Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jan 1952, p. 2

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PAGE 1O Tf-E CANDIAN HAMPIN, MITON, NTAAT TUSN ,J3UR C d t EJ3J~~LQPJAL ~'ïe ~i'QTi What of 1952? 1 'There are many forecasts Ihese days and mony comporisuns wilh the past os me launch t int a new year. Every year's end brings this in-t quisitive turn tu mens minds-the desire tu pre. dicl what is aheod-the eogerness lu show sumne- thing better ln the new yeor and surpass the record ut the post yeor. Tonotten that urge isr motivted and tronslated imb lerms ut finances.i Tonoten the business outiook predominotes ourF thinking. Mony times our comparisons stop with the figures on the balonce sheel. Weve lut scanned at o poper thal devoled four or five pages to opinions from business coaders on the business outiook for 1952 and more pages tu summaries of different commodi- tien. They con't ail be right atd a complete digest would beave une cottfused and bewilder' ed. One lhing seems lu be sure - ail opinions are hopeful. Canada appeors on the verge ut greot development ut its vasf natural resources. n foct Ihat eraofutexpansion has aireody been enlered. But whal ut the other greol things which are more vital thon finances tu the development ut Canada? What if me gain greot meaith and in the gaining lune our young manhood in mors or in living that is easy and irrespunsible and dues nul perform ils duty in strung and desirable foundoitions for Ihuse whu follow? Each in bis own cucemunity con do his shore in unselfish- ness and the commun good. World affirs are but the combined reflection ut al ut us. Whal ut 1952? Dimninishing Supplies When me were a lad the fomily fuel supply mas mond. For inIer burning good beech or moapie mas processed and for summer mond the lçed ut imbs or stabs trom the sommîilmode the heat required for conking. As the mondiots mere depleted me otten heard the morry expressed tha mie moetdered what me mere ging lu, do mhen Frmer Smith's good bush mas ail cut dlown. Betore the bush mas depleted along came cool aI o price that compeled mith moud and did a more stistoctory job aginst keeping the Cana- dian cold out ut the homes. It mode it pussible to have a bouse above freezing to melcome the damn ut a nem day. Cool, as me remember it in those days, mas about $6 per ton and in plenti. fui suppiy and me mece better served that with moud for fuel purpuses. Juil as the sttisticiars mere beginning to estimote the morld's supply ot cool os sufficient for o certain number of yeors, the ash conis that were 'it front ut every home have disappeared the some s the moodpiies and the sound ut cool eattling inb bins is nul as prevoient as il mas o fem years ogo. Many homes are burning oul for heat and, of course, for cooking the old cool or moud range bas practicolly had its day in tomn and country os electricity and bottled gos and oul stoves push such methods into the discard. Judging by the rate t which oil discoveries are being.made it iii be some years befure me miii be confronled mith the diminishing supply ut this fuel. Looking bock over the years me think ut the oniety that might have been spared if aur taith had been firm in the bounteous sup- plies of Iis earth and mans determination tu put them into use. If Con Be Donel The safe drîving record of the Chrismas season in the city and throughout Ontario proves that if citizens realize the tom is going to be en- forced lbey miii not mix their drinking mith Ibeir driving. Having pruven Iis, mhy con" me bave lam enfurcement mith the same effective. ness throughout the whoie year? in Toronto over Christmas police picked up 228 peroons, 173 