Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Oct 1948, p. 2

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PAGE TWO LOI~~~~TURSDJAYO IOE 14115, 2 TECAAIA HAPO -, The estimate isana alarming ose-a liquor chanesinaddition to an s simnted $20000,000 M lo MILTON,ONAI for bootleggers' sales; say $505000000 alto- Purbi.hied Esc.y ThaceatfsyAtennns geiher. Recollecti(>ns Antbnind n..~ad as..ssii Psi 01k. Il 15 a sam flot easiiy comprebleoded except * Ononeunessnt, taw by comprisas with some other ostlay. A slndt- - ,MUB.CRIPTION PiATES-lu&so p..et c n Ild- liig woy ta pot it s that il is almost as large as Fit Y as UnI dSîne Id ddun lSiel gni-ci c aligovero mental epnd 0re f Canoda Ag tc. OhIbld and scw ddrcsniîado b the xpedîre wh I 0-g of .ec-.td. w i 1.U)7 an d i138, wheo they appraoaIiîd Tbafesi, dto IS O ,ADVERTISING SAES-Os îpplcai- nd s "kq rnifeeiin fteC ai -i.. u. alicadig.. $533000,000. It.,obstaotially cncecds thec194,' niisiOn ionias. Otsberr13, 1893. Afthsanb *.t.,y,,p,oennims w.01 b c. .t.-nid jtercot Obil0f $401,000,000 as Conadas publiec u roi - tcmbî...ing sact n.tiintnot debt. Il approscbes th. $575000000 tof personal 'o îmio aîiEeti fi file for uan c e tinan dvisethnt pbii.hed Raiiwy Compay hsdecided t hue me s ma tire n&- dertionn.nt fi ..d income lax estimoîrd ta bé colected ilateapras- 'extend ita lise trom Boringtoa ta =c..ted in oitn by th. dn,ti.e, and c- cnt ycar. Il is more that baîf a billion dollars. Port Neiuas. to dthesOcChampion _buiccsoffitbc duiy .ais-.Rsbrybseso h am cdhly thendecrtj.er nd with Imchccacr orcs-brybseathtro rectisn plaýintyennu.di inoitini.ther"an nd h in Un ot eFod WH. KCer, Eaqnesing.are Is st .c .. i nsacm.n sta i ot aa,.mtd b h iutonMs Fcdbliom a ad bave severai bernieso Tbhe emppisen..lebIlt.shah onut csced ah s pr.pscnin.a nf the muir.eoa fImcha dvctisemonml It docsn't mattar wbnt we lbink of tbe power Ibean. as th.pets ocnanaied bhe l.ot.d er0 c. .1T lan th5hoeo pnc sccupicd b ha a dc.tscnt. sortage or wbetber we place lb. blama on gav v.rb. ri'rto T 7erra Calta Ca.s G. ARLOF DILLS. Edt- crnment or Commission, lack of main, ecL., tbclMiltao., whicb bas been ciosed for Busnes fcce .aa - Min.ast, t.Matm fact remnins Ibat Ibere isn'l sufficient clectrie nome limne are Ieing put inca machk- T.ebcmNe~. sspawer in Ontario ta mccl lb. prescnt idemnnds ing ordar ad sili resamne ollerat- Ions sbartiy unde. tbe efficient and tOc only lbing thit cas Oc done is 10 cut management af Mr. Lewuins wbais _________________________________tOe loaidand sol îry ta take mare tiban aur sueil knawn bore. hbare, At lbe meeting ar tbe :Synoador T.~YF I mnyscea folis lab. uildng oreNiagarsaI Hamiltan at Tburslsy It my sem folis to llebuiling oreE. W. Boyd ai Mlore wnn appoint- E u I I O R L 4 L lises and cqsippisg moreradia stations, wbcn ed a member aIflihe stsading ram- Ibere Iln sufficient for tbc lises alrcady in milte aI tbe diocene. Tatn ndsmnnPrgrnas Menced aperaias, bot the problcm Ibhal faces everyone MAERIED lIonsSYMON-MI-PHEIOSON- At the TOc importance af Halaon as as industra bis winter and for tva or thrce yenrs ta came