PAGE WO THE CANADIAN CH2.P19N aIIt Ocanabtan chIampon MILTON, ONTARIO PnhOîhed Encre Thoc.dne Ait,..... Authcelncd as scnd na.. mi, Pot Offi Dlotoant, Ottawa OIIBSCRON OSRATES-4. o V ese in a d- nacs,.United Oits. Su. ddiion.l. OSge cope&. fic. Bth nid and car ddei.., ihould bo gin.. oh.. ahan. nf ddrmin ra.ette&iii ADVERTISONG RTES-O, P.Pilttini sd n Athoagh-ee npeccotiono il bc tnhc tan-id ocen, Th. Chamapion accete dectiin8 ia t l am. n thse andeetanding hat it iicmot ha liabu to mforene ein a dnetln.,t phliiîhcd he.aundrunis. a pmoof ni îadeti.i.iint le nca.tcd in cotina hy tht ndneii.oean.d . tacidthie.Chamioln hausin ficelo, daiu.8- idhyitheîndvictiiend idol h otoreese-e roctian. Plastiratid i.nitlnathecoan nd in thatanmitei n eoimntdM mti eedtb, Thcee CMion, t.liIailiy ihailimot î ccand oh a popoertoinifthe i ulet .,o mch .dneilisc. nthe -Pî.taaaoicd hby the iotcd erorheue oi tOce wot -e ..onaupidho mch idvertiemiai. G-. ARLOF DLLS. Edit.e jBaîl.ecînOBiile. . main Sicici, fito. TcOpho.. N. m _ _ EDITORIAL Bock to Sehoo This is the lasO week of the long summer nchooO vacation. Next Tuesday maroing the ochool bouls ocross the pravinc e wl SoîMmon the children bock tn clsses-back toa nother year of preporotioo for days of hâter life. just wbnt progres s made-just wbat cx- perience is gaioed is nometbing 0h00 only the stodent cao onswer. Educationol faciliticsoare the samle for al11and ooy boy or girl cao oftajo a good higb ocbool edacation 80 borne if he or fihe bas tbe deire On work for if. As in the nId poemn, "If must be brandly sougt; with wising and witb fretting the boon can000 be hought." A 00w opportunity opens on Tucsday. A 00w chance to progress further along in a par- suit of sfody h00 will prepare the mind for many nf the fasks h00 wil bave On hoe met along lites journey. How bard or how easy' Oosa asks will ho depend largely on boy secl one is prepared to mecltbem. Scbool days con bc happy days bat fbey c000,0 be carcfree. ahor Day Monday We af0 n00 jant nare in this year of the Sig- Meteros ee inotaled in tho hope that conges tiono ould ho relleved, hut thin hope bas ni been roalized. Tows no Iw considering the meter question would ho siso 60 boitain heforo auccumbing ta the trgingsofethigb-prnonure nlesmen. The installation wiul not Iead f0 any Iooked-tor UIt. pis lenlviog the traffic problem. Prom other angles, ouch as the effect hms machines bave upon the trvelling public ood rural shoppers, there is lifOle daube thaf Ohe glomoor bas seorîî off. Against the hoped.foc advatges in the installation of mefers, hc nuisance hey are oo motorists and the annoy- i00 effect Oey have upon Oose doing business at Main Street Stores, more thon offsels any possible advantage fhey bring ta the own." On Saourday morning we had occasion to visit in Guelph where the meOcro are cousing quite o controversy in the court. Here is onr experience. The first oickle disappeared hat the bondie stuck and souldo't tomn. A belpful citizen slapped the box and kicked the pont far as but no results. He suggmOted we try a per- ny 50 by feeding another fine cents, a cent aI time, we g00 an hours time clocked on he mefer. The nexo mefer bad some fime on it but we wonted on boor withooo having f0 00me bock. If 000k ose penny and the bond didn' move 50 wc left io and wenf back just before the hoar and ted in onoher cent. The Oird meter worked perfecoly. We don't know about the esperience of oOers. Thats the tirst ime wevc used the Guelph meters in six months and