THUNSDAY, NOVOMER 21, 198 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION o 5V. .A.Elot A CTION SAL OAKVILLE ERIN Farrn Livestock --- J. A. Elott AUCT ON SALE Announicing that the town quota The aympathy of tise communlty Sh wIces u l .FyT m H m e Liceied Auctiosteer and Sae (tutti.N Heîrsea. bimpi- hadl Ieen turther reduced 10 22700 is extended ta the Burt Camily and -'. ~T m H i e Resi latate mesits, Etc. kilowatt Itours daily, R. E. Barlow, 1 espectally ta Mr. andi Mca. Charles I h PLUMBING and PLASTER AND BRICK -manager of the Oakville Water iBurt, lu the tcsgic deatt of thetr asimates of te aumiter of1 Uve SAND, CEMENT là ROAD The tinderstgned have recelved stcIntrn nCnd iJn Instructions frram and Light Commission, Monday'fourtecn-munths ald son. who, pas- stck48 on ama lus Caad ahe Doune HM I GRAVEI., LOOM & CES- PHONE 1773 MA FZATERSYNE urged mcmhers af thse Oahvilte ta- aed away la thse Stck çitltren's In 194,rmpea d S ths nie Do an POOL STN farm. Lat t. Con 3, Trownshipi of Posai lu swing over lu ataggered Tuesdsy marnlng, Novemiter 2nd.k so lacm aniach as h pcpateh ne 1 3 2 1______________ Eaquealng IThird Lînet an nlght sallta. Industrlat represent- Thse 11111e lad ied poured a dlah )f kinda th nu r ai J Phne il 1147rOH22,bMO - SAT1IRDAY. NOVEMBER l3t atîves agteed ta saurad out ataff a oIIng waler aver lits body the with ted aet a,6310 Ju e re97 ON T.MLO Box 20. Georgetown Commnencing ai 2 a'ctocis the concernlng the proposai, natifying previous eventng ahout 8 p. 1. poer cenmt bdo ais 4,8210 are a PHONE 423 GLEN WILA foltowtng industriea counicil dîrectors of thaîr Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, until re- 1. e etieoela e HORSES and HARNESS-1 Per- tindlng today. rcatly reue af 1he Anlia île numiters at 9,470,300 haed deri- MIL 1J1N heron Gelding, aged; Oeid Coliars; clucsa, î hmed 2.6 per cent. Ire wao, how- Bloeatc; t Brown Marc, ls ue Aogrt ntc Choltcrt chng0n h 1Y~I~TJ~ years olsi would m-ste sadelle . - $0 andi St. Mary', Dublin, has iee evc oagirntcag ats !ATLLiI1NI more; 1 Set H-eavy Boothanct Har- ta ttc OukvilTrafalgar Mmor- opucr ocru tAI ut'oerol ad ovs ai ete Imai or nsatmost new. Chocch, Ern.yrrndantoetp miyCr yCAT'LE,-2 Durtam Steers, 2 lai hospital fond. Ttc cheptel, Mc. andi Mca. George W. Berry ýmIikng pu rp. MtghtInrae FO ALYUREDNGRQ BME SUS sers ald, shoot 750 itta. eatc; 1. sîîpuîated that $1 ,000 teue 0celeiuratcc ttc fîticta asotvcrsary la 'Queter ý"OntaIo asd Alberta FO LYURFEIG EQ RMNTUS Eleetade and -Acetytene White Durham Helfer. about 750 Curnisis and maistain s room In thftc ei mcccin aiterhm nee'ms o ltl fst WeIding~~o Itei ;eds a2 thrham homers onou 6mo0 mmpletety athee hym ahaeapaue1 edngIhu. 2 Duram Malfer, atout 6100 hopal the coo have aplaque Tueaday, Octoiser 2th when th decreases 1. the other prornes. 