IUJSDAY, JULY 151h, 1948 THE CANADIAN CHAMPIONPGEEVI DDT KILLS BEDBUGS ACTON ERIN PERSONALITY $40 BILLON INsaSUKA 01q O AND ELAS RTUE Mr Haey Mlopize isa me- iitT~a3oYa --If peuple- are auccesa i inth W WOMI teUnitdStates E L ' I i W R N Even the cleaneal i au Jack Maieiprize, aon ot Ms. and TeRylBanks 00w glees a shings lhey undertaiseIt la oflen Woote 10 th Unile gel an inestation oi bedbug. Now -er f th baeiing tses-sIce, wiich said Ihat their 'peranaIty"1 is a now May own lifa Inaurance wortis byn ay berciea dthe crew of the destroyer, gives the business people a more characteristie tht i eIDb very nearly $40O,00,00,00, the hisgheaî theay to eaDDT. as Atisabakan, whIih la aaw on the roavenieal service. heipiel ta thens. The queltion mhy total ia hisary and about arne- WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS thuwhakst D. .. British Columbsia toast under On Wedetesday evening of last be aaked aa 10 e-btal nyor.e ha te 1111h of aIl the IlIle surance no HTse-RHATR Ths Dominon Der. C R.enn oAg-quarantine. Seven mnees aitise eeek, 1ev. Mr. SomnereIlie e-audo 10 acquire IbIs power oai"par- je force in IbIs country, eaîîmateo OsAE ETR throiinDpateto g rew have bren stririsen with la-. Indes-led as tiostor of the Erin sooaity». tof 1947 sutesd os'oershtp rer- RANGE REPAIRS riculture rerenlly bold Use Ontarilo tastils- puraiyois aend one memeUnitheod Churs'h. Rev. S. t. Van- -ilvthaebyOenstu ù Retail Droggista' Asoiation. Ha lise died. 1-n of Pais,iî-s-Mitoos-jl Cburcb Masy peotple gel Il by theis l s-'ii'ts ,-te I tsrne i i lote st --' remtnded the ru-ggits bite-dîffi- 'l'lies- s'soiîgn fort te As-i tîtîe15,1 re tîaîtsrîi o'cy inspîrut- c's-nan d 4gracosand 4 ries- l,îrctosssof ew odîroîr Wdmr-s C .S M IL L IE coit tl erd 15 se 1 to rdic ute hed- C o istîruotît S sim m iog P ool s'as o nao j ddîs-ss, slsr esiog tisaI o ly d1'y siennes-. T isey have a certain -n e r h i u e h w x R N E S R E M O bugs rors-pt hy fumigation wltis off to e flying start on Monday, tissoogh faitistulteso and mutual ent husiosm and huoyautry, tisay iti tie M,0,00oe00.-Nee-w. s-YoNErkRE iigbly dangas-ous bydroryanic arld July 5Mb, following aonoements onderstsndtng rotd surresa ho 01- touke a isolefot altitude towur ed yes Trisiures h n-kML gas. Tise insetrs bide dring lisefromtishe pulpilu of tisefilve Aclon taised. Ite, andti iey rommsnirate goodHstudTiu. daytimeein obscre- and more os- chues-es one Suoday morning, ue.d Tise inductio servire waa per- thees- ti tisoste tisey meel. Iras inarressuible pares and Ibis cuovosserosreport thol eotbaaiasm, fos-med by Rev. Dus-id Paton of Peotple rive tis lntpressioer îty RAMATIC STORY 0F maltas tisee iard togat5. ainesest aod rollections are Mount- Cialmeri, Chusris (Guelphs. slhuoing tisot tisey lise la meet PASSENGER PIGEON Noe-. one good treateser.t eils a iag s-pidly. Foilosciog tise indurtion,1ev. tisose Wittb Icion they rame in A five pas- rent DDT spray 001 eely Tise fuelt Rotary Fiir arranged ar.d Mis. Somerville were minro- c'otact, und talisey esloy me-et- An Ontar-io wesmsn, Ms. Os- A U D kilts bedissgs but leaves a reidue isy tise Rotas-y Club ot Aclo ps-oe- dîîsed le ail presenit, aod a social iog tise world and heas-tng wisaliborne Mitchell of Sîsreltsville bas A TENTION F Rzuuy RS, tisai preveels relniestation toc ed a splendid holiday esent antdbout' sas speet len lise risusri peoptle have to aay. Suisolantiol wnlIes tise moisi complet@ and EAEPYN TH HIESPRVLNG RCS maey monîha. a sorssfolue dertaisg for thie bas-meol.