PAGE Eif3R'P THI CAIrIADIAN CHAMPION TMU2lBDAT, O~PO.ER 505h, III. .1 ur-- il ais vdnli of iatie.Mecau Mdn e oiau is la mnane a lfninea p duwg&la Meorâ s «Imaus, mua DM Mepaln, Thutsmay. Ocoter 21 1948. Josephi Emnsny ln hie f3râ FLMINI1Z-in Mlton Priveeo- pitl on Thuruday, Octaber 21, 1940, Effle Whrton, widaw aI CalvIn Fleming. ]EN EMOEIAM Mdfl9-In lovina eemnry of my cita Blilda Smth,.-whb paed asaay, Otabr 2M11, 194. Mec lôvdeg face I hope touaesagaln, Thugi tihe dîys have pasned Bieep on der wlfe and taire youe T'hey mies yau mosl who taved yau tant. Streremnberad by Muband Fred. Sl.ffIl-n tong lseeoey of SO- da Bmith who pasacal away Oc- tabac 2fh, 194. Pcacefutiy sleeping, reetng at lest The worid'n weacr trials and trouS- les are pas. ln silence nhe suffered, ln patience sihe tare T111 Gd eaitcd ber homne ta uffer Lavlssgly remecmbered by Malie - BrevitiesV -. -Deopte thee eod seatheae dan-8 debons. cteipiitnandasalbuterfilai are sUte hasean. -Tuila waattMis J. Amobroise lleisefapberriai frnm hec canas sahleh have tarse fruit for theec- osfdlime fiis yaar. TWO DEREARE NulLE ON NO. 25 E1MUCK BY CARS Darlng the pst wagOn tsa dear sare iepoitad kilied by caca on No. 25 Mtghsay betssaan Actas and ]MIlton. The animaisof ai sch fiare are a numbr ttraughout tina district apparently haveaa croselsa on tee highsaay near thee saindlng setmlos ow leaSpeysid*s UcgoniMlltlsISrequice e tataece aiong tels teaviiy crowdad aecian ta avid accidents. The carcasss sare sent to charitable Intitutions. Lnokn iegthte tumhing turtlsi once mci Niagaca Fells a vistieg Louadon irachief mussd: l110w w. mould tara naed h48 sater lntes Farnworth Memoirials Mamueaea IM u deaal CEMETEUT LETI'iMMPO -GUELPIL0O". 1 Mnassa'een, a contraction of Ait Mallos'as Eve; a religteus Haltowe'enl a Urnefor gressn folksta tastch tee antica of ttc chfdren and pay parties- 1r attention te tiair fonc% bort stepa and ehl happy teought, f heaulaide plueh- Ing. Halioweeosl l est ight ia the year for tee yausg loy. Tarsisg clalcro inide ouf and ai the other foot thinga that Dad and Mother 414 hefre thean. Yas Si. Gila mOUs mutachai. 21of dagl Boys I te th issaaysl and Set af ailthtie prsen for theebouf of ttc cotumes. Yas Streon Halloween the Rotaery Club Io putting an anothr tlg ahow for tise diten "Te Olde Towse HeU'" candies, contesta n averythlng te meea rel bang-up parfy. Whataver you de, rmate once yaar child a thfe oportunil>. ta attend thie grand show. And oan thecîr say ta the par- ty stellthecta drap In for a te tag nifendian et: 'Wisare lise BacsOie>. MAIN grIEET MILTONq SOROES TOT@ NOVELTI Maratty nnd lmnumerty liee dosas and detrcyed the 20 civil- lzistions that precadai ours. "'m Getting Gmter Eg Produdiot ep yer ionmm4 lise imiithet a etlie païo et CO-OP LAY MASH .- ..mt4isiaou lium- ai Vosins, uioesb a LOCAL CO-OP auflataf wu murs» vApiomo 0-oF.RnVM CO. LmR Theoatre - Adlon Nigtly 7 eni 9 Pan. Miatin.. B.t. 2 pL AM OOHDrlIONUS Nosa Piayng- DEBORAH KERR Black Narcis (Adult Enterfaisment) FEL.