PAd2E RIGIIT TM~~~uRSAy. SEPTEBR .laZ H CNIN9HMPO Nisfof itis, Motingeand Deafi.**he ! s'~~* oe iasefsed in f hi oîxan MisothotDa gr tc Ou dcharge fInMsciaes Sotices.sosi m. e.r loneatinei nis,. ~For Chldren! BlORIN Its back-fo-school timte - the GRA-In Milton on SaIns-day, most dangerous and deadly ifine1 Auguat 2:bh 1948, te Mr. and of the year for Ontarlos ohifiren. mro.Desos ray, a daugiter In the steadlfy fom'eaing traffifc1 Nedean Susan. on streeta and iigfiways, VsIoa f DRADi.EY-.Mr. aod Mm. John t ho period of greateot danger. 1 Bradley wsh ea annoonce the arrfval of their daugfter, Mer- Lost Septembor, more chffdre lette Ano, ef Miiton Private Mos- sere kilird andsinijured isy motor pitai, Tuesdoy, August 31, 1948. cars In Ontario thon in any tiser BRusH-Dave and Audrey Brush isonth. Aiways, at this lime of are haipy to annoanCe thse ar- the yeor, the oumiser of trogie rfval of Bonnofes baby biother. chifif occidents In troffic isegi os f0 Davfid Craig. at Milton Private sor Btthsla as needieuas 5 Hospital on Tuesday. AugufStsorBt 31. mooy of tise accidenta wero oeed- ________________________lesa whicts iilfeof 132 chlfdreo, aod gornu inJureof 2,000 othero In Ontaorio foot yeac. LEEBON - At tihe home of her brother, William Leeson, RR Tise provincial f roffle salety No. 1 Arias, Ont ., on M~onday, compoiga, sponsorod by tise De- A 3oa 0 1949. Ethel Mary, partmeot of Higisways, and 00W dousof -tise lofe Elizabeth supportesi iy tise pross, radio, ansi Leesont fforntoriy of Milton). osony officiai ansi public ageocies. HOWARD-At St. Joaeph's Ho5S- hows clear evideoce of aucceassIn Cuai, Saturday, Atiguto28 98,rdcigtaffic accidenta gener- 'LenFl'eming, beloved i fe Ofreungt John Howard, Çasnpiselviiio aiiy. But wiere oilidresi are cnn- Ont., R.R. No. 1, belovesi motiser oeroed, teaching tise coles of triâf- of Mms.Mei Adamosf Elieecl) ni fit ofety and giviog parental adi- Guelphs. vice is St onoagis. Al tiesaafety MeTAGGART - On Tuesday, Aug. messures and iaws we man devise 31, 1948, athtie reoideoce of hec wiii amver relieve tise motnrist of son, 38 Aierfoyle Cres., IsIing- hia reapoosiiliiy. ldOOy of tise ton, Ont., Catisarine Jane, wid- acdnsIvligcide r 0W f John A. McTaggart. V.S., 1 ciet oovn hlio r of Nassaaweyo towsipil, andi no douist tise ciilsrens fault, dean motiser of Charles C. Mc- iegoiiy: bat tisat dora n0t1 relieve Taggart. tise motocist of moral isiame. Tise HIJLI.SeO.t BilinOfOl on Snday, ys on tise motariot to ugsss-t 29,l194, Lillon S d,!ooans ot for chilsiren. Oisiy tise hisi, dear Ifbe of tise ite ' motorisî's pecoonai caution ansi5 Joaepsh uilaformerly of Asis- drivissg rare caoon es ttielsli. 1 groveasiPOrtElgin, loving maison of Editis L. Simitis. Win- Witle driving, every motoiriot1 nifresiSoitis, Dorotlsy lamie- sisoulsi arm iimseif antis theoe soan, Margaret Preston, Liian personal admonitions andi caution- Reid, William, George and Fred logso Halls. intermeott Oois place ai Sont- ý *1l'il conider etery chili I re tsory Paris, Port Elgin,Tu- on tise street as a homos day, Aufuot 3lst . danger signai. ________________________ 2. In scisool mises or cesidentiol IN IIIIEMofllAM areos, l'I isow dow.,l'il come to tise aeri. AOE-In loviOg memory of a 3. Wierever 1 suspect chisidrvn dear brother ansi socle Ris.1 Arthsur George Auger who was- may ho pîsayifg, l'il drive ililesi on activa service lansis extra care. France Sept. 4th 1944. 