-Advos-te. tîsatities lise Intelligenre and et- oltsetitc stos-y of tise 00w ex- WRAEAIN TE CHSPR ARNO RCS Dr. Twists laysa tisInleuing neesly-fos-med riais. GCoud rowsd _____ itis-osy crs-oIe Ibis impression of tins-t Pa.seges- Pigeon ever poisbSE DDT, pseferably au a iva par catit ttendeit aillise fur.cions and4 a peronality. Ilfe-outd seenn tisaI li-ied. Hes- bok of eeas-ly 2010 HOR - - CATTLE -- HOGS sprybu aso n owerfornilful dy ndniht rorattOst' gif: trs.lise ds-vs-ed and le- pages lstenlitîrd Tise Passenger FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMAIS is ot neressas-y ta fir. ail tise preseoteit. 'GEORGTOJîIW NL' . teaseit. and tlsnobles a pes-son in Ontario but ils soie ts contie- plus-es share this less ide and (Ies-raI sympalby of many ___tsi osuire ltower 'oftleadership1 s-tol, and tells of tise bleds in Telephane Collen for lasmediale ervie. lay thias eggs. If DDT is applied liiendo iete goea 1o Dr and Mem. Counectl tideis-i mentorial pIe- Modes-o lits- develops pet'saealtty bherMsillionttisIonce dos-hened te bedsteads atsd matteesses and as Harold F Mowat of Ccppes Cliii luoes for lise reeotapis and areoata [ gîlorsat oumiser ot people, hlise sis of Ontario and otise:GO D N Y U G L . a b a r r i e s - o n o t h e r p l a c e s t i s a I l h is e t oits o s o f t h e i r u t I l e to a s - y e a r - s î s t i s î i i r î y - e i n r n o m s - s o f d i s t r i c t I i r a %- t i t i , tr a i t .t o s r f s q a e m l s I N . M L O 2 1T R N O D A D E 6 3 bugs have 10 erss to ta csh tisais old son. and brother John Alan n le ntels -r h mrc.Whuî besame of te ieedieg grounds, tise ltsestatilmtesho mas drms-te<.iet Wieflsi s-ost ill-d e liseout Os.Th$1200__ iiuurstf qae ie mesi ieaouVîo.(EST FINI! s-s Mm Mitchell tells of semte e-ttl ho deslroyed. Bay on Sueday.-Free Preau. Ms-. and Mrss3J A. Wýiliougisisî - tae t hol sonOce dsrsssed- ______________________________________________and Ms- and Ms-s. B. E. Willoegis-! Dely fîor. Jimmy bau oteeady lhs-y ocre dsoe-ed le tieis- mil- isy and tîugliter Diaîns-,bave tiiss'oeeeed tisaI hef o aman bac lons ie tise Glfio!Mexico, tise ____________________________________________ obse. op res-sdenceis- te t»tost.n ases-ait. market-valae if you isafi- Atlaic-Os-s-n, Lake Mihigan. li-ts-lie sommes-. lies-tio1bhe sîuateit amng a lot ofetrisy bail derids-d 10 taise Up . Ms-. Tiontus Larssm, a reuldet tentais. It wao, bc ioaed, gond cesideece in Australia; they isad S of the Ge Wllias ditric, boomhsnsslto go op le one o! tise fltîo o tise Nos-lb PoIs- oands-e Y lanteconte Piday in Aals-gDenssarktics-r-snt s-cous'litlîs-girls en bis Is-oeniti deats! Nosne of loess- ad I5A L AJ A J Ifl W anted oherssieisadissen visîlingalsne',' Stret anti ask isnli i D ielrtînotinsosoursistidan tie stîiet Inmediately te bear- Ous- mot hs-s gise you that apple?' foonditite in fart. Mis, Mitlsb-l lot tise sad netss, lier husbadiand tbenfoilooed up tbtssacit n lsi.s esothessfastosone byoe- WARM AIR HEATING D E dIAD T O K loue oo f,ýl 1MalloneAis-pos-t otîttise. "i yituIlgive Il te tee, lIIl briuglit about tiseis- exteitnation.