Prompt Delivories on Anthracite, Furnace, Stove H Nut, Peq, Stoker Coal and Briquettes r F. H. Robertson BLUE COAL" DEALERm HoyOnt. - Phone 76rl4 SPECIALIST Inj WARM MIR HEATLNG , AIR CONDITION1NG EAVESTROUGHING and PLUMBINGf OUR AIM it to gve service te aur Customers and instal only the very best eqipuselt et the lowest possible pricen "WR HANDLE ONLY THE BLÇI" B. F. MURFIN SHEEr ML5IAL WORKS Plombing Heating Eave.toughing1 Georgetown, Phone 138W APPLIANCE INSURANÇE Have your appliancea checkcd before a major de- fect appeas. Periodic adjustmenta cen often sasse you the trouble and expense of serious dam- age. We are equipped te gmte you expert service, prompt attention et moderato cost. Bailey & Toews Phone 259 Milon i GET nrled edas Ch.> wet Wlsat thy dsdprals o ld for T'he Sunday School lu Ct ote Lesson the eood toe. Tbey ColdtoRly Chat SUNDY, OCEBLI 19 'nebtis mau spoken t them.' Christ SUNDY, lMOEMt~t as Che mhole sulîject oftChoir tes- ____________________ tmon>'. Their tosChnony ewalces- 1001) NEWS IN THE BIBLE ed littie bosides womiOr wiCh most. Golden Tetx-iBe ye net -efreld; Mary "kepC" blober beart; and pou- 3r beisold, 1 hrtng you goed nemI dere!" aIl thon wondertul evol- 1great joy which wmli come e Cailattsient. That la Che mais te deti wlCh he people. Luke 2: 1-14. Godea Word. The sepheirds were Leron Tex.-Luke 2, 1-14. Crue and wlte mon. Tuey d 41nt Exposition - 1. Thse Nem Born lot itheir hoada. 2h.>' went bock .eng Desplae d b>' Mes, 1-7. ta Choir humble teil. But they ment bock ln a new spirit, 11glori- Tise abuxldantiy proves tact elt yisg and praising Godiý' e Virgin Birlis et our Lord la sot SmaCler af contravecsy ameng ,y who have any reui rigisi te cati henslesCritanBahMat- ERIN beNand Lake are lisoogisly weli -L ,croditnel as pertectiy reliabie bis- Frank Cla>lten of Gopringe lua a oriassasd every sew discovery patient ln Guetph Gesersi Hospital tnds te nIt1 torCrher otrengthen toilomîng an accident ln the ban althin l tieir historical reiiahility. when a ladder tell an, hlm, dislocat- houe neho question their bîstorical lng his shoulder ted injuring his rellabilily are sot 'ucboarly': tsey lhigb. sîther reveal their dense Ignorance tf up-ta-date conclusios. Sexes At a meeting 1inlihe tamn hall os asndred yesrs betere, Micais hadl TiusdaY enisg Dr. Berry et the prapbetied tisat He Chat mas 'te be Depactmnent ot Hesîlis desccibel ln culer et tsael", whose goinga detait te a tair cepresentallon et fartis are tram et eld, tram ever- tise ratepaisens thIs tallation and lsting" mas la corneot et BeCs- advantaget et Municipal Watec- leem (Mie. 5: 2). Note hum mat>' mechs. leercen and deeds aI men, ascensc- Ern wuld h. ver>' tulalinis na aosof at(ld's parpase and pcopisecy goa aiead mith tbe praject as It has varised lagetber la tultl G Gd' secs explaîned itiscas h. iinanced yard and carry but Mis elernot witisaat ieing a isurden. plan. Tise Savaur oathtie warid the Christ, lbe Lard, begas In a stable Georgetown acena wex lise scese tse lite Me mas la close upan the at a curling iosanplel mises 18 clubs caoss. Tisere max "noa oraa" taoeceed campetitian. Tsree roIs ilim i liste Inn.Tisece lasno [esoh mere enteced b>' Brampton raam'* toc Him laday le tbe heurtsantd Georgetowen; tmo rinbs eacb ot msen. isy Mllîsiurgis, Erin, Guelphs sud 11 Te Nw-Brn ingHonredBoltan. and ose leam etti tramn il tie ea-aenlKoixgaMdsed Owen Sound aed Ern laok tirst sy iseHeaee>' adIasd We- çsie.