VARIE» PROGRAM NOVEMBER MEEMIG ST. PAUL'S W-MS. The November nmeeting ai the St. Pauls W.M.S. mt ln ltse Sundsy &choel onms. Wr mre ceci' pieas- ed to bave as aur guesis, menubers £rom roco Anglican Churcb W. MS, Mr. Wood, presidont, oponed the mseetinsg ilh prayr aad a itysn. Aller tise minutes were read and reparla of vsrioua other secerar- tes a ioveby musical selectisqn mas enjoyed. Tise soection mas sung by Mes. .Crter and Mrs. . Hai'word ocrompanied on te e THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE TERRE read about, lite tbings tisai are the commit experience of us atl. Mai' M. Wella go on mritbtg about bis goals sud is bren smnd bis docks and the cbasgisg seagens and te neigbbora. Maybe lIli Write a simlar talto myseif. A,,,pples at Best When Well Kept A nomtealisg commilbtee for H euso Homomakeral Tise home- 1949 was sabotes, ronsistlsg of makor Jb tise isue home ecenamit Mes. Jennings, Mrs. E. W. Foster Of tise nation ansd there are Moe aud Iots. Arthur Diceteson. momen engeged ln Ibis active pro- A Ira te betng ptanned for Dec- fesabon tisaislus ani' other Occupa-1 ounhor, the date 10 be set jter. tion. Wr probebti' do not conider1 carrera psraued hi' somen et of ur1 Mm Bownrdge ave he eo-lobs as gismocous as thse vacied j tionet entitird, «Wonmn of Sams- istoc, but, ibe tiseas, me muaI ara, ,wich mas cecyi tler-atng. giceour boul efforts uf me wmisis Tise otfering mas eceivesi and to be succesafut. drdfirated by Mes. Prenties Pic- tores mre ahomn and lusuuesseîy Athougis me tri' ta keep fees enjoyesi by anl prsent. Tino mon- bilis mitbin us a abimnce, masta of lsg closed mth the Mizpsi nes- us are too busi' 10 beep a regular ilcinand a hymn. budget aussi eccost of expenditures siieliosPerbapa Iis lte muddtissg tarougs'l but exprience te a greal teacher anod me tend 10 roui' eore upan ih HOME AND SCHOOL tian factosud figures. a n MEETING INTRODUCES Tise garbage conba ysa n NEW TEACHERS digaian o youc conomi'. Ciseck, - i'ouc coodi supplies mmestii' yand Tihe regular meting oI Ue Mll- nover, nover, tisom ouI anjthiusg Ion Home and Scbooi Association because of negleet. Kerp yor mas bebd in tise Public Seboot on garitage lin free of mastes f ood Wrdnesday evening, Oclober 211h, and yoo wiii have mare mono' in aI 8.15 p.m. wsitt as attendance yoor purar. of oer fi'. The ite s vice preai- With fats more expensive tissu dent, Mr. J. Johsmon preaided. lever amidea uppilis ob. roiiocted Aller te business peiod a sing- dalli'we revins 'Coceof tata" aong mas njoyrd bi' ait under the 1. Se sure us measuro meat teadtrship et Mms."Paddy" Wlaon. drlpping for graci' meking - do M. Fonbor, te principal, Iro- nol goessand mseti. ducos te nom leachees asd ml-' .Rne etadfw rm comec te parents ol Grade 1bpp- 12 Render mat nd fhomi then Ilis. Mc. Whomeli gave s ver' ln- eig i aln hogtts trreuting rsume of is weebus grindor and ieat in doublie boiter siudy usdoc Dr.SBlot on Homo sd- or slow ovOn. Strain and store La ugatios. MisasHgginnon gave ax3 Wgeatciormpr rsi ca short tatb on beattbof the seboît3 ac tmeauesl va ejibd. 7rie nsîîsg coseti mit aliiet and iroler to see isat issu social hait bour. dao1001scoreis dipping. 