THUS misa i - spent Ilt I3AY, JUNE lOth, 1M4 __________ Nallie Istehell of Torontos se week-enduth îtfriands In Mrs D. S. Robectoon ut Toc- ont visited friend in touîuvec the wteek-endt. Mhr. and Mru. Grdon Manuel ai 'loronto visiteut mitb Mr. andt Heu. V. J. Norrin this meeis. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith a! Honling- ton visited mitb Ier faestly on the 3rd Line last week-end. Mc. and Mis. Clarke Marnas and Joan attended tise Crnsnp-Hitceeij vedding laul Sutaurday ln Camp- beilvIlle. Hr. and Mes. Clifford Hait asd daugiters Mary and EMaine of Dan- dau vlsited mitis Mr. anut Mes. C.1 Sharpe ont Sunday. Hr. sud Hes. Marry Moshle and faesily andi Hr. and Mes. John Deester and faeily of Toronto visitesi tieir esother, Mrs. Eismartis on Sunday. Dr. R. G. and Mmte. Edmards ai Bramspton andi Maliburton and Me. ansi Mtm R. E. Monroe ansi ciid- ren of Toronto viated Sunday mîtis Dr. C. E. Featheestone, Mr. ansi Mes CRUf Leatherdata anut Mr and Mes. Oscar Pridmore and Billie of Dannville and Misa CynstisIa Jopce of itlon ail apent tise meek et Port Sevrnr, Hasisaba. Mr. and Hes. Vctar Herct sailed feues Maillas Jane 3 te apend a esonti's vacation In Engisnd. Tbey ml retara ta Canada Jsly 9th, sailing front Southsampton an1 tise Qucen Elizabeth. Mr. and Hrs. Homard Eentner ansi Masjane. and Msr. Jacks Batiep of Georgetaown, Hr. and Mes. RSns Chabaers and Hr. and Hrs. Ver- non Cote and son David of Guelpis mere Sasday sisitors at tise home ut Mr. and Mes. William Cle. To 1101( Leagfue 1 Top Place tContinued front Page One) Cleusenîs tocned. Tutu mure tlt- lies oere coonteut. Ninth Inuug. Geogeown hcct- Peeu in thus trame as GCuhOu va,- .sale un on etre. Stuuecp mrut, tiu, tting tluuuugh te mou. Suot, sungtecucured Gihson. Willson foc- ueuiuauutttocec ucsosqoreecut lu, ather coute as, Suot uohtuc scuod. Autou-lugeulds.d out C.a-h to Fuy toen uthfle holl game Glecretous taIllieS ,o hure The tcom-,, c;"rgocî- 110 fihuuon 1,; Store0 .o: Scout 3bu. OVlluuuv et, Adtachi c. Ivehe-, 2h; W31i 11),lu Dryduen il; Nortuun If; Oleuce i, Mu ton-- Ctem--nts uf I. s :ou Sturcp ci, ';tan Fac lu:; Bluoco Il: Evuns 2,; Biua,h 2h in 8: NlcPtuuul c; Mela-uuv 3b; Gevui y; Mac- shall p in 6. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH mlnlaiee-Rev. EL J. phisu Mr. Stanley Roherta--Organint and Choueouaster SURDAY, JURE 13, 1948 10 a m-Senior S. 11.00 a.m.-Divine Worabip. Sah- Ject, :Wisen Gods Go". 1.00 up.m -lvine Worsbip. Sah- ct, Remember". Thc Cornation Groap mlii meet at the home af MNs. Wm. Fraser. Tuenday, Jane 151h, a 'Pot Lacis Sappe- ai six-thirty. ACordial Weieome Amaita Iaa ST. PAUL'S UMME CHURCH Mlnhter-REV. J. ]L BLAIRB.A. SUNDAY, JURE 13, 1948 10 a.m,-Senior Cbuircb Scbaol, Il100 a.m-Janior Sebool. Worship-"Your Religion - A Load ar a LifI' 7.00 p.m.-Woeship. Theme "Un- der the Juiper Tree." A meiner roaat and social eveniog for the Young People miii be isaid an Mr. George Elliata Sumseer Cottage an the Sec- ondi Line on Wednesday. Jane lSth. YOU ARE INVITED GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH TheaIREV. GRAY RARINS SUNDAY, JURE 13, 1948 8 a.m.-Moiy Commanion. lb a.m.--Sanday Seboot. 11.00 a.m.-Moratng Praer. 