'TRUI8BDAY, NOVS2eIBER H. 1948 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE riva Dsring lise past moalis lie Ima Galle Campanlea bave combinaI thecr regular seeeklpameetings l tise'rowna Hall. A portioa of caris meeting bas bren devotel 10 prar- tisbsg emspisore sisgaaibg, wmisis bau repiacal tise morse sigallin! test In the Serond Clasa badge. fIse former Scouts, Doug iii and RelIs Symana are coarhia! as la the elemenlant. stages and bave oar thaasis foc Iis gool lura. Il has eon decidel h01 tise present aumber of Guides in Mil- tan 1e not marrant bavlag Imo Compasian, therefoce Ihere seul ho one lIs Milon Company unIon tise leadership of Miss Jean Busncs and Miss Marlon SIi. Tla mili reliavo Mc. Hall froas active duty for tepeeseal, bitssl aismliiassis. wis ltest and ibage or. Mc. Woos a sel sose tcaasfer 1. tise Boa Ranger Crae 10 assist Ens. Poster. We isopeaai soma futsce date' thora eilise leadersip fosal foi n Bramnia Park. Tise Guide meetings iiiha hetd on Welseslays froas 7.30 la 9 p.. and tisa SeaRangera on Taursdap. A training ad Camping Con- frenre for Gudlla i lg ibell tn aOkale on Novamisar 19h, 20tis and 23t. Tala promises Is b. bth lutecsting and Instruc- tive wth qualifiaI troiners la ehargO. M. D. Northwaad ut T'rconto KNOX PRHSBYTERIANa vsited setis frienda hi town lCHURC soce 'Mlanee,-Eev. Ea j, Phina I Mca. Johan Gilmour ipet the Mr, Stanley Rohera-rganistamd D week-end et Oseen Sound seth hec Cho Irmter ab siter. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1948 M. Vernan Grenke qf Tronaito 10.00 arn.-Senior &S. ' visitcd wth is fasaiy avec the 11.0)0 arn.-Junior S.S. Divine Wac- weekmd.ohip. WMS. Sunelay. Preacher 1ev. Mc. Loseiher, B.D., a! Mr. Ronald King of Geogetown Wychood Fresyterlan Ciurch, spent tise week-end setisMr. snd î.oopn.rvne osa Mca. Lwcen.c RingPreaciser, thselue M nuis jet 'TPaylng sur Vowsa", Mr. and Mca RBert Jones Jr. The Coonaion group iii meet at spent Sunday seth sc. N. Bacrin- the home ut ýMrs. M. E. Nixon, dote at St. Cathacines. 'ruesday, November 16th, et etght p..s Mis Dorothy White o!'Toronto A Cordial Weleome Awala You $5 visittd with liec parents, Mr. and at Knox M. M. T. WIbte thsa seek MssIllan Bennettofa!T'ronto ST. PAUL'S UNITEDl apent tise week-end wthslier par- CHIJRCH ent% M. and Mc. Fred Bennett. Minltr-REV. J. 1 B-AIR, SA. Mc. and Mca. Jack Wieellban SUNDAY. NOVEMBRR 14, 1948 and famlly, Mc. and Mrs. Frank 10.00 a.n.-Sc. Scisosi. Qadui s ad !amnly were Sunday 11.00 a.m.-Church Woraiip. "What o guenia wltis Ma~m enyOra o ou isurisexperts of you."1 PiasasoroCOi5i'e,7.010 p.m.-Cisurch Wocshlp, "Duc Mc. F. E. Satis and Viola and1 eV M. Lioyd James, Misa Betty Moore Moolay, 7 p.m.-C.ti.I.T. Ia S. of Toronto vitited with Mr. and cooas. Mc. Lawrence King avec tise week- Taesday, 8.00 p..Yosng Adlt ensd. Gcsup la S.S. rosas. McroaidMca. Caneon and Mr. Via!ttac Weieome âmed Mc. ag o Hamilton and Mc. James Camspbel cd Toronto were, GRACE ANGICAN CHURCH Sanlay guestsa wttisM. and Mc. Tii. REt'. GItY EAEINB James Wallace. RectorV Recent guestsai Craiglea inclul- SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1948. e cd: Mr. an Mcs. Fred A. Wade, 800 am.-Hoiy Commnunian. t M. and Mcs. Donal B. Mulisol- 10.00 a..-Sunday Seisoal. s and. M. and Ms. Bacet Par- 11.00 a.m.-Mocning Prayer. M rldge, M. and Mc. G. M. BoIher- 7.00 p.a.