THE CANADIAN CHAMPION ____________________________ (IOEMM UTSAODRfSVAUT DRUNrm Ac1d f i t ts h I W z cidnt sws c s b leld9l" Ofd nANIU ' ouir- pt -R t bn ofit RIvM a n y U e u f Y.#I ô (h ihu.tuk n rwLM1MM rmtrating aed wth funsicide. s fut(st -nu ofa a sait, absorbant -n 13 chosmicala division. ThWe are: Mr ndàtg« M fFot.KNOX PREB BIN clotis treatad witls a speclaiclsnl- ()Dsry "b-&S u g si RMU vsted Nsitis relatives ln tWlS cRJRH ical solution. Osn, wlplng - kep bih gestIon ssereuc entlY. ~ ~ HICH the glasse Cear(for houmi.Tise Mti. YV) chNEWSthtla edc eeety oischta-Bev. Ir.J. Fima gngsolution 55ed latheltiMI.ii cd>an qaat sof niaslln 515 Picd rt Mi izabsethis prot la vltlng Misa Frances Loltt orgaist ed sis or eYa ssii edetergaslt, i)Cma &linbtngf- WiU ber parents Mr. andi Mmi Ad- Choir Director tamilec acid, giyoerine, water sas ie anul nomsinationss andi In- I wilcirat seed and destroy tise ,Deciav[ ansSpist.SIJNDAY DECMMBMR 12 dye.Tihe clot atsssy be usaii- tlaicsa ew inemsbers featurefi seedinla F ritr Mr. sud Mrs. J. Waters and m- 1000 am.-Senior SS lnlteiy. tise regllar meeting o EraMhfi 136, <>iep obtwesb ik as11.0ane -uorp-u :B'IoAmr nPoPilSci-olCanadieyn Leglon t L~Iof MHall ng Possible good tands of vigor- LAMPS BEDROOM CHAME Wate Gibn na Kithener ivitin tDeyofil=1b .. - ~ ~ p~ici~M nda dis. lfhriewas an un- oua crop plants. WatrGibRoyips, M. .t hec.0 p.-inetYorsp. S clety daims biset an atlas is or- usuelY large turn-out ai meinhers $5.00 msn"4cases2i95incre1.00 adM. iP. W.iserr. i Sisu 7.00e and 5isp. gently need.ed ta lidcaewih-sgePPresated by 'ma)In et values ap, t iculearl -- 2 tisag. h aes fthewlfl Iictlne whlci a rtieetakelaueoy os priulrMIRRORS MAGAZIE TAR sondec Mr. P. W. M rusateets ed wlie siF ie ra tts ul eicetl ieeestv.grain. by nsaklng Possible a greater STANDS-$&7 coneretc aiscsoa tustasheM Watin".natural resourcesa nd sidIll. Durlsg lihe briet buies perluditers'Jnat- $34TMLES S OING$TAN5 ta the Memorl Hall, Guelpis, lest Dec. 1'th at 245 p.m.-Chsriatmas .________ ____TIn Rpo inqulred Iftise Leg- griain Stra meetnt of W. M.S. wll ie halliony wopl e pTABLEtseBs-$650-SMOKIN40 GOD SetW'd5y lu Sunday Shuol ruum. tonam ie spn tsor inte.Ban- ___________ Mm. George SlerwofaiMitoni Tues. Dec. l4tit et 8.00 pm.-Evesi- ers aickt iamatsnager. 11f Houa- $74.50AF$4.5G0LA -Y- $10.00 and Mm05 James Detoreat of Camp- lng Dept W. S. ill meet - brto ituld a Initer lie mn laSSiae Aot7Hoaus-1 $5O $5< - 95 belvisle attendad tise wed.Slng of tihe ls<n'5eoutMss. S. Luckie, tise s'ut mbetin t dispreanlita îaEt. D es ieATHNTER RUGS HOSTINS CHAIRS tisir nepisew, Fradricis James TACBrt iehne meigt ies hs GodSae bu qae$&0-$50 8.0- 9A to MliesaMargaret Momer aIT7li- A Cordl iWelcume Awsts Yomtred rsdn.end n 555is0g sunced a monter Bingo tees plan- WOOL SMa gLACEIS $7M5- $79»5< $26M0 - $3150 on ovNoticil.e___of____________ itise entire proreeds <o lbc Wlti bisa. Red, Green, Blue, j5yW DLBGIE s ~ST. PAUL'S UNITEDNItiseiofdtate utise Emergescy Fund Brotes, 4-6i $550- $145 $6.2BUGGIES CMUCH SA Annual Meeting ifor Britain. Comrade Frank ShanO- $1 ET9 5M -TU$14MI$A62CA-D$TA.LE Engagement 5to-EVJ.L LAE. TIUE IQUOR LICENSE AT 19tataongave e report os tisa progresa O SM HL RS EL RDTBS - DY ECME 2 LUMU"lSlgDistrict Rumbas 5 and planasturrbise Sente Claus par- F B le, Gr.ea -1. bon $.5- $M$6.75 adie for Decemnber 18. Mambeos BlueT 0FrFOR CRA1E Mc.anSMrs Carece OU .