-Asvouale. cormer]isy tise Believisg Few. 8-14. pie Tise asxxasncement afthlie ad- venxo athieKing waamadeltaisep- sersa. Tise siseqsisrds pravesi tieir Resred trom aubineottfsprbns lileesla receive lise osxeance- ot ancient black cattle, Bcitabrs ment (v. 15). Tisey oecemes of 55w shnsst extinct l'white cettle" faith. neilis sdeep approcialion et accaulonaliy produce black etisses. splrilaal Irsîls, ti spile oat tieir iasvly position. Tisry noosasta have becs malisg, iasgisg. laîîiixtfor lthe comixg at Chistol(v 16). Tise , cre fatsililYal!elssiist ta 1lhiser issvly dalios aises tisarevrli OIdat4O, 50,60?", samo Il was x,,5plessaxi 's'a b istal il as lisir wcari dss ohile s - Man,You'r, rz il lise artels merlisheml(Ex. 3: 1.2; ruses onuuel 'I'xux..u . Jsd. C: 11, 12: 1 Ki. 19: 19; I ake , ssoM.. 1: S. 11). Tiese piserils merO um pSasaa ,,3 e 191 "soie uîcaud" svisos5isy isehelhs b avcs N,,. Po n glacy: tise sapecnaurul. isy brien,- xcgGo (lad or. ulcays flislse iseas I stofintul mes ails tear (Rev. 1: 17 LaCe 5: 8; Isa. 6; 5. Bultlise an- coglie messageutaioce dispelind ail vatlax, sut judgmes't. Tboy Zgn mitis oce at Gad's mcxlt requeni messages ta mes, "tear not. " Tisey iscaugist tarward lise ssiy ceai cure la or, lio (lspel. Tisey brauglît "ga d ldixs ai greal loy" Tise andi Lard slse besl cews Ibis aid, cix-oused and Salas - governed worîsi ever iseard. Tt waua slrcsce place la bo sent '10a seek a bing-a hemn. And il mas a strange ulgn le maris "a Saviaur" isicisls ChrcsIiss e Lad"-"s boise jmrapped lnx aaisliar cilos, andi :lying In a manger." Tisemold ce-1 coivos tlisn ondertai proclamatian ta iisday mitis inegtîorexcc, ha: lise bccscxly urmy ceceisosi il mlsh exultant siosaofaIpruine la Cod Wrll lisoy migisi! Tise mord "saud- desly" soss aat îisey csuld isucdip restruin tlnemelves until 'lie message mas Islly delivecesi: lise>' ail ibct iaerrupled Iheir, thu jspaisessian's prcla ionl ils -lisoir glad chocrux. Tbere mas ta ho . wsîoldresait ai tise tavisarls b isltb-"glary te Gcd ln tise high- Whlle impr 1est," an earlis pence amang mesnirihtplc Mis gond pleasare? Study tram 1iih lc aise Bible misa tise men In mom, ( Mla i mli pleaced are, and ini Ontorio ta misat sense Jeaus iscinga tisee peace (Jna. 6: 29; Rom. 5: 1; Epb. are *1fl ec 1: 6, 7: Cal. 1: 20; 2 Car. 5: 18, 19; giimers-ln Ra M. 5: 10; Jea. 14: 27; Piî 4: e, o teali 71Thesehe tiscugis humble o h and Ill-rate, mere iemsTsq somes il hy helievint (lods Ward Your co. Iand gaine ta see lacrlisernselves the Ig'ariasc Seuls lisut isd bren pro- lions as ta ciaimod ta tison.OGI lie lrst ot ne sa douht. Tiscy spase ot fil as j"tis i ig lac mardi tisas banso came ta pans". Wise and ihappy tise A maxnmiso, misen Clad tells hlm tay- roAt liig, rausi,1 done Ituke 1: 45;ro In..10: 29.1 Tise>' nem il mas oa ho-aune tise Lod; bad made