Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Aug 1948, p. 1

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Volume 89.-No. 9. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th, 1948 Eight Home Peint PageaýSx Conta 400 Attend the Severe Storm FOUR HAVE NARROW ESCAPE llartley-Shields FALL PAIR DATEOS IThree Traffie Sofibail Game Causes Dainage RV-tiuio,î Heltl ai OF THIS DISTRICT Accidents in the in Miton ark i Miltoni Recenlv Crawford Lake Thec lisi of Foul Foirsanod theMitnDsrc in M lo a k Considerable damage wm coooed On July 24th, t-he Hortley- laed hos been iStale by the Agr1 i- t n D src by the terrifie olnd and electricai Shields tomily Re-union oaa belli cultoral Societies Brancit ot the National1 Leagine Ail-Star Nsuae storm which itit Milton and dist- j iy Crootord Lake. ienety nulne Dosartrnent et Agriculture. Here Toronto Taxi Goes Out of Con- Ont ilto 84In Tn ict ever a week ago. Trees oere members regioteretl, as contraotctl1 are Sonne of the dates In avbirh tue Ousilo -6i T suroled, branches and limbe vilis appree mately 150 last year, redr ilb neetd rland Ca r amaged Ineinga blesen don le diftereot parta of' but the droit la attendan e waa C.N.E. Tocanto Aug. 27-Sept. Il adCrDmge -the town. tisooght te be iargety dise te ex- Milton .Sept. 24-2 Week-end accidenta ia tise dia- It oo tn nnigstodeidea heterife in, lewtonaolI1ent isorvesting conditiens. rActen ... ..... Oct. 1-2 trict oece freqaeast aîith onsemr S t~U d e tt h e t e er i s o oa af t aHca r t-s e r i i i n , b e e o n d G e o r g e t o w n _ . . . . . . . S e p t . 1 7 - 1 8 f o s t i a n t i e ti le r o . F o u r winuser la thse National League Ail lise. eut a polis trom the weatoe.y 1ne tiseg pepeopleo etrol Hat-2425sed Stars and Milton Inteemediatea, In part et Milton, eaatward, bsowling ley Anderson and Perry Walis, I-e1tF0et . o a autiali content ever at tise Sali oee treels and branchs, calusing prga o prt a Durhsam yet 9 soag nur pep en nas rr caped Pak es Turdy vein, it ydo ntrrptos urngthoeil carried eut. Falloscing tisle, a .Fergua Sept. 10-1 ot o contraI and turned over thevistor nung ut vi ya Sorm bssket lunch wsea oerved, and lista Barri ....... Sept. 13-14 tisive limes on Numntsr 10 aide- te, 6 rouet. Tise cyclonic wlnd lopped o troc Inl tain was follosved by a businesu Braceisridge ...... Sept. 16-17 i ewe h it n it Over 400 pseople attcoded one et on tise lasen et tise peopeety oned; rondin isetaveen tis fittaen a1 s-at tisebea centa t tse eaao sesenby R H ictrla vene melln cedlced..y..eadnt...edn ... Sept. 17-lt fines Saturday merning. Ptelemy, ~~~~Rey Walls et Hamilton. At Ibis Coaîe . Scs.7-8 Tise car a Toronto Taxi Ooned Turk Broda brougit is aIl star nareewiy iuasing tise corner et tis time tisere ocre eleclcd Mr. Hart- Lno . . et s ar anscosdie team bacis to MilIen ter a game isouae. Taking an caàtard Ione Four yoong