TEUBODAY. JULY BIh, 1M4 Mnz, A. Marileansd daugisiar. Itois of iI'ronie ara viâlllsg ih town chia weak. Mieline Murris et Trent, spent tisa holiday wils lier parents, Mc. unit Mrs. M. R. Norris. Mc. sud Mru RelpisMMuter et De- tnit viiled it cisbier parents, Mr. aet Mca. John Rendailthlin ceais. Me. and Mes. . Ocisarasan of Toronto are spendlng isiis weais cita reativesud friands In MUl- tan and district. ST. PAUL'S UNITE CHURCE Mhislar-4Ev. J.1. ULAim. f&&A Mma E. Smits sud son, James, SUNDAY, JULY 111h. 1948 ut Clhardon, Ohio, visitad seish Mr. 10 aux.-Senior Cherei Seisel, send Ms,. Ctarie R, Shearpa for aa ion Services cuilha iselO hinlise tac days. Mr. Sisatipelasa brother Preehyterian Cisureis ai il aux. ut Mrs. Smith. YOU ARE INVITED Msny guasta ernd officiala freu ____________ utiser centres attendai thetisesldai openteg ofthlie 3Oiliun Ceunly GRACE ANGLICAN CHUC Melth Uit, s crekaisgu. They 1The mEV, GRAY HXIN Inetudedu Prefeseor Donald Fraser nfletr Pýrofesaur Fred Fraser; Pretesuor Milton Browm of th Scoolof SUNDAY, JULY 111h, 1948 ilyglene, Univarity ut Toronto 8.00 as.-Noly Communion. Officiels tromlise Provincial De. 11.00 .m.-Morning Prayar. partmant ut Resus crere: Dr. C. ______________ A. Buck. Dr. R. G. Strutisars, Dr. E. R. Wesinnen, Mise Edus L. BOLTON Moore, Miss Eddta Squires, mn BAPTIST CHURCH Milita Pansocis sud . G. Tyler. P"r Ob Caea le. bs05k Tisose ou thuier Neaitis epat uIntisa Farmrs Buildin.g mante Were* Dr. Oscar Powrr andJ. . F.Griffush, Woidtlcis.Ox SUNDAY. JULY 111h. 1948 tord COsety; Dr. Il D. MeDonalit 10»30an---Ssnday Sci"o. Mise Mildrad Jas-vis, Brasupton, 8.00 pmn.-Evenig Servira. Peel Cooniy; Dr. C. Murray Fras- Ait. ARE WELCOME er. Brantiford, Brant Couuty; Dr. G. Stheriend sud Mns. A. L. Steete. Fargun, Welington Cossty; PENTECOSTAL HOLINES Dr Williem Feuler sud C. A. CHURCH MeScreen. Wiartun, Miss Elehia mEV. IL, WOODS slter Fowter, Wetisecton, Bruce Caunty: Oritar ut Services Mini Mary Foyd Misesiohai1 iRait In I100F. Rlit Price. Misa Voismen, ait ut Si'Cal- iseines, Lincoln Cony. Dr. L.. A. SUNDAY. JULY lîtis. 1948 Clarkse andi Dr. J. S. Kitcising, huIs, 10 00 aux -Stssdsy Scisot suit ut Hamilton. Dr. F. Roy Britirg- i 'Buste Cassa. er. Gntario Hospital NHamittun. 11.00 .m.-Morniug Woraiste. Recnt eucts t Caigeu:H1 7.00 p.as-Evangeietic Service. B. Cuoiity. Mr. S. C. Brown, Mr' Everyisoiy Weteome unit Mca. Herbert Etuveit. Dr. anitd ___________ Mcii T. E. White, Master John Campbsell, Mc. A. B. Stevenon, of: Aud Te Sisol Rouirtisa Trulis aud Hamilton; Mrs. J. S. Stevensocn, tise TrutliShROuitMuhe You Frea- E. E. Cacson, S. J. Adamss ShetI- Jo :3 uch Aitams. Eitli M. tayecis.THSE CHURCH 0F CHRIST Blanche Marceallus, Mytlie Siev. StGI crime. Joy Stepheseoxn. Flore Ceci, SUNDAY, JUIY 1110 1940 Jeun Tcemblte, Ratisina Hutses, John Montgomery, Winnitred 1000 u m.-Suudcy Seisotl NecetI. Icena Paddock, Eizahaeth 1100 s.m.