Remdie Bein GEORIGETOWN Says NolImmediate 2 cupa nilk ~ e e.e ieio do U crap faugr lt o eLast Friday, rnig ,L ikliooroneu 1iUp mustard yJep Peter. un bebsi ettheLions Club In Next Six Months % îap Salt yJoehLster uiege vtsiteti the publie scsoni and prea- 2 ega The gruwtb ut juvenhle delta- ented awsrds tu litve of the Grade- 36cpvieu quency bas put unother bandy VIII triss wbo etsawed an-round B T. Huston, edfitor ot Cenradian 1M MuuIuu BOWL eu 16 ga rap wter weupen Intal the hetuda ut the on- oulstunding abiliiy during thse year. Crucer. td tise unnuel cunvention or4111!AsssAuNs Ieat 1% 6caps out lik In a double tbinking. It i. su easy and plaus- Tley sure Marilyn Bell, Kiteen outhtie Canutitun Whlrseie Grucera ll , »»W boiler until a rim ut hubbie sp-i. bie te ussume thuat the upsurce of Kerr, Elizabeths Ireland, David Assoction there ure msny signa pear Combine the dry isgedients Juvenite crime is the direct restiDubead ereclre. us the borizon te lodcnie Ibere is Hello Homemukers! There i.. a udd reaninc cscp mlk and mie of the adverse e calssie conditona Mary Brus-n Buchunun, dauac- no immedite bernce fer any pro- lng, teoden inevut beeen tise untl moeb .Siowty add to tbe liier-iîicir theyîong tîtetialttcr of Mi-,and Mrs. W, B. Buches-. n elslump In pries or hat-i feeirh doys of spad ng and bt milk, string auit the shite. crimineilias ulived. Such a solution 0an, Branmpton,. so nIted in mur- ues gînîrally ilu lii-e nut0s3ix planting and Ue proud day wbun When aiitty tickenred pour ever roubles the eoceesi anti quite ie- s-loge by Rv. William Weir en meethu j geen onionsaund radihs and Ue beaten eggs. Returu ta doube cece do-couder to ied au n sser Saturday, June 1tb, Is Brampton Here are somne et Editer Husi- ettore cen be biended inta Ue lat bolier anti continue stirring. Cun- thal dors not utspieasantty inctude Presbytertun Churccbta Aberti esosns: omed Isaad ofet ts sa.iaso tinur conking until desired canis- himseit. He ha net made lurge Housun Whitney, son ot M. and 1. Weges ure more than ttkety cuud the irai gardent greenas tatel tency la reecheti Pour inoa dean profit.. Hence he bus no band in Mc. John W. Whtney et George- te mirl t their present 0igb I5 lite like theca witb a sharp Frenchs eaiers. Sore In the cefrigerater. tbs wicbedness. Ilits an argument tewn. einls and In many industries sIti dressing, perbapa wtb a dsitof Mabe ver 2 culte. lusi talored ta suit the parier JonCordon McNllyOtten- sceit at lis ponis. green onion anti rrusnbled aid TX r pinb. "I yous ruld jut anu Use year-old son et Mc and Mc.. Chas. 1 ams r bano o cheese. The hst tlp we rcs gve TK ArE onditiens under wbltriee yeung MrNally, 'Terce Cetta, sas blted 2, scces t o r etbgthu av tep you l: tomu the greens wllls tise 1. To preserve nasturtitum .eeds flk lie 1li urges wiUs unctien. eariy Tburoday evening In an ac -rn sfreeyhigte aet dressinsg jot before pou erve as bomemade repers: et1,31 yes indeed if yo outd, you dent near tils home. The oungsel. erett iechatus sheat, suies csea up vineger, 1 tto. sugar ansd 1 mîght very ws-rîthinb hd a e hs uy n librly le advenir in Augusi ta ba a t olncpit.te f ecr cume bt cn and .2 tper bshel res $1.55 t