Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Nov 1948, p. 4

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PAGCNAEA AFOUR - -Z-A. OVMMRi . 5 NEWS 0F IInteresting Items Conceraing*C jities in which Many of Our CAMPBELLVILLE' The regular monthty meeting of the Campbe1lvilie W.I.was hetd In No. 10 ichool on Wednesday even- mng. Mrs. Frank Quioilan pesided. Mrs Lloyd Crawford, secretary- treonurer, read the minutes of the iast meeting andi gave the treasur- ore report whlch was pleasing t0 everyone. The businesa waa traira- a.ted falosard by Mc. Wmn. Mc- Laren reportlng on Social Welfare. namely the "Chute Heart Hospital" In London, Otaria. Mrs. George ngles reael a pocru on "Newsa about people" Mc. Wm. Bock gave a fesa hoUsehoid hints and Mc. J. K. Mahina gave current evensi on district annuata. Mn. L. Crawford and Mc. W. McLaren and Mc. F. Quinlan were narurd a commitee to end a M2. box of food to Brut- in. An Invitation wsa accepted to attend the raily t Nelso on Nov- embere24th. Mc. Hardy Pordy and Bro. Geo. Ingles sere narurd reoponible for thr painting of the Becreatloo Booth. Il sas decided fot 10ocs- crpt the governent grant. Mc. Mahon, Agriculture and Canodian ndustry convenor. then tob Ithe chair. Hi-s. Hartley And- ecaon contribted two lovly aulos scrompanlid by Mc. L. Crawford, wich sere folowed by commun- ty singing Miesa Jean MePhail gave the molo, "By the seorb, one neyer knowo the sorer. Ouest speok- er for the evening wasMr. Brack- en froru Appleby, seho reited 10 us, better methods (i lrming and the agriculture ighlights o his trip 10 Englond, Scotland, Denmaxb and Bordes. Miss Jean MePhail ropresord thonks lu our speker and the mreting closed sitis the Kng followerd by a social houc. The Oronge Lodge ot Compbell- ville eld a banquet in Broobvilir Bail for tbeir siven and familleo os Wednesday evrnisg. Dancing sas ennyrd later to tbe mui of Alex Near and is orchses- tra. Mr. and Br. James Mabos spent tbis week-end In Buffalo vistlng relatives. Miss Greta Bamiton olf Cbritie Street Hospta,. Toronto viaitîd sitis Dr. ansd Mc. Seecb, Tuesday and Wedaesday. Mmrsari Anderson, Audrey and Karen of Brusselis visite! on Wedl- nesday settb Mr.iami Bis. George Stack. Mc. A. McPbrdran isad tbe mis- fortune to fait in her borne Wedl- eeaday evening breabing er hip. She la receitng treatment I the Genecai Bospitaliat Guelpb. Campbsel Lodgr, 603, met io tise Masonie Hllit rrr on Tuesday 0v- ening. Master Cecit Chisboim wsa ta charge. A presentation wsan eld ha tbe 0hristie Hait on Wednesday eves- iag for Mr. and Mc. Roy Service, rr-wly-seeds Progressive ruebro wsa ennyrd and prize wtnnecas erre Mc. Edward Parsona, Mrion Ser- vice, Roy Service and Archie Ser- vice. Bru. Chorie MeArlisur read the address and Mr. ami Bru. James Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. Wtii. tami Mahon presened the happy coopte witb a mirror and magazine rack. Tise happy roupie responded thonkistg ail for tise tovely giftt. A bountiful lunch waa arrved. ACTON An Impresive service ni dedirt- Ionnsa held In Acton United Church on Fiday evening, Ortober 201h, shen the ciurh aiso reopen- ed for regular eburcis services aiter a perlod of renovation durla: sehich tinse a nese choir arrange- ment of seattng wos irougist tnto ret and a srmi-chanret iuggeot- Ion waa given the