ae aubîau hampîion Volume 89.-No. 5. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY Ist, 1948 Eig-it Home-Prînt Pages-Five Cantet MiltonliighSchool OE 10ATEDO1>ENING CEREMONIES OF iiXL'O EALT11 UN~IT'I.(i.D.E. PrescitLo Milton. Wins 8-2 LAST SNATRILTONPrizes to PupiiIs FrmGogtw Pupils Report '" fMlo col FonGogtw On Saturday the descendants 0 itnSho G rades 9 and a10 tv Egand, 1o L mi: Mcc. E. Harrop mas hoatestor Last Saturday -grated ho this country in 1831 and the Jolne meeting ut the John Mit. LeRsti Frs Eamnaioa ettted on a ferro on the Eighth 7, ton Chopter, IOD.E.. and among Gond Pitehing and Plenty oif Reut fFn xmntOSLine. north ot Hornby,hleasveryi the sixty guests and memberamwere HtigFaueLau are Annoussced for enjoyabte alternonst picole ct thc the mothers ot the popita receiving HtigFcueLeu th 1948 Terni home ot Mr. and Mrs. Russetl Cour. peizes. A very pleastng teature Game of Weels tormerly thse Jannieson tarmn adjoin- mon the presentahion of prizea, giv- The tottawtng ta tee resuuihot inrg the toon an Martin Street. nythcapetesv uil Sprbulngndnodfsh the monk oudae hy the tudents et Among thsetram out af hawn i in Grade F.tght ot the Mttton Pub- iaced atogteat in the sixhh cuita, Mitton High Sehoot for the year oere: Me. Witiam Crnie Torona;tolie Sehoot. lira. G. A. King prea- payed off asMilttan ramped hoche 1947-48. A I indicatea a standing Mt.MnreRudl n amtty, ented prize othe fotowing: For with a 8 ha 2 victary aveu the of7%o vr 16l e7% eorgetown; Mr. and lira. Franh' generat prohiciency during the year Papertonbaya up in their omit a I O~t 6;aCidcte Lenie. Niagara FattS; Me. ccd Mrs. sa ndtng tram 50% ta 60%. J. M. Kereso, Guetph; Mr. and Mca.Sla tedenBocsaarthe poodit irk att et Stherau terto th Thon Woods, Fergua; Mr. Herbert ha tedygorant forennth e tocatnMarstal et theisg t r he GRADE X mHingtheartesMantreat; aF'red furLea-ur HowonMonrea; es.Fre Le-icCutcheos; or the het eaaicg the tray. In tact the irst hMC Aikins, K -Ecg. 1: C. Hia. 1: gue, Motreat; Mes. Myrtte Strome BacePcet Math. 1: Se.'1; Lat. 1; Fr. Il; Geog. acd Mes. Moore, Teesmater; Me.frb e bneiotaanthmcrel 1; SP. Agir. I. Frank HowsomicMr.Cand r.GoOalsCnra Bett; and for manuat the sixt.h inning. Cameeiery ma ;SAlle .-Et. FrII:HamC, M. ac Mm.C; David Baitey. Sytvia Stev- 1hatted tram the mousd ln the ixth Ates -Eg.II;C t. ;Homson and Mr. Fred Hamson, noncnicety vaiced the thants anadHerricgntlocoer. The ll- Se. C, Geog. C. Wisgham; Mes. Ada MeKinnon, St. ot theowiccers, acd Me. E. W. ton lads ment Isto the tray wit Bsunsett, T.