-Eveng Prayer I land, Misa W. Wenlisoll. Miss Mg- Tueslay-2.M pas., W.A. s son Teigasanis, Dr. an Mc. A. 8 p. - Evenlsg Brases of Laveil, Miss M. F. Irsels, ail of W.I Trconto; M. and Mc. F Hesllp Wesneday-4 p a., Junior W.A. B New 'roronto, Mc. and Mca. W' 0.15 pas AY.P.A.il Dean of Newe Toronto; M. and Tu9.0 0 m.menIrJChior.Cor;p Mms. J. . Jay, Mca. E. Jay, Stanley 8.00__pm._SeniorChoir. _ la Jay, ErlasI Jay, miss 1. Cunnng- bMTON hains, al of Toconto; Mc. and Mca. BAPTIS? CHURCH K. A. Foser, Mc: A. E. Poweca s Mc. and Mcs. Roy Ellingon, Mc: Inth ie Farmecas Building i Vcor Nixon, Miss Edith ix îon, SUNEFAY, NOVEMBER 14, 19404 1 Mc. and Mc. Edwin Maccsp. al o! 103o a.a.-Sunday Scisos). fi Miltas; M. ansd Mc. A. R. 'rucher 8.00 p.a.-Es'ening Service. A Morbîre, Coiuyn Boy, M. .. misa:osacy film enitle *N' Fieldiag, Noth Wales, Miss E. Gons and hec people" will ho Young, Guelph, Ont., and Mc. B. shown at Ihis service. Wr iii ALawrenre aise of Gueph. aussca talfenct. wih pela _________ Moslay, Noveasher 15 ai 8.00 p.B -Mc. and Mca. Parlis and i ON "tM 5W faaiiy mi lake charge ai lisa service 'rhcy are misionalesV - os tuesugisfreioaSoulis Amec-d 'Aisa," sald tise iead ceek. Ira. Speciai aldes willisbep -t'as gla ta notice tiat you're, shon covec:sg Iheir mission- f agTiving panectuaiiy no, Mr.' acy mort in Soulis Acarica. Taeslay, Novemiser 1ith ti 8.3 ut SioSaineas .-.Pcayec and Bible taly.-b "Yes, ir. t've lougit a paccot." Welneslay, Noveasher 171h aI 'MO5 "A pacct? Wiat on eaclh foc?, -Womes's Mlsiosacy Cîrcre.j I tlid you 10, gel un alaras eioek." AU. ARE WELCOME i "Yen t Imkos, and I dII. But aller a day or lwo I gaI urd t1,2 il and il lidol moaka me. Sa t rot PENTECOSTAL HOLINS tise paccot. And nom mies t go ta CHURCH ý bcd I seltlise alaras ducs and put REV. il. WOODS, Pentor tise pacol's cage on top of IL. Geler of Services WisaltisaI bird soyasewhen ihe iHeid la ..0 F. Hall) alaras goas off seoull waise up SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1948 anytadyl" 10.00 a.m--Sunlay Scisool. 11.1)0 a.m.-Morning Wocahip. 7.00 pas -Evangellstir service. A former USA. boasier plioi Vedeslay, O p. Womrns Aux. wisa cenounre iiss cssuli'y tlie- ilary ai lise homerofiMca. came a citizen ofthtie wscl, and Sheccail. wise visa hal expîcel In France, 'l'hucselay.8.30 p.m -Young Pesp- found sancluaey lanlise Palais de le1 s meeing aI Mc. Zimoner- ChailUo, newiy apeord UN as- saunas home. sensily spot, la Parla, csnsldeced I Evecyisady Welrome t isterallonl lecltocy And01Y, Shah Keosetise Tculh and lise Trutis Shahl Make You Pres- Jno. 8: 32 THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST Guidng 1 OMAGH S UNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1940 in 10.00 a.a.-Sunday col } ~ G u din go 11.00 a.m.-Wor$Msp Service. ltnICame Nom ami let Us Reaaoa To- jgeliace SaIsh Jehovah-Iaalah 1. 18 M000 MBFOR MISITEU o rmia Sportamen who lihe ta bit theNoCùn al cait wisen tise icaves are tsirning Cases in Halton tc wl ehapy t e a h upiiy Fait Assizes mûi of Carsadlan-asade loaded aheila , iy and metala ertridigea la mueS [ Coatinued tram Page One)> « better tMsaamaan1 -aeordisg ta --UV tardware and Metai & lieetrIal Myctie B. Field, oseser of tise dog big Dealer. Imported linos are aval- seiirisaiiegediy attaelsed tise plein- Brs hile, too, at higiser prione. tiff caualng lnjury ta piaintl!i'a ieg _____________________ shen hitteii, Aceording ta tise tesntay of I'OWSHIP 0F TRAFALGAR Mca. Wiseeier ase had taken hec itM'CI'îU. ELEC7rIONs saal dog for a walk on lise night- of Marris 9, 1946), shen ase wseaa Consstruction of and, Equipping lachel. She toldlise cmarItase as a Hospital las Oakville ta o b accylnihec dog whien tise deféal- kasown as the Oakvillc-Tra- anI's dog cao f rosa lie bouse, faigar Memorial Hoapital umpel ai herck arsand hnarked hiec ta tisegrounl ta front tif Mino VOTINCI ON THE QUIISTiOII Ficid'a reaidence. 