4.liseep cioar of iicycles. Four yerahvepsoas sioce that Tise Youtsf ai ridees moy ea ay air sow tise raies, but ecco wheoss 1e wsien siey viosase tisensi Codi tub isbahome-if W05 Mis' I must watch oui for thens. will;. 1-11 ho parficuiariy caret ai WItin oar hearta ho iveti stai. - wisen t ser chisîîren ooraîer Aiwayo remomberod by Harry. Marguerite ansi Boys sksates, sitis a hali, wîsh tri- AUGR-I lvlsg mmoy o I cycles, scoters or coasser our dear son-in-iaw RfliemanI Artisur George Auger who was ______ iiled la activa service wiieI serning In France Sept. 4th. eet oo ro Four yeara have passed ince fisatr led dayHedge Careftilly on away. TOn for away for sigit or speech Hesigeassoulsibé e fsgatden Sut nos f00 for for our fious fwisO walis ansi partitions are t,, Wr have oaly yosr memory dear aisouse. upos R. W. Olier, Assisi- A.rtaot, Ornameatal Horticultsre, To remeosisr our wisole lite Centrai Esporimenfal Faim. Os- tiscougis tawa- Ttey sisoulsi give privocy But is sweetnesn wiii linger for- frons Witisout and acf as a bacs- AS we reasure tise image nI yoii. groansi to the brigiter disaplaya nf SaÎdly dmisaed but always re- tise garsien f rom witii merecsiis Hum & Dasi Wilson ansi fooily. Tise ieigist. coîsur ansi texture of a iesge wili ho governesi largo. AUGER-In locbg momory of our ]y hy ties ise of tise property ansi doar son ansi brother Arthur type ni gore hc h eg G. Auger killes in Franco, Sept. rfnwifhts ssg 45is, 1944. ancrosoda. A large gardon needo a Dear Artisur 1n sorcow ansi sasi- taller- iedge flan a sosail gardon. nons A sali or medilumsbesge thoulsi Wr tisi of tise daya gone isy ondes ordinary ircomstancea ise Wisen we wee'altogetiser misiOr adris green in cloar as lis No sorrow cloudesi our sisyc But now our circ le Ia broken porpooo la f0 oct as a backgroundi Wr daiiy misa you more f0elise garder. A golden, grey or Ansi long for fisat giasi morning rosi loavosi rifed his the oppear- tro ciasp your isand as of yore oc fo For wiso can say tise grief isoneofay plants In tise fore- lourared grounsi Tisissgistiese mura may bide the Ow iesiges or isorders, wici fears Meonories isrrp tise soandsti 5îîîrrusesi .i]y ta give rofilasis open th ie design by esteodiog tise An tisedays pasa Into pearo. arcisfcaa io npo sls Sadiy missi by, ornprynay bho0f irigitrr Mas , Dasi and iBrother Cisrlier sisades Paniaal rro AUGER - In ioving ory 0010 work or la coîsîsoction sith lîgisi my dearly hloved hisband colouresi buildings. Artisur George Auger, wiso gave bis lite in Fronce Sept. 4 1944, Tise tOtaro or detall;aisege wehite erving witis the Queensos l argeiy a maîfor ni coarse ansi Own Rifles, fine touiage ansi the degrer of I iope aoon in tise heaufifui spris-s es.Lrelevsan hn