he alîuabiau l mpo Volume 89.-No. 8. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, ,JULY 22nd, 1948 Eiglsî Home Print Pages-Six Cents Milton Wins lrom Acton Exp)ortCittl<' !Barn Near Milion'FivelmInjured in Plc he nae Lose Out to Oakville $15rt Mo LOSi hatefoýhrdy Ee NerAco Duties Commence Now Wf lie cti emT u s a g Tise second car colilsion within Ten Runa nTO1111111 Ingat tand the fiddle. Andernon iting tald 83,233hasy tihe An a mntsoerdonSdaee Acton o Satulray Wonthe forJordon opped ut tQuant. nus orvHayof theGrainStckCQaatiakoutHacigisGrainlongkaatt lite oColnc aitHth rouofl Hem, f forn a forDaDEDD SATUTUDAY Actn onRtra o u obinson poppd. a01 Six iets tio cosirenmo ts ie tcer of lient line and thse Aeton Klilergarten in Miltn- AT LO)WVILLE Ftuefor Milton-0akville Rinon akd.Sehultia isittlog 1 Market and Meat Trade, Issueul by adSXPg Alo crossroalrEqeig aotc Wo amHMwth Arbie ranning for Ryder was the Marketing Service of th o nFrea m iemn ftn wkesng bou a rigLtwIHaeLgt' UNITED CHURCH WonGaie ereLat Wd-sale on an ercor. Snyder ittlng Domirion Department of Agrical- -peupie mere injared. Caca driven Iiiataled - Auguat 2nd le The wedding of Doreen D111cm newday by 7-1--Scliedi]e Fini. for Mowat kit lifto a fleldeens lar@, Ottawa. Pire tf unkosn origin tolailIv'y Jokn McCailoco. af Bell Bras. Proclaimed Civic Holiday for and Alisert Bovekan cf Toronto iahe thîi@ Week cisoie retirlag Ryder. Masters 0f lthe total, 29,897 mcme pore- destroyed tise large .iank bsarn en Service Station Miltmn and Wi. Mîanlook place in Lomoille United singled bat mas nipdoff second. isred. 0f tisme 28,248 ment ta tke tise farm of Jaek Hada mile ]lin Em of Orlon were 1nthe hr Stdahu.Mish> Indy aitci Salrda lant.n Misash MitnaTkirne: itn Ceet .n Mlo In rp rarngfinsi, iltn isetema Mito, lemal ~ United State, 310 te thse United ae.d a hatif, sontis-wesl of isece tlrass. Mc. MoCilin sstained loy Dillose of Milton mas hec ais- grasied off ten rans Ir îmo Evans. 2b; S. Psy, lb; Stover, cf Kingdomn, 797 te Cina and tise ce- ]ast Tiussray evoning. i aeain 0tefc a ek Milton cionneil met in regular toc-s isridesmaid and Mr. Ronald framnes 10 give tisees an even :ptit P; Clements, p in alist; MePisail: mailtderee sisared isy about 20 Six pige, a large qactily oi ond Mes. MeCallsm sufferod "s ni a tme, garne seriea Tast meois. c; Rask as. alother countiln montly In Soute isay, stracm ond grain wore onst sadiy isruised legs, Gordon Gib cillora V. J. Norris, F. L. Ccaw- A. Peinaen pertormed the cerems- tvisteOnetbtenteAmerica and lise Carlisiean ares. ins tise blaze. By tise lime lise MiI- isoos a passenger wsea est avec lord, K. Y. Dicis, B. G. MacNas, on0" it oseMllrpae Stwa is cnen semen lie Acten: Master, 3b; Morton, Alhoags isoot ratle and enIf ton Fir Brigade arie lise ku tise ift oye and isis mite sus W. F. Wisemel, and Reeve