PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THUREDAT. JUNE 245-h 1505 NEWS 0F DISTRICT Itereting Items Coneenmg Otiior Centres and Comunn- Mtes in which Many of Our Readers are Intemeted LOWVILLE Me. an,! Mos.Ctyde Vivioso et Hamiton a-ee Sunday nsitors with Mr. and Mes. Norman Langi- tan.9 Me. an,! Mes. F. W. Hacottte visite,! tat meek mitoh Revnd o, Mrs. G. H-. Kelty Lakltttld. Rev. A. . Penssan preathed An-t- niveeuary ervices os the Batllont- dad circuit on Sun!Oy enening tast.t Mr. sand Mrs Bettshee ef Misana4 Mich.,visite,! tas! a-tek oith MMs Metioheca heaother. lor. George1 Besdl. Mr. an,! Mrs-Wmn Pichet! and to-o daaghtees and twoanod sot of Brantford visitedtlast 'eek with Me. aod Mrs. W. H. Haehojttir Me. and Mes. . M. Rtadhtod apentttht week-end! iCanfiet, PALERM() Faloitossg tht morning nevice a!t St. Lukes Angtican Churth. Pateres.Canan . Russet Smtth, Oaksitie. aoffciale,!rat tht annuat decoseatison sevice n the adjoiningti censttety. Fiowetru mete ptaced os tht gestes hy memhes o! the choie. Canan Smiths tter mode a peesenttn ta James Faterath- er. o-ho hasareasged these ser- vces far tes yeaes. Henry Wison tas teveise,!bs appomntment ta tht Ostario Peo- vincial Potice, at,! tahes oetei nwdulies on Msstdoy. Thteammonsty gslhss esto10 mare a rpresenttion taeIheee e- ty mareied coupestlasl setS and presnmtdeoielo mth o soie af mss,! hionhets Res. Csto iSmith, Oahssie. of- iciatrd aitIhe nssseioge sf Ver-o Faocett Messes and Wesley Robh er! Ctarene, n St. Luhe's Angtic- an Choeeh, Palereso n Fri,!sy. Jutt 18th, t948. Tht bride is tht dsuaterof Ms. and MeIs. Robert Meares. Pateemss. and the groom thetsonof,! Mes. dard Clarence, Moutnt Des,- nsloLesit Taylor, Mount Qennis ptayed tht medding musit and Her- ber! Browen, Thorot,. as sota-. Goses os maresoge hy her father, the bide masa otteed osntoosdet- tatue gabaedisne suin. mhite hat, trimmetto-th nyandtswhite ac- tesseeics. Heetcsage wasof re, roses and 'hosvao-,is. Mis,, Flor- ente Isearto. earssg a honey1 beige gahardone nuit.,swhite and beones stessares aas hee sisteros hri,!esmatd. Heercorsage a-as os âaunstrsso. Rdwse,!Claeceeoas lots heothee's grmomsman. 1 Fottoo-ing thteeemsny a reeep- ttonmas het,! t the Bront Inn,, MuXtîngton.1 OMAGTI A large nsmhee ram thîs dist- rit!attende,! th anttesaey set- vives ai Bostnn Peeshyterian Church on Sunday last. e. Dr. Cochrone of Port Ocedit mas guest spesher for tht day. Speciot mas- ical namhers hy the choir seret maeh cnjsytd. Tht Pceshyierian Chaech Sun- day Sehoot pienia mas het,!rt Mitîs Parh Ertndale. on Fetdsy after- noan. Attretpotetatfine ttme an,! a gos,! teomd. Tht Omagh Prcshyt-cisn W.A.1 on,! WMS. met at thnrnse of Mrs. Ceci Patterson nit Wednes- day aiteenoon with 22 lads-s pres- tnt. Mes. Edgar Rahertýoso of Mi- ton led in sciptare readisg -an,!1 aIse 1the theme, "Somttg for Et- toni!)". Prayers meec given hyi Mes C. Peseock