?MIE TWO - THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TBU2ESDAY. JAP4SJARY 241h 1092 lEelqlicttion Bows Out l was with'a sigh of relief that cotnty of- ficiait watched the completion of 1951's equali- zation of astetument le Mlon et a hearing ladt Friday. It mou completed. that l, alent cornu municipality should decide Io enter an appeal some place and upset it again. The equalization of assessment miii bo raised again near the etd of Ohms year ted ail hope for an amicable settie- ment. Actually the equalization of assetîmeet is mode so-that ratepayers le the couety pay a fait share of cooety operational costs. Ail the mueici- palities le the couety agreed ot the shrt they thould pay t a rotent meeting of tht couety f led with the wording of tht agreement. Tht figures mrt agretable but Ihey wtnted an it- sertion that tht figures could nol bo used at any future proctediegs. ln tht first place, ibis dtd flot coccern tht ftue southurri municipalitiet or for that mtter il did flot concere the proceedings under way, as tht Iudge repeatedly pointed out. Tht argument ccntitued for three hours on that poiet whjle Georgetown tetaciously held out to houe the mordls inserted le tht agreement. The county udge igeored the mords le his approval of tht fgures. Tht solicitor for Georgetown explained mhy the mords were important. Fiee eorthern nouniciplities comprise the North Halton High School District to which each cottributes opera- tiotal conts on the basic of assessment. Recently there mas diuagreement on the hasts atd tht Ontario Municipal Board gave a rulîng which is vaoud for flue yearu uniess either the boundiaries of the area change or oee municipality hos a ton per cent. increase in assessmet mithin tmo con- tocutive years. Georgetomn agreed that the Bords ruling mas a 'favourable one. ledeed, il mat favour- able to ali the towns but the townsbips suffered and if Georgetown bas ils may iii continue to suffer for a fiee year period. Imo years is the minimum period the figures can ho used for, but if, as Georgetomn boped, the figures agreodi upon Friday could flot ho used, it mould add another year to tbe favourable" position of Georgetomn as mdll as Milton and Acton. The latter tmo tomes have flot betmeen tbem saved as much as Georgetomn and are neverthe- Iess anolous to bave a fait arrangemeet as, naturally, are the townships of Nassagameya and Esquesing. t appeart that only Georgetown mants more than its share of honefits. The Cow Do.sn't Count? Ont of the advantages of living ie smoller communities amay f rom the dOlies mas tht fact that many of the essentials to tht family livitg were t lower cost. This mas accoutted for by the fact that we were dloser to the sopply of tarm products atd ovoided transportatioe costs aed other frilîs mhicb city dmellers enjoyed. But that day is gone under tht nem order of gouerfimeet price fixing mithout regard to, Ibese conditions. Buttermilk le the Walkerton district is nom 18c a quart and me presume that price is practi- cally Ontario idet slim milk goos at 16c and standard milk et 2tc quart and butterfat content on ibis later is not lesc than 3.25 per cent. and not more than 