Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jun 1948, p. 3

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¶IIPMDAY, JUNE lt, 1908 0f lnterec 1 BABOON 5IN WAE PAINT Ais Afrîcan baboos. tbe Mandrill bas boen catîrd the moat hîdeous animal on earth. That cncluaion la a bt extreme. Most grotesque or mot clownluh-looblag wolld bo better descrptions. Certaly the animsal loks as Il Il had raldod a point abop ta brdlzesn Isîf in thee gaudiost af colors for a masquer- ade bll of the jungle. TIerea a tuft of sot bale on the top o! Ita bead; o poInteS yellow beard ad- oms is chîn. Cheela proteuber- ages are startllsg In theîr triped pattern af brllliant bloc. Other fac- ial features are blood ced. Above, theehale oI Iis ightmare bahoos la olive brown, below it la a sIlvery white. A fuit-groava mate o! thîs "maSo-aIt" mcaey la ice feet tait ahs-tanindlg erect. A Mandrill la inluded la the great assembly Museum. Sa brillisol la tOe mac- paInt o fthis issect-eaticg baboon that Il bau 10Or e sbelore Il 10 appreaîd-or even belaved! Political saactuary Is humant- tarlas Bellais givra in the paI 10 Kart Marx andt Lenîn. nom bas beer, laicard by a Red Army col- onel. Harold Cm Fay PLUMBING and HEATING JOILNÇST.,, MSTlx PHONE 423J Hello MomémabE aometing vecy sui wedding lucheon. poar particular reaq we haow yau wanti cradioaaty. Alîbsugh the final deisios rangemens, moîbar rerepiion bar job. The bome lasiten ceclal pace t10 ra gaeaia. Mitîher witb eajoy preparisg th imll namber oftg geesa mbarrerqaira! isg. We remîitd yoa Jaty la the bssy tii thetefore, sîsho mnefltsellsnodv. doy ... Adveay be WEOOIN.;LtI Perfection Jelty a Pctaio Chips,. Coca Tea and Sma Ice Cre Weddiag Cake Nut Llalctlr Bouciaeas Tes Slroabcrî'y SI Wrdding Cubei MinIs Mouaddit Fn Ftaoared Catia Sayact TeaE Raapberry 10crb Tesa hVcMdig Cakei for fine healthy birds feed 'Starlight' Chick Stal Made froue a eenly aace omul ýn the nceraary asgradien. oinuerpi rw W c alaa haea crc mpl,îta stock cf liait Ma) Sbclt ad Grat. GaIert yrbato ltha aoyyly sads "TLIH"GUAIIANTEE R FIIP 1-'F Maite By MILTON MILLING1 Phone 50 Limited Milton Co. n Ont. LEAVE MILTON tDAYLIGHT SAVINO TiME TO TORONTO r 6.45 a.m. d 10.45 a.. g 5.00 pais d 10.05 pan. o--shIIy aexSsIi & Hol. d-suo. &* ol. tg-Mt oulp BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FOR MONTREA15 OTTAWA AND NORTH BAY FARES ARE LOW Round T"p - Tax indluded HALIFAX $55.90 WINNIPEG $46.30 QUEBEC $ 25.90 REGINA $ 57M3 ST. JOHN - M92.5 CALGARY $77.65 CHARTERED BusEs FOR PRtIVATE PARTIE AT LOW RATES Tickets and Information at R C. Harris, Shoe Repair Store ai al iai l,aa iiah iashLlitti aita.,tt, kchiai 1i ' I.al iiii.i-i,'i -a i ai, iaal fiaur a %-lai i l rIl , olaieo , litiiý. a d s 1a04. r l c itais lo i f er e al ai,, 'Ccii t uit in. i l oidi- a c hal.fresiniaIl.ah li 1Illi1iieli i ctaat ciiil i. t aiaiifreinli,îi la~iio aaiîlic'a il'ilioniaadiiti Iil' .latyiiaim adeg,aîal al m.Iaci iateost 'haî,t lal'aI aaiia 'a' îîîaa"ii,î t a btîl aer a'îigarîol eitil b Mcixursi l lau k',,,, l billiaitnfi mi te-at ilachia-ph-e y dropplag Gi-rotai oaaaîiaaîauarhîîg osgai- III OATOllI IsEAT ieicmuýpîiaoraigpilrybagoand tini-a ,aailc'aond ail l tahuch actînl! flce rcesbeadsa îmaaag Ilem nsup aîer tanks. She ail maiisr (401 1 5 mîcata-lla liac-,a tiano tai-a- theeumber a,-Ail alar ,, taio aIrei mKairlýIly bail cn 375 Secs. Fl. tfsis asncal'acoiasttarr se il, b-, ieitiith atonnsta cricrieaeysu ta teat. MsOa-a36 fn iscaaFtllai-c t Castes aumblard Ose asd a o t perlac, ient.ertofîthe0 r aitl cikaasalutdmixture. Iliaiaamillion of ber traopa are an ru igfrti eb ocb s M'as T. . aabaa For qusstily o! diatins aîîaaîîed tellîy.Otliaae icigfîris t odseb-a aieasfor 12 sarralaga coft d resa training fore a ontbae Bp aaac iais;e Oralfrcm flic big alomig a aile Ileai eeae yteslt mixture. 