PAG= 2W0 The Reds Have Done It Before There sbould he no complacency, The Fin- ancial Post comments cditorially. over tbeftact that in tbf Ontario election and tbf Ibref re- cent federal by-electioes, tbf Socialists muster- ed lesx Oan a Oird oif the popnlar vote. With far less support Oan Oat tbere have bcen plenty of otorld cuamplex wberc roîlitarian parties otere able to xmolher aIl resistance, Themo ix nnly onc way to meet this dividc-and- mIle threnî of the socialisîs. It will not be met by nt-prnmisiog them. Tht average Canadian dnes nnt enpect or otant Sncinlism front tbc son-CCP parties of Canada but bc does expeet snmeebing that the CCF cannot possibly offer, That is frfcdom to develop bis own individual initiative, 10 live bisontelite, 10 make bis onn future. Give im that instead ot regimentation oith its crsshing taxation and be aili scors Socialism. Young and Broad of Violon Ten yers ago othen ote visiîed Norîbern Ontario that section tf this vsst province otas tht moso prosperons and bad the best ratio ci profitable employntent. Today, mining towns are sot enjnyiog as mncb prospeniîy as many et the industrial centres. Miners'otages for ois rongb and bazardons otork are not any larger than those paid labourers in many other labor vocationasin ibis section, Dont get the ides that the mines are idie or there isot plenty of optintism in Ibese centres for the futnre, but just 00w miniog activity lx not riding the crexetif the otave, Ten yesrs ago, ote seerncd to reccll tbesn lootos talked on lermso0f twetny-tive ycarx. Todsy rbey talk in termx nf fwenîy-five or torly years of profitable exploration for valuablc metals. The ycnrs pass qnickly and tbc horizons are advanced. Mining ix big business and bas advanced tan fron t is original small beginnings. Ore a0 $8,50 a ton is stilI profitable to reciaint. Tht machine sgt bas dose much to mining as it bas dnne to every other business, The one prnblem neenis ta, be that the gold prica renains tht samne just nlot othen aIh other cool. have risen. Hence the ntargin of gain is Iowered'asd consequtntîy otages cannol keep Is cocen ratIn on evelpment whih wil a oSIltno 1-1- ioi Itîiti-ount-i make cars cheape r10 operate. t.. v ittin ît. It is tabotlsa i.. iii , fMett it. irevîdeet oi th'.ittîti oititr- tand FivtAssor- EI)ITORIAL NOTES l s onho., 1i01 t ei-e.veca roinigx- Once again Wr haveftolks hack nkitg reg-lti lithacîlîo qteoseiu .ý ular faits and soliciting orders. Itail takes titres îetî ht-or iticils O toi but possîbly iltvsa signeouta change of the imes. t,1 i Most I athers oili cerraiely ngrct. bnîFats i 10i ermaso orne pclnsnn-. crs Day otas qaîte n sacces nd a delîgbî and b v%îtiurteî--cîd lu o-orhon r-t lo'sfren.. Tiît- ili rînin teit glad ihat tbey shara even a I esser lîght antoih v i iy atec thon mothers.