-Worsip Service. Maccellus, Gisitys Hysteoit, MilIce: Corne Noiransuitte Us Resson To- M-s. Nocrman Wallace, Misx p. gtier Saitis Jeiseeui-Icaiah lu 18 Miftinisotisam.Miss R. Stewart-- Guelphs; Rer. Corcne, Port Creiit; Mrait Mcx George Fox. OUAEA2TEM Pateraso; Mr. unit Mra. R.Bigger, sefl wisg ac naquir Fraittanit; Mr. andt Mci E. R. I An maiise Macistir., Buringlon; M. esd Mes. t>CHmn EL.ECI'IIEDM Neris. Cleave, Mr. andt Mm W MM NeedlassudeI Ial Tionharu. Mr. suit Mrsa Jes - MILTON HAR WARE Nicot. Gergetownu; Mn. andt Mm.1Agent Maraud Buleiser, Toledou, Oiio; Mr. phoe ta8 ait Mru. Ces. W. MeCullougis, u ___of________ Brampîsa; Mr. suit Mes. W. C. Chemises-s, Me. asnd Mes. Stuart Roueveare, Mes. A. W. Alt, Miss EiaehFraser, Mrs. Jeansamp- DFRS hait, Mes. L. J. Harvey, Mise VIvian D F xL.i Wiltiamsos, Mr. snd Mrs. MD. Johson, Toronto; MorSesMount«- T A X I eer. Mitchell; Lisesa Collier Gray S R T C Ait Pussengeru Fully Insurd No Trip Tua Long Engasgements 12410011ESERtVICE 1--------.---- Phone 218 - Milton Mr-unit Mes. Neit McEacisarn ___________ annosoce tise engagement ut their_______________ Nacrait, sou efthtie lete Mr. andt Mes. Josepis Ncreil; tis eddritiig to laise psce at tisir hume or- Japer Ave. Juty 2415, 1948. Mr.suit Mes George E. Sinisas, ut Comphalrttle wteh te annor.rae lise engagement out tieir daligiser. Alice Evetyn ta Mas-in Alaniterý Sutyden, uniy son et Mr. sait Mci. A. D. Onyder ut Hamiltuc. Tise mnarriage lu taise place est Jsty 2410 ai Si. George's Angihrar. COures, Lovilla. *EXPORTS AXIE MEAUIIG TAEGEVT Record Uniteit Rir.gdum expert figuraisas-re annaunceit ou.June tit by Mc. Harold Wilson, tise Pne- aident ut the Board ut Trade. Ma diselosed that provisunsi relsesis for May shosait a total ut about £13(0,000,000 - citit enly une ex- ception, 28 yearsaego, lise highsest value ln Brtat's traing hstory. If Il hai t t een for tac Witteu isolidays, exprts coulit have reaeised. e rate ut someliing Iluie £135,000,000 an nenriy 1literancent ut pre wasexaporhs-byr volume, nsi value. This la tace expos-l targai St hy Umiteit Kingitom. hidustry for tisaesnd ut une. Mn. Wllaun steo saed thai Beitis I mporta hi May crre stinewhiai louer lisan tisa very higisMares eud Aprilfig- ures hst tilI conetdrahly hlneasff ut exporte. This s sdu e nu Wnual maeusre btisah contInsualy rlaing lavai utfuvrlit prica. R. M. Mitchell ROOF COATING CONTRACTOR Steel, Asphait and ESTIMATES FREE WORK GUARLA2TEED CAMPBELLVILLE Phonse Miltes, 382r12 lOIur -Nt 0 I MNOI PUW8BTIIA Noubtu-Eev. a y. PMU. ;0li. StaleY Roblro-trana SUNDAY, JULY llth, 1948 eI ?Union Services crîti St. Peut's r. United - Moutis ut July. i 11.00 arn.-es-vice ln Knox 15s- hyterian. SbjetPl"eader for the i.,ammbe.'t kNo Evening Service. 1 1A Cordial Welcome Acraita YOU I ait Knox c ALFEED FRYFIR tol natiy Publtie Auction ai hi, iome, Boirer Ave., ArIen, on SATURDAY, JOJLV lotis Cemmereing t 2 p.m. tise toi- luiring -pirce Oae iDning Raem suite' Ragera Muajestir Radis; Gale Leg Tablie; Bouhease; Spinal Desis; Tom in Bea; Spun Hait; Witîe Wnuder Bait; 2 iigis riner Springs (singlreite size); 2 louer Sping Matresses (Single Sait izel; 2 %l sîze Inner iSpring Matresses; Whitie Drop Lest Ritchen Tablei; 4 wOite Riteiser. Chirs; t Arse Chair; Quee Steve slO Oven; 1 Dresser; 1 Wesis Stand; 2 amnai Tables; Fleur Lump; i Tablte Lampa; 2 Mirons; 1 Congoiera Rag 9n12; 1 Cenguiesas Rug finS; t Rexooeum Roc lin9; 2 Rexoteou Rage 0u12; 1 Cerpet 6n9; 1 Cacpte 7-4.x9; OGittsl; Rureise VecsjUm Cierer; Fccnecy; Shudnt Coucou téeranitoh Facnturf. Remington TYPeirciter; Poers-Lalise sud Cisnein; Iceiun; luit Chairs; Viclnoiu sud Recorits; Tenni Re- qaels; Curiains; Quert S9eutere; Bouks;:Quit Disises amd Sileerwaee; 4 pair hoya' suit mesTaise SOstes; Chislde Wurhec Raciing Chair sud otiser mieceitareous Aties. TRRMSu Cuts Setiement cith Cieris Day ef Sale HINDI.RY unit ILIOClI Auctioneers