3.9. We dont get tht standards and grades from the toms any more but f rom the Milk Board. We are remninded of a story of our boyhood days mhen the family com used to, be in competition mith tht milkman and a small boy in a local family told it mother ho didnt like coms' milk os well at tht miikmans milk. The boy lices in tht city nom and gets notbing but milkmans milk for tht city mays have ousted the methods of other doys. Ofien me question the cots of standordization thot emanates from tht cty viempoint and directs tht living costs of ohl those ail over tht province. We dont pine for the good old days but you've got to admit they bad their advontages ted less dissension mhen me deait directly mlth tht coms. Governm.ntal Mark-Up? A Victoria B.C. cadi in a ratant case hofore him for judgment refused to consider govorn- ment property stolen by the dlefendant 90 have a valut of mort thon $25 although the stolen pro- perty mas sold to tht public ot $5868. Tht stolen property in question was a case of rute purloined frote a Victoria gouernment liquoir store. Defense evidence shomed that tht said cote of rom cost tht Liquor Control Board of British Columbia exactly $808. Figure the profit out for yourstlt. No monder ose govertments, pro- vintai and federal tan go on tht spending sptees îhey indulgt in. Perhaps tht O.C. govern- ment, which in tht past year bas been rourndly criticized for its spendthrift financial policits, titis that if tht driuking public mants ils rum 50 badly that il is willing to poy an enormout mark- up price. tht gouerument should bout tht privi- luge o.' opunding it te like fashion. What about Ontarto'? Oranguville Banur. Th'e Bard of Ayrshire Frday is tht t93rd brthday of Robert Burns, tht chief lyrit poet of Scotland, and fondly re- ferrtd 10 as "Bobbit Bures" by tht Scots. Bote on Januory 25, t1759, le an 'auld clay bîggin" or1 Cottagt, about turo mles south of Ayr, ht mas tht sou of a tenant former of intelligenct and tmall means. Buns school education consisted of reading, mriting, grammor. and arithmetic and lter ao tIle gtomttry and less Latin aed French. Robtrt mas tht oldest boy and it feul on hios ta support tht family. Ht mas a strong, active feilow, eot aI raid of morh yet he longed ta be a subolar. His best mriting mas dont in tht ytars4 mhtn he mas morkieg bard ail day. Hîs brother tells thal Robert climbed ta a garret at nigbt ouhere be kept bis mriting materialIto write tht thougbts that had occurrtd 10 hlm os he follomtd tht piough. Copies of is books are nom among tht treasures of libraries and book collectors. His. poems attracted the favourable atteetion of lite. rory men througb tht years. Il mould sttm that one mbo had risen thus fair mould rise higber, but Bures had meahnesses in bis character. He mas ttracted by many momen. Ht mas hand- tome but he hocame vain and meak aitbosgb he oppears to have had a hîgh ideal. Burns is termed variously "tht ploughman's poet, tht "Ayrshire ploughman", tht "Bard of Ayrshire', and 'tht Peasant. No ont mould think of sayieg Harry Longfellowe or Jack Wbit- lier, but to the Scots Burns is just Bobbîe Burns, and that tells tht mbole story. NO R T H E