41 Ciili sup sockgband ostesa - thal ioffat fila te ti tetop and _______________________ tfora a .lire ier miici eau b. Polcka d 5',e home preps.ced fats coceresi bu refrigerater. Sîreto Campbell titough ciseesocbatis bfore siorlng Manuactre» f 10 remove ani' sediasent. HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MOT WATER GINGERBESA» MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 2 eops bss 2 tspsl. asttd pastri' Gaur, 1 top. bakbng soda 62 Wter St, North GALT 1,ù top, sait. 1 top. ginger, 1 to. TFA.PHON 2"S cinammos. l% top doyes, 1is TELEP50NE 045 cp drippisg Ya cap granuisbesi O f 1nter to WomenT s Science bas conlrLbuted much te the efficient storage of applea. Modern cefrigratifon cao now be 1~..eAe#t~44Pg, I sed ta relaisethe fu fresh fiavor j jîîfritfor a mchoner eriod j s ibe dsys of Our grand- j fi1eg,%cplgt a- I ou ty prns. Effiient melhsds of haood- have aiso made Il possible tao ol- SUrnt fourtmuroad bls Luan Ctain applos In their fuit, freso, ig soa, salI as pies dst aiaekGay crisp and flavorful condition fei pn am t nd:ice et ad wil LRI CllerGryBS alerharvest,Baxya W. R. togethero peeofw dI Philfipu, Division of Horticulure, aae.Cer horlening until Lant we I bogas Ibis coisui Centrai Espermentai Farm., Otta- fuygradul' odd ugar, i-wt a compiainl about the fog. wa. ing untlt creamny. Seat ogg unitIlIl no5W looks as if the fog acason, If the housuhoiderIf a 10benef il ight and ssid te creamed ahorten- îs over, for a ime aI leaul. Such 'îrom Ihese more efficient metrods, ing and augar mixture and beat le- brîsk, fresh breezes as we're bac- rare must ho given 10 appies alter gethor woil. Comobinie moaifsses andIng now. Breezes IbsI whisb the îiey are purcbasod. In boated bol waler. f ast cinging leaves f rom the trocs.' homes appIos 5005 isse moaisture, Add dry Ingrediens ta 1 crososed Eves a few brown Oak leaves bissie becoming wiled or shrivoiied. mixture, aiiernatoly with moasses Ibeir hoid and drift down. To- Wit.h Ihe f os si moisuuc, flaveur and bot waler, starling ansd end- nigbî itilis oing ta freeze. No an I sns lodsper lng with dryI' ngredienta Ol adob h as alfowero wiii ho Heaviiy waxed celophane or geniy lle eah aditon, loes. I do sol remnember ani' wide mouibed giaso jars con ho frurs baller Into a groasad and other toit wbea iiowero have sur- 1 used t0 advontago in conlroiiing bobo at 350 doga. In ciectrie aven vived untli Iis date. Perbapa il sof osoo îapisaesp floured SsSsI-inch cake in and wiîi "sioren the winler.' Sut I s oIbis a'ay tfe moloture wbich for 35 ta 40 minutes. doobtIl Winierr s 100 long aI osouid sormaly escape lbrough1 Serve warm with basana sauce, ils shortest. Il~ti poreuse saies inv ohm, io eld1 NMXCAN CIORN CIiOWDEft Last weeb t wos asmo wsndering's. 6slices bacon, rbopped, 2 i the fog was ging taliftlong' Il shouid ho remembored 1001 cups Il cani corn, %lb CP o- ougb 1ta el ive Farco Forum- appies are sucve. The colts within ped grecs pepper, i cup amati itou gel 10 Hamilon and bacb the tfruit are roslinuaiiy broal.hiog potalo cubes, %s tp. sait, %b safliy. Weil, il did. LoSI Tutaday 1 tabing In osygon and givisg off lsp. peppber, 1 lOp. W-oft- evesing, Ibere was romporsliveey rarbos dioside. For ibis reason Il ahiro saure, 15 5s: ugar, 1 COi> hbie log and Ihat ooly in patcb- cn asar sd1e ossoi thigb tomaloes, 1 cup rassed s So we braveiy, sr siouid I soi' soltbc arrewed os tightly. Ifligbt- cosommue, 1%4 rups ricb 505k îiOîoingi.s, ob oursoives off 10 ly seoird the oppies onu sallfocale 2 tbups. Itour, 2 thopa drippiog. CIIML Il you've nover bers b'aad lob,- on objecîlooshie itavors. Cook bacon for about 2 minutes. a br.odrocstng studio, yos'ii bsoov Correct lemperolores are moot Add anion and grees popper and jusl how or leli. 