-SAT. OCT. 29 & 30 Twc Star Feafurms TED DONALD)SON sn My Dog Rusty and ROY ROGERS in Under Calionù Stars Mon.-Tuea.-Woi. Nov. 1-24 UATING of MMLU erring GLENN FORD EVELYN KEYES COMING r Not 'IlsursiaY TisaI great and saandcrfui Picture Green Grass of Wyoming An Indien multimUtilooeire In- dutalallat ia givng a lte Oeillm asd tes ofiered ma immena ce- aourcea ta tee promtton of saorld gevernmenf. Now Piaybsg - BARRY FITZGERALD in Naked City FUL.-SAT. OCT. 29 & 30 CLAUDETTE COLBERT Drum Along the Mohiawk Mon.-Tues. Nov. 1 andi 2 ROBERT TAYLOR AUDREY TROTTER High Wal Wei.-Thueu Nov. 3 amd 4 EDDIE CANTOR in If You Knew suéie COMING RANDOLPH SCOTT in Albuquerque ra t- St. Lawrence Fruit & Grocery Store Free deivery an srders over ose dller Phase 116J Pls Brasnd WAX 8MAI-820ilGo.lia ............... fr camnation , lIUM large lias........................... ferrsec Loage LAIIS ............................................ le lM ChalceaQualty iOMAI'OM 8 0&s. ias............ 2fer4lia Heslep Brand Chalcea Qsaity TOM6. JWISE 20> O. lin t for e DewitnBralnad GreePLUMS and Lsunbard PLUMS. I20 O. lins .........................a... àfe à Apinser CATSUP, btte . .......... ................. 180 DATES. f reah i la .........i.... ........ ..... 2 M far 87e MoCoemlicns Cluenlele MACABOON FINGEES .........6e lM beeuusmklk'uSIORTBREAD TAET& ..............2 l b. Real O0W CREOEE ......... ...... .......45o lb. -A. RESTIVO - Attention Veterans Ex-Serice Men asndiWomscn ani Dapendents THE CANADIAN LEGION SERVICE BUREAU OFFCER MER. REID Toronto Service Bureau WILL BE VISITING BRANCH NO. 136 MILTON ON November lat 1948 Fron 2.00 pi&. ha 3.30 pa. Anyone sashing information, adeice or assistance, re- gardîng War Dioablity Pensions, Trealment, Allosaances, etc., is requested f0 contacitflhc Service 0f ficer, or Sec- refiry of tise local Brandi, sahose name appears belosa, to arrange an interview. MR. CHARL.ES ANDERSON, Main Street or Legion Milton, Ontario 4 VWANTED. YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN WEAVING IN A TEXTILE PLANT Sfcody Employmcot in Plcasaot Sarroundîsgs STARTING RATE 65e PER HOUE AloHave Openinge For Experianced Namrw Fabric Wcavera A Raprenantativa saili eaet Milen Inn Saturdey, Octoliar 30TH from 2.00 ta 8.00 P.M. for Intervew Schlegel Co. Canada OAK VILLE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION Buy-Seil-Exchange- Wanted Advertinementn ondar lits haadteg 35c, cashi witi arder, sp f0 29 woceto. Addltional ssnrds le par word. f caih doas sot ac- campes>. the advertisemienl, minimum charge 50c and le par word additional for ea word avec 25. Suhoquent insertions 25c. NOTICE! On November sf, 1948 sac saut discontnue oor edcc- trical wiring buainess, but sfIl continue f0o eil and service electrical appliances, Refrigeramors, Motors, and Co-op Universel Milîters. We fake Iis o pportunidy fa thanit aur customcrs for thir gcnrass support in the