people narrewly cacapcd serloua lnjury and poshibîy iey Anderun CopslvllP S-HelbHaiurg Sept. 17-18 arranged oltis tise local Intecascd- i toppîmi isuge limbe ln treca on dents ee lise cor tisey ocre rldhsg in akiddcd on loue gravel and 1 ident: Me. Jbc HI£rtley, MiltonSslsre et41 cono avio ecelv-ed a broken let tate bail team. Besidea seelng tise lise pcaperty et Fred Bennett, Mill r uraed ever lisee times on No. 10 alderead, lest Salucday mornîng. ViceuPre'dent; Mes. Pearl Hart- Gialt Sept. 23-25 National Hockey I.eague hockey St. lsben I pauaed toseard the! Tise pbetograps abolve sowess tise badiy ient car la seic tise le, Milton, Secretary, and Mes. 15na Toono Sept.ve 21-21clt stara in action, Turk Broda made Banis ot Comsmerce, sehece il bosel- eccupants ocre trapped alter tise areident. William Mceemics 17; 1 Helen Shsaw, Toronto, Traue.Orangevîlie ..... Sept. 21-22 15, Tothe, rigcad ereucula asg cul yard lHelen Butler 15; isolA et Toronto; Florene Merrlaon 15; Milton; aill A boa et cisocolates eacb oas Abertoyle Sept. 28-20 oecer 5t aitcso Florene Marri- the resntaion.of Indrea et Hsnvera Pen ober e e waere inJueed. Sais McCorornisk 15, Toronto, uler et tise driver presented te Mes. Ed Millon, Mes. Art-bar Sept. 28-29 Sn 5 itn eevdbuss la tise Milton Bantaco hockey IenofRs ernwr Iciet escapied uninjured. -Photo isy Rasa Pearcen Jus. Maison and Mca. Lloyd Crase- Waterdoset . Sept. 28-29 u.1.Mle, eevdbuns by tise Milton Brasai, Canaiean resI againal tise rear et tise iee.Mbso Sp.3-c.2and Base MeCrmics 15, nister Legonwhlh eretieil-inliss Lmbeoftwoappe tee blcktalrd In a pprecatlln ot tise tact rhol.ton .. Spt 0Ot 12 et tise driver cscaped injury. Tise Inemin seis cey nemi-tnlast h Lmis ot tee ainse trora Inslchdtsthe grounds ai Ceaeteri ltn_ _.._ _. ct 1-2 injued ocre treatcd aI Milton lise.ofte Bank of Commerce a ree Oct. 70 enmaeaalal o Privale Hospital and inter alieseed tasaua irtgitatarsls a topped, tpping trattie untI tise st lave years. Retlrlng Bramnptone ... Oct. 9 î te retuen homee. thse Ail Sas-s grabbing off a roua-~ pedeatriana hauled tise limbe 10 tise President Roy Walls and retirlng 6 Tise driver toid Provincial Con- tee or lave, andi tisen tise lacalu side efthlie eontway. Feom bere 1 Secreta-y Mirs. Ellen Readbead Grand Valley Oct. 50salAII.mntacoavt weuld even i up and torge ahead il tore cautoard continulng ta prsete ose anotiser seisi a box' Roekton .1.1Ot - u fcnrlo os rvla teea ltte bt.Pietyet oD n se on icoa n tsecenoa r ~ aSof, cisecolases, eacb te tiseir mutu- besae e applied lise braises near a iou ,tlritPetyo u s bo onlmeI h eta Pi ay -o f L a t N i ai Surprise. Wodristg O* lct. , & i eut et Iotn th osegrvea tise dying Innings ceeuaed tise plate and easteely portions ut tise town. rvosyDneSmtw ebietly due ta tise rapil tniiiag Hydro avoriscoc ocre kept isusy An aoisririe prime ecri seenrvosyDntltiioi