Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jan 1952, p. 5

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¶UU1~î&Y.JAMXAEY rd. 952 HE CNADIN CHMPIO, MITONONTAUO Pgavai H OCKEY Iyl lise Rotary sponsored mi nor hockey wiil make a debut on Sat- urasy asltse yonger generation recelve tiseir swesaters for tlseir smon an biades Tise Intermied- lie boys sta.rt off tiese ciedute vtis pock ehasing asedled for 8 amn. Tise senior boys follove wlti tatr if ronsf a. md tise juior boys bruin ai 10 am Thse vSsie utforinnate part i tise fin sciedate la tisat there la avery imsportantsontage aifietp ta issodie tise teams, Hit'rons, tisa yomngcr brere that tise futures hockey taiveacto for tise inuer- mediate cubs ellUconte and tise itile siavero' cm really ismdie thlsecves. It taises tise young uld ta dis out tise entilas for thse sport tuoandanone wiso cm raontribate saice houes a recei for the benefit of tisse lads yl bce rensardeni iy tise flassing apirl tise yoong auns tam aon. Contact Bus Knigist. ChueS Carnie la tting a Co-op an'estc- for tise local club and rise resU b le mony vebo wii e- catI tise dsztiing rembination ai he, MWelausson and Fox af a coupie ai s-rasaago. Chssis rear on the Georgetowen Rtaiders 11e-up sitts Meanon oai s-sa long ago whien tisat ciais sent tiscogisthse local group and rusher -wnthse ctanpionship or sere de- festeni by tise ianed Hacha Me- Donald ceesirons Sundeidge. Not tan sure on tisaI point. An esrly promisof tise year ma the plan ta stant local ganses on lime. Tistos agond ides but ai causer dffimoties do arise. Tise difuftly flat arone lat Frdiy. whateceer it vas, kepi the crowd naiting three quarlees ai an houe for tise apening shistie. Tiinga didn'l gel ander vay ontil f.5 BARGAINS AT LAST On aimant evrrylhing bat food you cao get a agaio tise days If yoo de enoagis shopping arasînn. saps The Finsocial Post. Thats tise fact. bt sisether tise loneer primes strmImmromvertoaded inventory, gavernseot ibreata againsu resale pricer maintenancer ne ssuplain smart mechandising, seems lu de- pend on indisidual cases. Sy al couns-ioceeasrd laouor and niaterial costo - the genreal opinio smongnsanufacatacersnaad etaiersa ermed ta bie that pries shouid be ging ap. eau downeBut, tise buyem in in tise sadîre in sm fierlds eniereoeesiaeised selars and short bonis acrotints dont bal- ance Dealers base 0 marre tise attf Io tacassi. 6 Mili St. ACTON Phone 110 Cont. Mon. thru Fr. rom 7 p.m. Satocdays frorn 6.45 Matinee Saf. & Hols. 2 pr. PR-SA T.JAN. 4.5 Tirat 1alking Mule o Bock Again! in ""Francis Goes to the Races" -wsitis- DONALD OCONNOR PIPER LAURIE MON.-TUES. JAN. 78 "On the Riviera" vvitis DANNY KAVE GENE TIERNEY Color by Technicolor WED.-TNURS. JAN. 9.10 ""Angels in the Outfield" wilis PAUL DOUGLAS JANET LEIGH Serions Thought On Erosion Nesded Of interest to Haiton farmers. Tis aannser to the question "Con We Contrai Sil Eroslon' la dellau- iteyiynlatise affirmnative, atates A. E. Palmer, Superintendeot af the Dominion Experimeniai Station, Lettsbrldge, Alberta, who has been la charge of experimenta on erasion contrais since 1918. He states that tise cantrai af erosian rrsaoca sitseif inoapraper tand use and currai praclices. If land is nord ooly for parposes ta wnich il i a daptcd and if cultural prar- tires arc fnllowed that tend la pre- vent, ralther thon sggrovaie erasion. lttle sail toss bla perienreni. Staied in s negotîve wsy. eroinsimoot invarisisiy is the resuli of using tonds for parposco for whlch tory are ot sdapied or praciaing ns- iseaper cultural meihodo. Winit Erasian Wind rrnoin babeen asaeiao prohiens an the prairies snd niant ai ibis diffiiuity con lbe ottributed ta impropr