peso and trust taI some sit! bcecxlrndcd ta sar saccessor Mr. Neil Mc- Pliait. Milton District Co-operative Phono 127 1 Milles Outsfandtng Accounîs may be paid et thse office Bronle Si. For a Real Chocolate Treat - TRY OUR - Smliles and Chuckles Assortment in Bulk 12 Varlties to Chuoe.From anid one tarllly flavoed ONLY 79e LB. LADIES! BEFORE MAKING THAT XMAS CAKE SEE OUJR Selection of Moir's Xmas Cakes Definitely gret value and conlining fruit the average er.on cent boy. Aise dciil for the parcel for ovarseas Be convhtcoi ani meo tisaIsbafora you moka or buy tism elmashwe NORRINGI ON'S Confeedmoery uni Gft Shop Phone 14 Mlton FOR SALE bOit SALit E humrohieavy dufy etectici range. Phase 99r21, o FOR SALE-Jersey cow iraihes fac second tinte is Febraary. Jack Motibtan, <ltonspcy Ferma, R.R. 3 Ir Milton.4 FOR SALE-Poafeo for sale. W. A. Bauaficid andl Sons, Phase h 284r4, Miltas. FOR BALE-A imo stoker cat- tie and ome stocker caivai. W. Mark, Hilton, FOR SALE-Kltchen ratineI,cl white with ced lrtmagon mt in. Phase 616w4, Oaktie. FOR SAL-A bNue btastyie3 winter cool, gaad conditionIleydty wars, gila sc 12. Phone 27fr. FOR SALE - Baye aovereont, f Dosegai tweed, ize 15 ta 16, gond f condiian. Phone 89r4 Miltos. r FOR SALE-Cabliege $1.00 par huchet. Bring your ovin containers. A. Retchert, Para, R.R. 3, Milton. FOR SALE - 1 Grade HoiateinP Heifer, due te frechas Noveester I lut. G. adtcey, Phose 288r13, M1il-il ton. 20-2V FOR SALE - 10001 ai 2" uaed pine plant, alun M.. ingle furrow risg piow. W. H. Devil, Phone i 79r12. 0 FOR SALE - Cernent gravel, 1 lane gravai, StIck saed, casccete i sand, fit sand top uit. E. Smaea,C Phose 295. If FOR SALE-G. M. Mol waterA Seater for 4 a cer. rlctiy smo.a Ph. 2565w on a Tuedey or Thur-a- day eveisg. t______ F0O1 RALE-Mard Maple cord- wond rut 1n stave lengtba. $16.00 detivered. Aiea Bush loam. Phone 165r'21, Hilton. 20-2 FOR SALE-Madel A Fard, gant rossing order. Appiy Carl Patter- sain. Paiermao, 4 tasses west On Dundes hlghway. FOR SALE - 31 sq. yarda A- guege battiaihtp linalesca. Plats liros, relac 53.6W sq. yard, saie rce 13.25. Clament & Mountein, hase 42rW Milton. tf-B BEs-TrOFFiI - ÎModrnsoulld walnut diisg rase ulle, buffet. large table, 6 chairs, gaad odition Jessinge, Martis St. FOR SALE -1 MM. Mesure« opreader n geod candition, aise 1 wort harse. Narmesn Sparlinga.' Streetsville, Phone 48r2. FOR SALE-.Car tond sorten ced cedar pote 45 and 55 caste et te pile. 5 renta addilideil- ered. Miton 01sf. Co-Op. Phoîne 127. i74MEDIATE DELIVERY - The smo More's Car, te tle secs et Cauluonsu Service Station. Lavlie. PhonoeO383r5. Shecmwond Cons Dealer. 18-4 FOR SALE-Cossor Tbeesn toc tes, 100 lb. ire capacity, gond an smo,' n'a tayse C7Ibcycte In good shape. Phono 1319w, Bue- ingos._____ FOR SALE-Northce Spy ap- p'ea, gavecemnent cegnîtian opeay- e d. Bring yoar ovin containers. John MeMian, 1 mile sortS of IKiliide. 'OR BALE-A fan rose Itrame e,..