'TWtURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1948 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PM r I -Item front the IHorses f oi~ Steaks -Canadian Bacon Record An fiet of th lag budePees Brtish Annual Field Day KNOX PiWSBYTERIA Anyone teho la dublous about the by the'exportante of ana buyer tba Unitad Klngdomr.HONY AI DAM D Miaa Pearl Sins ot Toronto vi- CHUICH record of enterprisar ln Canada and shipper, Heil McKLaaoa of Mr. R. Loganu layoton, of the J* lited wlth lier parents Mr. and Mr. r-Bv L lPd mlght takre a glance at one anall Hillabrg, acting for Glbert Arn- Dominion Depariment of Agrlcul- S atura ay, Sep t-. llth Mma Robt. Sica thla week. M.Staney Robe IrgaOmisd and part o! la actampllahmant and aslt o1d o! (Irenfleld, Que. turc, Who la statloned ln London frIands well bie pleased ta hear Ch.,mate theselves thier or flot It waa Sînce tihe beglnnlng o! May, Mr. ta repart an lte quallt of Carta- At 1 P.M. thrait Mrs. Gi. Lyle has returned a job teell don. MeKinnon has akayed and ahlpped dian meat arrlving la the United ioe trmGep n hr SUNDAY, SEPTr. 5th 1948 Canada began this century as a 6I carloadsofa horaca parchaaed at Kîngoac, macently pald a vîsit ta I Hl ae ae os h.Pihn io-u liontfrontGuelphand wsh herself-ontaied coutryantainnedrlosopotruyinwhethrvancafoousncpoint. Tns provincehdisoralManmehe-Rtees- Thia Shlty lahigtbeSodIp- a speeaiy recovery. 10.00 ar..Senior S.S. eye for ber awn interests and a he La Ontario buyer far Mr. Arn- trlkuting centre of !aodatu!fo for Cots us gCont.t - V Mile OpnFotRc Mro. Kien Cane, daaghter Erna 11.00 a.m--,JanlQr School tbnld approach ta oulolde affaIrs, ald. There are 17 ta 18 homisa la that denaely populataS part o!f E-i ~ a and Mms. R. Teaudale have ratura- Divine Womhlp - Subject: reaultlng tramn the deadenlng e!- a eau'load and elach ahlpmnent leav- Eng]and renowned the world amer for Men - !/4 Mile ()PM Foot Racte for Ladies ed frnt a enjyabl tri to What tilnk Ye a! Christ?" farta af colanlialini. In thane fiat lng for Beîglum. comprises 825 for Ia ration aplnnlng and wa- eG ram Rans Mnichaba np t 7.00 p.m.--Dlvlne Wamshlp. Stiih yearn o! the century ahle dldri homrsen d 200 tans o! isay The lng taduntriea, and chamîical tac- Tug of War between ElIqueeing and Teafalgu Grn alu îtla. ject "Llght Baklnd the Cloud." ali abraad ana ddiliarla warih a! round trip takrea 22 daya, sayn the torie. LC YGT RZ ERSMN OT Mr. and Mrs. Wllianm McArthur THURSDAY evenlnig, 8 pin. newaprlnt, nickel, copper, alumia- Star-Vîdetia. Mr. Logan talkad wlth buichara UK AEPIE ERSM N OT an duhtr uh fThrnlonS. hor=a na pla e C u. platinum or zinc. Hem manu- The flet ahlpmant liet Mantreal and meut dealers, wholealera aind Admninaion 25e - Ciaildrcn 12 and under FREE and Mr. and Mra. Jack McAcihur A Cordial Welcarme Amalta Yau facturera mare limlted and lacal an July 27ta. Hila mata points ai ratallers, and as a reauli a! hia _________________ and iamily of Straud, apoent Sun- at Knox and, la lte main concentratard an contact in accumulatlng the hamuen enqulrleu reporta thal Canadian day, wlth Mr. and Mm. William the home market. Agaln, at