l'il stand isy a narroW grave ones are seen In more detail thoan Ands ae wlfisn a dear. dear face amali or duli green 0005. Coasse- f would bave givra my lite to quentî y tisey have tise appearance Mu sere.ow sm tsogiissao 0fhongarearer at isansiansi the waiSet. teodeacy fe resiae tise apparont Tiasa oSl la tieseilOt day. Bize of ties pace îisey sorroansi. A So Illif ay doen my israrf oSise hesige Of -fine textura ansi dui Ansi siiently, woader away. gew roou s a Caragana l'il scait my dear for you a ays woid, on tisenfiser isansi, n- Ansi pray tisai one day oon. f crease tise apparent ine. W'Il meof again in tisatfefrof lansi Our happinoss te cesose. Sadjy misard and aiwayn ce- U& aMAT nB UT tAMs Yosr wlfr Laurneflo. PO 5 Tisa Unitedi States may place CAS» 0F TUAIOUS ordres wîih Canadian munition Misa Marilyn Wriggleswortis Plants, uays Tise Financia Pos. wiseaf0efisanis ail tis osasThis tis i oma as one of tise reuulto kisidiy sent hec carsis, flowers, or of U. S. Defense Soccofacy For- gifts duig er stay la tise Sîisk resta's viol tef0Ottawa. States theo hidesHoptlansi 0f present Pu'"r dursng ier convalescenceO alst:' vo a afocisple niarios isome. safficlenf for osr own Immeuiate Mcx. Gladyn Lyle sisises t10 isiansi we've a surpusa wic tisanis ssr neigisioura, iriensis, Wr felCool oisehoseiuily diverfesi Wed. Nlgit Chi, Get-so-gefiser f0etise Western Europe trosubîe Groap Reboisaisansi Oddfellowns pot. Ottawa ferla if souis ho Losge; for ailtishe lovely cords, diverfesi. Il trois, ton, ce sosid frisera floWers ansi gifis ansi ail ke porwrPtnilI h other acta of kisidaras xisown isr 50 porwrpfnl bts ansi oeosi sicngier nfay In foctorlea. GuelpisGriserai Hospital ans itiie "Wisat we'd lise frout tise United ai ber Sons isorIn lsGuelpis. States 1ban agreementi shicis seoulsi eosure tisai aur factorlea are hepf bosslng on an ecoansic -B revilieS- bisI. Ini otiser scords, will tise -Tise Ex ta qsifo, tise atfract ion Western Europe irons Our factor- for manY these daya ansi ail aay les? A figure aifhoiseren $Mo fits a great 1150w millions ansi $250 millions la ment- -A drap ai 40 degreos irons oeu fleisreard-.oiousiy a Safarday oint il Monday was a sizoale belp ta aur dollar sua- pretty qaicis weaUitor change. af ion." Don't Fence Me In By Joseph ist~er effedge R J Aof aipeuple 0reelfiser ai t- .~ . ~ ~ .praving or heeoaling ftholeffiis _________Georgetow tingo apparenftaIntise fhiaking of NwPaig yrouth. Yet iftla doubtfi ai iftae NwPyn- us grounsi for approsmli or reason ROBERT TAYLOR for bewaling. The young coliegi- 0f O ansi toilege afudOnt ta flot g «asmaeAgy kmach thampionlag a couse, as ise la following o pafenf. Me la robei- ouinthe f arceof forrces isoor Aduits imt tiosliecao oee istf cnnof t ____________ rrmeiy. Neib ais yef unfoachesi i3, FRI.