IOIU5UUA--JW- 1. I PAGE FOURRTHE CNADIANmCHAMPIO INEWS~ OF DISTRICT Mei hch Many of On NASSAGAWEYA S. S. No. 7 Congratuations te Mastec George Anderson upae obtainitsg igh Scheul Entruece standing on hic yearn mork. Master Don McLean srele Departrnontal esamînctiona Menday unit Tuecdcy. Mca. Arthur Davenort han re- turneit frern1Crheuptal to the home of hec hcraads parents. Mr. Harold Bell heu treuted himurît to a cem Fergusen troc- tac. The dance upansared by the Bucy Bees W. cead hetit t the Breekvllle Hall at Taesday ocre- lng wasncol the succesa the ladeu hoped for. Bocause of its punpoce t olaistNatton Recreation Park at LomvIlle a rnuch larger number ot interested people mere epect- ed. FRomever upprectution mas ox- preaued te thour attendieg. Week-end guestn ot M. ccd Mcs. Stan Robinson eret Moic. Mary Parkter; Mca. Momsie Worbmcn unit Misa Joan Worhrnan, Sauît Ste. Marie: ccd Mm. Margaret Robin- con et Accustout. Friday evenieg otkec gurts mero M. Robert Pem- treca, Moreby: Mr. ced hrs. Cor- don Robinson; Mc. Emnerson Bob- Iesoc: Mr. ccd ktre David Oldu. Toronto; Mc. and Mca. Ken Pem- tre&ç ccd tansly ced Mtr. and Mc. Med.*Pemtrom cend tamily et Mît- ton ou meet those visiting frone Sault Ste. Marie and Ancater. A thoroagbty rnjeyable day mac experionceit by Ibese tlendieg the Ballon Fedecution et Agriculturei picolo on Salurday a atIon Rec- reallon Park. The eauty of thia place in lils noualrmttation heu to-e Ce en te Ce tully eppreointeit Meuler Ceurge Andterson of No. 7 mon ix is ciaste fot race. CAMPBELLVILLE The WMS. of St. Duvid, CCurcC heldi their annual qiltieg on Tburslay, Jane 241h. Tire quilîs serre quilteit toc theeW.M.S.. ore fer 1Cr Blair YW anit axe qilit and tee crib quille toc the Misson Bond. At the neon our the presi- dent, McM S. McPbail coeducteda short business meeting. The treas. urrs reort wus give y Mos M. Moore. The LiCr ary ecetary, Mlisa E. J MrPbalirouit a letter ackcoc loigieg a parcel et books enit magazines sent la Frentier Culege. It mce decidoit te have the July meeting mith the Ludies' Aid t Ccisfrds LaCe. The et- lxxg max closed mtb prayor bIc the Presidrnt. t7ece mre ixteen ladien foc diener ced tmentythrer for eappec. Mou. Sophia Patteceun agoit 92 years speet a meks vacation ai the homo of ber aon Perey Hues- esend t Buffalo. M. and Mc. Rebert Lakieg are thee prud gruedparents ot a grand- son, bore te Mc. cand Mes. Orval Lakleg et Teronto, Mes. Laicing Wsce trmerly Miss BeatricerMc- Croath et Edmonton. Caespbellville gurutu at the War- mn-Puccy eddleg ln st. James Anglican Churcit, Guelph, on at- ucday scere Mrs. Won. Bouaotield, grundestier efthte groom: Mr. John Camephelced Gertrude; M. and Mre. Hoxson Luit Mes. Will- lues Narren, gradmaoieof etthee groons; Mc. and Mre. Robert Nac- res ced Harold; Mc. unit Mo. R. Lakieg: aIse Mca. Fred Peters of Cleveland. Murray Crac-ford et Grareebaret ix speediog ixsemmor vacatiot witit Mc. and MI-S. E. D. Mohon of tIm vitlage. Mca. Roms Mitchell, Donna and Cary spont lut wcroIn Hamilton f viitîog relatives. Dr and Mca. Williams, Toronto, i more Sanitoy gor-ts ut Me. cond Mie. Hardy Pardy. Mc. ced Mms. Howsoxn