lte ara Belmant, St. Tkomas, Mal- bacon la maut papular. He atates Bayley. beglnnlng a! the century. the baurne, Appln, St. - May'a, Hew irait tapreaentatvaa af ibe bacon Mm. Jack Peddla o! Brandon, S.PUL'S IJNfl'D Adai' ahlp many dallar-a warth ai Hamharg, Auburn, TFara. Mark- irade draw hîs attenion toi the- _ _________________________ Manitoba lu vIltIag with Mm. CHURCH manu!acttured. praducto. T h ae tr e dale, Hllaburgh, Torontoa Wkltby fart Ihat ratallera ara mare an- Peter Peddle and famlly. Xi la illailt*-E'EV. J. L. B'un. n.. mare na automoble, or tires ald and Pickering. Aa al-eady atated thuuiantlc aver Canadien bacon tube. Electrit appliancea and en- tiaeoe are ail ineat balises, whlch ihan aver hefora. They commentait twanty-twa yeara alnca ha ban gibnes and ballera mare almoeat meana that they mli be markeiad ln potilcular on the nteady, euh- PR I C S TH A R Mne may fias cihmealc a nhl 1000AY a.m.-Sr. R Scha 19 equaily unfantiliar. ln Beliuco for mcxi conoamrption otania flowe o! bacon thai la MLO NAI hi mn find eloe ia 000ani SholBut 46 yaa later Canadian an- harse-meat balax qulte in dentat camlng framt Canada and an the MILTON______________________ back. 11.00 a.an.-Junlor School tarprine hadl nst only disraviered ihere. The homses muat ha ln gaod achlavamet whlch Canadians have Worahlp Ser-vice. ald dvaloped thene and lnnomam- conditian, ail fat and haalthy al- made ln lmpravlng q«uty. Brit- FRIDAY ANI) SATURDAY - IA>. 3 Mnd 4 WaaEN WnýL CANADA VOTE? Thame: A Labour Day Mea- able atirer praducts, but ht mas malu. If a farmner kas a nisbe- ish metallera are handllag mare Thener Doinon lecionla7,00ý.n-Womkldp Service produclng ln such ahundanra that haved or balky home, thla la a Canadian bacon ihan any attirr JOHNNY WEISMULLER and BUSTER CRABBE ln Thaw1 tex DomInI n telsurai antlre: lard raacis Ua Houe Canada couid expert ta 1946 a mlghty gaad may la get rld of bird and thaîr cualomera ara MsiI IIel t a ai l is atu 1 ta Pray. toal o! $,422 million morth o! theae hilm, so long as the animal ansmers satlatlad wlth If. o! 1949ar taih oInono!a ajr prodacîs alane. It sa morts record- tise condition bill. Behtad ihis encouraglng nama In lOy o! tboae answerlng a Fînancial Vilar ecoa tg tirait ibis figure rcprasentlag Anaikar restriction lu that no the accOmpiahmant o! CanadienSWAIIP FR Port quatioaaira. Tkay volced the expert pradacis n d comnol- hursa wiii ha passed tom boarding farinera ta pmaducing a Iran bacon - AS tise vlew tiai thera more no presa- -AS lng issuea cequîmlag aumn erdtate GRACE ANGLICAN CHIJECHIIlls vlrtualiy unknomn at the tara the boat for Beigiam If it has Say) hog; the vigilance o! the Dominion o! the century, mas more thon cula or open skin biemîshea or Depacimeni o! Agriculture ln ils mandate traina the public; tuai Tise MEV. GRAY F.KN sixteen times the total of ai11 Cmn- oounds, s tisai caca a slighl cul inspecion, and la lia efforts VACATION IN RIENO bath Llberata anA Progresive Rec5dm ada's exports la the year 1900. tronm contact mlth a barhed mire ta promole a milier cre; and teoaaraiztvaa r eal ein lIet -UDY FIIýE t,14 Or if you moulA go failier and tence mili delay acceplonceunil the co-operaion of the packlng la- - Werner Paiha Newa ta oganue hei elciis cm- VNDY. EPTMBE 11. 