'Starlig t e d Repsir Weiding of AtU Types ltsu.; 6 Part Poil Angus Steera meit famity jotard in ttc fes- 1The nunat.ero! ttorseu on fat.u~ e d tout t00 its1 t a: oiy Beef. cemainisg $500 goes a 10ttc building tvlé.decreasd .3 per cent tram tast Partablte Equtpment IMcPLMENTS, FURNMITRE, tond. Mca. os. Capei eodueyear and a total af 1,904,900 has WOOD, ETrC. - 2-Wheeled Car tn aedition 10 etertisg a mayor Catedon West, met wîoa a ratter no Caltes tetow 2 milltin foc thceTRIH"PED r aefrmateeî PHONE ST - 348O Toraitersel trsot cais E cllette; and courd, toma votera milI Oc I palatul accident creanly. Ste tud iraI lme since 1906, Steep fiast- batasced formula la give ysu more profita frrnm econ- Iathrom Dise; 2-wteeted Traier askcd ta decide upos Iwo questions the miataclone tu slip on s Poltie sdcesd usatal o oia eeig e aea"TRIH"Fe o ________________________ tt Opes Rock andi Box; Cant- on municipal poliry mtac tteY 90 V our an hec home. Ste mas laiera 2,200,000 aImant 17 pcer cmlt ielom every type of tiveslack. all 2-furows T2to hPto 2a En- ttce poils Decrmter att, couacîl ta Lord Dulterta Hospital, Orange- tc er Place Your Order Now for Beet Pulp to gine, tnt.; Root Pulper, MMH.; Cul: decreed Monay aigtt. In the tirai, vitte, for an x-raywtere Il wsea dia- Have yoU been plittng off tine Box, tand or power; Pile of Istance, votera elîgtbe 10 cast bal- closeat tat no toanes mece iscatra -'-- - re~- I)eflve Cedar Sails; No. of Pise toga; loto were money maltera ara con- tut ttc ligaments la ttc ieg were a check-up on tisat Jameumay 011 Brooder, Large Bize; cerseci will tie astesi lu approve la- tar. -Adeocale. EAI Cool Meater; Jameuway 011 Brood- uac Master; Congoleom Sug, 12x9; $100,000 tomard ttc huctdng of ttlU TIN S L M ILTON M I L N CO er, Br C asti in; Steet Matai ood Rusta aki detestulr e a rida tas I ttc Township of Erams NoWashesrh ar a odtemn tapyes Mect o u-t GEORGETOWN of Lve, Stock, Teactor. Facs Phone 50 Limited Miton Ont. Reffig rlato TERIQ--Cah Setlemen with proposai chat Gaiscille lois ttc gistsrn objections rm pentHyGait. CekDay oale Hydro tomcly.-Record Star. Mayor Joseph Gotbons, a hp-lo- ih neruignndav froas v Va a m r Hindley and ElMtî Auclioncers ta0 tocrom $8ua00 Cor makcng car- iLBnscin GAom R Frd Clri 19 -loa changes ond imtccocements n il) sel cr1y Put'ic Auclinai5 hi7 or Otite Appliance thalt le BU LNG O eorgelowns oestre sY!Ite", paseII tocos, ttc West Hall ut LoI 11, ýtseodreading aliecncCoa. 4, Eramosa, nilunted atout helping you wlth your Amc I u cw eetinag (in Mondoy nigbt. Tte On- ,Mlte Sauts ni 24 Higtway ai work? Abg lb h ef-rd po(rtrio Municipal Boardl ttc Crlc Ino C S ut-offs ban bren given the toma tf approaared for approa nom tsse WEDlWUSDAY, NOVEMBER 171h J.~t IssueE Commreadlar att ad'lo. We m uply ha IPIMenS urint y ttc Brant Inn whacr siebencoreo, a arcesoary prucedceý sharp, toc îoîîoo ag SevieFarm Im lm n salleci acnc tue nom been ta up- thoi reading cnet iaolly pased. nul dccc! tO1-2 Tcaclor anStel trto omie meeke. Alrcally The O0tt Anrnicernucp services T IlC. 2-torcow Plow; Bissel Dout- PHONE 35 SaleTON tise toctal hilowat tours svordi le ofe thc Georgetown United Cturch leDise:M Srn-ot Cti Saes -teric ain Icnrbtont p he r si l ttrehe lte alttedon 11rhll-Ior; ell ut t Box ItCr Flod M rlat fac îrculia lttedrsticutecee- -dî atenscetonSuaCat, diers; I.HC llco bp. acIne; Fleury FO T R S Fod alt h aloee aad-tgýlh ing w croc- me-t er dnet coim- HtORSE t)IAWN IMPIEMENT REPAIR SERVICE lWis~ ~ n ttc Otetimeet Club us Saurday -Iîcel toc- the ocasion on mas His-Il Reler: MO . Cern Cul Man L ilon h laccccedthe cc e- c- iv .