WATCH THIS PAPER For Further AnnouncSment Regarding the First Annual ROTARY MID-SUMMER ,DANCE AT TISE'BRANT INN (.IVING LMARS THSE LIE In an editoriel usuter tiis haad- ing ln ils current Issue. Hardwvare unit Metet snd Etectrical Dealer ismisastes thosa who mussa statis- liraI figuras to misteadIn tnocent citicens Imobehaleeing ait manner et maiarisey. "Tise Dominiun Bsreau et Ste- tsira, au cunscintiousi s iepart- meut outhtie civil service as existe uni th lise or et many pondarous reports, soundeit a rnning tisa uliser day egainît draaing conclu- ions trem certain ot ts figures."1 obseervesutise hardware business pa- per. 'Stsliiane s saliau poili- iclns oas.tiseS figus,.altlough bhey msay net actustty lie, have en occasion heen usait succenotutly hy baers!" 'Tiscyve asmo bren ued sud mis- uueit iy pertectty crell-meesing cil- zeux irisediitn't pausa te consider sisal u net ut figures ectuaaly sait rslher lisais hat il seemed to10say. lIts e universel paîtime, lis jump- ing et wrcung conclusonus. 'TOis prîncipiaetficoising bhind tise figures for tiseLr trua meaning suit refusiug le mialeait or 10 ha minird nIe erroneoue conclsions cen suit shoutit ha appiied igist se- cro.i tise hourd-ln reedng ess- paliers unit magazines, iln listenlng te iroritu trom pietform or radio, ln adrertixisg enit cempany reports. liuieueiy everywhene." HOPE TO PEU DBREAD PICE In line rilis the recommandai- ion ufthtis Parlismentry Pricea Commiltea, itlaistieugist the Government wiii tairese ps 1 sec Ihet the ipnice ut bread dioeu nul risa sisen tisanec iigiser li siseet price comea intu affect Asg. ltl sys a FInareil Post report trom Otawa. Itleix elieve thtis Governmeni 0011 dacide to ahurit the aditeit ate iapresant lima eut utlils surplus, rathar tison page il oet lu econsumera. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Milton Split Good Men are TEXTILESVOM' Evn nKwNoCstyGROUND NU'IS Evenin T o N t Cotlyplans to produce Ardil, Brilain'a Game Lat W ek r . Deauhasm new "grouri it" loth, at 1h. (Continued fron Page One) Eary tis yaar 1 58rA oui an sr- rate Of 10,00 tosue yeariy ha"e - ticle enittled "London Shows The beau anounesd hInLondon. Thtis plate and sloo catchiug Potllock Way., It gava the record of>pro synthetie mateetl, whleh la cae- aitifret. Puat sir4ied. Galbrath nite and distribution of sale& dollars ed tu have ail the advantages and welhed but cas eaught golng 10 In ine difes-eau pieuta lu the City none ufthte disadvautages of ceci. aecund, as illakelocis batted Into auofLondun Ont. New Ihese businesa has hean racogrAzed ase une ufthe0 fleiders chuice. firme have foitucre tlsawith greateat textile diacuvarien ofthtie SixthIs tring-MilIeu threatened erother article. Il cee crittan in century. Mth-pcuuf sud crasse- tIn lis tnning but were onaisie 1u enecer lu a crtliciain ut thselire- pruof. itlatemrillient, tofttsud warma gain tise fti r m. Buysse 0Cm. vios slury. Il cas pointed ouitaetltiste toucli. Il dyes like wool. ente Sigled. Evass eugled sud tiselimte tisai $4612,834 isad bses Athouai Ardul la expected te ha made Second On an erras-. Stant paid In salarias and waes.Qsite eheaper tissu coul, I Wini ha coux- Fey pupped luotrei as Stever ualurally there tollowed tis quesi- plementary rallier ihan compai. walked loading ltse diamsond. doun: Roc uucisofuthlie $4= 4itive. For exempte, il cen ha snsd Grenke it intu e ,flelder's chtitce wessi