Lusit amI fumiiy serre Sunday guests et Mr. unit Mcx. A. T. Meure and tumily. Friendo of Mos. John Howardl seul Ce pleserd te boom she Is> home tcom the hoapilal. We misb hem a speedy rcovory. Mc. ced Mo. C. A. Elsley are hotiitayieg t their cottage t Was- cga Boacht. Friondo of Mes. W. 0. Morse are scrcy te hecah abcit111ced we misb ber c speedy ecoery. M. ced Mss. Murray Maiton and Mc.. and Mca. George Thomas are 13pecding a v4sabotutCeaxyocîs Lahe. Frionda of Mr. Boitert Meclesi on the moantuin are osy te hoart ho la hock le the hoaptal In Ram-P ilton.r About 85 tteeded tee Carrnea reunion aItte hume ut M. and1 Mca0. George Carrde e or Rornity on Satacdcy. Miter thee upper8 heur, races and election ot oticersy wre conducteit. Ail ment to thet dance at Claude Plcettas barn uta end an enjopable day. i fflise aheleton of the aponge teot1 à sec Plat but ce inanmate uni-a mla> hua b0en retors-ad ta au theeI fineat example o! civil engineering e Trans-Canada Air Lines Inaugural Iîy, Airs Heuar, Victer Watsun, Jas. GiiClerLuee, John Mine unit NarIn Ficcer Courers coco A.M. Mc- ioseFreeman Wl-on, Ron- ntitWat,»n, RosesCrdon unit Wtllaecacd Joe Laeby. PEESl.4 01(ER RETFIRSI ed Jtames, ciii fi s-vral ycars paxt hbu,. Ccihiiet Proess Otticor, Dominion tJopactmrot et Agriculture, metlced on aaperannua- tien un Jane th. Mc. Jamso as Ptomxnted witb a Portable typeseriter by bis col- leagues In the Detiurtleet at a rereption giron ln bis honor.E NILE PRODUCTION Junucry ccd Feitruacy mite pro- duction ie Canada declîneit 3 per J. T.ARMSRMONC cent buln dS au campaced seltitthc The Mutual Life of Canada hatiret tmo monthu of 194f. Le,, roleaurd lte Honora List, cocognIz. fîmce wasuad for croamory but- leg Mr. J. . Armstrong of George- cerunit foc tlalit milit, but great- town for ouutaceiing service te oer quuntitlecscoere proceaced linto bis communîty le the Club Year lce eoam, dciry butter and fIaIt cecently cleeed. Hol bac quaitied ceum. aa mombor of the Company'& _____________ Leaders' Cetucy Club. Qualification toc Club member- ship cequirea ot osly the undes- . . LL OT îccîticg of a large volume of pro- J.A L I T tection, but more imporant, the LiceS.ed Auctionme c-rltisg tcom yecr to, year of quai- ity" businesa, titat lu, lîfe incs- ance titat lu contlnued ln torve. Foc the Countea o! Naiton rTheertme factore ccoinod ith Mlus a higit porceal standard of con- and Peel fidential service te pollcyitoldecs, Phono 177J tacu tels recognition toc Mutual MILTON Lite roprvnentativea, ___- il___.___. Help Wanted Up-To-Date Planlntg Miii und Lounhe Yard requfru Maie and Fenale Factory Haip hnsndltely Apply A. S. NICHOLSON & SON BURLINGTON ONTARIO LIMITED .r Readers are Interested NEWVS Memberu heard a meut inter- Milton High School esing report frem the zoene dole- Ptipils Report Conenett indrieg therc ua meeingattheLegonHall, Mon- Grades 9 and 10 daynit.