, 1iteshbcaosetrced t ties eceiti tise mas ield at tiseisome ii Mec n nteftueadtepo Lindsay as Janaary 23. Thece mas, oead see sîisth ise seeroaris ,,'oetd fil te otise ptans cecy el a good atcsdace and alibranches Cîtanrît cithot comment. ae- ieportedinrecased reeipý'. cc.aeittaeesrds Rev.rFerctoectdedta a eih B sinsceasodce eTheio eton thicra. f ffceii' LW MeArtisur. Okitt't ersfrf 19.52issnaery preaetseat councilGeccencendt tiaItht Mes. Ferra and Mec Fais; pesd- PBovinci attioernAent se he!' cc, Mms. Lindsay; inst vice-pres- e,: t afftîttuAptsbca seiset ia ident, Mes. Bawney; seconsd Svice is dseagtgehaehdrebus peesdent, Ois. Malyes; recrding ced tistt a epy oftutisiresttuc eecretary. Mes. Bracese; assistant hi.p ent ttCoes'eCeiucis insOnt- seccetary, Mes. Buese;correespond- ci::.:'et eîu isiS ig acaetacy, Mc. Mrlety; Mie isi ses r cio igt sounary ircasore, Ms Seccet; par- Aietc eiîrse0(00s achiusitreaserer, Mrea SRca:; Dar- Aceila toboeorec$250.000 eceicio cms sccretary. Mc. Puctcny' Liter. " orc xedtrso on atare secretay esesre jnort eýnitmwaspriied.A.teseon .%apcintndent.RMrs.Ferrue; scited bdlW apoJR W hssM. atl tisaskettcrung, Mc. White; Livnunol de .M icsnt h Message, Mrs Rayes; Little Bctp- epmct rd o ui aas terMeMs. White; iiting committee, A5.. ns petdnct nde' m ocrtis Mes. Beeces and Ms Moye; or- Ago.c05.37401; Aeaiefosth .e, ganiat, Mr. Spesat; detecalct e ontcn Resd$8. .13,002(0; nne. snnas, Mes. Bamncy and Ms .11093; BeeiaiAc2,82.5;enne4,>.- Sprost; auditos., Mrs. Ctar an $31,9;Hsil coit.S18- Mes Soamail. e 1sd97, Ceente Buidicgs, $7201; Ag- ý tueeandRefrestatioin, $435,00: Petntinc, $13618. EYES EXAMINED Harold C. Fay THURSDAY PLUMBING and Jan. 31 & Feb. 14 HEATINC. 10.30 aro.to6 p.m. GRIMWOOD - JEWELLERS JOHN &T.,. HILTON MILTON PHONE 113 t PHONE 423J Bertha B. Brown Public Stenographer Incarna Tex Rotuens Propared REAL ESTATE MILTON PHONE 237 MILTON WELDING Elecroe and Acetylaee Repaie Wetdiag of Att Types Welding Portable Equîpinent PHONE - 348 bItILLST. - HILTON REAL ESTATE- BROKER * Covering Carnpbellville end Milton Are& * FARM LISTINGS AND TOWN PROPERTIES *Phono Milton 44ORS or 392Rl11 This Week Special ATI "Clean-Up" Prices mnsstation Wagon I COATS M Wth quîlIted ining a nd boit. Sizes 36 t0 *46. Reg. Pr ce $t7.95 qto $32.50. SALE PRICE $14.95 t. $27.50 * COATS *Szes 24to 36. Coocs *fuwn, green. Reg. Prce *$1495 to $1995. SALE PRICE $99b to $1395 j Floral and Strîpo * lannelette Reg. 69c SALE PRICE 47c I Ladios FlIght BOOTS Wool flcecee lic cg Blacks and Brown. Reg. Prie $10.95. SAE PRICE $7.98 JACKETS I $12.95 M ISuzos S. M.L. Heavy ~quilted lnngCoors* _Khak:. brown & green. Boys' Parka JACKETS Sers 24 t032. Colouss bise, brOms grcen & ie, with hcavy qalt- ed lnng $798 0 $995 INYLONS IPsltyfashioried fl-M leIss. Reg. Price $1.49M SALE PRICE 98c [oey Spring Siads.e Chidrons SPLASHERS Coloses, chite& black. Reg. $1.98 1 $3.d9. SALE PRICE $14 o$2.49 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REPUNDED Milton Department Store PHONE Quaîity Mrchandîso MILTON 112 at Loweor Prcos ONT. IBirths, Marriagesl DuhEtc. VVant BORN LATEST TIME FOR INSERTINS GRAHAM - Mte. and Mes. Aady Graham arr happy ta snnauace -- RATES tise irtis of tiseir daugiter an Na chargec fer asaounicrmeats af Taeaday, JaauarY 29, 1932, i and Engafen Miltoa Private Haspital. ta Memoriama 50e plus Ille pert* iar INOLIS - Mre. and Mes. Doug las Seat, etc.-2c a word. Minimum cas inglis, Campiselîvilte, arr happy insertion, 5(et. Boa No. te tisa afi te anneance tise irti oth(iole Evnts-((e per cetai tise; 30e miai daugiter on Tusmday, Jaauary 29, 1952. ,tîMRuten Prieatie os- 11, ta. si.,~>>tîfort,'Rîtv, Bast- For Sale BOUES Pte. and Mca. Paut Bau- FL ER foatocsis.Gr e (nec Joar Tsmisrsi arr LWR o i cain.Gr isappy te annouace ther irtn ut tee Bras. Ftorists, Kitiscide. Phonean (scie daugiter, Liada, os Sua- 498rIl. c-tf roi day, Jansary 27, 1952, ai Pois- FRSL- rdr .2hl braise Gearral Hospital. Sire FiaaReSîrefua. Phaar M.2 bita for Bruce, Karenanad Rerd. 379rî4. c 14. M. DIRD FORà SALE - 12 pifs, t meeku aiod. . J. Coultr, phsone M83rl3, JOHNSTONE - Ia Ramiltancr Milton. c pt .laaaary 24, 1952, Jane Jokastane - dil daufister of the lte Jola.aand FOR SALE--Cisilds pink waod- Mf Margaret Jokmstosr, in hec 88thra crib, upriaf aad mattreas, la - ycar. srie msied god cadio. Phonae 453w. ct Faseralsevc a ldi FOR SAJE-30 pifes, 7 wmeeksolod. fa Hamiltoa on Jana5O 26, with I-Tisry are a gosd evea lot. R. N. cc termeat in Woodland Cemetery, Kisgdon, phoae Milton 97rl4. c W Hamilton. CRESS CORN SALVE for sure RUM7OEY - At his resideace. Net- relief. Yose Druggiai sella Cross te son Village, on Motiday,.Jasssary WaetReBouaver, traves no acaera. pi 28, 1952, William Ramney, ho- e-t-tf ta loeed haabaad ot Elizahetis Siss- 0a wirk, ta is 79ttisycar. FOR BALE - Jewel cash stove; c. Fuacrat service mas isetd on aiea 2-baraer eletrie eaaige, hksavy- Wrdnroday, Jaaaary 30 inaSterinf- duty, reasoaakle. Phsone 270w, Mil- tes, ils tatermeat ia St. John*s ton. c Angtican Cissrckyard. Nelson. FOR SALE - Pearl grec fuasea HONESAt bisadaufitera isome. owl. excellent layera. Weil G.ci B. . B4, Rilton, Oat., on Wed- Boots, Miltoa R. IR. 1, pshaae de nesday, Jauaaey 23, 1912, James 90r22. e i Metisoorar Ba.ncs, brloved h.s- ---e Ilanl et tisetle Jeaaie Christine FOR SAL-2 Oserasry coma: 2 sc BHs addarlatiSer o! Bazet Oaerno1ey Iscitora; 4 Bolstein heif- 1i Mes C .ladreIls) of Milon. e. P. Charette, phoae Acton ln Fancra-I