resideae ofthelbries parents, tri"' ! e evi.os Seplember 281h, by Rec. fi. centre bas beco empbssized as otber occasion, s stbhevn distribution of tbe power ovailable. (~A. MePberos, James S'ymolîa, and wbcn therc is n seriaus menace ta Ibhat im- Wilbaul a doubt tbe restrictions being ima- eldetso naoaltOe lt.OChares Sy- mon, laElica, rîtiest doabter ai portant phase af aur life, ie in vll tot faceilpased are gaing ta creale bardsbips. Naose Arrh. MrPhersa. Esqom-isg. anddo omehin t corec itbeoreit s to iikcs the nigbî wark and tbe disruplnd wark (.1z, DN I fOD nnd d samtbin la orrec il efor il-AtsaMiltona.ons Orlber l late. Perbapa il is well ta back up tbat sîste- week nov necessory. Housewives will not cnjay 11.Mis. Marie GISîllr. in ber ment regardrisg induslry in Halton Coonty, and tbe bcaliag and iraiîg restrictions, but if pay 6F04 îi.ar. we ficd Ibal in tOc latest statisties of industry covelopes are ta be manlaiacd, there scems ta Tivenitv Ynarn Aoo for Ontaria poblisbed by tbe Daminion govero- Oc no oîbcr alternative Iban a distributionofai'rt * mnt there is plcnty of feandalian. tbe ioad over tbe sevea doys and îwcnly-foar Taikn ro rm the editian nof1the Cao- Accrdiîg ta Ibese stalistics Ibere arc 76 in- hoars of cnch day. 1oailit (Choîspias. ortohrr il, la2s.:, dustrial establisbmenssis Haltan County witb Hydro la-day is a secessily af every doy lite ' ii.i.,n fi.l,- risrîiiin ssr-rb' 3,234 persans emplayed in lbem. Tbcy were in Ibe bome, in tbe faclory and on tbe farm. A aamberrnf Mill on Ions aI- paid, in tbe ycar, $4700925 in wagcs and sal-.ls ose viii continae ta esp.nd as tbe province tenethtite facirl luiaednisi n arien and is tbe five tawns oethte County, lb. develops butlin tbe meantime weil bave t10,lSatrrdWany. 1Vîroer grass value of productian was $23.801,493. slow down a litîle unlil Hydra deveiapment ýC. vsitîed a namberofnis bIt i Massafctaring is a big part of aur life in catcbes op. frilia<b. ler, ona rhorsday Ian?. Haltan Coanty. I idrreoiy apnif s rt If ve are la relais and cxpasd ibis indus. The Burden of Office lia the laie Dr. Samuel Webnler.ý tria ~iîur On. atracion fo .Nerrifothlii-Conty onI Ballon1 ria icu we must k'p r a taosfr Tbe announcemenl ibis wcek af Prime Min.,nb o authof aicetîi-betoce bin boa- industry comparable toa101ta be foand in isîer MacKenzie Kings iliibeaiîb is reccivesi!,or .todgti Ellitbere on Tarday ciller provincesain tbe Daminion and in ather witb regret by ail Canadians. At sevcaly-tbrec Imornini lasI. Oerll ru. sO cousnres. At tbe prcscst ime ifis easily real- rada edo O oino oeîeîOc iiI iOtlt8ei elievedto 1i ccd bataurpave sioaton ssaca bppy and1935, rbrofbtheyDmiongdifficoipricd, le lithe oagetsheritl In Canada. ized hat or poer siuatio is ot a appyone 135, troug the ord' mostdnff1ule 222odrIn she s.2purss, pu .30$.00at and Ontarioa s losisg out by sat meeting tbe il is easy ta undcrstand Ibal any man wanid1 Caledona Fair oa Satorday lasl, Dr for upasios Tbrc lille batfeel tbe sîrain. No man in the istory af Can- îtsa-pa1rInaPIaI. appartusiwyn i t pre,. casa ble donc about tbe situation, bawever, unlil ada bas gîven