W. J. tise meddicgmatie. Tise meddlng Tate adtise Ccunly-Tamc- Tis; W. Walm-ise, cf; Allait lis, esPots te tise United States more iscrn secs a roaring Interne, and tained paintol iscaimo. Thir issiy Higgins more preset mits Mayor saPper mas served ln lise base- ers, p In lise norlis end cf tise In fietis; Lindsay e; J. Wateriscase restricled ticogisoal tish er ioîyctrtiero lpe stseony0 ntitcatoC* H. Heolop pcosiding.motclieisctsyieW- coanty lkst lise game mas -sitoosa 2b; Jordon If; Roinson, cf; Ry- cattie for daicy pamposes conntina- sentis apliete rso c 'sps. corope iasay WneIlia Ecar tf ie Fiac somitops mens o Aste cf tise cisthcis. ed isY a hisO nig grcap of fans. dec, ssfoll ;Lsns nIst rs ieiodrt iou- Thoel Firanm Mltonte at.dse mensnd Asrtonio outane ah tracy sos as* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ts follsein pc;ot forso pa -n__trssteodrate_________sowr o 3aik. ,ae nuy.WIIa leo Adrohtigi. rt;ber mf4,0 ed ntro u.igent 9e ilhe nSauda otActon 12 10il oli i tesn inslittig Sni"i; of4,00iedOrai, a. district sttrcted isy tire tire.on tise left side of fisls face. Ali m79 5 tseSiada ftcp isleSitidieiitin cnts Sydcbec cnd tise Maritimes procîded -ie R.d Westoin .m... .ame tis i.....d _$er 34.git79 NIi11iR tisey 'dropped a seven tile toi- sstîr.g I inth latisdir il o readbfoig mk amdth nue ee ruh A. Cutif Hoston, ce Bcl] Clsis 50.00 I M R A tiret mcJorrty ne dairyle ecttl to West Main Street, on soeir way ta tn and treaied isy Dr. Kenncy. S- neoday 7 te 5. We- Umpires, Wisitemcc snd Masa- exspert. 1 lt ara oho h aswr i a.e' ar, reMMse .0 TeSunday seü ql nicws Aco a ntediel etles. Experts et Mattle foc sîaagtîer ln Watermors . 671«19 iseid Satsrday afleroon at Mllen ton mas lan tis drvese tOr c h e ci allier cesatries neiode saome rMr. IHardy r'oold 001 acor riemaged isy tise collision ccd mccc Fire, Ligtrt and Police 70.51Pck ndssmetatrdd llietnofsesea te seo. rt'ien it, 001 001 073 12 10, 7 5,3001 to Nefonnidlacd and about foc tise ocîgin Of tire fiee. He sald toison tre McEacrtor garage.,Pran swelte.d. Miltors camne 10 bsat 'in lise elgti, Artort 101 005 011 9 6 1 80 te St. Pierre, fattl t tr ntesrw h praha hsItreto 'w aladPoet 9 m0 oe n r.W and dsricg tise singiaist sluiesl rr1oer s ofu oa lremd1 tr ats tas h ltrai tttsilreto 'IrisntHo and roigocy 14.5 Mones. o. Jociea aad e Mm. W. ofsne6,250 recai exporte(r. o nd secs; c mars ut floe immod- is isady oisscuced acd t.ils Is tisePrnioadColgnis.dtrJncofSicgnmoegsn 'rhette sohe forits aIlh inti expor 7bffTO 1;ite . A nemirer of igse 'mmo. .. c t eii sp Streels and Walko 132.98 ef Mrs. C. Beidgman on Monday. oatisatled~~~~~~~~ tise Avelueen ofit al OAI6VILL ex e ocr andc as, 'll ac selti tie pas metrhop- e rtAgst65 c dMa .Crtcgs e choir osen isilly-maek. Tise Osik- pee ttce parti ohlatmnh eie o uui6.r ville gamne mon c more vedlale cf- A