PAGE WO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Wibit Ocaumùau faw MILTON' ONTARIO EeeeThraday Mt.,...a . ,Mad da".man. rosit 041k UBt d Stdt.a-e ddt... htglî d ha .an bu.i.0ni .44.... b «qate& ADVERTISING iATES-Ot tpl Mdlo. a- i-îe o-uic. S..., h.aditg.. àlthogh «-.te ortioil .hob.tac-ta tavalat ereTh ii b.uaccenpte detti.toa t tgo,-l - s nth tt.dettadit.g tat b tu? ..t bo H. b .a My ei. e y.d",tttat.t eebll.hed hmod.ue,... à p...atf suh .d..t.u.t tl requttd in ,,dtins be th .dv..time d ta tata.d ta the Ou..oi- ia otffic.e dua iu- ad ho tht .dttis- Mtai ith .ath etw er.t- -t.olat.pîthly eo in wta tittht..., tMd in tha age lt , ii ay suà*atti.te M orrec.ud hy Tht O.uon,. btàihlitY .hall tat eucotti .th.a prtioetn ath mûrein0018t gh &dttttttont ath .p..t .tn.pied bthe totti emor b.... ta the choit enae u. .eddby ,uch tdvetisemem.L G. ARLOF DILLS, EUit,. Bui...Office ma s t,..t. Mito Tlephoe N. â EDIT ORIAL c Poppy Day Local Appal b Tht local branch of tht Canadian Legton lu p anaiing ils anoual Poppy Day appeal to tht ti people et thia commusitp on Novembere th. Tht ti Poppp Fusd is now a recognized institution i whorever the Canadian Legono exista in Canada f and it serves a two-fol'd purpose of very great se menit. The monoy ohich is raisod by tht salo and distribution ofthe Wreath and Poppy - tht symbol of sacrifice-i. uscd eotircly to re- lieve uousual distreos among War Vterana oftif mît the Empire Warn, and their families. This is ohere tht Poppy Funil. raised through tht P sale et Wrcaths and Poppies bp tht local branchS of the Legion, steps in and provides relief for r tht situation. Ail Vetcraft Wreaths andl Poppirs solti hp the CanatiCan Legion are manufacturod in Vet- traCt Sbops hroughout Canada solely ho par. tialiy disabird andl handicapped veterans, mon and women. oho urgentlp require erings in addition te their meagre pensions for their sus- tenooce. Bypuprchasieg a Velcraft Wrcoth. citiztas cas tind much satisfaction en knowing that thoy are htlping these haodicapped veleran oos Ch OhCin a livelihood which hrp oould otheroise9 lacis on account et thtir special disabilits. This two-fold appeal wiii find e eeatip e-t. sponse in the hearts andi minds of thc peuple efthIis Communitp. ohich bas alwups bhem pet-f pored te maise tho wey casier for those ef t il Ctîzees oho serveti Country and Empire in tht Empire Wnrs. We commenti il te youe sympa. thetic considerotien, in the hope thal yuu will respend gtnerouslp andt Ius help te boldti he torch flung ne pou bp those ohe did sel comeL bock.% Demnocesey'a Future Leaders? r Against a background ef asîassination. civil war, and a generally darisening warld pictoro millions of eue youth vent bock t0 colloge and schoal. In an ena trademarked by division and chaos the question arises, "What are they beisg educated for?" How 10 make monep andi gel ahead are no longer odcquate in tht fate nf wald crisis. Tht matorilists are training their youCh to use division asd chaos as toola to gain werld conteel. Wo find the feuils et mateeialiim por. trapeil in yeuth graduating frein our colieges as ful.-fitdged Maexists. Misa Elizabeth Bentitys ttstimonp la the recent spp trials dramotized Ibis. Athougb a Vansar graduateil oith 20 pears et oducatien she feli for the Marxist uine, According to btr she vas never thught the basic moral structure on 'which Ainericas founding fathers built their nation. The Los Angeles Board et Education, in the face of the challenge bas unanimouslp adopted a 500 statemest et policy for teaching Amer. icas ideology in tht achools. Mes. Eleanor B. Ailes, one of tht members et tht Board, eut. lined Ibis &tatement: "Tht materialistit idelogios of Faacism and Communism have been on tht mrarch 'itb priver, plan and purpose in Ibis twentieth con' tory. Democrocp. as conceived by Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln anti other earlp statesmes, cas onlp survive if vie affirin boldtly tht ideol- ogp hat oi put the democeacies on the offen- sive is hi araofetideas. Tht schools et the democratic nations most therefore, teach their future leaders tht dema- cratic ideologp which is baaed on moral and spiritual concépta". Su" tBut lImportanti Municipal nominationsanad etectiona are juat îround the corner asd ti ts perbapa well hat every citizen with tht intereat et bis tows at hert ahoutd gise toideration ta the affaira af tht Community asnd ho prepared ta play a citizentaip rtte in ias wetfare. Tons or toos- ah to Sc an su ha to bu or W( itý at av in Ca fr of re g( m bt n( n( fut tls niche in ao better werld. Tht port moy I wCftv Y cars Ago seemn sinhl but it's certoialy important.