-SAT. - 'l'o Star tise rosie bisiness of living. Me lb Featume otili under fise leaderasip of ideai- iota, sehue idealluos ta nal ohapesi WALTER ABEL ansi moiffiesi iy tise Imoedlais i ansi presoing compefii e bof le for survival. Sa pouifs becomes thesa o s oe nsafursel hope aifishe lefitish pro- F b l u agandiata. Iftla abso f hein suroci chsecks. Youth la thoir hspte houause -Also- ai if a quicis attopfance ai nes EREO RE ansi virtually onnied dsiacnnes, GEREOR N fan fsaftla tise w0Pai pfoufs. It in la fhoir checks hocouso ifs ceai foifis la ropreoonfesi boîter ita ofa If ds i cfh ifs tIse, etfforf, ansi G u L w onfisasiasos. sisn if f rooiy de- tenrmines lis swn course for lis MON. - TUES. onends. A yosng girl smo tise appiouse YVONNE DE CARLO oi a seorisi for hec okisfng shili ansi, un the rinho ofl Tmis ,Win- nipeg, ansi Toronto, bosui ansi girls I1 1 go srriouoîy about tise business ofl B a k ar Barbsara Ann Scott. Alono, or unsi- or lise eyeo of o foacisor, sisey WED. - THURS. sponsi long hoars practiclng their' figure eights. îrhey are paying the ALAN LADD prnce of aciirorent. the prîce Af DOROTHY LAMOUR of their osnonctioîn tist they in csnosicsnceise5'onsithe crowsi In rensofe construction camps haohyl W d a v s and mororlWild Harvesigme teahin i th Frnter ollge Cosndng Soon- b ih.Wis>? Tii fit themsolvs BOB HOPE or their scisools into asot pattern? in Whso soalsi holicco hat? If is t10 tisose ors Canaieansido tise sanie. "Where There's ife» In tise mines, in tise focost, in socveyorx' gangs. in tise coule- h ouse or tise ocoori or tise bacs;________________ in a sisossansi occupaotion ss asird as tise localisîco ansi the cirrus- Claoolfio Pop Big.- stances in which lhey are fooud, yoaîis are working hard and long taosrn theosoney tii pcovide fhe - edacation tisaf sill ooahle thens na e bor me sn 5h50 the nesîl Xdd Beaiîty, Colour and Comfort To Your Living Rooin WITH The Occasional Chair Se thb ine neselecionin our store wndoe MacNab & Son Back to Sehool The Best Looking Most Praetiral Clothes in any class. THArS HOW YOU WANT VOUR CHILDREN DRESSED X)0 MARlE US VOUE PA(1< TO SCPIOOL HEAISQUARTERS Everything for: Kindergarten Kiddies to the College crowd A COWMFLT UNE 0F CLOTHING FOR BOYS AND GIRLoS SHOP HERE AND SAVE Satisfaction guaranîceed or your moocy refunded *Milton Dept. Store Phonse 112 Open Thursday Eveasng tîli 9 p.m. - Y ) m Theatre - Acton Nlghtly 7 and 9 p.m Matingee at. 1i pan AM o»roND1IO Now Playlng- JAMES STEWART Cal Noribside 777 FRIL - SAT. MTe Tender SYears -ith JOE E. BROWN and Lawless VaIIey storring Geo. 0'Bnien and Kay Sutton MON. - TUES. Special Matinee 2 pan Labor Day 'BIG CITY' ALL STAR CAST WED. - THURS. The Great Waltz Conung Soon - Jeanne Crain Dan DaiIay YomuWere Meant for Me is their chosro sorb. Hapho they wil ose hacis, bransesi and toafb-hansiai, once again te voie agaiosf froc enterprtso. Se whol l That 15 juof Sip service. In tisir! arts tfse s ono evidence of o ho-i lot in a creed thaf sosisi foncel ties i. On thr ighting 110e ýouth aihw nft foc secanity5 but for 5 ols ochance. <'SULDEEN AND TIRE FiUTURE The chisîienofî,tto-day oilI ho the mon ansi 00500 sf a future tise oet oery for distant. o theos ill rosI in lime the sarsens of thir home coansmico ansi rom- sonilies. Tiy nesdIsohbe tronsi andiwel 19o lthelrssscsuandsup. port tise familles Ibof sud of, thcs silI hace. Tisry orsi rda. ration aod tise chansc forflic de.