un,! Mes. F. Pea- cneS Several lettern sf thans o-eerra,! for ftame-feuil and, abatkhsook. Thte Ieusuet's re- port s! the Attretoon Tershw e,! a sa-y grstilping finaneil gain.1 Tht meees oerst very pls-osod mith the ite pîoeoam gisesn,! Mes. Ainens mosn inteeesttng ad- deess. Il as des-ided ts have more shet- vspan sn thtetantry in the hase- ment f tht Chaech. A tommittet of Mesdames R. Marehatt, Jas. Pea- eoeh an,! Cetil Panersnmere named te mahre esqutetes ahout prires ond types o! tla-tric tones for the ehntech lottehen. A num- ber of aticles mere hande,! in for the W.M.S. hait and atseame for thtehasar ln the tati The pro- gramme committet. Mrs. R. Mar- ahat and,!Mes. Athr Peagock toolo charge for tha! part o! the mtt ing A Bihle quis an,! an alpha- bles] at nttst peste,! amasing an,! entt.rtaing. A musical numnlor wsgtvtn loy Mm. C. Ptacock and Mes, C. Jarvia rend a priema. Rail catiasa anamere,! wth a verse contalnling thtea-or,! -sow'. At te close a saitwam hel,! for 1tower fan,! an,! W.A. after whtrh afiernoon tea a-« serve,! ly the hostess asslmttd loy Mes. AX Pea- MCok and Mis. N. Pearock mn,! ail enJoYed a social 'half hoar. 71se trend! la ta film an,! cOt te action bei are televlslag, rathar thitanshw15- Semai NASSAGAWEYA S S. N.7 Sos mes lt-smn this setian hove given tiane as,! belip t Hatos Rec-- reationat Park to get it sn shape for tht Fcderatioo picle on Salue- day. Mr. oatd Mes. Chris Ferank had to-o ceates of hecrestta tGerege- tows Stoeday soorntng, piees et 45e and 50e a quart. Wt aret saeey ta epst tat Mni.. Arthu ae Dote s tinGautlph Hospitloort b-s eys. Congeatatatiots atd heatdw op ta Me. andMsaad Case ovtos, s'est marreesaS dy 'ooostatesetîoyoog a bone550n1eti ýhrj'sogb l) ,,Ottaswa.Ms.Cs Moos Ruth MoeeisssnNai 1 ?cesve. ,%o-,. Paut eeesd aat ft os Satuseday ahtte atoogto orachoes' pienie t Faits Mltts. She bas qute a heaisseand s tasse.A nîCot gave may os-km oesceadit,! MesStot Rsbinsot and tlefat- lieMe. Wss Broken attetded tht Chaeeh Antiveesacy Servicets and Soalototelat CatedoEast Esot Satuedyeenntg and Sunday. Mes. Joames Copetasnd has, eetaen- rO honte frotWindtosot,!nds'e are, tos ,dl osee eaeosad again. KILBRIDE A osl-arg oe ie fostt 50 ot tcodssithe pienieso'ot Sl'tureotsos soi ttendtot thetcthong Watssn Re- union lat Rersd Parek, ;sctîls ast Sataeda>. Dr. H. R.McDooold an,! Mes MeDalod sptnt theo-sooch-td ltt,' rltvin tht 1,ter, h.osgto dis- Me.on,! Mes. Erie Ms'Arthur e e- taened homse an Sandoy leom ao tip ta Aterta an,! othe, Western points otd report a sery peasani tssiday. Edwin and Loi-ne Joycee sfPart Credit %ocrer week-end tLsttrs srth, Me. and Mes. John McMWlar. Me. and Ms. Ted Watsonof To-: ot eeSan,ay sotrssssth Mes. Rimer Haehottte. l'lhc June meeting s! th, W.M.S. so,,htid ast wssketh ttht home oi Mes. A. Wttheaait. rhee e mee 't0 lodies preetnMes. RHarhst-1 le, seod sc-prscsdprittpsesidrd. The woed"geos"' oass-,!s