-Eng. III; C. Mia. Pont; Mr. and Mes. G. M. Thonmtc -Thoe reidiencreattarmer gaot goveeors recectlyrmodetird, cao the ceeot opcctcg eeremnny Foster, principat, eniressed is tight ln their eyes as daubte plaft C; Math. C; Se. II; tat. I; Fn.Illt; aoc and Mes. Met.aughttn, amit- cn Milton Satnednay atterric.One 125 aneni. tramntdftcrect tparts of the pcovince incctded officiais thoclin. Blanche read lber esnay teatured cn the iest and third inn. St'. Agr.III. tac ; Mes. Maning, Vancouver; tram the Ontario Depansment nf Heoith an meit as di rectar r ctm ther Heotth Utli. tn the ihtogaph and tDavid exhihited a lamplhe bcd icgs. Georgetown hnnehed off a Culminghaos. M-Ecg. It; C. Me. Edgae Ruddell ccd tamity Tor- iOns the. ight are shama membees at thesetaff ofthe ehitnlin Unit. Froct rom tramt the tett: Miss Dnrothy madcsmlrpa een h eet at Mis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~no t.Mt ,S t ..t caistenMe. and Mes. Chas. Sancdenî. Misn Sarah Cameras. Publie Health nunnes; Dr. JmcsM. Mather, direetar; Mics M. fuietne-amtrtytacdteevthin RU.rI;hMash. ccdSt. II;yLaMe.1; 1 Gillespie, Sapeeviare atNurses; Miss Audrey M. AniernPuiOhcliteaith Nurse. Bach rom: J. A. Powell Thnnagh the countesy ot Lever ing. Fr Il; Oeegf L Fruasnadfa r nSacitory Inspeesar; Miss Marion Higgicsoc, Public HcoltiiNose; R. M. CamphelSacitory Inspecter; Bics. Toronto, the Lus Pageant Of Flutit nntsg-Ctements sicgted Feter JEcg u; . Ms.C;Mes.Haeey Homsan; Mes. Bruce, Mcc. Anna Scott lMacNabh. seeretcry mas nat preeent chnic irt- hatogralah mas tahen. Phosto onsth; Fanhian mon prenented hy Mes.and stote second. Evaspopped out Geer . - . II C ia ;Howsos; Me. Ed Brocktebash; Me. riehi shows peetty tittie Anse Mather, dasebter aiofs-. Mot hrî prc-.enting lira. Mary S. Pettît mith a Hall mho bcd been tstradaeed by to rentres hite Stan Fcy mode ccg cad Mes. Donatd MeElnnn, Tair- bouquet during tthe ceremosy -Pots y Rops PeceenMlie Meliiven ccd this representc. tient os tachen tomble. Stover Goch. M.-Ecg. I: C. is. II; cnsto; Me. acd Mes. Otonzo Thor- ;Icre ot Lever Brn1 gv wmc eat cdowonicgisg and Melan- Math. t; Se It; Lot. t1; Fr. Il; tas; Me. and Mes.Bert Thoratos; detigottol ccd edoctisg 1tai 5esn wathed. Slimca and Rush mcl- <ieag. lie. acd Mes. Eshso, Toronto; Mer. j e i £ C1 ainhians, ldsting tram 145M ta the hed osMePhait tnolped ta short. Marris. J.-Esg. Il; C. is. Il; and Mes. Harvey Nxon, Clarbsoos*n u u.: CI1u1 v 6uu 'I ~ UNBY REUNION In bahlotko 1948. She ittuatrcned Tmo rs mahdvete at Mat. C Sc C La. C F C; Me Roh. tgge M ~5II~I# I JpLiIU~k «LL E~E A~ HELI)AT KILBRIDE lertalhnith tmeive modets gamc- in the tient haIt. Norton srctked. Gecg. I. acd Mes. Foster Bramnetdge.I t icdl n perlod costumes depiticg the Wisos hatted iota a double play. Mierenobeeger. P.-Esg t; C.Hits. Omogh; M. and Mes. E. Readhead t£ Il l lJ U OMMUNITY GROUINDS4 differenitiperindo daon throuagh the Scnrey mos hhrmn ot b uk 1;~~~ ~~ Maho;.o ;Lt.t lien Vea ndrMss Lmitthe Mes LH lton C4IIIfli eain U9 nhitýOn oe hondred m ehers t eas.lies. Huit mentionned]the Scs ciglcsa le s Gene. t.Oo tcL cdMs ieh rYahyea e1o h i- itiencrn nhich have caosed the ta right. Clements cas theao Itesoot.H.