~10.00 a.m.--SenloSchool. oeAKE NO1ICE tisat tisa Annuelwiowîvautrtsîrevcs t nocetisa engagement of 1100 a- 'sresing tisaGospl" Meeting uf Tise LiquoC Licence wowl oute hi evcsS FPU <he scod edet augstr,~ 700p -rolor hm0an Boardi ut Ontario for Llcansg mey contact Comnrades Sisannon or ALL-WOOL oeuEMGANS $BEToIMtois$157 laoi sennols ugh Ge- isDtrict Nuber 5, consiilsngArmstrong. 8-4 ue, Sy Yra o nkBLANMFS 3 Pac. $150 trisSe Olive ta William Charles fisrtastial5lty Goa« ta rre$, ci s t asdWnwr Four appications teereacptedz! -1 Bluety Brona.Rs issDAVENFOIT 5Mr Mountain, son ai Mr. and Mos. sut ba presested. Milbched t ose <nnIgisî and tlsree nev memisers teere lait- $2.49 $210 ANK r Sydnsey Moulais, Milton. Mrnage Tise Chisltmas meeting of tisa Mis- tise Ciy utfiHamilton 10 taeccounty lated. Tisey locluded: D. G. John- SIK NTLON MOE $15 ar3Pe 18 totak leplace quietiy December 1% stus Band wcliibcbeiIn10theofutWentwu'tis un Friday tisa 141h sun. J. MoCilmut anS Arhsur R. 142-guage. Full-tesiosed. Fail BLNKTSSainKon 19. S. S aom un monday Dec. day of Jassuacy 1949, commenicng Wilson. s"sdes, 9- 10%. BADESKStiSBu ________ lts t 415 p.m. t tise haut- et Tes oclucis ln tise rrisose nominaleS tor ofice were: $145 Variouse Colora $1450 eaech $25.00 - $46»5 CH1ST AS is C and deermine applicationls for tise fo prealdent, James Kennedy. DIAMONI>D BoT0xTBE $20FENRE SAEPOV SS. «Situons Monady et i P.n. oewa itese 0accrdanre Franis Shannon, Stan Wilson; F1051 Ail siades 10%-12. Hand- NS O Au LESn$62F5nleis $7.9 AN OPPORTUNITY Tise Young Adulte W i met os wthis.seLiisor License At, 1946, vice - -presld4sst. Stan Wilson-, L. framed, fu lengtis. Reintarc- umnFis$.9 Tusa nte9 .RO n euains tisereundes'. PoeH.Agr Second vice-prasi- ed Heels anS toes. FIRESIDE TILT-TOP KROEHILER LOIJNGS Olay tise. AI) FtIRTIIER TAXLE NOTICE 19 ete eigase ta aypesn reuient ln tise soi dn, u.oeKn hersent, Fred$18 tanoe Mahitmareabigus. d ynbrruxsTrail itanger Gt-Ooy telilotisany ditrct oblectlng ta Boy Sarnes; Secrsrtary - Treasurer, AI-WooI CAR<DIGANS 14--o TABLES $4.75 CHARS-$7950$59»0 tabyCinsma ala iy meet an Wednesday t p. suris applcto salfiehS Leemn Servs lacci)* For tisraa Fine Hotany yarns.Wit, soulfi you? in S. S. Boomn. gonaa ileclfn wrttisg esecutive oicr;CatsAdr as td oe ry IS loua bave matie possible tco imass ____________ es deys ietore tise meeting. snJakPteoy éw. Yellow hrocn, Blue.R ges ado client x-raysn. th iosa survays 14,- GEORGE C. GAGE. K.C., ehi, Franks Mititlelon, Art Wilson,$39Ro es ad s 163 people in Ilalton Connty tuais GRACE ANGLICAN CIIURCH Deputy Regisit-ar Ted Wood, Fred Hrses - FILM CATALOGUE advantage ufthtie opportunty of- -810 Hautk ut Commerce Buiing For cisoiesenoutlie variosoom-ý ler o hm. hy tise -rayas 5 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12 HmloOnaij-i.s ig, .E rstog A R atva25Iactive cases o u-100 am-Sunday Scisool. Roter Ptotmey. F. itteon; Sints, DISTRIBUTRS1 !I c J B & S )1 erculois mre ioond. Your constil m- Monn Pae.FMIddleion lareti;Entet-talo- butions havealso made possible an ment, Tny Hopiins, Roy McDote- 6 esntnAe a N .O bdeut