149faite nuch Items as mheai, and lie ahrasion la thoroughly Ilid daalo-y ln preparlng proporiy cul paignos under tuelr new leaders; 8.00 a.m.-Holy Comunnon mood paip and niachinary, and Wiltshire nide. anA tuaI practîcally all mambars 100 a.m.-Sanday Schaol !erlizers, anA mhtakay anA ashasi- SOCIAL CALLING _____MNA u USASPE BI61 n t a! Poriaineat moulA pre!ar to SOl- 11.00 a.m.-Itoiy Communion, auDA andoolte tuaiAY moreMBE un-a"7 1miaote eslnlIadlenulty 7.00 p.mn.-Eventag Pmaymr knamn anA mare exported ln tuoma It la remarked by saaie o! tbe AdA te the liai a! daffy ies~, palgae Oaa imo an e tioncai- _____________ arier dayn, tue expert figure has oldor peuple Ihal is the dapsofa New York's Expectant ahr AN ALL STAR CAST IN ai vOe ord tao boelA e titlait intareased front a l1111e btler tireu thelr youth the cuaiam0an mak:ng Club. "ON OUR ME RY AY adoted thuat It molA ea.r Tbut $4-4 million t $464 millions, Over social calta an friend as consid- -44____________ fu!terc o ta eat lit arliaa-(Th BAPIST CUC a billion dollar increaoe ln foraiga erabiy more crition Ihan if laOIsR M R Y A business la cmuodltlms ikat liad nom, ai leasin lathe average toma. CLEARING Cartan- Dont Hook" ant dama net expire uniti raiA- Pamor-Bces. Charmes ihameel nul bean diacovered, or haboA Ince ta hose daya any acomos made It A I90)nf tha Farnuerua Building matiars ot Snai domtesie irade, iheir habit la rail aociully at falrly A CTION SALE Muscal-"Carcy Bond Mascm" lu sureliy net a hiadt record a! ac- regular Intercals un a long lîit f n AC1TON AN IIITEEESIE TOWN SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1548 compiiuknsani. triend. 10.30 a.m.-Sunday Sohool fldea Bai aomcbody la olmoul certain Saine of ikemn kepl records ai FUERNi[TUE & HOUSEIIOLD Coming Neit - People ie ta lice la an latemeut- entlOled "The Way la Heavani l- say. -Ye, bt loak ai the mark- thelr calta anA the dates Oheleaf. EFCT Ing twau cay ay call mwli ha shama. er. Whal Aid he get oui a! ail If they amaS someone a cali, lhey The udrgn hv rel, THURSDAY, FRIDAY anA SATURDAY SUIT. 9, 10, Il mhere Ihera are many aci illea 9.00 p.m.-Evening Service Ihia?" Ha gai baller heur, halbi- triaS te moka ikat rall an laie pair- os a utiona tram GENFR n VLNKYSl anA tktags gotag on The peapie TiIESDAY. SEPT. 71k morkiag condîlons, recognition o! son as aooni as possible, 81 IL FERRSY GENFR n VLNK Si ara o! course greatly Itereuled in 8.30 p.m.-Prayer anA Bible atudy kis unosadter agiig Sc social cailing ma ncî pro- la seii hy P C1 1Acia ai T E ]I TN F MIL E etetsmas insmnu i- a the home of Mr. adMca. rigkls. negtpoetos n ae al e papular amn th mes home situateI ette crrot g lelic sports and racrealiasu. Il a Robbtaa. guard, and over the mhoîa industy oaf thoue days, anA they mere piro- itra anA Elgin SIrrals, Actoos on ________________________ lama kas plenty of uuck thînga, Il W'EDNPSDAY, SET Bih ke got mages 1hra1 aerg Iioý bahly mare givra ta galîg ta thirr TKAV ETMBRIT mlii t iniersttag.2.30 p.m. -Womnena Mlaaoaary pecetcrir tho ai hel cas- Illgea anA clubs anA vurloas mccl- Commeociof rit i10sm.te A rgmn Ie t7,9psas aieea Mpe me Circie.ng nibarwim adverdieesL Movemealu for commuoity pro- iee lurys hccinnig. 