n an-, -tsritg ttse roltcuot. M rs Jt Iltety csndaeted tht drs'stistsst servicee Mes 'Dr.! Whttakhrroa!SM. Cal- 'harinrs mos gutot speakere a0, gave a ey fine oddrss.Mes Whittahr wa-th lite !sshod ha-t sprnt ise e~aes in Hshae. ladi',. whereelier haahatd tahored in tho j Parutia Leper Hospttat. ERsrepne - istettd mith getat Interent os tht. speoher totd o! thase thingo, lhe hast sa-en an,! herd it tlivisng, omsong the peoptes s! India. of the habits and customsofa thr natives - sn their home itfe and of the moeki mhteh is heing accsmptiohed hy tht i misionartes. White she wa opeaking sites- r a heaatitot India eostume and htad' ,!eess on,! shome,!s am-e1or- scies. heobeuifat jogs.neektacea, bracets and teaya mhtsh lhed: heen gifto9 to hier apsn ienving Indiafr iser hehmetand. Thr speake 'assintessdaa-dhy Mes Haroatte ansi Mes Poe,on hehati o! tht Axsltiosry et jrs oppeeclotion fsse tht sptctdsd ast- Npeeiai masiecI- siydot il duel. feaotRsth Anderson and Flit-on Pcgg, and oa'sols hY Mes ý Peodhom seeompasirsionss le uo hart)o. At the etose, a dtitghliat lunch osss , sesed hy tht hostes asisle,! hy thtesmmille, 1 Os Wtdnesday evening Ltoyd s and Eva Ra-,îsheey one,! thele home for the Jasie meeting o! tho- Yssng Adott Crosup. Abot thty s ee peesrt. Committet In charge ai tht e Ogeam messe RtmaBottard und ttohy Borns. Nttta Buoms condarte,! tht dev,- otianat peria,!. The prestdent, Ross Harbottte peeidrd. Readings meee gimen ,hy Brateice Heatheingtsn. Slas hy Fred Davts anda nd ad- Ora h y J. W. Holtintisweorth on the sojeet of heisg toc, hooy. Recreahion feriod mas In charge of Mary Geceatessanad Eenneth Buttard a-hich consiste,! o! con- test and tabte gosses. Lunch mas ensyt,! ond masy commnenta mere made on the pteasant an,! iprofitabte eveatng sptnt Me. and Mes Wmn. Buttar,! mere ainoag the ganstas whoattende,! the famtty reunion os Sanday at the home o! Mr, an,! mrs. S. Car- nochan Nelson. Theet out a! fine papits study- ing for entrance exama ta the Pyhltc Schoot heire have been rca commende,! on their year'a woeh. There are Jane Laagton, marie Nicholson and! Vincent Falîtta. 1 CONFECTIONERY PHONE 14 MILTON GIPr SHOP Last Minute Cali FOR M.H.S. YEAR BOOKS Gvt Y ours \NOW XM PICKETTS I)RtUG STORE 27)CEACH Starting To-day! BR XIiO LONS CLUB ANNUAL Ch-ll< iddwavHd- of Shit, ltctreshments, Eoshibh BusMding. Monsto-r Bing-) Gala Parade m Rse, Four Big tBonds, DAcorateti BsoiooCoar.F sdn Thursday '.ss-ning tote Oth Beautv Conte.tM Masihet PlCsoonty till he hoseos Daom ho- Parode' of Bathing Beauo- to o!. tBrampton Foir Groands on Fi otty Esosning, Jance 25th.B Lucky 1)raw~s A Loess Watch ssi h egiven ssso1y Do-e to the lS)I af the O fiot tou-ky adm is-sntitcket drsmn ueacsh ssight, three-day 0 Firework., A huge cotorfoat display of fie 3E GREAT DAYSE BRAMPTON FAIR GROUNDS Today Tomorrow & Saturday JUNE24-5- ELECTRIC WIRING WASHING MACHINE RiPAIES HOT WATER HEATEES 