ohv lomaeposesble Bol0 pes-Evenînt Prayer. pHB.C, Mueois, Duve Bruis:I Toronto 2B contacts ot uberulosls. Recuise Cerne v. Tom Bradley (ari)-] chonies have ieen establisised l I HILTON nlla Mrrsodi------ Milton anti Osisille and tise etinicu BAPTIST CHURCH Theatre -Aclon F W HPpp . il.reaiS; Htteasd ln Toroto, Hamilton anS Guelphsis th ie Fat-mers Buding!FiWrop tger ld K K arnd ie Wlty sotld yoo contrihte atait? SUN DAY, DECEMBER 12 No 4yn:mns .C aNb olyHr Tati sioutd contribtite ber-osutse t :10 o m i.-Rondoy Schoot. (Y 'iissu' ti : Transportation, Stan Wlt contrai ut tuierctltsis s .. e ntin- 800 3pInm Eveint Service. M igli Wall' 00 ,on.Hrold Coxp, Jaek Montgots'- ouns process. tIf t la not ceaS Robt.DevesrStil te b iss th is e; Sportq, Ken Clemetît, Harold _ n ceaaeeestly, tise proisters dli os for tise emetint Ha ilii Coup, Fred Joisuon. Roy McDous- go oproportions wteseaIlbc- blinntan inere tint sermon ta 11; Chaplin, iR"oEK J.Phinn; Ser- 0 gros 10 ~~us. Plan t0 her hlm. Fri-Set. -~ Dec. <' 10-11mCog Hyit e cornes a menace ta ut ail. To aci- lave adaquate control, tondu ara"oua eaie 4a .0 fTxs lo eelut1. ce Oticer. Bert Allan. needati for tise operation of tise ay Dered ilee 1 aI .30- o ex s linles cisere ait peope may 1have WePtkkX y,. e cembes 15tary lon. PLUS fraC chet -rare tf they are suer- WmnsMsinr ice LSB R IG 0105 from or have isapo esposed lu ALL ARE WELCOME "oe r c ao omnCotanuet Thu yur onriutin s vta 1thse g eaon Tsesdoy that, tuisercon.-Tues.__-_______13_14_______t._ave lisera ta nu invesmeol yoo cen PENTECOSTAL HOLINFSS Mn-ue.eDc.1-4 uerroae boan eliminateti maka chere yoor muney itli htlot CHURCH for 7l toms, au tisa retoît ai a greter retorno, not only ln pro- 5EV. IL WOODS, Pesztai Ray Millaliti onfereure %mitis Hytino offiiais __ ilp bt alto ln protection ut con- itielt inta1tDGF. Hall)1heiet mo a m % efb C munity iealti. DEMBR1 -in- A former reuldent of Burliotos, SUN-DA, DECEBER 12John (Jack) A. Hohuot for tise lasI -M- _______________ 10.(4)iiiho .m.- Sosdoy School T I (II, is>e yca.t-oseceetat-y ta the ten-ý 11.0f) arnm..,ornisi Worshlp iThe Big Clocft eal manoter ut tiseBoiolHnI 7.00 pm tV. Mr.Aster 'ta ________ stBhonhktopoinftiMon-e ff E KSP RT R speat on the conditions in batsen allist-somnage Europe.h n'Haia r c. 'noss 8.0iNc.-Fe ong WdThur. r , 5-6 H-asti Mes. Richard Forth chu .2 CARTRIDGES People s-meeti. tr 22-cebae' curts alibr..L.. ub ay 80 îm is Yonge tsta Ioîedo elhtatc Fonoratnge ooaned ilay t lhi t home on Toesdoy. A foc-'-tepatr tile Pac 1 Evryodyp.cWomen'sA1XJmeuStwar setstvts-l oddln i onoi ofrst-ey utols&*u urifl.sandpSt Wiat's Christmas citisout B -i -ocso.-e % r are yoislSo- lot>ingtis og ssci pi si-d.-We have a big stock c! Naesetv. . teveon-tFmree-b BO ongrifea ng modal llustrated la Asd Te Shall Know tise Trts antid1'cn As iowas ..... 37e Bo 4dachres long, chrome plat- News hSai ak o Fe- Ma68i. Town lieu C'rt (love> ii have ise - - --,(?,.sehss>e e n ut- 4 liseTros8Ssa 32aie....F.e-sy pathy of set- many iriettsis nbdfotgsr HnOF CHR32 Tlise %ad deulis of her cotiser, He. adrnes .'45 Th leSxaetyn l oTHE CHURCH FCHIT comngjp.or Ofiers as lowm 0289 k hT Blu Sxnetfo-yln t sar 4 OMAGII Fanny Rayont-rofClarissos, cht: 7ac that hannertfor agalo tonît Vednetdsy SOLV ES YOUR %, a they mre cismonasu tisa bat SIJNDAY, DECEMBER 12 The Mark niht lat he hitby ai car allerý Six of tise Paris, ttlliot 26 P"ints1000 am.