'lie perscul in- inc placs. Oten ahea the asita IVING; tilsslng: gresa anA lectures anA addrasses ALL ARE WELCOME came front ail other sourcesa miich soccesIrdIIIs lia ey oacit la call Suite; End 'lle 2 Wcr la- on inlorming sabjectu, heip gmeally in îuded, o! course, the vati prof- voametmuytkymol d eoo WStan Houg caa Lum ll taot Wiiav aua Sculle ho0-;ti.Or îanmakeo ao toa treal ipai ta- its thai are suppoerd to accrue la, and ihry 'cemed Io have a cool lortits Pio-loa, ctc. maie a toma Iteo-euiing. Ti3 oct-, PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS caia, oncorared someting hesa rime ml:o- li:cy fol ticce. IiNiN: 1111DM Oo ttg _ __________________________ ladties of o-hurchms anA h c ai CHURCH tOus 3711. ia' oo-h o moments To-0oy surit social cailli., gos It1 olak Sc-ocîcy anA cultural organiza:oca 1aie.1o, MEV. HLWOS lidr togt ione y omoof cale astn, pati CzI.oo:; and P1( ie,; il :vd moite ueo-rai conirihumisi lotaid o-dec o! Services blento amn nloseo but nt I.ai oo1-i lotS, .; 01 ,.ieo- Ailco-n developing an inteo-evling 1i-ý in u, CITYl inv î,co:aily Hall)iclO agrl::sla r1:O: SUDYSITEBR t.110 Ilat - :ar days. Pc::plc's lima I o r- l:, iEto-.', a ,SUNAYSEPEMBR 5t. 148 t kn'toniy brmera' nons and ::ocaielc non- hy many aclivilies. 13Itlll)'.l l'lDIlITE _B.d 10.00 a.m.-mSandoy School daugiters that are golng ta tha Tie custom lu po-aisct as mcýtna:., vora Suite final:ed ins .jv; Test Vitaîiîîii Ois 11.00 a.m.-Horatag Wormip ciîy, the arban populatian O! if provaaing triendsklip ~a It "; lu W4aivu BedrOo: Suio in- 7.00 pm,-Evangelutlc Service. skunks, mootchucku anA cocoa la v is.-l: a co-cat do-ai ofinit..csi- il:s Coil. me, I n ±vnxed Feeds Everykady Welcome ais increasinf anA uddiag ta tIse in coverbosation. KI 'l'IJIiN h'ITRNI'illlh -Tbl citles' alA lite populaion, corn- Ch______ ~ îîairs; ZQs:-ov, Sîove mii ose0; menlo The Fnuecal Pons t HEHAVNL and:, maie: jacie; Singer Dop "h iaio OottcDs~Scratch Pad," One may not ueo H EVNYHn e igMcie oc l commercial mioset farda, eupecîaîîy 0 at M.MeincI'o- poaliry ferAs, s cmman pacatîc. AnA Ye Shahl Rhum the Truth anA much of lkeaa animais ihemoalces , SP>ECTACLE ct::: fiooccli :0,-m; K:tce,-s_______________ the Trath Shaîl Moka Yeu Free- but ihere la plenthy o! evidance tomai. ciet oroa- Couciin;urow bkyad :tl motn htvtiisle Jo :3 o nrl " ,a:,t:ce ,lclc:c noviiOfg machgianoe;yigt yu wn'ak ad Il :simpoiani hai itacan h ina.8:o3 sthIelr prensence. N:sc-'ytcs Nature spo-cud 1:osing B:oard; Waai 'lois; Palis lgtmoefnou ftlsbgwekedI addet in suflicrien quntitie S j 1 THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST If one casa amni isnet necesa- over lier lund hier go: ge::s lictare et-1; l'os; Tls Ketles, Baklog yo at laaishpigso tMLO mari lte needof aihle animaia or o aeapasnsh pigtpa MLO hirds ta lie ted. Bst if ls alsa OMIAGiI Ooy 10 f0 keyond tir back verra- oiln boetera o .tirîce, flomo-s, go-oa