'Tise dog pulied N RELATION TO 'I'rWN- asy goboais huise off, grahhed me SHIP 0F TRAFALGAR RAIStIti hy tise leg tearing three haies ta $50,000,00 BY SALE 0F DEBEN- tise fiesis aihove tino ankie. It tison ~TURES TO 9IRECT 'AND EQU1P1 f sMs ii A HOSPITAL IN DAKVILLE grabbed my o ttariasMiFel Notrce is iseraiy gîves tisaI rame ouItaldpriel the daga mouth lise voies ofrlise Electoca Open la rcleaae ih', wltneu testi- ENTrITLED Fr0 VOTL ON fiel, addlng aise waasalner medimil M0NEY BY-LAIWS ' care for eigisl meels. mili ho taises attse Municipal "Tise samne dag atlacisel me nine Elections lu Ille heM os yeas prevlosly but dld sot bita MONDAY, lise 11h DAY OF me on tist oasion. Laler il lbit D5XCMMBER, 1948 an lise folsowing question Imiscismy scce miso mas neven yeacs of lu crrctly stsled, vize: age lisea." "Are you la favor ai pcovlding Unler cross examlsallss isy L. lise Datvllle-Tcafalgar Mcm- DIagle srltaess salI evecy tîme Misa anial Hospital Board mils Feulg a e 111 eiss $50,000.00 for tac surpose of U& o a liritePlces crecting and equlpplng a His- log Il mouid go aiRlt . pia als rssof Datvlîe. William Anderson,-frmrdeut ad 10tiselsse of Dehentuces siserlff ad Mca. Fraak Molfiven ta rover rosi of same, salid bt etfe iedgblJme isospîlal t10-ise issomaas tise ohtsfidheogbiJup ,à Oaiselile-'i'coaagac Memorlal ea i lemton aecasion. Mise BtS.! th Hospial." Braus, sîcce of Mca. Wieeler, les- Each icclar in EntitIed ta Vota crihel hawse eas playing on Sec, an Said Question In Recta Word itaouaIts lomis shes lise dsg greishe Wbich sHe or Rsc bhas the Right ta hecr on the atms. Vota on Msney By-"I.ai A tenat seio bas as case wmisris Taine sestand la ber osea le- sitenda for a perlol of ai least fesse, Miss Field lealel hec dog seenty-ose yeacsandasl missbs, isy Was Of virloas nature. she admit- taris lease, covenanlel 10 pay ail tel It bal attsckel lise smaaler daga mnicipal tases 1n respect of lise bal diI ast isos tisaI Mms. Wieei-, Property leasel bisher lisan local 1' ic a itnutl14 mprovemesl cales) sti. itse o ru lr usbleeur)14 se maiso ald FILES WIl'H THE seetise sril ws sbsa!. Sise aiso CLELK 0F 'THE MUNICIPAL- 'testi fiel ase isalneyer crmIv ETY NOT LA'rER 'iHAN THE11 sy compîsînîs abotalihec pet, but 101h DAY OF NOVEMIOER, 1948,a BEING, A DA7rE sotl alec tisas tiose f rom lise Wiseelec famlly. she lesth day tafore lise loy sp- Dmrçribing lise eveals os tise poulael foc iaing lise vole. a der- nigisl o! Marris 9, 1946, wstellc oarallos saler "Th'ie Canuaa Ei- saaise iseard a arream and found leoce Art" gosaaise. ise enlilleel oa bave bis or lbername ascredolatiber dsg isadl sofs!Mca. the list s! Eleciors ta vole osnlise Wiseeer's rouI steave. 