Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Dec 1948, p. 4

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p4m TOUia NEWS OF DISTRICT lnteresting Items Concernmng Other Centres and Comun-n ites in which Many of Our Readers are Interested LOWVILLE A large congregatios attcnded te rc-opening sud dedication eer- vice tn St. Gerges Churet on Ttumsdey cvestsg last. Thc servce o-ausn charge otfteretor, R-us. J. H. Modder, auisted by Rev. C. F lattcotc of Bîsciisgtuu Tise Bisisap uf Niagara, Rt. Run. R. W. Brnughoti. M.A., read tac dedica- ion suavice ami preaehed tac er- mon. Ttc choir o Gmaec Churet. Milton tedt charge of the muale The memesr of St. Georges are Sa te osgratuleted on ttc besuti- t-tng of thc churet. ASer ties er- vc, lunch o-au eevedIn te tese- ment of thc Churet. Th emzar to-Id under te ua- CAMPBELLVILLE Hrs. C. A. Elsley o-as hosteox Sa ttc Ladies Aid af St. Davidas Caurct on Wednesday attersoon. Ttc President. Mes. J. K. Matou, o-as in ttc chair. Ttc Seriptune ksson o-us rcad hy Mrs. Glmour Prayer o-soafucced ty Mcs. A T., Mooreiii. Ii cas deie diioiiseud Cistmuau aktus lu tesul-ins. Ttc Ladics' Aid have pxcsenucd a lite membemship is ttc Womcss Misionary Socitty cncx-y pear for, ttc last sisetees years. This yer isc prscsntatios oou made la Mrs. Thomaas Allan, a taithtul member of btSt te WMS. and thtt L.A. Mrs. Menies preaented te certiti- caSe. ended and a good nuaomfotoney He. MaryiHoux-e, convenor of was dde to he reasry. te somisatiof committec then weu dda to te reaary. toothse chair fox- ttc ciection of Te Fax-m Forum teld teir otticexto. Ttc tolooisg ladies joer weekly meetiug at ttc home ot Mr. appoited: and -Mms Wm. Hume sitt a large ettendaasce. Ttc diacoussion osnte Hru. Max-y Hoore, Presidet; sobjet, "Let'ago 10 the movies,,Mms. R EliotVit-Prsidest; oas led ty Mms. Murice Readhead. Me. Wm'. Roberts, Seexetoxy; Hxs. If o-au deided tat te entertin- E. D. Moos Asistant Seoceeary; ment films o-exe better ttao lhey Mxs. A. T. Moore, Treosacer; were tut tisaI there wsu roorn for Pianisis. Mm. E. D, Maison and iraprovement yt. Tey oe-,-edu- o-IM. S. Cairnsu; Chex- Secretary, cttonal tu oldertfoit and ene-Hes R C. Menîco; Qoîli dComit- laining for sonme people tut somne -t",M Igi, Mrs. J..K oS ttc pîctures for childr-enshstaad Mou. Mci. A. Maore. Hi-s Elutcy. te more strictiy censaaed The rea- Ses-ceai tter iemsorol tLasness son ttere are sot max-e document- iexe diseussed Tise hyjos Hoty i erot films shows o inttc rural rom-j Nightt oas sang and tise meeting' raunitY o-os thalt tere oas sot lias cio--a t ntprayec ty te pces- enougt appreiaion soo-s Thiis ident. Sevcteco ladies anssoere.l beibg pragras nigtl a vocal due-t tie rol ail.-The tostess. assisicil cas givnty Mr. and M-uMervys b hte sa cîOnimiîîee --x-ved rc- Culsos asd a voalilunt hylKaren ix-sîcents. T uiults vere quilt- Bllard and Arleae Pais-ci. Mes.ed ut tise humr ot HI-s.J RK. Roy Elleslus xcad a leteconustii Mî, a sddxess givea hp Mr. Watsosnn1 Milton last is-ets -Mi IlRobertciIsulis csicrtslsed - 1 lw Gri i ai Mî,siaso ue ,d ils Satu, Ttc remaindex-ofuth.