-41R CONDITIONING. nsodyls rmaris, ploy mitis yeu." Noinl e i-lve Paeoenges- Pig- HIH~ CSHPRCS s-tutiMssNitresBiowin and Juet bow oroswien, tbis cammer- clis e rneiîossOns. But thi' lînesî A E T O G N n Hose $ GOHeck CAS0 oH ogIC s $1U ue' n- otitot eihs- omne '«I'il transactiton entesrd on sntme i'tlltt'liiti.otfIMueustomOP'ims-ns Hre$.ûahCtl$.0ahHg$.0e wt rnMul ret-ssIN. tOis-h tbe rkettisbishIse s 's51e*ploined, but %'st et iues vIoîs-ras-î Iloues- PLLJMBING .'tWes-t'urhos'il fitotMi'. Waltt's-Evans. lîî-es-lîMasion comteg ilunisotf tif-siîîîsIo ltiefloyal De AIl Accordîn e 0Sus- and Condîtn"s-iitionThe . isus-s f it if l'otit pluay itis atternoon, bati a'tis.luMesot' otet.'iî -ORASs1 îi sf-O 0ns atmr ('ALL 'OLLEC GALT 718.8 ii'00 O oflsolytfoîînt.ciliihave -,t'y ses-Ioussepsesion. slitttei iidetllî. tblishreitand intstaI osly tise vcry ist equîpmntoîat CALL CIOIA C GALT 271sJiatiments Nus-su Metlltt'." suie soid, 'Dus- teacher Ie Mîtîelî asstIctonts-ibuton h oo, osbepi AiL li salt o ilfitiatilt-pl ans f rýas s otil %e c s-st say nofletbleg , tti.î.s-î itof ît i l i stors-otielswsiosilnpîe lisN & C .Lt . te luts-re. l1ch' bpsito0s-ss-st rotte abîtout eeson, wus bulnt "tMist's E HANDLE ONLY THE BES' D A L N & C t . ut tiî t ht-tii moliis-y its- ilbteg itI. Is tisaItgbî. ... Successors To FaIm Smro. î,îs liti it'ttths-s , _r."____M___AIR Stttt lier- tgrerd ou t il] sst arm emkn OtI'i aiittîiîiýt igli scisiel OB O K ______________________________________ oha- t,. stiîsio'î F!IR E î CîLOTII CONCRETE and CINDEII ,ped atito u>, tiltOnan Aft.-etcltttyt.ssoftit s-s- in ltt AJI Sfrs.. o s-ftl -Fu e seiiofndeet fibres ln tise A io fi i colpltiii( .' lsOCKB. Fe IUf FIII MITO lav rýr ap o rad lttîsirbod l t itittititi' tiIlI. e fas-lots-' WASHED SAND AN» , o a in l ot, *n, ,*,,, 'i i " *iss- i' l- i n leS t nd. T iseG R A V E L S H E E T M E T A L W O R K S t..J SifEbSilin emit iu;.ehîecsauîs-îh csîalled Ardî B. SALES Pluasbing Heating Eavestroughing se. 50ed wot o rmtOls-Os--"f O! lotit d o ertex-' Phono 242W Milton GogteaPoo18 Flowers for Every Occasion tical h hl M o rt wa~s fo Remember Our Complete Up-to-DBte Optical Service * THE PLACE-C. GRIMWOOD, JEWEL- dýh LERMAIN STREET, MILTON. - *THE »ATE-EIACH AND EVRRY *THE TIME-10 A.M. TO .45 P.M. PHONîE 113 CO-OP. BALANCE» FERDS ALWAYS PRMffl MIXE» HERE INI MILTON Whole and Cisapped Grains, Conctîtrats, Poultry Mtdicines, Fccd Happes-s andi Fountaies, Car ef Qysts- Siscl l sarriveti. Gel a supply 'îew and save, .Car tif 2-12-6 Ferlilizer in. This is geieg up in ps-CC. Gel yeurss 0w. Ta arrive july 15th cor of Bs-ewes-s Graine, Tis s the off season, pricen are lowee, gel a suppty now. Phone yncr order, Wt deliver webe car arrivs.n Onisaulo Wheat Wanted-Get Our Pries. 