service mas belti n Toc- 196m12. cldi oosnSatuedsy, Janaary 26, ilS FO SLE - t o er-t inement in ine Bitta Ccmelery. FRSL -'4 aftnMr1, cary pick-up trucis, escellent con- F, GCILLIES-AI Washington, D.C. oh dîtton. towm aseafe. Vernon Mc- G cuday, J anuaay 27, 1952, Jüooîe Artisur, phone Milton 266r3. c- sstnak Canule. ketaccd wceeof Dr.DuncanRs . Diluies and dca,* FOR SLE-Du ra mater pros- tee et ofMes. Annie Faster, itre aystiiioi comptete, mter pump S eLon Twp.. in her 8stis year. ansd gatcaniced tank. Lise oece muea evc as keld is Bar- Gordon Bume, phase Mitos 156r14. ingot est Wedoeeduy, ,tanuary 30. Ihi Istrment inNasaaecya Presbyt- FOR SAL-2 nom isdow ;9 S n Csackyrdteed windows; food doo;q mter FEMERN-Sosdny onModay, tank.;ied asnd epring; 2 sciocisol siitary 2, 1932. Wiltiam tNelson ,dreses, 10 and 14 yeura; aem Feresoesoattise ltcI B-nry qittrd keseceat; for coul, moro Ferier andRîsritseti"ii.iet ce; odd akirs, coats. suit asire ad kbraile cf Me,. William 1 0'te 6. Phone 581 Milton. cF mes FeceteR.s1,Caikettsiivle; BABY CHICES - Whiteo eg actse rrBies, t u.snd D.s le.d t ioras SuarveitRocks. Sursrd Rock SenhaRoete iantis ar o Leghiorn, Liglit Sussex x Nom inai enhrcle ces ktyet tiseHampshire, Nom Hampsirserx Fiu ia esFneral t t Cf>wý eia the arerd Roch, attlisordres gavern- Mtnas Wedncsday t ~ "jment handed and btoodi-testod tas et h n n c~s'eroatorai. Ardagis Ntcey lr.byte iti :C-muery. phone 39w, Streetacille.__ r-28-4 TRIMBLE Pasaed amie ai Westse FOR SALE Gaerssey Bull. Humnker RemaoriaI Bospital on Kîngereft HB Betiaoce.boe Jus- Wedseeýay, Jînuace:10, 952juare 12. 1951. est ot Doneddy Samu>îet A. T> mbte o o ,Nectiser» t-toey 2nd. 6044 mils, 395. hsshtsid ii tse 2t Mctrt d. Ber 3 yesr aid record lOes t, tîîodete uki ath sn ttficiatl5asyet. appron. 9200 tt,,eî,îi d Bî.ît tEm o Mý.lb. ille.tk er ftat iscter. Doerdde Harold BatutyStiEmeily) Sîretd id n Clocer. reeen*;ty rmpiýt- of îeiee ie ti Gecaad.î11ai aircocrdetf16.4>0 ibse. mitis.1.00 Muiiiiliu iiiittt)) adiGordonioiiit t> matur.e is y Cri>ll Milton;s iteetîsHamitona> d t (if>t:ce.c e hse daîgiters bacc Wiý.cti.Saite> uin VRaie ' mmdesrecry godrecordsoeem- :edu>i Gs.Ifîh s ai oidfss 1 iicis are. Kinitsetm Bath,c Iiovierleic -i sut i ki-d 1,40N .emilk,O69kt.. 3year old:1 h. rL evie..:> is c hlc i e Kicgsisatw Chsrity. 13.511ibse . , SteececLu e .;e andît 7.t) s C337 ist mature; Kînccketn Sarais.r (inSatrda a 2ý;) ),12465ibse w. 575 bhO mature. Hec-t ni titnioeet.Iiilor >k s e Bia ,t Kn, . B.4. phase Multons r -CARDS OF TNIANKS __ ii tîthe ( his epperisnity t- t t the ticeher and pupis Coming Events lis c. tt >tise neigkius anufd Esenîs c Star Bekekeis Lodge .trîiiiie t>îr thi cr esds and ind- Bisday Beemer. Rtardas Aprît i-incatie eec,ist iereecement 2thtisc-3t Tht e risi Facette ______________________- _________ t i net ctolae tteenreti si tise ____IN MIEMORIAM Rb>iiiinsnBîtinece Cattece fer Ds3y oreEveiiigCt cs-32-4 tAWItEN(CE--Inling m>55 oiicoe N,te>ic10 D.ii>is.'h,,: st:.id Esche, tîtîte. t)ofturis Sciseet .