TEIIRSDAY. JUNE 2455. liii THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE ft~E ma-sM. WatesaofITorsnto te estlsg s'ith Ma. and Mm. J. Wat- ers asd f anlly Mr. and Mms. J. C. Paddan of Kitchener penl Sunday ita Mr. and Mrs. Wlliasm Cole. Fiienda ish Mra. G. Lyle s'ba la a patient ln Guelph General Mosa- pil s peedy rcovey. Mr. and Mr. Ken Gallos'ay, of Torato, vsted itO crelatIvea la tas's dus-ing the week-end. M. and Mrs. Roger Plolemy and son Doug pent the s'eek-end aI thelr cottage la Malburtss. Mr. and Mms. H. D. Suter and Miss Diana af Port Perrp vlslted Dr C. E. Fealbea-ulone Sundap, Mr. tnd Mra. Verne Baises and Mc. and Mis. Bill Shelds retucoed Mcndap aflera n enjoyable trip to Manitolis Island. KNOX PRWSYTERL4N CHURCH MIaialr-RBev. IE . J.phis Mr. Stanley Roberts-Organist and Choirsoaster SUNIJAY, JURE 211, 1948 10.00 arn.-Senior S.S. 11.00 a.m.-Jaaior Scheol. Divise Worshlp. Preacher Mr. Arthur Allis. B.A., UnOos Services wlth St. Pauls Us- No Evenlag Service durlsg Som- mier months. A Cordial Welcome Awats Yeu at Knsa SE. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Mlsste-itEV. J. 1. BLAIR. BA. SUNDAY, JURE 271, 1948 10 arn.-Senior Obarch School. Union Servicesiii e lcld ln the Presbyerian Church at 11 arn. Mr. Charlie Pearson who balues. Jase 29th-The W.A. wili bees ronlined ta Crstie Street meel at he charch at 2 p. Hospital, Toronto, for several in order ta visit Mms. G. Nord, sceek, peal the week-end mith Brampton. his famiiy. YOU ARE INVITED Intermediates GRACE ANGLICAN CIIURCH Drop Two of The EV GRAYRAINS This Week's Gantes SUNDAY, JUNE 2710. 1948 (Cantlaaad irsss Page One) Il at -Holy Commninon. 10 ais -Sanday Shoosi. isound chares as if ntldng h.d oc- 11 a.r.-Morning Prayer. rred. 7 p..Evening Prayer. Hdiltng s'as generally beavy and ot In the gardes, ielders tlayed deep. Masalen of Actans aaamed ILO a triple along wiîh Stover of MiI- BAPTIST CHURCH ton. Lindsay, Foottt, Melansan Pmtr-Rev. Chares Ilaaefek and Mince srnaohed doubles. ln 1he Farmers Building First innlng. Acton s'et down la order; Mastera, Mrlon and Ma- SUNDAY. JURE 2710, 1948 sales. 10.30 a.i.--Sanday SchooI. M. Clernents singled, Rush fled out John Matis l spesk ta 1he t0 centre mith Clemens golng ta beys and girls ai tlOb service. second. Stan Fay loaied a sale- 8»o p. - Evening Service. M. ty pushlng Clemeatste t h5d.stos- John *Machsn an otalandlng gospel speaker 0111ll ring us ver smashed a long triple, csring 1he aressage fr the evenlag. ts'srunneva but as raled outfor Mr. Marinssill contnes'lth US0 filing t0 touch esed.r 1he eceningsofaiJane 281, Second Inning. Lindsay swung 2910h, and 30)10at ovictir ime out ishile Fotitta long drive s'as he iii peak an topica of great interesi. A groop of talentel gstheced ai centre. J. Waterhouse Msclans are t0 e b eard at kno-ked a salety preeedlng G. Jor- tbene services. These meet- donsa leagthy blos' that Clemnta 1ings ill 0be held in different bobbled. Waterhosse raced home baises. cornmening at 830 MRobinson popped taisecn. Grene 0day. Jone 211h, 830-Cottage Marsallpoped e frst Grnké prayer meeting aI the boise ,ingled anad reacbed second on Meî- of Mr. and Mc. J. Bristow- anon salety. Clements p-sand Wednevday Jane 300h at 2.30- halU enabîcd Masters ta catch Mel-1 Womeno Mmsionarl' Cirle. asson aI 10he ytone. Rusk's long 1 AL ARE WELCOME drive waa pslled la at let field. ________________ Third Ianing. Snyder oalked.1 follos'ed by Masters. Morons PENTECOSTAL HOLINS scratcb paohed bth cannera ap ai CHURCH base but 0e wet ouI Oween Mas- BEV. FL wooDS, Pastat aIes basbed a long triple pas Bli- Order of Services nco, soriog 100 can, bt ma, tag- îHeid in 1,G.0F. Hall) ged tteisptlng boise Lndsay sîng- led and Fs-titt popped la Grenke.' SUNDAY. JUNE 2710, 1948 Fay andl Stover it two bard, 1000 ais -uNday Scbool and uine drives that mere sagged at Bible Clas lt and third. Slimca salhed but 11100 arn.