PoeM Iatr Items for lis columa n avose pisesed ta 220 oeta 0the Casiodims Champion Offites in Mto, -tlbmnY ci IMOtons stores were -The n'resnens New Yeao's Ses ctoead Wdnesday for stock taklasg, Dance was reporled as a big suc- a regutar year-end feture. ceea. -New Yeae's holiday drlving -Many thanks te al who co- conditions were ideal and snow. operated s eli in gtting sut the banka have shrunken admlrably. Champion on ime during the mid- -Thearanstad inVictriaweek holiday periods. Paris ai Frcie roltapord îsidrc tise heaaiy meist of enewaiund %asalvii altwisted masofwreaiago. -Tisere w cr mana, visitars la town and district homes durisil the lest twa weeiso, and liisly record amounta of ceai food coasumod. _Congratulations te Mr. and Mca. J. J. 5111, East Mary St.. misa ceebratei isole 200h medding anniveosary on Saturday, Docem- ber 201h. -Mms. A. E. Maroshll. wisase deathis lareportadinla iis weeis'. Champion, ived fermerly le Mi- ton mhen bier huaband was tise astolter of St. Pau's Unied Cisurcis. Wtts Christmaaus and Naisv Yrur'aaaa'rr,thie sprna _.mu ana, time aew. Or pechapo aller a couple of ceai weehs for tise sisal- crs and shiers. -Tise Christmas trees miicis dacîi tise lasi tme meeoiso mecothe mais attraction insoacis hase new boois dcapiocad narccid an they stand in the soemifin wait- lac te ho taises a'ay. -Mtor rebicir tcros or ur192 wral os sale an Wcdarsday Tise 1111e pîcce of cusamed paperesta tise lame as tise sieel plates issord la otiser yrars. Sîreiy tise notariat os ratîtird toe i- sarisg sadie by sig last year's plates. Mrs. H. Riddolls OEITrUARY Hostess to I.O.D.E. Former Resident Tise regular meeting of the John Dies In Guelph Miton Ciaper of tise IODE. was- held on Fiday afleesoon, Decesa- Nrs. Matlda Jase Anderson. i ber 28, 1951, t 3 eciocis at tise Guelphs die d aI ber home os Salar home ci Mm. H . RiddoUsts.sa the day, Decesaber 205h. She mas iý rgeat, Srs. G. E. Goiehiid pro- ber 71s1 year. siding. Brs ta Nassacameya Twnsohil Tise meeting opcsed by tise sing- Mrs. Anderson is tise daiterc Osget "0' Canada" an tise ptac- tise laie Mr. and Mrs. J. Banas. SI lac of tise standard, ater sahicis sarried ber busiasd. JosephbEnet tise secretarys repart mns reai sen Andersons.la 1897. Priert and aiepted. Tise trensurera re- novice te Guclphs, aeacly 20 peai part shomed a balance tf $76.24 ailetise coulet liveci n Actes. le tise banis. Mes. Andeson is sorvised by bE Tise educatiosai secretara,. Mca husbasd. five daachlcr, rs. Mc F. Bell. repecaed Christmas ill aEns,. efMîisan; Mes. D. Hi sent te) Ose adopted sahoul a Sig- mes. Actas, Mes.J. Forster of Ws wrood isetaddi sparts es2ipsest, laid; Nrs. E. Sicnan. Dcaylai sies and recorda. Mos. H. Forcîtere.Guieph; and sei Mms. M. E. beslani, melare co-m n asons, Bob and William of Actei