test minete rcîîy la tise sistx roiedlrlii iewr a ass oei $1 pa tesd M.inrre .Catrgh [ n eenhinng ald a'aciwt bot$9million rm, _______upl ndote ternei homo on Saturday aftor fairwit nethe clu masin, 146. mÇdmens.91,046.40 spending some lime at Calecder. faore mils at ins dtming and ;)aevecl intricsfed te on 6 rrlmao.' Couneit sîses motion of Court. Mr. and Mrs. F Hamilton and more in Ttire sns odscn t top in te loam l t nlrme ile n ______ Memiter. rr tire Milton Pire Sors>e NoLte cillort D'r and Nrri ment oeo Jomne. and Mca. J. Galbrcaith vis- ing Ilrsan a gei thcouisî topn le genam mils Ostsviile.Biad ad rcksto meis Madraisali lgnîng hat d eO t e. her l tea Wed er bet THWEDD GINDEI matci Briga ln tesisd net0 sy 10 Il The~ CJiortis ICmmiltee of tire Wirole tn con- ited Snday seiit Mms j. Hamil- Neihertem mre ise t INWEDIN RE sIrslitt irefir dd cl pcead. rider ire reportsofc tire Standing ton attse Edmund Narsing Homo theas aonsi Dicis Cemt iAo. s ord uni Ovlelne laaipg tenre p-os s noroandlng Commilînes. Cosocillor Nocris wses ai Weston. tis maaddale aIAton screocîl nicilo aaedtmc PARK CHURCH I tire hbarn seere e'rtinguslaeiir B aei nr ielde i iecar mis nigMlo ent dosen arrosa thre plate la hteis hori -_____ v yJsp itrRteg ntecar Dr and Mcs. A. Peery cf-Sos- three In arow. Ciernnt grounde! frame.riremicores.llPire CisienfSRandail 'rirealsî rcvaîes.î RiselleThenprcmmsa-t AecItern commn-lireeDeparromeethtonpavlsitedn TsosdayTu eceningen mils.i - Firl inin-Miîon trae. fi c oefloee t O sdy June lie 261 i od il wsa trtuatc tiere as anuteldiytrescetiaIieetHgrcs 115isIioyg-M adMs.CBigmn otisecnd a r. CEvens grone'tr fitir 10 sicosl pst tise game by tire Hec. Dr. Stanley Russell, catri.s mr pra i remmaiîs t s elie tan arre ofrc ilas ted Conal h liaI is M. nd Ma. C. Srimnli. c oIscn10 first vanagoc on ice isut tise tlghisng spirit la- 'tise mareinge ma oealc aaatr at.d w.mckc cse o tire comnist arguen haove s e rude cdg nih Ste uel m al te Mr.l iand ber. Gisnclain nds cf est Momat 0i-t, ad Sien dirated tire iccals mece lo tisere,' lire Ciaelo oemrnied i pres er cd crieraa tcrr bc yw iarn Aso ce res s oar Tsymc iln aTraadIcs Fay pneped est t0 sisor;. seien tisey fînîised 7 10 5. Higis- jCisarei of Kathierine itube-, vnga. rîtrotae iiar rd e t-a Shinrude brige o l f Stie ecso i e.d McI havd Mee. Jiaig Hait th Masters malired. Morton seaIked. ligisi cf tise gome mat la tisa 51k, ' daogisîr et Mc. acd Mes,. Wal-er ,,'ire liest estrilne o of lefl-taned cisos Noar i ge ret-wsP p e cunt ofeee 1s fl the ne Maln m ackiamilWetan Watoritoase walked. Lindsay ap- seien Markey smased! s isomer Laidlos Ellit cf Milton, te Ed- frrsoe ad intlise e, fat ro ti felrvetO On ets icmsrtmaiioaintes ohrs o1)lgCuelwre terappyOu 1e M a nsclbaithe lie se- oned 10 ow C Jmn. aeraos an.r mil wm sceso.a sin Moegan, son cf tire laie Mc fee ao'ay