t, Mlss Hattie Wal Homîllen, TROUSSEAU TEA isnon markset gardence, Camp- darknena. It oaan't catit tise 10tbi monet ofthlie evening remavîng tise Cam fr-ont belslnd in the elghth VISITOR PROM IRELANi) 1 rdeat lady present. Mr. Chsarles AT FERGUS HOME iteilville, oas scrieusiy lnjued iange f Ihat e T uri and bis gang de1 uta vrnadrpaig Iilg odOnaanh CONTRIBUTES PROCORAM Laising, Campbeliville, oldest gent- seben tise truck ise oaa driviag knckd iftsre -eutoIb lc esiuisment. Wiîis Mont of tise i-n luid te takeFIu GàmIemn ae Sîs, oey- FOR MISS JEAN SNYIIER s In collision oitb a car olserat- aie~ ~ ~ ~ one, bytin thr nla o ri ntedsrcet h t AT DRUMQUIN WI ea;KrnSmtet-n tise eentest. ja o did est cause damnage, but report j y65Mtnbi rosýmnh'odduhtro r n d r .J oetoMI A bcud seaker nyaîem oaa o n ircatls trans Esquembig mid 1 toi the. Viltoa 7 Miaa Gladys Fealseratats- wsn1 Mrs. Kenxetb Sima, Oail On Salurday atternocon, July 17, tan, oppusite Couinon's Garage, tise field te introduce ecri ot tise sheaven oere tntne tram one tieldi nd - bh lh al o ee osîcon tee te Druesquin w.î. yeungcst cblld, Mes Ceca, Wrîg- Mes. Tisaddeau H. Seydce, Fergea. ncae Leseville. visiting~~~trme tisers Maso Intesrmediateaterbyth hghwid Jury meeting avilis 16 members igieaavertb, Milton, avisehaat tbe entertained ai a trousseau tea la Accerdlng le investigating et- cacesetnc o!tis gsue Ores A esemiute beon isetiresj led i te eilgton ateîgis 10ad 2 vlaltxrs preseel. Mesi. Cuv-' mne cbldren peesente ls le no ofneeber daugsîer, Jean, bride- tirer Ai Lemon, tise Robertaon et tise atamy ohcey gaineayc lA- brie minutie eere tegla l d Inagi thoe nlt Cisc cbolr. s numiser; Mes. Fred Cook, Loit- eleet eftIis mentit, Tise les table car wsea drlvlng xrlh on tise dosn rin 6li lse irt an Trail ai In me ohir BeuysnMrials ayc ae attrartivey decarated olts Guelphs Rend. Smitb wsea travelliag treduccd during lise preseataton, 1te a blase aithlie rear ot tise Model of a bent et fîve semle pini relect anHlo ony a- aiytefrh itne r n ocre cauadiy applauded by the'r Knitliag Mille. on Commercial St a sielegate te tise seele tcleetns Spell atnCunyaaesi r s turirt dson . dap or ewr desdnames. Tt.a imac occely drete ehe tse fn.lThe blanc bellevei ta bave ntarted Ohulclss A-s pinyoeIIl ns weea hr emdt eM o p of le oc R MDa W. H . Membeca ot the hanteas indlu-, tron buraiag rubsias avas centlef i sesated d lsec bi s Its te chos trm ThsPe laii tise lalesî ntacnied couple. Miiy et atd H. R. MDoaisi af mtie ie evr so ded Harvey Blocs, goal; Cisuei 'ta the exteriar af lise buldig t erists tisaauled aviliso lava havnyn frtesldi ofM.Ptram Haegluitonth Kire Mins R.a G Mileazis e ot ms eutonev teere oisons Bundy, sub-ga; Terr Waliter, Firemen aalti damage oasnac Aex- errea enbed-2 c e v Isabne1rtiespidi eie begt to eitsnssntCesbiiiieni oeasstigtrcurs eia esteDe aiot deteace; Dan