TIIUaSDAy, oc-rom 141h. 1948 THE CANADIAN CHAMPIOPi Poultry and Eggs WANTED PIIÔNE MILTON 1w F« %Btt« eu ie Halton Poultry Products if you bave any plans in thisrIc area... Bakanecd eedlog ross lie day ibea wesaedtaeUse day ho% snarkeled assueyou ef a his1wb. hiss aso- t-growleg bh« 151011 brng you a topprice.# " Co-op Pig Starter e Cc,-op Brood Sow Ratdon " Co-op Hog Grower 0 Co-op Hog minerai Milton District Co-operative PHONE 127 MILTON In A Country MoNMS Laine Hlo meaes Ol hs IIlb'Lillian Collier Gray realize tise value ef ihis home- .....grown aupplyof cIfood and appea- Tisor.ksglvieg lu nearlo- over. To-cdatie the resullant savlng. Donet moreow me con go bock t0 the end- let vegelabie go t0 maste aller tess job "of gelling aettied. t'm tsey are grown. afra4d I've been olmose 100 isuso Tise qoalitof ot aoy vegetabies te be thankfut. 1 Ions keep link- la depeodeet opon tise lime and log If I essor bave a spore minute stage at which lisey are -harvesl- ogoin tisen t shallise trotlianis- ed. Tsen tise melhod of!stling Cul. However, ln ms' subroosclous wilt deterseine how long tise gar- miod 1 expect t mas observtng den produre miii keep. Vegelabte thonkogivieg, Cor i here os-e a good suris as letluoe andsacaulittower many thir.gs fo isiris tamn grole- boave t10beued as on eas they ful, e oalsoutd bc Igratefut for reocis maturits'. Green peas asnd tise thiegoso so mns peoplie arross beans, and crn are eanned and' tisen hat sve sot. Homeo, eogs Crozes. Plans, lse staisiage, tur- ta eatwa-ostisCrIesds and toved1 si etc., istnd --sit. flsîilY oses alive oond sot jusi a memory meatises- aile otisers-poaoeo I iseroose of extermination, Jobs. so-Ilons. lima iseans etc., mottise nosîrst10 iuy tis eoressuies of borvestei brîsre Crost elpa lise, liCe, and-sstiser tisoWr routd gs vines. onls.d mentionisookssand music Smaliiquooitieoftroot crops sndotisins'notorasiandecreoîsdosut-boas eetocarros, poarnips, fot-ms, asosi smooy, mues tisingo. potaioes. rutasogas and salisy Oneltiivce 5old a]]lieIsOhouldide stordln aroot cellar huave, toaise tlisufCor, ond tisastor dot-S basement lo moist eand, ios snse of secrsilyinoreslisssî siiersuse loy-es-toi tiserootâ and tise Ioterooatioooi scese. If an aI- eliher inptles or lnisoxes. Put ta orni aor breaks oui,sve inCanaa tiand and sthe cvgel>lcs willinet ithis limenetrn cs-baist i ta eie shrivei. Wiseotise vegelabtes aie iscme'ess, tsrisooers, andi tise ceaI utisered tise toposbsoulidebe ul sie tisegisasl ly esperieore or Eur- off. opeots issothesshsase boneWe, If largueqonities are tlaise or itlstotrising tise devetopment otorei, tisey cea ta piied lnisuli of aCCoirtscitis oesssiorss. Wise in o riait celiar or lin an ouldoor' svar wilendas it mustendsurey siC Storigeinpitt W,,,iarpace- leaders osf in.tetligtencest-iii Cied cordiog to tise climate of tise dis- s000e otiser solution! t sometlmes teict autisere Is more danger of svsishlise leaders c<suld att ise Put dreisCtrains ln tise nortisere parla' out le a ring ta igistut U liem- of tise province. oelves. None oC tise ordinars' peopte Cisoose a meli draioed spot and oC tise morid mont svar. But whiat 1mulie a sailots excavation, tiarse goveseimeets miii sdoout of Cestos- Cour Cees otide and one looit andi distrust af Russia! Wr Slow deep. Put a gosod layer ofC taln isave tise spectacle ofCUtitedi States 'ti sa rencis and pile thse vegelables eoesidering reosummng diptomatein a cadrai