________________ The Higbotny Deparîrnent sends 001 many safcîy bnlletins for motorisîs and ote gel reas of malerial nrgîng that mecaneical defecîs Se correcîed. We dont recaîl, bootever. sceing any items urgiog a correction 0f defecîs io the hnm- an frailities and that drivers sbontd not patron- ize gooerneeln liqaor onîlelo for snfety sake. lit is almosî remarkale how the îrensury and tbe igbwoy depnrîmeaîs sîay rIeur of cacb other. JasI owhy toto montbs sbonld need to elapse befora the Deparîment of Higbwnys oan make an attempt to repaie trost beaved pavements is difficaît to understand. Thteotorst enample ote knoot of is on No. 7 eaxt of Brampton. Here for tour miles, accnrding 10 the sigos, the oegtfct is terrible. Ail that Sas Ois far hee dote s 10o bave signs erected oarning tbeftolks otho pny on cvcry gallon that tbe igbwny iv an bad shape. Sumetimes Ibere ix atlacbed 10 a deatb notice n a newspaper the requesîtbnht newspapers in some other ciîy or tooto copy the notice. A few days ago tbcre was sacb a reqacst in n Toronto paper, papers in Britain beiog asked to copy the notice of dentS. Persons making sucS reqnesîs mnst have a notion that newspaper people se2 every otbcr paper that ix pnblished and sean its colamno for sucS notices. There is perhaps one chance in a bundred, sometintes not one chance n a lhousand, thal the request oili be seen, The sensible tisg tn do othen if ix desired Iliat the death be recorded in a paper ait a distance is to send tht notice to thai paper by masil, telegrant or lelephone.-Goderich Signal-Star. MILTON WELDING Electrie and Aretytent Welding PRepaîr Wetdiog of Ait Types Portable Eqoiprnent PHONE - 348 M00LL ST. - HITON Tom Haines PLASTER AND BRICK SAND, CEMENT & ROAD GRAVEL, LOOM & CESS- POOL STONE Phone il 3r22 Box 20, Georgetonwn GLEN WILLIAMS Washed Gravel, Concrete Sand, & Plastening Sand CEuSENT AND CINDER BLOCK, ALL SIZES FOR J. cS"K Bruce McKerr PorONIam3 1¶OURBAY, JUNE 24t8 48 paee with those ppid for producta where the WI1tGtambin O~ am tou price of the product rixes. But Ontarios min- in twn aebuy.Evn oal i fe ing Milton i MILTON. ONTARIO that aptimient of the future and geting a self- 1 1 1 PahiisatdEvery Thuadan AftemaSun assurance tat if will again bu reckoned as s RecolIectio ns Authuiad a. seconCMil, Pfnaa Offact producer tof high rank. These towns and citiesto flpartattat, 0ttaa bave fine buildings and gond homes. It o hard 505c5CPTION RATE-Ocat tlier Y- n ai. to conceive of anyîhing but a continuance of Utetd Stateîsaeocaddtioaal. Sngle Coplie .. Saah tid an "adl,,,,- î1,,Id St giat good industry and development. After ail Fiftv Years Ago wh hange of a. tssi taxatita Norîhero Ontario is yoong in its development. 11 ADVERTISING ATS-.appiisctiý. anad - 'aheiferein ther ritina ufthe Caut- v-i-i...Io..ATCS-Oal hol hvemoegeneralions ofgrtiwth adadian amopion of Jane lIed, nasa. «Aiihoueh-crny aenatiea atl bn tar.ta an-eid expansion of its vnst resources. - gta. Th Chamtpian aceptu adttatla aiCgi tai- _________ John 0cr of Dakota City, Neb. la; aa. »t aainataadverCht imt ajO anChdiiting relatives in oheseipartu. Mr. hatîad, naie. a of ai inch adaeit.iaat fi Indtti*3and Mateaiais Orr has heen living In tho west for Canaerfaintetiting by h. îdettiea nid Caadta the Chamn siesoicie. dat ge . Sonetimes we in soutbern Ontario sre spt Ihe pane tweuiy-seven yeaes. ed by the adertiser and sith saah mtato r., fa think of Norîhern Ontario as lsrgely depend. Multons Jr aine, the Shans- utattni.ilaiaiyner! ntaiaatlau hatina and l olainydaaegaahr thît caseii aay ere sanoat dlna: Srrftrîai h ent on ifs mining snd pulp industry. 