ilvia B::mla; C'::vh:g Utersl - di t: n:, lii ie ilybsliaa::nllnvuodlaes sArivera of ail iis: (IoAt'sl;L HARDWARE FIRST. Our store la pai-ked mush imprtat knitircm sthtu SUNDAY. SEIPlEMBER 5ih, 1948 skunk population. ast so-osho-c, rnd ail tie reat of Ch7air; Lam0 Momer; Shîo-s etc. thse kWn of qualiiy marchandise you ment-cone fends is flot increased aantecaaao- IfoebsaIbra adn e lre.Sh iesa lo ioemec;Rneq os'u cthe:nn earsy for your share of tise beat! ily tirsogi mastatul use o! these 10.00 a.m.-Sunday Sekoal. IfTehsaerurescdn r-ci:ia i ua ias u iom: Cuash celyitamins. Inarder ta pro- 11.00 aca.-Worsk:p Service. he miii sonr rara la cramait last cao-l: miih the ieas t ofchr skies ol:aev as the lo-oprietvc ls1 eoll oiIice au mauch cora as lie family wmiti prcritî a constant Pieture g:alng vi, lîvaaceipng. LUNCH BOXES BALL GLOVES duce economicaliy, teedo which are Coane New anA lai Us Reaman Ta- rula consume la aliom o the if change. 'liey arc vo-Il %vscii pao-tiea mivic la sc lis vffert- fnr C5sihAren ansd nutritionalIy compleir, manafac- ceiter Saiih Jekovau-Isaiah 1: 18 coons and up 10 ten limea as mach slady fo- îhir l::scly ettecîs, and, ing mao do av on Wedneata y Scpt Adultedfàmrr torero must theretore hnom the letiara, calbrage, hets ua pes aise ieo-ua: îîey lio-aa ligît on 8111 lr::a 7 so 10 pam. so-' y Ap-ý poiancy ot the vilala suppie- _______________if thera la a mnedckuch or ground- llh,:es r liaI Natur is about ivintacal. Phon:e 141 Aclon- Wca menlo thcy use. rcmedti feigt h Foc sonnc yesrs nom the Plat har aihit mange. ov 510e us. iv:ng plie, I hi wel mci ept, Produis Dvisin oluc Dmiso J. . Eliott Wiy this iscma3e? Chief factors In io-o auso-:m., andsuiavsels, clîvO voit au gond as ncs- w it it PrOucý ivsin f heDomno J A E litt semsto bv absenoce of rvioral Naturev prrscrits us :o-:îh hec insl Ilintîco- dElini Daparimesi ot Agriculture, mkc iesdAcineraA eiaaticoulseua'ocssatcace i ke rhi:eMlv veto- e er adiniotes heFedn îcra LcesdTheioee adcedingpatiulrl Staffs grg AISecale.:heskertae:sncMitoeoraî Ar, a bencecin c it a9 ahuntance o! tood anA ahelier. 1:0t altO tir floritous rets nt Atba encekn th vi- Ra taeAbse Important lis tue tact tirait yeilow, ast msoy hues ast okadea. Cm :dcas ambn A anA D caroasteas mate cit pouti bas sorae lntco-ea in ' l'Ocy a:-ea 1: sing a s:oig af groit- a-'rr-- " D T7Comnlotc mith Caure atd Rchoe hie manutacturera o! feedhng suas. courisen ai smc att-1. lie Crorlv- ast li ou hvl lI'Jill,/s!c'F. S1Al1 ThRs Por tRce Sueh silo are the most coamonly' PHONE 177J kle su a!mthn abr ra' :e-toaseriul vrid. $2.45 & $2.60 rc usrd vilsina suppiemants MILTON mut animls liths ruali grand- On el:adie-.ss d:ya M-ien' te viy 1, ii-tND ANI) 13Y Viit'i1II- ai Wien tuis mark mus satetý lotie Ait ln sheiting If. i., a ii:v'i ll5, Nu oc fic as a vl P::m:-:v of Sale cvslo:set lan muy increpsscieo mera found.ý ___________l-er tîte lit a ::::uc gil:at lsaa o-:'rlv:s m:o-lgaesnli- o-iil bc Somv b:raa met uder guorunsi ____ymial ::o :a::sf . 