'Tbe pay we had toopot ast TOe besl lemperoture coobi2minutes. Add cors and PO- 1 ireiiiins.ii W iebrtou longai or lon 3 2 degrees F., but 40 dgrees F. laoes 010sf witb seasosiogo, tam- .bort. Wr soulîfgelet sloe-strorb the normail emperoloreofol ouse- aInes and stocb. Coob for thIrty 1iç;oeodîey vould rosgh or snorze. hlilretrigerators ls qite salîslar- minutes covered. Blond the malit;Ibl. Siombîr over a word. Asylbisg tory for shortInitervalo Wbon heid and lour. Add 10 the bot mixtureO, >ueyhngo adha<<s lt'o ilr lmertrs opc bcng ta bou], and koo for 5 min- o nog <li.Wr lop.d somo Form, resibe more qirbiy. osiug sp utms. Add butter and serve bt1 Forumilea were isleniog, but te' their normai nutrienlo. Witit cracbers. Serves 6. program crisg sail boor cari- To rnjoy opplos al their best xi OXTAIL souP lr thon umuai on accoosl of the toill resh Itovor, rrisp texture and iireoti,3 Ibspu. butter elertion made os wonder il masi' Oîgb saîrilloos value storetem in 1% quarto boilisg mater, 2 ~Ayo' v 0 o l. a coil emperature sud encloue thapo. barley, i îsp sait,.1 n- W reeive a eci' lrioadly We-1t-ie, mIn o moisture relaltting rou- g ion, flnly dired, i corol. fine- <ýome lrnm CHMCL, and roograto-, anr lalionsoas el Wc Wnderod bossi er iy diged, i lbsp. cisappod para- m_____________ oud are loi', i top. Worcest-sbire sauce. oossy the pointlarorsWou ouidare Have the oxtasU cult tto sections a Wib he point braal 05hn aurEXPL.ORING ONTARIO'S Wipe off and rollInisflour. Mli antg Iet Irm frhease tbey.SA O boîter, a44 the osîsil and bromurso e loldfrIeuovn E OS Weil. Add the ater and brisg toiý Il lobes a lot of monoi' tbe odaaon the oit Caer d ~iusr ai laboy a tares and rquip îî Wth DOtario bau a oasot Uber thp onaslm oeutandcsimed l A Isokandmi mclneri'. Nevecîbe- 0555. even Ilftoewitioetus of tise lona lsen nt a tbuc d add ihe A 1 l«o. 5<we ccc sol îosureor southers reorbes of the province ah nd faît Co toc theboar ndY4point souid apply ta muni Hato., er thinb about il. much lIon psy anodaiCodoogr1/ rot nd addrouty lammers Halon peopie thal nat-nsa ot of the sub- Ahedid arvi, auge and COOII ar Wotderlul markets. Fareslng Arrtlc rvgiou s dosit. Solt taI Add arcetshie sace ad c O re Io aWai'ahead of farming In windsWcpt nurelch of coalu lcom one-bsif bouc longer. SoIse pe- mni' sertiosofo Ontario. Preh- -lames Boy and lolioWiug the pie serve Ibis uraised. To mie a. ut hreo udo Byt taInIsc detracto lromthe homne- i1obiy mosi' o talou tarmer liloen-sotohrolHduaia'1 mode flivor sserve il mth ail î5ng1 11<the roadraot Would say,itise Manitoba border, bas a mag- Sliu, o mon ougbl to he allienete Poli foc naturallsts rager the good' on . Servns 0p t0 6. I, bel, isi.sou gel olarlod fr for<> scenetitie rresearch. Thece. FRIED GREEN TOMATO h imonl' "bult Ican osme s gool Iheyrecalize, asecanimais and Wl'. ltomatîo, do nol peet. Cul uualoy Ontao o entnes abere sucb >lanto, lie Areir'onmuribution 1a iu V3 InchO