on charges ut drunkenness and 53 on other offen- ces. 37 mere charged ilh their abiliiy impaired mbicb meont that they meren't sober. Our traffic toli ut dead and injured coni be impruved ail througb the yeor. But il miii take rigid entorcement of the lbm la maintain the record. It iii require the bocking of police by the courts. Once the tact bas been estabiished thol driniking drivers iii nol be tolerated on our highmays the toit from this cause iii drup. The mboie mtter con be settled by the Attorney« Generai's office and the instructiuns that are is- sued tberefrom. Tbey iii have the backing ut every gond citizen. A drinking driver is not an accident, but an abuse of ciizenship priviiegea. letaîl price minimum cannot be set by the manufacturer any longer. At leost mie have a nem lam banning such proctice. Wbt effect it iii have on alilufu us niy time iii tell. We stili have guvernmenî levien mhich add much to the prices chrged for al goods. Caref ul Driver P enalized Tie coreful driver is penaltzed when il cornes tc buyîng automobile innurance, suggests the Montreal Star. "One of the weoknesses of motor insuronce as il is osually mrittcn is that the care- fui driver who seldom hos a claim pays, îhrough high and alwoyn higher innuronce rates, for the mon who is repeotedly in* trouble and costn hts insuronce compony more-often a lot more-thon his premiums omount to. Whtever moy be done to correct this unfoirniens miti help lu reconcile o sense of injury which many coreful drivers have. t Bears Repeating We have read time and again how to, reduce the cunt of living but too many of us wait for the other feitom to put it into, proctice while we go on our comptacent may hoping for the bent. Wherever there ns an increose in the supply of moncy without o corresporiding increose in the supply of goods and services, prices go up. ln order to reduce pricen, either production must catch up with the mucsey supply or the money supply must be cul dlown to the nupply of goods and services. Since 1 933, the money supply in North Americo has been increased fiveeimes while production hon not increased significantly. Here are tacts thot must be foced. First, the cost of living is flot going lu, go dlown very mach or very fant. Second, the cost of living miii decrease onlya as production increases.t Third, if mages continue lu spiral without cor-t responding production increoses, prices wiii go igber and so miii the cost of living. Fourth, mages are the determining factor in the cost of living for everyone. Fiftb, governmenî controls and restrictionst are incapable of reducing the colt of living butL are capable. as in England. of reducing the wbole population to the level of bore subsis. tence.r Beware Carbon Monoxide The seoson is here mhen reports are publish. ed that so-and-so mas tuund unconscious- or dead--n is car or garage, an unsuspecting vic- tim ut carbon monooide poisoning. Such hap. pens many tîmes each inter, regardless ut the tact that marnings are mode in the press an-j nually. Carbon monooîde is colorless, udorless; the first worning-if there is a warning- s an uver- pomering sleepiness mhich means that only seconds remoin. For sfety there are a couple of "dos' and an important "dont". The tirst "do" is always have a cor window open o littie whether driving, or waiting mitb motor running lu keep worm. The second 'do" s tu moke sure that ail eohoust fittings on the car ore tight to prevent leakoge. Above ail, 'dont" con o cor or truck mtur in a closed garage. Under freak conditions, even these raies wii not guarantee sotety but will allow a chance lu reâcfle the average number ut deaths each in- ter. Again we warn