- _____________Fro.. the .dttion one . auma"n Information for the Politiriana Champin, Nonrn.h.r lot, 1928. George Gallup, origisotor and directur et Thte groundos srrounding the the Gollup Poli, bas been sensing public opi n- Catholir Chorch oce being heauti- ion on tht mogoetic effect of vorieus types ot lied u!th shruha. I 'l'OcMillet Ctigh SOrhsol Atht-ettu politicol cumpaigaieg throughoet the Unitedl Surect tv eldCtalLooe'en mas- States. Ht finds suint interesting ongles te qucase dance un Fridoy eccntng tht oppeol et peliticions for public support. 'lest This 000001 oale sssos as usoul liirgely astesîdd dtreatly Here are home ef the revelotîos: enjoyed. On party plaîferins, Gallup suys thut "utn Hoilouecen pus.scd etffstithout oetrogeously bod platfurnmamy lese some votes, mu11105sétamae hcing dune In the s nn.Musy Iurtieo ocre held onl and a pbeeemieolly good pluttocet muy Winthe' oioýjueraers ,iho paradedt sure, but generolly, political platturms bus' .' ie 'treets enjîîyed tho-mselves te littie effeci upon tht voter. the lirit. Os 'l'slooy soîong lest a very Thirteen peurs ef pollîng show thet u poli. i's abylce eig ueo tIent uhen ricol speech, or cote a suries ef speeches do nttusr50 tocosers il the Central change mony votes. itreser Lodge A.F. & A M. poid o The alueof proinet ma ascanddat v lut oSt. lirLîîdte They ocre Tht elu et prmiaet mn o cuoidae Ltroducdl liithe lîîtge lîy Rt. hos muh less effect 0p00 te veters thOO 15 Wl"' Bru. Jeu. .. HeKenie and generully soppusrd. ie1zelimd hy Wîîr Bru .J.E. Bell. An oppeul te women iv o westcd effortO tOte shemotLu.Ms Myrtie Murie Galbraith sateslody îbrp vote with their husboods. in thi,- 55'oLOir Stoe eOre, sous pe. And lostlp. andi most umportant: il's eut .en'ted ssith a large sesonemontel Cruel a party pets on thut cunvinces tht vuters. îl.seh Os le staff. but tht degreethut tht party bas giventh-' Ont AN1l.CRtEI country good goerment. 19ior tt,. 'ru.2 s Rhotdes I 'Sony, 'lototyts. its 'tht iti'v. Position lmproved eLî daugli se LitMr. and Mr .tstusru toi tuesot Miltons luArîvue "Cunodu's cerrent trading position wiîh the M,idiutn.' on of Mr.Stend Mis«. iStisur NsoîL o fst"seiitt. United States uodcrlines thc rotent te which DIFD vigerous demunti in that country boy, thus fer, BIlS11 -At St .Tss"els'q Oluopill oe Wedesdoy Octoher 241:s. mort thon counlerbolunceti the contruction ut Lournu NurrLs. lîcuývei aLt o i eue marksets elsewher,." Tht Bank et Montreel Malîhew Btrush ofl 'toronts, tise- Mlsy ut Mille. makes this observation in its lotesl Business R1e- vito which, is devuted chiefly te a comparative 1RATER Oppo,,iN1TW,, study of Canadosexports ond imports it tht TOc Ministry ut Lahour plans lu' first right monthso0f 1947 and 1948. oenes hurtly ten nets Industriel "Tht substontial improvement is tht Do- Rebahbilitatios CentrestIk Beltals. This extension et tht Hln;stry'n minion's adverse balance of trode with tht resctt lemrr.t seheme Cor the dis- United States," tht bonis says, "bus been achico- ahîrd s a direct eesll t! a hlojttî ed mainly by a 35 per cent increuse in experts stmresstul ttiptrment sin ndu.. trial rehllltolion estarteti dorlng te that country, and bas bren dependent te a t he wor.tsInust'bl rehahilltatlon moch lesser entent uou reduction of impnrts courses wereaîarted In BriCoa which are down by enlp 10 per cent ie tht eight ovcr tîve yeors agae Thelr atm ho. heen lu restore te tîsesu and et- months' comparisun." fer vocollonol