- veropsessi of theur posors. on thes ouIlrest soso day tise duts' ansi opportuniy of decidlng tise policico tisastiseir country shahl CLEsARNG AUCTION SALE MILE (2OWS. aRÀOD onSWS, POULTRY, IFURNITURE Rie frie Underoigsesi bave rclvosi intrsrt;oox trons M& . E F. S5SAStLEA5I te cr11 bypupblie auctiona ni bus forsn Lot 10, Con. 4, twp. of Nass- agasopa, iliranhvilleî on IFEDAY SEPTESBMER 17 CoMlmeoclng af 1 oclork lise followlag: CAVI'L.-.-l uecooey Cs,'m bail lw. aef brai; i GuerOeOýy Ces. oilhing. brai Jano ld'iî, 1 Holein Luis. silhing, brosi Jone 26tis; 1 Holstein Cos , mihinsi, brai Jaly 261h; 1 Holstien Cl'c, Jiihing, bresi JulpIlîti; 1 BIo'sl Jersey Csss, sîlkiof. bresi July 1.3; i Holstein Cos, nsllhîng, brd Jaly l5hb; 1i.Ebortisorn Cos. fat; 1 Vesi Clt; 2 Hoiles Calces. 1I pr o d; 3 Lasi Spriog Calves; 2 Heilîmo, 8 sonthso oh. POUIIRY--i5 Fat Hens; i15Co- oeansi 1 Gander. YORK SOWS--l York Sos. due Sept. 9b; 1 York Ses, due Sept. 135h; i loch Sos. siue Sept. 23ei; t York Sos, dueo tctoisentis, 1 Yorh Sos, sdur Oct. lIfis; 1 Yocs .Sos. due Soveshor tis; i Yoek Sosw, due Sovember 9th; i1SYmis Sos. slur Nosv. i2th; 1 YorksSov due Soc. 2tis; i Sors Soc,, (lue Nov. 21st; i Yorh Hog. s peamo olsi; Sboat. 3 mes. olsi. tEPILEHEFNTIS--Hay Ford; liap far aed Rois'; Hoy Rock; Hsody Huosi Carl; Frai Hoppers; bfcovy Trans Harne',,: Osis Brisile; Roll of Wlre; Scythe, Focis. Hoco, Ceoins, etc. FfIRSITURE --Ployer Piaoo sith aolorge numbor of nulis. x cellent tone; Modernm EC5Inry Roynl Range; Qorber' Circrootor Hester; 3 lieds: Secreta',ysasi Bo<kso; Loso Essec; Ciildos Cib; Hifi Chair; Gendrîs Baby Boggy; Play Pen; Royal Elertrir. Oswepor; Electrie Lampa; Tables. Chsairs ansi naseroax other sou-or- isoisieffects. Terrs: CASH Seiflement sitis Cf rs Day of Soie. No cexorve ai tise Pcofrlotreoa ba sols hon frs oand si s ivixg up posseoxion ImmedOtely. Hindliey and RIIIuts, Aooftaneer L. EdMIllan (loch Phono Erin or Milton 2a HIOUE 8ERVICE Phono 218 - Milton Farnworth Memorials Monuments aI Madeemie Prlir CEHETEET LE'ITERING Ebora Rd. aI Oemetery UVELPHI ONT. fefrtwere sa rioily cesard- ai. Wlti se omach local talent availahbe tise tisoughf arises tisaf perisaps a shsow couid ise pot on fros tise to tise ansi a funsi created to bnlp besson the burden for others. Music ansi dancing propenly msnsg- roi sili alsapo dcaw a coopos particufariy If fise proreeda ace f or ooc h a worthy couse. Bpeahing ni musi c, ser mighf sOP that for o goosi gular, moutis orgats musical stinigs, etc. sirop ln andsie . R. s a4el "Wlsere lise Dus Stoys MAIN 9SIIUSO -,lSOLTON THE LASSFEDSECTION BuySel-Exhane-Wanted Asiverfisemenis ander fisie beadlng 35, oasis wifh rder, up la 25 wocds. Asidional wardahopr od. If oasisdoseanof ae- Conmpany theo asvrfisemont, minimum cisarge 50e ansile per worsiasidifional for racis Word avec 25. Saissequent Insertioas 25c. FOR SALE WA NTED OR Sy.ALE-lt 50puulifx, startedi WANTED-..Elsieriy wosna H. ayApyG.MCarton, Phono companional nsi housýefoeper lis 394ir3 modern home. Phono 202H. Mil- FOR SALE-Chlsi's square play,' Pois ansipaigond as 00w, Phone WANTED.