Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jan 1952, p. 4

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PAGE 2OUR 0MAGI4 MR. AND MRS. W. THIRTUEIN ANNIVEI On Friday 28th, an tie Icel eft heir ttirtletta wcddmng essiv-1 cmsary, Mr. and Mi-a. Wiberta Fard were aSt home te their esaoya friens. Tiey received tieirà guesta s is e living rcirnm micti waa tatefsaly decoratcd wth1 Christmsas greens and bealift azaîja. In tisa dinîag nsnm, the tes table mm s.ss.tred wsha tsshand-1 .»efour-storey medding cake,1 flanked by crynlal candie toldrrs A slver basket of anapdragoiss ant tise gift table made a prelly bu-t- gmsund for the many lovly pres- enrta giveltise happy couple. c In the aflernoon. pauring autIhe1 Ira table ece Mms. D. Frank Fard1 aed Mms. Harvey Agne, Mrs. E- mer May ad Mra. George Brom- rîdge Servung mare Misa Ruth1 Mashal, Misa Clristena Marsal,r Miss Mrion Fard and Master Gel-? mer Fard and assisting mre Mrs.1 Ralpis Fard, Mrs. Alfred Fard imd z Mms. James Braweridgr. Mms. Emersan Ford and Mrs.( James Ecles helprd Mr. and Ms.( Ford reaiva tise garat. In lise avening. psaristg aI tise tea tabta mre Mc. W. E. Dent, Trafalgar; Mms. Frrd Mddell.5 Geoargelema; Mru. Clarence Bickie,f Glf ad Miss EsaIlie Fard, Tar- onta. Sreving era Miss Jea Ruddell, Gergetomn; Mms. Ralpis1 Ford. Mitas; Mea BRisert Fard, Miltan and Miss Geraldine Bclee, GaI. lenlise evesing. asistingrei- ieg tise giacs erMc. E ad Mm.ý G. Baeoweridge and Mrs Jas. i Eccles. M. and Mms. Fard bave livedi fhicrr elire married lige an tiseirz preseetfare. Tbey iave a daugi- fer. Mms James Ecles and a sac, Robert,.aed anc grasdeisild. lile4 Miss Wlma Ecles. We jin ils fisir many fTieds in wisbleg tie maay mare yeam laogeiber.z On Sanday. Dermber 30, Ma.1 and Mas. Wilbrt Fard enfarfin- ,1 cd ai a family diseer fr lise im-I MOFFAT Holiday Season Has Many Guests1 Miss Rdeo RobrtsafstGuelphs pet Cbristmas atis home etfier1 pareta M. Reith RobertsonetfBSdbury end M. and Mas. C. Pamislea and sn ofGuclpi sapent ors-m dayui sitistbar parenss.Mr. and Me. J. Robertson. Mas.BeraITurneis vsislsg ils bac daugiter ileOttaa. M. snd Me. . Melmey mre garato ai the ihome osthtisiasn Ilngon. Ma. and Mas. Grant Campbell 'ssaed os Sasday ils taucads n OakvuBa. Mas. T. C. Amassised th is mste- fane tofa lDand break ber res Tise frends et M. Russel Rliot ara nrry fa iear he i ronfined te bospital n Hamiton fllosacaf an accident. Ma. and Mas. Carnce Dredgr and famiiy speaf Chistismas aItisae home of M. and Mac. Bey MaGl- mary af Guelphs. NASSAGAWEYA S.S. N.. 7 Mr., Mrs. Kennedy Mark Anniversary THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO FORD CELEBRATE Teen Town ASH (cyGust RSARY AT HOME . During Christmas C iT op c si Dse uei fM. a. Mien R. Butli ffe cf Toronto sent, Dinne guets O Mr.and m lise Nawsa er n holiday is Mc.0 mediate reembera afthe lsain mise Elgin Palfemeon an Christmase1d6Y cnd Mc. Cisrles Landan. isad previeasly isnoed tise bride mere Mr. ced Mms. N. Sinlair andM and groom ag 