ciaughtltire ami isîazcf fattrIocetsproin t tI no riawftsi 0 cdaKnei on is lscseJ.Waemsors tn- Fient Ianing-Kiliam POPPled te and Mes. Ge0orge Morgan cf Abrttnhy.Ios aiordn 001Ss i lounre tsed becerng of 1 Anepuato fro tierivdooalyo lts 1948o aIdo lie mnd. oeil. Jeedlon flied oat 10 Clemeal. Stor. Fay. W. Galbrmaitis, pOPeppcf een. Abe-ollaad.y I ac groind tefirt. olezkawaledWa' Te bide gien n mrrige ySa, cactialty ececcd isy irserance. c'rrntry il secs orcpted rs'li ur.4- iTrcde mere present te diseass'Nurnie.g Homne ai Weslcn. ed cal second te first. Crenise Iens cingleS. M. Pollock hIsi nIca hec ireolter-ic-Iam Dr. William J. @aleoing nduw"r C nc tesabsh ntf gcoanded shsort 10 fiest. Seusis s ticîder's choice eeticing Wci- Gardiner, mccc goeso1c-TH OL-RE aprovl. o kindergartn. Tise oard al In nomrmer, la lire eock and lces ga-nanesi scond l fîca. ens ptaiaium irise crepe sertr soc' Ont- fervent concert hon cemeed Trade isas lIc.ervicewed tise De- empire cf lise polar region the day Robinson gcosneled second 10 Clemenîs singlesi. Evans sacrilic. isluc arrcenories. Hc orgeIN ATc S OG' t:arcc n10scec , p., ni sd l frmcoaegdi. irh firsl. Ryder groanded Rsi te cd te asicance Clement. S. Fay twas iral mas la naturel tone CHURCH. GEORGETOWN seiti tise Prrtituori and ml., milstise, hdail]Inrm to n a ou. ir.gby kn Fay. Mouret fcnr,,od. poppesi tIr centre. Slocer gratina- and hec corsage o"ns cf oreisirus r e ci. lc cx delrnitencs, isinioun- Driverlihen f ie he Tisrd nnig . Cceas oppsi d scod olicl.andi reIro roseirios. S t. î;~~.Asgtiron Circi. ird tIr ivrtiinosesonc.ugetdtsItseCnclal la ouIs on d~bI. ePtoi scged Second inr.ingý-Mniisy secikea. Aller o reeporn et tise isome' iir-rrgt-Iu% n, iris th îsr ring ce idoîri crie'On c rît sal smogs Meetin aflrscsel Bad Ransk siaglesi seoring Gervais. R. Pollock pcorped te MePisal. cf Dr. anti Me,. Glardiner tIre Sartîrrtit, lui> 1111h tr lise mer- umil] uvdroitrdy recuit. are,' EsolAsoito, rv r I Clemeat mclised, an McPhiri wsea TueS fcnncd. C. Galbrraiths ment irride and groom Ift on arr reririi f ilsttir Kothîrsaf- F'y-i thre r'straiit Marshsalitor i;I oerai of rade and lise Coancil N ro nipped ai ltird. Ecans poppei dloua r.oitrgrtg. Iccrirt irrneymorin tri a'itiornia. roI5y iitIr of Me. and Mci. IruiIr i.re.lrigie ir tht- dcce rlr'.hetJ . Cuei N r o E c ouIteIirst.oand Sien Fy dve Blinro poppcd 10 lirot. Melar- Onr.-bifrrstuenrlresS.uir.Id Frr'ri Fryrcf il tretrosen, n(oin irscf 11- -tugirslv or ifrnnt-nI. icui e th nile-adas'e deep fly te loft Mosteca grouat. srrnu'ovt doe mngn c nhrsriî i Walter Noisle, %o. of Mm. a'rrr urr"t tire dtrir t tie l fyra ie m1 Walerisose scalises. Lindsay Tisird inning --illom tioglesi. sFGHuldoe 'lis isciri tchesq siree out ofirn tritîreiî cin i'- osn ga-cuoded sut tis- te firsl sos- W. Colbs-ails it vIs c fielde-, JFILIENDUNFSN cru