front oi the anctuary. Actons oldest cburcb, the Bol- tiaI Cburcb. celbrated ita liiit Annivecary on Sunday, October 31. The gurt speaker for the occasioo was Bey. Frank Patch of Went seortb St. Baptist Churvb, HBomil ton. This community wan ndeed se'- &ed by the sudden pauIng cr Sunday ni Mns. Bell McDonald i ber h'omne on Boseer Avenue. Siý had bren about as usuelth01 da3 and attrnded the service laIl h Uited Churcis on Sunday morn Ing. Ductag the aflernoon ni drd suddenly as sre wos bus writing letteca 10 bher family. Yelow and mauve mums fome, a pretty setting in Knox Prvst terian Cburvh, Adtos, on Saturda October 301h ai 2.30 ocioca, wse Thelmo Mabel Lappin, eider doual ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Loppl benome thse bride nf Gibert s Jordan, son oi Mr. and Mca.1 Jordan, Acton, 1n a double in cecemony. - Prer Press. SatSaaeter now con isemnu p -atb -.4- retlgi _w %,Wben tisevilage ofIroquoai, j Z]~]IJ1Ni.~ IîlUlMlMiMlllMlliiliiM in j ear Pcesrott. Onario, in rilsult, IM R N DI T ICT aiter il la fioode ou by tb. bar- .r Wte nBRANCII DISTRneosing of the St. Lawrence rivera * SrWake ridgman violîrd o rapids, k seul ho a model commun- Sunday sitis Mc. ami Bms. J. Lento Other Contres and Commnun- Costo newnspriat ih ana"SOdbu M.aitdSnd rayrtlin.nd ca. 4' incrase 20% sncl 19L S. Stein t DunvilSe. rReadera are Intorested icead - M.adMaMri m alyNEWS 1 ______________ A nomiher of the boys oi theà Mrs. J C. Rogeras ilrd lber aie- A large number of cococodes ai- 1ter Min. W. Dent in Toronto on5 tended the cegular meettag beldM Sunay. Monday nigbi, to ber ofn the funai N O T IC E nd Witt MeKay tof Thorol istld membrooce Day services bringB Msssst.y witis the Caibraitha. b 1<1 ai the cenotup on Thuraday W NElL A. McPHAIL Charles St.,wîaben ta announce be la osor ing. ulnd h re conthsuhtg the electrir business formerly of tise Milton niBRDE o serviceato inenbers sebo were District Co-opeatls'e -aaked to faIt-in at Leglon Ball t a Tise bazoar beld in tise Sunday 00.15 10 parade to the Park for tise M Yotîr patronage selU hoe gceatty appreclaed Seboot coora under the auspices ni service. the Womans Association leat President Kennedy thanked the 6 PHON 43J MITONrocday afternoonawas a decied nembec for attendng the churrh piano auto by Mms. Lloyd Crawford it wsa gratlfylng to bave ao many ___________________________________________-of Canapeliîte. and a dot by mendieru out foc the occasion. _________________________________________Mm. Chas. Peer and Mca. Arcebe Cumrade Preuldent aiso report- Calmas accompanird by Mes. B. B. ed resultt of the Poppy Day as ho- __________________________________________ -MeDonald. Mca. J. Botlingowortb lng tise most auccesaful. iie snid -led Ib e devotional period. The a large! number of sreatisa serre blgbllgist of tbe meeting seas a Ire- poreboard, topplng other yeora. vetogar by Mca. E. B. Couison of TeCmtr omte n At Last !!Lowvile on ber nutor trip to Ai- d Ce meetingthan- Alet ADCOAL la Obtainabe-it Looka, Analyzea joyed by ait. TiMe Carlisle and nese plots bail been purchaned In, and Burns like Beni Welas Anthracie Campiseliville ladies serre gust the neec sursey ni Evergreen Seo U autl Itami brougiat greetlng froca their Cemr-tery. SSU n tsocletles. Members serre aiuo asked to give AISO ANTHRACITE andi SOT COAL iîLest Monday