'RANGE REPAIES C. SMILLIE BRONTE STREET MILTON A TTENilON LADIES WE ARE NOW ABLE TO SUPPLY YOUR OPEN STOCK PIECES OF SIL- VERWARE iN COMMUNITY PLATE, ROGERS 1847 or ROGERS 1881. NORRINGTON LIMEHOUSE A representative of the Gideon Soctety caiied at SS. Na. 9 and preeented each pupit and Miss Ruddeti mi-th a new testament ai- ter a short devottonal perlo,!. A group of W.I. ladies ratera,! for the Coxe-Morrtoon saedding s! Ashgrove a meek sgo. Mr. and Mra. A. C. Patteeson at- tstnded the graduati on esesises assgust, Wsoiss Joyce Sossth, of th I.-(;etph tGtencrati Hoopitatletosm, oFeida fast. Miss Leona Moggy has heen vas- ittog relatives on Monitostin to-. lond. May me congratotate our newly- meds, Mr. and Mro. Johnny Foster- neMargaret Kirkpatrtck, who were married in aonery pretty settisg ut Lomehoose Preahytorian Chorch on Sotoeday.- A reeption fsttomedl at the home ot thet iosde's parens,in Lime- Me. and MrS. Jack Broyns and etsstdre vis-ite,! Mr. ad Mr&. R. Moldr on Sunday. Miss Morgoe-l Swoo-hhomer os ssisilng Mr. ond Mes. Chopmos ta Braod,, Pa. M r .ss-osMeredith, MeS Normasn Ceosin and Miss M. Sutherlond! sere oit recent veitors wit eficMilehettas. Me. and Meis. Weste'y tAnt of Toot ,eSundoyevisitssithl Mos R. ione and tht H. Nstoas. ICAMPBELLVILLE Ns. 1tScots,!Farm Forum fhttd lher onnutl pette onsfile sehoot' geonds on Fetdoy evening owfthl, s0pesent The menfoth enjoyeM 1 a atosoti ot-- hile race% ert con-, duool,! hy Mr.. !tsrds)n MePhail on,! Me. Wittoaoo Piehrett Me. Rdgar Cas-ns. Me. Cordon MePlhaiond Me. Rohert!BHoera we- in ehorge (if flic sssupr hoor. Mr. as,!Mrs. Edgae Coserass, Riai anod Lyla and Me.s.SamueCairns! sert ga-s-in !the Chatier-StIf- tKitcener las stk. . A csoninisty tretsentatisn ws hetoith, la-Msonic Ho!! sn Fr!- day fstssig for Mr.and Mrs. om Mite!,,!!1, nem-m-edo Toehetrde att-or smer jean Cramp of thts eillage-.Peogeesîve eochre mas en- tape,! doeing thtesonering andt tater Me. Howord Motoon ated os chatr- Mai ndion ehllftfsthetcommon-.i Mr n i.T .Mahon spent' la"os setsk-en,! in Blistfsto einttngi Miss Agnes L,h of Hnmijttan * ast, tht a,ohý-cnd gtino--taMr.atnd ýOvfes f'( tsna te,- tlnsicd the fil-- Moontsheeg Mtthodist onnie- ,rir nS unday. Mr nd M cS t togt- e sand' l'tmls are Srdos' gUtntnsnwlt Mo. ;nd M,'s.Wallsn Heeham so' tJiom tîaet.,andt Des- ,l ptttheSe'---to,! oCar- i tt Mr.ond Mi-S. iisoesH,v tlo-eceto-hýroî,.,! ýdtht,e.- 1bi'fMr,.s Motý*S iSiosairotKit- MS13 Crompoand! Mes.Thon. S 't!,t,,t! erthotenots for the 1 osue m,'oting af. the Blafir Y.W. IAosta,'es1n lTtseoty tventng. itte rapeident. MrHs!Oet.sanop- .ontd tht Meeting.1 Mo-S. Wm Mahoon rtod s ohopter fronm tht stode' vbook estitte,! Rose dos tio- Wso,men o, ladin Dtee-os? Mrs,os,-ert,onteaa, a hiefnSynop.< , -is(onthe-lire iefotCaraline Mtflon-1 al.'o Thoee-oting jedci ih a s;oeo)tthe tfl ees!oio-nt A nery iiosst 1,5!,- a'ns rjys-si er s d"hcsiOslunch and cuofl ta asr- Vesi hY tflictastase Mo-s A' T Mo'o- Os !otesa fat th'lAoiitsAid sn W-nna is1o 0.