o of uitie duceircs stin wim i , r- cOr)tisr'd le ire, ce ire olli ce- 'ini ofteSho or.Trc-tukb ni iog Mos-ton. J. Wnteriscuse fan. c hoice celis-ing Cilloco Toletzka crain. Hec fioger-tl) vert was lire rad ruile pssviisy disnoîîmu. Mr. Masos cf Nraton ayned as as lpe ced. s ngle. Wallcns tonneS. M. Pou- In thc chUI dayri n muns court- ' i'rrugtr hy l rîroe rrsdres' of asnltcer radrsldullst', havce divop- M.Msno ot a ee ad Cr lpe Fous-tir nning-Stover grounds lirei ment tate10 -u atrjY ire, on o h peýII w r,-d -rt-ls Hte aire,.', secs frim- tirae anS h Isý,ne will bcmade uresent tri interview Couneil ce- aFreight Pasei tirtsS1 fis-st, Crenke pepped 10a sseifgivg isard. >said Ia-so c sicmu-nrrleeale vîrîiri sedr uîth tlsce medalirons and tise tri rîp;îeu'îcefol andi unteîoifl.-d gas-die.g tise positin cf Police sisort. Beosit Sove o grouadr, C. Foy oioglcd, but mas latte of rorinîsiîy about tirs neigitirsr1 s-irie S-us rît fine nylon net. Maine oe TeeI a hasiilt Ciflier.cse ofHmlon Crord.DleDnas rv Momal 10 tiraI. r.ipped. Ross gcouoded short t0enuece san nolising moîticous chout. îltouti -a', a c-rade cf pis iris- foc, 1ha1 tris defeerion mîgirs tue, armntr l sne memberocfee cf hraulage trucks iad a cas-row Jordon groandeS Gervais tn frss. Clemeol pcpped 10 algisI.1 il, but tisey sere J051 inlos-esIel es o-rlh mardr a trs tes-n anS mais te oupear in a litre-saving Concil, but mas unaisle 10 be e-scape tramn injary Tusaay mora-. Play. Robinsson mss alf on Croc- Fous-li Ianing-Mcisey malised. li match lire dOingsof tilie peopue mouaca. Ifssîre. os pas-t of Soviet ple tlqresent aitie meeting.I Se's ormer. Rydes- malised. Momal R. Pollocks popped te second. Tues as-osaS tem, anS rpecuîaîe amlour rsduit-ri g cremony set ossiî n tise cxvomptinn liraI mab.namd h ing mas la collinion mils an oeast- maîked. Masters maiked. Robsinsn 519se--aeled iliearing the bases. lireir cvalu ocîlvîsies. Tise lifte peefored isy As-rcideuaon W. C. ssris challenge seaw o u Tuc 1 Couriiloro Dinh anS MacNas liraI hourd Canadian Pacifie frelgst mac nipped ai the piste. Morton W. Gosalith grountied second t acrouni temn scs an IrA-ereling C. Tstmpson. Duriag tire signing îihs more trieniuy attentlion cf tue tire Counchl engage Mr-. D. H.triaiheAdso osnga fanneS. tist drame 10 Item. and tisey OkeS 1a ofthlie cegister Jars Ceiciston piay-'Western Poseers, sa liraI he mighi ann as ehe otplc Iasi sort distance ment cf Miltan. Octisi itng-Cêvais tfanneS. Ecans doubleS. S. Fay poppet match itsternscSlc' ia p.