AST Chutrt tliti iGîu(rgetoîuu ýth,-ot-it Fealettiontu. Posuihiti- Met. Wtliaîn Mtlert utGeorge-tit., are Johuho eofut urlîngt.n tuouîtllutt-tinei lto Ittl lu Wttottttt Bonth .h...tuutBueigto; DrF. Chrchlluii thetoadie.uundt-oît M DetoftOahrlle K. Y.Ditk tully raitu couts uor hic tsitt ta ut Milten; ad Murray MePhut ut the States and Canada ou tht Comphellvittr. Itsrupeeted that poîperu. Mm. Mllreuad thet Li- the tutîituet Il ht ehoetht, tut, Churchill ustru otlh deeututtd Novemhersud tht trot Fedtrat ut the otite investituree ouLonîdont1tîttîttilt he on Jute ut 1953. by KingEdmtdsVII. A Nursoing Hltuttiouitytuieutivetommuit- Salter Annie Fiuher, Met. Mt 'tut ttc memtours ort James Cunnin seirtt.as a nu iothe South hamooypresdtrF. Mý AltictitWtt.mnodiug wouueddDetot Othilîle, itret viee-prenideî Bor, and Brtitsh Tommieu. W. Croler. Milton, setrettry tont She ra nursin g io ublioht thit Victor Hatl. Tratalgar, tretourere. .,hc rivt rd tu tappeai ut Ma.oiuugh Hotu-cfoi a dututatîtu BHallon Oune Ar-tod Banditn C*huirchîtl hod retetoud uomolr lot tumachnetdtutlees mayee-u, wordt Whl Mrs. Milter ha o tlt mathnesîrerteing made rghî opptrtuuity lu uprah lu Churchill. on Hltun Tht Leader Dit Casting uhehtusîitturtllytulmuo.this u- Compa ho.,s t upthop r thr ecr losey evr sice. Eoghth Lier North ut Ttatttgti Hughes Cleaver Speas trom ohenee omt thte lutma Hughts Cleavur. Ftdtralmroîtîtr chines. crrcoreorirs ted poris foi, Hlutcoîuety cooid aIthtetit- foot tompu A latorder ;t ut poolt- tîul Lîherul rally on Miltn thul aretamp machines. Ste uuuld toit be a tandidate tut tt-tli-uttit aller tertio g hou prtutul Tht oct rmrd handit tloI tttm. Mr. Cler ao tha hhîumtchieuhatiarertinglturted dulies ou Ottawa and procte ha- out hy a two-mon rompuny, Jose-ph trucs itcrioto t-rtc tut, gret. a Hardy and hoo tun. The plant hurden. moitdi-samTuronto ta Tratfalgaor, Cummtees werrtamed tuselti antd il peehapu topand when toiii-- s trp--setHlou ine .5 t setusare eased. AT TH 9 . "0ne mas a goooi-tookung int TtOOOW t ne ST. PAUL$ UNITED CHURCN KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCF mas that, rather black an' ll-coloted; but he '.t-KMV.J. 1-BLAIR. B.A BEV. E. RBORN. Niaisantr touldna' heip that, ye hen. He mac a strong, mon- Oganlnt. Mir Robemt K Csr Mes, G. Newefl Orga"ta ly-loohung chap; nane oyoue skiipit milk-and- SNA AU3Y21 tI UA A' AYSt.15 mater dandies; but a sterling, substantial fellow,(0 NA, ttJo -eorBeol 1 Nr WUAWiII Shute9U2 mho madea hae feared tht deuil suppose ho had Il.M0o.m-Themt. "Wr Stlio's't.iti Ayn os mot btm. An' thon stccac an eet hohadt' -Mo- ath t Huîy Sîrîl u. t Cis-700p.m.-Pru'paratory S ervice moîr ai Bures. 7.30 p.es-A aerviceo sitau n îd "PetitrHogonto luUnderutanot'. orhp in chargeutfthemMr. Mtidy Jauary2 -4.15 pm., uand Mro Club. Mission Band ileS S. B.ooue; - - --' tuay287 ..,th 30 pm.CormnatîonoGrsup. S Muodo. Tuusry. St 7 p. theYtin qS.Room.Note change ut day ClT, t'. Uionp.. thtdilitme. Editorial Notes ~~Wîý.sday. Jamiary v30 -t8p.m. J. Cller, mriting le tht Sheibuene Free Pross, t put luth ouppur it tht' Soutu-_______________ attrîbates this comment 10 a citizen of that tome; day sthoul rrtum 