8laraees Now la thoeTMne te Bssid a Bmlaos. ut oua Y, wn BE A CO-OPEIIATO Milton District Co-operative nom MNmâtS 'l'e- sot rseplien c'ýag t ht e ps--ltît s ion retssi-a 10 tbs E iers-ules Peesder Corporation pln atstl tIFis-smn * Sps-ukseg ut as--est Chantissr ot Comtms-ere dine-s, Hugise. leuses-. M P. stataîd tbt mîtil deý lis-sr. titiIloiu'lioglon ieouldsotr jet s sotie as tse'guirs-ulnom- ber- if s-ele ss-e e it ra- Cueiosi ta1hou ss-deiesr municipal!iîy rust bave titisieils - hieidart iesOis rlails for tise post- mou Burliiegon e-us stell oves-1 tise 1500i mas-b, and Ms-. Cleas-es- Iredis-Ird bIset ottstise coeîseoeîl expansion1 and foot grootis* tise' muii-paltty wae nom enjsying il woold no et hvo-sy long isfrfe-t be roulul mabe a mnose ts secre' lfs- Burliioglon lsOuse-Io hoise irde- ltvery <laietir. OAKVII4LE Bxonle might bave bad lis third ds-smeuîg tatallîy os Sunday ai- les-noue bad Il rot Ses-n for tise Prompt action et Aedrew Ragera o! Hanillen, mies foustees yens- oIt Yas-nila Sta. ,Laisesiors- Higismay West, foeed bes-etfinl diffiraltîes lu deep mates- Tise Slavir tingsees, tnaisîs-taowi m as adlng in sallom mates- esn se saddesly got ticsr ber deptis i. e-bat appareetly e-as a des-p bioe. Tisa girl isad gaee dosen for th ts econd ime mies Asdcem Regers rashe tela ber assistance. Ftirtaaatetyausistance arrived in tinte te aves- a tsagedy. Bsingie.'g ils tiser a largely signed petitias, a te-o-mas depu- talion sepreocrt'inig ratepayers fs-onthtie nosthers Pasttif Tra- falgas- Township appeas-sd brios-e lise township cossas-ielils mati- tbly ms-etng on Moeday, mIls lise r(aest tisaI iigi s Seool pupils la lise distr-is-t ie pes-mitted ta1 attend Mitin HigJi chool Instead of et r seg cempelîrd ta go laDonkeille andTrea. Higis Scisol as aI prs- set. Tise drîutati en s-tnsisedtif A. A. Bus-b, mso osted as spaths-s- man and Ceorge E. Dolby. In ad- drseing thercosss-il Mr. Bus-h stated that be eteitionerssseiuest- ed ths- s-asge besaase Ihey ielt tisaI Milles mas tise itgis-al rentre for tiseir eelgihebaahodandthtia sendlag the yousg people ta Oas- s-ille Iended 1taibreakis las-social flisa eilSMilton. Il e-as also feit tisailise trip ta Oakielte ottupied tas mas-l of tise pus-ls tinte. ARtes-bearieg lseth aliatise roaneil decidedti laisad a spatIal meetingg ai a date ta le Ia laIes- for disussien a!flise malter. -Retord-Star. âm"""'BIG1GEST SOAP NEWS1 COLGATE-I MOINEY-SAI For the fhrst lime in 5 years i famous Coîgate-Palmolive so at these attractive prices. s- TORSPROVE -PalmoIive's Bouty Reautal ~ t1 Heres ails-ou do-Vuh ce- la.ceiS Re. $i. 8< GIANT CAKE0 NO OTHER SOAP IN THE WORLD CAN WASH CLOTHES WHITER I leua Se I.mous tassditt -'s . Loea -PLOV', Sas- Std", 05a p u9%MOREliDS 1) ss,-m dsa-hI..»"sc - 1 Pskoge SAVE MONEY- SAVE lIME- STOCK CARROI" MMIDUTN'S DOMINON IN YEARSORe""1 PALMOLIVE ,VING -SALE' we offer you a complete lina of- oapa. Order your suppîy îoday VIL WASHES LIKE MAGIC 1 Cleona with or wifhout auds Ve akeasrti matee at d.as isawulis titi a s- es a c s s o- milerta às.c > VL, gSxo29c 58< CASHMERE BOUQUET 'ih he fmce en o.sIo Astdeica ap ad-tstesce bree. Newa OsaIShape-tash 'ans-J aSfitroue Satai-lais qoue -atss lonsg er.Rce Frtas'.ce heavcaly esrfasse 2 Coke 25 UP TODAYI LEDWIMH RED & WJIIT SORE Corsage. Wedding Bouqast Funerai Deigna WE DELI VER Plions 151 R. BROWN, Ps-op. Main Street m