more of bimsclf 10 the weltare A î5 niober toi mnerrs nI Milton new dcvlapmcnts are brougbt inIaouse. and service of bis contry Iban bas Mr. King, andtati mî,brlls.iIia- I.dgsmoiti a Tbere is, bswevcr, a menace ta isdosîry in wbn bas steppcd dawn ftram bis leadership ofut .n i-nn t loailnî ts lliams, Haitas Caunly Ibal is sot tr00 laIe ta, correct tOn Liberal Party andi wiil prahably relinqoish t..1, lffir, .J Mi liii 1.01i. N.. and we reter ta the asis, as we ondersîand il. bis high office ibis year. 12385 I-at an li(iioangei- 11,r rcgarding the Coonty asse5sment on indostry. Ail wili baye tOut the Prime Minîster 1s h istti*Ot'i%-ré, itieti andt a gnda We were amnong Ibose wbo blieved thal a sonrestnred la gnad heaith andthaOnt a rt i.? SI 11.1 Causly assessor and onifarm astissment wold wiii resînre is beallh again. Hi-i esperience i5Iil-iiilOI inl i be in 10e best interests ai the time il was pro- aîîd guidance iss 511 ncedcd in tOrse imes if 192S, i.. th'. 1-.Ilf5'iW. ii1 mated. We feit Ibat il wouid pravide cqaalily Canada i-. la porsue a sond coure. n i if lelda,i lniti lii n the Conyand thot cqoaliiy in o010rcrtO- ___M_______1î tlMi« n, linrislaiis al provinces Min fi, 1Stuan-i Edmondli tics andpocs wouid Oc a basis for estab- ,-,,r-k, n sofi Mr andiiMr, J .1 lisisg values. Same ime aga we beard of EDITORIAL NOTES I.nir. 1tlîiis assessmenîs ssdcr tht prnposcd ncw systcm s ntt inl. D l ilîaii Ihe snesmens. Te Wii O n ader 0w 0 ll~ 111. in ,;itit1.nlor. innî1i camparisas witb heformer assmns Te W cqoile i re nw oplan t M dt%' rhr 4Si. 192, iIh p ncw figures wiil ot be any indocement for Christmas shopping, so il can bc doanc cary. Mrýti i ýt ý sew industries in Haiton Counly. Wc hope lbey wiii sac bc the means of any industricsa akgvn Dywahr hientejy alrad etalihe hresekig octinsin able for aut-af-doors, braugbl raits for which MI TO more favorablc locations. Four and thrce-quarl alil couîd bc îruîy îbunkfuî. INELDING er millias dlars in wages cach year in Hilton Caunal is n lat of m onevecircu lated. i That is the situation and nov vhat can 0e donc abaut il. Just twa cings Ibat wcennow cas elp. Thase vha arc mnking thc maîloals might make a r-study of isdusîry and aclual industriai assessmests snacher places autside Ontaria bcfore adoptiog 10e raies. TOey might vcll study 10e effect that their present figures wiii have os tOms pravince if lbey are put linto farce. Failing ta make a belter approach ta industrial assessmcnts thao as bccn shows, Hallas Coanty vould do .well ta abandan 10e sev assessanent unlil more usiformity in 10e province and in ther provinces can be secured. Hilton cannaI affard ta close 10e donc in t0e face of over tvesty.lhcee million dollars vorlb af manufnclarod, praducts. Aready ose largo isdustry is leaviog the Causly for n location beller suited to Its seeds. Its lime for action hy the Provincial" Deparlmcst anîd Hllos Counly Coascil before ve have another osfîv- arable situation loandd ta aur pawer dilemma. Wnge eansers and those emplayed il factaries in tOc Cousty wauld do velila makre sassa isquiry and urgc immediate action, if tbey cas- sider