'Toronto c oa plate mhere thoy nover tact up on Thouday, Jaeuoory 31- Tht Mo. GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH ,ond Met CItaS tilt moet oit tht5 choulong for biggor pay and shorter mork.days- hume id Char-ttcsud Lois lIev. J. Homer lPrets.BA.. L.T1 Thompot. Spraker. Met SSiue". Eetsr and tohere they begrudge tho former bis ienings Feoday, Ferry 1I 7.3t p.tu1, whet the price of meal, potatoos, butter or eggs Trotol Ringers ..730 pm. Juostor Choir; 8 pm, Senior Chor. SUNDAY. JANUARY Stth. 1952 goos up." Satorday. Frbruary 2-t p.m, Tyto Third Sunday attlr tht Epiphuey Boy.8.00 a.m.-Holy Comnsiuon. -__-_-_-__-_-_-_-__-_-_- 10.00 a.m.-Sunday Seheel and Oee of tht leading editorial mritorc of tht ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWUYA 11.10lem.Chassets. un Br aNtdmet. Nom York Times, Simeon Strunsky. mainlains ST. OEORGE', LOWVILL& 700 p.m.-Choral Evrtuotg coud that a ingle topy of a meokly nemspaper slomly lAnglcan) Sirmoun. abobe a scee ndriving home a ooint Rev. S. E. Pormitt, Setter Holy hapttum Sy uppountrtuent mtS abcobod ay sccne letht rectue more effoctiuely than cevon daily nemspapers SUNDAY. JANfIARY 271h. 1952 Moedoy. J onuaey 28, 8 p.m.-Tht. repeating tht saine point ooery day for a mook. brd Suuday after- Epiphany Annoal Vestry Metîing molSe He says. "Wlth us tht cmall tome and country 11.00ta.m-MrigPryr.Ccurh held in tht Parish Hall. Il s Buhool and Sur-mon aI SI. the duîy ut rvery member ted nemspaper mhich ic moct ofteo meekly journal Otetru ,î. dhrnt toluatteed thou meeting. imoe fluectial thon tht doily press. A mook- 230 p.m.--Euuisg Prayrr antd c mortSur-mos aI SI. John't. li nemepapor mhich is read and abcorbed le tht Tîou-duy. Jauouary 291,8t:30 pm. coclucion and comparative leicure of a cmall Aessoîl Vetey Metet tutf St MILTON GOSPEL CHAPEL .Johns ai the houmt ut Mr. H. letht Farmers' Building lomn or the tarm is likoly to tuerdise o greoter Datenu brt. pull on ts readers than tht daily paper. -Bom- Weduoodoîy. Januooy btS. n.30 p.m -A toututt Vu-oIty Meetisit ut S_ SUNDAY ANUARY S7th, 1&52 monville Stalesmou George'tu ou îhco-h bs-lo10.30 o m.--Stiudziy Rehont. Muuing ment. ocuresu etitîd "Forgottn Puhlird in tht Hrort ef BItte County Puhloohrd evrry Thueodoy ai Main St.. Miltn, Ont. Mem- her et the C.W.N.A., ted tht Ontarin-Queher Divsion ut -the C.W.N.A. Advrrtîning ratesnoun equeut. Suheriptiues rupayahle le advanrr, $2.50 le Canada; six munthe $1.50; uingle copieu 6c; $351 in the United States. Authurized au Second Cloues Mail, Pot Otite Depariment, Ottama. G. A. Dilîn, Editor ond Publlaher BUSINESS A ND EDITOR 1 A L OF FI1C E T EL EP HON E 22 0 AIl Au-t Welcome PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH REV. If. WcOODS Pasta, Order of Servites IHeld in ..0 F. Hall Thîîruday. .30 p.m.-Prsytr mtet- ing ted Bible study ai Mr-. Rolyt home. SUNDAY, JANUANY 57th. 19t2 10.00 tm.--Sunday Behoul. 11.Ot .m.-Worthip Ser-vice. 7.00 p.m.-Evanettîtiu Service. Tueday, Jonuary 29, t952. .30 p.. -Young Peoples Service. Wednesday, Janaary 30. 1952. t p. m.-Womens Auxiliary. Vali w" il e r-tnted. Childre Seosg yosîr parens.u Alil] Iteeio'y thiot pocurto. 8.00p.m.