-c "Oh! Perfect 1,5. retire Soviet as o 1 aluu s-& osyc$1,8W0 per an.nua, fils ses-1Inetscagasing uflicer Provincial MOPsail hlacheS a docile. RuskIt [!ris-t. Stover's it melired Evans. pice aid. Tire mat- c hou,- Mes. riltar scseiog dims.vion amcngivied.t omecfcisli.Ca-CnaseAIL osiSisfrt meonden Moam e ingi . Clemeot Brsi islg.fcScs ma Along miss sehasecce euîrisy Emmanuel Kara of Limesose, them. o id f tise trucs mas in collision mils gronde Mmat10tîssi. doer.smngigsame Peuple manifesteS aisoui cousin of theo groom mas gomnel CtO tisese rour-ses tise lis-st wold 1ooi fs-c larite oas rd of the teientais, The n trivrse eiticthe W. Watecisouse fanned. Lind- Fifls inning-Toleika sealiser. tir neigiýours un tire old finme in btuc nylon oct ocer lalleleta c ie opoas, " eeva slaing liraI tse pari fTae'mnn cah ng the 01 0lt 00 aecsf eimc say singied. J. Watersouse saee- WalIco ainglei. M. Pollocis kil, lom, lirere mccl miss il a vss mlsh iseaddresis of forget-me-no TrIts sll volrs5Ic ccd cala hu'; an Main Street mas neacly eeady four 'clipçe a portion of tise track. ficed. JordSan grosmded cul le lise !rise a fielder's choice s-elirisg, amousî of nYmPasisy aSd ieIpful- ccd nylon net anS mcd roses, semilo rnercaxingly unsound Insarance paring. Cooncil mes-o t0 order tise Tise lmPact lIaced the tracks ag- shsort stop. Toletzisc. Mackey mss-seS lise pOul veto, If ayoae mac sicis, lises-e carnatinancd maider haîr ferau. eiisk. Ttils tire ment probtable bec. sirnet lighis ta be InstalleS sun ainsI lise guard ralsn at that point Slxlk fining-Stan Fay las-eS foc a ceng h1. rauading lise oagn, more mar.y sCfers of iselp, anS pe-r- 'rie bisedes-maid, Miss ESna Aihen, ecare, la suggestisg tire possitnilrty Irslo.of lise rrosang. cal a doauble lifter Evans groand- for a home cun. R. Polick fan- pie mece mas-m In isoler expressions mcv; similas-ly allia-eS anS aIse of ,ven mincs- resaIt eomn lthe ml; Ms-. Clif Houstn a preaenl, Tise drive- Issis police, ho kassg ed cal Stocer grousSeS second 10 Oeil. Tucis fanned aise. cf sympathy. Peuple seemf- crsrieS o bouquet of ced t'oses nrf Moseos ire han, ps-nnidcS a rally- riscniir.g lise CoanelI for tire a- on for 'dear ]Ife', ioping aotking firet. Crenke banged ouI c long Melarsan maike4i Macsxnlal ond togeliser isy close lies of issuvordia and maiSon isair les-a. 1isg poie.t aboust seics atier relue- sistace ceceived for lise Young Iserious moald itappen, as the triple 10 smore Fas-. Brus tanneS. popped t0 firI. C. Fay geaibbcd a friendist1. Tise Juior bs-ideamaiS, Miss tuaIt satllites migt possiisly gah haoll ployera. IegiIaeopdb.Ts trn Thi ma Accea bg înig iir utfomed eltto. Rsi <a- - __________ Marie Fous-nier cousin ci tiseer. Aieeady tise-e iras bccn mse Amto spsreiy Mscal ttpped c.aseby . aS Tishre trinr coutl Oive Cimos Roýisi na d,. POTAI(s PREIr'VaEN('ES bride mas drescai la pick nylon Iran tai faBla l is A Higin calirorea Ihe MaNabs- rie b a and tk e crng misre donisIed. Ryder ga-osoded Ces-cois -iti Dnio . Caîts-oJis net oser lafl5etg mSs r maleiig Socs net inciade Rasola, no- hure'ýt acat Mondcy Aagut JaS lise- found tisa driver annjaced. te Fay. Momal malisesl MaclerstalîteS, but mas nippeS off second. In o recent soee in tbe Usit- 1pinis iseosdres' andi cardeSd a Ls s- hec bicssing.10eotm fanneS. MortonsningleS, sccricg a' 1Cillom popped ta Ieft. W. Cal- cd Stores il mas fonS lthaI Iseive gay sut omeel Incas. 