îay F 5,iite 1 951t. Fti, ilcii t, 8i3 p.. tl. ufii:l pe.i. t>n il':d 9,,. Liet ,> i>iidd. Pices, Admi- tigon. :> Aci TId,i >.:...1 -c tin, h ank1 1t y' iibrsed1hek s,e gai t.i>i>te.ce snd dtîîîr. Bcî:elie _________________________ Ilti Tiustede>. Feisceece -.1> Ehe 8t30sîep. Lunchrvses'd. Admssion 50c. Auspices W.I. hl Milaon Tees Tews Dance,. Fr- da, herears! (t. O p.m. ai MOi S. Adni-sia: niemwises 25c.lin ti'oehi ce50c. Remiesieipa 75e. SEEMS TO ME THAiT c-il-ad TOO MANYFOLKS 10 .D.E. wstipaper show, Mtan- I4AND OUT OFT SOAP dtty. Feirssry 18 ai 8.30 p.m., Toens JUSTTO EEPFRO Hliltotn. 25c. Gel case tickets sJUS TO EEP ROM early tramn.sny semisce. Limiteel COMIG CLEAN Il suppty. c-33-5 Vatentine Tesasd Sale et Bak-~ rsî ut, eesdy, speoo. etc., at Orace Il ~ sChsrrh S. S., Sstordiy. Febkcaey tasro I . Auspicest Escint BrasseisW.A. , c-34-3 AssîsatReuntainsUnJoesW.I1 Euchre and Dance, teaie hetd Feisesa y 7tk, MRîtîsîsTaows Bail. I lîslcisy drame Bennetta Orcestra. Admiioin 5ec. c Tise Ansual Kinderuactets Tes and Sale et home isaking. e.ssdy sndaprs am mut h cd an Saturs- day, Fersary ltis trem 2.30 (o 5 p.m. et tise TamisBell. Milton. t Do you worry becasise your car Bitais Cleads. a ide spittisut huffs and puffs liko s hippo "giin iselmetese a (sieblaskface lai.Tise husmble masi ceaui, climbing a telopisone polo? Bring etisse esrca ages teaded mitk il to us for expot ongine over aîndy Laiintecg trtsifie, gets P O Ide istais de cssticd lady eh hsul, which wiII get if f0 runningi cash, et tise Hocksey ClubSecond as sinootis and quiet as a sowing Ansîssi Rinetrel Skow.. Priocrua Thecatre, Miltio.Correctcd dates. machine, Fekeuary 271k and Mres Suis. c 1949 MRrrsy Seda-$i425.iO 1940 Rercoey Coack 91125.00 1946 Pontiac edon 91099.00 Seral good '39s'40's and'41's C RP N R 19,58 Ford huilt(on pick-up CARPENTRY Renovations and Building Kiteisen Cspioaeds and EARIAT Geserat Bepir Wrk *MICHIE AND DREOGE i m or-lo R s Estimates or hy the houe R.. 5.Hilton Phono 156r31 ýPRINCES$, T H E A T R E THURSDAY, JANUARY 31ST BLUE BLOOD BILL WILLIAMS JANE NIGH A Great Race Horse Pclure --ALSO ANOTI4ER FEATURE YES, MR. BONES A Colorcd Minstrel Show ONE NIGHT ONLY FRIDAY - SATURDAY FEBRUARY 1.2 LEMON DROP KID BOBI HOPIE MARILYN MAXWELL Hope is Th e lmes Pennier MONDAY - TUESDAY FEBRUARY 4-5 ON MOONLIGHT BAY DORIS DAY GORDON McCRAE A Wo ner Grand Musical THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th THE FLYING MISSILE GLENN 'FORD