venor.leld of the maris of tise Road, otOrnatoao. PQ.: Jat melfare eenniGtee aI Chrlatmnas Nrana. Eart and NeloftGaetph lime. B %as deided te osai Tise barrai service oas os Wr( booms te twm ex-servi ce mnnnom nsdai. Jacîara,2nd laterosar ln hespitat. loa, la Woadtamo Cemrsalra Mrs. N. Magee bai chance ofthtie Chrlatmasapregram n ad ilsthlc h ut a Ev Ha asaistance et Mem. Kena andril and Ih it a v a Mms. E. Fouler. preaented a vea, Double Meanin'g fine proran eof Christmas ç,'as and dueti, Lnclodioc tise -'rl and ties tora, beisid lisee.aIit. ('iiilii,.. al9t01. and Clii Christmacake ma aienat S i , a, te195.lth :,ltaiik,îld diii tise hoteor and rrfreainlt rai. , rît nta aitii a Tkia miv¶ee at tiseclose sitof nsth ,ta,.îiamui si Ieliai lariiii 9 - aaianuelai ,.Fta-i-iaaai,oe. rt The oupliaaiiiti. lIl A mnidrillis auarge liaboon JaSe Fînethrisro biiinoNiass.a mth a ligisititar seoi.arange aiia isDo-rr 4,i r 901. iait, yelom beard andsta frii.-dri 1 his hisGa't D, sa24uýrat horr of creoniissuhir. 1,la riiven' mu i.itrs tailiair cotri atlationis oai th,. 511h ardiiag oa aialla IV, 1946 Biggest Year a itiaso' retinsa For Bear Bounty ir ive iaoi ('anadia adil Unitrd States. Asiaisha Vi There wecc 75 rluims i.ii1tlusa!-arhaîs-mudeir rirainSîagr(,(> bousty ta Oetario asn190 urrrdiasu miniatuiirs maide lii MiaF. oc tise AssuautReprpa oft iihe 13- Fl' iroailSeattlter SWasigton Parlmnslof'LasdouandtFaraits.Alit Mc. und McaRichariaiaea lIii but Il et those wa ccc dtaa.edl, - i sios war rerra allii, the ca-lai order.anduattaatl f 7a, rail tliotiiJohn0 tichburiaiasiof Ferg Figurecaflir a a lia, a ttraid aisiai lhc sowartiat in 1946, ha h sta ferthi-i aaeur-I prais yrar. 1.107 ait (ai th, ftlicrral.ai hlltri, mils tisal'lialaiaa taiil gthi15 , 1a la iliai oai $11,330 ins boantîrai In 1)17 ts atallaiharrtaim.'ruav boanty mapai di apprdigt'Sltr i naa s Niaisaitaia Sa 1,023 reroasnsting 95 luitandla ichllnardn -asi.,'iaiî-abai, 73 rabs. Ther llomisig ai to i o , m n soerai a brp droap lai09îa'î alit. ai la i, tr line , r- andi17 csis. InO1949thetii.'iasi- ilN;'i-atamiial'iti.iiC mre 592 adalttauni 67 cui.bat is. iîiIana r Laal yar lbhe statstcssowc-da sn i ni'v l o ; marisci încreraae 051r the Ima pa- t jý eaiS vobus ycars. tise iguares beîng 803' adalia and 122 cabo Th,- 'arw r,, , h THE CANADIAN CHAMfPION, MILTON, ONTARIO Y OUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE WILL BE APPRECIATÉD FOR RE-ELECTION 0F Walter Linham i ! To Esquesing Council For 1952 : *VOTING DAY JANUARY 7tis, 1952 ual di rîta A I ai .ehrt . -k.tli Tal i l-ti H. Craig Reid wilh five ycars' expo iente as an Esquesing Townsip Councilaorsolicis you voie for DEPUTY-REEVE ON MONDAY, JANUARY 7TH BrhMarriages BORN PlSNCRI-9Mr. and Maso. Seymaour POaoor are happy to assaunse lise iirtis of tisir dougiter