-Ecg. 1; C. lits1;t; on; Mr. ccd Mes Peter liaettey, Wbhride Commonîtv (,rnonds as Sat. Ichanges n clCacions asd predicted,ouetfr.Evn igdad Math. t; Se. t; Lat. t; Fr. t; Geog luttas ccd mcsy ther tamiliens 1_____ îitil, n anc26h. toe their twenty- hie esent trend aod pravetIoanale second. Fay groocded ta short il. repreevented hy the Asdersons.Macy Officiais tof Province and hie cosgratated those ronnpcssihte t iiics sc.niîî cica. !thea tonely ccd geccetat era 5iccanas theoca outation tiet. Gib- Jtoycee. -Ecg. C; C. in. C; Nisons. DSasns Beanastudgens County on Hand and Visiters tor the cea aegacîoatîsîn. "I am Wi-lii.imti) he Anorciin coas. ja amena ciothes.o apdat att.CaO Math. 1nt; Se. tt; Lat. C; Fr. C; Nrris, Croien, liclch cà See tihe Arrlngesentismade noce Ibis moarment v,1t1go c long innOiih nery ahly ginv-n iy Mli Mes. Byth espreeadthe thant n gcodedcout codtaent.Cali FtemiceaCdonhesmAdeir.e IL ystoaritccigtforthe heatth Bacîlge Cacby ot Miterace, and ot the icterested ltinees. 'nMm ned huene an. C;sere Sp.t a Age.wrdandM.. ir onan MaAtubuEg I .H sd eed gand Othes neah .t for Operatiesi of Unit- ofthe popeFnHheccoiy. moidilinlyretacned.ohyMis II; Math. C; Se. t]; Lat. H; Fr.cdowas tea a ptendid napperonnia oteleed Resideice Maltes an Mina Moore tiaîcctîîr ot Paubli oNtitiS.otpeutftaihpirt NY.,lau onamhcrsn ad oece accampan- Third ticcicg-Stosaer singlcd, n: Gog.ri. har arrnge hy hf rIrMetascon mas sate an pitchero e- MaecyJ. cg.ut;C. is. A gond psgcm t setsmn Ideal Place for the Worlt lialth Nurcsig eralê the Oictienth tint incg tht-impiotance Of ied y Miss Margaret lieDoagaît. _____ nasog M;meting bas-hin 1944, ta cansider living upt: taslis-tiaitloîsn.- Sit annin, ont aSoia hf cSoc erdeennd Bîsce ptg III; Math. C; Se. III; Lct. 1; Fr. cneted hylie. Can Fcqahcn-led. Rsh>pped na acd MPIsai t]; Geng. C. sansd rnyrd hy att, parsicolan- Brautatat ianloen gasOnnndoit- Sur ecî sagc.n us is-aos led us ont ho tet. he ade tirsC 1iPat .Eg t;C ilt vthoe hideen. ina ia thesanciosawansaffoadnd a lies. Pottit cntted Dn.liather. seistngs. enon-d fmmm oaSn. leouteef.Icsmaelai Meath.t] S. ]t a. :c i.; e. it. Franki Hnmscc. the pnesid- ictannasias-settine tan thesoffical danst-clan nd memhees of ic staff mainins- nNosthîrs Ontanrio.PRE'TY JUNE WEDDING o vnserradWlebte 1t]; Sp. Agr. In. est and the secrctacy. Mes. Rohjan. apecace of the Hallas ConnU , lnI thspakehsc tand, tan scînoducc Ws.ts'I'nciacadonand the hUnitnd<THM FEIO I obepo oo ahs Mlta. DO-Ecg. 111; C.]; catted the gcshetng togethen Se- tteoith Unit hee nt- tatiatura- i- sih uoi thana Inathasonattendicg 1ns ATRA FFRON IComeriery pepped ta teit. Math. Iut; Se. It: Lat C; Fr. C: toron the clone and ansongeat a a nw es-vauaînthé-incsem(ny, Bnetiy Or. Mather Reptisn om tha- siohi hranches ATU FoFTENONuetis Ianicg lornsalflicd Geog. t]; Sp. Agr. In. committen and att ogeced to have Otiiitsm h-Osn iolot tîcsd c nttahttenm i icstinapodtais sas.c-nsncc Ieth- ue iM.esuM-. t Mitehell, J--C. lits,11; Sc. ItI. anothon gatiseecg ic hmo yeces. 