THE CANADIAN CHAMPION ..o narold C. Fay -Utr Snd PLUMBING and CEMEI4T AND CIMIER HEATING FOR J. COOKE Bruce McKerr JOM o ar,UMILTurN miOm t11W PItOHE 4mi Des. ane. _le, 17, la JL00 "'eBING .omi jCHERRIES n'?39c * WAUPOOS Ne. 4 43c CHOICE CWu : PEAS 211- 31c it POIwo Crasse t lckweil * PLUM PUDDING, '1-' 55< AYLM'ER-PURE TOMATO C ÀT S U P 19e PICKLES' '25< PLAIN OLIVES '~38c OXYDOL Large Pisg. 39c W. -Y hisghst aniSaS acs fo suas Ooppig tag. .mI.ue ai UN ADRAISINS afl t. 22C 'IIEBEANS ONTARIO ~ 26< ELVET CAKE FLOUR OL - 43c T1ILBEST CAKE MIXES rks 32< tRINES CALIFORNIA »'-/ IBO. L WEL SHORTENING pxir.39c JASCO JAM sos43c SHR@@M@UP Henzl ' 33( VRISTIES RITZ «m fs.19< haSaLYGnou"D P rITBE .àVOUR FRUIT & VEGETAILES ý1CHMELLO <alffriSeedîess Navel COFFEE Ie* ORANGER 6< . 51< Large SRixe 210s...... 54 e LL FLAVOUREID IJOUR APaISAta DMo mMIN.ION.......... . . a fer 20e mut Butter M1-1 Il-ugyrI . ses3 9 9 6S'8.. ........ . o Cr l5. Fins (irlap Iceberg LET- su SBREAKFAST TUCE. Si». s0 I Cr 25e STYLE Itea Eallng Fane>' Qualily MONO CLUSTEIt RUMSINS0oepkg. BLACK ln Siseli BRAItEOR MIXE lb. 8 < NETS ...............49e IIb Mi~ N 1 cup raids j 1 cup carrants 1% cupa flour 1 teaspoan baklng soda % teaspoan naît Mis and siCi dry ingredlents, tises % fu. Caver lbasai>'witk parcb- ment paper. place ln steamer andS Manda>- teara a loti tbree boums. tYculi Hello Homnemaisers! Came tise Chsecks Crocer> Lst firvd tise lotatoea make the ptdd- isoidays anq yoo're ail oet for Clean SUcver Ing ligbt ansd tise carrots give it a plenty of food, plenly of compaay, Taesday- laveiy rlcb brown colon. You may plenîy af fun bat aiso plenty Of Make Mince Tartu add 1 teaspoon inammon, St tes- - ors. However, asien tiese mai Bobo Holiday Cookies spoon no-tmee,% teaspoon cioves if ios andS errandti 0diber members Robe Steanted Pudding Yoo lise ilt Kpiced or odd 1 icaspoon ai the Esmiiy and cet tbemn startedi Wedaesdoy.- oimood floooriag, %t copfol chop. eariy. Mondays fot Oaa soon witb Hotu Christmas Salad ped bianebeti aimonds anj %Stcsp Chritmas ana eoise awai'. because Prepare Pudding Sauce mîxed peai. For a tili rlcker loud- a good dcxl of saopping sud decor- Preare Salad Greens5 ding, add St cap glazed chserries, %4 atiax can be dose naw, asua nia Cok Saiad Dresalng cap cisopped candied peet, S% cup baklng as mas>' ouida>' goes 'litirada>- cisopPed dates. In eltiser case add lrnprove wltis a bitni aglng. Decorate lObe Houne an estes 'iableapooon of flour ta Rere are sone manderful menus laise Jeltied al'angue lise mixture. Its a foa!proi pusd- snd a brie! calendar for Chisitmas Baise Sponge Cakes ding se develop yaur awn brand. weeis. Wltis defînite plans ln miniS Friday- CEL5ERY SeuFIepie and ielpa sta depend an, yaulIl be Cleas and stuf! Fosel ln tise moudt!a enjoy a real balida>' Maise Potalo Saîsti and 4 or ice slcea bscon wilS yaur fail>' snd friends. Poinsaettia Salad Fine 5'lavared dripping Chrisms aEve FMuifyRSacks Cherry' be Creans 3% csp linely caispped arias Ciicien liiern an TIea Biscuita Order an>' extra supplie$. 