-EoriglService. Tor-udsy, Jcuuor-y 59-Prayer- and BiSIt uludy. Att Are Welomot BOWES BAPTIST CHURCH On Blghway No. 25 Pastor. Robet F. Snyder SUNDAY. JANUARY S'IlS. 1952 300 p.m.-Sermon le 100.OF. Hait. Feidoy, January 25, .15 p.m. - Prayer meeting group i tht home of Mr. andI Mrs. Asetot. base lite oad. MEDICAL THE STEVENSON CLINIC Phones:t Milton-Number S Dr. C. K. Stevesaos Dr. Fred Mclayk Dr. MeGregor E. Knight Offiue Hournt A TeL-By appointmtet oely. P-M-.--4 7-9. SUNDAYS--Emergeeeitu only. MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL X-RAY Coroner, .CPS. and Gaul Surgeon DR. G. E. SYER t'hysleâtsanand Surgeon Oftice-James Street Phoese No. 38 Offie Hous: B a.m.; 1-3 7-.30 po. Commner DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON Office Hours-9 t.m.; 1-4, 7-9 p.ms Farmmtm' Building Main Strtet Triephune 395W Senidenice 395J1 LEGAL DICK & DICK W. 1. DOCK, KOC 1 K. Y. DICK Bamitera, Soluitors Bromn Street, opposite Arena Telephont 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON, K.C. Barrister, OSIlettor, Etc. Office-Ntext Door Champion e Office, Main St., Milten Tctephone 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOTT Barriter. Solieitor, Notary Publie Offi ce-te Furmeru Building Main Street, Milton Telesihunt 70 OPTICAL CARSTEN GLAHN4 Sucemoor to B. C. LAIRD For AppuiutmnenLe Phone 56 Miltone TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC ItAILWAY Standard Tîme Ooing Eaet-7.51 a.m. doily; 2.07 p.m. daily; 0.57 p.m. daity, touept Soonday. Sndoy onty-9.24 p.m. Going Wtut-.35 a.m. doity; 6.31 p.m. daity, 12.45 a.m. doit y touept Sunday tlag). CANAO)IAN NATIONAL e RASLWAY C, oing North-7.08 a.m. Coing Soutis-7.10 p.m. DENTAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Office on Royal -Buldinsg, MaOtoue Bouma 9-5 Eveningo by Appointment X-Ray Service Tetephone 107 DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SREGEON Oftice in FarmnemsBuilding on street liter Eveningn by appointmtnt X-Ray Bervice Telephoîît 63 CHIROPRACTOR, D. THEODORE WATSON CHIEOPEACTOER WEST MARY ST., MILTON' (Rmsidence of Mms. C, Morley) OFFICE NOLTrR: WEO. - 1-7 p.m. SAT. - 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Or ho appointenent telephone 552r. NIELSEN - Tha Chiropractor 37hYeam ut Practîce 4 Lady Attendant Mon.. Tutus. Fi.. 2-5 p.m. Wed., Bat.. 2-5 and 8-9 p.m_ ClotesI Thurtday Over Dominion Store. Geoemotna Phone 150W L. E. M&cDOUGALI.. D.C. Chiropraetar X-RAY Doily eoeept Wedenday 9.30- 4.0 Soturday 9.00-12.30 Mon. and TSuru. Eening 7- 9 filA COLBORNE ST.. OAKVILLK Phons Ottice 146 te. Beont 238-R-22 MISCELLAIgEOUS LEVER & HOSKIN Chartered Ateountants Suteesmerst JENKINS & HARDY 1305 Metropotitan Bldg., 44 Victorot St., Toronto Etg. 9131 Wr urgeeîlyrerquire lstings of tarm properîy tram 50 10 500 acres Ainu mauîtholdings trom 1i b 25 Contact C. H. DYMENT Realtor 123 Wentmnrth Bt. B., Nomillon Phone 78065 ANDY FRANK Salesmnan at Camptsetlville Phane Milton 3ZSr0 1 PAGE TWO TRUMDAY, JANUARY 24th, IOU THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO * THE GOOD OLD DAYS MAY HAVE SEEMED Fifty Yaurs Ago Twenty Y.ars Ago Fr.m the Canîodjoo' Champion Of lrom the Canadlau