present. QAEDI< ALapatialy ol Meant hen pic o puyrse cmie rt stancrs coneautbehlnd the bhurse trshct 3. Refandierhby Ottaaetftwe GAREN ALA patialy ool Menwilepic depla sane artinthe tevetotu- giostnd-bogs. In some manner the t cup sireddrd ras carrai oer the nasturtium seedo and ment of juenite drinqueury, bol con dsrharced and a bllet yeucs enforceti navings cetlected 2 caps srdddrew slu cdorng toc sor-totultalu ppreel. ehrde Psscs pot ia mati sterile bottes, MI net sa murb as tise osecenemie lhroogh the heurt brougbt instant matle $210 millitons-amI the Inter- i cup sbcedded rai bot witb vinregar solution ond cres demand ta orcoce -osethieg foc deth.I 1 iup greted anoa n tecas.est accumulatieon, te about $250 "~i cup sredtied redishes 2 et ae sirb there bas bren eo retors Jack Gilbert of Gien Wilialms milliono " cap werU teasemiFrenchs dres 2 satairaidressing wiib e day- lins-oct. whus lssO injarmiIn e mturryrle 4. Capital espenditores on part ing er tester ta prevet curdling. The evidence proies hbeyond anY ccident s-ile retaaeing boame of priiote itizens, irdasiry and Cmbine vegetablusanasd csil in 3. Slati greens sbould 1e tender question thal lovenîle crime is nut ftmthe rces i Wasuge Brans lu gevecasment te tîotal $2,uto.tootoo refrigereter. Drain well an .dd and rIe. Select the mait spi- a trodaît of neighbocbonds. If home again utter taking treelment -Iighest in Canadas history-an the French dresstng. Ts. iogtb- neet meaies, amati danenloniecoflosic lochs induce tl, so dons en Colincs-ood Ha.ptal.-Herai. incease et 17 per cent oves 1947. er uslng a spoon anti e fork and leavon ar heet crruns te oprereat rcîssomic ose-abodaicr and over-! ___l ________ 5__ . Connamination et Eocopean serre et once Serres s,. bitter tete. Wesh lesty reunsa indulgence. Bai alsu an equat pors Rrcovery pes whirb s-uy mess IAMSAAin seieraI waters, lifting tbem lion of Chaietiastits ingiLEAJPNG porchases in Canada of pechapu ouE5" AL» et of the seter te leeve Use froso the middle clauuu rien fres fwrs fablin olr-n 1 head lettuce onu ai ibe bottum etf the dlsh. thi lecel le s-hîchor so alist AUCTFION SA.LE ts-oai t ilio the oltacuieti 1 ceurber peledanddicd 4 Dr grensby lacng n at Is firîdos-ould redre- -or elevate- tIN GUELPH TOWNSHIP Asericon delltarsby rmerans ut the 2 temtae,peeleti and tilee. e odadsck w tretilis al Grenteti surh a 1eellng l-osactiosa i hutads cdiniesl s esit atisiutoiueuritrer es o %ot tllntefc 1 unhgre Clns urnpd ies. ChilInt.religeratur. yleriya îld sitge. ot e lcaRG. ted GRADE DUIAL PUR- 6. Develpseat et tiseuc i ~ ~ ~ 5 haarhyrthe olosa, hopoe seealsiimlca il iaig'.I '<>tE SIORTISORNS, TIiJu<TOKRîi lfieldisIn Aberta at a heavy ru- Frrenchu srensstg 5 ay ieol'elu eetb ise mslt reurni sirious siody i5 EUIPMF.NT, IMPL&MENTS peoditore te sean rliliîg ln Ca- Siscet lettace top sutting Use r rits for salat. Sire tise thal mode oves- lie paît four ears iode lure nams ut suîy tisai bond in hall anti abcedding it ae- lttuce or sinaci.s. ureti as 5 leDi,iid Abischousous litCl- lii Otttîig te-utI hav-recelcod ueuoIdlihe sprat elses-bere ftro it. cons sis a large balle. Prepare rdiicuabecrabes lto otirisaxtl.lmcuent uot psyioiogy. Instructio,frntrTs 7Poî.uiblily outhlie Biti'uh oUer ingretienîs anti cmbine al brts, grate carrela, etc. it lat dng hondreds et yaisng [ iH. E. 