-i"eseise iaY aftîeînîîî. Tiche Iedest, Mia o-as spens in a ganof Ibingoa -ý Noieccllcîîî s li stise ichar. luncscas scrved. A mutifaaip ih. ;îicî blaosesh prciaionto thectosl andtase.s sofPiti-hcruii %vsi raYc and te al l atine part is tte pra- th Naria s reesîces. Gîhers la;z- gram woau gises ty Mr. Haurice se îîiît an, the prugi um jore, Readhead. Audrey lurceo - Gloria Pux-dY. Aud- _____________ y ond Virgisia Mitchell. As hO.ProganOi 5500ail li er.plsg THE CANADIAN CHAMPION KILBRTDE ROCIKWOOD AUUflON SALE Ttc mssion tend met on Tues- Througt the auspices ot the HOUUEHOLD FURN*ITUIRETC. day atternoon o-ththSe prealdent, Roctwood Communty Club e ga<l Te nesgndhv rcle Shirley Emnal 1n charge. The. attendance greeted Guelph talent Thetruondramndhvercle Christmas Story waa read by IsabelI last Tuesday evenlng lns the Ton anus. tIMNnu xLoT Murray and tlorothy Pareheco led Hall, when the Guelpt Mate Chair ta -el by public auctlan at hier ln prayer. Othera talstng paru lote under the direction of F. E. Hor- resîdence, Woodward Avenue, Mil- prograr o-ee lsle Papps, Saîîy ton. Mua. Mach., eonitrlbuted aev- ton, onaSI SATOJEBDAT, DEICEMBER ST Asso Burns, Go-en Longda, Marlon erai numbers o-hIch were muet Commening et 1.30 ock tte Browno, Margaret Ford and Antoîn- enjoyed hy those present. Durlng folloo-ing: ette Falletita. Followtng thîe pro- thte prograco, Fred Owen, wooo-s Mason and Rîset Piano, extra gramo eaet ehtld made a Chrltmans tIcce Tropty Wtnner at the p largndtoeCenstererld cir; 3 meery-go-rounel wth paper dotîs KwnsFetvleontributed nues- Lrge Easy Wicker Roeker; 3 odd representlng the dttérent countr- terso joiet w-ce wetl recelved. At- Rockers; Dtning Room Sotte con- tes tIntelp thera thnk ot Ctristmnas o u donna ttc evendtng, a ose-aet osting of table, huffet and s as teisg the centre of ceiebratlons çomedy lntfour scenes o-as put on chairs; 5 Odd Dtntng Room Chairs; Hiail lock; Mantel dlort; Hall for people the o-ortd aseound. ty Paisley Memorial Players, Rack; I.ving Room Tatle; Con- Ttc Fax-j Forum met on Mon- "Mîtherl Goes us Strite" o-as pre- goieum Itug, 6x7%; Hot Plate; El- uiyigt at thebomneutfMr. and ,ntd ed craîed rouehTmeri- .ectic MLcryRage wit4 urn- MJ' Rbet aut osý larotle""ii liutîiri-c- Misu" t, 91ni- -m ad IitOves; Etectrie less- Mis~~~~~~~~~~ foriciSatRialaiti isucWat(- i- ac: titcli ; Cook weav aPiiteciiciiirmas uicrt- s("I ' lî-i-liretd h lay. AItishe eoe Sive wiiitutho-uwtc rusrot; Wall eveniog asd to-o guoupo diocused cfusionsouthtt procruco, retrent- Min-or; Osai Hed; Dcesser and the sobjeet, 'IItrar on the Radio" ments wccc secved. Chittosier; Bcdcdsm Suite, our Itwsagreed ttst radio -rgan The yousg toits ot the Sonday pieccu, inisted ln creajo; Metai WOO prgramuBcd wtt slrtg and mattresu; Odd