guidane tt. mes Principal itrems lisled us contribeling te the asti momea seho have test toueh higher esport values have bren-i. ordr of 'ith e.erhlng conditions on ar- impertonce-lumber, newsprittt, wood pulp andti "to iliso ijr.Te aehelpedti teregais stît-confîti. pulpweod, hast melals, agricultural împlemrnls cne and os retors lng In mors ad caelle. are able once more le plny a fuît "On tht impori side, restrictions have andosetul pnrt sn the life ofthe --1 - cmmulty. shorpy curtuied recetpts et fibres ana textiles, fresh fruits and vegelables, automobiles, bouse. hold electrical appliances and lueurp articles,' tht review continues. "On tht other bond un. ports of an essential nature such us cool, petral- tomn and heavp machinery have bten in signifi- antlp higher figures, rtflecting both price foc- tors and tht effects of high levels of inidustriai uclivitp and new capital enpansion in this coun try." EDITORIAL NOTES Tht first flakes of seoso may weil be a ne- minder ony of these doys te aller driving babils acqeireti when pavemnents were dry. Bonfires lenthe teaves con cause considerable damage if thep get out tif control and ohmn starned shoolti have some aduit supervision un- tii they are entinguislied. This aummor tht banks were sodded on No. 25 Highwap and now another building for equipinent is being erected on the land juat north of Miton securtd by the departinent whes the tut-off a madle. Theres sure ptenty of preparation af the stenery even if tht road doesnt get motta attention. TOWNSHIP 0F NASSAGAWEYA Court of Revision 'robte natice 1ha0 tht Court et Revision for tht Township ut Nos- sotoorro milI sit at tht Townsbhip Holl, Broubville. on Hosday, Nov- rmhrrItIt 8.30:0 PM. te hea n iletermîse al oppeals as lled ugoloolt the Assetent Roll for tht co8it 'ronship et Nasagameya Cor 1the yeor 1949. Doîrd ut Nossagaweyo, tOntario This lt. day ot Octuher. 1948. lligseds 1L. W. HoHîllan, Clerb. Camphellvllte, Ontai Io. TOWNSiaiP 0F TRAFALG.AR VOTERS' LISTS voter% List o0 1948 TeTo 'l'rmnshlp ouT 'ratalgar, Cîîusly et Hellen, notice ks hereby giors bal I have cempJtd mîth section 7 et tht Vters List Art anti I have postetiop ln my office at 'Traagar, on tht 111h day of 0e. lober. 1948, tht ist et ail pensons entttled.te rote In tht oatd munie- lu t MI unicipaltletions andi that torb lIaI remaint there tsiu' Inspection. 1.4 OIhereby tail up ait votera tei te timmedhate eroreedtns ato baye any errra' or omissitonscor- retd aeesrdtng t. lase, The lest day of apgeai b.tng the th tSday at Notember, 1948. Dateil et Trafalgar, Ontai-lo, th1. Igtb day of October, 1908. 20-2 S. A . lFeshhertoe.e, Clork GREENHOUSES Flowers for Every Occasion Corages Wedding Bouquets Funerai Desg.. LOCAL DELIVERY sips don't just rus themseivea. Someono bas tgive thought and lime to Cheir guidance. Sometimes you may disagroe ith that guidance Mfilton and think another course should have beon pur- sued, but at toast give credit ta the Citizen who Recollections iad thecourage of bis convictions an'd served to the best of hi. ability. Constructive criticism is atways desirable, FfyY ar Ag but criticis.. wittiout a constructive suggestion it YerAg or remedy is of littie or no use. If a mon or Frm,lt. tdittltf 0thtcà»d 'oman hos given good service 10 the Commun- Cttaatplotoa.0Octales' OSat, 588. ity in a public post tl doesn't hurt to toit him William Foiey urt tht CP. a-bout it. A word of praiso is Ils easy as ridicule showed us a sapie of potatet grown os hie lot on Martn Street, Lsd is certaisly more rare, oseetiwlateis neasured 15' by V' These are days whes mes have spocîatized and weighed 1.Ilb. snteresta Chat altow thomt littie leisure. Many Tht postponemest of Coohavilie capale en fel heycannt sare he imeFair did flot hrlsg them hetter apabe ms fel tey cnne spae te tune eatiser, bot ln apite of rais and from Cheir ows business to give to the affaira meatiter many more folks tiat of Choir municipaity and the multiplicity of coutl have reamntably heen ea- 'egulations from Provinciat and Dominion çieetturni utm ae