30 yeaam iy lise pre- B Thieme Huner Rite. Miss Mearle Lleday, a public T senitation of a isndsme suver tea A large,' beufltChritîma rer Ma. cnd Mss. Allan patemren agisol leaciser le Georgetown. l service. and ed andgreece streamean et spent Chiclasawth Mr.antd epent te lise adys et ber home te Mica Gladys Featiesctone and fise scece for Teen Tomne Chistie- Mc. Wn. Dvies, Plermno. Milton. Mes. Gearge Dixan atteeded tise maos dance on Fiday nigisi. Deces- m. enDulsmcadne c e c.A .Bc pe 2itis wrdding aniaemary of Mr. brd ,151 n iae c a-guesaiuttiseberne of Ma.and Mca. Cisristmsas isolldeys mîth tuer and Mrs. Tisomas M. Heoflay ofdarfol arowd an bond foc tise af- Cameo Marsall for Chistml-as. two daugitsîrMs. Williams and Wndsor as Decembar 29. Mas. tio s Terrik faTomantsoc mra Mrs. W E.Meredithisepet Christ- Mr,. Paynera leDetroit. ileatie' %vs the tasuiserBirdi',' an ... ciaei reigiafic s, ms i-r daugiter, Mm ,Edgar Fe.thersste ni tisu disictane d auîdtsrum uof drar a'M... Campbsell, Zimmarmnan. Miss Glsdys Featftraston and, me ifis fisar many friands ex- Tise rrowd bagn g alber ai S. Tisa Christmsas rancart mas iseld Mas. George Dises rislfed isa' tend cogratuatoins ond misis oboutl900 .m.an grem steaduîy an Dacemiser 20 ai tise Asiscisool Ma. and Mms. T. M. Hecfley, Wnd- fisrnmamty more anissc5lsae;5. iti 11.30. Everyane. looking vcry bue r ezlLwecwosr vrtewe-n n i Word mas eaivrd ot tise sd-gay le lhiel new Chistiemas nlolies, mon acting s Moctiar of Ceremonien fecdrd ttsei oilIver weddleg anele- den poeing on Satcrday of Mm. eerrily donard thie nigisî amay fa ompelineenr om anyPof adhemoy Violet aris otToaonto. Tise loirtiste maia et Tiey HopisaOGcises- an lisire rertfora flich r n r. rn aScl Mms. Hrris mas o freolseef isitr ra. Tiry afr sedmiaches, cake acaiinrd. aGranfotal is a. d MasFssLiseanSist mitis Ma. and Mas. Oscar Clifion. dranis panais sîtil lisry aold risldrs marac isan smay sy Santaa osd ant ssudaMssandoMrisanTad NewmVarssDay visiloas -sitis isrdiy marc Cls.îs aisgssfrsndycnd fruit . al sda ag ad Ma.Torndo Mr. and Mas. Cliflon mre Mr. and Tisare mas. iomasai. a sad cola. A hasppy fîma mas asisyrd isy ail. Mai. Bsb Saoga fT f Me. GorgGio. Mr. Edar iod Iîssrmsîlseemwas a iaaîsprig ot 1The As ial onDaambac 26 sprat New ears wilb Ma. and Misa Gladys Fetiestosr. M. Tom a cersain planftiaeging cn thesva anofisra osistacdîcg scaass Mas. Wmi. Baylay as Quee M. Featisrslssý,Mr. M.Ira Fratis'r-sosa rentre of tisr maio. This posa ,11ai-mîisMas. Claca Ford bic ighbiis Edmssd arais, soc of Bon Star- ad Mr. andMms.tDouglas Csrrie. reigiittlr plantmwestuiseadad lady and Mr.Goga usl e i, whm o h hita Ma.and Mas. C. A. ay of port ail eeaisut. I gussc lie ysougra îîgissmafai uhsr. tteNwhoia rmVncuearvn Credif visitad ils Mr. and Mas. gsratios jastsares 'iltheaamaslia Aîeong tisse prsct affrMmbth dyeem oovNeawlve George Peacoat. type. Sad stati- of sfsîrs ic'f il? Vari pafy os Psercma Hall mre, Dcme 4 ehsbe ok Miss Cisarere Pricer afOrange- Tise piers mermon