~~ r abî,eeo h lçonieud Iom Pge ne> delegatea gave a tcoprehenslce III; Grog. Il; Art C; Math. C; Se.reptort le the inditngs ced recoIn- III Fr II.0on pasacit by the huge cenvention. Preidents efthiree major cemapaper associations in Caiuillu sere Giding: J.Pr .11. H is 1 He aaid It was the fineat and best amoeg the party miich made the pro-inaugurai flight esarking the in- GitegaEgI1;Mt.tIII; B. II; conention ever helit by the seld- treductien of T.C.A.'a 40-passenger North Star alrcract le tee tracs- Fr. t Att:M.h l: er organîzation. There were 958 centinental service on June lai. Lett te rlght tbey are H. L. Garner, r. delrgateo representing some 906 President ef the Cacuitan Dally Newapaper Asocaten and pohlaher Haeeact. N.-Ecg. II; B. Hic. 1;banhslCnd. of the Peterboreugh Examiner; Walter S. Thompsen. C.B.E., Director Grog. 1t; Art I; Math. t; Se. .; ranhsl Cnde Public Relations, Trans-Cceuita Air Llnes and the Canadlan National Fr. H. He pcaised the morh et member Ralîcys: R. A. Giles. Presdect et the Canadien Weekly Nemepape,7 Hill D.-ng. II;B. Hic. C; branches ln 1h10 zone, addicg many Aociation and publicher of the Luchute, Qdue., Watchmce and Col. VIe- Hens. C;.ArECg.Mth.; Se et the resolutioce pused by thla toc Sifton, Preaideet ef the Canadie Press cnd Presldent of the Winu Goe. C At C Mah.C: had bren approveit by the eipeg Free Pres. Regna Leader-Peut ced the Sakatoon Star-Pee'nle. Fr. es C. Eg l B i.1 convection. Otîinlng te Nousing T.C.A. Photo Helma. KEcg.Il e. Ni.1t report. hie sald It wau met elabor- Grog. I: Art II; Math. C: ie. e seng an otstundng teature Fr. I. et the meeting. MNS RESULTS, TWO a If meney cannet heo oltaissed GVN IR itn W n - HeomI;Ar IIF. E ag. C; B. HIII : from prîvaîr sources toeeroltow THE LMIEto in - Ceo. I: At II:Mat. : O. IIrectal homes, it in time that the- Fo Frr.WEg :B. H i tCunadian Legien got belind a tcn c ditortal under this head- r m G ogt w Geo. I; rt : ath II; e.people ccd members could have and Metal undt Electrical Dealer Las S.7da II: Fr. I; Sp. Agr. II. hoes at a reaooncble rate." ho lombaste thoe r ho misuse statis- iContinued from Page One) Marshall, L.-Eng. III: B. Ilis declaceit. tirai figures te micleud inoneent- C; Fr Ce. CHr l at.C e e aiea oulinrd resolutions cov- citizees inie believcg acli manner Brush stele second ao Blinro pop- C: Fr, . ering s'terae'a pensions, Veterans et malcrbey. poit out te first. Wilson macale Marchand. D.-Ecg. C:; .Na aliomacce ccd the mehîlizution re- "The Dominion Bureau ef Sta- on un errer. Storey alcgled ad- III; Ceog. III: Art I; Math. C: part. talies, cs ceesciectieus c depart- caneicg the ravner mho scored. Sc. III: Fr. C: Sp. Agr. C Cerud Padbwry gave a mord ment et the civil service ce exisasAter Ceergetomnu tfiraI ruc mas Maure. L.-Ecg. C: B. Ris. C: pictare et the layicg oet mreathS and 1hr outher of muny peederonsa sred the cool three batters pop- Ceog. It; Art I; Math. C: Sr. C: and epenleg ceremeeieu, addng it cepertu, aoanitod a marnicg the ped eut to ight ced second. Fr. il. II cB as a mot Impreusivee rnvecton. ther day ugainst tlrascîcg conclu- NMnth toeicg-Rueh fanced. Mc- Montgomery, .J-Eeg. lI: B. Daring te metlngGemrodeCto. siecs trem certaineofetstafigures,,,Phoîl mc.uthromc eut bylenches Hi.,. I; Geog. It:; Art II; Math. clets reorted on aporticg uctlc- observoes the hardware busineos pa- and Marshall mont domn awlngicg. C: Se I; Fr. C. ities et the hranch, uddicg a pro- lier Siasticiane s ce el cepoil.