Wilsn, simiense; Bill tensive. - eot - eel îgîgtsn lotbing aies a quanlity efat oldet Mr.nPle a Ha blet Milî, lh isees Miss Jand Mil etit sn sa u n ts oesn easa geelema astre year, sebae Mise Mary anfac Kls Bath tise trueis and the cor ocre Sield, detense; Terry Br_______ astsyenecs vsiprdt rre-d isy the WlI. la Ebieglen.'ussO sease ls be pr-esent. MalIen Misses Elizabeth andi Elis- bodiy damagei aecordlng te police_. conre;Lino Znata asi aitbe tise derisive lnnitsg. i sens voted te previde ntxney fer Mr. and Mes. Harey Hurtlcy, ei Ryan et Fergus and Mes Jackt A tibsd trattse tlas re- cente; Lndo anata an Bo MILTON HOSTESS Il wsea a vital eteehe et soutis- gluse o ml O nteci-Dvsn ihgn n r.Fe ndro ulh usswr te; Bi s Peou VnugDan, cen EnutA SFR RD pose Don Rydr af tce villra, musesy 1ers . eaildboyn lise asn-Dole.Mrgn.adM.Fd yd-et uep.Guta ce perled by police ai the intersection tr;BlseasnadDoebeENETISFO RM h baredstpaerieg bail., re- Cooki, Lunsing.. Michigae, sere cor- isresent tront Hamtilton, Rockood, efthlie Sevenîh fine and George- ey, seings: Wayne Hiluen , centre; 0F LAST MONTH ateîcîîng euer boysi te fiae bure sinisre.tlng poper on cii-cen ahil, dissliy secomei. Loovilie, Caenpbellevlle, Kilitride tees Rend, Salarday migst. Hese- Jico Hou-mis and Ren Sbannon,, 1 bila. Sreniesssuspr rnmlleemoss alSresaieg tise importance f ssteon i l tIse-o.lyd,-ddth.ýMloElrGiAlesOee te adn srosdmg seings. Clilf Houston oas lise mon- Mca. Hellen Rundie nee Helen avsaemtr svnbbiss n d cereisi training Ilsss b 1s senrs e ds--ed Ua.- Milen. Gelepa, al ad erht vrte ad eobsdssg -dess girl ber on- tcih, Galîis MalIeno nl oegs sens repertel. agre ieIcs.Ansceg netindaot2 a mpl ie ee bbls gaanted si I., 'oI tice e ira --issialyadta etya' ah sNw eod ae o nter I lur Aree. mr ) Js ntet ie hbomet 25a l fner t res-]iseithe enreindssiasabilînc eaiii shous asii layeur.in s Fue rgnN.clrr ____ bail gane avilis Ai Deavsiu-y of Mca. Jehn Armstrong, Moelle SI in Invaderasol bats ord os tises Mss Rý. Ferss hay aisseý rhis,- l"'reg aî,,s tee wile sng buligiî eeece Jun DEVEOPMI& PLoAN F Detritoil, tinsse ttheî irng eutonr tises AurerMcIahin wiseterl leof sMisss bAudrey_ ooMeit arbbara Wiseniiepessi rires-el Lag Snastousonsexbutoe s-i-a-he tise elgist Inniag. Chues Gervais, avio seas meeried se Me. Delterd er iild plauy w-erkcd Woanders lhanri ss-ssm.5bls-aaasgss AiiiogSn te Trexs, n foo tlt thgie A meietl ceet bolting for D. Brusis, in Multons Newei en Jury 241h. Tise rffnt oaas ris,- t isi avden teese seer lise a, orsir,î ed eh lias,. bs-s- Paaee b Saexl ma tr it n serî uls bail et tise csgbth nlugged a beau- drceraled in pinis and sehite and mestern. Ceenie &enl lise rssss. -berisrcr aissi ssîcsrse -s-es, -r .aaaeo heSvesi Ruse stoeru but pserity g at tise Iy eut erer leSt fer tise Second feur aller tise brsde epenesi ber gi ts a on lise meund teee Milt-ecineeen.