by Marion mambars aIfasuraomussify. Tisay sg in s large tamiser camp tises-e ille risitrtataihra borne. Bird (dosa prizer iand Syls iaSes- mea: Ma. ssd Mas. Aiiac Paf fer- and capeis faa rtisan ta Vacouver Mis Adry amesa f ri- soîn acd Bitl Sassai' Consgatula-ls-on', Manod Mac Jies VaoSîisîe, ieabauf a montis. sisy sprat tise issldays mîtislber tiosa. isds' Mar.saD Pielr a c a. Ms(hre re s a faîyTheireasse tise report u ibis Gos Vîhsian sd Ma. ond Mas, GausoaMaiser ot Wsnipag, Moni- Ma.sat as Mmlsgosotdance a samembf ata., so Fsss oîsra.M od taslba, ssited sitisM.adMs NMvsr. rsitsaecrntlymilof yass llyfaotisoriad inthesaifTassirauBornes, Agrancdesrning Hsri.y Sfîsd. Branla Sf. Alsa Mora d a Me e say A. Peeoot. Qf 5t51f ls iuesisppr lasmeb.tifr eeryone. sisitisgonastihe ocasin oft tiir Manad M .MaordK. ac d rsdi. bultmr ishae shah hac foi-'Ma. George Mgistr is srrsdisflgolden saddîso sssisrasy 0as Mr ad rs HwrdKig n gcise îst Iis îonce.,fis iolidoys fcom OA.C. mith is Taesday marc to fma thfiarsacs fml eeCrsmsget il 1 ldlkta tbisîtis appibrîisaa and M sms r s .psiafer-atM. a t ram aut oftss'. Haolîîd, Brba's Ma. and Mas. George King. tsuty luiamis yauon asbrisaItet Mas. Franks Bogiter oc Ssnday, al n entKthnr Ma. and Ma. Jack Ford ad od Tacs TwncoracdM.a cCr M-anduiis. a B.ke nd farn Fload escs-Kti dasgbtaa f etPferborough mere ."Happy Nem Yaor" and me brae ly at Oemnssiem vssufd ils Ma. holiday risifors ils their par- t',at yoa iii reprate wtsalisssta and Mas. Franks Magstera LONG SATIN TRAIN rats. Ma. snd Mm. Clarece Ford.sabe Teenu Town ilu graatu'esssarss Me. asd Mas. oas Cla ras vsiufd BRIDAL GOWN FEATURE Ma. asnd Mas Festisamiasa Fard ia '52 sawisisMa. and Mas. George Pellet- AS VIRGINIA RESTIVO WED ssd fariiy ot Ridgefoss ss.tfu.u Maron ordofGuephMr.an CAPSELVILEFarcds ara seraytahbaor flats lit > v M.saury Msmsn Catisalur MonoDasFord tof rîptil!. Ma ced AP VLEMas JusuMasasll mas isis duit Cbsas. Milton, wmdeenrted as Christmasa viitors ih Ibeir par- ChismaNeweê M Vuars fsitis and ait l 5ib easaj ialors. ils tise ator ets. M. asd Ma. Robert Far.n hrst asPat ahr wa ssanerd silsibauquets of flemera Happy New ear leaal friedsduA St Da is S.S.fur the seddinof tVirgunia Bail- ansd rars f Iis molam. My A tMDvgaritimers Leave is.., dtusghisra uitMa. asd Mas. Ag- yas lira as long as pou mant t.S.Dvd ula colhdaandmoir Muleoa.MHa n SM.. Mi-n May yos îasgisas long as S. aid.Sady esitia aH m s For West sdMatMl tMi I.MS ise. Chistmleas party for tie memberesHfuiso, suie of Mes. Slvatrice Mule uit an Sats.rday asenuuse About f aamtSc-v tl n h sau dsuuainsuippr 'huahmwa:s fsI- Tisa ,nusuhu,,as 10.4', in-c1te r u le.iyty as b luii'd by gama.ms is al euiîsyrd. 