oere generaily good and varled u Schoois arc tusy citt preparattons Dreoucrs; Snger Seo-lng Machine, suit al people. Crime stories and toc Ctristmas estectoinimers. drop teud; Kitc Cabinet; Kit- siogig e emecals cccxv dsiied Cosgrautoions ot Mr and Mr. ches Table; Kitches Ctairs; Elec- tric Tatle Lsmp; Etectrie Bcd ty raot of ttc members. Wysoe Dustar us ttc ttrtt of a Lamp; Mans Bicycle; Ciothes Progressive ecere o-as pae daugtter at Guelphi Hospitai aest Horse; Girls Sktes asd Bouts. joued et, size ; 3 Seres Doors; Lajon Mojo- sud prizes were o-on hy Mrs.Jerk w er; Garden Seeder; Gardes Hoae; Bennett and Ralpt Gorter; Mms. F. Carpet So-ceper; Scytte; Forts; Greesîces and Lloyd Rasterry.Stovets; Tubs; Some Tools; Lunch o-au served by te luncteon Cruets; Boots; PtSres; Copper commtîce for tte cvenlsg. Boile;Odd Dtshes; Coolstag Uten- Mius Clra Wiiamsos ut Hou - ernics: Cash settlement jlistce isgsspest severai dsys last o-eck ercos day of sale. withliersistr, rs. . R.Me-No Reserve Dottte-nald. -Hr H R MHINDLEY & KLLIOTY S- DonldW. adeii. Clex-k Auctioneers Mx. and Mms. George Stcrjoosd j7,ý ut Rueto-ood vsited on Sonday citt tex- moter. Mrs. Wtiia, Smal.,0 Mx. Verse Johnsion spent she weekt-end ln shiawa. GEORGETOWN tI1k~I The coditionsoC Jiet Gilbert.s wh vssexiuusi îir ina o t pitei t s ho sueohat Improvri-d. s~ Pieaccident ucrrdcPalylsnt eeig wh-t-Mr. Cilhert was pro ceeding touî-d tais-s ro tr C;ies ous i ttores ile an tie (Gir Raad. As te sppt-îocted ttc Paper joIlRoau t t-tu mactîseit o a nt ls te mrod oslti ?tii-t usti vri itig lttua teili ple. lic sof tcrcd scuere Intersat injurie.. t his tee asd heoad. Kens and Gtad HeMfilias hose rp turned trom the Horse Shownt the !InternationailLi vstuet Exposition. sn Chicagoa.hcitnu o-preqssire li ut prizericîttns. htglgtedt v a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ,11,1TTV cl tise CSx-sxssan s.M.seconsd pi a re-rittî .ns-oun -ln te 'y-4~ NaSSAGAWEYA .5.5~L Mesosgveasisorxt tait un ttc 'Single Huose iass hv Itaitos Pt- 4t5ciin S. S. NO 7 i, triauesa omns noter lans. former Aitogetter ltcy pace!I Jlunoriic cctiiates and pinsn o-cmttc priee mufles-thixtee timesM W churet WM.S and Ladies Aid hetd test otesdascc at meetings duxino ne tipis asd onec sevcth IWO# heir Decembex- meeting t ttc tbe, ycar. Bcvcxly Roberts, Marilyn Mr and Mmq Stewvart have pury 'home of Mrs. Davd Hendersun Boore. Jase Smîith andJtons chased the Barryv Clarte hume on citt a good attendance. TIse Pres- Cramp Astine ciththtie presas tR- Duram Street.,o-ite Mr andI Mx-. dent, Mms. Wilfrid Kennedy eus,- tiensoexe Asna tiI rres Aadruy lete ansd tepir etildrees Barry duted ttc WMS. meeting and i-lai-ces.Rth Ruberts asd Mrion x. and Robetae-t Su e ueIn the ISe. David Henderson tise Ladies Cre;eeesTisa-te-anc girls asmo- tact Beamish Crm nt Ospringee ci.Mr. Vema damplacit ,gave e-et e wouci siisa Mt* stmas Mr nss Mm Enri 'M.Trowo ttctopx-CarW.S. uitCot tisvrse Ttc