7 p.m.-Evening Prayer. Wed.-A.Y.P.A. Banquset, 6 pe. Thars.-8 p.m. Senior Choir prac- lice. NRLTON BAPTIST CHURCH Paine-Rev. Chaes IbHaaeak Iu the Farmers iBuiding SUNDAY. JUNE 13, 1948 10.00 a.m.--0snday Sehoot. 18(x)uium _Eveni 1 hecue 01) lues Eucuuog Sets le. 103011 uuut Sundly Scbool. Fruduur lune 111h ua 8orlons uuttgC luruPer mecting ut thc homecof NIou-Id isoJ. Bcis- 'uw>u-cand Bileutudy au thc t p-ofMr. audul Nru F . Rotu- bits lclstu t tu ut t2..0 \V.umcuu Nlu...uusru Cuuclc. AI, AlF hEICOS'IE l'ENTECOSTAIL HOILINE&-, THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Women's Institute TRACTORS IN FRANCE of IlalonC unt M.Tony Bales, Professooe of Ag- uVJuuIu[11 ultarai Macblnery ai the Fraesch of Halton Countf O rhm fy111tate that Distric Anima France needo a quarter ot a mai- <CntInued from Page One) lion Iraclors. Siace the liberation -ROBERT JAMES MARE about 50 tbousand bave been nman- president, Mms. Hilton Brown, R.R. Robert James Mare, dieut oudden- ututured or ieoported unnualît, t. Norval; 2bd vice-preoident, Mro. lyuin Mittun,Tue.uday, lune bIh, rit bultl u tlud Iberoe e ot ouffir- hllerby, 1.1-. 4, Arion; ecretory- îlelu ine of ulhi, dauglr He eujt up-mit tuotiuun utFreocht treoouc'or, u. Chester Service, R. Frank Crumiord, on bis Slnd yeoe. ogrcitall l production. R. 3, Milton; Fedleration Repres- Ife oas b orn iel Sheibouree Ont. enlative, Mrs. Lloyd Crawford, lived o nurmber o! years In Michi- Qotorlo aod Qoebec are the iacg- Campbetlville sntb Mm .Cbester gan, retotlning 10 Hilton wbere Ile cnt milb produciog provinces in Servire as alternane; District Del- lived tbe rest o! bis 11e. Canada. More tban 94 par tent of egote, Hrs. Milligan, 936 Burltng- He marrled Hartba Locery, wbo tbe cheese production and ton Beacb. Hamilton, wltbh rs. predeceaed ttlm four yeurs ugo. 56 per cent of tbe butter output Marris Bell, R.R. 1 Freeman au ai-I For 25 years be mas a auccensful of tbe Dominion la certzed In tbae ternate, agent for E. D Smltb'a Nurserien. two provinces. Total aonual cash- Convenors of tbe standing cons- He ean a devoted osember of tbe income fromn dalryheg in 1946.1 tmltteeoi: Agriculture and Canadian tlued Cborcb. Surcvlng besicles the laut peur for wbtcb tlomplete Industries, Mms. George Somnerville, Hrs. Crawford are bis daugbter, figures are yet available mas $198 R.R. 2, Acton; Citieennblp, Mrs. Mr. 1ev.> S. W. Mano, Crediton; million, compared wllb $285.6 mil- Metbaen C. Dearlng, Paiermo; Mis- and bis son, ev. Mous R. are, lion for tbe oter seven provinces. tarirai Researcb, Ms s A. J. Smet- Milîgrove. barust. Limeboune; Home Econora- The toneral a belid ibis afler- lcu, Misa Cbarlote McColinugb, R. Onaon ai 1.30 p.m. antltbe bome bf R. 1, Georgetown; Publicity, Mr. bis daagbter, Mes F. L Crawford. Wanted Immeditel Hax Featberotone, R.R. 1, Free- Interment mus in Esergreen Cees- Young Wamen 16 yeazu af man; Social Weifare, Mra., R. J. ery, Mltons. age adaver Meures, Palermo; Reaolutlon ,Mca.FO FRIAN J. K. Habon. Campbellvilie. Dele- FRUIT ANS)R gates lu tbe Federation of Agricul- FRANCIS LEONARD WHITE A VEomotABLEIn WORraSr tare, Hra. George Robertson, Mcm. Sn of a neos9paperman and P vice Force