1ncntccofiHealth. memhbru softhrtas-niitt,-nflis h: c anýss ans-e n snIano-n spaîi Dtta sso lla. Atan. astitinuttyitni-is-ted tote Second mhite Evans bit inC lMrisns. F-Ecg. H:; C. Hia. C- Edgar Ruddett mas eleehed pi-esi- Medicai iProfession, Osecs-soai sthélai ht m-an iucgaiien-lstat s-îa nnwov r714: . nm mnteca uil 1nth Pchk s-sea, snupdcugon and o douhle ptay. Norton matbed and Math. C; Sc. III; Lat. tt; Fe. C; dent. Mr lerhet Hamm aand lis- tnatcutofthc Caonclies, sand a hasn t:-îmed Oie ganessand lie as- ily. 'assg- as-kanet, ofpinb and mhitc Wilsoan mcritiecd Claine the riais Gene. C; Math (9) 1. Feank Leslie are hoinganaothes-1 oI Iiendsa amendent the acem scy (aulir( tlne I sather nimithce units forase. lieriaiseconns-ni t-rus-as IIou Paddock.,L.-Ecg M ; Se. C; lcapplement added ta tho tofmity anod tosai the resîdenne asttafoms-nanasenutung. Panc ai Niagana is oicth i t heet e ning traytins- ite e acnd. Rtoey ton Sqs. Age. It]. Icoebooki. guocccco. mhinh isdjoinscthe han- tauringe n asoccam lien Pentia fllIcin ireiasn cchus-e- Pre tas-lInancediant lcaalBA ola u e istncî cdMGishall.the Peddte, R--Se, ItI oi ont lig. nn acnnnrnts-d chashnbsatitul oin s-oarnc ua-onhy ofi t.cbpoet. augtec aiflin. andlira . G.Arlot Fsfttb nisg-Stas Fay aisted Masica A-cg.Il;C. it. t. RCEPIONHONRS White Hallonnls naît theo itisaIbouquet hy lths Anc Mathen, NY. ,lai Vae-Prsidect, Arcisie aD(i,,llta Clarence Rndrich Pr asen and made second an ntcbea ld Mat. C; S. ; L. ]; F t C.Ha;LaCPINHNR ranz hssrie eO l, luhe ftedrco.nhv. liuaLnhncg: 2sd Vice- B.A.. eider sninfi li. und Nm W. then-. Stane made filo nlest taathgn.zCt;n Scnie.1e;aLah-td ugtc;aiFhe.ine:on Pernident. Etton Ganby of Loch- Prs marc of Kirhtacd Lake. The -necond tamble. Metassnc ent out Gcng. n.- MISS LENORA PANTON Départament ait Heutth songraat- 1 lien PettIt, lis. T. M. Mather tactt N Y.; Canadien neoaetanyrev oi ihec ctee antrta nhstse ci tc Riddel. fl-Sec C. A FORMER MILTONIAN use theofaianis ni the Coucty. icn snMc.OStvnopuedecl-atsitClrMttAse-tisRev-LcuisnPiTkeigmedicgmua- ctpoppd oras fcetdrs chal in-a Shannon, Ji-Ecg. t; C. HBk t; o nc oi the mont impotanstfielîds eat; hite ]adies of Knox Pncsbytcnscn ian ncrento-. Ina. (trace Ashes.n -sqadyli. Fa _!Jut y Py as stppcd. Mask vment demit Math. It]; Se. t]; Lat. t; Fr. tt; The tottowng ttem tcam the publincservce," dectorrd On. R.G. shurch servest luneh. Rochs-tor. NY.; HistorieanOrley l ait oato. c-isiMgrCSFranktaccd.Sec Gene. t. Winnipeg Freen Press ciii hie rend Steathees. Dineeton ni the Divisian G_____________i Trono.i wnig Chpn aedSct Sheppard, .