-.a.s-s-osnagesEtra). Sasse wth tata, furnare. garage KAPEX PRODUJOIU Dept. 378) os West Mals Street. Phase 430w Bos 22, Station~ B, Montreal Que. betweon 10 .m. and 4 p m. Mms. Gea. M011. 21-3 ---- FOR SALE- 8Pantiac club SIIERIFF'S SAL1E coupe, smo; 48 icv. 4 door smo; 1940 Ltncmln 4 dser aedan, radio, beeler; M6 Ciev. 1 ion panai By Virile of a Writ 0f Fiere tract. W. Carter. Phase 217r12 Facas ssued est of tha Sapee Miton. Court ai Ontario and f0 mediet _____________________ d aegeinsti the Giunds, ChattelI,, FOR SALE -. 2 humner etectric bands and Tenements af but plate. 3 humner coal oi stove GEORGE 1EDOW with oves. 15" lasso massor, bcd aI tise Sui et Alau G0. Eabadku and springs, coal ecuttie, ssesh loba I have oolned and fates ln Exacut- titches inoieum. Mrs. Ed. Hoson Ion the ioilowing: Kng St. Milton. Ose 1932 Oidunoblie Coach. - The ehove ci Ii ha uld by Publie FOR SAL-iNo Singer Seing Auctlon ln tie Machinesn tomeavellîshta Eiectric 8ME1SIFr8 OFFIOE poctidile and cabinet Machinases a AI lha CeusrI Boue,. Mlâon trcadio machines. For Information In the Caunty ni Maltas, on write Singer Service Representet- SATUEDAT. NOVERIBER o,&sIM Ive Bas 3 Champion Office, ai Tsso OCloct PM. _ _ _ _ _ _ TERNIS CAS"I FOR SALE-1948 Hudson Bcd- W. J. ROBERTSON, as; K2. International %, ton tract; Sheriff of fthe Caunty of Malte!> 1947 Dodge % 4tus Pick-up; Witlyn _____________ Jeep aw1fb power fate offPs iey - 1840Himen Convertible; 1934 Graham Sedan; 1048 International Cub Trartor; Wattis 12-20 Tractor: S I E Maascy Marris Mndel 25 Tracteron5Causty of Malton rubbcr; Maseey Harrts Tractor us ta wtt rubmer; Ose Turner Cordwsod faw; Ose Ferguson 6' ide Mass- Notice In harcby glven that thee er ; Ferm Wagon; Ueed Boar Cal 'Sitlngs ai the Supoame Court af Gardes 1% h p.; New Munurc Ontario, as andl telsg Ose Court cf Spreader on ruinner; Used ctrer Asize and Niai and Prisa. OYar tirred wagon; Ne0w Stylise Grtsd- and Terminer, and Geseal Gigot or; New StylIse Forage Merveot- Dettvery for the »Ait er; Ford-Fergusos Piow Sharen, COUNItitOF RALTON rosI and steel; Geesise Ferguson witi te hotd 1n the Court Houe» Tiller; liard 2-furro Tractor' lth PIow; Masoey Harets 2-farrow TO N O Mtee Gaosg Po; New 2-farrow Trooo" TON0FIlU.O Piow; Groin Drill ln gond shape; ,-0-on DL-lavot Miitýng Machine parts; Mandey. Novenoer Stis, f048 3 Wood% Mlt Poils il Alseinum aIithe hour of Ose o'dloct pm., cf andl 2 staistess stee) cmplete wth whirh at Justices of the Paie Poisator, nanis and rahacrs; Coct-, Corors, Coatabies,' Gtolcrs, ;nè shuil Hav boader, neoriy 5cm; ait others coscerscdl are requailed New SC(P Birycles. Appiy Thos.. ta labo notice and attend, 10 de R. Hewsooo. Georgetown. Phono asnd perlorcu att duties whlch ep- 332iw. prtais la thecu. Wm .J. ROBERT SON, Sherlf f Ca. Malton Sher fI s Office t MitasOct. 