we con oppreciooe the compiaints h00 00rn up periodically n police court cases Oere. They cerfainiy do 000 make one feel secicome in ony town. Tbey are vicwed as anoOber 001 rooher thon on id to better parking fociliites and cer. toinly their mecbanism is far from pcrfect. Safe Holidoy Travel 'Ecr raffic raie and regalation wc hait evey tigbwoy smgn and rood morking, and ev- cry caretal driving habit and precoution Ontar- io moorists posscss, shoald be igidly obscmveî and brought into play this coring week-end," decares tbe Hon. George H. Doucett, Ministeî of Higbways, in an urgent warning efthe trot- fie tragodios ibat alseays tollow the bcavy trot- f ie flow on the Labor Day week-end. 'Fifîcco fa0al accidents over Lobor Day ,9 Recoilections ie Fifty Years Ago idT Onfo he oditien oitinoe heC ndm ChuO a m spona, eitonhor le Finlay Chioholce la iaklng n fise Y- pair of carniage Joroon, a single 15 cofriage ima nnd auOsen yesr ]yold carniage stallin o f0the Toron- yta eshlhîtlon. Mr. Clarknhas moved ha grec- to ery business dywi o t the store ig formerly occaplod by Robrt Ben- nett nex0 door to the Commercial t Peter Chinholon, one of Nana- Il gaweyas oldeat resideisnded on Sanoiny. He wsa ovor elgiby yearn rof age. - The band arrived homne oarly Ohibi morning f romt Carlislle were ihey wern engoged Os furnish le musincfor the gardon poriy aith0.e Ot Meihodiat parsoclage. The sonnan le hy Neil MePhoil seho arcompanled 00 te bond roon Milton seero selO recelved hy the largeerowd as1 'e were also ihose tif Aies Ar.- MOCARrINEY-On lrafalgar oný ce Aucasi 2800, Mary ione Litte as relict of tise aOe David Me: le Carino'y e her 941h year. NIXON-AI Norval, on Auguss Y 29, John Nison aged 411 yeee. ýYTivconty Years Ag o 'Tmls o hees,.odtilnn of eftinhe ('anadian Chamspon, Auguit 80, Knox sPreshyierian Charch Il' receiingia freh mroti ot pint.ý misses Myrtle Fieid. Mina Hume Bertha Clemens and Lily Mais riorord lest meois froi an en- J oYahie trip on îhe appose lakos. 'l'Ove lalts Crecon and Butter Coaonf Miltons have aolded an uo O daer g grading dept. tuois- -anîd i. ,10- ite markeitaupar- c alat> numberu gs J. eita iln of oliliasronn- PIEtoi 1lusi ea barn snd s ready, tueo the 1rîsys. Thte steel stahllng t wîI go inlater r Wc-n OHavey Mîlcolfe. mech-] o c, i oIo-r'.s carage eut te Onul i alloit ijil ill lii.- on lii lis ti cIl vynand cnath0e' c bils-11-1)il c.i,-cired hat he' t,,, hlsi the îchît of Ilsleiltie. lie' %a s t.k-tiI, iGuelpih iteties il Ias- 3OARIED06 AI.c(i'tl'.ley Irns Walase-y,: iiî,siiite, Englattit. /sgast 29 Elizabehi'. dgiicscer iif MO. anti Wie. n. N. i otfnIMiton, Mte and Mes. larolîl Alesti 'iitoo-England A cas,. harolo-ord cîyiy i-;oite, nssgniS i. rcvra;à flts rn- v'nii,,flin Nes, eresey lîîsi his wihoie 0e Mosirequired le for -' Icllei'ociasion lty ex- changivg his rtitiing fie lnin - nifigance of Labo Day wich occrs 0000 Mon- we-n en n et loteeyfv day, or whether iO han any significance other bors nd la ild 10 tcsscc Ohc 00polas ouct. thon tbeftact ObaO 10 o oanother holiday in the wbc 7wr ild h iiorpit u year. 10mgoWithtbiis eommcf's record peakes ill pfevailinii Buto gt be well if on Ois Labor Day oC gravc aoxîeoy naoarally is toit for t0e raffic 194 thse ho001 mihttaie soc 0fObor1 outlook or Labor Day of 1948. 