-Eng. tt; C. Bia. wmttbiterent Sy macy ai nue Oi Publie Henith anhonsbe otsiacîy Atul Woe m prdsncclicen ln marniage by licr tather, amas soieons Rusks tmble. tnctse utI; MaCS. C; Se. C; L t. il; Fr. rentdern. Mtss Pacsion a a daaghhee opeccd the Hlctas Conty HcclttbMRS. ATKINS SPEAKER Att tsona inpcs motOcbride marc a gomc oftrtadition- c-aihed. Wytie faccesl Comtai 11; Gang. t]. nt the lte lie. William Ponton, Unît. fDe. Sratber en tactmeit AT JUNE MEETING sunried cas ntth funan cd lanzen ni mhiton satin icshioced on pris- I cas thesas aut hy Evans. Smith, li-Ene. t; C. Bis, t; tan many yeaes editor oi The Ccc- shus dat in the absence ai the Mcc. huaryYoung and d. Honorable ces, laces mitb a smeeet nce- Sith tning-Everyttsdy tank a Math. t; Se. t; Lat. t; Fr. t; Geog. adian Champion, and mho reided Russe] T. Kelly. Mister oi Hcalttb DRUMQU1N INSTITITE mention mon gices the ycungest n c ogtih lee. tn1 atepaemiaacae i in Miton actil 1920 mhec she muaO had ptacned ta S-e pncnest for member ta-C-ent. the intact saoni shirring added hip fnîeest ta Oie this trame. Fine ransmere gars- Staek,.G-Ecg. t]; C. lita, t]; mcclta Winntpeg tea cccnpt thoe -e eemoty. ý The Ocamsînin Wl itbeld their Mn. and lies KarB olnM-etyfaigert Bn Cenoottsos Mît mnyhiswih v Math. t]; Se. I; Lt. It]; Fr. tt]; poiion tenm mbch ste l nom irc- The Oetatmcnt hansifor the mrrtlng ns the hcmesut Mes. Mona- lato i2, c-ha ma jusIte daysneclsuthnmtd hdcmaas.RceMicn.Mccl GegII. tirns. çusî 25 yeaes tonbed tinnmtrd te sisig mtbith 5memberse.4 isitînen id. ensofstemthpecthedtngtcas as trsU esg onMphite Sye, F.-Eng. It; C. 'Ht. ItI; In hacar ah Miss, Lesors Pachan te dut mhc tbicsServis-e mnutdpreeent and Mec. Caconasugh toe- 'l'he cc-ny ,ccesful day ctnced nscnllappedl designcerns the chaut- Georgetosan threteced au Norton Math. C; Se. t]l; Lat, t]; Fr. tt]; anha retirons shoesiy as dîttias nt lbe aaoaie tabothhrural acd -d Tbn olliOcolt"A ite pre- aith thes ingasg oaI God lS-With ldcc and downc Io cV ai the wmmsîcathed,Wltson papped taetnye. Taher.M.-Ecg. lIt; C. Mis,t]; thon Universty niflManitoba, citer neanncentres auke. and me menensarr, c-onacs nred ic many YVanTiflt Wr Moes Agoi. lc.Atnetpvi etae ioeytcod.Gbsn Bcng s Math. C; S. t; Lat. t]; Fe. C; 28 yces sercice, as recepsismnat ann hnHitonivCsnuns:a.bc-uetnmo oes Adomas-in taenlhcart hecddresu nf tulle Il- a singleton, ccd Chaplin mas called Gene. ut; Sp. Age. . belld Mccdasy,in the on acars rai- Cauceil coutd S-e elind lupon ta f$2.0oanîvteri tioa A oatIonJUNE MEETING 0F ainimalHercnascade bouqtuet mas safeOn nsthe fhothanemans error. Math. I; Se. t]; Lt. I; Fr. t; Geog. Usiversity. Guets mere recoived bi ber said addicg Ibat the on m- conne.lien. Wettrn rend a repocrt MOUJNTAIN UNION WL ofcîniland lita.Jn resasat- ectslhr apopfc utein anto el. SngtA-Eg. I; C. i. XI; ecaiteFr arsieoth ntueti ,rve"D.Sr- the Chacorn, Mr. justice A. K. ships bud atcendy becpencaois c f DisctAnnoot The Itempro- HAI> SEVEIlAL REPORTiS nus~ iiItn o ur %mare a hyaeicth SeventS tcsise-Marasall poltped Opnli .Eg C .Fl.I.Dsant. Preeident A. W. Trueman, dental treonomeat tc the niildren grains toc the yese mcm gven not o1u- goniS tasot leet alhd cn Math. C; Lot.ut; Fr. Mt; Gene. Miss Pantan. Mrs P. B. T. Thne-,ni Iheir manîeîpaîînîen ncd loch vrt cîceretise. 'l'le Jusr meettng ot the Maunt- j ne iants usoi ndae msnututeubsae bhornt. s ole play fored Can C; Sp. Age. tt; Se. C. tahnan. lies H. M. Speenhit cadi Peaiinsathon comrtpenness ni the Mo. Athins oc gos-st Speaker. in Ucion WlI. met ai the home 1 Scdaluit iet. sinb mlt osd me htns adousend. fcngmaled Wilson. .-Esg t]; C. Bis, t; lirs. A. W. Treemas ODr. Truemas Irrmodetled reidecnDr. Strathnnscos cccavpy ictcrsting tltSon ber oft lie. Marchi. oapel ;mt andnftl irt Pnd cortnaa a- ute s et S eed, ca pasppoda Mat. t S. 1 Lt. ];Fr. 1; apohe breofly ni Miss Pantnlong ns dded, the Haltîsn unît n'as ideas lll cp nFundaa ahc t uaa i eb. Ccd8apbn ell - s-u Pnis- iiTuralisand rose a cas o h ltnond heeen dou Mat. I Se 1 La. b ruitence cuein ht iccamithei no oion- bme a nd epavsita nh Gene. . iand cahoonsiservice ta tho n nvoe- ituahes iefr the Iiepcrientehradnc ilacogwhheet.lwn theepotsotahe - risc simsmun mon Mr.William Eighnh tccoiag-Fcy sess tbroms Wilson, R.-Eng. ]; C. is. C; sty ccd Peofesse Flcrecenle- snd tudentc uin Public Hsathte s isuandne soutd ameti brise monder-sanding cammitieen the onlal ral ah Ris-blod iLake, bs-ths--Outntut irst hy Inches. Shaves- Se. C; Lat. C; Fr. C; Geogne. ;Loughtic preosented thon bonner goeit examine a mnebabte Puhieb catS oifocesac and atneIt can nsedsecoWbnstor.ul heesno Sp. Age. t.aiha si Itgggc-o Ue--fnalt, and tImunit iaseonhacdy so bs-os-hon Shr asen llo tad me gaod utIAtho rretoim dietrnpacgMlcoclseiaCa Wigglonomotb, J-n ;C. talftofaihec finonda. and mombeccî1anars-e sutsntudy at Toronto. Cn ustsn i aonn c e ce Thcnomaol meetings af tisnhegoiluaaýwsncgethont cemonny erthe 70 tioders ehoice cetielce Stacer. Bis. C; Oc. C; Geog. C. ni tho nivcesity sîtaf. 1cgasise be id the Halactc inor seakend Min C eensgh FesialndAiSctyn ucl asas rsnttobrdsmohn lnsisodonPg Ket Whltetoch, J.-Esg. I; C. Mis. i Misa PassIon laiced tbe saunit omutd res-aine th îesn c-Opier- hacnt u tohn t etn saiuladOcno nulseecc-ie in egbecnn _____________ 1t; Math. t1; O. C; Lot. Itn; Fr. the fnrmer Manitoba Agriculturo]atuina"tram te Ecpastmcct ai 1 sdd th prayer. aller ahiet ncpated, Mimons Ecaline Pelliter- dovne gret crepon.mth acorsagenof C; Gene. C; Sp. Age. I. cltege ic Gctnbonn, 1920. an dit- Qunena Park.lunh wmon ncec-dacd a a solothafit ancd Oornhhy Moînastie laid nofnceetheaeh roses, gatardia cnd ---- eacnegn,]-Math. C. !tenan cd oetureceic home econ- Mes. Mary O. Petti, reve s-sjoyed. te nsu rnris-d onsla thon Ciels' strit leather; thon grooms mots- Hrnbre,1Nesnadchairs-mman ocîthe _______ Clahs and displasyod nomte ni thelr1 e cm sisticg c-eh" a flootongtb onngE et Case. S.