samncr-fainnsing, or ta iarming lando ihat shoid neyer have bren lotivaled. Maoy licisi sisin the dry arcas ai tise prair- isare odapted oniy ta irazing and nsooid bc e irin g r000. Other tighi tonds nsay lie farmed but il is 001 saie ta candort aomnscr-faiinnss on thens. Sonne con bc oafeiy umcd for groin feowissf and snomee-iaiiann- ing practior if tise lands are fared in strips and rare is taken ta iscep gond tronh envers on lise surface. Wlsrerc einfoit la suflirieni taen sure fnd crawls. iorgcr ftids can bie faiiowrd safeiy if the pint renidor la tefi on the ourface hy iiinf wills biade coltivalars or nilser inspienenta that icave the plant residue an tise surface.Wiserc rainfail is sulficicot ta permnit grans- isg fait or 0cr eapoan fatoies, tis proctire prntertn tise sail acainsi banth wnind and water enosian as effecsivriy as tise protection forn- ouhed by a gond iessh carr. Wair Eroin Waicr eeosian is iaising in tait ia ail parlasnifthecounntry andai. mont invaeiabiy ibis la duc ta Im- propr landrue or faulty cultaral peartire. Many fids arc bcing cultîvateni tisaiarr tac, stecp for tise prpae. Lands tisai are n oteep tisai îollyiaî and aseet er- msion canani ie peevented hy crant- Irai custual methois osoutd ni ho consldrd as tilirisIe. bol sould hoe ored for fraro. nsood lais or oîld lite purposro. Tisere are ra iro eroxornplesoofo ibd.l& isot iseing destenyrd isecarro tiseyare 1on atee fr natiofaciner- tillager tise rappiaf and cultural peaclicros rord arent adapîrd 10 tiese pecilic fields. Aro lisece arenmru x ameples of aisoilar fields misre con- tour faotoisf or neorciai foa. feasoif roatriaya peesnttiog ieood lts ta continue on eoucis cea.orprper tillafe, isaseresaiten ia peactirrlly ramplelecornrol rf n'ar e rmin. Anyone nsbr bas cern tise wond- erfuIreonitsofsitisewatr ers peogeans deocloprd undertise lead- eosip of lise U.S. Sali] Conseevation Service. oucis as isat ile n atise La CrerearfniWisconsin, ceai- co izs htai rprland usao cans cnbe droelrped Ila o eaiprobirem ae.Many sînsilar conditions cas beseen on fansanso Canada. 'Tise Dominion EsperimenlStation aI Leiisbridce. Albserta btsaw' os- stations reiere stoop lands are rader alnort rosîplteeooona- lent by fottawiag simple peactîrea ni contoue nteipping and illage, neasiag f nwaterways and isiades. presevinf trosis envers andsonwlnc frîl coverecenps nsier feasihie. Peaper Lonad Use Inreorycase tise problem offooii orosion fOnallyrersoivro ilselfinlaI developinc a peoper une of use landi and satisiarisos- roltral practico. If anyrone ris avirg nerlour teouble icitis orosion. tisecure aimost il- variably is ta cisage tise tse oai thIsoland rormtisod norllovalir Tise eanrieno of tisose wreisa ve been ntudyîni moil esosion, nsuaily bsrbren tisaitishe cisangea reouied are feaceatîy peoftabinte actual crois eetueas and tise eoreeeiv- measurer oflen suepeisingiy simple and ersy ta appiy. Floral nsbletsesrof tisepairi- poicsarelise crocua (Man.)i. thi- peaire lily (Sask..ad tise roiid rose. IThompson Presides At Council Meet (Cooftued Irons Page Orne) A mOctIon vea sponsored by Coandillaro WhereU and Pearen, and carrled tisai Mr. Stewart Lacis- le be reappointed. as counicil rep-1 resontaive on thse Pubie Ltbrary Board . Ailtise new e mbersofaitise comecil piedged tiseir support ta tise mayor for tise camtng year, Tise peevinua memisersofaicoonicil reel- coenrd lthe wmember and aiso, oiirred tiseir support la rouaicit ln tise consini year. Mayor Tisampuos ausurcd iteeva P'ay that Il r meeting la needed ta discutas water prablems or lna my way possible, tisereater service eouid ha ineased, a opeetai meet- ing reootd he cafleni. Cammciltor Pese, lb wecoming the ocew