job security of impartance in Hito Coasîy îowss. , Cnnada's Huge Liquor Bil The Temperasce Advacaîe Oas campiîcd tramt offiiti figures of gaveroment receipts fron the sale ofaIncabol ans estimnle of the amaunt spent hy cassumers is Canada io the fiscal yenr l"43. Whaî the public pays is larger tOansth anunt vhich goversnent commis- ions receive vhere therc are such items ns 0ev. ere raon profit to ndd to the governaner sale price. With flu fairs aver, thc scasas 0f 1he plow. ing matches is Ocre and marc opparîaniîy for gathcrisg before winlcr comes. Migbî us wcli gel the habit of saving ren- tricily, because tOc shortage wîll be wilh as al Ibis winîer-marc seriaus than aI present. Anoîher sommer as gone and the pre- ciectian ints of conliaued wock on No. 25 Higbway have 'gant with t wind". Alil tha remaias are the signs Ibat stili ccad "Rond Under Construction. Neyer befare in isiacy have Otiria's vbels of isdustry and commerce been tursing aI so rapid a pace ns laday. Ontaria lends aIl provinces of thc Dominion sn grass production,' miserai output, forest venitO, posîvar capital isvcstmcst and in 010cr fields. Remember vhes, asks Napier Moore in TOe Fisancial Post, fîrmers osed ta bars their straw? Lnst week, 30,000 tans tif 001 and rye sIcav vere delivered 10 the Trenton, Ont., fac- tory of Hinde & Dauch Paper Company 10* emerge as corrugaled paper for thc ban-makisg industry. Portland cemesî sbipanss by Canadins masofaclurers talalled 1,417,767 barrels sn july (up 13% tram july 1947s 1249,723 harrels>. During firsî eight HostOs of 1948 shipmenss totnlled 7,7681,570 barrels (6,507,885 in oane. pcriod of 1947). TO. fellav vha vauld like ta do n bit of building alten vonders vherc it vas ail shipped. Eircl.rie anti Acetylene Wnilding Repaîr Weldise ai Ail Types Portable Eqalpant P>HONE - 348 MILL ST. - MILTON Woods' Electrical Farm Eqnipment Exclusive Denier ln Ibis district MILKING MACHINES MILK COOLERS CREAM SEPARATORS ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS ELEC'TRIC FEED GRINDERS AND ROLLERS FIALF TON STEEL TRAILERS COMMERICIAL. OR INDIVIDUAL CEMENT MIXERS, ETC. Salesaml Sevice ut yooe door ai no extra cent Quýck Delivery E.OY W, COODWIN Phone Arlon 40r6 ATTENTION FARMERS WE ARE PAYING THE HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES HORSES - -CATTLE - - HOGS Telophone Calleet for Immnedia erv@@Mm CORDON YOUNG LTD. MILTON 210 TORONTO ADELAIDE M66 Wanted!1 DEAD STOCK HIC.HEST CASH PRICES Cattle $600 Each Horfas $4-50 Each Hg 15ct AlAccording ta Size and Condition CLOI I OLLECT OALT 271M DARLING & Co. Ltd. DUOHESS CHOCOLATE BAIDWIoH BISCUITS 29C 1ROMAR COFFEE 5Si 1 CARNATION NILK zTINS29 KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN rýPCKEoms 220 LACHINE WAX BEANS TIN*12e V-8 VEGETANLE JUICE 2 ',o ,219, E. D. SMITH'S KETCHUP BTu 22o 13EINZ CIME SAUCE »Tu 33e BRUNSWICK SARDINES Tm Se BPEOIAL - PRIDE 0F NIAGAEA SWECET RED CHERIRIES 0o-240 NABOB OAROLLs DANRE CONmtE 600 TUA PRO. 370, 730 IIEIZiZ TOIC&TO OREA onr JUICE 2 23 20 VWIIAT ro. 15o,27o QUAKER OCAMPBELLS oTOM/uEO MUFFETS ROG. lie lOUP 2 TIN! 210 qo QUX IAKER ROBUN OATS Lo. PROG. 