'ttcI5PiO)D pudbigdvle nWsi tegeUer sis Frenchis dcumlng, t. Select culisr cumbntion. ci -oies .aîulis heauslfoii tlîm aiflr tî el hiipublic Ai-iieta bh,îuud sin d.lod1sWahlg sellaronsoneti. Seve weUrisilled. eelIfyo ure oraîge anti ed rsly sicbuilrigllenecd.Ail unre fimec tuatedlîocnihe iilptra.iens iiu,îîlîluctis sand tireoue FRENCH DRESSING wisih green uiilulîîriii(klî n iîuilîull I, liuligl-'s v i), 6, 11àimiu le lîil liax tro hlitirititi r ou.q "cup iorga 7. Do nul plaie gree miiege- le-ia-,s- liii u%%,teiîightcneî. And, SATI ItDAY, J 3Vii ist 0 irrlet atb Oh ~toables in a paliers . ThcYv ap- 1tîig-iseiiug ibi il.lua, euleiîillell ls1iî'iîh D-'issu-h $11111 îieîllî ute eirei, 1 tp suaei ter and tiste etter tosed te- liai uIn i u lii-amisiltiiliil i luuiiug: u lut.tcu're illeened 12days in Stutu. puaprikageUser. (For rait saladu a pat- tas-up ihistuies oethlss vugde- Slllli'l'tt)INS __Rosei.,td Ci-liiîlu ulriv tioits a Pepp. ppitateIris attractive)I iiueust iees' Iu cciof 12 27'1, 5 3.111 ulul, Sire Prince 8 unis utofleleîrtmet ut Trade Plcil Up. e iet ntu ibird _____________-uldeic uit huuuîu, 1tbh lIe clt aItut W Plac ailus itisiiti u-uuiis. st-i iuolî-tiI nhyte(1e ii ilel.5480l,2 yr.i. oud iCumre e neuîiundiee net glas. jar. Shabe vtgecausly. Use A pcetsy ciploreti Greut gorrils ltli-tcui-cuel or*loch ut aI- Sic,- liink ut kiî2, ' rs uiuio ullIroeto et asts, or iary as tiesirati. Variation iras ecaptuced aid exeveîd eta- itiii I iî-îion Pr. suiu tîsn -st3> 2, Si osu Clippler. 346 '6-5t'.rad i e ne sIdiaid Sec vugeteble saledua: Atit 2 tbspo. itee sise eluyed sith hue pirsouer,-r" ui-il Fmiytnso, Marsceis2-cu; sli Clietr ls le-aigluee i ieC cellers, andtiti p biput i rse. guncti s-enlt il uubtl, -ture. Sceedu 36753oi, 1 pu-ir uhi i, tîeacduslsltTadFo. je'iiiaiu. .- o uc - \Vlî(e rleru-, 2750179); t .O Yt ii, 319t75,38 Ps-311il COscgrusiug îuîlaîiîur irs- il f-tas, reicit-il 7 RseMa- eiidie-s gru.-sr-ercenuietde- listhe ig A%%> oe r hsil ceîîuîî-25 îlr. .dSire Ros-eCsarti; Lady WtsOL PRODU<Tl>N ut ti,- ong Mu, e" 11 îustîîîislilrne 5Oli. 307529, t y. lti. Sire MIT Nioturtiil agotucsir.' O Rose iiao Rus surt2750o, anetolu, iid ici tisiu îinruiStar. isi dtlcGordonsOayne. Arrio a-ioiin Canadaino1947ussassled ~ 1~ T'1PS But iere la tise dflolle testis-eny 5hllliWS Gar at ,14.t milionîetaissdT'hi,, is e tha1 lh, - Ili- en, ru it îl liîng weill sali at ltit;i- blouest toursicîsn ntise pot la allHO S S Pn aI ut- f l,, ou lIiter. ndled i-it ato risrd; peoru anti epreseist, oly 16 pr lîîîuriîîld. (Coinufý,-3.ueoîtise utfsmie. -i-t outalubIdoestie tisappeai- cc F ý'Y)TiNî; (lA-Mus'-rt:2 GradeBruif- ne Flw r rEveyOccasion (r, erod rd1 ihni Flowers for vel'lis[ltuee--i îIîethatt-.eî'mcr; t Iteile, 2 YOms- aid;- i I 11iterland 1 pStcr jrngt. ,e uver tise uts --s-isuiscr Will-i 1 s-er. 2 '?se ar - isTeg ios - Corsages Wedding Bouquets FsisiOflI Dumi5S lus place rt le-sru, i ic ieise or and silisuand asielves poil fusit30saects aoOSSarnssi i Ie i-tv îd IIARNESS - Bay Harold C. Fay s-uî3ûyoe uo (l~dî "-osIt sud 12 ycar-,- Set 'ft khn Ha. - ,s.Odd Colacs-, W , D L RDI.S.Li'ION.MENT -Etc. Sie os rî.PLUMBING and llt-,i- York Sîs due attIsme ut Phone 151 R. BROWN, Prop. MinStret ej sW 2:. rtuI~sît YOUNti iOWfl-2 SoiusoTamt IATN t'uane'ugreals-rilerutronecuf Yîricross,.retissieelo;' York hiec greol Ilîltrie, luIn1932 bulie lr.rid 6s-buýk;YorbSus-4-- ____________________7_YorkChariOl N annurec tat omunii , s't l'am Weaners liailirtiloinîasuthieusrîdu igielut l t OuLT."and QIPt3ttMENT PHONE423J s-iees-lie oouu ss t e ial aStal- 125, Ilyhîlî Poin- t letp. Rockn; iand Moluoto uasght ut t e- 5il utyhrid CreclsHamp. Rockcs, fo ieh îtybrâ feed.. iertefoncîal citatioînever Max- Al oaot1s-cris', aid; Bred i erktis Ria oe llls 1x2; Range Sielter; Fettong us (bbi lse itosias a rtiestlsspperu. Coiolns-tes- Ftsinle1936. Bst lite se rnanyu!-ils50111 Chick eupartty. 'Sta ljgh ' Ch ck S arte e-etocSs-bu buave goar ta Russîa 'ThACTOR oanl EQUIPMENT- 'Staright Chic Sta ter ith such high hearts and hpes For'dFerguon Trcetuvuonishber trlieiieg tisai cusiwsas ail in AlIcondtion, 10' tire-s; Fer- Mati troa a errty btancti ors-ta oîfaîîngail t isiaid il iras. gcnc-usiy anid user s-us Fec ason Lft; TwoTH tise naccaoary ingrttiîcnts te insure rapiti gcawth. Ireedom snd ritioisty, lie foil Wheel Traser 4caliec on s-biser: e te es cebus-ai ogis. 'pie mae Muple Lest 8" plaie Choupper; SilO Wr as. have a cos-picte stock of Pest Mass, Oystar stues tise tiosilais dsiis h-ttie Tffltih Csltivaoec sis tractai Shei an Grt. Gt yurswhil th si is aequte.hues; M.H. Dse Plus for trncter Siscl ati nt.Gat oar whlr he appî s ticuat. sosItIds greatrît s-iter s-as lecr oisrýe:Crculer Sus; Cher. 31 'STARLIGI-T" GUARANTEED FRESH FEEDS ta srite th!&. - douat his-bri-n Coti ony alliserciluntry le tise -ocid, HORSE DRAWN IMPLEMENTS Matie Bp cue n lu hsîlruGrmany thoglît MeCurs-lis Deeriag 6 fi. Bintier; Bordr, . umu type. gcoud tocrepoîrs ie lisre,. mure hosed d ti us- mDsp Raire; IHC. Drum Hep ft5l~~jj" m-ircfas-foi. mrcevasaizeti' tLeader; Frost & Woud 5 fi. MIU N M LLNG-O.Muser; Hatu Teileri; New Ides M ILT N j IILL flUTise Seitu isal ia Isu pard Msnoure Spradri; Iering Spral- f L tise birlîtcimpling ertuss Prf î ori tus; 14 plate isi est- Phone 50 ListeofMiltontiscus aid 14 pite Dse Inthiese;rA R Phone 50 Li ited iltonOnt, thon $50,(M1frot e tsdues. Wheeî Barros; Strnyri; Seulles ________________________________________________s-its patrs-fui slghtag stock; F I 'urisusst Walklng Plus; 2 Fac- _____________________ utissron Gang Plus; Oliver Siectîin andiSet OSertiln Hans-ru; Autot ____________________________ c Washed GraveLcon crete Turnip Suwe; 2lScsttto; No. 1 l' ag, 2-12-6 Fertillizec; Steel WOrml- _____Sand,_&___ - ______SandCriRoiser '[ied Wagon, 16' tires and Beach Steigisu; 2 Wiseeled CEMENT AND CtIDER 'FiuslBx Ii R siofi. bus; LIVINGSTONE STOKERS uFOR J oail xar equpen Arrsosntîti ntiser cc n iseM ion i sr c An Brce 31cNer 111 BtsWiet; t)ne-heii toi at .,1tun etfiuy aid abuts5Ilaires ot thcnr uscrusii tell pou Sas comfrntîbir cconornsgal, iii laiss--isy tauto; 7(y1Crs-est PHONE 453W 3rîrtu; psiletfMixeti Wood toc troable free anti lubor saving tSey are: tcl)hISHOi5t