-Lot. C; Math. C amies. Sebeahonbeen coninoosaty NloCcd uobmaloinn-ae is nqnglGil îydI n- i qa lit mttnrnen Taiford, Hl-Math. 1; Lat. It; in thon cmptoy nfthon collego n cd cammittoe set pb atnCu-wr.'li mPe Glslyd1go 'faq alewthcsgef Fr I ,ah ; uiLot. sne ie pit t y Counscit, mon in chargs- ni thon ýTHE EVAN-RUSE Kcin trumenais. Thse meeting 1 sweetheart roses. aqua gatcrdia .1 uns-unt iMeesinas BlJ-a.C;Lt1. Under lber direction thedopatenet ccmcay. Italier oddnc-cn or cas--WEI)1ING AT KNOX îloedul nih God Suce Ibe Ring,:,,nd onirich fetesr jtn.s, eiîlc cns n Cunningham, G-p. Age.. vces- mhicb sbte pedides bas geonanhome tua the- mont guenî t MNE MITNalsr ashis- lutns-hc-as cerd. IF-th1-dds mp 0BO-ui timaischs -huEecdst nt GRD X font a cmparatively sans)] usas- peai dbmrohrnti- aiishoin the bride donsnd an aqua eemu hascinittat GRADE tX su-m no eric t oe f hete s oel un the Cnty Concilî tati-itsn-suKnaPs-t- ssssî-sms alh --coIcs, aiotosi Baltcy, M.-Ecg. t; B. Bis.1; ltus-alliahnd 'servis-e ho ans-fcinoxe I .b> asNWBSIN-E.SSaonreedeswit lnnl inegoI;trtH;Matnd; -S I;-nI tequipped inta hhs innthein ca-usturrtian ls hathem- -ca aIs Caaecta, Roc E.Phaco. an- s5-'.n NY'shtuiintoo. whiten hohu hat, res ImmuniatlctiaCani r tonfant GFr. ;Ar t1 lth.; n I;Winnipe-g as-en.For many yeura ý,ina tht- la Hs-althbUnit orgunlo- îsaoiin moecaauan Luis Laaucc- "-' ns-d OL ýloeh o ndosgo aa.od ps-eahî ehitdrec om ei!S Ps-or T siethe cmanagement of the ftond aliosiothe Peccince . Iht. a. h. la o f s-lMr, ndi Mn-. VACANT STORE drsau. hetd et thon BloesCony enîtS Basno, .-Ecg. Ill; B. lita C; Servicsnbecome tan coatica Mins Tise Wneds en ege K. Clons-c, Wiler-I1iunh. anai tuasne Misshoit te ide-tadond groom eredunoi Usit, liStrees, July 6th, 2 ho Gang. C; ArtItIi; Math. Itt; Or. Pontn« les-tacs-il linhome s--nocasiis-asedinnus.Petits othrnt et. Et- ,sion, ninaiMia. taucclu Ecoa- <ivc aîncg tlic acly %nain-nt pnop- lia-- lIC.N.V.ti duuinigt1he waad d ut1; Fr. t. snîdsîs-sin noinsisatanot mariage.-fotusaond saîgonizason wma n aiant thea tileAlfredlEnans. criîîainîltheuloan n businesn'!alireciintnlraof Victoria Cnllega-, 4 - Basylin, DO Ecg. III; B. Bis. t; men.ccl te ule elhservie- h rlewr r, fwieicoo anSreMs ea rrnoadOtroCleeo anDnee luPceti Gang. I r Ilsat.1uS.1 rgonnord on Hulasn. ttinstethe siih jesuay ih white hal ansi aPlaît tut Tornnto, oîacod the Mil- Idctiun. Dicy cilie S-oshome Panm. evecth LUre, I% tclls Fr. t]; Sp. Agir. I.STANDING ALON capablo guidacu- ni the- dircotac cmoeangulut s-d ross. lis. lsHu-brt taun lanai-aB-ats- Ion s lndy eces- lin Isis- iiensin oHacocen after corthni Harnoby, Taesdoy. .ly Mos-h .K-Ecg. IIt; B. Bts. Itt; a1 a ALr. inMaths-er und hi.,ntaff, t1uamsure Artnoldt mac hiîlrsmosd. ic prtnts-d mu' Sntsmh-r tth isaI hee the bta. Modeenasres Orcestra. Ad- Gog-n. C; Art C; O. C; Sp. Agn. C. RURAL SOFIALL il iii tue o ssallo a-ea c-ysltactl u ansico- luualulia oci-11ii-cîae. as-uuu milhi omcbs1 h hemision 5()C. t Clements. C.