27o MEAL PRO- 33C GREEN GUIAT AYLMEE OUYT MIXED PuS i~20-Z PEEL %.Le. PK5 18e BEALPAX'f-Tw& OVLTIENE 58c, 98e BUANS 'T-'N 9o .SANIFLUIR TN s29a Washed Gravel, Concrete I~ QUEEN'S ROYAL NEW PACE Sand, & Plasteing Sand PEACHES TI*0-Z210 OLOCE. ALL SIZES FOR J. COOKE Bruce McKerr PHIONE 498W Super Section Cleaners Let us lean o ynae lnac,, Chimne>-, Schos, CIuarns and nîher SuDdingt the Mod- - NO FIJSS - - NO DUST George Collins Phomn Mten 855. AUl Work Guaraateed NIELETS CORN GwEES lAPITim 4-cz 2511 19e PEANUT BUTTER WAunOZ . 370 BLUE LAKE BEANS A5IG190~ SOCIETY DOG FOOD i 4c LIBBY'S BABY FOODS sTINS 23C CHRISTIE'S DO-NUTS -L 300 JOHNSON'S GLO COAT Tuf 59c, 98c PREM s12-TIN45a OLOVER LE"F OR RORBESEDE RED SOOETE SALMON TIN390 Choice GRAP-EFRUIT, 96's SWEET POTATOES., Green CABBAGnE hend HANANAS, per lb.... -- 6 f« 29c ......2 '0s.l9C ............... ... l c . ...... ...........- 1 6 C Business Directory MIEDnCAL THIE STEVENSON CLINIC Miltos Number B Cnmpbeilviile Numnber 892.1f 0 .C. IK STEVENSON Dr.: W. J. ROBERtTSON Dr. J. K. BEACH Office Hours: A.M. By Appointmentnl aîn. P.M. 1-4 7-9. Sandnys-Emen-genceîOsny. MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL X-Ray Coroner, C.P.R. and al Surgea. MILTON HOSPITAL (Private) VISITINO HOUES 2.30 pa..10 4.0(0 pan. 7.00 pa. 10to8.30 pin. (No Chiîdren soder 12) RATES IN ADVAN'CE .ean-Private 00 Prlvale - IO PHONE 216 MU-IToit DR. G. E. STER Phymician Mmd Surgeon Office-Jams Staaret Phane No. 38 Offiee Hsnrs: 9 a.m.; 1& 7-8.30 pin. Caroner D&. J. H. O'NEIIL M.D.C.M. LM.C.C. Offiee and Resideace MAIN STREET HILTON Pbone 412 DM. J. W. MeCUTCEON Fnrmer'r Building, Main Sroet Offce. Iiaumn-9 a.m;l a-4s 7-9 pa.. T.__ýelepisone 395W Residesce 305J LEGAL DICK & DICK r W. L DnCK, R.C. iCaaaly Crosun Attarney) KENNETII Y. DICEF, HA. Bsrriuters, Solicitars, Conrt fHanse - Hilton Telephoue 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON Sarrlol.., Solicilor, RE. Offie-Neal Danr Chnampion OMO& Main Street-Milton Teiepbane 5M GEORGE IL ELLOTT Barrister, Solicitor, Nota,>- PuasA Ofce-In Farmers' Building, I" Strcet, Hilton Telepbone 70 LEVER & HQSKIN Clsartered Acaunats Suceensora ta JENINS & HARDY 1305 Metropalîlus Bidg., 44 Victoria St.. Tocanto Elg. 9131 DENTAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Office la Rayai Building, 11110. Haurs 9-5. Evesîogs by Appistant. X-Hny Service Telephane 121 DI. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON Office aver Priocesa Theatre Nigbt Appoinlonenla mny Se seranlged X-Olay Becnie-OaEatractin Haura 9 ta 5 Telephone 65w NIELSON - TO. Ciiropractor Drugi... Themapini ê33rd Year ai Prnclie (à Lady Attenanst Mon., Tues., Fr0., 2-5 pirn. Weti., Oat., 2-5 and 8-9 pa. Cinned Tbursdsy Over Dominio Stare, Oerg.towna Pbone 150W OPTICAL CARSTEN GLAHN Succeemar to H.L C. LAIRDU Far Appinîmenla Phase OMUt»S PS. A. FAY Phone 205 PLIJMBING HEATING and TINSMITHING Main St. - Milton, Ont. Msto MEMNU EqduPj NeedI.. andBel I" MILTON HALDWAAE Pio. 4 PAGIC, TWIO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION ,M"MQý- --.- ...- a

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