1 i ucsn lnely-diced celer>' 3 cups coarse sait bread Celer>' ais! Carrot Fingers HOT CHERRE WAFERR crumba Coakies aniS Tea 1 package anappy ciseese, % 1tStcaps quick-caokisg rolled Chism srasal cupsp ilted ali-parpose flaur, % ota Cranberry Jiîe cup baller 1St teaspoona naît Sassage and Serambled Egg Woris ail ingredients logetiser %tapv nppe Fruit Scansa- Marmalade wilb your banda. Malte lit ma sal 2 teauleoofnepper op Collee balla, place as ongreased pas, flat- tabeypoalni-bpe ChrstsfauuDinner teined doms ils lise palm of your Poultyase i i uolred Oyser onth Hlf h is and. Cisili a bal taur. Raiseinla 1 iegg Cysers on otis HllSiseil muderatel>' bal electrir aven, 400 2 tabiespeons musk Crene aI amatoHoup degu. 7 ta 10 minutes. Rprisisle Ciseese Waiere - Melba Toant wîtli paprika.Haises aboat Imelve Cul lise bacon Iinto sait pieces Roast Ciicien Tisese are exîremnel>' eod and wiii and pas-lry until criup; lift bacon mitis celer>' tufllag keep tunbaked ln tise relrigeralor lis.. lie fat. Heasure lise Eat ln Glsel Gravy tndeftnttely. Very àandy for ibese tise pan. and il necesoar>', adiS more Picistei Crabapples, Giseris buoy isolidays. bacon drtpping or Cther dripping Currant Joli>' FLUFFY CUSTAIW SAUCE 15 brlng tise mesaure 10 3 table- Giaaed Sweel Potaloco Scald 1 cap mils. Separate two spoono. Reat tise 3 tableapoona Grecs Reans eggu, beat poiks ils lacis, add Ima drippIng and add tise ostos and cet- Harvard Reels labiespoos sugat and lese grains ery; coais logetiser, stlrrlng ailes, Poinsettia Saiad sai. Graduaily add tise acalded astil golden. Combine tise breail Plias Pudding - Custard Sauce mils. Place ln doable bolier over crambs, roiled aats, sat, pepper, Cofiee hot mater. Cooks, stirrisg caulaot)n parsiey antd poultry seasoniag IlIt' Buffet untili mixture ibicisenu, abut elghtIs ubise uned: add tise tooised bar- CoId Siiced Ram, Jelled Toseae minutes; cool. Seat eeg seiles on; adiS lhe vegetables and fat ln Potato SalaiS avili oiff; foid inia cooied custartwi mscis ibey were cookede mix Jeliied Cranberry - Celesy olis I1 teaupoon vanulla. ligtby. Seat tise egg ligtbty and Assarted Relses CARROT lPUDDINGM add tise mils; add 10 stafltng andS Sponge Cake - Cherry tee Creuse 1 cap gratedj rase carrots mis very ligistly os as nos ta make Fruit Cake - Tea i cap erated rase potato a pase.tUse for 5 or 6 pound h Order Periab'sn t tp tiopped uuet eirben. Need ar/FT in aWurry? IF Ycu are o last minute sisoppor, ci complteagiFt department. liereore .Ji oè0di hat you watt oi cý:c sone s îogg..,tiona Or HEATING PADS A o uaiyùirrr etn Ap a ici rir estiv ose, Won'I overiseat. $6.9.5 CHRISTMAS l.l(.HTÇS LARGE VARIETY ELECTRIC IRON _ A fait beating, efficient ron wvith lutte soweplaie,. -as heot cont lda]. 