motorisisn Beware ut carbon monoxidel Editorial Notes Happy Nem Yeor. May 1952 be brîght for you throughoul its 366 doys. The fresh new calendars are in place and the days ut 1952 are before us- and this yeor has une extra day. We enjoyed, like many others, the between holidays period lu once again go over the many unique and tine Christmas greetings which came at this îoyous season. Predictions are that Jonuary wiil again sce a bargain rush as stocks are lurned insu, cash and the customers with the cash will be more sought thon tor many years past. The midwinter thaw mas even a bit previuus r ond the settling o snowbanks came in late >December instead ut January. However, there is plenty left for the Januory thaw to work on. F n sharp contrast lu its sister provinces, Sas- katchewan has lost population since 1941, points out the Regina Leader-Post, which adds; "We arc contronted wilh the blunt tact Ihal Saskatchewan s primorily an ogriculturol province, and il may continue to be such for mony decades. Thal be- l ig su, os long as our rural population continues 1to shrink il is hard lu se a may ouI ut our dilemma unless this drift oway from the tond con be hlted." KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCI4 RE V. E. ORIBREN, Itiniater Mrs. G. Neweil, Orgaisa S1JNDAY, JANUARY 6ls, 1952 11.080am.-'Bearts Couragenun. - 7.00 p.m.-'And Jesus Came to Them." Ecening Servcer miiibc beid in S. S. Boom until iurtber nticer. Monday. January 7-7 p.m., Sen- ior Girls' Auxiliary. Bote. Min. Robertson; 7 p.m., - Get- together Group. S. S. Ronce. Tunaday. January 8-2.45 pm., Wo- Young Womnens Auxllary, hooteso, Mms. B. Robelasne. Tbursday, Jemuary 1t - 2.45 p.m., Siaple Leai Gmoup. hostessa Mms. A. Waldle; t pm.. 'Even- isg Dnpartment of W. M. S.. hogtes, Mms. Cliiinrd il. Quen St. Note change oi date. GUACE ANUCWAN CHUSH Stentor tEes. J.itmer Forrts.SA, ][.Th SUNDAY, JANUtARY 6tis. 1952 Tise Ppiphaisy 8.08 a.m.--Moly Communion. 1).00 as. - Sunday Scisool and Bible Closos. 11.00 a.nL--ChosBl Mo1y Commun- ionnand Sermon. 7.08 p.m.-Choral Evensong and Sermon. Bniy BaptsnnEFKoAffeisnent Order 61 services tMeld lu10 L.0.M ail) Thursay, Janaary 3 - .30 pm., Frayer Meeting and Bible Study t Mr. Longdeo home. SUNDAY. JARUARY ibis, 1952 10.00 .m.-Sunday School. r11.00 a.m-Womshlp Service. 7.00 p.m.-Evangelistic Service. Tuesday, Jaeaary 8 - .30 p.mn., Young Peopîn's Service. SOWES SAPTIST CHURCH On M4hway No6 2 Paotar, .Robert F. Snyder Sunday. Jan. Otb. 3 p.m.-4Copel service in the I.00OF. Mall. Milton. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CNURCH IOiaIter-MV. J. LU DLAIB. b. OrganittMr. ]Robert K. Cam S1JNDAY, JANUARY tth, ARO 10.0t a.m.--Scnior Sehool. 11.0t a.m.-Commmion and Bec- eption Service, Junior Sehoot and Nursery. Friday. Jonuary 4-8 p.m., Union Wrrk of Prayer Service. Mondoy, January 7-7 p.m., C.G.L T. wili ment; 8.15 p.m., OGile- iltBoard wmut meet le Sun- dey Sciseol Boom. Wedncoday, January "-.15 p.m., Mission Circle mill ment at the Peronage. Thursaoy, .Tonuary lt- pm. AI- ternoon Amdflary ot tise oe of Mca. Camnpbell Wilson. Frîd,7ràiJanaryl - 7.38 p.uL. MILTON GOSPEL CHAPU. Inthse Formera' Building S1JNDAY, JANUARY euh. tUf 1.30 a.m.-Sunday School and Ad- att Bible Clis. 7.00 p.m.-Commnsaion Of the Larda Supper. 8.00 p.m.-Evenlng Service. Trhucodoy, Jontoery I nt 8-Wemei8 Misososm Auxliooy ot tihe home of Mma S. Sherrat, TueOdaF, JonuacY t et 8.30--PraF- e and Bible Study. Ail are Weleesne aT. ion", NUASMVA Md a.St. OacomLOWWVM SUNDAY. JANUAtY ethIM18 Epiphony DaF 11.00 a.m.-Moly Communion an'à Chureis Sehoat and Sermon et St. Georges. 2.30 p.m.