-MsrritOg Worsbap. t R. Bravi grosnded to Sspder. 7(X) p.rn Evangelitir Service. Fesîth Inning. Waterbosse it Wcd. 8 p.rn W.MS. wili meet bt s'as tagged ai second on Gb' a thebhorne of Mro. J. Jorn- Jscdan's cboire. Robinson s'blffed î-sSn, Rains St.3 and Snyders drive nas snagged atI ibor, 8.30pis-Y PS. vord base. 1 Everybodp Welcoise E Marsbal and Grenise ment ouI ______________ at first. Melanson couled a dou- hie; Clementos'alked only te have And Te Obail l10s'thie Tvutb andt Rusho deep ly al pslied in 0y the Truth ShailIMobe Yeu Fres- Foottt aI centre.Jo8:3 Fiftb Inning. Masters and Mor- THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST ton and tben Masales ent domo OMAGII iorder. SUNDAY. JURE 2710, 1948 Stan Fay poled oual a safetp- s'asScel 1 lorced out at second mben Stover'. 10.00 a.m-Ssnday Sbo ground drive was plled in bp Mis- 11.00 a..-Worsbir Service. ton. lncoosng out.RBrush Come Now andl]et UsReasoo Te- westte10first on Maaaleo ild beave gels-r Satb Jehovab I.saah 1: 18 and Stover corne home for Milon. _________________ Ms-aIes boled anober off Marsh- al and Brasb oent te Oird. Fot -______________ itt snagged Greokes fll for the 3rd oEut.A SiolO Inning. Lindsay lommed E R N a double. Fs-titt and J. Water- boa-e ment domo. Wii 10 I tX I 10 ora rsnle eightwhreah-" T X ing the deadioch as Lindsay caine PH. 404 borne. Robinson it; se did Sny- RESIDENCE 450W der. Jordan s'altzed borne on Snp- ders iogle. Masiero popped 10e 14OUR51SERVICE short. Al passengero I lly Ilssaaed Milton ent dawn la order; Mel- onso Clemenîs and Ruk. FRED RORBINS Seventb Iseing Morton boardj Stand at Bus Terminal cd as the resat of Rusk's over- thros'. Masales long drive wao caagbt by Binis, Lindsay popped ta third. Fs-titI cloted a double Puubing Masales over for No. 6. Waterhasse groanded te short. Fap and Stover s'est dowa. pe S cto Stinco it a safetp. A cosedecis- p r Su ü*1 !on an firt ent te Bravi but Sny- der wblffed Marshal. l in r Final Score; Adtos -gilton 3 Mo Score: p- HEl Actn 012002 1 6 93i Milton 200 010 0 3 7 3 Uopicea -Witemnan and Mocus- ton. lObe Teama: Milton-Clennenta rf; Rusk as; S. Fap lb; Stavercfc; Blico If; R- Brsi-i c; lstasball 2h; Gresike P; Melanson 3b. Atos-Mssters 3b; Morton lb; Mazales a; Lndsay ; Fottt et; J, Waterhouae 2b; G JordanIf ; -Robinson rf; Snydea- P. bici..maa Lot un e o anefuneses, Chhsaney, Seooob, ChuSses sad aher Buidlgs h Mod- ern ~a. NO MUS -NO 5555 - - No OUS George Collins Pisoao MâtaiS U5. AUl Waak Gsaa-steed WURLINGTON LIMITED ONTARIO PRINCESS THEATRE TONIGHT, THURSDAY JUNE 24-ONE NiGHT ONLY Lauretta Young and Ray Miland in "THIE DOCTOR TAKES A WIFE") Kiddy Caddy - Slappily Mariied Screen Snapshots FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 25 and 26 Charles Starrett in "FIGHTING FRONTIERSMAN" ANOD "TIAT'S MY GIRL" Warner Pathe News Serial Cbapter 8-G Mes Neyer Forget'-Matinee Onlyl MONDAY AND TUESDAY. JUNE 28 AND 29 Selected Short Sublecta laL W COMING THt RSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATIJRDAY, JUJY 1, 2 and 3 Gary Côoper and Paulette Goddard in "UNCONQUERED" PLEASE NOTE-Owing ta Iesgth, feature shows ONCE Each Evesing aI 8.30 P.M. FIROT ROM) DIESEL. IN COJ8ADA -- nit ailw iv.epwe nee wpase with th divey L Program wmlii tart at 7.30 p.m. the Canadao N.