nlgbt a Farru iheir suppsort lu the Aid 10 ilitain Furuos wus organized by ithe1XII- rompoigo seicb seul slnd In Mit- brd roup ut the homne riMc. ton in the sear future. The Prea- and Bru PFrankb Greentees. Offirers ident sald Ceeui Dobe, risairmon of 2 6 serre rerted as follosasPresident, lise commtter ens eeing 10 en- Lloyd ilaspbecry; vtce-presldent, 1lot alilassistance posstibe for the Raipis forter; sec..tres., Mca. j. drive. Hienry; uc ovenor, Mca. Erie Plons are nase onder seay for LIV NLS ON TOK RS .ruF. co ne. ure. Tise meeting adjoocaed to Are instalîrd and irs ccd in lise Milion district. Any Mr.adMr.E. Watson fruns meet ogais Nocember 22nd. oif tisorunrra will tell pou isow rocfortaisîr. cconomical, Toronto vsitid 'dru EOmec Bar- ____________ trouble frcc and lahor saving îiscy arc. houile os Sunday. - ConDisposes Re Se ADAMS AilCub Phone 48, Miton War Plants ~Pc V tuly at the Industriel~ _______________________________________ buildins construcird or îî nonce d News dinectly hy tbe Crosen during the 1sean hase nose bren dispourd af pemnnl r mponarlly. Of' ter.35mlinsquare feet of T ejugdtebetSxo Qîel' A m c, 4pr cent bas bora1 Toi Pcis el loiord nts i s ofaaok sl Ie" tr, rns ise boysin tise group an ebosen are ecnm t deprîmethtis mont neatly dressed, ther dean- or I Crwn orpratons orbasest, tie hest beboord, and tise mosi bendsater ret bashben regular In attendanre. Saris eerl An aditonal15 er ent as ee the ises are nspcted and given 4 eaedtoidustry, In part on a 1> ns cI'basis or tmpo l-imnts acnordlng to tise sey tises mutp o enny ais te retamuare ap la tbls regard, and at saur urp he lsend of tise a se ec slt ie _____________Corporation for wd upuTte. ato M o 0 h Teblneo nîy one per cent p ierial reacdfotbBsl --- 1 tise construction of 170 sese pants 'out of o possible 24. Tise boy. d irin , i e senr. oin1linsgroap are: Kennetis Riddell. 0.BIYS$200 mllsi. adi n expend- F-d Dye, Ted Brazi er, Jimmte ? TOMATO JUICE Fancy 2 "Tis'27(< lcer of $010 milion os e5qip- Augerr nd'Peter Robinson. Con- CALTELLI Spaghetti 2 T 1n) 125( Tsepistolrsdovr u ni rk Ket S vute lsdustny, and being sdspted 1)!:A» ltO t'.F1)-"il PORiFliK to peacetîme production are ex- LIBBY'S TBEANpleSThy illlie 19ingou <>5 . iiti Faîmost ssery mnjor type oîmonî- 8ROz.MfLLO TEA 8rodu50,încîdiîng auto- RÉ HM LL T A kg s c mols, popaes. cammuniru- RUICHMELL@ COFFRE IL .51- paper and womuni ctchm -l. - ;.1E Il cl ,pisrmacetcais plumbine O L D CHESE IL 53e tiles Many of these commroditUea AS LMER-LCRFA'. STI IF-i Vil Y arc e ng pcodliced ta Canada G20LDEN )OzNlOr22< for th irst tnse, and arr tiaus ------ e POPI LAR AANISS of Canadien Industmy and the CHOICE TOMATOMS 2 2<1' maintenance of a higi levei olý <110 FHAIVFiempinyment. *RIGHTS PEACHES 20bOn 24c SERVICE PRU NE PLUMS ChoceD.C.Pack 2lOI-n)719c Among severut noveine H El N TOM ATO SOU P 'OTo- 12c tise diffcaoltsoof fnding aayone ir wsba <n (do ordlsamy ltulle lobs 1C0q0,k, and selU. ROSE SWEET MIXED PICKLES ao L31< asitsi h lcaeo h ig FANCY B.C. SOCKEYE SALMON T'I'e43c tamisr isciel.,wh6rcev0 FANCYB.C.COHO SALON ~ 36< rorns hi, %vile tisaI isewas tolbe' t- FNCYB.C.COHE SAMON T' lne 6c ure to bave lise grass obears ie FACq..PNhALO 5 iarpeord and iring thensmils FANC B.. PIK SLMON. .T"'I'n 5c im ta tise sammon cottage see CAIIlAbc Tisier isson ddeek- ten p- FANCY B.C. KETA jiSuiALON .. Th'.41c ise vcomm br isot semteebed il. Cf DAI h 4FI Iso ,ifiiut o enecute, amd ie tarr m G SSOP CHJAM i - 6c loto h ie siears ils hum as ne r.sa. 80z ecinO. 