Beirttda .il5oas sang Torontu hove puretonet fttc tain - soeredby a Vermeof Seriptoce fur-Harian Greenices ondt Jane oftMr and Mx-s T1.MSteo-ar n! cotainisg tise jord Giory.Hmr. J. Smsths Ttc tstlîo-tng ottters -er Wilis-suul.jusi nusside fer J. Kesssedy rcad the Sripture thoen appo'nted tur 1OMS: tais asad maveit lnv r-ntîs Tto- JH1. and Mes. WifridKenedy ttc Op- !i sase ihriet prho y h i Pîe.iîlust. Anu Eux-kte:Vice-iaiîîetsdtt engPrayer asd Miss Cartte Steo-arts aout ievaqaoMý1-ig;FrY Ter huClsie raex Tce-iii:lt. MrtnM-tre: Secret OCpctas clO u Iîen l1cnng Fr ou ululneru tern os rreodTyhe-v ryi.Rthb erlîî-ts; Asi-tant Sec- tiucmrly aîsned ty Aies reig. -(onsoojence Frour o iet nutiicdMm wîî-ctrc. Anna Ilarcen; Tr- a rr. tîratit -rid Kennedy an Prcsident o' '_____zis Paiss S.ad mE.D rde tWM. M esic.Pi1nîs.ittn Ag- _____ Grimwood S. nd rs E.DrdgeasPresideai n5and iarilyn Moore: Hemtcr- ottt Ldis id t tc esh~ i .îo-o-rittee Niîma Brownia-nod - lepnraliosn srulture wouok of te Ldie Al. IntheroprtsMurins eceneica;CtierAnnao-adie cres ly rten Geat Britais fis en ty ttc ditterent leaders, ai1 lars-etagdjistcUS t Jewel lers l o-e-cgaud. t o-os stos tiat alla- i ..noragdwt h S.tet cationn 1500een met. The Ladies Vrgînia Mtitthel lî-dth i r s-for, Wl-et Brtirs AimterspIneVMi (.Mlo Aid arc havisg cuptuarda and a1ing citt isayer Christmauts tise ttc asuerps" Aic sWo Man eIp lon 1 sint tnstailud la tueir itcet ', u re ecangcd aoange tcmlerlnl TlWhol 1 mae sociaioox-athteehurcn-s c. Tthastecs srved refrest-Y muet easier asd a social Is pas- menti ohici o-ee muet cnjsyed. n ced or Jonuary citthttc usbands Mm .Robert Eliot wo-us tnss a egg g g g g ' invited. telise Camplacliviile Wumenso I-a No s eie scai denrtrî situteludiles whrtutomtcýred 33a- No.7 s eig icey ecraed_'for Brother and geat escitemnct retens amusg en a mFanwm r a pesie techildxen oscei-lnsg ttir con- T'l minues ay hfnrsajocr a e.. diesW cert. - enducted and econtents tf twoo n- ay A W S n M. and Mrs. Versos Cote sand ysa ue -r ca.$0on dustred sutete Ciidmrns Aid andyy David, Gepho-exe guelts oC M.son0lu tce Bramptos Home.A sale y VISIT OUIR NEW TIE BAR FOR A FUILL éi and Mrs.C. E Davesport on Sun-o CitmasgitL s cmondispias ElETIW0FSAR EAWA day. amidte muncy. joietamsanted ustes Mr asd Hrs. Stus Robinson $13oi t e aseti fsr frit for shus- 1PIaD F O motored te Mono Road to visit linrs, !yIEI yO Sudy esm;M .Htnoteir aust, Mrs. Jotas Grey, last Mrs Mt-Ires rcpurucd us tome A 'I LunaynHsdy ar odaFr oeicture; Mm. GK. MIhnIon' 5 t 2 um ut No. 7 met at ttc tomne ut puh'iiiy; Hrs. Water Ferrier onu Me. and Mms. Wilfxid Kessedy o-lt etiznsnip; Mrs Wm. Buektons le ttc usaal attesdane eTt tpir îîisturiî il Rpieare h. the Wl. dit 'I cc y t aioct oas dsuma- 'WA short:K n igh t by to-o gro0ps hc a uma da ns, o-os os dspluy. A hr Milton, ()nt. MuENS WEAR Phone 361 Ized So: that a variety ot progranl rstaplyeidChsms ar njydTe ar bodcs Mrore asptFn yMs aOp0n