membero, staled tisut se feut a Utilliles Commission nsouid benefrit Miltnanmd alter a lUtile more siudy, sas gainf ta table a msotion ta bhave a Utilîties Commis- sion formed, Cauneillor MeKere, aisairman of teetsanmd realina, dlaeasscd onow remaovai and it n'as icit the grader sisouid bc repaieed toa amint la the unowemaval. Hoppers Worship Sun, HoId Hops Have pu eser realoised ar aasu- happer nossesip tise san'? Or et- tendeni a grasohopper dance, tise uriginal "hop"? Llisely not Sot for thesownly grassisappers. bath Uadeealanding as enrnsy-ansîl- iseiziaf aneseli icitis isshabils soi getting on insighisto wh'ist maisn bis tickis raonecesary prerequis- !te t aincsuccrosioul iar againat hlm. Thsis rbviouriy r is e adopt- cdt ulraiegy ut G. J. Spencer. pro- irusor ni zology rI lise University of Brillish Columbia. Prof. Specer han ju,-I oonpled as exhauostive otudy on British Columbiia gearuisoppers. Tisre are 19 specirs of tiserinscris. Hlsre- port. presîrtd attse Ansa Meet- ing ni tise Estcnological isoieeies inOttawar. iscirdes a "Kinsey- dostcies osnlise geaAhopprr, des- ceuses uta feediaf isabitsanad cons- mnnty eilaaI, pirirres lise insct as aadest.raoieorsipperand, tari but nul lerot. esdowr Il reitis alleiures tistare00 tsc eney 0f anotytîcal ucientsto s prad end- Ieos boues nrkîng nunserous acid determnalios oifsoi]. Tise iracsopper heconsranex reedîsflyralorîaî isgiseet shen raie iris 10 ber' it or Prof. Spcn- cer issons .It. l erds at certain houruaofitse ds-Someuspecier are eariî'svfeedeersotisens iecd lte. Sonne oprciro bavre daînty feeding habits. rîheru aire iluolousHouro betoce mrving tira ire' location lisey rsduiîr iu a sort ni commaniiy danîce wn'sthe n'iole sn'arm lors aroasnd ainsîessly incirce. Tisey are ali ouan'wrrshipcces. Ho matrerie wrigrd and utiff sith eul h lis e nsi-Itue son nsro itnueti oui tbehizeron tise grass- lirpiier nsOnagi-i. erc r ai utfesyn beiîd a oselerisii I-dge or atone Ir ho infuni] vwofsnith ise iing The- fensaî irasusopper, shows rînoorrt dî.seeîîarsnation in tise set- ectosniofa îuitable egg-bn 10n the soit Prof, Spencer foandi n anc istance,.furexeamplo. tisai tise ieassisppi-rr corld ni be indaccd tc loy thisr e fis i anuireon' niip ni carIs thtis cpaeted tien beds of lhisele oinceand sooed nsother dilfeeenceroorcept an infinitesinsal- ov mali inceaae o ard a isigier acrd lesel. Tieheda cL eieird by tise feenrierarrisîrpr hani an acrdîîy of pli0.8. Hîîn'drd tishe ganrsnepperissus? ScentisL.r nouîd iise 10so n', beý cause tisey hsave turose espemive and precie plitmeierl rmre risuc dierenee. Nî-aely one-bali of Canadar 3,- 343,000hoesrnaare 30 Sieara niage ne older. A uiudy osod tisai a ttaliof more tisas 1,500,000 Canai- ira isomsr err but peine tn 1021. Since lisol por, home building ts fruclsated feus a Ions ni 22,100 units mn 1933 tir a bis nif early 91,000 n 1940. COLLEGE ATFENI)ANCE DROPS Tisere nsay bc trouble aisead fur Canadas eapidlp rspandiog Indus- trial ecorîonsp if lise dic ln tis yeaenra niveeoity rarolinsents laa trend tifs, Unîliselise rlaing figures f'oe popuilion. natinal nrtput and natioal iscnnecenrllntsaare doors about 5.000 ut ooiverslttes lisn ear acensa the country. Educators, noys Tise Finonciai Port. sec Ibisaradanrnua onen for tise poes tan eomp., wre more and more qualified geadaatrosi;l bc nrrded hy indsry, business and faverameni tisas ever before. Already tiese arrri for qaiied scientsta. dorlora. enginrers and sniversity traiseni teeisniriam s s CO-OPS WIN OUTIN1H "SHINNY" TILT OUT US HARDLY ""A"" HOCKEY Thse local Ca-opa troonced tis a nd anotiser at 2.29 by Seattalon la vlaiting Wbodbridge Harveeters to a drive from jbot inalde tise bloc mn 