?2IUDAZ ~r. Ord 194 THECANAIANCHAMION Aà 21- LIVINGSTONE STOKERS Are înstalled snd nerviced in the Mlton district. Any of Fthese users wîll tell yeu bow comfortable, economîcal, trouble free and laber savng tiiey are: COAL ANTHRACITE INSULATION LiME SOFT GYPROC CEMENT * PIONEER FEMD IR. S. ADAMS I Phone 48 BUS TIMES CHANGED Efffective Sunday Septemnber 26th ail Canada Coach Linos bosses wll opocate on STANDARD TIME As many departure tines have also been chaseged, you are advlsed to obtain a copy of thse new tisnetable f ront your local agent. .We as sausuniipaiity slseald . ouid be intereatisg te take tise' Cou ty oun il reiour responviiity iteswm3 visltors os a tour of Halton Ceu- Aon y o nIl are eskln sg l dprastat nutis Gives Appýrova1 ýotse ta aur country and biecogne Membere decides tise natter 1 Caadian citizees" declaresi Reeve should he etln tise sands of the rue gAirsMcLaren. Warslen who roula centact officiais ol W age increases "He aise esplilesi that unier ex- of Peel Ceusty, temar esay --siîeg legisiatio in respect to le- arrangemensafer the day's vis- digests, tisey tia te Ste a reient I Plan to Have Simene Coonty of s manieipliîy tiiree nantis ise- Ceanciiet Octohar 2th as tise r -ouneil i vitiait on fore tiiey eaaid aeek aid. 'Betis date for tise Conservation meet-. the Dominion asd Provinciligos- ing, ta he heid aithtie Court Heuse aud Pool eremessîs have aiready siared tisai at 8 pm-r. roi. ,and lis aume rasesleloked Accauns apprevesi and orstered Wrtten Exciasiveiy for tise Cari- afier these peuple for as leung as ta he pald lnciuded: adiari Chsampon andi the Acton twa years, lie sased. Agriculture and itefor- Fiee Preu. Whiie nemiseru feit ihere ws e etratien ...............S.17 reassacle a resolulien from Nasse- Cauety Buidings .......... 5.54 Emplayeea uf tise Ceunty roatis gaweys Townshtip mis e mee seeti- Finance .................3258-85 departesent reneivesi an Incease n ieg ta petlios lhe Dapartmenl cf Prletlng ................. 284.12 tiseir mages, MaIeon Ceunty Gitan- Higissays ta have a whita lino Caunty Roas ............4536332 cil decidesi ai their regular mon paisîrd us Highmsy 'f fron Acton Hmapllsiztlon...... 154.17 thty meeting held et tise Ceunty esieriy, tisey cansieces It did neut ___ Buildings. Tuesdsy aflerneon. cons mthin lhier lurlodictlien 51,254.17 Cauneil appraveni of tise recon- Meniseru Ifran tise ortlserly part Council adleuresed te neet Ode- nendation of tise Read CSundttee ai tise county espisinea tiseiigis- ber 101h. Itisat ail wurismen connectesi iiis say mss under repairesu d isen ______ Itise separtneftiseouid recelve atisis wss compietea, tisey fett tise five-cent se hour increaseintii isir Deprtnenî wouid nu deutit pint MILTON WOMN'S mages. Iteeve W. IL. Biggac, white inen as they had dace ais CANADIA CLUB chisrma sfuthtie committea tala! ther highwayn. OPENING MEETIG manhers, il woal a hring tiseir wag- Chiding menies isae mere flot- es sp hilineU mu utisoero. -iTiey preseiti ai tise session. DeputY- Tise loals Wonen's Canadien scre receiving seventy-îwa centasiteeve Eimer Fater asised If tisa daisbiela tiseepeiing meeting of an heur be advisesi. Menhers aise menhirs hsd heem presnt ai tise approved ofasecoed recammendas-lest ime meetings. lisee neun, Tueedsy ut edght tien that tise ramuneratien of Wn* Reeve Mrs. Pettit avhaad, 11; î5 adocniletue Legise Hall. Deas be increasea $150 per annula oaraie le municipal mouselo tisaI APPraprlately lc Une le tisesate heinsIng Septenhber i. Tisey feit'wisen you dent have îesve of ais- aIfliis croup la engage in s 'studyl tise surasse mas eeeeaary ta diem isee ana misa three meetings, yeu of tise Institutione, histary. art, lit' aI tiseIncreaned volume of morki inom misat yeu cne de." eralure sud resourees of Canad', ha hue 'hene ashea te de. 