'Sise wsea sail question.1 itiolseosnlise slleo'aik boltase dil A CORPORATION asesseil on 1sol s ay ase bal bren bIlles. fI d tisc lasI cevîsel asacaumeal col) as1 onror as iesoee, hissîg a lease so ol base sltise falioselse Mac- toc pecîsl o! aI least lseety-oae day seien ber isuasand ralile me et- peurs, sisal) be catillel 10 appoint lise offirer'. M.s Fieldl lesîlliel. s somîsee 10vole osnlsis eait on DcCHHeopollieogss lis qaestion. AIl suris appoint- D.C .H.lpsl h o a menta isais e Ia ring ald lied, nioeilrouarisararlerstm t taas' mils lise Cîeri of tise Muniripal- isasslelge sel he deglcoyel the lty ast 101er T H A N TrH E animaila Aprîl 1941). Tiss De.- 1111h Day of NOVEMBER, 1948,aeyapsefoliepitf. BEING A D)ATiE NOT LA-rER nyapae ortepaný lisa lise testh day taeliste day 1Dr. loyd Brîlgemani, vetccrinaey arpoinlel for taing tise volei said tisat terriers as a type are: Wises s corporation Is a 18ssec. a'soi a virlous animaiibut aI limes derlaration ine scricdse usethlie isrome excale. preceline psarrspis. mustaso h' hre ioresc Oilel. The Ioc eIonss eeeiad A lt of aI) volecis esîltlird 10,Tusday and lecree niai wsea grat- voeos tisc hove qusiaon huis cd laeah cagse. 'bey mccc Taylor, bers preparel and may ise la- gTyo.te usd fthe %perled 51tishe ti ,ris's CIlice5 fler v alo.ts r'oy0ftse SNovemtar 151h. brImera tiseboucs cisildcea mas grossa! ta tise plain- ci0:11)0w oi nd440 p m., .'vrrpl. tiff: BusisYris Bsiy; Gray vs ing Soturds ansd1Sîîslaya GCray; ad Smilthvs Sasiths Notice ls brIser gOves tisaI lis" tth pnigofteasIe 201h loy ot Novrmbrr. 1948, i An ist pasgo ie sie bouc ot t orclons Ia tise utt.'csoovCroma Attorney W. t. lirk alviacd nith l "eiksaOffice ut rofa]La:. HL. Locstshlp tiere ser erlas- is tise thoP nd laie ohms h11%Is s eteao bcbear. bren lixrIfor tise a oiotrt )f 'ia a eyg persos b attend aItiseé varoos . tIsve odsews. Inderd. poîoang places and ail'hc- firs) uo- 1 rongratulte the rossly o! Hai- mlar-up of tise votre, os tise 8tv t onl 0s00ni".îrtiss. by sot hisls iîy ofiîeremsec, 1949, ai 30'riart crimîsol actions atiIbis lime. Na an tise ofleesos hy tise 'row'aobîp dutficut oshv Chco osbebsf oft tie pero as lnt- dus i otl oshv rm Prestd isvoîtg Ia tise affirmative soi ruases but you are fortusate la or sers tiros thla question. sot boving ftic.", o! major nature",; SA FRA'MHEIS'IONE. .')CIskMr. tustice Geseist observel. 'rosrsship of Tratalgar.,tleputy tibcf! E. E. Yste.o pres- Trafalgar P..,fOat. ~mnedRis Locdshlp seita lis erua- 1, Shellos A. Feotheratovep, ClerC tuomacy sebite gioves. ot the Tosessilp of Tirafalgar, fduc' Oseson -jury rivil artion, Mc- becehy rertift it tise siove tors- 1 her vs Colt. arisise froma s olor lionto1 bc voîrd os rostalsis s cor- 1urriliat iegas ycstecdap. rcc gtatementoattise question sois- mitant ael if tise ossent of tace)- er-tora lasisbtalned il sel) bc toien TRNT H tain comidllcct)se hy thbecosarliiTRNT LHARMONIC sftec tise eapiration of ne monts CHOIR PRESENTS fcom lise 111h day of Novemiser, 1948. A tenantmiss dflrsInost01 FIRST CONCERT SOON msst b ise leivecîl 10 tis ernt- lter tisse tise ltis day hefoce lieh e OnTbusday tise 181i of Nuveas daya sils)eed foc lahlsg tacestoe.tc ts ooto Pslsrol 'ris dearat)on irov)del focr sy be , te foonoPhaonefo asis section 3 of section 2M,1 chapler' Chirlcîl give ils itcoerfr 2116 R B.D. 193f. taer masos la tise MamyHail SA. Feutistone, do'Irs, Toronto. Tac choir saler tise Tmp.o! Tstaiar. dirctrion of Mr. Robent S. Hatliy,1 mil) have a catiser unique program ~.....0comsistisg of risoa)oaemst jjiy Fred Warlsg, foIk sangs, Spirit-.J s ala, sea soais, Iriish songo and ra r pcodigy,..e i)uptay s.nel-am Miss Palsy Parc, eleves yeor sld ~TIOS piaooeusshrs and also some o rHELD AT progrsm seil) haeamade over stations C-IBC, 9.0 0 l 10.00 p.m. We usIer- £ TRAF LGAR tad sevraI Milon musicrlovera LL, RAF LGA wil rnke lie tipforibis per- )CK NOON ON omne $ INCREASER DFMA1ND FOR Y . 