'WC"i Hoaliday inclpen. may Milton of 0 , E nai damao. te rc itroce. W Watechose malised os itsaitir popped te Sten Fay. ruIc1iite csmr 'n ei edsa ss o n loltoser nSouIstt m e fpromtn A Miltor max set ht c$nra0e. D. Clemonsloosk ocorthemond. Spsul rcplaeing Clemnen: mas sier therrioiyrothrr50~~lr sctesemaal<rsfi R duss bistel d mss cf ost Anl s Icssyls Lindsay mas note on es-ror aI 1 mlt 55 a pilcised hall. Evans suce se price tut plitalcs loa -at lsetFu-is.I elnaearyilîea ido n r mate teo iedncr centre, ced scoroS on an error au iagc.Sc sir-glesi b.ut fousl lthaI se p-iresof ol Thlie grarumo gifI la lthe bidne face, mat scove tit lthe Sefeel- Th oso aligmeao lise plate. J. Watersouse fannei. orcesi Evans. Stocer doubleS. quatity poatoes os-e higs allaut ma aThqlt cclig otlouslms ioteayfrie ie jobcel mas oe to ed don C nifEvet Secisoli ianing-D. Clement Beusis iangei ont a triple. Me- 12 sercent of tise ronsumEýl. isuy in alligatr lealiser. The rideos Il Coix lieeieceltItsemlienBoeMcasahdprmaios groundodse acond 10 first. MePitail lOOOciOsingled. Marosall maliseS. es, mut se prices deetIne Orly iI s ieoomsa i Il iy nrf emmunsm milSth sliis ar Bruce MleNa seas onrtission' singled. Rs5fanned. Clementpopss Melosson, mas cougit, as C. Fay 20 tuer cent of tire pesple bun otîit Tise gom glIci the Ruarsian iras ehallengesi lise mîrlul, of lis cison vl repaira coald ho .. uonre ofo Meetîn-4, e d o mt t s gcdnt re h ns t go- P ~ h fl i g a i o r o e ~ ~ i p r e l . m t o n î - ro o m sa sg olsid a ni s a s : coin. Il a an i d c t o m atie. T ris perm ission m ao g ran t- f e -i e w th a mini tim rchae Moa rdoasndesi Rise on op MaSeyet ta n.-aln 'R.- cr. lise n44t pe cenntî tisarnper aig adt cbiei'ha iet s silamreptn d paS out te rigisI. Ryder fanned. pesi ta thIrd. M. Pollocks maiheS tisoagi uirices as-e cases, mini lu morsn strings ru t c iot Strcailying ccp tison any la thc A meeting of tire Industriel antI Mowt gouned ecod t fist.Marey anred.R.Pollocks maiS-, milhsrussîînesi igis prires mos-e Imas rceevesi a moll et i li s canuse li seruldsiucensier fee- Planning oaIS secs ta o selSi Rigisti Ioning-Milton hit lise cd but mas Inter caugisî et the l5ar. 5(t pser cecI seilu resioce tisei- ailiers lies ansi rie clips. rî:îm tIr gain any aliter possible seins o ror te go ocer lise Field Day anS Cardon Party, Jatck-pot isore miss eceen mec tais- plate an Tuck secs sfelo nc- pr'sso Abtrr eigisly guesis 51snser,- guruS, building sy-lae anS recise it foc Nassagasecya Peeshye-lae Cisaci, Icg' a tara sminging tise ickory. roc. t________ e a medding tuppe- at tihe honte. prsci dy tndrs.Thrd______t, omHrnl