îo-i] tieecloc MIil. 1t-dece FectIýe nig tasaumotcccce.oful attci. yecn-e D r,, H ncccIy ado: Serle o! t-, Cor. Charles Sarah BI& 463W Upmarda of a550 ctildcen tout paurt a o ob novn WligPo;MH i inacc-ý otms ht ilncd. tunerc. la ft c dse ronditon cao5cccrv o rstOdO utcc Mics.r te-na Plolcegtoen poýe t,,rbshutt Spccodcc. ado-; McCr cedt to the malletsc(ifBurlog- awyi e eiec,. aii mIe-h Mou-cc: Oril Hues-M H ton. Ase Toron,onlcc Fcieiay. Ortecer tie eioy lecude: F.m & ruopNG On Ficcda% ltet trucksrcol- ceve E,- se-cec ocrntc-hu-rc-Wonc;uDamia Baeat2 Baldwio s acc-cs. Tce trochk sc-e- bli cet oItllee-scllcccrtce-- ha Stdigt Plottocus: laIe Have~~~~- - ,ccclcc e- htSr: P'ortland utr We Al~ays HaeFor Sale Criera hy IP. Il. tiunhud. Toronato.,cc lll,- 1~ h ice- oe'eIo cclss iterule ISîmorrt:; Ruht)'-i andt .1. B. Hacll, Wltcona icth o-cdc cac-c-c lie-cre an business ul cc milton 17-tieeth culiao ALARGE SELECTION 0F pcoccc-ding eccth acd ie the 1t l elcc.tcrcel eteMcectto- bde et deccecee lie tîccîlto decn île-ohahn cc1,dae. Mille; TOWN HALL the truck s pue ucecunit i in -.l h ccrmcee e ecac 'tIc a t c es: Blork and ak : clte ofIt l %eIl a e-ce don Sceler: Wtveelr mcente. t e-c cli Bes lie te1fin lrccch: Plattforte Scalps; Su - MILTON mccl. ecfirOtlc--c cadetut IceI _____ rrbutor pipes te slo r-icee e i tcc eol 1h, ecr tieooce: FuttenigCa nPc 9reto T-.,.L...a tc : Bcoodcr StieSp Tearliic- taned-: Set cf Temc ar FOM , Mis. to--le , a<e-te c-cc, -t e-tsccc litre, chines: St tr i c \reTelceceslc.c icc Icre 65ii car, 1. le- vr'ond 60 loach r - ROASTIN(;-G ece %%a eor iuuo N eclsoo. ceeIy .1.tih Lister Ritltdge ttc, ocrls, Clafns ond thh s E ve- CHICKENS ctcee.ealc recele ai Uer lice impact ut blet privee of mal]- tîAy t-.-2 C A O N a ndec h cg h t a atie o n ttc C n n e n la cl p r lo c e, I - cc l- cl e ee elo v icccîe tezlca ieccc ng cccreasuigy [)i- Ajlc Onet,: 3001 hec MlxMl BROu~~~~ ERelreace ta ttc uccsumpîa tion tee-hu iackheetit--c;. I~ ~I 8i cRIER f wc dcccl look sftc ourseles ce1 cmV 1c8rcar tr oSaskatchewean, tas a -.omelnc-- pcetecahîp t9 îee0.Ie c - Mitre t's andt o Quatt I0ý AND EGG rn cpul Ioneting strie. Nine of me-ntc cIli assunce ttc obligation cd t1ieecahecet Feccattoce. il Icien w lunre. and gucalu toc. us. Bct more, oc balicr, it IOWcS -Iler <Gre-y Beeod h m h ntly drcap doma onl thd prdo- cd u, In lice c)acus Ille lice" ot-Ive: Hreford t fr ieitcr cloue frcte thcu k;a lI e orcd, freet: 1,dCw fasm gesv on.ttd ht crerîcio b r OOd lec-tMrcdiHeeord(- abe einhing , Il le on ttitudd tiect Iaîr î : lîcrafocel COw FIbE N C M E cugeeîctc cc igîOcocl o 14111: Holcstein Hadrefr -FIT E GA S L 'IO N SAR LE hes e thal mc don wee cee-cd Tlcly Snd: Heefdctacci ed , ad felbecusethesecrit wýSePpt 29It: Iiecctocd Belfebe IN-1 RA S 1751. cn. haec-en plunning la cubjedî ta .TllI - r~~~very wblm andi cvecy inacreasina ul YIINt 't~tRAlWNEFLPI RFÀ.ItTF.R.D asnd FUI l'l' A(- dcun chutC la.FAl muet b pnu- aerc icf HA TO OU T Y R DU T STEINS andl GRADE DAIRY Oucing the mur me Iearned tise Stddca. 