0f course rocksaîaywimah ca e. ht - Tii. Chioiaulea i aliCe ihall nC t etnceîa.h aanStry ihAo J.Te proportionaai thtentit.enict fnuh adarilitatiat ils fonrisi business is well-known and meets the finish wox veey excitlng an there à th-bPe.eaaa riaeantd bth 0.taitttar eu. t. tht wbait pat. aeeapitd b, îneh adeatitnit. eye at every turn of the rosd or along a thlous- Stan a lit 50 the end of the nistia i a andana extra sening wasnenotssanry. and lakes und rivers. Bat last week i wsThe loenln neareo the wtnnisg rue.! G. ARLOIt DILLS, Edit pleasant 10 visit ini New Liskeard and Hailfy- Shsrnroeks: D. MDoaugali, Dix-' Bo.itat. Offiet .MainStreetC Milon bury where ibis district has alfiltte factors on, H. Bowmais, Tttahere, J. Arm- Tlehata N. sessnd the plus nf a good farming beit and some Ctoo W.Amsrng .McOoug- ail, White and F. Bextase. -.-------.......,.~,.,,. ranfaciuring. Here the land is fertile and The gneden paely held at John, ni the barren minerai bearing rock. Huffman'tioan Motsday nighe Stan We isited rnanufsctnring plants wherc a s'ery saccessful affair. Jas. Fnx Norîhere Ontario wood was being manufaclur- sion. A bant 5M1 peolpe were pre-, E -D I1 0 R IA L cd nta the fiitings for bornes and ofher build- sent.i A Mssae FonttheNori ings, nstead of being shippcd in the logs. b Rtam Bcnoh nriveidl nttoos nta-' terdny. Arthnr Chishoim nlaiso We esae dan lathee North er woas a modemn plant in every respect. The handi- home for vacation. Ontarin atte d a nsapwer cn ovenn.capof taachinery repairs i city convenience AI the meetingE of tht Halton TOraeentariy Observatioanspap0 overcorne by hsving a compete machine reache't Asocaion te George- Therewere any bservtionsto mke an and lectical epai plan as PrtiO the Ares-t MeL'eAr sae Carnphampell- ntan chnge tobe ote frnt sitilr tp ad elctrcalrepir lan aspar oftheequp- illes pepular teseher Sas appoSe- mn hamge s tricte ne rar s go If trcp ment. The plant was et door to its source Jtd a delegate 10 the Ontario Ed- to te silledisricttenyear ag. Ifwe a tif raw material and eqaipped with the best of 4RR find tinte, therelI be more about ibis but ere tools. The Hill Clark Frances plant set New nealonal Ansoclatton on Toronto. we overlook if we want to bring the message Liskeard ix a for cry front the old pîanieg mIls CHA4DWICK - DICE- At Grace that folk in the north sent by way of us. The as ote knew theus when a lad. 22nd of June, hy the Rtc. W. E. White. nssisted hy the Re. E. A. lerror of thix great northland ix tht bush fire. At the Canudian Spliit and Lunther plant Seager and G. B. Gwys. the 5ev. Tinte and tinte again this otas intpressed upon tbe specialiîy ix nmutch sticks made from the log Frederle Ausina Chadwick MA. u.Wherevcr une goes the sections can be to the finisbed produet resdy for the heads. tocd1i . rit. cof ehae spotted othere f ire ravaged cverything