-DYDNRCADSNbatiu u esre leso h saceer in lise saune trame, bris-ging danty lanciseon oaa oerve iy tht Prisses,, the- icisti lise garne sen Misu-Nrs lres-e end a.-sr saso fi WEM'I)IN(.G H eso Iceltiiss Highlands hou iseca loa- la n ddtiea rane. issteei. Duelng tise evening a ws ec s-aiiely Acton's. Tbey hsall r.nis, s-s 5tis Pls--es srssei DesesbucyburicdforlhcvieîterlaBd dandmsauBsr sass irriellyebltaudean als snefl er 1le IbeLL Hortis etScticrt.Plsae sehibe MePhail tavIrIed exellbent made and preseebed le ber. Ausi- lie en bise Initinal doceI tise 'nivbr" Inte t EUWe hrhL bail fer Milto~en. o aegb rey Ibankesi ier gueste and issstees seconsi, Ibrir three jrn ed exs- Tsa tesr en la, tstiansns. 0 ile lis,. SIv. G.ssc Chdr-b Lo-, tsrestry ls tise icynole et lthe ly evening. ses-e an lscilîl h n Satrdlsriy Jl 241h tbs-e-cdsing M Ij leu tee turesbry aeekeca avili heip prions sere drasen fretm tise dram th_________d inltos n h jsrsed. ses sssemnizei of Maunic1 Elsen-ýH l on Mol ay inceuse lecal treide and lise bud- by the visitbtg Coploin Tues tire- tits andsi eenlb on tise aleenglis 1 leth (Bell s yeungesl sinegiter igo e od n h rvso die. Ci!! Houston wo effIcýtls sO errers ArIen mude a bld In 'oet Mr- ansi Mrs. H-aery Ricbard- 1 gt eerondsy ansi otheservices bhnthplt ath isWi-S r y Bullet lise tep huit of tbe nintb but a Nn etoy Roberitst snn atisartio Aserfovicenig Stray-cacla caea ess URys Rssberl son etsga fy l)eputaîio AaafrWi gaili be important adttitioaai fea-t. oner hsoling ticitet nuntier 100.1 alernua aesiýR ese Me and Mca. John Drydten, Tues- 0f Road-Nee Subdivis. lare, efthlie ncharne. Mr.C.M. Knighl oas tise second a ou]e flY reflreb tise side li leaes iy. The churrs wsen beututlli__________ wihtce 2.Just Mise ? eIsrsmsl'c*nvtH lso a e decerul,-d by tise laiodes et tise' ion at Glcoîsilliniti Tise ltrina: Sourday selts lise loets carra- i hrhwt ea ad um r i llSasrsBodnar, Cicao, CnNRConductor ing t a n a eed For the Year on;ven nmrig ybrtile al eeigAgs n.Dp Coming Events Caibahoon. Tucoma, Wasit. nu; Tuesrobiaos tav mthue brrre ae a salin gesen avilis aty Reeve. George Cuerie Couro- Broda, Toronto Leatu, lbt; AI Dese- jShattered Gias in Cabolose oles eeunîîeng la tise Initial but Ac- liee- Hnnt la Towsnhip rpopuseil adnve satrcle-.GngeLsiH ri nasaes t Mnsc oisuey, Detroit, lp; Vie Lyne - Tee- nr fie. Hem velwa beid lnReid and Wltred Bird ocre isees- ten-ers, or lIsser Enrnts, endr onoLas b lf ipoD- Cnt His Face Ionbleftliseeemeneonibase. In the L)taud at the pneyairue cnebe-m.Reeere.larr. lsiodnaobecseî on,"at,2;Cla islo c--eentd Ryder sinciei. Inter sieering JnIy Meeting plc ialar foag ls et ev ereE lape tee. hn, ils insesea, l a-e. trait, 3ic; Bill Qonciscnissi, De. A 22-calibre ballet icdglng In,-on lave suissequenî sotlltes by Mas- u-uricd a ceeu-ode bouquet et red j. troit, If; Pal Keller, Hollywoodi, o; tise ali o tese teel