2ar drove la tise office,.lie sopped at ~:LAINGS -C.C.-' SAUCE Bo21< lise firsi bardseuce tone en coule, and usbcd If tise -isers contd ibc d- RUMIT & VEGET BL S - p sapi tee. TIeycoulddiso: ln riî et Florido hor Qn 10tis rIhardware store. Tise Plnt rgt ie GRPFUT 68........%._6' 25~c tansswear lais nquii's was tise be California Red Enaperor lise Ilsrd soreoseensed betten i n- 25c. .At ieust'tis e ares satseiing ltUfoU ;le GRAPES, 2 b---------- ------- -araspItbe sis ars foc sbucpenlng. sy Juicy California Valencia 39C Buliaisen tise cu-domer asisesi if ise u l SUNKIT ORAGES, 52'aDoz id park ties up that eveoing, ed SUKS RNE,25s o.-tis erns mird is tise tleront 'Y- B C. Etra Fsseymannera ta bas iecome faulon- >Y B.C.INtrSHaPPLS nc sD aisle ion deuling sethIsntltigent eny __________________ 11_%_______ ........_5__memberu of tise public sebo espertp 15 ase a II5riiey sevce n returas for their monrI'. )In, W* on, bîaiwm i "oStarS ri. hf.,oT i ii.FR. Dis 'hno, ' hle sald. 'Collt bock In sac effl . patins .e-fal à .55il,510,0il Tenaser bmMaple Le& or sw.mle os9. d.g ,aai -2. o s~ Te dusIoe hremensierral ng . ...... .tisaI there wsa amaintenance de- Mo-1 Z....,..1 pctenh t.h is osen office build- inltb okthe sheono Ibene. TUNE IN CJOY, 1450 ado Tise mainenance mon bal o grind- 4 - li - -. - -- -- --- atone and on siting and abletu TUE N St. Lawrence Fruit& ! i Grocery Store Free Delivery on Ordera Over One Dollar. Phono 116J M Ayimers (ioup .................... ... ... O......... I botUa Spanâih Broken Olives ................................290ja Old Cheese ........... .................................. 4 0 -% 0 Hiarvest Brasid Toaaiesob oles qiuiy ............ Itis 5 M Baxter Brad Par anod Beona ............. 2 20-0S. tinsa 270 Polo Branid Wax Beons -............>*" 20s-Os. l=asfor Pie Mec armnick's Macaroon Fingers .................... 490 lb. M Rire. choice quaity ...... ....................2i s. for 37o Ayimer'. Saup, various kiod ...................... inis for lio M large Jules Orsages ..........................il........ S .o GRAPEFRUIT ...... . ............................7 for I50 6Ail Fruit ad Vegetabs aia Bargalo Prisas A. RESTIO PRINCESS THEATRE MILTON OlffARO NOVEMBER 11THI (TO-NIGHT) THURSDAY Laurence Oliver Ii Wm, Shakespeare' "'HENRY 5TH" NOVEMBER 12 andl 13 RIAanAUATJOHNNY WEISSMULLER aId BRENDA JOYCE an "TARZAN AND TUE HUNTRESS and on the samc prograns 44SHAGGY" STATE 0F THE UNION odÈ * * * wu Travelogur - "Chicago the Beautiful' COMING NEXT - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH DANA ANDHEWS and MERLE OBERON in* "NIGUT SONG" -SHOW TIMES - Mondm3,eiay, Thiuesily, ose show oaly ai &U Felday sand Saturday, Saas mui at 7.30 muid 11 Mailwsat Saaiby st 2.00 Pis. SANTAI CLAUS IS COMING TO Guelph day, Nov. 201I AT 10 A.M. the Kiddiel to See ... ih's Mammoth ARADE ,f Bus Leaves Milton ait 9.00 a.m. For Furtiser Information i ON YOUR DIAL AT 5:15 pi&. MONDAY TO FRDAY [EIGUBOR LADY PROGRAM"P THE CANADIAN ZHAMPION . TRURSPAY, NovmdBER il pArIv. N"IT111 FRIDAY and SATURDAY MONDAY and TUESDAY- Lt 1 Noi7_1

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