îi-iarl Rlaloyof tw tiploai, 45() hp. dies'l eectcic ,,,l larnot..l'heerrvwsad giaata umuwaabt.Oma5Mtiea3N..n paioaeiniioîcit4 i î..l nNaina ii:!sinfîlh srice oesoîAul -pogîr.om.ee. ___________7___0__ >m__Md___________M__2__U_____ milopr-leîiîiily ecCiclso ~t~,~ liiîe lr~î r-we -oes 1îs-raîo and bioîtr-al, ad er. therwisa adiet1B offically î..pr.ited by R. C. Vaghan, CMIG,, oSirtouand preidoot; N. B. W.lîîn, C.. ,eative vice- presden; nimbesuf he -ar, of(lirýtos anj oher onimrivoffcer TAKE TIME TO ENJOY JUNE Tabo timc 15 enjoy thc fresbnvo, and la-ibveos of Jun,- 'The daya pasos-iftly, the sovoon changes Il msIl 0e a long ime lefore Jone i., nitb us agan. Ilemember the bare, bieak braches of afew months go. Yio tbougt Spring wouid nevitr corne Then paue 10 rcvel nos' in the great mo-ses of green mapie loI- age dappivd oith sanhine, the fresb nes as yvî anspolved by thie dust of bai ryiog Irafflo Few 'ped1- estriano have noticed tbal the nid iugged l bunI tos'ering beside the igb.ay ioino bonna nos' Only L0e bei-o and bird, are ouare of boney'-sseet w-ite custers pen- dant frois Iis bage bouquet ièh overiiead. Had yos considececi the loorly gey-gren of the gret ailo- branches drooplng tb the ofrparn or rnirrored in the quiet osIer? Tbereeo a guardiog lite o thern thie engb of the pond. "Oh, buc iîîveiy o tuaI border of s'lllomal The polIbank usved la0e s hare"erI-imed n o rtr viitilt10the cene of yotb. "A s'bîîplanted them,' me sald. Hifor-e ooe lurn frsm the Irees, ln onalure tudy, joot memorize the oniiiii--ii of u fis', lone pines s'îîl dsîb, îîaim-liie branches out-J spri-ad igh ahove tlhe verdure of a nommers geomîli. The great laraie rnîtionleir ond henlgn os a summer'-s mornlng. Escept s'Ocre a flash of robe Ibat ls an îîriîîle, tlts frîîm hi ancb 10 brancb reteraling is qert ral-note. The long grasses of s'syuidî- and meaoî are- heading ot the"e cloys. ippling gently in t0e breeze. Soon tbey milIl al eneatb the oryllir and mîîser. Meadrowa are the basat of tbe meadoat-larbo. When pris hear him sing pas 0111 have captoreal 10e jsy sf Jane. N. A. H. BRITAIN'S STEEL OUrpUT BRATS AIL RECORDS For the irsI ime in Britainal hstorp a montha steel production has eaceeded an annuel rate or 15,000,000 ton,. In Febcuaa-p Ose industcp aableved a rate oI 15049,- 000 tonss'ell above te previsus record o 14,589,000 Ions, reacbed ln Jsnuay. Steel production lias. therefore, lices ranning far the firat 2 monthu of the pear eta av above that needed for a 14,000000 ton target even ater allowlng for a flu ls production duaing holiday perlsdL Pollock and Camîpbell .aufactuer*sat HICH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 62 Water St,. North GALT TELEPHIOE15 FI Y SWATTERS TIIEATRE-4IEORGETOWrN re bave everythng lornMes that Nightly 7 PM.-9 P.M. Set. Matinee at 2 PM. FRI-SAT. JUNE 25-26 Big Double Feature Progran ROY ROGERS IN "'Belis of San AngeIo51 -ALSO - LEO GORCEY AND THE BOWERY BOYS IN "News lioundsîî MON.-TUFS. 28-29 BE'TY GRABLE IN "Mother Wore Tights' Wednesday - Thuraday JUNE 30TH - JULY 1ST JUJNE ALLYSON aid PER LAWFORD IN sjOOD NEWS' COMING You Were Meant For Me 'III' Cet Themn Now 10e CULIVATORS FOR YOUR GARDEN SANDWICH GRUI Makea toated sands'lcbi snack anytime la a bar 12.95 WE WISH TO ANI4OUNCE OUR KEY CUTrING SERVICE We aee readp 10 serve pou 111GH WHEEL $8.25 Do tie the vIo macin bal the ime. COLEMAN We have us Stock .... LANTERNS 3 Tine Ray Forks $1.65 4 Tise Masure Fonts. $1.75 Long Handie Shovels $1.75 Turnip Hoes ... 1.40. I Garden Bom....1....5..5I 5 Tins Mansre Forka ..32.30 A .aZo1le lant- NOW ON HAND ens that tbros's a brlliant light. BUG AND INSECT POW- $9.95 DF AN" LIQUID Meet Me At Milton Hardware I o-day Do you know? A piece Of fam equipm"et that in forced tuti idliestess la just as useboma as ai idie ben, so when you need re» pair parta ln a hiurrY, nsake IL bee-line for MILTON HARD>- WARE, we niake a habit to 017 t, have EVEYTHING ia>gj* our fanm cuatoner need. If we haves't we wlI do everylthig possble tes get it ln a hurryl LL A NICE NEW -s foc a Keeps yoni col On t'y- the bol daps coiOiifl $7.95 A BIKE FOR YOUR BOY lIa' strong and durable. Just tse thing. $49.00 ITS A WEST- INGHOUSE YOU NEED liake pour wite ha- ppy today. Ready for dellvecy. ONLY $139M5 Help Wanted Up-To-Date Planlg Miiend Liuber Yard requfr Maie and Feinale Fatory HeIp Imaneiately Apply A. S. NICHOLSON & SON 1 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TEIMDAY, JUNE 24th, 19M PACM rm àt