VIVIAN LINFOOT By Columbia Ads- ý- 2 P.0. WEDNESDAY d irths, Marriages, Deaths neants > or verses. Articles for Sale. ash 35c (If fot paid util after tire 15c additional. Commng nimunm. Cards of Thanisa-5te. Wantod WANTEI) TO RENT - ttrgestly eded, 2 or more ostssmishedt om.Phone Mitton 116J. Ce WANTS2) - A brooder hause, usb ,oi oditjnsize ltal2 or l2sc 4.M. ltcKerr, phsone Mfilton 531. c-34-2 WANTED TO BUY - Susait ;ooogeaph, must lbe in good con- lison. State prlce. Write Box 26 NUiton. c LIVESTOCK WANTED - Pion sersasmeter, plus cash ai your serin for deacE or dahled hornas or smos. Phone o robt Miltoui 2@4w. Williama Stone Sons Ltd. 0-4e WANTP2D - Lîve Posiltry =à fathers wanted. Itighst prtee aid. Phono Randafl & Msorley, NUl- tn 143, or Wrn, Dent Milton OM15 r write Mones Zoner. 402 Doven- ort Rd., Toronto. Tir TENDERS FOR WOOD 33 cord (128 Msa. .) Beech Md tapte Body Woad assd 32 aingle card kisdling, rutts requtred, and delivered and piled for meassselng t thse ochoola. Wood tb he dellv- red ta qoantitisa o lie spectfied te, chool sections numes 3, 5, 8. 12, 3, 14, 15 and 17. Tenders 5555! le ifull or In part and loweot ten- der sot secessarily acceptr-d. Seat- ed trodera (o lbe in hy 9ehrsaary 5tis. Misa R. F. Evans, sec-trois., situesing Township Schisent Ares. Georgetown, Ont. b-35-2 Miscel laneous INTERIOR and exterior decarat- ofg. ood wark dane. L. C. Stanhope, tetephone flOti, Cour-t i. c-33-4 NOTICR-Fersom f osad remov- ng articles tram Evergreon Cern- etery mithout permission of SUP- eristendest mill be prosecusted. Phone 5401 .Miltuafor ustarWat- Cosaty o aI Btsn ta wtt: i Notice is herehy fivea- that tise sittis0s ofthtie Supreme Court of Ostario, as and hetaf tthe Court of Assise and Niai asd Prias, Oyer aad Termiaer, and Gcaeroi Gaol Detivery for the said COUNTY 0F HALTON wilt be hetd ithie Court Boaae intise TowN 0F MILTON MONISAY. FEBRUARY Il. 195t ut tise heur of 11.00 la the fareaaan. of wehiIl Justices of the Pesce.'Coroar, Constabltes, Oaol.. ers. and ait others coacerned are ceqarstrd te taise notice and attend. ta do and prrfarm alldtesWhCb apertaia ta them. WR. J. ROBERTSON, Shertît, Ce. Batai 9iherlifs Ottire Milton, Jaa. 22, 1952 c-34-3- Pollock and Campbell Manufacturera of HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 62 Wat.r St., North GALT TELEPHONE 1048 J.A. ELLIOTT Lic.ni.d Auctioneer and REAL ESTATE - Phone 177J - Milton îFREE CALENDAR FOR POULTRY RAISERS 12 pages, 3 colors - foullOf pictures and facts about Fis- hec Orchards. Don't miss it. Fisher Orchards BURLINGTON, ONT. Horace Tomhnson) BRAMPTON 77W rILTON HARDWARE THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY Slat, 10U - - Wný

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