11-4 tune lest rtday la tise Une. A peppery ourging in front local ire palace. For tiese pectat- of lise goal astonlslsed tise crawd ors, A wao gond but as fac as hock- by not eesuting la mare eed tigisi ey reaa conceeoed, h nesadouitiol blîislang. sisetiser lise Haveternashuid At36a -avseldgrbd have grsdoalcd ironsthe Pond- At30oHarsrldgrhen style shinncy. H1aeiageisopping a lbase purs andi .oed ta tise tac- and sîastsing were prestonnnate, ais' end ta beat lDaone.a la tise Figis were prevalont theaugis- octamd enter tise vialloro' fient oui isetaaie d a an ttc cunier. Fox and Melsoson teson- there reere three indivtdual1 ableodises sud unly tans referees ta break tisen Up. Ruas Sruh returnsc4ta tac ire but tisis pear hie la a rehitle inilaf refeas. t was but 41secondsa ater tise apenlaf of the ganse that Halas- son mnd Fox teameni up for tise flynt coonter and at 1.11 tise pair faiiareed tisoogi on a paming plap ta add another tally. The tiird shot that blinised tise red lgit for tise laralas as hmndled by Srosh and Heupet ai 15.03. A buny second period opencd witis a goal at 2.18 bp Meisuson cd up sgain end the vilainro added anc irons indley amd Leuiy. Fox and Lintan teamed up for tise nie- est paoaitise evcning tissu reafly clic for a fine goal, Waodbrldgr'n vorentrce scored 2 goals ritiin 14 secondsof aich other ta open thc thIsrd perlod and icvelled tise score off at his temyns 4. Leuty and Unine reent ta tise manier foe figiting and befare long Unimo reos bock but tis atlime ritis Saassey. Brus, Grenise, Emytts and Linton earh ssyred anc psa Heinheoiser la tise visitais' net for the final addition ta mahe an 11-4 Volunteer Bureaus A NEW R Offer Good Jobs Periapo mare iban anylising cisc, -tise turning ni trercu nia cilisiaf Volsotee raus ni 85 Canad- deansatizes tise greal basiechcianges ian and US. cdura bave faad Jossnsicis arciaing placecilause, or oari tiag for ay arneol wioricr-ussn, of thc e esitis ni as farests, profrusionai mon. laisorer, bouse- an eonsparcd n'iib tbe days when weie or otisers-whcis are ta drap inreota neere irveird andisaened lts in. Thesr ecqsremenîn are tise same maise nas- for nutis, brens, villages os for any job; the applicani mustiand farnoand in ister dayii res bce punntnai, dependable and hon- lise only oses fer wood wreecfar ost. Tise osto differenor la tisat isat and cemisio and bsiling, liserer na psy. Tisere s stiltleencdosrdemnrd Ooistandinc rireaoa in Wînni- for firemrood and for lumber, bat pro and San Franciser areiaied il rpearo lisot tiserecai faturerni in an aricle in oesiereadeen s ue furernîrlienin liseralm of Digest. Wien tise ted iver iiood- plo and paper prodarts. arong ed in Apili, i950. Wînaipcgns Cen- rabish arr synttitic fibres for clatis- traI Vriunteee Buîreaui dernonniral- i0f. esrpint. fine paperependocto cd bon snuci an ooenoY con isrip a ni scoresofni iindâ. ltsieigisl bat comnnîy stace rft dînanler, tiese ronfcontainers forefoodand other Difest nays TrIs-phono collisirons cOmmeoditc-. and scores and scesr cîtîoonr îffering torseros- innsany of prodricir l le is e discavery caparities iegan flîîretîc inoCVBsagne. witili lie fient flod n'onings. As tise iater rsetise clltu maunîrd Noie o-bu euverare otint on the ntoiissoands and a qicisy arî. isiridf tisiosew icnodcera." menîrd CVS staff moserd îrn trie-ioonld riensta1bc hoeistise Itoisae Phsonesrouond lise locis Ici iscp stock;s: l ser.r or foreri reesiti pac ris tons. and cla o rtuaI il nias bcrput te 6îir re 22 ffiecai of oser- ortinues - lin fold sen s afoi gency huisinfos8,0 vuneer ri . ersrr-îti nehiîcirs ranging irants bulldozes i tirets of panel trucks, Ose Ontario foretO polîcy reiicis pe-ople cagere n