CanVîs Milton Brown, HMn. George Sons- fotiomer in bis faîbers footatepo. For f aIl partîculara write ervilieHMra. D. Wendover, Hrs. Ed-, Francis Leonard Wbite, pasaed ONTABIO FASSI SERVICE gar Everetl, ihtls Lorna Lamrence, amay on Tuesday, Jane lut in Mil- FRC Auditors, Mrs. Gazley, Mes. lldley. ton at the home of bis daagblee 19 Richmaond Street Ruti At nuon a deliricus lunch mas; on Mata Street. Me hadl heen In Toronto 1, Ontario. Dominion Provincial Farmi served hy the Woesens Assacation tailisg bealtb for mome yeara. Labour Committee of Ehenezer Cbsrch. Born In Hilton 68 yearn ago. ha In Use afternona session the past mas a son of the lat@ Richard White preoldenata jewel mac preentesi to and Jase Tallng. Me hadl sient bis_________ Hrs. Llaysd Crawford by Ms. tenisre life In thia town. For avec Rblnebart and ptnned on hy Mes. taenty pears bc mas assoctated M. Bromn. The bat content wan a 1 mtb the late John Bllght In pull- bhighllgbl of the pragram and it 1 ising the Canudian Champi on. mas diffîcait for Mins Callinsa ta Prior to that he bacd heen on the 6- select tIse hest. A oas-y loe mol-' tuffaf ibis paper under the laie ne, esade hy Mrs. Atrtdge ond Wm. Paston. Wben Mr. Bigt modelied hy Mrs. Hiller bth from pasned amay five pears aga, Mr. Lmebouse, mas judged the mînner White atm dtsposcd o! bis interats with a gray fabrle bat, made and to thetpresent edtor andt since chat mornhbyHMrs.Carne Ford Oftmbas lledtIn MiltonansdTor- Mornhy comtng secnnd. 1osto mtb bis daughtcr - Mi mîf Miss Audrey Rioehort playedt luedýceeooed hlm ucceral pears aga. occeral piano olos mosî pleaolngty. A family osf fourosdouchters anud and Mes; Beattie recitecut"If" ,and Iuonsu emats Io revere bis' "Relectlovs', both olular solect- mco h.iev are, Ethel tMrs.I ion.Ihomas Harcey) Michesonut Hil;I 'llirîn ie EaltWoodcocklsTor- Miss Collins, fron thebcDepars- ucto: tRuth lMrs Arthur Morahyt menat opobe os thc co-uayratu-e T7'uno; FdthuMrs. CR. hap lrogravadfitoos duided ")Milton:uFranonfîLstuwl n holdarully outh 1h top tluuAidâ Donac uldtof u;csurgluuus-v. T'thebc t.Effectivc Speabung'. ru-octut, umpatby ofut nocîruenut 'lhl- Compbs-llrllu- ictîlte Pot i, u-tsnded I onI a!jloy *Muolc-uuutuu Camnucp>' 10e ýfuillet ai ooo onlut n Tuuc.,- TheIBig Sale lis Riglst H. ulufh -cuk-d utuu u t T &îl Son un,itl Plur. t1 %ARE. Our Piheins and Col QuuulusNI ~U5 uecuucNiuPc-I A ii.1-.1 uhi tauuilu tcit-u R .J Ssvings fssr evrry room ands!ri ranu. Mi-15fI;,»aunutMr, ihe oi u ,au-uu , in Eo-,- rur gurden- ausseli. Came ir bMc i lu cu,", - Thuu pallhcorer. 1ýFodcrtsloo .-*- 'I.-' Wiunluulul N-us etsr sontenss emds authlie kii 1r an i.iiain lasti 1,ý- ?1 î, o- N ,u h- ll- i lf ti u lie u-Nuul uuuluow , n V 11 AE% MONEY and nu CHURC ltu-fteu1uugl Il,,Ontarfio Wqmuuu- RET. IH. IWOODS. Puator tfiluul--i-oIu.Io fuliu- Loa Iliu Oielr of Sus e, ,etuthl-i,u51lAoi,. -ct«iy Mt,luu utîlut usin 1.0OF. iolî te)uuthe- tf 1If, awaxuuurledute)t u niaor horein kin vubs îeiritt l,- ii919 ofN1,h, IE L 191 lots -fhuvuuirc uuutu-t-uu Ni- 110W m S-ucuîa Schuoi andt iuutu-l.,ri u1uuub - tn-uit lu- Mutut,- (lasluoiloluin uuheOr'ouly safd met- 15,-lu ut-m 7suouturg Vsluip lusuui lthe loioun u-lîlalMuus- ou t1,. .sungelistue Sbcvice. -unje luioltos cunaty. 