it e R. ksw, i aI it iss Heis Il: 1, R. V. contexti. Tise>'disi sot ga ta teit tise Irutsofathlie Word ai j (ld, but ta semisat they alceady' tati>' ielievesi. Wiun (lad emaires Tu es>' greut tact or trutis inams tous thi me souldutaioce believefi sud or tison "ga and sec tise mord Chat (lad bats mode booms ta us-i .. Dc enter litafs experimenttily. Note taS tise eagornons and misoleheartesi' sens of tisese shepberd salis, 'Chey sie ln rame mils haste'. But today mes mIli scarce corne at ail; and It tbev V da came, lt ls milsnurb reluctatre tisaItisey must ho urgesi and cea- nones it ainad plead i milsand$ ai- mont putiesi ta the Savieurs teet f Tise. siepsierdu more rare seuls. Do ip r parti 1 Tise>' tund It ail just ans(lad taid Il mould tac lv. 16; camp. v. 20, R. V.; ris. 19: 32; Ac. 27: 25). Tise>' tald Il.eut ta otisers (v. 17). Migisly Doos MOT Mon The End of the Power Shortage Ail Consumers must continue air efforts toe ut down on eloctricity seved water conditions r.sulting from rent rainfai in the u, have .nablsd The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of bincreaseuz quotas ta municipalits, water fbow eonditiomi ot normal. Therefors, it is vitally important fhat ail con- mdustrial, commercial, domestic and rural-be constantly rt ta avoid ail unnecessary use of electricity. >-operation in the past has hoiped. Hors are a few sugges- how you can continus ta hoUp. rn off ail unnecessary lighta. Do flot leave lighta burning In empty tins, halls, bosement, aftic, porch and garage. ,the .venlng atudy or reading hours, group th. famlily around the mdlng lump end turn off other llghts. eplace large llght bulbe wlth smoller one. lhere water le electrically heated, use hot water spa ringly. .tch tihe ewitches on your range, your Iran and other appliIapsw rn them off as qulckly as possible. Often the stored hect wiil f4tish * lobs. Use "Hlgh" heat for as short a fime as possible for cooklng rfor bolllng waier. in t lot motors on motom-driven equlpmsnt run nusad"àssly In hem or sdory. factory, store or effice, don't light a row or cluster of ovenheod llghts ren a single llght nearby will do. to cut down on electricit y und keep puy envolopes fut THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO super Suction Cleaiers Lot uson uyeur forum50, Chlmoo7, Beheele, Ccherces sud ailier Buihge th.e5Mod- oe ~a. NO Musa - - NO 5U58 - - NO DVWT George Cofins Pions, 'Matoen 3SUc Ail Work Guaranteed "Starlight Feeds"y Recause they are guaranteed f resh and made from a balanced ration "Starlight Peeda" are the choice, of USD7 wise fermera. When yosa feed "Starlight" you can ho sure of gettlng best resulta f rSn an conomical feed. Remember there it a "Starlight" brand for ail your livestock. We stili have some Beet Pulp and Molasses available. SNOW FENCING AND POMT Milton Mihing Co. Phono 50 LIMITED Miltoun Ont. uNow Your RE mmmm_ ý l" m Tisa und d Apply Division 0 HH348 f P. ent buildings$ ortiom mommow- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR THE PROVIN(F OF ONTARIO CUTOFFS of #iha Power-' tu.iaus an1 aNAIN<MMINIWDY OIIR1 5 9 7wirdm«. occaum X un . THE CANADIAN CH"Ploif