2lyri. tnid: 3 Betterrqn DpPHONE 1W MILTON sec;,ET.tei îurtla putiic urge, purItp'I'ut1ee Yan seeItlb pene COE NDBIN Y1 cccle-iifrcige'e hae l'ceece the il uece ftImues ucticon. But, t hene goond Beretord rate dcc N BIGYU instructioo frotuicceer thr ruse. t ciet crti %.wl dou DC r 15 F. D. MeI(PIIEDRANl aMa SON peuple -,aing mOu o anere Wcunere. FRIENDS FOR AN EVENING SEP -- Il tLinln_ Ia hely pulice aucteeca aI lIceid thceucoO f cetluiin tefoce. Bp tt Ew tismts. OF FUN fat n Lcoi 9, Ceca. 7, eclutucee an 7tIe lter yeurs of ttc mac, me mccc TERMS CASH E _______________________________ mete c erice car atbout Uj putting noay a sedy i91r, ni oud No tîerras ttc taras Is Sui mile Souath ai Ececton an lnclet his ao habit mth Uc and c taah Caunter ' 1 c s,..' ~Commeciag ai î.:cc a'clocit thc ec loi0rd at iueroe atm sngs NOTE -No Adituon Charge îvîae Ynr îicen eeleemageTaday, ttc eueiag hcabt ta rua- eactp e leII Rt-C;ISTROR OOI.S1TEINSý niag teudleog dom,, titi. ta 1945,a Bur sng of Ruh 7iBes O T__ .'hic Ocrel ce tectîly Sircel is il ouc hi-;., la 111461 12 per cent. cdeap tuanRd. iotes.cIner ADEL8OHT WITM TUE NsEW (e-dur Dole Meentvld Date, con of TOut on't bûcuusc me have del- Ph. t9r3, Roctwood or 177j, Milotn M uM U U U M U MUM ****nnn tiel je ceout i521 th,, baller tnt test ibecuîeîp gare, on a spandîlte eprce. taseaIwo etC ty hý Iaulr. n-s G ENERA L tee Rt-G. L(tWS t YeeIig Ceu It isac onytlag na naturel or as1 - tcesedning trono ,te (itcte IoJun., pîrent us tat. Ilt t erausec biccle 'c Rag Appli- I Meenuedute tigO taes undi Iiigt coeis are en- -o ';d" 'D C 4Cad:- Cma IIc t"t toc ot nI tcit. ig norseuiyadI cLCT I treel ta lieral Sic-e cîcîeq at suie:; ruba aoascct.adI Et Itcgistredt BrIe e, 2 yra and cal' speercepn mure. Mare Ita undir; île Brc Sire. Mandalay aIl 1h51, Il is bcuse, btl ta s5 A 1 Bule, ti-c PiahrsetMun-0-Wur tusinrcs anet a pertonul sente, lis' i.ffîff<iPaut. dam iManauy aovereur I % n Ccc cI; B eg Jecncp Cecc la tulJiIptta !el ugaint praftts aci Dan' i truggîtt any longer fewa ia c ersep tom, du.- 1i te-,enc netice ami persa1 la Deceteher; 2 .lertrp Hdifcr Cial- Iinctependence bat unetmerd out leift ylurol-fshone mtt. e a, cigitle fo, reg.trutiiet U Reg. ccntient iscîlef t lIoiis aft-r uttth yluraid fashiaed alove. AycabireCow Items c- anC crc-i oc _ a Rgisocei Jye-hic hat; lcuîr ic ecua rcsponslities Lu lice first-- Cet a modern eleCtrlO ratige Hoclstein dtuo 0cici; Grae 11toi- dcutp ut mon. sie le faIt Im:w 4 Grte- Hoastrein S_______ - Wi1h aulumalit timinig and de- Hplfece; AIt Cutle teith eceptione cf ttre-01e ccc vrltde undi ait be- O¶TAWA 511.1 'ON SURPLUS penable telat contrai. heiso wC Ionî1ta Ihel forma-etuecy hre. S --25 ,'1uIfoIk Rmrs. pure (),e lrmitem dtc eerycne dans --huve hase nete Gefieral Ele- tre tut eut fe-ccterrc. Thia tierIn taamsTeFnnil rnei.,i tee teahdt :17 lams. t îuu iy t iuc -- .ic rrfrigeralars, especiaiîy do- Iitle(;S 7 abec uout 1811 hoq.; Pi'e, ce un explecaoun of mtvou effic- 16 I tetil ttcu 10bs; 1 Seca mitt- tte ider.t surplus la again tuar- sigard for mOngY sving efie igs uit tetISow dcce about Sccetr inotetaoper ihu dotle; t Scec lur IOrrcmhcc set. lninuisscacphrmtot ss iency ( CItISN 12011 tus. Glond Micret regard ta Finance Minister Ah-G Crauce. toit's officiai entimates. - - -- T l[MS: CASII ON5 IAY 0F SAI,E Fnc ttc carrent fierai peur, Mr. U1.oe ~~ AVAH~AB %l Suie Parver In cae eof buet AbbtI etimulced a surplus of - -. wgur. >1%'MWM AVILABLR %eahec Nec ceerre an tht r .1-cm