an Thuraiay, December 27, 1951.' ai Milton Prlvate Mspital. A sla- tofer orEices. DeMOIN-Mr. and Min. J. DeMala. Lalsoview, (see Rose Pelletteciai, are happy le, annoanno tise birtis et their augistor as Saturiay. December 22, 1951.al i. as epise Haupital., Tocante. BlED MePHAIL - At ber reaideoce, 40 Peasasa Ave.. Part Nelaoan, an Suniay, Gecember 30, 1951, Jes- seElliait, belavod mite of rise- msMcPtaail, is ber 201h yoar. b1 MARSHALL - At hec home, il2 Duncanoon Dr., Toronto, os Christmas day, Jessie Rachaci Marshall, beiovcd saire of Rcv. A. E. Maruhall. Fuarrai service was hldton Fridey. Grronberr28 mitis inter- ,mnt as Mount Pirasant Cesîetery. MIAY-At tise bance!fles daucis- tcr, Mca. A. Tcristlr Trafalglar Township, on Sooday. Deramber 310, 1951. Georile May, widowerr of Ena isgmatd . faîhor cf Jm- 'ph of Toronto and Siint Gi'rmany, in lau 77th yrar. Servicert1mb place fron Hoiy1 Huey Charris. Miton, on Wrd- oroda,, Jauory 2. 1952. at 10 ais. ttrnst Mont HoenCesa tccai, Turosto. MOFFAT-lo Mlton. at hrr hon.ý os Tamsday, Jaoaary i. 1952. Stargaret A. - Moffol. is1oeloc iaocbter of tise lte Jamse and Nancry Mottai and dear iltor of Mrs. MrEwc i Lattie) of Toc- anle; Witliam J. Meffat ef Nouer Jaw, Sas. Funrral louis place fron bherlaile rraice ibis aftcraoosa, Thursai, Ja.sary3. 1952, at 2 p.m Itr. mat Evarcrrcn Ceèery. NMat ComingEvents U Ronatd Stewurtirerprivae meteJaiiury For purtîralara. tabac' 73. c-31-2 lltiand uiiSchouot na-cliciat,. Md- m-iad, Jaiîiar , .15 pim .t'aub- air Scaol. t'aîril ai dicluasirsý Wh.îlt exhrrprrts ai the aisil*'iand Whaat paienai'. prot Notice to Creditors AND OcTtitRS in lOir 1sta' iioflPrtere Lonbarsae Rtobertson. lait'of the Tonai Milton. l insre otassiofalialtan, 51auatrr. ilicersrd. AttI] alahiaigrIains.îagilet isa' FlaIrart t'a-lotrrLynisiroar taSiiîî.lalate f liiiTua ai thai ari. i lîr ('i ofi it llaltaii. *ho cia 'ea-a arsa uai- t he li-2lth Ls ia ail Saýill t i nb , .5îl ,t arae hîlit a, tioitili-dIolia .r ull ai pirtaiiuai ait tha-ar iliaiia Iralt- ir ieir g: lai aoli air tfirtirthei ttisdayait Juauay. 195'2, alîna' abhirisdte tise Fstate -a1t tir ittibtilid isaving regard ali aly oth lb tiisof at aaii:tise Es rillar.ai chaIlth is-a buiroatice. IOATEu at Toarn tritisi. ath davo Dvcni'rraisirIttSGaordons Mt- ,onNlaKraii(-NRgrr laît Plt,)- asiy. taîrl t-trrmaio Ao aish. Pal- Iia.tal F. fi tîîrîîî andi t aaît Etllaa'trrit Haiooian. Zasa m laa.:i Yiltisu-iîa-lnS tiad 1 TaS ,50King Stri-t Wesat.Toroltia Sh,-. tisa an iii, ieaaa(-29-3 Canadian Champio Classif ied Advertising Rates 5000 IN EiIiECT Nia charugefr aeannsliencnls ot Birtiio. Nîrriagre. Dî-ali taIdEngagements ln t'ttmsiam 50e caise10e pet Une fat verses, Artilsafer Sale. Seat. etc. -2c a mord Minimum sCash 3SU if set pal d outliailler Insertion 00e> Sas