Snel2s Evans and Psay aingi. <as-cois holting fer RaîSk No one ra ire cour feelings' of tise bride. A raislegeami of cors-I FRnNTLLRSRCP Aresnt eay alamdesfo. Tpurs- y Jo nt ais-295,Tm am Stocer anS Crecise maliseS. Seasi groussies GalbsraitJh ta tirot. sertioar youe cosent, geatlaaions acnd gond miises fs-osain TîEELRSR~p siqiy o ai o a-Inelcacr and Ciemenla si-giesi, anS Mc- Sps-aul mac sale misco Galbraiths Wiiloavcn, England mac s-cad. FOR LOVE chasing a lot anS chosIag a atreel Pisail grasseS 001ie a îasîy lisee fumitied. Evans doahied. S. Fay lire bicde's montoer reeciceS, mese- A - ce t tiaI store ansi apuelmeet BacDceICaSePkta itaggcc 10 elear lise bases. RavS poppesi 10 nSort- ig paie geen fîsmeet net, seiltu youog seoma mise feored sise reOul bse iulît. Br ac iCad iiet fanned. Clement papped 1e fb-rsi Stocer doublcS for lite odwht uceolsad craeo ma'lsn le ubndsafcio ssiOrElotrpoti ht eat evnhLre % fle Stan Fay singlesi agafi. Sto-ce' lime in tise tome mcos-ng Imo NO PAPER NEXT WEEK m1 eceoa-eocd osg o msurig e ia ontiser ofea thellelortm E ail r epteS s cisa F orm Seeni r, lirday mile, men dser' minio. re s-asmas-e. Bruss ment clown swing- rRTISEAG.S dose g The c lî s mter-e asis tng itrou he sa mo I ppeocal on lise ires-caseS entsale 271h. TMdecnalres Orchestra. Ad- were~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ chle-p lojre it lc cesrejmbo, lise tes asivixed- Cet a of tise cOat cf sanilccy aelrs mission 50c. u mora igled. Robinso hi ta Theec milhns blaekle accessories, b n Isu o Stover. Rydor mont doma swing- axý; W. Galbraiths, lb; Toietzha, tise Chtampeion an .July 29tit, Talismaneroxes. Cats mes-e pmes- nic hc.Siea no adwt h ln n xetdt beiol Car e ccPar ye Jeu sis ing. Momat gesunded second ta cf; Wcliena, e; M. Pollock., cf; 1Tise offie iii clse terrir- est lromi Tarante, Hamiltons, ruhblise mccl on hids iocf Tt. chie te cal] f'or tenders akort-. of Loweville Y.P.U. aI Lou-slle fltat.Marey,2b;R. ollck, b- uck ro niht i 6osm and tnt ILimeosadAtr Put or. peppe- ansi sait, ansi roaI Ccsneil decidei 10 holS tise hol WensaJI 8. MinIs lninI-Miltor.' camne taeck If; D. Galbraiths, p. re-apas util Tuetday mer- Tire bride chose, for tcartlIIing, fie Dp on ai litsc amps caf Augast meeing a of A ugt onLca1alnsis.cria n alcong mils Cronke aingin Milton: Clement, ;rf; pot a Ig iaugl id. T 1se ailer nacy bitte emepe Ses mils mhile I iser- Scash ningleS as Crenke mac In fif15; Evans, 2b; Sloer, et; a staff min etijey ths ai- accemsories. Tisoy plan a Ivre meois u Ind o apmigs of paealey aIo ailto Park. in i .f nIppeS at second on Cemeni's Minoce, If; Scosit, If on fccrth; taimd nislaler lnelda uIn motortrIp liseaug noc-hern on- anS gel itim la eat If.' U. S. APPLE CROP sacrifice. MePil mope t, lotý Meiaacion, 3h; Marahall, p; C. Sia pe.eId Th tario. Up-lsu tsnn Ife diSas n.. ma- imra .A r od