aseny frees 1 fers andi Morton, Agoin Aclen îeîî Naagao-eya Townasip Couiti and o-hile roses miaed avilis bea- 1 A lepslatien Osf rutelsayers Irons Banter, Son Franaisca, replaces bi bnd, R _R. Stoeoy, 21t Victoria lbeeýe mes .n boeard. met on Menday, Jeiy 261is l n Ilsl eda se1gom iIt lie lnes lisea me neting, 11, ai- arn dance avili be beeli ai Ruass esvari-laTe rom inf tis thgeis tnd MeCr Ave metng, king tistait Ingca, MottaI, TUenday, Augual Boroeuis le he lnth . inyMC-Ae N. Hamilonnareaviy , ernise ses MIton's tiraI le Courait Chumber, avilfis Me. W, bridie ae a Strnd ot peunis. c eipoe yaicig11h abals rhsr.Ais rie, Dallas, catcblng ln tise elgisti, copedsioun injery, Witie rldlng 1Ibe titlbh. An errer le TMaes,a M. VanOieble, Reese presldiag. Ml- Leis Allen et Tensiey aI- ies1 s-eu-ara en srssd. -enii 10h lIcil rheta dn Broda al ln he tenh. lncabeoxe et his traie, Taesaylelen bloqr, e psser] boit and Mr. Hitchcock was prearlent fi -i t hr uve nra.0ucl5c Milten-Orss Il; Evan 2bs; S. nigisî. sngle by pR15k psbed hlm home ibis meeting te diseusa tise qlaes- endedl the hride wacring plnkagrri e meet members ofCsin I Fay, lis; Staver et; Grenhe et; Me. Oteeey, candacler efthlie: Feellt efthlie elsîtors Madie on out- linoeerHnt ln tise Town-j emynriatl vthiihBs.gue Ceuncil avien meeting, Halton Ronal Sothnî Leage Melanon 3b; C. Foy c; H. McPisail Canadien National sny-treîgbî sanding cobrA ai rentre ns be wantj shk5s bise moiter oas ift over ilii ,sd hs,,si drcna cnd eacried blue s-van il uuroangcd. fils, Asoual 101h, Dmtal. aI P; Ruait s; Bois McPiaii et ln tise traie bld Provincial Constable AI hors deey toc R. Brsai., ]longthlie nrsî meeting. otns whbite carnations mlaxed avi lt e rm .0 ronig I Lwi le rday.Ags 3h 7tis; Ger-vais If in te eigistb; Mar-ILemen, tise train sens on lis ce- drie Arois-ala ouetIng $73.(p bcbysbueaeh. He- dIt tres the o-s reud, ce vees on readaîde. Leaville ai Dsags at 7 e-os sali et la seventis. Iur tr lip ftrom Barrie ta Hmil le lise riXth, Ansierson and Den and lise Rend bridenladns -ss e cîryal rene iseav. -, -n Pues--k MffcCnnnCi. Houston ansi Mtii, ton aven tise nbasslng loit place. Rysier remyrd heme olb Acteos Vsurer fr $îe 4,1.0srees- Ltle Judiths Ann Hrniep niece ot Lelees ftra Langden an yi- Garden Part avil te ieid -t tise Meonl.He sated ise bad heem reasiing 41hi cîsi S1h rus, Anderson ceunI- cdi lsd.,ls bride seos Ileaver girl andorth.b ahing for appruvai isy the home ef M. Reips Ford, Oteags, A By-aw t set he rtes i- bewor iaslog bille tatteto res bils erderm reeieed ai George- cdl on Massens single, Ryder loos A S-nvlhe ls ae , e ari qe t of dre. Tssnsb, Wil lise soueiiision- ai buadny A'ssgsl 1-'tu.Asie ' ie rurnînsi, af isooqce etsve ;e lim.Cuni viion DeTsogis Seltist Cluis. Asie teave, ansi oas about te place tisent dvanlegeai ut nose tiscos le sec- irainsi fer lise yeor 1948 o-as