- Georgetomo mcado ceother bld le Mouetoin. J.-Ecg. II: B. HI&.1: gam wus eicg plunsed toc the irice Ceea that figures, atthocgh the .icering braccets coantieg once Cecg. 1: Art t: Mth. I;:Sc I;hutams. I îcy may net cctuaty le, bave on eaii e bre. Inches sugged asauto. Fr. t. Memhors apîîroecd cf setting up occasion been ased ofccsfuliy y uni t ole second, Wylie popped MrMuiie. S.Eng. C: B Hic. C: o blond barilstoc a membor ef the liors." tut to thbsl ce Herrington slugged Art III: Math. C. Se. C: French îI; Vemena Aasiliury. Ceesade EarI:1 They'vr alao bren uced and mia- o safety %cericg tho runer. Her- Grog. C. reaght the malter te tbe tten.' osed ypr tyml-ene it-îgtee mou nippait off flrst. Nor- Milen.M-Eg. 11:B He. : ttisetthe meeting adding thia lady! iecs cho didnt Pause to ronsider ton eriaituei the ganse mhee ho Geeg. C: Ait tII: -se C: Fr. C: wse oninei tot a ospitul in t orri c hu't s set et figures actuclly sald toeeed. Math. C. eus conditioe. It tees agrecit thnt itther thon mbat lt seemeit to auy. Hilton -Clemeots rI: Evans 2h: Murphy, . A Eeg.C: B Hill. C: members milieg te cicr thiir: lis a anivorsut pastimc, this jump- .Fay Ilb: Stoer cf: Mlaesos 3h: Grog Ili;:Art C: Math.tin; Se. ltdtr thsmerthy cause. ieaîd ingutircng conclusions. Bob3 :Bîn I:Rs u C: Fr. I leere their cames mit theo Stem- "This prinrîpie tf lookieg behlnd McPhail c: MarchaIt p. OLeary. t;.-Eeg. Hl: B ias. III; ard se traesportationî-erenrmen tho figure% fisc thela true meaieg tiorgoen -Norton c: Wilson Goofg. C: Art C: Math. Il; Se. tII: ould e made It %Oas tbcught adi reteeong tui miseeui or ta Ce cf, Stîîrry .50 Gbsoe 2h: Chaplin Fr. t: Sp.Agr C. that 10 dortors shoald attend the titni s 1 to et rrceous conclusions tf-t:;,-Ott If: locbes sa: Wytle tb; Petlîgrom, H.-Eeg. Il: B His. batiC. Se, Ceerades ]toue, yoar (-te cndt shoaid le- upplied rigbt ac- Cimerlerti p: Heru-leglon p 6: III: Grog. C: Art Il: Math. Mt: came at the Logion Hall aI 1C,ro iîsitirieerd-in leacung noms- Officiais, Whit.emce and Bradley. Se. III: Fr II: Sp. Agr. III. eirliost moment. tipers und magazines, ile iitenlcg ERH E Reany, W-Ecg. II: B. Hic. 1: Membecs coco pira.seit t s--e accusfrotîilatform or radio, ln Milten 201 0115 0-S 12 4 Gog. I ArtiI: MathI: Se. Il.:t.t-cosng Serves autliting ret- edvrtsingeand rompuoy repoz-Is.Gssrgtcc't 0600001124 6 Fr Il: Sp Agr. .gt agale aller lts log îlleo-s Ho iii cllY eccrysvht-rc. ___ Ryder. R-Eeg. C: B Iti.. C:;thanked the members fît, thoîr - ___ :09g 111: Art C: Math. C. Sc. C: mccc btcnecsses durlog bis illneeaa WHERE'S THE REALLSNI ANSWERS THE PHONE Fr. If: Sp. Agr C. oece agulo memehrs proioed theI HS AT0 WHFN NO ONE'S HOME SmîiiiC; Jat. H;-e F.C ; cII:tîh Cet Ca doIan dto. ccanvia THE BUDGET? lSe.g. C ah lI :C. ciIeoloneger ho oecrscry Sp Agr C. tise mats oiceti csblng mombors 11tce#ltlthli -,i elm tluitlît autd thebeh-"ewaltieg for ThomneR.