-4Lgist hosoeiseepisg 409ERHilton. roosor asrmeot for fwo adulîs FOR SALE -_tce Mfiorfr ilton. . Brey, Phone 150 steel construction; blg condi- finis. Phono 309. WANTED-Live Poue scanle&l FOR SALE - Ceosent, gravel, Ing frieMipa o Lissage. ease îîîî '11ansi top mal: . 1, WANTED - Two or mare un- FOR SALE-Reoloanesi Timothy fucnisiseoiraosms. Grgenfîy needesi, arroi, 98.00 per cwf. Stepisen Magy- J. M. Ryder, c/o dyMrck orsi, Phono 156r13, Milton. Main St. Miltfon.AnyMao., FOR SALE - Regisieros rosi WANTED-Safed sf 00W, muat cocker niosiiels. Mes. F. W. Chis- ho 3 wire standard ballng or sire bains, Phsone 74r22, Milton. lied pick s.p. Wmn. McFaddseo, Phone 2fflr22, Hilton. FOR SALE 1 Coanor Thermo ,ce rofigerafor, nearly new. Mrs. R.AoerL ol, Sarahs Sa., Phone WANTRD-'Parfy inierestrs lns 27f2J. holding firof morigage on new home on Sconte Street Hilton. FOR SALE-Seesi Wisrt, Dose- Write Sos 5 Champion. 00n Goden ChoUf, $275 per isushel______________ Cordon Homo, Hilton, Phono AM ATD Wllgls 156r14 ______ B__ of___ cotosoro. Write mocation,e- FOR SALE-.22 rifle ansi 20 rage, price ansi fais panficulara. gauge ohot gun witis Shoils. D. John Ohulosisi, Real Etair Agent, Bailry, r/o J. W. Elliott, R.R. 5, 731 Santon St. East, Hiamilton, Hilton. Ontario. FOR SALE-Pariscos Hostein, WANE -ar am pr 4 yeacx olsi. lso 10 pigs 9 wrOks late OOo150 a r odbuildrng- olsi. Appip P. Charette, Phsone monsariy 110 ac es, go wbitingr 383ir3, Hilton. sithoof eqoiposent, bail possession, FOR ALE-so -fouransione aos, tato price ansi ail particul- hait nil surores, fosuarde r rs. Box. 2, Champion Office. fissîs oh sbovnra or AppareJ. Con, bo St., Hitone.. py .CO, WAN'TED-Officr girl for oea- Miles ___SI., __Milton ___ rai office sork iosmediaîeiy, gond FORf SALE-3-son International writing ansi accuracy In igares rock. long scisel isase, ln good si sontial. Tppingeperience pro- ronniog orsier. Wns HeFadddos torrosi. Permanent position waitis Phono 288r22, Hilton. gou scoriing boucro Appiy man- _____________ ragrr Tise Canadien BaonisCCern- -FO0R SALE--Cornoiil 595. expert merce. Hilton. 2t grade Commercial No. 1, 93.00 per 1_______________ goofes. Canada Howard Farmo. RR. R6, Hilton. Pisone 280f11 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE-White enamel isaf- Sionsior Tahiets are effecive. 2 fer5 Quehoc hoator, 2 linoleum ruga rwocisx' oOppip $1; 12 ws $ss15 ot 9'o12', acroon door andsi ceeonsa r' hra al nearly nos. Apply ai Waiiser er'Phmcy rStore. NOTICE - Mr. Alec Pudweli ë'ORSAL -199 Wlly-Knghtwill hoe availaisie for music in- FOR ALE 929Wiifx-Enghtstruction coomoencing Sept. 7tis. .sesion, goosi tires, mot or rocently Pisone 398W. 12-3 roverbaulodsioesibooms, bosser,_______________ rln 239, sowbe. rnn CORN CUTING hy tise acre 2139. H.Whewll.itis seif-propefird coco inder. H. --Artisur Harris, Triepisone Rocks- IFORI SA LE--Cons 1 Crnnois; wood 61r13, R.R. 3 Aclon 9-6-S I Rg.l Dawson Golden Cissff_______________ Wisrat $3.00 bhan FaI Rye 32.501 NOTICE-Miss Msrgarrf Mce- box. Ail powcer rironosi Gordoti Dosgo'l siotos te annoanre that leslie. ,,r,,,.BPhono isc uirosiie toachisg manic 05rl2 r Sept. 4th. Photo 246 Hilton. F'OR SALE-Dawxon'a Golden . Cifs dwha.grown fros 1SOuI'IF..