-Holy Communion andi Sermon at St. John'. Wednesday, January 9 - 2 Wp.m. Meeting oi St. George's W.A. oettthe home.oi Mr. and 19MS Smitten Currie. Wedssesday, January "-.30 pm., Meeting of A.Y.P.A. et Ltme- stone Seheol. Everybody Wetcomne Toronto has more worisero on a five-day mecis than any other Canadien city. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLER'S GUIDE Fifty Years Ago' Taisen tram tise Osoadia Cham- plisof etTisrsday. lanisry 2.1802 MIr. McNamaro mas tise recipient ia beautiful robe and string ofi hello irom tise Sisteen congrega-à tien at their Christmas ree on1 Chrismas nigbt.1 We congratulate J. F. Richardson1 on brieg again elected reeve ni Nclson. He is gondrason ho be1 peond of lise office and is tise1 youngrst man thon bas es-er beid1 tise poiion. Mr. Richaurdson bus bren twîee elected by acclamation andis the only reece marrîed dor. ohg his term of otfice. Tbe pot office at Lomilîr mas nînerd in10Thon Langto's store on To,-sday last. Mr. Langton in the nem postmaster. At Knoxî Cburcb Munse. Mton. onTîîroday. Dec. 31, by Bcs'. E. F MeL. Smitb. BA. Min% Joephier ttccsîoeilnd Smiiel 0cr. Jr. boUs ot Trafalgar. The f,,1lliimuis a lst of nomna- tions in Haltcn luni Mo,îday an fie as lhî'y hvbacbreeportrd: Milton--Maor. SDie W J Aermstrong. F F. dari J.S. Dron. De. R.K. Ande-rson. Messrs.. Dia- Cc. darl and De. Anderson retired, Couneillor-Geo. A. Hrmstreeel. J. M. Batrdo. Thon MeDomelI. W. A. Clark, Chat. Jones, J. F. Little. De. H. A. MeCol. B. Gollsp. David Hatlry. W.G. MeKenzie. Wm. Cie' ments. De. . mîisoon. Adam Me- Kay. Messrs. McKay. Bastedo. Hemstreet. Clemenis and Hartlry and De. Wîebsncme eected by aeclamatioîn. the other candidates relîriof. School Trustees - Souths Ward. Adasm Meday and J. H. Peacoeb; Noîrth Ward J. M. Bastedo and P. Campbel; FasWard. Dr D. Rît lîrs'ecîn and Il î'sîey Turner. Me. Turnereretîeed. Trafalgar -HReici'. DeBuck; s'iinciliîes, 1l. Fratherslîne. Johbn F. Fored. Ilnglebuet. Jas. Wald- beîîub. ail by acclamatioin. Esqiueing-BRe.e John W. Nesi by acclamatioîn. Cîîîîneîl.JohnoMe- Gibbon. Jobs Campabell. David jCoob. Iichard Grahsam. ail by or- Twenty Yeors Ago Fr0555 tise Cenadian Cisampto et Thsrsdey. Jeauary tb. lois On Monday tast tise saisocrlptlon 1108 ai tise Milton iteformier mas sait ta Mesrs. J. W. BligisO and F. L White, publiohere ofl teCam- pion. Marshall T. Whte, son oi the late Richard Whilte, pablioher of Use Milton Reformer, mill continue tise job department in the oame building misere tise Reformer isod bren publiohed. fiurîng 1931 there mere 33 biriho, il murriogro and 20 deathu is Mil- ton. Misses Adrîbsa Frane, Myrtie Gallagiser and Alice Home have resumned their nlodies aI the Nor- mol School. Hamilton. Amosg those mho attended the lacerai of the lte Richard White brrr on Saturday bost mere Thon. A. Blahelocb M.PP. of Gatevilte. W. D. Gregory of Toronto, E. A. Harets. editor of the Burlinglon Gaazette, Berce Gro. B. Harris, of Bislinglon. and B. Orr of Oaheille. Dr.A. M. Neilten frît on thse ire t Use bouse ni a friend in George- ton ii'eently and landed on an ros railin, breaingorcveral ofits ribs, Cbîet Eael ot the Milton Fie Brigade eports tisaI thcre mas onty one tire in tomo during 1931. that ut James Coultero tframe bonne on Pine St. the total tons beig $11.20h. Tlephonenservicr mhîch mas badly erippled doring the slret stoenono Nem ears Day is eapid- y b eîng re-established in the Mil- ton area wshee 700 subseeibers vs-ce temporarily rot off. In St. Paul's Unitedt Choreh or Satueday afttrnoon. the morriagi wos sîîiemnîeed ot Flora May, daightir of P.S. Inspector J. M. and Mes. Decyrs of Mlton and Mr. William Whitlaher King. non of Mr. anod Mes. Wm C. King. of Gaisilir. Bec. J. W. Aikios otfieîated. MEDîCAL THE STEVENSON CLINIC Phsones: Milton-Numbler 2 Dr. C. K. Stevenson Dr. Fred Melnyls Dr. MeGregor E. Koigisi C'ifice Hours: A.M.