19191Sf J. A. Elliott 20-3 Liece d Auctioneera nd U ~1 Real Etata olgMetioRian - AE bmahBop MACHINES ELUCTPrU=E PMONE 177J j Mmdioand RoSa MILTON IMIllON DAEWAEU Knox Preshyterian Churcli, Milton SUNDAYu OCTOBERE iai, 1948 (lamIPeembe, ferthtesa1Da REVESEIIDJOHN IL WAIJtE », Lnsdm Modaatar of Synod of Itamiton and Landes OUEST SOLI-11.fI san. ?Ar Ceci Lysais. Guelphs 7M30PM.-.2OALTON MALE CltOfl MERIGO SCLISIZZI AS PURCHABRI) tihe paintng and doerating [rbunieseof GRENHER and MURRAY Your Canttsued Patronage wil hae Appreciated PHONE 443W MILTON Hallowe'en Dance 'M" LUýUbMTO - BTUffAyOCTOREIIt Muae ly "Tl pbàmsa"saF&MbOrehaea DANCING EVEY StMDAY N-»MtT Oiseatd«cEngageusseotsusghtlie Week PHONE sTINT HOPKINS 425W Miton il 1 ai- -111 WANTED WANTErt-Aayone having gi or fat horses for -otle Phone 5M5 Oakviti e, G. D. Morden. WANTZD-LIve Poultr wanted. ighent pricas paid. CaO Lharios g, Ca ft Miilto If, Jt WANTMD TO BUY-5 or 6 room house ln Miltos. wMtlpay cah Write glving fult particuiers te Box 11, Champion Offie. WANTED TO BUY-2 hedroos hoisne. Wlii pay beet pries. OC- cupancy Apiril. Write Box _20, Champion Office. Milton. 21-3 OARM WANTED-Approximeate- ly lit acres. State cash price and condition of fand and buildings. B. H. Cooh, R.R. 1, Milton, Ont. 13 FARM WANTED-.For rent witia the option of buying. Must lie a treotor farma and capahie of car- rylng a large atoch. RenIt lnad- rance if eequlred. Appiy Boa 50. Champion. 2()-2 WANTIPD-A ceretaker for St. Pu' âtdChurch,' Milton, dut- les ta commence s oon as pou- 15e. liend applieaittona ta Cecil A. Wood. Secretary af itewarcW Board, Milon. 21-2 CApETAKE WIANTED - Ap- plcationa wfl ha recaiedntil & o'cioch, November 2nd, for lise pan- Ition af cereteker for tise Towm Hali. Repiy sating the saiecy as- pected to A. D. Sproat, TCWU Clerk. 20-2 CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY - Andoun taohtais a fafin home for a 12-year-oid schooi hoy. Mainten- ance pravided. For further Par- licutara apply f0 the Chilalrens Aid Society, Box 224, Milton. LM ANMFOUN» LOST--Snsali hound dogf. biacle and hrown. answer ta sameIlny. Phono 343. MISCELLANRUS Custom ptoughing. Edgar How- dan Phase 256r24 Miton. Gardes ploughed. Appiy terne Mark, Phono 158r32 Milton0. Slendor Tabie.n are effetive. 2 weetn' auppty $1; 12 weaka $5, Bt Kerr'& Pharmacy. ACCOMMODATION for horen and catt!e for winter months, aiea pas- tare .McTaggart. 1fR. 2. Rock- wood. NOTICE - Thc Public UÀbrary wili he raci eon Saturday, Octois- er 301h. re-aening on MondaY. Nooemher lit. ODAT 40, 50, 60?" MAN! Yoa're crazy! Thoananda l*ppy t 70. Outres Tonie Tabiets Pep UP bodies lacting iron. For csandowm 1 feline many mon, women oeli "014". New "gZel acqualnted" sizm sniy 50c. At ail drugglpgto LADIES:EAD TRIS! Unwanted hale remoaved tstentiy from face, arme, legs wlth Finile Hair Remaver. Harmies& - leave. skbn unît and mnoath. Yo nnsnt lune. Money promptly refundad If hair groyws hart affer thind appli- cation with no quesion$ 0asked- Compleetreatosant $2 POOtpaid. PA(m wGwr ' THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TXUPJEýAY, ocrSm l». lm