14 stahotue. Tih tse tolecofvcrîng Coming at tbe ccd oC thc sommer's bcavy present doy sau.Tewrdi eoe ing traltic volume and ofthOe holiday esnbersh froon a second Worid War. Thero bave been Lao a stesga frafodo nci rny adjustmcnts necessary to get fitted bock Laor Dis tcsinalor aitlood of tairt i000 peoceime routine. There have been dit- cotuît n nal aiist or n ticulties ot boîh management and labor rela;- yard home, for Oosandsofo Canadion Nat- ions Wehavesee biternss n mny dspues onal Exhibition visitors to loke to the roads- aion sW hae oseenioterees mnydispute-i and for more thon half-a-million Ontario child- feeling of insecority. asae0h ecn to banc onc lasO cafefrce fing beforc 10e Employers have been urged to asue ei chool bl ring, and lite it Ontario slo-4sý secarity of lahor Ganenentecohave monet,, normal routine. ruIes and provinces oimed to make tbe place of lobor secore. 10 is doubttul if any of thos.- cesores bave met the demand. The onif oecurity for those wbo labor seitb hand lin bcad is the securioy he or she provides for bimsclt, The williognmss and abilioy 10 do a botter job, the persoil savinge mode wbcn work le plenti- fui, the coreful planning oC earoings so that living is below eornings. Tbcsc are someo0f the Oings that enake for seccaritof th0e sorker and bis home. J uso hose Car bave se gocc tonsard scarioy lin the paît tew yeams might 0e a tbought for this Labor Day of 1948. Maybe it's 000 much to fhink about on a holiday. Bide Demnand Sogs Fewer coses arc bavîog their bides Oancd because feer Canadians arc bcaoîng a paih to the shoc storcs, according O a Financial Post report. Bat morc and more cattle are comîog to the moat market. Thercin lies a situation that may knock bide pricos dowo and drop leatbcr and sboe pricce îo a point sero salLve rnigbf begin la pick op agsio. Io tbe oncontime packors, tanncrs. shoe man ufacturers and soo retaiters ore goiog catît. ioasly on future commitenns. Numbor of sewetings-hidcs in tirst stage of becoming leather-is dosen 30 ta 40'/, trom last Aaguso. This folloses a decline in sboc salesi Obat regis- tered o 16.4% drop tor the irst six months oi 1948 as comparcd seith samc pcriod of last ycar, (80% of Icather goes loto shoos.) Parking Meteo-s Grow Unpopular Hanteville's eaperience seitb parking meters as relafed in a receno issue of tbc Huntsville Forester, makes intcresfing reoding: '10 is nase quile clear 0h00 meleri seili ot salve the parking congestion on the basiness streets of tesens such os Huntsville. The traf- fic rnuddle on aur Main Street is as greaf, if flot greafer, thon aI any provîoos fine in Our history. And it will nat lessen with the paosing yoarn.1 EDITORIAL NOTESý Barrie in getiîg delivcry oC a nos tire track rdcrcd toenyac.,aga. The vosti s $1 2,832. loccotive is defined by Tide Magazine -bos 'Thc bouod rans or is lunch . .. the rahhit cons for is life. Bei on thc rabbit." 79 spreders appcarcd li Guelph coart dur- îog joly and ites inollcd $293,3sit li5 conc- victons for iraffic by-lase violations and 50 fore ofnesO, 1der 00e Liqsor ContonlAct. If Mr. Si. Laurent etaîos thc preti;ership ofîe the 0000 clecîîon, Oc el lie thefi-ot fain- îly mean in ahîja ifCtîy years tOn e premie,ese- ccpî for a shot perîîîd onseich office wa'i-.Sc Id by Mr. Meigbco lo theO20's. Mr. King and Me. Bennectsecre bachelors; Sir \Wilfrid Lvurier and SierBuoer Boreco ore cildîes. Along wîîb remoiiof*iicootrîtîs oh cre oîuid Oc a drastic redactoin th0e seoeim'.col-, iii0 incomo t axation mainiaics thn Edm'îîtoîoulîîr- nal. "TOc opooiog of thc United State-s market ta Canadisn livestocis prodUocers seul niîcan iîla- lionos of dollars io sestcrn farmers. 1- 'oui alsitl mean higbor prices for heof at the hacche coup. Living Osis sili go up again: aod fond caste, seicb bave doubled sinon 1939, silI risc stili igher. The Governennocao increas-: the prm- cbasing poseer of ail Canadlans by coOioîg dosen the amoonî O takes front thee n 10incomr lax- ation. Millions of Canadions bave no cxîra dollars nose, no surplus porchasing poweer. Ot- tawea mast redoce pesonol incarne 000 roles over a sido range, and do il 80 the eamiesî pas-' sible marnent." 350 tm sO,,lin o, Oaei,,amh,,n OSel., i ' Crna 'à."oieto'.tpe. aooly, oocioh, hinio ehoila. n oS, Orcieln, Dont t.» ti. K. . . . tn.b.l ilen91 .-d , 5 for 32c 1I RISINS NAP4TH MAELMHON ' i VL os.P4 INPPBLE JUICLER -H ueo 19 BAB1#t ONARCH CHESE co. 4e JUEN THEIMO WOOTE WONPIIOMtOL 40 KEEN O PUE CKEWAX 13ýO2 5 49zS23 KRAFMA CRO GNIZA DED COAT INi s 91. PEANTHU2TER sJ 350c TEA ieZi$1.3 PBE8BL G E D ROMAR IX 2 cse. COFFE n~ 27 ~ 50 ~SWAoe ccA. I3 R A21cSD1 N, ORNGS MOT28H Jo GRAPEFRUIT, lOOs Blueherrie, APPleR, Canteloupe, Plums, Peaches Lettuoe, Cuesmobers and Toinotocel - FRFSH DAILY - Poultry and Eggs WANTED PHONE MILTON 1w Fo« Btter Plem Halton Poultry Products SPECIALISTS In WARM AIR HEAT1NG AIR CONDITIONING EAVESTROUGHNG and PLUMBING OUR AIM isto give service Ono or Costomers and instol nnly the very best nqoîpmenO at the lowest possible prices "WE HANDLE ONLY THSE BEST' Be F. MURFIN SHEET METAL WORKS Plumbing Heatlng E-admtrugblng Georgetown, Phone 138W PAM T» THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Business Directory TM E STEvmENCLD<IC Mitn Phones: ub M CMiOton lle Num in 38& Dr. C. I. O1EVENSOO4 Dr. W.,j.OBEOO Dr.J.. EO Offile floues: AHM. By Appointinent on17. P.M. 1--4 7-9. Sundays--EmeirgenclceOnlly MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL X.Ray Coroner, C.P.R. and Gaël Surgi.. MILTON HOSPITAL (PrivaOi ViSPINO HoumS 2.30 pa.. W 4.00 pin. 7.00 pi.. On8.30) pn. (No ChIldren under 12) RATES 1IN ADVANCE senl-Private 1116.00 Private 8i - PHONE 216 - mOLT DRm G. E. SYBE Phjoicianad Surgi.. Office-James Street Phone No. 38 Office Hours: 9 arn.; 13, 7-8.30 pin. Coroner DM. J. H. O'NIU M.DC.M. L.MC.C. Office a.nd Reoidese NAIN SOREECT NILTON Phono 412 DR. J. W. MCCUTCHEN Faroners' Building, Main Street Office Houri-O @m.; 1-4, 7-9 pz. Telophone 395W Residonce 395J LEGAL DICK &-DICK W. L DOCK. K.C. (County Crosen Attorney) KENNETU Y DOcK, B.A. Borristers, SolicioMs Court Nousor - Milice Teleploone 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON Barelator, Boiiter, Et.. Office-Noat Door Champion Offics Main Street-Milton Telophone 54 GEORGE a ELLOTT Barriîter, Solliciter, llotary PusM. Office-n Farmers' Building, M"~ Street, Milton Telipne OfO70 LEVER & HOSKIN Chareed Accosuninnt. Successors 10 JENSOONS & HARDY 1305 Mtropoliton Sida., 44 Victoria St., Toronto Elg. 9131 DENTAL DR k. .KING DENTAL SURGEON Office in Royal Building, Hiltn Hoaro 9-5. Rveningo by APPOintmnt. X-Roy Service Telephono I1W D&. F. E. BABCOCE DENTAL SUEGEON Office avec Princeos Theatre Night Appointmoents may he X.lioy Service-Cas Extractin. Hours 9 t0 5 Telophone 65w NIELSON - The Chiropraetoe Drugles. Therapist Ô Srd Year of Proctice té Lady Attendant Mon., Tues., Fri., 2-5 pa. Wed, lai., 2-5 and 8-9 p.m. Clooed Thuroday Over Doii oi Store, Georgetowob Plhono 150WV OPTICAL CARSTEN GLAHN SacesortOn H. C. LAIRD Fo A paontrenta Phone 56 HiltoM S. A. FAY Phone 205 PLUN BING HEATING snd TINSMITl-ING Main St. - Milfon, Ont. GUAgANTEED sming modde aLoe MACHINES ELECTRUW Neei.andmoit&eH I bmRTm4 AR>WAEE Agentla