-Sunday Scisool Zro hoe aon ie Qome iaisus throuîisool tise evenint Tise Gray 11,00 e m.-WorshslrtService. 'lit 1hoe ton tetutI mas1>-id os> SotoatIriM Sx cameaeloseusecondtit>h 24Coe 5ow an ]et Us Reason a-o. >1 asIwd n Studa pointsorne ot tisa beys seers u ettor ui eoasbli :8laleo.Gr-t KD m bce torieGlot that il lu nul ut lise cay tsey ara torseS out tan SIFFICIENT LAND FOR Inspetio tisaI conrtbt tiseir lia- - - -- -ATHRT1 havitut- tiring tisa chute evenits!, -'FOttI) and severat Blocs lost tpoits ln tiiss j Tise oritiproilrm ut eediti a AI IL Tca ro sni. I omn aog s isis to exprcss mp App>'ciaioanti tiasa ta ic tsrsoir plo ortheu1000 sot, fast loaderLever Th cco tttn L ccit loi Elecîtru ai the Northl Ward toc their trutand Cao- j ai mi.. r of rondctiesds lidor-Hctioi Intstoirers ian- o Wnd sp e tild. T se oye really gota C n a l 1 elu.n e h d a d o -H r w o fn s t c .L n t050 along itis Santa Claut on filtiiooin ogin nîciai me au tiseir riprescitatilOn t th' 1 ' i>,S o o iso b C 3 icse us ca DSHST thi aoienumbet. Public Scisool Bord. I cona suture pou ht sha lu c ro- dcio, sîstes .KSyear- tist- o-Ite n hae s j ussi , tG-RS eeat , 1 s et-y boy (Gîums) TRAINS that tise Cubs e achnc o inetosev r tebet o cep ability. ýoît i ;-' giutrlýns$ .5 $.5 $.9u eserelse their loun,aa ue Most people dut n:,t reolize tisai coult istluovet- chu happenedti eto 0 nil itutl pasteTuonHall on s Mooday FaieneoKng, r od ia'neradipdion v nigit. Every gamne lu playasi citish atie olie oudicsedla pr octing asomucS anttusn s ettioog tl armed, Mrn yd~ter-saiti Tiis conF> terre a majot- league hockiey fiail .------------ o u foodi sigsircantly bisont and eheeru foi tise cinnint idaSial need.ttilfot- ouesticatetimot-Id are enoogis to aise h ae of . cya 90 sny team A lûtiard on tise est- Tise sou expert pointeti out that druss., ce admit, ibut loin ut fun 4 * ' ' ' "~ 1. billion arres oftonuse ladrcati ust tise saie. Ibis develotoot for crop production. To the Electors of Ahbillion oftisse acreesat-e ho At IST TTE IUH rica, Sauts Arneriea anti outise ICSI SKATES IBNT f UE EUETrafalgar 'Township: 1jlare itruopicalmenisad.Te temet-t Groin old lu nomore tan a deIrlineiis e trthetreoers. fgurSsates rtrsaiin bilsa bissi iit i s a bu y man sas no e ýo sa d t e I gI z»h v cl e o ,w iela h r tn E urm. isnta etnain frgIt a s er is oexfr cutse plaleti. Sizes 4 t s airOS lay aenO- 1 sautt o thank pou for tise cap pou rami ouI and t1itit11>1 iee uaurrs91 . Pir $99 voe nna's ' ion and for tise support gîvname, vrithe prts utfootisho aîi"ie al- rut--late., epecily in Word une. vrclopt-s ofhorlotd "hi14.5 <et minde discosu Idess. ricutrlatoiyasr."f $45 Average ms d dicusavents. j , vailoiste tond lu develipyrti lils Small mintis discun peuple. Ii m 5i5um eopaity and tise psitt- Syrnunycu must be used cilS Wishing You Tise l n cultioated 1usd mrnaoed pro-M L O rare. For Iustance you mnay rail perîy, tiserermut ise sufItciest touS youut- ife a vision but neyer a COMPLIMENTS O.F THE SEASON for eveeyone lu tise rture." tigit. I Ar onient Brilisis rostoc ha MontOOtt-l tatha At-i>.~ rnhl is tia Knt.IFl A ip1% I