'ui,usr su in te ast Iris yeare nitis. tt a . aîrJ.P adep-- KILBRIDE Tisa'baguases lasssav a lttir supsua-nI ofIhealsid'MaritimeaBasdFthsea J P. Lar d par- Chistusmas ssmisaa. Mas. H. Spears Provinces" î,l Nem Brunsmuik, umt1h's,-uiui Wdn- Co biedCo cet shomed csmein, y tui sfoie 1i.,atf NovauSesuta ,and Pisce Thdma rddday Jassoabp 2 uobn dC net -s 'itise Qabec regiss Islnd. This iui eeesidaaabty beluia is iru.'tisaa ofi b'ha Decided Success At ase asly iosa. îuliy Sasta tliuucreassa fna al Canada. wtse. ra anme ha long .Clauss.pprared and dud hs suil Inlaiis espssdîsf cgr, lise vital tsais, it.bied bl astrimtis s lo Mr. an Mrs. erbertand Lyn iuuid lied of dastaistico liii gifîs -ruistiuisof tisa -Maritime" tfuinrtflaldsgs nd e' tram Hamitonc ad M. and Ms 15 eeayue. iis,.restiiflthsarusuutanadlthe iiisatrimmidmwifispra' the Normaffullisgsvstisand Narma. DasghSsdySiuiluia asisnaystheustiaotra - ssituîr tIa 9uig mis.-uuuaa Mary acd Jaohn truiesBaisses Crans i J. .Sutheraland tsld th- stolotiubd, a-ts Fseilpo.- se u mas btin usplace by a isead- weeChristmassîsituirs ils Ma.uif 'Tise Oiser Wise Man" iuis Tiesa ull e gin ni PiPuliunis <Pr.î ils and s)arkliiî. and Mas.JohnsustltlusassotiTeInrlsraed eseryner pre.sre'. Qaillc"Of Thsirîhrasîrpar IM of P"""sdsabirsesaîsed latter apasl tise maris bera. a large a mier of swhite gifla mari' lut"ii iu f lisuse tisae'provinces soe n irbuutwso e ,uissusaisd.ai'sfae. Tisoe saui d witeblosoiti5 Tise combisuad Cristmasconcet aiuha uthe Sssday Scisa l v Thei'muid ilfihissur, Miss Angela isemer tia sisus eisut ud lsebc uses tiitise Chisluresa Asd lifirfctat sthlier pptisiîisîesgauimlis stivo. sisas o lise hid-. mareý Ssnday scisuisi as c daauded sue- Chisstma.s«.'a.gteensisalelsisulumfelatisruve css. Tise papts pstana graand Is tise eresus c Me Sutheranaud iitr ues opl..sihamurted. ift assmtiîairdir paogramand ltse hasl mas filîrd iiusad lise crisiapresented e cea; Misst lisey luiPetise raesto t a ft ih mthn edi fisaesa SanaCiss rrisd~5sassutaasalsrric audarosesautueut ad arrurd a th oreustaCas rie i cuiflcalsrvc.buuet of rosaaslared cartions. ime ta dîsîrisuta gffu tui arh Lookaist tis a ptanssofui iuds- Tisa idasmald.s, Miss Syvia Rcst- hiId terytise rIlcgo peafeemuic, e. isa itro hebieadMs Anmeoffml inrcl 200 C.ooks Serve Istaîrsaia. aut tise plains olid it-sii.centder attoisecobie ofdtMe ,,.-c, ý hscln binde. Hailtosn, ore pomdec istue braion weCre ia nt hecommn- Eg In 93W s and5inustise US. miss misas tisaygaso flce re-atIsm - tissaisstms st. liseurof lceesse t"rouI-it Ma nd as omsEsasaut NrsVars'WuidsiAssauuiss ord tr birtispt ecn Ps-mstriug badpieaec o! blor andt girls tram Georgtamn emes ssu- a fairaclaim tsiseiatthe rats'ft issie" Tisie îae eými'nistyqate puei mls bis elo an iafcdrbau- tsors nSsaday mith Ma. snd Mas, ail huielas. Nt o 's byeshisir w ronhMitime!'Sfuth- i'sutytumsd ant Wilam Bslad. Thyalsuo atend- meassaamesf dus it escedany i roiOntarîi rz Mlitnbth f cod tise Curri s-ariieliîer; iti s s seautuisale mu wthinu _______Osi ae itibufsa Miss Diane Abisott Framas a i. ls liug the Wolduuaf iea -tise asais, mss basf mac. aed mas a meek-end vsstr ils ber Readean Diget ariclaeasodeesed CANADA LEADS usies emre Cisalie Redtire. Mil- suaI and serla. M. and Mms. Fa ric om ndCocr, urs AS DOMINION HOLSTEIN ftoui brutisar ofthebr