for esacuilve salaris nd lu lise grieaia advantage 50-50 culiing off tise rum ai tise bil.isow mucis did these eaaries affect wils lise natuel material, tise ce- Rrus pirx.cihig for Bdines popped wages and lise prîre ut guede? suliani faOnc being searcely dis- oui te centre. Tise Salaries ufthtie aIne top ex- tinguisisahie frein 100 ipar rani Cliiam tannad. Lenguay catis- acutîves In lisase London factordes wool. Il con alohe mixed weih ed. Tutetalsa dosbiad. Wallans amuunted tou 102,000. If Ir, t10IS Cottorn and rayon, chonging lise gruunded oui ai did Carter. fine planta execetive salaries had chaacier ufthtie final feOrie and Saveruli Inning - MePhi alics been cul lutise levai ufthelisee adiing warmtis snd cresse reslti iisruwn oui ai tirsi. Dicis Clans- mesn Is e sisup and tise amouoiasce lu tise ots. ents saaumeit a douhle. Rusk aisten off divided smung tise liser ______ singled. . Clamantestuiglad sud empioyees lise addition lu easci Evans poppted out to secmnd. t. esmens srges would have hean NEW XMtIIO0F PST Fay want down ewinging. shout le On escis dollar ut cages, GONTROL FROM AIR Pollock tise firet sp hanged ot or on $35 ut cages, 35e. Neadiese a isumar way ovar lise tance. Puni îu Say. on lise price ut gouits t Tise tirai puislic demorstratlin singled amui tinaily want te tiird u'outd ha intinitesimal. in Britain et a new maiisod ut wed on a couple ut errera. Galbraith ..es.ad pest conîrol tmmntlise air by waihed. Biahetocis poppad eut 10 Here are sonne oliser siortes utfiselicoples- cas givan tlis monts Stani Fay. Gillas Oed oui la Stan exeestive salarias sud iheir re- nae Camhbridge. Esiperimanie have agaias t.angsay popetP ut et l tionsihp te total cages. A car- previossly beau maeInhiie Uni- centra, tain buinsess irm eniptoycd ftony led SitashI spraying crop. frein ElgistisIonig - Siovar caait, .parions witis annuel sales ot a ielîmopter. But tisa Uutted Kiug- Grenisa it ile a fieldrs choira $200,000, lihe payesl cas $80000dom maetloIntrodocfla a eni retirig Shiver. Brusis soed le and lise mar*gers sstary S4,00. technique basait on an Important second andt MePhisl fsnad. No une wouud criuicisea ta ai- new prissebple. Tisa aliputtresu et Toeticlus pisd eut lui Sîvear. tisoaghisi represents 2% ut sales, air movisg down freinlise hlai- Wlters singleit ien stote sec- 5% of payrol Mres anulisar* copier', roter et e speeai 20 miles ond. Carier walised. Pollock 300 empioyeas annuel sl. $1600 pr isusr1.is ssd lu carry tise spray greesddio ut Clamants lu Fay. saars $1stoo. wciîcislslestson oth ie crope. ose relsoum catis- Poil pulsisasi lesecond. tl-utfsales or.în. ut payruti. au y tieSatreaux ut air trihing MinIs Insing-Only titres monar.deblstepayo faced PullockIns hi ts trame. Dicis*s.. liegon aaihtsasryl Clemensegroonited oui, seconditoleNos ltels rame l tishg tei- rea thtie oniersidaeofthtisaleava. tiret. Marshalt isitiing for Ruskis ous. Tise ime e gaitni Amenl- uvicis up usili nuw have beau sou popped lu Pollocks acd Clament, cen corporation, Sales $1,902,000.- difficul lu prteci adequataly. isa slashed une le Galbraiths. 