isue W inners for Crops on a tiliag spike beside tise sein- ansi ansi rame le. lise cequired cendegs uad pcýeau I. tiros and roses. Her gll1 va a SUrI lise Townsip Solicitor isetere- dîss et the caisonse sessen tise abet Thed seenb san Sîse.r ceeu-h A By-Iav wsea aise parse se- sg ing M. Hkcs Dy cing uny acîion. Bara Dance et Claude Piekella Competition of creur]on brecgs lise seindlea and tirst on J. WoteeiOses errer. tieg tise rates tee tise Sciseel Arcs den, hrolbee cf tise groom wsea Arreentz- paseed Includeis ont- Fores, Seenta Utc., 1%0 miles ]~ilon Fal ai egesin e Utcaulu cimse in bis Moacies loilYeavs sait avilis unsslbr ced lise cemaning Scisesi Ses-- braI mon and lise usisr sere xci Hositalo, Wendtor, $46.50; nerlis et Harnby, Tuenday, Aug, MitnF l ar ha.hbie Petllng Melceson ce board. liens. M. Ceri Nixon andI Me. Joehn R J. Loseli Ce. supplies $102.60; lOts. Mdernires Oretra. Ad- Ruask bongesi a single scenng oxerv- Tise qees In et dog tas %vas lis.- Riu-hardson. Tiseir gifta frees bbc Bu-h Telcisione Ce. 36.20); 1, M. mission 50e,t Felinaving aee lise sielrs fer gl eut bis face la a auntber cf 'VeyrnlA euiîuttsriuu-e u e ule en stnI on sesMassr pavolite Mes. Bclt sas ndcea, 01.10;y Peoai. -onyWI il eta lise Standiag Filds Cropt Centyrtit- plasue, Oteliessise se wsea unie - hY rese' I retirIng lise ut, preseet. _ e-snM-riu lydtiese-m ssuee n homeil ofosn HcsesW. Guy1 mot s lseo - ~ ~ h Ciride.istuce dsng msic- Her glît wsnaepaler ofsîr Asgst, $20.50; DepI cI Pus-bem tMo u elo Ion in Malt on eponseresi hy bisej 'A Cires ava pnsenuIr te rls eWlae eifsple es r-WdEra.Ags lh i* , jatnArclue oit.T ered. Clemenîs nlngied ln lise clgbl, e-este te tise Cir of Pesiecssah cig u etue er cslr enr-Wdrdy uutIls I2pu Malen gnieilralOeeety~rh -Oliser Isaloimen bld police 1001 avent t e ceson n abobs, R. Brous Tosip ouiting these Council te A savuepil !Or fou- lfsy garaIs aes ,it motherus ulo-anu-r, $251 18; Susmeeticg. Mies Colin,. lo- crapa oece Beaser DaIs and H. W. tbe 1ra-n oas pasuing ever tise singied. Mosoies Ilsird errer aBlos- mmcl the Noasagovp enl Ib-denbs ae tls sm a!' Gumivm ns lea ce Cern- ront, gumal speakter. Wed t eayvl Otae lise higis level bridge at 1Steaorttownea d Clempns. and Beush ie onî tc Tesenline orener cssaoceîîsg jtIse buides, parents. Tise buIdes 1missi on, $10,90; A, W. Benton,- obge wen tise sbenling ocrurresi. They whbite Foy avent te filst. ilil Wnt- Coanly R'Oad aI Lot 1si Nasinga-1msie r-leisenn lctIauîa 70 oinFn e Sec- Fun toc You! Tise Big Radio H. W. Richardson, Hilton RHR. 2, soid a cor wsea paries la te erisouse drepqeed a deIie ln rIgisî seyu, te Inspeel tise roasi. jaluon icre sîver pinb avrîr witie u urenee Ce. ipr'emîcm, $4250;- Non-Ohs.AlLclTinpretd 94%,; G E. Rendieed, Milton, R.it. conine but Investigation Iadicated nibeolng D. Brush ltenvre. A %ar- A reeeotisn oas pasaeias toi- essrse He renmsage ae wiîe lisee Naional Insurance Co, by Johsn Milton Cisepier I.ODE. 2, 94; J. H. Wiiintt, Milton, Re. lise occupants ocre ona o llshng ely by Meisîson Pusheot Fey andi loss: TisaI tise Resolullon at jnIy ced pisis carnatioea. Tise grom uremnium, $42.50l; Walter Luavrcc, -Prees t Eduealion and WeI- 1. 