serve as canîcen dorsrao sernsIo inthesrisoin-. ieoresn stenagrrpheessw itici- lrOesi ftise provine-ro for as board îîPeealor. necisanics and 'econervation cf or itinid cons cîrcisa Soiiing waslourneddclon- m naeiaîresourerrir ccerced-is4 not rocs thec offerof a faeloey- sisrlo-isieballowseriportlnithe Ui- and lisecarefri regisratons peo-ted Statles ecisyeae nifisundredn ai edîinraloablrnsisrntheAensyaîon. îiosîasd cords of raie paipnood. ed in todirect th city'sriht toc Loss ofieoodlisrocisforecolfires ce direase .r ereettable,.and pcr- Fleiblehiand ii,r ,refIo, CVB bopai oons-leo s oi as fiercely ienift-oeyosd theîjobsitnsasde. iorft as soneof5as igh iisiili sgnd forîin Wî,llWa il - a obc. butairlaltthepuip ani nsinning pol for Winipegns e-paperand lusher ospanierand lare acencîra. The Bui-eau sas tise Provincial governseni apper a marde dîrecilyrecsponnisl-e r r-tohbedoingiiseiribsuiandInsp,,iv- ganizneffour risobiiîlon contees ngai uai brui an lime cocsoan. froc instructions about aciere piîg- eauet ebrdidees -lusîîced icts arc made wii sirssmetimes rOOore. fr die oi host1 re' back 10 Canada 10 ranspete and irons tiseloisand fred ties m iso sdnaoteos nul on theni-ay. vnit hsmaei uow mls l i as insnsdiatly prevenlabir a Four Cinadiair cîlies hroden it iiis etal.îîîrî asprrvcnî- Winniieg haive VîluatcreBrrc. uem rgelbt rto evt Thei li-,ad-i's Digest points oui.aboi on-dcfegredtal is fo r ccc- Tises art,-Montre.1l. Toronto on- nid-rae.of onait-cîre ore-- covriandLondon, Ont. n-r I dsal-ielmer eut ougi nlrr. os at n os Suncer1944th lueber Calonue- Canada asr a nsisle. Ontario lu par- arum Iepatenrrl sr piaeil irriarnsayihavelce evisr alunfo- 13.196 seler familier os sens pios-trt lisinig ilisey nsislu iseep reamiandu. ri: o ithisinew age. z ~ - "LOOKI, POPI. No HANOS.- STATS CLECANER- Sy precenting det and grime irons penetroting pores of paint film, a oce peint in sald ta hold its cieso appearance for a long tise, cutting maintennce cool by ao moci s a 40 per cen t.. reporta Tise Financiat Post. t cao be hruosed, oprayed or roUler coateni; cavers moot sarfaces reiah only one coSi, and con be repainted retissai spe- clal prepamation ai thc surface. It la made in non-yetloretng reite mnd variety of cotors in bath flat and glass enansci, INFrLATION NOIE Ticyre tensning the lad. of money, soppty, says TiseFiact Post. It la doren to $4,719 millitons ai tateet report, s dropot 8 5par cent, irons tisepreviosamonts, rehici s aauncisanged ironstise mania begore that, Laet year's mnoncy suppty-active hanis depo- sita Plus carrency - rose rlght tisrough inese porlodo. Noetise capi lcooing riteslt year tavela veltistise ittl only $41 muilina tigtscr thon a year ago. Give ONE VOTE For Wm. Schenk FOR ELECTION AS COUNCILLOR IN ESQUESING TOWNSHIP Progress with Economy lecion Day, Monday, January 7fh PLASTERING IS OUR BUSINESS PROMPT SERVICE AIL TRAINED MECH-ANICS AIL WORK GUARANTEED ----- -- E. S. BLAIR AND SONS, î HUTTONVILLE Phono BRAMPTON 424JI VOTE Wilfrid Bird DEPUTY-REEVE For Esquesing Township El..tion Day, Monday, January 7, 1952 SPECIAL SAL E Wallpaper CLEARANCE 3,000 ROLLS TO CLEAR 25c a Roll Every Rail Must Go To Make Room for 1952 Papers BORDERS 5c YARD No Refonds or Eochanges ATTENTION HOUSEHOLDERS 1 Christmas Trees In order to facilifate the gafhering of Chrisftmas fr001 aIl fr008 must b. placed af the treet line on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9th Any frees nof set outfefr colection on this date wiii b. loft b-y the garbage coloifor end nof rernoved for disposai. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO IIPJrtSDAY. JANUARY SM, 1932 PACM Fm w

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