PAGEPOURTHE CANADIAN CHAMPION CAMPBELLVILLE THE LAMB-SNYDER E i WEDDING AT n xport Cattie LVV~ ~I' I.P~II1IL roy ~ '~' ~:UNITED IN HAMILTON '4Woh rtîveandu ondnile v ct hl-Iogtn istUntèdClurrh, Hansil- $ atieslnLononwhlevctoningto, n Jly24h a fur1ciocis, 15 Mijlon IntrsigIesC jnigOhrCete n omn last week. a double ring wedding toob place lOis l wichMay o Oi Radea re ntresed ed ceident ufthtbl village ail ber Mr. and Mrs. T'haddeUS M. Ssty- Canada lu ail destinations ln 1947 lite, #aooed asoay at ber haose on dec of Fergas, forsneriy o am >sp-* totailed 83,233 bead, says tbe An- Sunday evening July 2tt ai the beilville, was married to Mr. Ivas nuai Revtew of tise Lion Stock KIL RID ZIMER AI2.J age ut! 84 yeaco. Altbotghsgbhe Erskine Lamnb, son of Mr. ud Market and Meat Trade. iasued isy KIL RID ZI MER AN adbee 11 reenty, hewasln rs.RobrtLamsbofHoamilton. tbe Markseting Service ot tise lir.heolth sud living loeofuthie Rer Rohert W. HrLaucbiin of- Doirion Deparî The Augus meeing ofthIe Mr, and Mrs. B. Simson and finie et hter death. Shececlesral l iio, es euH tenry J. Ajicon, ture, Ottawas. W> X Ot the IUnird Churcis T ercy ot Hailnssie pent these c lwic 8411h irthday <ln .Iuly 151h.chursi, ecuniet ai thee ergat. 0f tetotal, 29,897 itere pure- iitidin tht ferai ut o picir t ftic ed ut Simsoys Bend. Funecol services to>ok plduc, OnMiss Jean Milroy of colt sang brei. QI tisese 28,248 itent te the homet of Mrs. Wiihor Ford. Tht Mr. and Mrs. G. Sinclair an-i Tuesday aftt 0000 ut 2 tins. tuent jIii Waih Beside Yeu" during the Ulnited Mtates, 310 te tise United atterrdance wasou oly fair, owing fanily visited Sunday sith Mi.. te St. Cerges Anglican Churcis signing ofthIe register. tingdons. 797 lu China and the ce- te tise busy season, but a verY and Mca. C. Baher a1 Appleby. ut Losovilie. The cburcb itou ttractively maknder were sisared by about 20 __ happy otternoon wan enjoyeci. Mc. and MmS. G. Ramnsden and Rev. Mr. Alan Hill1ut Si. Catis- decuraîed siih pastel gladioli and ther couatries, mnostty in Sauts Mc. and Mes. Jacks Hosoartis tansiiy ut Port Dalhousie, Mes. D urines, Rer. Mc. Ormaton Tisu paisos. The bride soho itou gitan Anserica sud the Csribbesn ares. ut Hamilton soeegueutslasbt week McKey, Olonis. Verginia andutIfinhridge and Rev. Mr. .J. Hud- sansarriage by herc tier woe CAltJsuugls beet ratite sadoel with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hllinge- Sandra itere guetu ut tht Cal- dccertofCunsphetvlttr 1ooh charge a geitn otfswhte nylon cearqal- taponts ta tht United states item worth. hcuths ou Friday. et tht eicie. selle ecer tatteta, ftoubied wsous ctricied ibroagisout tise yesr, Mm. Kely Shrp an son oug- c. antMrta. Sinpuonare Leo sor s ne daughtei* a high neebline and a ruttieeraille toc dairy purpoana continu- RU las et Motreai are spendlng s hoiduying ut Arnprior and tht Mis. F. E Ellie of Wuodstoch ttuucuaond thte5square yuhe. At tise ed lu cross the border luetise nons- RLE feu-,iveeho with bier motber, Mca. Moitoulin Island. csundchlldcen Marion and Ocnsstun bath ut tht houffant shirt there ber ut 45,800 trend. Or.tsciu Que.P Wm.s. naisi. Mc. David CordsteinofntToronto Eddis and tite brelhero, Mc. Franh eas a tocade et rutiles hegin- hec sud the Maritimsuprovided Mouler Peter Tippling ot Broute clled on triende in tht nrlghbhsr- Titi*s etfElibride and Mc. Ratph ning ut tise souit and estending tise njerity ut dalry eatie toc lu heidaying itith iu aunt and bioi on Mosday. Tiis ut Dundos. - oiet a crcular train. Hec leng Il- eninsci. ./~ unce. c.andMc. JhnMacShvecal irons ihere atteoded the fusiosn veiteilifrua a lace car- Experts ut cattie toc lasghter A*BRIDE AND liii Millan. Hattey-Shieldn rt-union t Ccnit- creealeddreso, She cariai a cas- tie otbercuunîrîeu inlude sonmeI McI. and MmIr. Ceurge Clark utf foIIE trds Lobe last Satacday. cade houquet otfsohite giadioli 5,300 la Neittoandîand sud about Cleselun. Oblu.and hecnsolherMaster Jarnie Mahion sa bolday- udste es 860 tu St. Pierre, ouIut s total CS Mca. Ed Houston ut Hilton tallai ing wittis is gcaudparenîu Mc. and Mis., Mary Kiltse ofMtito w, utserre 6,250 trend estiurted.f ou old trierdaisiltetillage la-t Ret A. DC Pensan lef Ibis u-eeh Mce. Jamses Mobon. insid t honouc, witie Min Mari- Tise valse ut ail tule exported weeki. its peod is viteation, part ot Mrs. J. Cordon of Cuelphs la lyn Lamnssiece ulf the groosta, ceuched close lu $15 millios comn- Mc. HerbSnSetigrore ut Peler- u-hlch itili be speat ai tise Bise spending aOvaotien iitishbel sous junior hrIdessaid. Tbey were tsured uith about $189nmillion lu boco sors a wceek-end curaI with Wattc Highevay Conterence. saughter Mce, Donald Martin at cse e anpoddecbis 1i46.d T.1-kolwe lé l n.aiorl te relatives ut lise Van Fleet home- Mc Hamilton Bennett Zins- tomily. nlsn eurqUlisette itt.h match- ymne r mo.Cosyu po ta steai mermnucli prearis lu the UnitedThMenits tB Fricodu et Me. Chartes MrPhsiî isg huis and gioves. Tiseir dress ie uoie s s wouletI Mn- - Siv. oIflypemudxer fuind Mca. Pearl Shielssot Hamilton Churci next Susday mocnîng. sece scry te heur of bis untort- itece stylrd fllhe the t oba toc Paraguay wilil planter I flu -iodiqdei ita a wek-end visier sits Mca. Tise WA. outhe tis .Georges tanale actident nubis fata. He Theycarreier! nsegays ot pinKeu-iîspitsi jungle. Imor*ttod ela-Prelude, laine Troe M. Chrtwrightt. Charch held thitie maly nseet- lu home Irons Hilton Hositaltrnut rasesat y bs r11aund ________________ bheteu, Noithoin Uohte Ms-s. Don Surbie ut ing authIe home ut Mrs. C.Agneer and uSlssiy rcovering. tebqeswtha bbnsllg then Cncnssaii oere guestu iaisoeis on Wenesday, Jaiy 21.t. Dar-;ng MissAde MssAucyand Josn7 Escty 1dresre.-*. sstb Mr. ansd Mrs. Lloyd Peer ttmetng caltoths oece are hoidaying aitsehmeu Lei Mary v uFras i AUCTION SALE Peueao,$9 Mra. WiiamsnsPeer risitai asat presenled lu thteuordstu-eMc. od Mrs. Peter MrLesn ai tof e brdeLousa tlnsonece gri. ut ow seeek silbrelativtesand trends Miss Betty Rchardson sud Mise Badnorh. Se oo csdl se lns HEEu0 FE iu Ibis district. Evelyn Stokes. MIss. Audrey Ditnas'au et Hsm- nylon ster witt matchiug bonnet puie Cnosrigni bte eteee M. and Mc. Donald Andrewts The Sunday Schani isesentel ilIon " vlslllng witibMr- and Mca. andi gioves. Hec tull-lesgth dres nestnclavetroécrivaite Of Hamilton serre week-end vis- eacb ofthiene yoang ladIe,,itb RRobert Iyn ih ie îu s truc1)0tLMinSt cefromA YI.J itcaulb Ma.Richrbsd ovisety vace us tbry wece bots Mn. and Mcs. Chalts Nocrin ut canneda i lny n-agy Outrssa n t -l_ yPt ui Tlnhiker. teuchers ln the SundoY Sthot. Guelph iters- rcent guest. itS Islnntiiea -tbarlbnreîrPe ubld uc on ois MMainiOnt M. and Mca Cuingham et Tht Y.P.ti. t tht Unted Cbrch rt.Mnand Mre. Lloyd Crasotord. it nd nl match. PHONésdeceEWodar 113 Mltn atn nt GoephMc.sudMm ndyFcsh btd CadesParty u bnIMcu. Houston, Barbara and Mc. Ira Lamsb, brutjter ufthtie' SATI'atAY, AUGITST 7, 1948 oftBcoabville and Ms. John ii- Chants lau-n On Waintstay et- Peler ot New Jersey art speudiug grom, o-u s TOMsMnsiTh'e a ot 30)OtclOtb, tht !oloi-g: ______________________________ visitonsasilb Mr. and Mrs. 1Dan tendance. RerrA. O.Penmaut oas Qinlan. -M. obrtudiel -o Cuth and Chairs lu mourot Cspheirlie itce ccentenin ut st seebsoit a gsd ~tu-osocee u-tb M sodMr..F et intada Mc.Robet inder ocitt n t En d 2 Tableales Smih.chiran ndth pogrm aet1ofSt.Janosiand M.WJiudMagazinetalbie; 2 Floor I-ans Snsîh chir05andth lrogan MI. Ceorge Lueb orh. ilamtînuBabern nrStn'ney Cceek. 4'abeLumps; Dinett sallelu- Karen Walherrof Appleby sjeiveét hyM10lclltalent Duing thé 1prilt at u-erb ith Mrcand Hcs. Aftte h nserreto 4luisî te*"lae,4cIr beidaying witb ber ouil ntsd eîgM.C .Cusngave a lieu-son Lsb. rce tio ad in .atlCablt;eakfais I osn as beli ai tht Sottllh Rite suie, inclut]îng Drop-ltah Tlable Oncle Mc. and Mca Erie McAr- sh-t'Pech ad calird en Mir.Mr. andMm. Rues Carhecî .ndFcluh ton itty coets. McaSye et3hiIimacLota; tu.1Aould Cunsonho en0a1a- M, ndM Br gey derand ihase:u ath- Lvee Baio fileM iotor a ndad a or-age ; uie n soutnut finish, Includtng ,e*, ary See iher hadhop eu n c Sait oio e uni o oentnti. hý ý lachkceoce n o'ae a-HeHSro aîtesojj/ta iss set sos ergrad acntusat'Ibeicsnp o a c nfMe and Mis-Jamss teterest violi-Is. lh,-goo- mn ullm s izoehertsox Sfui-ngiM s Hc 'ssv>P4;i M c and M rs. C has. tier. M -soly .1roi on et tidte i ow n an i i r ue ho li ayig t sutn u gtm otgct hery d as cure Vanîîy ohit . aflllna 2 Chir-s M r-ne oi es, of a tu r îe enof . , y n y h itut. O d ger n o Wa r ' in ha u n d n s oi u re d e yesso c rau o r s . V M ît t l' e and 2 hstîr oc ; Meanti Mrs Robert Parpso o - îiîiî-r toneis;M 449c Rg0,V' V" I w e itt h ustheir cousins Mc. an-i ny. cIiiinrel su 1sîin ultoil leii Mca MltHosar atiMc nt __________ Party last Titunsday étoto-ttc Quchîttht bride sore s cocos Itaisr:Ern; tiret RangebfJflni Mrs.DanSmisi his.h stuc0 verty u«suiful 't eun lta a Uit sith maîcsng linsI-s vir andt shîlf, White Ena-ý Ma. Da S Jmilh O-and Mi.Faroces - husy n this dis- sI,til i- ,i-irrAhToo itPue MchnsonfCsard J ehnMs-,1 cIT ti hféi, riitginanud a Cors-iImetiti l'ihles:1Hniaornct Jeoo WtOita seir soceh- flice lî tî Vc,uti , 'ut g '. tc îvu Mia. Lm it eietiraifl s-s: 1014 4 i t l ate ; lnd isiirshcussty sîed uîs is sioin sigantu .uan Miséai- ndiGairde nOsj tnM iitr. -thter rtv Sihicsnddet tIn Mr. s, snuilsotiand nslsTuda gadeMTadMr.Labelî eid Mi. a-. 04 ru.Vrv ohn i d t John Chopsun ln their fie ie sis h s t s is -ýttsstt i. ,-Crre h sosre Mc. Lamb sis îo, st, Mc. Co metut wisrt anth un-. sud and,-nsiuttdtnahongsta*t luisisthhsulietiti hurîtur fOtunate accidernt lait Fila- ieIleaso tihrste ,tieo isosî st ui -ssStaff ls, 'ss iegl sotsOfscî. ititei tas sotniiisly rseaed I shtcrnt, itheti is truchku-hirh Aginceirt.M F-Oas f -,utsuc W-irvale îusrrylssa tC o EET<~ . i..Sss islO altIa heu-as divung clenîuîti uh uabrEcper and onunuvesst 'nga tslor" ,,o assslînîus issusntr .SeIWT(u)ilsu1oies0%iaisatin hvCDr. RehetstnOfteanlysecnfg robery oh tse (ssoe il ou-s-h. ai IIirtlissenniTaFillue.Wonut; VALUES EFFECTIVE Totatcite 0crrseusonaoftheihmaofutes j is- I'sîsit hitt. DputiCut ssl-hsardt'ioneChinaCaines.t adtAGS tsth Guelp Lin andthe ilto Ron. Stre ws sht bYthesaraissti111-Iuseld Sttesinparaion-ilt!nu lisDATM FSiDAIYY, ATUEDDA Il MrCwn aso wnél afoura il Ir g'ri ultur, -stinote ti June t s-sn , 1 isitad; 2 ALERNWPIXWt nes MRI >1 .lh gh M.Sntt rrird Esqusiinosllmaetun t lusuvoohhe fiei91 Id htasIs is knsd isng oisssgiy iutisovsî Qe-vFi Ouyus. l Wi t -îi, O P l fi ntasîîrîs. sî.r«odenB er; A L E N W P C ' ihpei fl, )C innrinjonien, bdO rass sodmny findseîîis LMsi(d~. TA BER A hd bruisci anti ck hiunn- tii uI - aMts aetctulbt li, 'su l stly1200». oi t ssIr-on lion24s-I* 'atritessoS iucondition Mn.Donaldt Cerlîn and bohy!11ftt'-s dRokc MrOi . chetllI he tîeti spiti c-lîîuîl ls ta. s sas e- ýPrlsci"ui 1N r tiliuîsîs IiITîSil SI55 is ark"in 1 G l reportai 10 be very fvrbl.Pllledcetylet"('"tmlei n 7,000ALE-uI, d b, Tise utuay friendsofotMn. Ceorge ton a visit ih ber parents audsiso maathon. ___________N__________a,_flic__ - tissu20e. us llb ldturkow hbther.rechen ty eshicailt snt t san a intic e on-sii e-Ols-vs. omeandtise propritaREDCHERRIES 32ca< a bus eturnai homne truns tht Hs- oraI voyage. v.q111NT-111. T.Blte Miton Central Hosptal thene hc Mm. anti Mca. Gordun Turner --& ---KîliS a, et.Acuemenu Gh (otnODnF, isati bren tontineti toc sererai anti Hosoacrdof Eindale ristaiT M E 5 NJYESTNE itethu !OlowIIng su strident miite Sunday w1h M. anti Mrs.Arthuor Mortuley& litAt,,,.Tn iiy toen t, dchargeut tht ion iia otcckni cKn Tsar.ereias har co %AN AMP-IN *rOMATO SAUCE GONS Mr lw o odnaU ie- M .adM so idhoMc eu na', PORKancBEANS 2 Tio.r& 27, R ich f ll i sÏY tSaleha hageo te"onvs<edwthMritdM, - service in tht Unitai Chucch asat Ptwtres over tht baliday. .Kn har ýr«,, Iete Atn E ettrsSl R A Sunday. RMetsvsitesa thM.anId NgtY7ad e---h' xùt)ýo teEtt f A M L D '3c C0 o Tise Poulor Rat. N. j. Truasa luMna. Pigh CanoPhelsotre MH.Mstine RaI. 1 p'*. thé MA AE OS --e% Is O z. 5r5W - Whl espertesi te relues trrm bis racm sud Mes. George Ferguson outHa- FR1 A UUT67 CslrIud ie u.Ar lsie o aealn eieîa lion Iis seek anti uiU l b is millon, Mc-saiMc Cugsa Bî D u FUt6u7e Ce ARY NN MRSE IN y lBrwn -abse Misss-ryLntht illge -t Cnsp DIES s ouan alitser Sudy. Camelnd r.on ameMso ary Prograim usoasubehlivilît hrung lncaeiilton parIth NDEPAE _______ Cnmheî nd m.Jaes sles -____________ Lut 5. Csoncession 4 in tht Toits- AK APPLE ai Toronto. siatiofNasgwy on f fiblt .ohNtansagsieacror e at STRAWBRIS 'o 5 U C DUBIOUS WAY TO Misa Nettie Brou-s ut Toronto RUTH WARWIC Fri,-Sat. August th, 7th or iri nnoln nc ce c WBRRE 35s.IC RAISEIREVENUE Is vsating thinsoeb swith ber fsîs- WALTER BRENNAN RADLH0CT Oe tcc iih otges i ena Mcr&George Pesrocb sud RNOpHSOT sterysITISIiisenI Tie alrilslesy itis Sericell h iMtianragk.rft o " BARBARA5 BRITTON 2.x4'asu aro fnnlistittatiseINFNTFO DS3 ' 25c BREARFABT STYLE wihbaos aloot i n trust porcei, IABY ROLL iseti by sn excessive 1usd ut ta-Prie yterîsu C elli ln Sadsy 'AI Dd"inILT Wsv iig on tt 11 - rebtein hrc n una cnissofanîce enîanure hall, ('nçc ,buM uw alias, is spparentîy lnforacnsuet- ai 9.30 asm. sud Ssaoday S Ituol aise n4 UUanRQ E tirepace ding ro hutthC NE ESîtiEILE BouaT tra tismng, sîstes s Finsani aI 10.45 as. atter a h euteîasth bURQ E1 irpasîl ing rapords tu-e coudc 1F Post edilotdsl. Spoed trapsansd vatation. LAUREL & HARDY wris SSIIin" '> 12. Pkg.gon gnrlPolice perscttîonuare A cr ccsident nStudyCînecoior siceti hairsomsanasi bathroms. ~D '..Tn ~ on 'la T~~~heraear rt.isooti louca o- L S I .2fu agaîn gowitig msukly. Partltstarly no-ning on tht Na. 1 idr"asi I hof Tiriunnre1h3chs43rc theghssriolanud tht bouo- lis heateti iy 1 Mb Ott<O Polannousas stise sabus-bas muni- wsns aased hy oit cgrarel. The . p a e MN-UE.AG.9 o spler ndid e.oThisîloboutseîtiy .s2< P A U Cipaiiy soisci Ssets nlout eaons!- divîer wsusnul sttastomed -.1 Iii o aisi an, a sorllliioan lautlinly OC D R2cP A U trop tauristusud Cty tossaîers. country ronds sud tht grare]loae nalrebattlyBtl Thslu net detendir.Z excesive causot i bi 1teoose ronîrni ut bis 'T e rdePoe lt. b 101h od sabjectutlu CE BUTTR apeeti. Itilaa s osplintsgsiasnsorahine. Tht tr acs OnverIaeneui ON-TJIS. UG9>a rr to Itlndtht usant non- PUM PKIN 2 T"sID'>2131 ~ozs37 tise misusat o! satbrity ta Imspose anti ail t 5ePasaengeta. injaceti. MLARRY Goes nh10 d snîr es-t I-T sobat asountu toetrs tanatian Fout' reuiced itsptslmtonPARKS- p~-jc"~ tIer y solit hoien o n- hosPitalzatlon. Goes Wid" spi'eicý't-ýioýn.,ýan"Sutaitrday, Aucus7th, uE iN nozM by a very dubiaus metisoti, mitsTht many triends ot Or. Wzns ELLEN DREVY sisrmîng Teode0ay . aund9 pti andson 2 CROLQJDo.te2cRIE IG &s 3 ls susceptible Wensany densocaliz- Rbtsosn hope sebc ai a pedy VAN JOHNSOlst u' anti lmeen2 CROIUD0.te2tRBE IG pe bac abase& retcovery Irons s réentt car an- VJUEANSON hpstm ainfc ol9 te tI uln cdn.b ere soîli atso aI the some ne GLASS TOPS doz. 27c ZINC RINGS dz 9 Pcopoly luntai and iuîed rai- etei "The UEALSN T ee froite llwgdu29 tii ligsudo s acirbelier job o! We rOctPitast10repornt bal anti houehulti rhfertss Pio.iscabinet AESSalDz$.7 VINE G AR Gd. 41 cuutrlliîng spoedtt tssutht upeeti MhisaJane itupuor 10 tioing nicely Bc 10 NIN rrhntas ctelm lCast. ls- EAERS Med, o.12 AAWX II k.I trop systes. aller a serere astlath utpneu-' SwordsmanBTC ENsN aylaid idte W ienuirvo.13P R W Xl.p g Mords._tale,_____r ing msrancrrg aie 's siih 3Vnaf l Mca. Tunie Boyti Oh Cuelph vis- Wed.-Thurs.. Auit 11 12 setiter mago 1e match, utid sol, CPH4TEFRE Dogaan le. nlinGIoiosTecchnicolor iterohr4vendhcaa, UCESAPE . amp, ral Id4ttee)osinaitable, For Cookiug Ibo. CutuaninscWED.-TIiU&S. Atsg. 11-12 wcrtable, 4inlng moos hais, DCSni-E ....... Humun Society issulils detecta cAard etabolaît; eecnî oosurte. NaseL-a......n...l2 .1C andi teakuesats, but IJare are cor- VCO-MTUEd -- COOIeht lte lct< rnet ewLaingtNONS taifrVsICTOR MATURE y H WO IM hSy ilten ange; blîchro talub ie-Io tarin-4fote IbI an c aveanjyO In'ES uing rie. retrigeratsîr lamati izel .3- COIGOIS .........- 5 Starring Pr. hrdroomna ite, 2 Ipl. betinosm a tendtnrY tu corect detects itien Rtcently a Isisor relations manrin saui teBatr electrie wsahing Newe lxc aWshed thes beonn to, Srios. uma sttedflit « a eneal ulehe ARGRET machine, niretrie soeper, Cooks- CARROTS ........3 1>~ 4c ay aslbhouila t emeudousajsd ud anisa leaders reMas. Kiss of Lleath LOCKrîuîbîthng antidimnhesalitrtles. bedTede devetnpmienI, anti i lasconstatly sable enoughIn lu egutistins. Tht PATRICIA ROC Tise oh Rae--t1 pin. CGREEN CLERY .. -14 Iil 1c tcying lu releve dlstressud sut- communiisitem er ditereul, ise DENNIS PRICE WEDNESDAY, AIGUST 111h tnriug sud povecty, sud Sivasapeo- tbusghl. Wisenver agreesen luE ofVsriet'sstte10 pie better opporturties inlite, sas eacbnd ou s vital issue Ibny COMING SOON ---onsdoy Oh naît, balance lu tilm PesigVaity oGarden Fresh Vegetabie.sud St psblie Opinion gens las tar lu tensnd tue intecestnd sudd seoulti COMING Hueot iftsCs.Seasonabie FrUIfmIoAITIVI&,-r6ah Di>'