26e 1948 :1 taIr esha'n theorfyeis,th n umiser of telephons in Rrltain GE 0F DATEj1i)lis lnaedby oes 0Per cAl. 1Os Maci 31, Brilain bal 4,1)52,-ý 'OR 704 satlons% nosf o! ese 1,665,564 Reeve, Tbree Councflors, One balitheem providel since VJ Day This i ai) tise more surpriasngrca- li Utility Coimnission of the sidering tise laevitaisle siorlage of I'Iree Trusteca for the Trafai- Iciephoars tisrosgbosltishe worid due lu the mac. Ducing tise pear April 1947 to Marris 1948, lise nasa- 9YEAR 1949 iser of new lelepsones lasIallel by tise United Kisgdom Postal 0i ,i, Election mili be heid autascilies omoaalel lt 1606,00)0. CEMN BER 6, 1948 Speakiag la layon s! uecluded from a.m to 7p.m. noohu, la public parka foc lovera rom ar 107prnth. -sor f TLoadan Da. akrd 'a offset a drap ita milk produn- a lurtag Beptember, tise Brlbi latcy af Fool lnaranglag ta r 0 itiousand gallon. aOf mllk iy froas Noctserus treland ta verpool and Biackpool ta thse gmut algle air frelit Job ta "-»d au home-groos grasna ain., a iaylngbld ,I prolsice haut M us a r poareports apouKrs expert. -H! Poultry OanScessrala la lIedl ta thc grains, lb. âme birIsa product1 ionslOlan-P ta Co-op Poultry Concentrate 111 not only mate rosir bird. sons profitable tapersbail vii bie tiseSmamre reistancte diom. 0as roa Milton District Co-Op affiltated wiib UNITED CO-OPERATIVES i 0F ONTARIO Campbellvilie, Ont. ea44 Sales & Service FORD AND MONARCH CARS FORD TRUCIS FORD TRACTORS AND IMPLEMEMMI We believe we have the finest assortmesat of ued cam inas Iis part of the country. Here ame nomn of them: '47 FORD, Fordor Sedan, like new '47 MERUCURY, Coach, like new '47 FORD, Coachs, like new '46 CHEV., Sedan, Radio, Heater, etc. '42 PLYMOUTH, Coach, in gaod shape '41 MERCURY, Sedan, Radio, Heater, etc. '39 CHEV., Sedas 1 MODEL A, Sedan 1 MODEL A Coach New and Lised Tires and Batteries, Ail Sizes FOR FINE TOOLS a Mister, wketber lis a scmowdriver you need or o whoiet"l asop, just »a ua-for QUALITY plus VALUE * ~ ~ s"SCÇW DRIVER * 'Best quaiity steel blde-' 0iI nk warround or ~;,car atcamra.Handiei shaped to fit band. 30e The ARCADIAN Miode! BMx 1%e accent ts an the fontiona bcaty of mod- ema deain A console eadio youiel b. peoul teanac. Station elections Icm a fiasidilldial'. nsarvelloua, Conein and Sec It Now ........- PULLEY Floor modri, maltiapeel pres T~ mîitisprouction I table. Spindi- apeeda fcom 5000 la 590 cmw HiChar msrî 11/32 Inch. Les. motor JOINTER 6-lacis isll-heacieng jolater wits fanra, 3 Salle isond safe- ly guard, 24 inlcis v-taIt pu)- $139.00 rutlling braI .$ 9 5 V-BELT 27-ta 5601/32 75c Trafàlgd NOMIN4 WILL BE TOWNSIIP UAI AT 12 O'CLOa Friday, Nol pNOTE CHAM -FC p One Reeve, One Deputy1 Conualasioner for the Publi TowsipofTrafalar and1 garTowshi ScoolArea. FOR THE If a Poil be demanded MONDAY, DE( Polis wili be open f SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY NORRING 7ON'S CONFBCIONERY AND GIFT SHOP Phonse 14 Milton pp.ali "" ll[UPJMAYI NOVIMMM il, lm Phione Milton 382-r-3 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION