Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Jul 1948, p. 8

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TMURSDAY, JULY 1519,1948 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE EIGET Nticeis il Ileib, Miriste aid Deah. area Insetin athis enumis silhiai carge. la MmsarisaNoticesa pi. ad 0, r li* additiinal fr metrnyi. Crde BORN PATI7ISON - Mr. aid Mca. Thomas Patterson are happy ta anaunco the arrivai ai their daughtor, Ethel Mue, ai Jssiy 8, 194, aI Mount Hamilon SHospi- tal. DOED PEACOC-At St. Janepha MHos- pitl, Toroato, on Fa'lday, July 9 1949, Joaaph John. Peameti, 8 14th St., New Toronto, hunhaisd ot the laIe Eliza Jane Stephen- soi, and dar talerorfaIMo. Gladys Swaekhamer. Stewart aisd Harold. Funeral service mas Soif aI Chapel of Gardon McNab, Miltan, Monday, ai 3 p.m. Interint mai in Evergreois Cemetery. INf MEIORIAM BAILEY-nln org memory ot a doar non, Richard John (Dîrbi Baltey, wbo passed amay, July 201h, 1940. Sadiy mlsod by Mans and Dad. PEDDIE -lanlaving memary of Harriet Poddie, Who paaaed away, July 13, 1947. O)h, hom patient in thy suflering Whon no baad cmuid givo 1h00 eaao, (lad. the helpor oI the ihepless, Sam tby pain aid gave thee çpeace. Ever remembec by brother Haig aid ister-in-lam Fia. CABOt 0F TatANli Mcm. William lacblacb iabon ta thank er triends aid aeighbhra and the staff of Miltai Pivato Haspital, lac the carda. flamers and kineuaou receved during berre- cet iliress. Mr. Harold Pol dultes ta tbank al is lrlitnds aid organimanu for iidnesues, crds andfliowors re- celved during hsurereflt ilneia la Mltai Private Hospital. They more vecy mucb appreciated. Mc ,Frederick Ournar.- isSes 10 exprens ta ber msoy fInonda, relu- tines and neghbhrs. bec boîcîleit thanhu and apprerlatian fr acta of kidness, messages af upmpatby, and eautiful floral tribales es- tesded ta bher Inber cecent sod Se- reavemoit irthe Ioss ofaIaru huuhand. especialip thanhmng the mombers ai the Canadian Logiai, Brancb 130 aid Rev. Gcay Eakinu foc bis comiortînt mords. - Brevities - --Civir holiday lu Ima meebu ram Moday. -Warbmen made a nIant ai s 150w addition ta Milton Rlgh Ochool tis moek. -The district misood the boavy cas that moro otteeriernOf Is many plamas aver the week-end. -Misa Betty-Jo Wltimott bau qpaased ber Grade 9 Toroita Con- aervatocy af Muic eami.ation witb hanaUrS. -Theosuuscclptlaa priceofaithe Champion la r.ow 92.50 par yOar in advanm aid ingle copies are 6c eaol. -A rlssbacb plant In the gardon at the Douglas tone ai Spepulde bau beaves on Il that measUce 3iih fot is diameter. I la a fino largo speclmeis. -Shades ai the pacst mece ce. vived Sso.day oveniag aI the cour ci the ld Stase Htel, wben Ima yaung tllawu entered ita a psg- hlte cmteat. Ye, thero wau a winnec. -Fuither mark In connectias wiIh comodelling oi the Miltai Arena gat goder may ysterday. Cotraclar C. G. Riddell la ceoa- la.g caaalderahlo oartb lowerisg the surface laulde the building. -Wock bau agala started on tse Parking lot apoasored hy the Milton Board ai Traite. Trucks wer# ta ho seen runinglai.regular intervals yeterday, rarrylsg MI1 ta maSo camp autheisoentrante. HARTLEY-SHIELDS RUNION IN BAY CITY, MICHIGAN Twoisly ai tbe Hartiey-Sbields Clan tram Ontario atteaded thir iraI Re-urian in Bay City Stato Park on the Saglaaw Bay, an Saturday, Jsly 101h, 1949. They meco warmly rcelved hy one hua- dreul and lorty relatives, and the weatbnc. Thaso f romt arosnd Mli- ton mre:-- Mr. Peter D. Hart- loy, Mos. N. C. Wrigglesmaortis; Mes. Jlm Bromscridgo; Mc. aid Mci. Harold Caulsi; Mc. D. Hartley; Mr&. M. Stardp; Mc. aid Mrs. Jo Hactley; Mc. Gilbert Wriggleamatb; Misa Norma Ev- an.s; Misa 1105e McRlaaon; Mc. Frank McKerr; Mc.aid Mes E. M. teafboad. Aiis a ou TOWN HAEDWAE - - . -... .- . .- - 1 . 1 TRHE PROOEaBuvz TOWN Tamn arae oten urged ta be progreaaive, and ta keep iui wltb niodern ideas. The questian may be anked, au ta what a tawn han ta do in aider 10 b. cated as pro- gresslve. The spirit of poagresa might hc deftned as a doucre ta keep up wth moderntrnsa, and ta beep mablng Improvements, ta so foc ai these may ho practîcal cocsideriog the reoourceu and size ofthlie coosounity. New projects might ho suggeted that woutd be admirable toi a cammuLity if tbey could be aftordod, but whlcti wauld be too coslly for many cammunt- Good practîcal judgonent saya that people shauld 001 ho aatlatled wth thinga jut as they wece Ia theolnd days, and abaald ho look- ing for gainsanad Impravements that are reaaonably withîn their coacli PRACTaCAL JUDGMENT Praclical judgment la a higbly valuable qualiiy, and thte quesîbor. may be asked as ta liaw Il cas ho devoloped. Il tnseeata be very beipful In developisg l, Il ipeople have humas eontacta. If they meet many peruona In work and business aad social lite, If tlsey ou- change bleas witb the people they meet and ih triendu and e.lgh-, Skunk Feasts Oii Turtles Eggs Driving along the causeway at Long Polnt , Labo Erie, at danska Toroe.-to amateur naturallat atal, ped bis car 10 match a tacte 20 teet away la a sand pochel, sol- emniy ullending ta ber egg-layingi fonction. Direcrly beid bera huodssme obunk uwited the dia- ncc gong uith philosophie pt- ience. Tise gong dld e.t soundi durlng the intrusion by humas oy- es, but notlsg the pine-onclosed sareA pooket earefsly, the natuala- lt celorned an bouc later. Toc- île aad abunk alibo had depacted, ar.d broben egg ubelîs more the oniy relies ta tel] af the suuibi feaot on trlctly fresb eggs. On the same Long Poit trip theobo- servor toand turlleu enpectally numecoon. Snapplng biltles and îpotted lucîlea mere soon; palisted map aid Blandingu ludtion, an.d only the soit abeil specles falled 10 jis the parade on the nandy beacises. Tbere ls a fanclnatlng dlsplay of luchles of Ontario wlto- n the Royal Ontario Museums, and il mas Irornsa study of that eoubit 1ha1 the observer mentioned ond he Identificaton of the spoclea ho saw mucb ulmplified. Il lu not un- usual 10 fiad as many as 30 or 40 cgu n the cudimcnlary "nest" of a lochle. BANK BALANCE $211.50 Wr misS ta Ihank aIl wtio conlibuled ta nake ibis bousno hy talai over quentiaumi CONSUM.P-ION MILK, fond o sacccss aid mc assure you 1h01 ait maniescotte ai mandurl aid mach and daliy life nwo nteftr ilb sdfrterle fd6rs and rammunily affaira andi nation- CHEESE INCREASED ad iam or i 5efpeoe inSeurcdor uiberlcly îarn aI polisy tbey are lIkely ta develop IN AUSTEALIA, NZ.afsfeig<fpol aarcmuiy gond Judgment about lite aid af- - Sec.-Trea. MES. JEAN RANDALL taies. Casnuamoar. af fluid milS bas Chafrinsa, A. R. ELIOTT Tbey boar ail aides ni mmny increaued naliceahiy over pro-mac1_____________________________ questions, aî,d are îîtcoîp to foi-m pyasbth la Austrlla and In practirai Ideas. Their judgmneal New Zealand, In Austrlila, ai 230ý s vecy vabuabtheiococuspai- pinta per persan In 1946-47, con- ionsand ommuity lf umptian bas increaued Sp 22 per, mss nd rmmunty le. cnt, and le, Nom Zealanf at 305 pinsaper peesan in 194, Il mai mWe Have A OBANIG~ noariY 39 oper cent abece the pe OBANNGJB ar peurs 1934-38. Chooae roi- LargeS1, to of sumptian bas uino Increased In l (Sl-to terBone Cho a CuarpsokingSaucrersýt foc omployment for the sommer On the ther Sand, buttec con.-3 M Chn'R p & Sncr A go many are flnlsbing beli sumptislt Sou derlined by 23 per edciin ad wilbe eady ta go cent In Ausralieanud by soariy 27M ta or pema.etly Smemay l perroent in Newe Zelaif. Hom. à Set- The-o in (Our Window bc asbing wSat tbep cas do la gis. e eer, isulîroside bulles- foc oupant M a tavaurublo impression an tboy l Great tiriloin ibis duirp produrt M:/i T. [, okS tor jobs. 55 ililil aisned in bath cmuntriesIM s, laI a LEV ais A goof or excelent ceoord In1 -'Iti s oaper persan meebly heir scbool or colege mach ooesa bcghe ration Ini Aotraia and, long way la holp Iboni. htbyegtossnNmZals.*U base fane tbeir studp taihs wmou, Flid cream 1tua, is nlY suppiied M $1 2 a hm I is asign theymwlUgo wel in odotreorde. m a mhatevec thoy undertabe. The Tbeso cositiosson butter aid ALSOu morS tboy bave fane In any focmn- croosmuy bSeIn part the mue- Iheni Tise Younsg peple o!fr=nyf]Uid ilk aed chsutponui] gise a sery tavoscabie MPresIon mîymneit and ncesdfamlp* A u br yWalm rrrM isk Ibyba o achnd an aapsrrbasing power ire saturaI p a aMmor Seleve thoy ii ail fiîd g=oopaplr-resuisiilofor a swing troni aie M poclonilies. tîroduet la anaîber. InVariouShapes * Irîeed f rom î$1.29 'SUMMER TIME'S TEA TIME..!-_ Norrington'si mi : . : Confection-ry and Gi ft Mh MAKU UT RIONT ... Nom that iammer's bore tes, bot or iced, in the frinS mail people ire tarsiig ta. But altbougb the formula for goof tes jî aa olf ni tSh' bille aanaimplesA.B.C., masy people tibl do not ksow hwboniIimuke a taty brew. If yon follom Ibeens itructions canefully van sbonld bave no fuolber fuliholtys pcebcnt the teapat, meunure aie teaipeastul ifte t acb Ieaenpful 0f mtor (wish muat Se fresh nd reiuîiy bafiig), afd oie teaapasfnl of tes fan the pet, ateep lve minutes, nid prevo, yau'ri reify for tbe rfresbing sip. Ta ktop thi toupet muesa, gandsau used atesaeaay. tt'aetill agood ides. $ERVE UT ICED ... Wtb the Ibermametir in the g's and 90'o, tbere'o notiqnite iki ak long tiakling glu.. of iced tea. Teoaffset filutionn musa f p meia fieY:iashouIf makre tbe brem fouble trength, Seing snni if ecnuas taouhili g tr ands toep far fini minutes. FUI tllItglasi il sisbef oriuie an d peur in Iresalsteepof tem. Uanetri ni mites pauring. Asif tngrasulated angar ta olaebifar.ponring thf tea, ar suar aye. p aflerfer. Garsiist tb tImalie if leman, edd ~~f misS if pan like, ansi tiare il le, an icef feink ta deîight PRINCESS THEATRE MILTON ONTARIO Thursday, Friday, Siaturday - July 15th, 1601 7th ksRadw's 00" MsOA Io... Thona IENEDONNE. se.GEORGE STEVENS.,. Ndo i 1REMEMBERN~ BAIBARA SEL SEIlES 0.4. SCARMOMOLKU UP nIN w-t .ShII 110111 HAMOWICIE - [QUI 1(100 - Rouf ALLFI - IlIRU S'EIL Ubtie pOtame ia, asOiits iausc stea -eaaau o, H AIet usaca st,.« 0.,4 . Dwa, anales4 ...d a,- a. FI., b HNmuVoA aluni Warncc PulSe Noms Serial CSuplcc G"(-Men Nescr Forget lHMatinee Onlyl Ps igrani RarS Nighl ai 7. Halioce Saiurfay ai 2 Monday and Tuesday - JuIy I9th and 201h William PamclI and Myrna Loy ta "Song of the Thiîs Manî" COMING NEXT Friday and Sattirday - JuIy 2.Ird and 24th Randolph Scott and Barbara Britton In "Albuquerque" Anl prograamem eatut .7.30 pgm.anid Matin«. .12.80 enî. ualm' ethertel a uvau4lad. i CHANGE YOUR EARLY PULLETS TO 'Starlight' Laying Mash toget early and profitable production Nom is a good ime ta stock up in Brewers' grains and Dairy Cancentrates Highest iPrimeo Paid for Winter Wheat Baied Alfaif a Hay for grindiug Fly Sprays - Twine i Stock MILTON MILLING CO. Phone 50 Limited Milton Ont. We wish to correct an error i laat weelc' Champion re Rebekahs & Oddtellows C.P.&T.F d Notice to Creditors Anysie bavlng anp Maimt againsi the esîtateofO SAMUEL WILLIAM BLACK, lateo f the Tamisb ai Raqueglng, ln the Coonlp of Hab- ton, Esquire, mbo fief or, oc about the 71h day ot MarcS, 1947. must file the sanie mit the undea-signof notlhaler Ihai the 201h day of July 1948. aCter mhich complote fdistribution may Se made Sp the Adminisîralor, hovlng regard only ts the riaimi Chlef. Dater ai Toronto bhis 1 1th ap of JuIy, 1940. MorGRW4OR & WILSON. 1'2 Richmond St. East, daol!iiors tac the Afmîis- (LEARINO AU(1?ION SALE 0F HOUtOESIOLD ïFURNITURE, SIIOP FAUI[PMENT, ETC. The tindersignef have recoivef in-.trOrlions tram J. W. BAIIBEREE la sei]isy PuaSie Ascliar. ai bis home, Mill1 St., Actas, os SATIIRDAY, JULY 121h, 1948 Ai 200 OrbeS. Ibtheiiomlwng: HOUSEHOLD EFFS32TS-iuC- Cet; Kitchen Cabihnet; Olvînelte; tiedslcaîl and Springs; Studio CourS Springs; 2 Hirraci; Floar Lanif; 4 Oinîîg Room Chairs; Ritchen Cisair; Straibt able; RocS- ing C'Soir; Clathe-s Horse; DisSes; Kitchot Uoer.siln; Sealecu. Quarts and Plots; Wasblng Machine; TuS and l'ails; Eleclrie Toisiter; Irai; 2 tioccer Plaie; 1 Smoil Rang. SHOP EQUIPSENT-I Set of tBlarbîmihso biles; 3 Pipe Thnead- ers; Pipe CuIter; Pipe Vice; 3 Pipe Wrenchso; Hoit Calter; Pamp Sarbeis, Cylindiera. Leols- ers; thurS anf Drills; Sahrpi; Bisa TorcS; 2 Bencb Vices; oonrh Ilcinder ard Molur. '4 Sp.; Cir- rular Sam 12" diomeler; Hond Saws; Squares: Rolen; Ram Vire; Briies; Bits; Planes; Level; Hami- snet-; Pliers; Wire; Paîris: llisels; Riv-et.,; Boilla; Nouls, Etc. tlhivel.s; Hae; blaSe; Cr-iw Bar; l'aS; A-iet Grense. Tl'RMS CASH HINOLEY d& ELLiOiT B Ascîsoneers J. A. ELLIOTT Lioenmed Auctioneer Fan the Camîbiea of Haltos and Peel Phono 177J MILTON THE ONTAJO hMNCIPAL BOARD hereby appelis Tuesday, theo lOtIr day of Juiy, AD. 1949 at the hsalr» ai Ton orloinhi1e tacenionr lDayllghI Savisg Tîme) at tIse- CosmetilChambers ta the Town Hall, Main Street, ln the Town of Mhlton foc the Boaring Serens. DATRO aI Toconto Ibis 29th day ot Jase. AD. 1949. H. B. SANDERSON, Seeretacry 6-2 [Board Seat> A sorvey hy Hilton Board of Tl'rde shomu Ibut there are sanie 40 peuple Ieavhng Milaon eecy day ta moct Ian other tomas, Gibvibe, Streoetie. and Geocgetamn beiag notable Tcavelling lime. affof ta morkhng Ihme neduces par bouc mageu tac Sheao people and traspartaton conts de- ducted tram mages aro a tac- tac le.- reducing Ibeir real pay and npending pawec. The tagical anumer 10 thia Is More Iidustry tir Malton. Mtore lndustrp meansa.a chance for Setter macklng ronditionsanad hlgbec ceaI mogos milb mbich ta huy the noresaities of Ibte-asf, par- haps a fem af the Itoms Ibît SoIp mabe Ilue a lilttle ScIgbI- And for tiblîgu la maSo lIte bcihbter, came in aid seo us firot. Smohm, af t drinks, magazine rock, laps, etc. "Whee -lthe Bus Slape- MAIN ST. MILTON Farnworth Memorials Mohnuments at Maderale CEMETEET LETrERING Elira Bd. ai Cemetar> îitJELPM, ONT. THURSDAY, JULY 15th, 190 Thc repart shoutd read BFÂJImIT From Lami Social and Donation . $4066.50 as fottoms: DIMURSEbEENT Expenoss...........3 110,0 Giflu ta Needy Familles 175.00 $M-500 e THE CLASSIFIED SECTION Buy-SelI.Exýchange- Wanted Advectlaements goder tbis boadiag 35c,.cash wîth aider, Up te 25 mard. Af ditional mordu le par d*ord. if cash duos nulet- j rampany the advectlsement, minimum charge 501eand le Pecr ord additional foc eacb mord avec 25. Suhueques Isertios 25c.I FOR SALE WANTED FOR SALE - 40 pigs, 6 ta 7 WANTEO-Cblld's play pan 1la mweeba aid. Phono 291r3, Milton. gaad condition. Phone 446w. FOR SALE - Weil Bref yaane E ORET - ml bio. J ok 'Pon 5 bouse or 4 or mare untuciuhed Milton. roamu. Phono 394r21, Milton. FOR SALE- Maroon E.-glloh pcamn n excellent condition. Phone WAPITED-Llve Poultrvwasted. 271c12, Miltan. Higbmst picea palf. C u harlea FO AE - mî,avîInglis, telonhone Multon 3%tr4. LER. FORaSAeLE -dtiltaidtop al:1, Cansobeliville. If E.SsePhono 295. WANTROOtri bat rl FOR SALE-Soeond bad 1tam nd 2 for expert tatea edelîsc FOR ALF,,';( beoreAugust îtth, $2. Par husisel. momer, $10. E. flîrl ila ItItC-operative, Phone- Quoci S., Phone 40127, Milton. FOR SALE-I 050f M.H. loader, in nom condition. Appip NIchai- MAN WANTRD focraw=12gh so.. & Kelly, Phono Multoi 80w. business. Sou te 1,500fmils Gaad profits for bustiecs. Write ta- FOR SALE-1927 Pantiar moupe day. Sawlelgb Dept. ML-G-284, ln gaond condition. Murray Brlgden Montres], Que. R.R. 2, Georgetown, Phone Milton, _______________ FOR SALE-Mais C.C.M. bicy- MIEL NE S rie ln csod canditîi. John Peur- wCUSTO0M WORE-Have your son. c/a L. F. Cloche, Pbone 99r13, wheut, aats and bably Ibreahed Muti.. mitb a combine. WatSor Bros. FOR SAL-Gi-rl's mbite soatiePlo IdMitr- cool, lit 12-14 ycs.; 1 bed spriag SRINNY MEN, WOHEN!-Galn 4 foat; 1 umali plana bencb, cboap. 5 ta 15 Ibi Nem pep, taa. Top Phone 3014. famaus Ostre Tntec Taliets foc __ OR ALEnewFaro Bs, 9double reaults; nom bealtby fiesh*; capucitp. For further information o ne iy o. NwAie ql d t apply Rap J. Neishltt, 54 Soneca 8izeoly5c AlBuglt Ave., BurlIgton. F011 SALF-1934 Chev., radia TRAVEILEIMS GUID and bentor, goof roinlng ardoc.- Apply Jaoe row c/o F. Hadiey, CARADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAT Martin St. Milton. STANDARD TE - GaingERaut-7.31 ar..falîy; 207 1 FOR SALR.-We have a quant- o ni., daily; 8.37 p.m., f ally exeept 1 ly of gond top sali]ut moderato Sunday. p rires. Aise sund, grave] aid 011 GCoing West- 9.05 ais., daiY' feiverod. 1 Cabin Trailer for sal. Itugl; 6.31 pn., dally; 12.42 a.mn stem Rlllott 471'3 or R. R. 4. daiiy oscept Sonday (Ilag). IAdtos. B Sunday' FOR SALE--Gerburd Heinta- 9Coing East-7.31 s.m.; 2.07 pis.; 14 p.m. mon Baby grand ipIano. mabnguny, 'Coing West - 9.05 an..lflag>; beauSifol tone and design. A very 631 Pm lino instrument In excellent cai- dillon. Bench ta match. Mrs. Harry Wbeetor. Ring Street, MII- CANAOIAN NATIONAL ton, Phono 24. RAILWAY FOR SALE-t H. Mlnaosliuoing SortS 7.59 arn.. Trrarlur, ces-; t Internationail Hoy Coing Soutb 7.10 p.m. 1lJedder; 1 FormalitH. Tracter mltb ____________1_____ l'amwer Cultlrutor; 1 W.O.4 Troc- 1tac or. cubber with Manuco Loader;, I lIen, O-rus Milk Csoier; 1 MoIne 0IN TUE MlTER 0F seettal 1Cycle; t-Ct. Oeeclng Mawer, used; 69' t.1 'The Onitaio ManleIlmi> ll-.ýd Trucior Dise: Usef 3-fuccow BsacAmsitoP' IRS.0. 1917, <fptýer Traclor Plom; 1 Usod Cuiticatar; 0,a 2 tlsed 2-lurcow 'Trartor Piami; ~1,95 Msuy Trartor on rubher, ligbts IN0 THE MAITEII 0F Section andastarter; 1 197 aserSdn lateafelaeaat Car, 50100 miloage; Ford and Fer- 7 fteudAt(sr-noe guson Coltivotors and Tandenij by 0.&, 1946, Chapier M), ada dises for Immediate dolivery; 1IN130THE MATRff0 F au appl- i;ood Stock of Ford aid Fergasos scation ofthtie Corporaion et tha, Plom shores; 1 1948 Wily't Jeep; Tawn at Miltan tir dlspeasaalet i t UseodeOLavai CreanSeparatai; avoefth u flrsa&P loured ali-steei Treber, 24x0 aeoteae.pnid I W,30 iYactor an chru 0I pronil af a ctapital expenditure et Internationalo. steel. Apply99,0.0tpoiefraSa e Tisas. R. Hewson. Georgetown DisPasai Syste.. 332w'. B __________________APPOINTMENT FOR MAEIN<

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