000. qayrotl. $892000.000 numiser machine le flosen vary lbu, cumlng Tise Teass: ut employee-, 289.000. Total te- down te witisin une or icu test Milos-Clements rf; Evont 2h: oumerton ot 12 top axeculives. aisove tise plante. Il cen iravel Sten Fsy lis; Stover cf; Grenha 2,2 îî sut wris, oui et une- sidessys, hecicuarits or forwaes 3h; Binco If; Brssh If l is e 010: cigisti cf 1 par cent ut sales or une wcrual si e or hover for ser- McPhait c; Grvais p; K Clamants quarter ot une par cent utflisyrol er'ai minutes ovar une spot. p. In tise 1110: Rush s; Marsall 1t he oisr corde for eeery $40 oet psy _______ it for Rush In tise Minh. roll menagement gui 10- Wts tise meanir.g uts; Lauity ritI sss R f.u>vthee-.Giti of se;thLanguaanscf; mentie Beghdadin oIraq han Tulezise if; Watlenx c; Carter lb; thet tiseeisig execu tives. 1005e chu ixuromautieiousngîshortage. Polus ; oc a2; etreith-.3h; direct lutte initustrie. are petit1 Blaecocis rI.higli warjcs Oui in conieras .oet Umpire-'immis sud La.guay. thI% suc tise numhvr et cochers Milton 000--u uo q i p c celarge thut If ne eiminuteit Oahvile 449) 001 100--O 10 3,utueecslaries and poil crcets' iucgcr ttop exerutiv.es It couti NEW SEED sBox heîilly bheneuugh ite octthewt s Pliujiu14uniofiithse overage man oneit ay PIýisadlighi metul iîreduire roll lighiiceight, croionc - ctent cccii eil,The Finunciai Peut re- Smc îestii- intecenrei' h Ports. Plautiî-eceated cire meuh, icle rce putrt ofthse lu cef clozîîîg. udmittlng uaiigis iegrea it corpocatioens ceseu te me i ePuIacs gluce jr. tise etuainucu e topcl, chtr. ceoutefiI o- of ultrueviet anit intru ced raya, Ocre of proditioîn. t ic .îgnii freme. Cuvevrusite for greater caouf cusivesieuce. feiiproof snd sal- 1Neetiselesu t holdtit t se teetprout, tieseceai beaucehabcpack-cit-îiiims ure vaulse. They hav uit filateeorte isen nul in, Ocrughtiss-Otise esoerîng tetit, use. Cupitiusm Oas Iru feuls ait ils ircuinetues. It hesmeverhenasi trong on puliiity as il soutit AUCT ON ALE houe iseen Out tisaI h hing em AUCT O ALE eitieit non If t sera touiint for o JobI twouutiseek for s iras iitis BASEBALL NEEM OF0 Of OSsrpluas umhsld Fuldsures a ighty peut meafagment. il Et.mesis igiser psy ait htter con- GOOD QUALITY 'The tnderiin,. e r- -ititioofoc tise cochers. .Ne 1r HAND SRAYERS s1 / mei I lIA PAU a«iV PRINCESS THEATRE MMLTN OTARIO Mmmuudy, FIlay MW aturda, JuIy8, 9 ami 10 i. ALLYN JOSLYI *CIARLES lUNULE * ISIY INIsOOLI- Cartuon-"Ruhber River' Sport-'ýLazy Montera' Werner Pathe Naco Serial, Chapter 10-"G. Men Neyer Forget <Matinea Ossly) FRIDAY and SATURDAY LOUIS vs. WALCOTT CHAMPIONSHIP FIGUTr PICTURES MONDAY amU TUESDAY, 10Wy 12 and 13 Ray Miiland and Ctaries Laughton in 4THE BIG CLOGK" Cartoon and Comedy COMING NEXT 1suray. Ffidea an Saturday, .JuJy 15, 16, 17 Irene Dunse and Philip Dorne in 4"1 REMEMBER MAMA" Show at 7.00 each Evening-Matinee Saturday at 2 P.i. Ai rgrma tart at 7.30 p.. Md Maiees et 1.88 p. eBM Ail rogrnnm otbewise adveaied If Worry hlakes You Blue Let Want Ads See Yom Thru Me. sud Mms. A 1sr tat and ftsmily ot Millo Miis. r spondigtisheaee-ernd wiiisrela- tires ln Si. Maryisud London sud viehniiy. Mil Price alune nicans nothing if you cennot depend upon qsssity - if you don't haveae variaty of mer- chandisa frein which te nuike an appropriata saSsai- ion-if your purchase ia mot soppertie by intalgunft service that enablua yoss te boy unfsuillisr itou wth certainty sud confidence. FREE TRIAL Try a now Genorol Electric Kettie for on. w..k-No olgto Tise amazingly fant Giàes-S Etefirif Kettie rua'wt sn ahurry-enosgh'for.rouf eusaof te&ainsuhreeiumuteit Wid e opéon 14# Xuýèî qakès finisbase ssstoualom wiîh bacdubakétitofm"nle. anaSd »tie.faiâ fer ,ON9WHOLI WUK F