suce.,. Sprîtîbie witb ioold not ihe the case. And there Ontamos fomo and faons, noverl sait AlUisistbstand 1 bouc Dip Illie dri1t roos tbe land 10Uttoeod lu tht miidcm reaimu of the slcsi n sesorord floor sud saute iitio il moreuosecios lian Ili l1 n province. Oft scb Inleeot and las- in bot lt antit tender (about igOl't liiicarden land of Onari, uitiofl s Ihe qoet foc Ibese oa-ood in osebo so, Iheaird Bol-. amrspecios. thotL e.,îc minutles),Sere on plateror <li Royl riIons asess t meal 1tons ows ElliciChapmoo ire aZsilogy lias organized1field paieis STUFFED CUCUMBERS Mos n oeesllug addrcsson oopoclmy. 110 esplore Ibis subArclIe Wilder- 6 large cucumboma, % cup Ti iast isebk, f besrd one Of1 neos someser aller sommner. Asd miuced cookod meal, % csp Canodan uoslandlng pocto givo mmne the Hoscumu onxptoatorp blled rice, i tbap. minced par- an addresn aI the Canadian Aslb- i c-eaorcb WOO gouatengrd, the ce- sley, 1tlbsp. mIuced onion, 1 ors Aocoiatiou mreeling In tr- Ilcords of sstamal science for Ibis lbsp. minced cetory, i tes- onto. Arthur Sîringer lu a sans part of Canada bave bren gfrelU opoon sai, 'Y. leospoon popper Ismiliar la aot Canadianu. Those I nriehed. BRouls aIfte socrve i rgg, i csp tomato utces. Whodo not buom bilits oolry, kbowomfaI1948 by oparty jual relorued Pel cuemboru, eut In halvas, lo prone. t bave alwaso iied is I re now being tabslsled. Cape iosgthmise, remnove centre . - BOII i Ielci' boIer. Hoehousoritten' Bonricîta Maria, 300 mifles noclb for 10 minutes In i quart mater te, sortie oI the Mont poignant poem, of Moosnene, WOO the beadquart- mIcb bas bren added 1 tabtespoos In Caoadiau lteralure. Bis ham- esfrtecretsuyo lr vinegar. Drsin. Siond the meat, ourr lunuuaiiing anddlho gave os and Isus hi' memism of the staff icrsud easanisgs with egg ansornme rcoolaiuchs Fidsy eveniag oI the Museum. Land birds and sîsîl holiosroof cucumberu. ]Pisce anshie oid aI is trials lu wriliug Wteroli, AreIlg boxes s many n. butlemod bablsg dIsh, peur lu the blographi' of Rupert Broobe, aiter animalsilInl tht remoîr tonato joice, caver and babe fer "Red Wineofo Youtlh-.I This boob norîber laitulde onder rapter- -ý lbouc aI 350 degs. Poor off stock is jst mentsli' off tbe bpress, and alion, are aoong the mot tin- Ino saucepan, add 1 lablesPeen 1 baseenîil ta lOi' mi'eyes or. Iecesiug exhibils alWays on viem - butter blended witb i tablespoeu bonds on tl bal do Inteud ta iaI the Museum. four and coa util Iicbened Arhur Stringer is ont of tise many _______ 1Serve lies are siltiste cocom- Canadians who ment te the USA. iiayarpotgah a e bora, Serves 6. la mobe o living Wlt ilis penutol illIer'largephorp Islbase CONERATIN IJGESiOS ppareutlyliie liii loves Canada. va ledfiWO bLarg nd.chyac isand Another onriter-1 Wierioveo Canada','dnI stinmss asd.liTbenm cvr 1. To shorlen ime aI cooing-anI paricayarli mral Cnada c ihmn u ihn soab rce Iu cold Waler for two spobe aI the mee in g. Be mon Ken- boum oeilsWells, oriter of 'The Oslv___ 2. Mahe drap cakes ntead of large Pen". one ol lat pescos bet sellers suare gobe t0 gave lime and and a book Wieb I redn oe electricity. otting onteleulnng ls itr 3. Keep a check on lise foodstuffs TisaI s the ki nîloftokI s nite retrigerator asd mse tot- am hlappy' o iave it on m avers and perinhabios In order