iseap. Cover mils orne retations aitis Caseist Spale. (tee- or i'o Ceet ai a t roa wansd' erol Frorvo Is sittieg quieto- mitis tien trealisesgels oippy coid, add' ists tangue in bis ciseeis. If Spain Cour la suxis cisof soit. Ventila- aere or cootd Isecome part oCflise: tionnsouid tae pcovided at tiss Soviet Union, ve ooold nfltike lime iysy tanding o norrua drais Cosciom Cer our cup oC tea ans' bel- siMe on end tiseaug tise sal wilj ter thaasive tiicise wouid like lo pirre oC noreen ait tise ballons rsmmoeismn. Spsaio mon ocuipril taiseep 001 rots. SIOCC tise open dorieglise war. Hec spots isave rnd tîissi ieoesofisagguogîtaiab- sot chosîrd Tisot sise siseutd bisoari isaoy raiotali. taisenisackis lto ot-or Is Oeliiek- Pul rolshgsoot and oailhand ,sisle. ButC is e ITSA. ices il, I15Island tileraiseoda dos-n ina mîde tî%;l ni-h,ise cmiltes aoflimre tii treecs. 'Brilois asnd Frasce tollosss uit. sors- osaetoislec, e. g., puma- Wiilessissrvngtise miterlnstRass- Sît.sidsushs ssed worm s oecs-ve scid doveil tcissoisdry loracsscondilans socS asa I rannot sec ery îtuc , ta c n s-il 10 lîssoeoasegetaîle tisossisîci r n cs-îrld stîtuiro lSButrtosso inse lcs.c-ssss-ssi is tise mccl tise ves-s h iai-ss of tise st-ructure Oc - o renI s105ls& place. Spsray sois' moises tieseimplre nnalisr 0,1a ot) T. c-lotions ani uses more ta be tisosisCl lot-. Tis o csiro vet-st o or rcindo. ting% orersvoclis isrmng Bomut .scsl rîsces- is silistise. eeosary i ae t c ises ism eloce -se i is-rmssscslî-r sticsr iouid record oct as if me reotied thir ovorlis'?slslss-osimolly -tii)segrers tesulate AlmosItishe middle oC Ortlier, Ihese of sCtoe room oerest the and Ioseers, tomotors and otiser Curssos-s f 1 sesors'. rclapîsor tiigs olili naesroed iss'tise Crssst.tar palier andi on extra wood uid- And tise odd sissssvr s misisg thiseg s flot an esupeosîve propositions Cail miseat isat iseaulilai emeraid -comtared 5ta tisee stof o yoar greee tisot s a Ceast 0tiste es'es. Lammer sondaitise aoount of As t drive aoog Ontarto roulis, I1 vegelobîro yoa isove gotisered. oten tisi btisaI no country lenlise Ccisouut yoar local agricuitural mortd cold tae more beoutifulthtisa repcmsentotive Cor Curtiser delals our omn. Tise iaedsespes are go ons vegeloinie otocage. varied, witi iII and vattey, irees pequ,td e cj sipe and sviodissg roado. streoms aed PLUM csoI'sIzyN laites and mouetaIes. Ct woutd ta qese yr4 .. woederfat 1a cross Canada wîtisa 3 qrssldhumes .T. kodociscome cameroa snd an untîm- 3 lqrgetu plurs Ied suppts of cshisfor film. 13 largee opiesin Sovieg eleetricila n onurgenît 1tcsois eeedrain s matier, ond one itlsord toatseep 1 teospooe groaod cnnove ln mied isere amid our e4ttieg t1 traspean gcoand cinenano octivities. We finid reasons te t teaspeon curyn d ner lravrt back andtforistrainracial oponaryawe ta room o great drol. dosvo t tise 1 traspoon dcry muolard basmrn, tutla is svssdisstosst -3. cutto ursauloird supar il iusosrasy tafrgetottussoff ' eiderp0ao nlt tiss ligiss. But leime do flot saive 1 quartcde Igr ail ive vanun st, ime sioîtavebort-15, tmove Plis fretin Pimg aller iivt- undepr Creaer ctstrlt-tioes lot- oipisg mcii. Wipe adtio pla ,Pr. ArAs indssrs', ans rpe o Ctiin li ltritrdet Irovs-îcpes as--libels'Iciîc use e-t-y ts-rvisc brIlle. Cooks, oecver- mîlis îte-lei y tsts-stssis 1, -Ilesolîiotîl tiisis(about 30 l -t ings and 00cr 111 1tan. fms uttst stirttg lreqtllently. tcorsetiîiasotd tiig