-to alno, otoittss-eqott- coi Ns,! h,ittg ai- , nst,.q- ig hausinerss waos dispeosesi ith' h"! t!,,, "Yttlcto Otstesan th o-ras Masitlf,-,,rfoupathdio-, AtICTION SAXLE OF 11OU1111 l011 -") 5il'l ETC' Thtbc sottstsgned hase, cct, in-Stlts-os,5Irian . a. K. 1R4WNow Iot l, l'y se tek!,' Asetiosa o! ht restdrn-o- Mosfot t 'ss'()n-hito a Noossogosers, on -SATIJRDAY, JURly Srs At 7.t in ittho- tctlilg, the tattamtng: t'ofs-st tetre Wastotr; Rang. ctet; totettri- Mastr Raoa t ectrsc leos; Piano in exteltent tondittan; RSger Semtsg Mathine, =iathad; t)!ning Roose Sotte inistg Tabtt. taoisti Buffet an,!Chna Ctabintra nd Et chairs; Cthtnterfield asd 2 Chatrs to match Bookease; Wardrohe; Qd,! RatS- ers; Camp Bcd; trot Btd: Dresser ond! Washstand; 4 Qd,! Washstan,!s andot tresseen; 2 Tattet Sets; Com- mode Stoot; Chenitat Tottet; Kitthen l'ahlt an,! 4 Chairs ta match:;Stmait Qd,! Washstant,; Ktihen Cahinet; and Talte ta nIrltelo; Ktdhien Manges coat or a-asd wth resers-oir and,!msing- ctoaet; Oit Hester; Oit Lamps; 4 aid strait Tahtes ; KRches Stoot; sasse Coohing Utenis; Seaiers; O,!,! isaes, Rtc. TRRMS--Cash Settiemnent a-tth Cierh Day of Sait No Reserve as the Praprietar has sold his home. HINDLEY & Et.LIOTTl' 4-2B Aucttoneel. L. MeEitan, Cterk. 2UM US 27R 83SR 1 084 m «0 Select Your Milkcing Machin.e Rubber Replacement Parts froin this Sainple board . ô.a W a.. mét ,u.edàaeâdltinf ta- m& Thym à b.sff bm. Crmm a uIU.àg il pou. vsaa -ao ýmPW& .1I PURDY & PURDY Ltd. MAIN ST. MILTON Massey Harris Farm Iniplements Una Amm.mgVisa Md *0 Quobtén of<k.W yde V..iy et Tmssa, m and m s aF asmigi d*à Wed At lIRItC ISTIBS LE~ !<lR FFIIICOS RICHMELLO COFFEE ILb Sl I 11(1 I II u -lI't ORANGE PFIiO KU<flflSIIOle a 4ags 8 STRAWBERRY JAMoz. Jar4lc M111 %SI-Il- I 5151 1-s.. CLARKS Irish Stew "si z':Oc JEWEL SH@RTENING IL 28c SALAD DRESSING C 5 1' Udt 111h iti-t 5 1- k%5k FR @LD DUTCH a tinsZ23c m-s g, .."ei" ilj LAUNDRY S@AP 2 lge. ba 17c BARTON PEARS t '2 c PRUNE PLUNS '17c PURE LARD silver Leaf ILb.23C 1 FRUITS and VEGETABLIIN New Crmp 91 c. wimhunap 21 LEMON, 6for,. 21c APPLES,a 5C NEW CAROT ( 'smudg OmNN 5c Ç>10 e ... 2 c el n as ........ CELMIY, CABBAOE, LEflIOKTOMATORSIL5AD- Lç;IES, CISES, STRAWDEIttIE, 01-Pt OPtIONS aMI CAULSFLOWI5 - FREtS!!DALLY- Pirces Effective tlntil Ciosing, Saturday. Jane 26. m MT&-vi I 0Ir.1~ 15Â!JM IN I hiL1,I' M- M a THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE rolm 1 THURSDAY, JUNE 24thý 19M 3 HALTON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT, MILTON THE BOARD) 0F HEALTE AND STAFF MEMSURS INVITE YOU TO INSPECT THE UNIT OFFICES AT AULTON ON SATURDAY, JUNE 26,1948 Ira.. 2lae 4 FPLi The Honourable Russell T. KelIey MINISTER 0F IIEALTE WILL OFFICIALLY OPEN THE UNIT MSS. MARY S. Pislrtrr, JAMES M. MATKHER, MMD., D.P.H. lm Chairman Director Il