ini tb5t The mnarket ote nnderstand is largely in Eeg- t 0 Heto a .eose. daughter of Samarl Dite Koil. mayarof ! locliy.laed and the company otas quite bnsy. These Milton. There are monuments of desolation in cverY anec bat wo ni the nothero indusirial plants part. Old-tirncrs in this district oili tel yoa that we saw. Wr prediet the future wiîî stce Twvnty 'Ypars Ago ut how mnany lives wcre loxI and the atternpts rnnny more sncb where materials are close lit mode en fiee before the inferno tif a bush fire. baed. Tae(hfrotiphet tiof t th uttat We in Iis section bave no conception of the __________ationCapot fJn 1t 98 horrors of sncb conflagration, sncb detruct- People Want Big Cars A V11- vk ImitO otttiats ion, and such snffering Ibat ese he canscd by A salesnian who needed a car badi y recently iv h t th.- tit*igl,,tt tit 1,vootti-iO f- a bush tire.j wruîe to ane auto manufacturer with a pîca ex- , Ji. A0oiv,ta .1. Moitie. tiogi And so ote bring back this message front 1 rveâv ne:WauIigoeey rdl -riseoi Mvy aio ournorhen tp I îoscab aii b sendng a good 1948 Model A. When are yoo 0'îito ii. iit9 traSo1 vacations eib tis holiday land. Wbeu yoa are make a good cheap car again." Aecording ta f ' ' i. rtelygodoe sskcd 10 be careful wilh the fires yon ligbt and Ronald Wilîarns, FisnciaforosIwriîer, tb see that they are extinguished, do s yon are Rsals Wnlligtams iancIavePothedfer Ibeth e " l1ao ..Fîkiltear asked. Dont drop sarnatch carelcssly unoil yu on . Carprices are np hecanse of high lax- - lt c ii o Hiiotiliontihisoerek-ed 1it- iti...dtîhti-t Miss May are sure tf s fxtinguisbed. The borror by aton and higb production rosIs, but also be- ifiliîtoi.s av o iosiin nortberners 0f the bush tire ix bore 0f the fx. cause most people wanî igger. bette nd ltenittl î,pcl-roootcoi periesce of Ihese splendid folks who bave cbos- heavier cars. Manatacturers ensist they did o V il iii Potfi Thuroday eV- en Norîbero Ontario as their borne. Tbcy know 001t ecrease ire and covîs of cars ife o0f t 005 ti Tia ti-.ttetione was. to0 otelitbferiscry and suffering whicb fellows pnblic resistance; îhey sirnply filled an river- l)y liteMitlton îcitizrao Bond and the bush tira. Thcy rcalizc tbf fntîiîy of tryieg Ihlrnîeng need for igger cars. Rat with sean ititl")wilvtten t vin-eriti(', oa. to stop Ibern. On holidays do as îbey nsk yoa eye cîîcked 10 the future, the motor industrit .Ma.tgoret' MNa,itrtJoait and bc carcfal of tires. rnvtaiiandvlneýwhc wi el11 tasy TCARINATION EVERYD TRNOW8s2 ~i24)0 fPOY" L nana MsLRNC PEANUTDUTTER 390 IMPERIAL SOItSTAIiORD JELLY V*tryPEAS 2 150 POWDERS Hovne's PUNCH t "YLe33 0 VUMYS PUCtÀL Vf LMER FANit' 2pans is TOMATO Julce 2 =à 230 ALE &r.JUICE Tmi H EINZ 1ALM OUTON ROWN 57 VARITIES -'23 naaEINatusZtuA flANDBE TEA t-n 7ci 730 BEA14S MN 160 Rapbesiy Jam ~330 BEANS a 1O 350 Strawbesry Jm07 JILL.O LINON PI 1M x*tas SPAGHETTI NC2 140 LARGE PRUNES Sa00o Oea cUT sv LYNN VALLEY PEAIS 2aNe170 PICKLES ha.210 DARTLETT PEAIR5 e.nasR32 SAUCE as. 25o ATLMIR PRUNE PLUX@N 17C ]RENE REP.M) JORDAN GRAPI JUICI 9 MUSTARD - aSecSIE L RAOS'MN 9 VOOD103ns 2I DEW KIST PIAS C ýOsatM> 16C MINVT TALý»T ITA SALMON La.aMN 19e a.CASY eRSet23CHBERIRIES nIton 29 FLUFFS Le s-0 43. 