side and 20e McArfhua. Dane sag a sls aI Saflea aps, "Wil psaf stataisiefOet- DECLAREO WORLD CHAMPION MuleHHamituin, cosis of tbe tise rissaci Ssndsy atresea side, a risulsara an-dergo-miesa -groom. caagery; est s plaseas c'g ,se a.m1SeutuscRoyal Wusc. ised snd Mas AneeCarcitt ptayad tise LOWVILLE sandmuih; spand $66onea sus gf r asaeoi ha Atbrt Silieg. Eteira. eddieg musir. biletof tchampagne; bey o cees- Oni. s tise asly Hol steinie tise Wddieg brakfstsf as ield sI I ..~...........t. ~ plete meedrobe iarisdisg a 014.11011 orld îbfsroead br is rdshm.sdIm uss ,oegafslaflans 10 Mn. ted Mas. impressîve bervice i Tisomas Kennedy. Tisep reieisraed O h it a thir ffy-sevenfis medut a- n C rit a ay iccrsol'y on Nemw'teaa"s Day. Tise ancuai Cisistmsas concrt ile feeed r as ct weeb lise scriol mas naf as mcii attenut- Ther impressire Christmnas servis- edOasoosul. itlmas a verystorcip as is oar isarebes mltiste seas- niaisi. Tisa papis pal an an ex-o- tuseie santd music le over. sellant proaram tsial must have Tisa S. Gerges Anglican Cisuris abe a graI dra f #Planning and haut a mal arrasegreseuttde liaitisa pratire ton tise pupils andutlier service on Sssday igt, Derambea teasisea Mm .Paua. Sane defigit- 3t. eu th Iba isdren mies is amsanete iffiuol drivssg andt sosy sssioad thea Ime. 'sealisua rîrtd tisamacy guasts Ma. ted Mms. Wm. MeCulloagis as tbny jouineyed ltisahir famlp apet Christmsas Day le Guelpis gstbeaeg.s on Christmas Day. Wr mîthtibar daugisîris. hope tisa travelling as Nae Vecit Ma. and Mas. Wm. Walaca erre Day iii be tam iazardous. Christmasa gorts in tise home of M. George Bell o Neson spent M. anut Ms. Kas Walace, Guelphs. Chistismas Rar sitis M. andt Mas. Chraislnas aiss us is e nome W JRobertson sand Christmas oi Ma. ted Mas. Oscar Luiukaa igt i usM. asnd Mn. R. S. weae Mca Lackca'u matisen, Ms Ifatberiegtes. Wrigh. M. aut Mas. Beat Wright A srprie dineeaparyinsbon- and faniiy, Mr. and Ms George sr of M. andt Mas. Hary iais- Redmas asnd Raran. ardsas fortietis mrddlsg asir- Measut Ma. Harolut Baumas u'ary mas give at tiseborne of and An (ifWrstossmrragussaof Dr. and Ms F. G. Ifesîp of Pal- Mc. and Ma. Peter MaLans ons res Desembar 30 1951. The tb- Chistismas Day. er gurala 'sare Mr.and tMas. Begi Ma. and Mas. Grant MsMilIae Tim uand tamily. Campietiite; and Msa Dosnas spesf Christmas Ma. and Ms. SHaroldt Mcraali wltb tise BartaeCs i Georgeto. Bollettos; Me. andt Mas. Joise Me and MsL. W. MaMitîs ichinardson aut tamif y; M. andt visitusi fissr daaaislca. M. Barberarlls. Lloyd Dryde, Tassey andt n Georgtown on Chistimas Day. Mica Olive Richrsonm. Toronto. Ma. and Mms. FrdBetzel and Tise famif y pesetd Ma. cnd Mas. taessly of Tronto mre hbiatuuy IlR.ihrdson wmh ban ovaîy guestsataithe Metel home., ta lump. Messrs. J. J. Iteneamn andt Joe Heerasan sare Chisltmas guesta Bssb sn the t60Ms, King Chales t the iII home le Ena. t of Englanu taeblîctf roanFrech M' .ad Mm. . Medeersss culi- msnufacturer lthe secret of mublea er. a.ncd Mms. James Rbsisons Ice-ceame ced pol thtie seller 50M eit Chrsie an Chistas Day ponsda c eapension le keep tise A Happy Mcm Tear tla sl. recîpe sacraIt ram sîbers. b---misa muk roat; hbas--a u tots _e- 1200 ,lis»fate toI e offic-iaI uni Ao a 200_. iueat.