93; George Dixn, Miltuos RH. trip and dld net bave gent avilis Beuss homne. 11h, 1948, Rer pumebose etmlierasnee c r ny'ssu-oi Lot Ho 43, Steavarttcost. $650. 1,re Fund nI Foie Ground. Wei- 2 92; J. A. DIcos, Milton ReR. 2, Ibees. Box Score: R t E Keutrihbuli Hall bechags te 1uwee susBibne er-IR H. Thosepson mc iseatiag $1.120- and Tisuru. Aug. 11 nd 12 8.30 tReeton Gala> 91; A. R. Coiter, Forliser investigation bY Pro- ArIen ch1a0255n geesd1.5,iutaiet3.0 ts ns ceed n sage eit nh asi- - ce e Milin, ReR. 2, 901/2; V. E. MeArtis- aineai Constahle AI Lemnon indi- MilIeu-- ( 00 o4xu--. 4 -3 l e tle uedans a Peliig Sta whites crations. Moved -isy Reid, seconded by Les- rn2c ne, Milton, R.R.2, 90; H. Burhoid- caîrd ltaI bo 15-year-eld yautba Actes, Masters 3b; Morion lb; tien. For traelling tise bride ore h ie, bisaI rcod arceunts au presen- Glas-den Party CombIbellille te, Fronton, R,. 2, 89%; W. E. basil been Implicatcd ln ticiag lise Manaies as; Lindsay If; Foollît cf; Council adiaurami te ml an n goid coier gabardine nuit seitis cd by Read Superiatendant b te itcgonso audy Brecisan, Frontan, Re. 2, 88/.; guit. Tisey tld the otticer tiscy W, Walose et; J. Watersoune Auguet 3Ots, 1948 aI t.00 pes. matcsing bal ansd aay occessore. pasi, $3,64t7.24i. Corried Abst7th g19u8d Sonti STurney Mssaurice Boaly, Milton RH. 4, 88; ocre nhootlng aI a bird on soins 2h; Andersont C; D. Ryder p. Rer corsage wsea pinis and white Monesi by Reid, accondei by Les- ment - 3 p-m. Ted Whitiuore ansi -Allen Cilementa, Milton, R. 2, avoos an tise train pauaed by, but Miltan:r Cleesent eit; R. Bronshc Wisea cuttlag oct gactnentn une carnations Amid nhmmcra et cos. lie thal tise slamy a! tise Rond bis earleiy entcraiei-n tront Mn- 87%0; E. C. Fonter and Soas, Cent- titey iead no isnoilesie aI isittiong S. Fay lIs; D. Brouis Ill; Greaien aln C;s aie hna hr et nign essals cul ueitnagt 15.0pr n iIu îg o oprioe pislîile,5.. , 510 Jnta is trIe. Be mdialtreat- Stuor et; TMcanson 3bs; Evanu lb; e-hoppy aitrabe. lSsl places bleu letI isy moIne ona a trip Id Harts- num, rctcasctlve ta May laI,.I194t. Admission 50c.25e. Cisilde un- ]BreOnrisge, Milton, Re. 1, on; ent Mr, Storey eeturacd ta Ha- Ruask a& air-ain un tise aheara and gin.s a eca Ontarie. Ou thisl jroture thcy and tisaI a by-lase te pralcarel le des- 12 - troc. Casnpieilviie Sasa Mareop, Milton, ReS. 5, 85%0. miliwtea belishn troa. Unseleca, Mimia and Whitentan. mare aecurattiy eul lias. seul renie aI Tanaloy. accardance. Carriei. Womecas Insîlieute.

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