-By appointment only. P.M.-1-4 7-9. SUBDAYS-Emmrgesrien nniy. MILTON PRIVATE BOSPITAL X-RAY Coroner. C.P.B. and Gaoi Surgeon DR. G. E. SYER Physician and Surgeon Office-James Street Pisone No. 38 Office Boues: 9 a.m.; 1-3 7-8.30 p.m. Coroner DR. J, W. McCUTCHEON Farmers' Building. Main Street office Hoors-9 a.m.; 1-4, 7-9 p.m.1 Telephone 395W Besideace 395J1 LEGAL DICK & DICK W. i. DICK, K.C. K. Y. DICK Bacrintero. Solicitors Brown Street, opposite Arena Telepisone 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON, K.C. Sarrister, Ioiicitnr. £ei. Office-Beot liner Champion Office, Main St.. Milton Telepisone 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOTT Serrisier, Solicitor, Notr Publie Office-In Farmers' Building Main Street, Mlon Telepisone 70 OPTîCAL CARSTEN GLANN Saccemsor tn B. C. LAIRD For Appointmenin Phone 50 Milton LEVER & NOSKIN Cbartered Aceouats Soccesoro te IENKINS & HARDY 1305 Metropoitan BIdg., 44 Victoria St.. Toronto Eig. 9131 DENTAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SUREGEON Office in Royal Building. Milton Boucs 9-5 Eveningn by Appointment X Boy Service Telephone 191 DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SUREGEON Office in Formera' Building on Otreet ilonr Eveningo by appointmont X-Bay Service Telepisone 65 CMIEOPRACTOR D. THEODORE WATSON CHIROPEACTOR WEST MARY ST., MILTON tReoidence niflMraC. Morley) OFFICE HOURS: WED. - 2-9 p.m. SAT. 15 a.m.-9 p.m. Or by appoitment tetepnone 55>, Long Bcanch office: 10 Marina Ave. Telepisone B.T. 2384J NIELSEN - Tho Chlroprae Dregiets Tierapist S 37tis Vear ai Practice & Lady Attendant Mon.. Tues., Fr1.. 2-5 p.m. Wed., Sot., 2-5 and 0-9 p.m. Cloaed Tisday Oser Dominion Store, Genrgetown Pisone 150-W We urgenily reqiie lisetings rat iarm properay irom 5M to 300 acre& Alno sceallholdings iron i te 21k Contact ANDY FRANK A.ssociate at Campbellvilie Phsone Moltaon IfaS C. H.DYMENT Realtor 123 Wentmorth St. S., Hamsilton Phone 7805 TRAVILLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY STANDARD TIldE Going East-7.51 ans. daily; 2.07' g.on.daly; 8.57 p.m. daily. eept Sunday only-9.24 p.m. Go9ini West-9.35 ara daily; 0.2 pmdaly, 12.45 a.m. deily excepI Sandoy Iflagi. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Going North-7.58 ar. Goice Sauth-TSI p9.m. - H. Swacbbamer J. A. Henderoon. JGen. Hyndn. J. B. Mattisemo, -Bualington-Berce Lt. Col. Kerns laoaln. by acclamation. Council. C. W. Ge',rgetomn eee. W. Nx-King. A. B. Clin,Jos. Acland E on, MD, acclamation. Council. A. Wlliamson. B. Bradley, J. G. ttarley. J. A. Bell, Nelon-Reeve J. F. Richardson Jos Barerr.D. Thompson. John acclamation. Counel, A.D. Alton, Gibnon. Weî. MrLeod. R I. Creel- J. Ibepherd. A. J. Fleming, W. man. F. J. Barber. Foter. S. Nixon. Acton - Berne, John Wlliams, Nasagaweya-Reeve and roun- Henry Jeans. Councl, John Agnew, cil re-clected by acclamation. The Canadian Champion Publînhed each Thursday at Main Street, Mlton, Ontarioa Authorizrd as Second Clama Mail, Pont Office Departosent, Ottawa G.A. DILLS, Publioher Founded Un 1860 Member C.W.N.A. and Ontario- Quehec Division C.W.N.A. Advertining Raten on Raquent SUBSCRIPTION N ADVANCE, $250 UN CANADA, $3.50 IN UNITED STATES 6 monîhs, $1.50 Single Copien, 6c TILPHONI Businens Office ................. 220 -1 RARN AVE IUCKS A 'SElS AFTER 'SF1 AND TAXES." MAY HAVE SEEMED BETTER THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TRURSDAY, JANUARY 3r4t IOU ý PAGZ TWO ý f

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