-s catbrr'd aISt. Miebsels trarîrd; strp nis ausriale rasirasd mterof farf se aissaelirsad ineba Hsuti. Hmitsmiera ay sacr rer; ecarteraiatiesainse rooithtisOrly Hosteirie mil osre tisan reaiard by Ms. Redtiroa, ttirer ilS 1999 people; or bump nia a' one'aecerd asaarding 12M0 lbs. fat lofthtie bride. in a dusty rose arepa former King uitRsglsed. lise only on officaii t esnd ragardîret;of cuisnsaifhisitet a-ast des- living as-Passidra f athtiaGUrd' fimes riiied dails BRoyal Wîeg ion an tbe strares and bedîce. State,îr.taGînerasl Dougsa usa-Imadea ilthtiss'120011).ftnrodsonas Leauilsg is bar hissast, tise- Arthurs- ail tuf hmiue lise oic tisa tre fumea day mlkiuso entise bride mure a gry acal fittad suift prmisas. CsnsdanltRecordsofPerforance. milbast bat sborsand paasr. In amy yeatise iolIilI letl s Asi;asc-vn-y»;ii-nlltsisapradiisid Gueals allnded thtis saddieg 2000 rouimo ito 10,00trasssiese- 1219 iissluitinsu, 28.505 liss itk front, Hamilton. BufaIsoand sels. LIss Jsîy lise ao'u.'sli'e as 4 11'i)ss s niai' yen.-,,I'.d 1215 lbs Georgetomn as mlt as Maitan. sinaut iy 11.29.5 Amr rauns lassa fut ftm22.114 ibs.sis ut (423'; i ________ asryîsta.'oaî'pf Wyoming)în1 andieulsuas un asetlut1214 Iiss faf isy 913 patros fo ateCansadutand 49 fusai 30,540 Iis. îilla .7;. iîs Ta etioinafe tisa pusibiity sf sîberaresatrias. utarestus ing sssotitalluincea,1uOf motuto ose. place tmslumpsaof A Wsldsaf g, it'tay diaisisu'tbeeesssi.aiie yarl iaa sga in aasaerd cainermits Noarweia pamigaci($12for theauidsisar mils prouionta in- lise cesroc Tisît osty keepe bird). uitrtape fotrue iafsar t rasotumuid truiesareuimttisg butr- or battais steaks tram Canadua. aSslsttsr usdaisiessa atmlt Chirben san biii' in s71 uifferent ous icuai'sduiy mitkisiofm5uis gava mas, eggs us 93. But il ut pa nt hua uf ttiliftus ise luisis- plinuisstut asbuuueu'ucoinauîg ypuseaut tiiuis tt1232833 ha utulis coltiisi ssn irr get ilý Tises uliussy asuumîlus- f5i72 iiiý. fti, averagete 1t ,1411 perMissig A rrf fisar pit olfish' duity rotifine cent.iutu'ratu sNi'i Ae i otMillions of 20i0 Wadof cosbs.csian.uarit Rouyal Wuig i ot-Aeia 1uinuon'îypeuuofufoodîpr'pauîuue foltin uCliiuiu1iiiuui. ndbeliu'sadftu Hunifoi-iisuissigDiuejaat in Wuiers, as satît as seiosa, are It-Wsald 'Championî. 1r fat tuarMurtisro Causuil.'iiots liii' fs- sperialusta. ena BIais, bos sIofIbheit'asndfours uonseuieiifaita- psyeas.f tiis r.uunta *y milliotn et ,maitas say a gsti ue",oustiet tiiissonioftiiiteustat'giiedlsssOftdllarsruieisv.erici direct usiien- Ilt;îîîeots a nd su havue ibe ricit t'mesus ibeutduuly anod fur tm.ise, anduaesuieilsgraounttfor voassuuaay. ietusst'eeauiyut raonsessitar ulacuationss sn fbecmraanduterasnresssa raafîIn snsmeu flue luaîruiswbc)istu su,! use s aysadssu diionsssere'ast'aiss