-Eng. C: BRHIn tIM: aoitcitiees tu sec, t.ii pr--ti--st MiACh-public z"eohalesrt- iru atorpof ;reýg t1t; Art C: Math. II; Se. C: liis een ude cr - t1h riephone to ring in cuse you Fr. C. spout te Milton." itei doeon t showcap inleits taittIl"s mtan ri. eari Trinshie, J. Ecg. If: Bý HiaI:1; - ore tii corrt-ct giaring iniquitleo adaeadMtl&Eetia ( : At I; Mah. ; S. C in h,-mater f cetai exiseandDealer. A Britisht manufacturer Fr0. C.: AraC:sMah.xC:sc. C m erve nte roncer-ilias cerne ap mith a cew gaitget WalCer. T-Eng. C: N. His. C:cutoim(ute beeiaooge Art IIt: Mute II; se. C:pFr. III; ýThe sales ta*Ul.,reocnd c foîr yoar sot Cing Corne, taben EUtPU UUUM I7UM NU iotis eny message chats gIron, unit Sp Agr. 111;:eog.C., pt.-tly rn scoes of fcncy park- reluys tem Us et yuwe Water.,. S.-Eeg. C:B. isIII; I ooo elals mhile such nec- rmesetoyume Art C: Math. Il: Fr.I de.i srice tiseptes>ouarrive home. Whit, E.Eng III B. is.C; % an The nom dovior bas threr cmlt- WCtEEg II bC ROBSERT A. DREW) FULTON muhwse-'. hvn cî ercs. cheiii repluice the hardmare busi- G eg. III;Math. CSe.C; Fr1. Many frieni% t anded Funrl'aypwe.etc. cntinue topay ns ae.oefrrcrig n Tutturd, .-Ecng. S1 ortetaeRhrtAs .tsbu h . aone for reritnone Report et Grades XI andt XII Irviresfartn one Rou rt .1 inythem sle risa uteta.ce oetcrpod- cilie hoPsiished whc hoc ebocr 2cdath - Cre RNosoa a thedoagbuinessutitn.Whe the scitches are set, leste havebeen eceivd fro the 22ndat lis homR.R. o. 2,Rockl ati-elt yiigli eeslc ring's rng rtart t rue-a idctsuon Derrmnti. rmtte ood, mth bural onEdenM eît"bieaio ig It aceouncos: "This in tte EceîcDiutot Cernetery. 'h ce utyte trou- and rtsidence et Se-and-so. Acy mou- Moeth hutRec. Plt.crsgiit et Ebens-zerst h- eluesage fhihmmiil e recordoi unit Moe Ou af etther mrlits I tcited CCurcC condecteit the aer- of t hist parîclar aspect tof the ,ticsd on bis roture.' liepto elic e bosa'tCe porty line, v ices ussistod Cy mrrnheru et thebugt enoaofhitxcul acnd urgently nord instruction in ltir. lrîtiuci- icrtbmbiio saucngu te the itevciopmet oethteir natarel Ifele in rviceil by one bri>ther, t:ailiiic aimeut ai onse. Tats A South Atrican bird. the social reoutrcos. partlcalarly ln Asia, At- Saoley, and two slters, Annitîclmettst ccc e îîreisod ce a re- c îocer. huts c multipile ne-ct te ries andithlCAtssricu e ndMs ha.Nri c f'l ftettservecoiromrnuny of hoc5O grîtaps cf ls %apartment Guelph.i hssr îmacbeged foodit tema tîtriitdifmilles, MUTIJAL LEADER HONOREDII iho Pallherc mcc eChas. Las- WED-THURs-4-ULY 7tls, 8th fro . .. wil... LANA TURNER - vu CL«*imCURIUI111 0- Mu W94. .mniw tq. laIPuhffa MONDAY AND TUESDAY - JLJLY 5th and th 1 COMING--"ýGONE WITH THE WWND 4 ACTON PARK ursday, July i st ting Afternoon Evening FREE ICE CREAM Durmng the week ef July 5tb, 1948, yen are htvlted te gu the numberof etce creaco cartons le our wndow. Simpiy coene and write yeur name and lte nuinber you gurus. There la ne obligation to buy. The neareet correct guess every day, Monday to Satnrday. ciii receive a f ree brick of the DELICIOUS MIEL.SEN'S ICE CREAM 'lau nmay gsum.eoiy y R HARRIS MAUN 8'RTIU=T g ~ Y Nigltly 7 aon9 pm MatineSatuilya 1 p.- A C T0N FRL-SAT. - JIJLY 2n&, 3rd MONTUES. - JULY 6àl, ah THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE »XM 3 ONTARIO J 'il BURLINGTON