8 -u pos OVNIS oilmet nt s ltjusaouoso'urruu.I oucon Ilueoul- ufi Mv, J .lumieuos, Ilsg the dstiinofs tthe disuruet ,tuin Si. an 1t lue cir -eut uîu-oueheelipte,-.. . . . . ..v, .30.ý. P.S. usu:- e buuauol uyu5u1.I DEN~IC('IlVS INSIIREI) II)EOIOGY .-. iutuuhf,-auuului land, -t uluhtu luuu-lulu 00 in a l u.Il -s uvar ufluu thu- , Il,.- 01'utuiu. lh-fouer! ou-eu-tuttu lous uflurulha îîuuh-u furustrengilluinal. ic uluu'g- -Id u., andutakaO uîu- ccurd G;eer9etîcunl 110 000102 567 uuuet vtîoumeoftMrs E' l SI'1 o ,()ihI arntoa ,Miltun 49)u2u1132xu-12 15.5 Zuvîevou luull.,o, A vntýný;lu fiumotu-uuuuughfoî uuuu tlie Officiois IChul- maautndMoun- IEcu-ryhuuutc Leleome uu-t uui Si-ptu-mtuec 1 usd 2 ut tlue et.5, oc uuuu ulcu truuuîu nn laiu ,grul tu .I ul egu- lue isutricft h> Iu.d uetlu, utrn utua.ihat luTN()NYIT n eSal roý h rt n e rath Shulit Mahe YuaFee- uutuu1m(u1u,-I yte uerigbî idea. BASEBALL STANDING Jno. 8: 32 he iuuu became an ideologiual IW. Ao THE CHIJRCH 0F CHRIST ti!oilIt utm-utoseunsflus lOcu tuîle,mcn, edutoot, PO , v. 1AGII uufuI' O omali we ust lss wie r MILTON :f 380 1.000 - uluul1u-rotafrdaugovr tfuundtoui rsmusthetîrsttusd'li ACTON 3 J 1 .6671 StlSI.AY, JUNE lSth,' 1M48 edeearation, oulises the Canadua luîu-niouu I iltgicai fighters for OAEVILLE il i 2 .333 10.00v a.m.-Sunday Orboul. l a ilutfe of Ptambiag anut Heating. uti;oislureut demucaey. Gar tigllt (I.EOP.GETOWN 3 ()3 MO001100 a es.Worsip Ser e M-fuilelant OrîS t-,a nulathusoif I -lmman cmnimn Scores ibis meebu îtome Noandlet luMeason 1,0. offdt ectues lu,- rfiruency of the l' hruuotheuutelugy oGod insiue- Aton 4 Ouhelte?2gelhu-rSath Jeboeu Iaabi1:l18 beaung sstem. edutcmoceacy Iouaulomennudlfuut- Milaün 12 Georgetown 7 io.s__--y___ ndbr__ i Ii to urus theuus-etrluan ideology EN %e ced lIous- wantI ivc-Il oui- NTRANNTLESLIE DEAKIN retai tr fmn ain Tl'as!f ss msa aurse the fsnd I tuday Is proot tuaI lierty and rdu- delssion that me are traiy eda a- 13 MARTHA ST. BURLINGTON IPHONE 1214w jmuurrlry cusnut sevuii ouia ted nigt cheks urffslIs ' Fumr uugah-IeaîeiutNtuss tonu- 'leususec bue feuitnt! agaimst tise test propesesi by Mr.e lelywt h Dprmat fNtoalRvne te firanIzeum w i ofiiftnt Sydntey Hrbert Wo euatlISpcciaiiziog bIn 1mtr-sIm i th ut eig ftise recentiy mas Use Assitant Secra- im- Cu wiuththIdelgto h tary of tbe Britisis Ministry of Ed- Co.o hit ucation. Mr Wood heilevesi that. F r saeIc m a lehscpicpe fta n tbr>one whoAppoinîdntuyeannome Tax eturns îe boug deolugein iple. aIlto Ie ysta elsoftreqetos Apitet tYodir ldsjdcncc or my Office are:l nîcuuyaesmte Tty haut a hast cliuesubng educateut. Open Eveningu i. Ahusiate murai stundaurdLanad Tise questionsu Can pou entertainI oocfomproemise mitis cvii. a nem Ides? Cao you entertaln 2___________ . A funutumentot echange in bues- anotiser person? Cao you entertatin an nause-nu-reuary-ad ussiussie yourself?-J.L.R. ftuseerybmty. ___________3. The guidance of Gosi tb. decid- ing factor in eItery deloil of per- NATURE'S REMY soaan ed pubieiiclfe. 