'Sonne aItise menhirs absect several filme cf tise Canasisu sece Sevarai restiaes mare diseus- ta-day mare prement et thse taet scre sisamn hi Mr. R. S. Heaiher- su ad endurtea isemisers gavae. meeting of tise Coaneil," Warde I leglon, represeetative fer tisis dis- their eod cf sjiprovsl te a requesi George Cleave recalied.' trict aI tise Natieeal Filai Board. Iron Kent cauty mise mare op- Cauncil approved cf a motion Tisa Nefouediand film ws apr- poiad ta hsving menhirs appinted spansorea isy Dapuli' Ieeve ticulorli' luvali'fer sheer heauty cf te tahie couti bosad f iseltis fer 1Fater ana Arstrong, tisai a by- [ses and rock. It mas ment Inter- tmo or three yeas. If regulatiens awls ti prepsred coveig clause 56 esting ta leurn more ln tain visual mare caetieued il meula nesu tise of section 87 cf tise Higismay-Is- moi', cf tise ragged lifeansd se-, casnty roueit mauld lanacetral provement Act, dasling ils re- tivity of tiese people, moon ta ha cf this phase ef tise work. strIctioni of buildicgsereecting fais- aven dloser linisca mus Canada, Reeva Mari' Pettit exptsined taat ces and piaetisg treensiclng muei- 'Promn Kingstonte tahie Ses', thia question isu net hean finally ty rende. atranas prde ln tis a mjesîy and odecidea upos. but was cmsvineed Si Dapsty Reeva Armstroeg sug- poer oI tise St. Lamrece. Glimp- ma net tisa Intention of tise De- gasted tisai as Sincone Ceuniy ses cf researchs and sgrucutsrsl primnt ta allow tise eaitispdounent plsyad otiaet HaItnsand maris ut Dominion Esparimeetl gram ta gat eut cf tiseisanda of Petl doancils escier ln tiese m- Faim, Ottawa, mare sica reveeling. Iaecl. mer, it moula ha fittIeg te Ievite Mis. M. E. Nison, prasidant, mai- Menhirs recammansted a ceea- tisaI cauncil ta visit Haltue In tise camea new menhirs aed guestja isutintram WetmarthdCoucty ha nesr future. Menhen felaliceUn asuc eprvccaed tiprecistion e aMcr. f lied. 'riey were eelieg te iave wmustiese uggectcn, but fait tisa Hestisaringten fcr tlisecheieg cf tise Otario sud Federsl gavena- 1nantis oIJune nigisi 'h a mor er ec'fine films. mente assume tise liailiti' cf is- orportuneelime te show off tise As mssset fertishi' tise clubs ptacad persans reidleg Ile Canada, ccuOi3'. rommandahia circuler lettes- sud misen they hecune Iedigent panoans Mr. Armstrong urgea Mmners relterated hy Mrs. J. Maailun, le respect te 'isspitalization aed ta Ievite Simcee Cesecil ai tais seretari' tae patrictie and culur Chisudree's Aid ars. Il aise ce-! une ase pacitlysmme ef tise mecs- 'aIebjeetive of tise club 1sta he questea tise geveremees te assumne'hars migist net ha au tise ceucil. feSteced tiy a fine ses-les o 0 tisis isurdteis cclitisese peuple ha- nexi pesu. SHe adaed tist aiMates tures fer tise fili sud wleter -cerne self-tuisalnlcg. isad a weaita of isdustry, and ih menuisa. Deos*for of e fM 3 .- iz 1 n Bu ihcnfdnefo ou local A S RG S tin f a . o a Mofa Agn adtmeadataeo * ~m tyles* th Me eue rcs.Szsragn 0 Ou oa '0i'n 0tt1 MAKM You .sssetesfo luera Ol sotiv asCmmt mmp-ý--r- MR-Rvý"ý TiKutuAy., OM. 2ar4 lm THE CANADIAN CHAMPION a