-'5ise Publise Iàbrsry ,rrgisteied h.notfrc, n1,wiliieope'tfor adulfso sly. on reitsias eer. 4 47.pesioiTooodsy, Sopseeisr lsis, at1.30 .i'Sadrd1 p rserr-77 iossPn anfor hidrn onPon Wed- iil Wiinsott.Phono IlOrîl. Mii_,sa-day. Septemisor tis. as4 p.m. ton. ýShirley Elliots sisisos to an- F (iM SA.E -01 roonsosirosi brickrk oonco tbe ro-oponing o! hec hoSsr on pavedSi treet, modiern dance clssxes ieginning Monday rînsroooco iorwnod focu Septensisr l3th. Registration fiooein, goshfa lset.ioars frons 2 o 4. Phono 176 Mil- CN5R ansi hus linos. Inomdite ton 1osscion. Ers. W. A. MrCisre Iv ý N Rh .4, Gesrgetown. MlI ESN Miss Mignon Telgnsann w411 FO1R SAIE-.Srw S h y 1 i o e rsme teaehing as Hilton Fr1- ilcinsier; nos Sisylino Forage sisy, Soptonther 10. Wili pupilo Horvexter; usod Soar Cas Gardon siso con please foilow foot poarls rrarsor 154 hp.; nos Waterloo tise fable do se. or ser se ao Gardon Tractoc 1%1s ip.; 00W Desoanx as possible to maire nos ar- Laval, Cras Separaosr; nese De rangemnso. Lavali Pereos oSyotons; W. S ___________ f HC. Tractor on rsbhr; Parsn- al] A.Trartor; M..sey TracorRSGUD oo rsishor. ighto aensi usarior; TRVELLEM uD sorsi Row-crop ratr Cuifivof- or; used Caffivator; Ford-Féer-. CANADIAN PACIPIC RAILWAY guxon Caltivatoru ansi Tandem!I STANODARD TE Dises; Fors-Fergasn 10" ansi Gong Eat-7.31 as. daily; 2.07 12' Piows; usesi 2-farrow Trac- psm., daiiy; 8.37 Pm., daify eaeept lor Pins; 2 'Ma sey Marria 2-bar- Ssndoy. rwGang Plow"s; International Coing Wesft- 9.015 aies.. daily Hay Tosiser; usod Hay Leader; (Ilagî; .3po. daily; 12.43 a.m. usei r]MCecnich Oecrisg Coco daiîy excopi Saoday Oflag). Binsior; usai Cstting Box; axai G rain IYil.uin goodsi hape' Re.ay Gonuino Forguson Thiler; Farn Coing Easf-7.31 am.;.l0f pin.; Wagon; 3 h.p. IHC engins; Dosige 9.14 ps. 1937 Trarton Traiter; Wbite 1941 Coing Went - 9.05 am. (iag>; Trckc, Chassie woaid salue gond 6.31 P ns. 105 trock; 1947 Fargo 5-ton pick ap Trock; Gens 8-ron Mus Cofolr; CANADIAN NATIONAL New 1949 Rover Bedan, radio. RAILWAY heafor, ar conoilfîoolng; 1947 GigNrh75 .. Horrury Sedan; 1947 Plymoutish igSri .8B. sporsai Delaxe 4 paxoongor cupe; Coing Seuth-7.10 pos. nos SCP. Bicycles; zas eft __________ Elertrir Frs Clippers; Wiite's- Wosing Macines. Apply Tis E. Hewon, (Georgetown, Pisone -yU R m d 96u ______________________ any lisanho to the sony people wbo toroosi nul andi boagisi ticisets to tise beaeft S Show lest Wedneoday night D LrLRnLSI ai tise PriaemsTheatre. Thanis aIlaotise good ait- A orznas Who gave ai tisein tise T A X I ansi talent ta put on o gond SERVICE Much t tougitt ansi effort wa u noteprojecl by' All Passeogers Faily Insuresi the sposor, Mr' A. Rfliloti, No Tip oo ong ans Ilifla no doabl vecy groti- Ns Tsp TeaLang fying to hi o 1 inow tisat his Al PAGE BIGET THE CANADIAN CHAMPION y - il