tao govtrnmtnts often makes Choir locat duties Thse many friensa of George sort frustratisg andl unsatisfactory. it witt Hume are pieaaed 10 tee hlm out >e a sorry day when the amati municipalities do aanatrs eeea tako typholil tever. nt have sufficient mes for public office. Evos Os Hesday last the trane of îow it becomes more difficuit as mes find thet Datid Imis~ new bars was auc- tosor dors aoC compensate for the effort and cesuiy ralteed on bis homeateail sn Naasagsweya. About 150 of Mr. criCicisin involved. Irvins friens andoi nelgbbourm. To be effective our sysiem must bave the masy, oft Clen from quite a dia- test mes and wemen as leaders in our monici- tance, attendel te asstat in the palities. Municipal affairs will be sn tbe fore- wr. DE ground tht ne01 100 montbs. tt's tht dety ef MASON -in Millesn on'i'esday. Oî'totosî 251h, Robhert Mosos, every citizen. set just o few, teoassume tntereSt lotvofu Ayr, aged 61 yeors. f our Cemmonity a te grow ond prosper and A R. BROWN, Proja. ' main Street Wanted! DEAD STOCK HIGHEST CASH PRICES Cattle $5.00 eaeh Honte $5.00 each Hoge $1.50 per cwt AI] According to Size and Condition CALJL COLLEOT 0"T 2.1W DARLING & Co. Ltd. SPECIALISTS In WARM AIR IEATING AIR CONDITIONING EAVESTROIJGHNG and PLUMBING OUIR AIM iS 10 gtve service 10 our Customers and instal only the very best equipinent at the iowest possible prices WEHANDLE ONLY THSE BESI' B. F. MURFIN Pluosbing SHEET MLTSAL WORKS Heating Eivestraaghlns Cieorgeton, Phono 138W WHEREVER YOU SE fiF COURTitoua and efficient aervicc at our awitch- boards, in nue business offices and in your home - that'a thse kind of service we're doing our beat to provide. More ond botter telephones bave doubled thse scope and incraed the value of your telephone aervice. Yet, up to nose, deapite ising coata, there han been no incroase itihe basic telephone rates eatabliahed 21 yeara ago, No matter where you travel, you'l find no greatar telephone value; no botter service at the ana low toat. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA phone 151 PLUMBI NO HEATING and TINSMITING Main St. - Milton, Ont. KACUNIE H.UC1W1ES Ne@" M ad §wu MNEUVO BeOW* Buiness Directory THE U1'VENNRXRN Miltoni Nuntitta2 Canapheliville Numhera 3m D.C. E.LWYEVEESO D.W. J. 111oB11TSON Dr. J. IK DEAG Ofic e Houri: AHM. By Appoistment osly. P.M. 1-4 7-9. Sus4ayo-Emoergeiea 03y, MILTON PIVATE HOSPITAL X.Ray Coroner, CP.. ad Gaol Surge. MILTON HOMPTAL (Private) ViTINO ROUESi Z30 P.m. to 4.00 pes. 7.00 p.m. ta 8» 0pmt. (No Children onde. 12> RATES IN ADVASOCE tiemi-Private - umI Pilvate O- J PHONE 216 - MIL.T054 DM.G. E. sYEm PhpielMaid songei Ottlce-Jmmes Street Phsone No38 Office Houra: 9 a.m.; 1-&~ 7-8.30 pin. Coroner DM. J. H.74FJUL M.D.C.M. L.M.C.C. Office and Resideace StAfflSTREET M5LTOC4 Phone 412 DP.. J. W. MeCCUTHEN Fermnera' Buildisg, HainSitreet Office; 0-4, 7-S P. Telephone 305W Residence 395J LEGAL DICK & DICK W. . DOCK, KO. lCeuety Crown Attorney) KENN'ET y. DOCR, B&& Harristers.Solictor., Court lieuse - uHion Toiephone 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON Barristr, SoiotÀtor. Etc. Office-Roui Doar Champion Otttas Hain Street-Milton Tolephone 54 GEORGE a ELLIOTT Barriater, baicitor, Itotary pub"s Office-in Farroý' Builtding, Mu" Street, Hilton TJelephone 70) LEVER & HOSKIN L'hartered Ateountanti Succeosora lu JEINKINS * HARDY 1305 Htropoliton BHdg., 44 Victoria St., Toronto Elg. 9131 DENTAL DL. G. A. KING DENTAL SUREGEON Office ln Royal Building, Mlii. Houri 9-5. Evenlegs hy Appointins X-ltay Service Telephone Wlt D& F. .. ABCOCK DENTAL SUREGEONt Office over Princea. Tiseatt Night Appointinentmiy b. arrasged X-Riy Service-Gaa Eatraetlam Houra O teS5 TeepaflM NIELSON - Tht Chiropnaeto ê Drugin Theatiio 33rd Year of PriceS 6 Lady Attendant Hon., Tues., Fr1., 2-5 pm.. Wed., Sot., 2-5 and 8-9 pin. Closeil Thorsday Over Douminion Store, Georgetows Phone 150W OPTICAL CAPSTEN GLABN Saccessor te IL C. LAIRD For Appontinenta Phone 5SMilto S. A. FAY Phone 205 PAM TWO TRV-IPADAY. OalUBM,2ftb. IM THE CANADIAN CHAMP1014