'l'lie eyepcv ui alth tic f ai :e. lier- BICYCLE TO WORK OR SIDEWALK bairiy consistesîIy, oticra mere 1 IE R ARGM lo:v' io :,:iî'l ()rn the-s aiesiy nif F-RANK Il.Teli, Asseiluacr PLEASURE BICYCLES batly oui o! limas. Most fi-mons- ii bloc:, ast it arrhtes over vur ni mivae farusica mccc out, mare C'lvii serývants msy rescrit pub- l::a:v in a :ouj:'si i:::-m tiai sas- PUBLiIC AIÎIION for Childres as ottes ataveaus icîsa thiemo Toli.,... îc crilîchuan, soya The Flancial g:-sta ille i::iiiy :bo-,cr:'o : on guarustero. This istitatet thutl To ai e Post, but 'ihey sholA reabize OIEDNESI)AV, lthe 22nA day of lhey met-e haviog Aitficule ln iiey are in tic sanie boat milh StFPeTFi1-8MBR, 194, blestisc or tcstisg, PLASTER AND BRICK politiciuns. They ara talc gaine CA ou AP : tihe alio-11avor aei liity -fo-a ni Tic tesats toc tomas vitomîns, SAND, CEMENT & ROAD for tic people who foot tue his. ___ TIOMAS MeÏiEIR arc vcry dcilcute ast oubjeci 10 GRAVEL, LOOM & CESS- Criliclaing tic Gosaroment is ase Comact rvîîer mup vt tesicoat M, illon, Ontario mite eroro, unl1cm praper imethoda of tic tustoineniol privileges of a avii n lco flicao-toing îî.AilSoaliAty tirnlt anA esîrease cutre are use.ý POL STONE cvco-ycitzenin a dcnocracy. The forTi :ooesea lyos Taoosing--'--, î:i:: :o to-ne nNI t Thrughdiecton ndinsrucio rie ltspr!,iviige lu evereioctl as has appiict for Conato-U.S. ansd priosi:t' situate, ins voit Nom 99 Nom 369 if a osible te irisg tic test- Phone 113r22 the beter the chance tor gant putent rigilo. andl plons far Sep- l::.ig!ni, T-iownshipiof Faque-$95 ing metiods ot manulucturero sn- Bx20, Georgetown vrms, ae ol tî-ahcr production. Brsekets aI- i'îk-:-::aî::aitpsr ofic- West ilfý ta fine, miii the resait tOut recent Bo"Bni5 'usiness ho kepi on lia baes hy Iach qaio-ly ai tavi ca-cl :y o-araq :f Lot N:ml:e: Six ln tic Second; SOFTBALLS yeoruacery tam cases hsve becs GLEN WILLIAMS cr-ilicinr rin tra lia casîsacru andl î:ma minsoili secaws. I ors e-io:: if tic sai 'i'vm« îîp fount nre viiomin A and D --à_______ sioreisiAro. Se ls tir fsvern- t o moto-h ssy o-c s , col ootinn ,,v - BAT" ollu incutn.theesiva:g clla mnt."'ntlie H::stired Acres, e uoaec ontvetclgtuaol nder has hearinco fac 'i(n anero rles hc have et ben met tooes vro-e mata lîke mhndom land is iteso-ii:'( ln Macicac ____________i ot. Setlsng pin halAs map In Nîtaico- 141(;8> t:: he Agri caitoo-al s any deaimed posîiio ustîl auto« lîeceiapaent Board. ral eue on tl:e soit fi ueoepl iv od AUSTRALIAN WIiEAT ei o-elrvsc miih tomopuili ofa iccreciet a Ameiliof liuse $.5U eurrentU Austalin whce plsiec handi ResdhIy detachable sutilv itl iora bilditincs. 1i camxcnl Ansc o- anaei AfK11 1 ei heeacsai to-ber. Specily-de- Tiel lands mtl hae naît auhjet $lm3 Up no-ca la reportaS oe ha saut 20 cgnet mapa are double taced; Io~EM a E SALE:vi Pfy ao pe cnikenali 14 recor i w hm fsll nul they're nuapended ocolt. ni tic po-chsae mone la, WINDOW SCREENS GREATLY REDUCED a-age althougk ns Otficial mouk P a il o AfAI froin coller os topa; mcvcmsikle ai Zc puAl itî:m ati tlIme of the trîrtionsoan acreage mere 1o8o g,,~. a twist, ramînt mn aithar position, sale, lia balance ta hae secorvd Ressorts giaca for the de are Jý,IA y s mor1gcoce mliloth-c.Éeai aI