4 , EKAE mode. 110V.ACIE KA S $13.95Professionai type skates $~j95mounied secureiy ta stises. Rockered biaie for qotck toacise and speed. l'air Serte ... 1.49$6.95 UP. Se'e .... .--- 14 New l'y," Multipfle $2.49 SAUCEPAN Cook tise modern way ibis a quicis, efficient prefsure sauce pan. Tis 2 quart se $1595 GLASS CASSEROLE Roand sef-handle oves giasu casseroles for dozcisuai uaes. 1, 2, 3 qaart capacit>' .89e UP .22 RIFLE Boi t action rifle ibat lu smart ils and streamlined. Stop ad- joustable rear sigbt. PistaI ,t'es.3 t1i gcîp Stock. A race value ai $14.50 TARTAN RUGS Jont misai be santa for the car. Ont>' a few leIt. NOW $11.95 Ekeh 1 cup.brown sugar Candy & Gif t Specials SHOP AT NORRINGTONS WE HAVE A WIDE RANGE 0F CANDIES IN BULK Also AU thse floUer Known Brandsinh Packaged Chocolatel In Addition SPECIAL DECORATED SANTA CLAUS and XMAS BRULS IN MILK CHOCOLATE FROM THE GIFT COUNTER A LARGE SELECTION 0F G»Mf n Leather, Wood, Glass, China and Slver -0 GIFTS & CONFECTIONERY Phone 14 Miton eF- 9*4 d- pW»». d». big bA dià,-k.. é«&.d fl~s -w il6.. i . mm i Leatier BOXING GLOVES EVERY BOY'S AMBITION DEFENSE Schilling ELECTRIC TRAINS $18&95 UP SLEDS Ic A reai treamlisar mîtis met- ai rutincru and supporte. Greaiiy cedsced. 3 stuc 62.29 UP MSTAL DUM TRUCK 98e PLASTIC TOY TELEPHONE $1.19 TOY TRUCKS tAit Meta) $1.19 UP CONSTRUCTION TOYiIZ'i DRS. Teacisncidren ta issuS cas-3DA A otructiv.ety! A practical c4ur- itI*SH ablenset of ietal parts irons TARGETI Onatrctos m k ainl u "eS. .98e $3.98 METAL TOY PLASTIC AUTOS DOMINO 49e UP SET .39c STORE HOURS Open Every Evening From Now Till Christmnas Until 9 p.m. r stmsu.~..:.00..m. m.. ~ - ~ m~... ~ ~ -i ON SALE Estan's Information Bootis Mapie Leaf Gardens Community Smoke Shop 446 Danforth Penrose Sea Grill 600 Mt. Pleasant Rd. Scarletî's Hardware, 1947 Gerrard St. E. Stainton's Hardware 32.31 Yonge St. Wallace Bakdry 1960 Danforth Ave. County Orange Hall 55 Queen E. " i I ~ 1 PAM oawm 1 JE ri p p d 0 i- 11 Woods' Electrical Farm Equipment Exluive Dealer ln thia district MILKING MACHINES MILE COOLERS CREAM SEPARATORS ELECTRIC WATER HEP.TERU ELECTRIC FEED GRINDERS AN6D ROLLERS HALE TON STEEL TRAILERS COMMERCIAL ORt INDIVIDUAL CHinENT MIXERS, SM~ Sales and Service at your door at no extra cent Quiek Dellvery ROY W. GOODWIN Phone Acton 4Mr COME TO "o"'ORANGEAO% TOM? BINGO In Conformity Section 226 C. Code TuESDAY DEC. 2 i m MAPLE LEAF GARDENS $10.Prizes $500. Game DOR3 0 DELuxE TURKEYS ALL SEATS RESERVED AdmWon 50e Box and Raü Seats 75e 1 AND T 1