EF-Ci V ing Creos-Separator, nearly new; C O A L t tiare iret lRonge s-tus Reser- voicine odconditiun; 9 Pîrîr ANTHRACITE SOFT Wlut Veneer Dinîne Saite; Oui- catis, rt; BOissBeti tpriîg. mati- Tom H ines m; Esernel S5mb 16' s 30'; ang- INSULATION GYPROC T m si ng Lumps: isia-pisuar sth rc- LIME CMN PLASTER ANI) BRICK usits; Sad ms-ns; Vikint Baitrcy CEMENT Radio; 1 te-sn Mos-n; Beatty PIOEER~t~s> ~SAND, CEMENT & ROAD lisa isec n gouti conditioen; GRAVEL, LOOM & CEES- loten. ot t.EiatnTS POOL STONE TERMS - CASH k Phone i13r22 Prne N.B ha mile seN a NeReii slieFe.itmuio. - Re S. ADAM S of (Guelph, 7 miles S. of Frecs- AAM Box 20, Georgetawn Lnch Cuanter. Phone 48 GLEN WILLIAMS Mtntity anti Eliat, AuntIoneOrs Phonse Erin nr iltotn E APPOINIMENT OP ~A. FAY as Agent For tBANKS -MORSE natic COAL STOKERS See the madel now on display in our show. roomas. lt's gosier and mors economicul fo malte installation now! When yau instait a Foirbanta-Morse Coal Stoker you gel ait the advastages of autoatic heating and cul pour fuel bis besides. Thermostat contrai assures aveu, comforlable temperalures at ail limes. * Fumace-tending drudgery is dans away with i è.lust NIi the happer once a day, whes il suils pan. Cleas heat, too . .. eo mare baose, dusip ashes ta dirip lthe hause. Fuel bis are reduced becaus. s- you use iawer pricedi stoker caal, and aniomotic contrais regulale ils feed ta the flrebed oniy whes ls needed. There's absoiutelp na maste. i haufl omBflcMtr 'tONI sRIfflETW., TORONiTO TRURSDAY, JULY ist lm THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE 1ý COUNTY (OFHELTON 1948- LOCAL COURTS CAIENDAR - 1948 pilsce ofSitting Due of Sitting lm.e. 1.7 lueseSept. N«v.1. Msitns .-.Frdny - , yj as 4 le S 1 G.1tlls-.a .y t3d.e a s4! 5 m sActe ...... T..d, - I . 6 as 6 4. Ail Dwisi Courts Opn atutsa a..Stadrd Tîae N-.» an.d Addre. of 61Clrk.-. C. Lausdo.. Milton.; 431John Chanbr..0-k belil, .El- Th.ep.o,G egtown ; 4,WiitetCle.. AIse; 6 C. D. Buali. Brlisuto. Crmîr Cortand Onseral Sesson. Md.e. 751 joe, x p=.. Molisau. 6th Detuber, . . Sittingu. o Conty Court aitiost jur y, Moday, Stb April, e6tas&m. Stseduy. Oh Osbc,, e . . ... Aditf Cial Justic.e ad Caunty AcuasTsdy thinamuary; Thoursday. 8Oh April; Ted.r 6h Juy; Ttusd, 7.c th Otohey. *y Offler W. L DICK, Milto She's MORE PROFITABLE when she's protected from Insects Torntisg iies can cat pour castte's weigbs ant i s-us icit. Shili Livesroct Spray is the auro way to riti poar Sertiof sssect pesta. Cîer the air as miîtissg ime. macing and t% 'elf nigtst. . . spray Seli Livestock Spray Si iretlyoncuaretore puatissa îbeasoas ta pasture -ani beore eddissg thea dama. tasecis assdfics are repelied roundth sie ctoct.x Be sace posawaysbave SheiLivestoak Spray o ass Si 1.6 5 laperial gallt SHELL DDT BARN SPRAY G r he nUp ons flic$ tis a ur Sp upraia their Srerdsag places mia Spowertat Isho DDT Barn Spray. On stalta, an daarwayo, on inside sraces anti gaves, o aanags l ~Y asiag'filasofdeatW - - -draeashard-stae S pss-wos't Slow away. Pan asing rroi * $'\o a aagaist flie - killtbem àkr $ 2.2 5 an lasperiat galn. Get Sbeit Livestock Sprayu andt SheiliDDT Barn Spray truas ort local dealer-rigbs euay. V