Na. la Iis office 10e addianai CdMinistEvoata -l1Oeper casaI lise saIs 230e minimum Ai l asified Advertlsemente muai reaeis lie office before t p.m. an Wednendays 1-WANT IAD For Sale Want.d AUCTION SALE-Mitas Live- A TION SLE ieIiio atock Markset has ptenty of walt- Li1vestocls Markei operate eMr' ing top cash buyems. b-26-2 Tisursi5y rinl or shtoe. ab-te-Z FOR SAL-i uphoiatered chair WA9ITED TO SENT - rMu or in coud condition $10. Art, Mlg- three unfurnnised rooma, in Uni- gina. Oak St. -31-2 ton. Phone 114J. c FLOWERS fer ail accaaians. Gar- AUCTION SALE-10îoo mîves or- ter Braa. Floriasts, Kilbride. Phone geotiy needeal Thumsday at thé~ 498r11. î'-tL Millen Livestork Markset. b-z2- AUCTION SALE -At MlnIe WA EDT BY-Cist' Liveatarti Markect, ii cet ysu top tield, mateot drap lbal table&suit cash pricerafor ysur livestacti waist waah stand. Ia gaod rona- b-20-2 dilias. Phase Milles 140. e CRES8 BUNION SALVE reeiev- LIVESTOCK WANTED - Free os fat, wear tylisi sahoos taon. theemometer, plsu scas ai yur Dracciata aeil Ceosa Cars Salve farmn for dead or disasised hiorses or tas. a--tf casas. Phase collect Miten 296w. FOR SALE-Usai oeweek-end., ila ts Sa i. cI il% fi. Chalet ahia, with haravua WANTED--Steady woois on foras and palms, $8 complote. Phase for Gateh famiiy aeriving Jasa- 540w or 79r41. c ary. Mother, father, 2 sans woris- ing aile. 2 aona sacismiugo. Write FOR SALE- Baby Tenauand Sos 3, Casadian Champias, Mit- Stioshine baby carniage, an excel- tan. teot condition. Applycooenis, Mca, John Timiesora.Robert St. c WANTED - Live Poultry and teathera wanted. Higist prices FOR SALE-Halsiein and Short- paid. Phase Randait & Morley, Mil- horo, bath apriociail; Internatioal ton 143, or Wm. Deat. Miltas Orît truck,. gond tires. rehuti)motor. or write Masos Zoner, 402 Daver- Gardas Robinson, phonoe r2l. e court Rd.. Toronto. TF, BABY CHICES - White Lef- hornas, Barred Recks, Barredck i o Lechoro, Ligisi Sasses x HN REAL ESTATE Hampshire, New Mampshirex Barred Roeck, ail breedero ilovern- For Sale ment baaied and bloai-teated (nso _______________ recatam). Ardagis Mateisery. MILTON phase 39w, Streetavilie. c-28-4 $9.100. foU prico for 2-toteY, soaltd brick hioase, oeeatrallY toc- ated and owner accupled. Tis bouse and property la inexellent condition. Centre huit pies, haot air heatiaf and fuiiy inssaatei. tlm- BY FALY M0011ý nediate poseouoioa. Asb for Ser- tisa B. Bramn Milles 231. troncleF Cooh Real Estaile, Vicorona licOl e THEREý9 QurTE il. ADFEEC sr. For Rent PL RACE NO A FOR RENT - Chaise location sluc PLTHE14RSEC.tise mant ai catuna <o if itePsp- NT1E OE e.Space may ho assi tot- iuy, R E T9E soit, cent. hiro. abtas 50ew boineSs M E or anytlstaf else thata legal Try s RSEPUESI a oant ai for qairis ressalte. Kitohen Caphoarda and -- ( G oserai Repair Woeis t