Champion oif Thursatn, Januaroj 23rc1, 1902 Thursday, Jaooorij 28th, 1932 Laut Thuruday the tummittee on At the inaugural meeting ofthtle the legislatoun ot the Provincial Htltoei County Councîl held hare Vu teer Fremen*e; Association. on Tuesday afteenoo, E. M. tttad- eoitcL f u E. F. Earl, President head, reeve ot Nelson Township. of the Associatin,R. Clark and J. as electtd Warden for 1932 hy D E. H. Horly, Mereiton, R. Shover. voteu to 5, hio opponent hemng Geo. Thorotd and W. Smith, Tretn, R. Harris, Reeve ot Burlingtoo. had an interview with Premier Amos Masue, Worden ut the 1931 Ros nd mtmtoeeuufhiu govern- Couneil prestned alarge framed ment, The cummittet ouked for -htograph outbtht outecilutfw'ich legsialion provtding fot tht puy- hte mou Worden aed a smale pho- met u ire brigadeus ,'. ut thetotgeoph tto eh idividual momber preenoumu elleeted hy tiet noue- out bot ytar' hody. tnecopn es nlueliltuif in Tht FurmretoSun. uffitial urgan mlttth Ihere are tuttibrigades. Tht ut tht United Fociteru uf Ontario î-totouttee mettuth avery t'vol- ha hten suld tuGrahain Spry. of ;ih!erecepiou oand il lu lihetu thut Ottawu. Il ouil ht publishtd us a -a boilu the uhot tutu o ill hbco,,kly. tniotuletd du-teg the resett tt* CL. Bell uaotteted preuodet sio ofLt-utature ut Butlitegto und Nul ,u Ag:-- to-e cuu god gouudut ti he -uttuic Suuiety. retuutuofthtlfieietutu tutt MrOad Mt.Gu. H.Hardy.utf ouhtuh haveutficetttttireuhutgtdu Sheridan,cetlebtoted theor dotmttd ubtuinrdtteod ltret tuttuo, t-- stooddttg uouiuuî-or ' von MQnday int additioto u heitt reprotectitoMro Whethuot and son, Reus a, ilthe latte edutet the tusse-o. Oliver Mude.ututtd Meu loamL tt tht- insuoroucetuopattu ine uîh Shepherd, Perl St.ou Friday tant. tüný Th , poe il d)ueb Tht hatu ut Newtlon Ruddelt stutnlh lite, Ecqutsing. wtt tomn- Stuteoll ufTanutryt youeg Peuple pletely detruyed hy fire on Mon- teueed a porty ut tht home et day. Tht liveetuuh outre otted hut Mr. Thîrtlu. Plermno, un Salu- leed, hay tnd groin meet detroyted dot euteito tout. il heinfi tht Oc- The loto mill he about $7,000 casonofutMiss Ethel's hirthday. Tht explosion ut a tanteen in the Tht A.OU.W havt boughl tht hay mnou. completely detroyed tht rottdentr ut tht loti- Wm. Editor, 1hankhbhun, litttotti. implement Kilhride, tnd tee convertong il inou grain. etc. un Thomas uMeKerrcu i hall. tarin inEuquesingthree milesromn t'iwuîdent Rooseuvetthousuet tluMtIon. Only une team ut homses Cuegreut tht report ut tht lthit tn eotre uovnd. Tht itou lu tutimated Cotai Commission,.ie mhîeh il io t $7,000,prtly coeredhby inur. uottimnuuty reeumonded Iti ttht tort.e otr oftthe New PanamaCuaalCo. iWhen tt e roun ct une ut tht lui sel ltu thtetUeited States tue ujînt teli in at tht Milton Pressed Sllt.tO.00 he eteptd. Brick plant un Friday, John Liddle, Dr. R. D. Slot, ut Milite, hou ut Milten, had has left foot trac- gune tluBer-muda, mhert he ha_ 1tured ted mas eut about the head rirrtvedoatoverint appoittmrutl and W. E. Gallagher, ut Milton ou surgeot, te ottend Boer prison- Htights suuttred a frtttured arim ers. aed wtt hadly eut about the head. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLER'S GUIDE