Every Night Until Xnsas Cloeed Boxinsg Day by te CBC at soon heur jolen George Black, Ho-son Lust, co msSt armeas are able tu listes is Isetin asd diree'tcd ty Mr% R. _______________________________ enjoyed and apprciatcd. Lens Oad- Elliot. Mms. Lloyd drajotord oecumn- vertlulng on Susdays and more puird Hrs. J. K, Moo and Hrà. Sunday programs, moreuorfn mu- ltartley Andernso-ho sang Christ-.M.U .UUMUUMMU MMU UM scaie les cmmurd-rstories ami Su mas Cacols dutsg ttc pay. isge Isosugs us ttcy o-ex-c Tue meeting etuseat ciththtie Na- a rncasut te csusg jore some ofthe tionsaAthem tfolioosed hy a dalntymmvressorlte sddORts aet S A L EE of the grouPs.Frtends ot Mms. Thoma,sa Mes. rvIn Little oas tustes'or are sorry tu tesr ste Is Il. - - $1.0 lsle gn tedne edoll as Mr ad Hrs. George Harris $ (> BwIui Chratosas tc hesalan Arstny uxesoo-wrcsidisg in BooIvC AlAGE-B-$ 1.00AM) il ChWma usd asd to-o Chrismas hune puretased tac home of te E TURIT$tT5)iJsiv cheer bhunes oerc te be o-Seait. st elM. . O sIIlIJ -- $.0Buie ?mr. Allen sang te Seresade out move Imm Pîately. E$2.00 lis ST $2 ttc Betis, accmpasled by Mes. M.WlaeKs onii su l~lL 1 ~ -- 0)Uii NcLeas joiet o-au cnjoycd. Rol oeut asd tas a truhes ljo. s pro- Caiwsanso-cred ty "M3st gresn isg lc iy, acsto i ChWa saCld"Mm .Little hesd and around bis ehîn. A. 1R EIC I-ERTI Prenidet Truman bviouly P RU rne ateMahonedJinah, Gos- su Intention of aereptlng thtiti.e R.R. 3 Miltonhoe39r tate Mahofitemedrdl'hone dit9ngr5he* noaellet of he Boy Scouts here. Dispiaccd Persofl u. ......U U U M u M U A Gift Subseriptionl to The CanadianA Champion iAI iA! i A i ÀclGf o P e : i rFre Rsdnso Ai y i lo an Dit ict Milton Greenhouse Flowers WILL SAY IT Beautifully Chonoe Potfed Plants and Cut Flowere for the Hou- i days including Poometima Azaleas5 Cyclmen, Mixed PIease order early for hest selection Milton Greenhouses Main Street Phone 151 PRINCES TH4EATRE MILTON ONTARIO (To-Night) Thursday, December 16th Lois Butter and Bill Goodo-in in "1MICKIE" Sport -'Dreams on Ice' Cortoon-"2 Jilîs and a jack" Friday and Saturday, December 17th and lith John Emery and James Millican in "LET'S LIVE AG AIN" AND Charles Starrett and Smillie Burnett in 'PHANTOM VALLEY"1 No Matinee This Saturday or Christas Day Monday and Tuesday, December 2Oth and 21st Poulette Goddord and Macdonald Carey in 'IIAZXARD" Selected Short Subjeets Coming Next Thursday, December 23rd William Gargan and Beth Hughs in "NVitcrfroîit at lNidnigfit"5 -and- Pttilip Reid and Stan Clements in "BIG TOWN AFTER DARK"« -SHOW TIMES- Monday, Tueaday, Thuraday, one show oly obt &U Friday and Saturday, ms usual .t 7.80 and 9. Ce.H. U.Me Salu tes the 7 own of Milton ilear Your Neiglhours and Friends on the Air every Tuesday 2.30 to 3.00 o'elock DIAL 1030 C.II.U.M. Sponsored I)y the ... WEST-END MEAT MARKET MILTON BOWLAWAiY KNIGIIT'S MEN'S and LADIES' WEAR and the MILTON INN

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