4. Sounut homes us a fouadutios of Nature lit not lu bo discoarageut T E N D E R S h.Jnationaul eburacter. isy tieheoueildering probtetsu of ., Every ,Iesnuosce, persunut andt maniu Despite trnuble aimat Seateut Tesuters clearty identified as to contenta, addrensed natioaui deuisateu taluCGci for eveywer l tis ýqroi lut A. D. Sprot, Esq., Secrstary, Norths MaiSon igis Scisool tise-building of a oem morid. morlut, despite vast food sisortages ourut, MiltonOtario, iii he teived sup sntil 5 pes. EJE.S.T. Ta oecept thîs revoiatior.ary Ide- Inalrg at !tsemrdd-Salaidp June l9tis, 1948 for a Generai Con tract cavesing tise ooys hti eoe nri ln lrg prtofth wrl, e- gcneraî truutes, pîambîng, heating anut etectrie wîring mors, re- îiogyau ntia l ho eor ansd upite famise'ansi disaster ansi the quireutin tise ereetios ai Imo oututtionat roons ta tise Hilton ~ unloa brce i dreadflihusman cosî of the mar Higis Scisoot ansi une additions] room ta tise Acton Hîgis Scisool, shapes oua national poiicy, lu; coul- peau-s Natare bas îast about bal- sepurate tenders ta be sismilleut for eacis project. Racis pro- ly. Il is alliegiorloas ansi remard- asesilits budget. Sir John B. Orr posai suismitteut shahl be accompassliut y a marbeut iheque for ing. The aternative is ta ise con- states tisat tiseenet population ln- 5% of the enrouait of the tender. Drawtngs anut specifications siacreut anut contreilut y revalut- crease for tise morlut ince tise out- mnay he secareut at tise office o! tise Seretary, Hilton Ontario, or ionarp mateelilses miich is ii des- break o! tise mr mac btter Uas front tise nderaigneut. Tise lomest or any lender not necesaarity trop evesy sbreut of Christian- clvii- 100,00,000. accepteut . BRC RDELloation. Steel anut cast Iron pipe are atlA hietAUS. an krsligv errueeat protection against ta1 ta tseortage o! inCanta a wnut25 Hughson Strect S., Hamilton Ont. Islsframntdrm msl x Steel. ______________________________ perimcenting. a are at MILTON HARD- ountera are Losade! mil nes! for your home anda in hsaweek andget al nd of pricea Ihat WILL iake your holidia more pit Isnt G.RASS 'SHEARS Wl-stypua ces-uto ulmais-- LAWN MOWERS a1 goud jub. luiýrtrdoSel oei $1.50 atut usse yus TURFGRE HEDGE EDGERS GRE SHEARS A ubarp HOSE Strong and roandt esge Complete mIish durable reaiiy that really coaplings. 50 f1. CUts cals, $3.75 $1.25 $4.95 SOET HALL-S AND I BASEBALLS Fsjoy the sumc lU a ieadsng sport. fn HARD $26.5 SOFf $1.35 FLYS FISH HOOKS Tisey îoesp at thees. A misole aio2n lue osly 15C up FLY SCREENING Eeeep inseet 5psts out s! pour luome. Frues 20 Inchs 1 48 binis. OVe aiso haove moaiding ta mase Gaivaniaeutln gond stesng materisl. $215 TENNIS HALS Combination of one racket, 3 haltu. $&99 mwn gamne, 6 players, Iota of $8.5 LURES, FLIES, BUGS Get ontise fan andi enjoy yansc- lOc self. Vaiousu primes Woods' Electrical Farm Equipment Exclusive Dealer ln this district MILEING MACHINES MILEC COOLERS CREAM SEPASATIORS ELECTRIC WATER HEATEIIS ELECTRIC FEED GRINDERS, AND ROLLEES HALF TON STEEL TRAILERS COMMERCIAL OR INDIVIDUAL CEMENT MIXERS, ETC. Suies and Service ut your door at no extra Coat Quick Delivery ROY W. GOODWIIN Phane Actan dOr6 THANK YOU MY SINCERE THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO SUPPORTED ME AND WORKED SO HARD ON MY BEHALF. Stanley L. Hall PA= MM m