0 1 05 5POI COFFEE kno li.ôeplA H o-eOet D.SARE CHeOCoLOOTZSAUCE WITH CLEAN$ERYi ii 110CCO SOAP - eso GR uOUNO WoENaVOUO..0001 - OIMaR DREVcT Pe 29,COFFIEE ,-n 27c, 51c QVNE Na- ,-ET Te pts8 ILLER assatO Os evees IFakes o a -aI1 vcocu l IDGETS i? 6 34I's32 ORANGELS, doz . .....2 New CAIIBAGE . ... . ...8c Head LETrrUCE, 2 ~23c 96'o GRAPEFRUIT-. Newt CARROMTSLb. 5FR32C lOc A Delicl'ous Cool Drink Directions: MOke #lea Y s cc susual -t:t:WhiI. sf111 bot pour Into glosses iOued wlth crocked 1ce Add sueur and lemon f0 faeste "SALADA THE TIM.... SAT. EVE. JUNE 26th THE PLACE .... Oddfeliows' Grounds TEEVENT... The MONSTER Party n aid of the Oddtellows and Rebekahs C.P. & T. Fund. (Cancer, Polio and Tuberculosis) Big Refreshment Booth on the Grounds HOT DOGS - POP - PIE& ICE CREAMd Cone and eejoy your Saturday treat and help a wortby Cause le Case of rain will be held in the Town Hll T. A. HUTCHINSON Barristar, Solicie, Eue. Oflîce- Neot Donc Champion Offite Mate Street-Milton Telephooe 54 GEORGE L ELLIOTT IBureister, Salicitur, Nstary Publie Office-In Furmeru Bauilding, Main Street, Milton Tetaphone 70 LEVER & HOSKI14l Chartered Acenurtntuu Suoceosoro 10 JENJUNS & HIARDY 1305 Metropolîloo Bîdg. 44 Victoria Si., Toronto Elge 0131 DENTAL DR. G. A. KING; DENTAL SURGEON Office te Royal Builing, MilIto Hats9-5. Evtoioigs hy Appoitmeait X-ltny Service Telephone 1M1 DR& F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SUREGEON Office oe Prioceno Theatre _ Nîgttt Appoîtmeota may ha aeeanged X-Rny Seevire-Gan Extraction HonsO9io 5 Telephone65w NIEL.SON - The Chiropractor * Dragitia TheraiSet 33cd Teor of Pracn é Lady Attendant Mon., Tues.. Fr!., 2-5 p.nt. Wed., Sat., 2-5 and 8-9 p.nt. Cloard Thauday Over Dominion Store, Georgetown Phone 150W OPTICAL CARSTEN GLAUN Suceesor to IL C. LAIRDI Foc AppontmeansPhon 50MUtons S. A. FAY Phone 205 PLUM BIN'G HEATING and TINSMITHING Main St. - Milton, Ont. AAHIIS MaEsErM Nendies end Delta MCHNS LERD 1ED Agent IIINHARedW R l THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 'I 1 1 Business Directory THE STEVENSON CLINIC 1Phons:u Milton Nunthtt 3 Osesphelîville Nuesher 3M2r1 Dr. C. K. STEVENeSON Dt. W. J. ROBERTSON Dr. J. IL BEACH Offiev Hoarut A.M. By Appoinement only. PHM. 1-4 7-9. Sundays-Ensergenaits Only. MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL X-Ray Corener, .P.R. and Gaol Surgana MILTON HOSPITAL iPrivate) VISONORIS 230 p.ns. ta 4.00 pa.. 7.00 p.nt. ta 0.30 pas (No Childeen under 12) RATES IH ADVANCE Bemi-Private - $5»5 Privat - 6.50 PHONE 216 - MILTONS DR. G. . SYER Physiien andOSrgeon Off ice-Jaines Street Phone N* 38 Office Hoarst 9 ant.; 1-3, 7-8.30 p.nt. Coroner DR. J. H. O'NEUL M.D.C.M. LM.C.C. Office and Reaide.oca MAIN STREET NflTOOI Phase 412 DL. J. W. MeCUTCHEON Faranera' Building, MalnstBrnai Office Hoaan-9 &.m.; 1-4,7. il.. Telephone 395W Reideore 395J LEISAL DICK & DICK tCouety Croc-o Attorcey) KENNETH Y. DOCK, HA. Barrîxtero. Solctrs Court Houe -. Hiltomp relephooe 4