larem,,ns tour iostrilzlsd jarc. Wisen iber lilî,tlo- lst-si-1 sto-tss1et-l-atsl titiit praun.Yieds lit isydro isl, st-insmalises tiss 5010ts t-ffot wit-os-tlssiFRUIss~ T -i! lSAUTCE 2 illeoseldb-M . o urn b1-.iut 0mine at-s-ail isucird 5 t-qe unost omrliting tII- tlter. %a t-Il prce iI.1 lts ittol O oftat- ttC O il-l55at-lt t-o s t ilslis-r pitsttl.Kttlirs'oMoo- 5ofln cor ttf Toronto In ber "tlymofs Penc,s-s-tisreslisiscta': 1ss-c-It ti initier. dît-ed tsrs-ob Tisraise ucvîsrd oC baille, i utree's-tn pesper, diced Lo-s, me pros', tolit lpie Disarmtn the alore, lay Ibeir bor- 1 iltlenîtttcos sait ir o t, 3 colis granuaoid suar TisaI men maytlesrn 0t ire and 1iV, plots t-iser cinegor voit ta stoy, Peel ail sthe Cruits, lotaros and And dwett os bitumes. none is isons. Col op tlorns ond chop oeigbboor Cnoes: frailtcotiser ioris' Min Weil te- Speais'l'hou, O God ondle theelgrier. Add atiser logredientu mils nation se li setheopires lied le a ebeeseeltîl A t-smmontveal anlled, JouI and bar. Cook for lila 2 isasco or un- Creet lii lisici. Virido 6tla 8 plnt. ARGENTIE RIMES It iappeord on tise ostacle coursie. A Icolore, pulling aod Clisobs been aonountîed b hie groaoing, Caitcd 1a maire o hurdte. Asrgeetine Trade Promotion Cashi- As lie stretced out s corporal roc tte lisot 2.1 miltion ]bidlesIn lit Cormord. posesoo alloihisve taen soId for Hes, ie cried, misaI'slise Immediale delivers'. OCflise re- troubte?" moinder, a lartier 600 thousansi t1 tikifis1crbroIes sos' eg. miii ise eocisooged tisrougb barter "Weil, dasI 1001 loy tare. mari. agreements Cor eoaentilprodurîs StasI doltsg pues-ups." Crons abroasi. Columbus took a Chance - - - You Don't have to when you shop at ELSLE Y 'S Our last wcek Specials went over with a BANG,, ini fact, nîany of our Specials were Sold Out, so again lb is we we repeat some of our bargains, with MORE ADDED. Choioe Sliced Fresh Lean FRFSH HAMS Fresh Lean SIDE BACON PORK SHOULDERS Whole or Hait PORE BUTTES 5!)C LB. 45C LB. 49c LB. 53 C LB. Country Style PUJRE PORK SAUSAGE 2 lbs. 65c Sirloin, Round, Wing67 STEAKVS OR ROASTS lbc.I SHORT RIB OR LanFresh VEAL Coe BLADE ROAST IUMURG PATTIES OiLÔ CHESE 46c LB. 37C LB. 45c'- 1 49c LB. FISH SPECIALS CO FLETlb. .......... 35c SL ONFLE S b ...........43c Our Grocery Dept. Offers You these Mloney Saving ____S PECIALS BEE HIVE I NW MONARCH PURE LARD CORN SYRUP PITIrED FLOUR Varios Brands 5 lhs. DATES 24 lb. Bab 2 Ibs. 65c 19C ". $1.59 65c E-X-T-R-A S-P-E-C-I.A-L Quick Quaker Qats Lg. Pkg. 27c Motiser Jacikson's Choice Australian CHOC. CAKE MIX SEEDED RAISINS SEEDLESS RAISINS 29c pkg- 23c pkg. 1 2 Ibs. 29c CAMPBEWLS EXTRA SPECIAL HALLOWE'EN TOMATO SOIJP. JELLY BEANS 2 for 21c 1135cb SHOP, STOP AND SAVE AT ELSLEY'S FROSTED FOODS Ltd. NOT-Rent a Locher. We stilI Have a Feue Available r - 1i The new orange-coloured boxes which have recently been adopted for SALADA TEA B3AGS mark the return in tea-bag form to our FINEST ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY at no increase in the list price. SALADA CgA CAMPANY IF CANADA, LIMITED SPECIALISTS 'In WARM AIR IIEATING AIR CONDITIONING EAVESTROUGHNG and PLUMBING OUR AMM s to gise service to our Customers and lestai onis' the vers' broC equipment t thse lowest possible prices "WE HANDLE ONLY THE BEST' B. F. MURFIN SHEET MITfAL WORES Plumblng Heatlng EaVM.rUgbting le GeorgetOWn, Phone 138W 1 1 THE CANADIAN CHAMPIOli » IHUP-IqDAY, OCTOBER 14tà4 lm PAGE 7-1rlmým' m