-Ecg. C; B. Bis.1 LEAGUE TO JUNE 25th Oloing in tenon pon, l1,ersaeaiil.-cs-ucsM 1a tnHA. lnc Cni osbnnHihO-oo tf C; Gang. tH; Art C; Math. 1; Se. -t -to to sotechUat part oI Clasa-edge aas genamnsmoc. itanmghly pinied in an attractive GCasniaattecded fromt Kirhiand Garden Party. JstY 22cd. 8.20 III; Fr. C; Oç. Age. It PiW L PhO ao s-ibi amorae important thas Fus e tis-ceoînion. lias- aides hias s-on. hnbth ac-.ide and ast. ALaube, Ultert- Pa., Clinton, Toroninto,1a i onby Maltlfitascons i- flredge, E-Ecg. Il; B. Bis. III Cmpbeltnitte 6 2 4 4 .333Ite phyicol mcii binc olas ehilsi, mstts- mare llnmcoed ith piqorjlong bar and tables instaties tom Hamilton, Georgetownan od Atan artng Chartes Masaigan and On- Geog. tt; ArtIIt; Math. t; Se. IIt Banaby -..........62 4 4.3.L. L. Ohasce, P. . t., tee Butas ihhsacy orcosauries.corsage oh Patracs comot, milche itone of eheato, Ten Blayeowetsboy snger; Fr. t]; Sp. Agir. I. Lmcille-........6 4 2 8 .667 stotesi. Hoecer mo are Isteasonsipaink carnutin,,;,cahile1hoiegroom.,ttc musiantutras-lice eatice bouses Thon British gocerocont ba castir en Stneom, magicien; Tam mac. Eliett. i.-Ecg. T; S. Bia.,II; Oagh .6 e4î2 6 .667 thot day bas long gosn ansd ta-day motbcc asintcd. sacoing prinhed ic MultIna.Miss Hart, commtes tod Coccdan participation in c tond iltonl, consesias and Miss Mtty Gg. tIt; Art C; Math. lit; Se. Pateemo 5 1 I4 2 .200 Ih saimportant thc heotth oi thon slb jersey ansi corsagc ci Pick car- lMiltnn fronm Torontocahore sho ha geoicg ptan ta cape cith c tarent Joyce Clariden. ap dLacer, aise Inut Fr. I. Tantey - -7 s4 3 s .570) rhild ls esual ta hat ni the intel-nactions. Ses assistanot supercisor ah the Oni m onsiond shortagecathin tac Bail Rasme 7 Mitoen OmIs os. Ellisa L.-Sc. C Zimmeemas 6 4 2 8 .667 loetuat Sing." The -brides gine cmay cnnem-. Mouicat Arts Building Snack Bar. sent ton yoaes.tac Rth linon, 'fatigar, Elîta M-Esgllsh Iut; Geng t]; _________Wcarc al anc hunsiresiper, Ste, iectoedia dsy rose cretue Shon tormoeit raonductonsia tuncih lîon Rural Att Star Losgue. Art 1; Math. II; Se. 11; Fr. t. Canadaus recect International cent. S-Slnd tais unit,"saisi Or. jdres with ,!ce aqua wmml cgancd hasinessaci Scaeton ansi Oshama. Thon Fnty-nlner isa a sec ea Admion 50e and 25C. Reiresls- EnglOah M-Eng. Iut; B. Mis. Trade Fate, ln Toronto, mas tac A. C Bremee, President ni thon gotd arceasories. The couple mutl An sont, Ira Pearl Nelan mili rase, rlrh yeitom outslde ccd vivisi met hanta. penor-s by.M-nb.