MICHIE AND DREDOE Estîmatos or by tise hase 1949 M-ii ara Seias tola, R.R. 5. Miltes Phase fr 1 eqiiippiri No job tee big or too small t19d8 Mrcrurya, ich 1947 ttlîrîîii yCoacth 947 Ford Sciasn________________ Foltow Cy Cylinder Eanis Week n tise ads run by AUCTION SAL2-RiNi3as-j ruai Marial . iserita os ical this. ltirýoft t .b-26-2 AUTHORIZED SLS à SERVICE Horace Toinuinson 1 CHAPEL ST. BRAMPTON 77W MLTON HARDWARE j Carry Ornuine ilarge I ipare Paris LET US DO VOUR BUILDING Traynor Construction Co. GENERAL CONTRACTO Pisone 485W P.O. Bon 86 Milton ..... .... .... m DEPENDABLI EFICIENT î ICONOMICAL, TOO- *23 yaoempeiS 6" akdià CLEV&LANO Toridhesl te .exiusi,. !miese Ipreclaio. mlxiag of on 8s" &àr. Givet. am eS aoamy. I UHRE DELE Mito Oil Burner~h Sae & Sevic C. LETR sp SPhsone Milton 1521t24 or 96R31: -Wr'îeieeChrst sures, nulha, the lite He taiî'i bail y hatie iraîtb He dun. Her iii oatdic as a martyr, soc as a nodel. He mais nul a'ictin He mllingly ofltta'Oî'imsela arî s a icros susiltioaisaisIasiriice fr hi r aaîîaiHrehare the îîadî.'îînt et Goliait uguasiSn. Ho îa'atlî%, ai. iaillrya, ndii iat rarsîpiara, tHerl adrr i thecaratit et Gai iriattai dure nclo .Ttîe etieua, andiiait-ufiilrneao His ltod i theî'laid.îîris o e tia' elIi i Graarrlie a'me' liaput a'ay sina, the sacriice'oaitHieîself' au os i ar îaa Body, In lise tt*« ar]'eteîtr 2: 241 Tbroeîgb failltîinii is deutis inaand att îiaabsesas'rdApuct rosafaitis ie His iaIs lisre snos sains- taian f or ana, mas." Eaeis mers ii tisa olosn. miii upîlear asttesaet of ancoattise doctrincaesfthlie Saptisi faits. Tise tlleminc Sanday i1saillI dis- elins tisai subjeet aI eue regîlsr service heu ai 3.00 p.m. in tise i. GDF. Hait. Wo'l yea loin as fer those meetings. Siscercla,, ROBERT F. SNYDER, Pester SOWES BAPTIST CHURCN ipl r- ANNUAL MEETING Halton Protective Association G. Thse Annual Meeting of tise aiSon Protective Association 1- wu'iI b. iseld in tise Court Nous., Milton, on ý. TUESDAY, JANUARY Bth, 1952 sn at2.3Op.m. Membera $1.OC New Members $2.00 Alrnembcasareuic squcrted lu attend ROY CURRIE, p raîident JAS. E. SROWNRIDGE, Sec.-Treas. S Dues must be paid within 30 days of tise above date YOUR VOTE ANDa INFLUJENCE IS îESPECTFUaUY SOLICITED FOR George Currie FOR COUNCILLOR 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F ESQUESING FOR THE YEAR 1952 in(.avaiiu roi r Harld iBertha B.Brw Fa1 REAL ESTAT 11I1MBING and MI TMLO HEATINC.MIGTMLO f Over Bus Knight's j JOTNi8fTU.. M0p4 PHONE 423J1PON 3 PRINCESS 'T H E A T R E'il THURSDAY NIGHT No Show Thursday Because of Broken Generator FRI-SAT. JAN. 4-5 GREAT MISSOURI RAID WADE(L CORY ELLEN LREW MON,,TUES IJAN. 7-8 THE GROOM WORE SPURS GINGER ROGERS JACK CARSON THURS..FRI.-SAT. JAN. 10-11-12 THE BIG SHOW SHOW BOAT 3-DAYS-3 THIM&OAY. JAZOUA3IY Srd.RUM 1. .1 h 1