buoshelt Tise trueo yo o Ihal coîigealOr doos 1001 have Mr. Wells and i. lswf Lc wh 10 operate overtime to beep illustrates bis boos wih ,bs I tbem. tui a'ood raut.s, boaghtforaesf 4. Honey In grapefruit juice la a land and a lutmbîrdow os n, gaod sobnIiIOIo sauce foc osae I Medate Townohip adpo cee slead of crean. Io mar il. a home adths ouc ou ther incrme. The luhab ade suriNME TOWN JOYS rogir emrons were ailtee h vprm'eseneeotruralliig pr We bave spoben oi tise sioîac- mented lise %tory.i'. wmsItr tig5s or home tosn Ilite. The joys osIing listdoing ta Mr Welstl .)I home lite arr a ceci' greol part shootth1e SCw bookblit 1 OCmP In l, and thr constantI bappinesout soa. Be thinis marepep' tal cnmes to people rom tbceon- .,Ooiulbe writin abolutbe mral joi'menl ofte10dm <res. The ite «untryside, lise lunch roncent- aI familles is o wondertai pleasure lan.. Be otes tise faim. Be! and peoplbe ind consant dellgbt In doesnI write heroune be lOves' these hisaebold Joyo, andin lise In- wriing. lie otes wbO oliewri limale comuianlomshîp ofthe bsOle. «bout and usatI s ovhy herbeWIs Il bs a wondertal pasre ta lite about I. Weil,I quite agcee se lb sn a gomod Iown libo Actas, and hit 1h01 tissan unI mited es- <haro Inliseflite ofthlie communiti' oure of maletialIn lise country. and ils advantogeo and te poas- And il is the simple, bonelytibngs. - res Ibat il briags. osIl lie tisaI people moutl ibe 1ta Woods' Electrical Farm Equipment exlcusive Dealer In Ibis district MILRING MACHINES MILK OOOLEE8 CREAM SEPARATORS ELECTRIC WATER IIEATERS ELECTRIC FEED GRINDERS AND ROLLERS RA~LF TON STEEL TSAILES COMMERCIAL OR INDIVIDUAL CalMENT MDIERS, ETC Sales and Service et your deor et no extra mest Quick Deivery ROY W. GOODWIN Phone Acten 40r6 PHONE 127 MILTON DON'T BE MISLED BY PRICES .Qsality is afirst Conideration Your Co-op (Your Own Business) is here to serve you with quat ity goods xl econ- omical Prices EXTRA 3 C.W. OATS Att grains soId or used in the manufact- Vre of Co-op Fceds are recieaned A CAR 0F CANE MOLASSES TO ARRIVE OFF CAR PRICE 58e GAL. BY THE DRUM this includes steel drum ORDER NOW GET Now Your prompt Deliveries on Anthracite, Furnace, Stove Nul, Pea, Stoker Coal and Briquetes - FERTILIZE CEMENT F. H. Robertson BLUE COAL' DEALER - Phone 76rl4 Hornby, Ont. SPECIALISTS In WARV AIR ILEATING AIR CONDITIONING EAVESTROUGHING and PLUMBING OUR AIM is 10 give service 10 sur Customers and instal onti' the ver besi eqipmrnl aI the tomesi possible prices "WE HANDLE ONLY THE BESIT" B. F. MURFIN SHEET METAL WORKS Plumbing Heatlng Eavestroughlng Gergetowa, Phone 138W THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAM Tua= i li IN Two short yeau webhave added ove 257,000 tlephcsne., put in htmdreda ofuWitchboards and traied thousands of people to «xtend and improve your telephone servie. W. are adding more telephones to me thse continuing demand for service juat as fâ* m equipment becomes avallable. Ail this in being done in tise face of rising costu Yet, up to now, there hma been no incresas in tihe basic telephone rates establiahed 21lyears agu. For you, tis means greater value tban ever before for us, the satisfaction of providing "tihe hast telephone service at the lowest possible coetr THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA 1 0-