luitise pea- 'Viseni'doilrsflltisauumestesom?'uuor lRoyl WigiausasuisaOil Oeat sonne]isuilsed 'Whiuscisfthe orchestra play- cas.yîsu ad seOis tussaisahr The.auisiofisuimiiita muistund ing?'fai'iemedssssursautss usily, Oluru s il mllisgiy Lie eat'd. Tise sf- Thcg?'" .uolceiote - a aaberiofthfasuss"Rsg AP- irai record tf sursais* rusauusu'- ehuet, bs asssttaiteudel.'efuau's,, Pefuî'tusly.H t'aracordIs tii1219, vire sisows a busevra aout af riolul 25 parlslr ne nasuuu dsmas sud ut 1215 anut 1214 las. baferefat are as- rases crinitiser tise euding of cIera-isulîage enougiftu keip or- petiusay tesixthb.sevasfisand dressue tram ther rrssonabl pertts deain asmalircity. Theieut aut susîtt is iicest individual yerny of itlusoand lassai us tise cousis shsmen offe reusiemideiclt records muda lase i n th il.. dernssfo iesl.aBut 1caîî fram gustsoîemaa'îsîapîin Cnada otrî.lumaday miik- in esrasettlysocbaeesaaone'ouit ef gsceb-sbig place. Caulut amas usg. avasplheisrispeisfootfbeaaee Dcoma? "Wr sit ndutliots e a fsri - Anu t fise. dalares Tisa Finaacial1 o amwite," lise chiefsi apo ilh o Caeada bas comaie 00,00miles Of Post, muSe a duisiasa daim ta vest beasoleef chrug. 1bhugismy. 1aspeedifure of puieî tams. --Y.DON TO KARACHIU A Britisis Comet jet air-lner ce- centfy flem tram London ta Kara. chi, 4,350 miles, le 10 boussantd 37 minutes. The tiret, non-stop, lap 0f tise jousrsey mas te Cairo 2,235 milesn, s5 bancs and 2M minutes. Tise Comel mil Se flylea as acan- lar Eastern routen le January. J. An ELLIOTT Uacensed Auclleeeer ond REAL ESTA111 - Phone 177J Millon MY SINCERE THANKS TO THE Electors of Esquesing Township for their confidence in me in according me an :acclamation to the office of Reeve George Leslie TO ELECTORS 0F TOWNSHIP 0F ESQUESING: YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE FOR R. N. Bgrown FOR COUNCILLOR WILL SE APPRICIATED ON MONDAY, JANUARY 7TH Havng served threo previous years as councillor, I wiIi en- deavor to gîve ail due consideratios 10 the taxpayers' dollars and to tise improvement of the township. This is the first lime in five years you have had the privilege ta vote for a Lcouncil 50 lets get out and vote. Co-op News SPECIAL FERTIL IZER $1 .25 per ton discount on ail Fertilizer delivered in January Place your order now for prompt delivery Free Delivea'y on Route Day Service wiIb à SmiIe MiltonDistrictCo-operative MILTON 127 - phone -- GEORGETOWN 86 fi MILL. ST. GEORGETOWN PHONE 529 SigeBls Cont. Mon. thu Fr i. Sinle 111 7.00 p.m. Sat. and Double Bills at Hol. from 6.45 pe.. t 7.0 9 Every Set. and Hol. ___________ FRI.-SAT. JAN. 4-5 Adventure la the South Sea Jungle JOHN PAYNE RHONDA FLEMING ""CROSS WINDS"" Couac by Technicolor MON.-TUES. JAN. 7-8 Trapprd loy the -Whîsperîng Past' CLAUDETTE COLBERT ANN BI.YTH "THUNDER ON THE HILL"f WED.-THURS. JAN. 9-10 JOHN WAYNE NARRY CAREY JR. '"3 GODFATHERS"" John Ford's Teheicolor Legend of the Southwest TEUPSDAY. TAMIPkXV Jwl ý 9 i 1 1 1 1

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