1195 bere milI Oe a lrained reerac mil gnî,le ,.bmatt Ansamr force oai tram 15 t1o20 millonmes.fisg ofa ooma s ltis pile and s 'clagproces la aed la transere 4IS. ht iaibe(tcledîor 2 '*le fc bas are as thc autboclty cf tala 1,1.watienOraleawberc. Il milS alewlag cheas Brgadier - Generat Edwin Sibeat, lie fa-Shoghppst tebld 2 Oada rlecy AssiantisiOiertar ofth1e Ceatra I Itauhpie u blS 11/g. satad dressing Inlaligence groap cf tbe Unted k 1 large beaS leltuce Statea Army. Sealsaniaga We taupe ad belireeIbat Mc. ___________ tals bs obiretimitI h _1o- Grasolaied petit las arw irsut- JUNE md tlasccear anS ia resdy teabc utiacprcdoct. frimndly. Att tOc samne me Iataen____t_ Tbe?é reccc imes of tOc pear beep s wa'y erproca a riesdwmOu mOrs omas, wilb is ctlleton utfcales a vry big ckir. WSUTF,-T5IIAT SINOS 0F istricate ccalcisances, competes SC CANADA mirOhi enviroltesent r vraoc RC STILL SCAitOx Oar aigbboues ls tOc United casiosaliy orema suprlart10 it aut .States allthIte W'tstt-Tbroated nat in Jase. Here Ore ta Se intety Exportable ce supplies arreri- Sporrow tbe Pesbady bied, bersose rodageS 1e beîag a apetator, fart- pfildlu) hoabout 30 perrcent lia aosc, cesSeraS iae EagliiO, bas anale Il appreciallve, lortusate lrger n 1948 lOaIbe qoatiyas imogisorpu resemblanSc ta "Old anybaw ta bo on bianSit ai l. micO maced inIa international Sam Pabody, Peabody, Peubhly Nature las prababty aritbor btad traitais 1947, Bat 10e total quas- Casadlans bsow Orîler. Wbal the ilruabind, but ls Jase l aalok ily amolabîr oI about 2.9 mitlion bled dûcn sing, as asy accfol Bat- hind. At rosIlil loks beautifual. mletrions repreamaarlsy 40 per marc casticel la "Swert, swert, Cas- The asu aIofwhisd lis 1tegl tbe cent. ofth1e international pre-mar oaCanada, Canada!" Listes toc moit ose eus froue ibis. Ta ccame- traite, aSd about ose-lOirS ofthIbmtala briefeal mml musical of sot- piab il ane nerda te Or accessible 'eqalcemesîs suOmitird by Import- Jaul nitarms whcn ou are cutlIn ta misaad, forgottensucrges aI spi- 'ing notions, iarudisg Jupes nSndte Jane wsods and moasi.AnS rit. And there Ila Ibechange Of Europe, laelite Emmî'gency Fooaithlats a geldlIme lto, te gel ai- nom anS onimagisad ssoo. These Cummitier of FAO.qane thheri oehr mantisse possiberte ail who bacc IntaheOcrase of ricr, os mitO somne qalrd witthe ngsirsut thers sat committed emotiasal suicide abher cummadilies, Ibe sborl-lerners pro' vnog n te Opu means o! indîfierenge or cysl- rriaks priabiema for Ibm hsnding of pieasg alts. Viilora ho the Roy- ciSme. mliticb Ibeallocation ci-tees masaiOaraMuue ofZtoy To ocae ernlt laeaed r-adopird, are merging m ong-mio ta înceaaîng samicers aîuaiy T os at n temit-eO arae tairerairmprabtems cf production anS tberassitless bleds dkplayrd lOrre, ta nOt,1-nhsrc tks1raite.allen express mondere Ibot thece are driars a foot leto the grosit Ta acaitth1e rce-eatitag coust- aeu ay IS0faprua la the apclsg, and putird sp asnd tries ta 10e greatrat ratent possible Oarigo unS kibdof lapare s I- txamised ln tihe fail. no Impcrta have becs made byOy Irose ta t ae-s t Earaipeon anS sonne osîrO cousn-tatiela plumage as mcii as tris drlg rcen ynriexcp sg. Sporrow ail loa ailles tris dria rees perocacpimenasathe Englino sparroot excla- fr amtiesestiat quantîllea. This a 1isely i olk bwOo are anawarr "O d tO 5 , O " self-denyiingf arraagement bari thetrilsof hr-aclg - Yo're I~ huoaad tons a ddilloailannuaîîy apccîeseakisotatorro ail Pou,~~~ co.a auss. ~ ______ a'caieir pnea sng poma aild mviafor 1 Fac Easter'n cusntrars. but o meaver hicS. Native sar- i~. i1i '0 ~ ~ 1 A bilaS Olahomoan lat an esîhas- aog oI ucb varlrty, are melI et T a " ss laalehuner anS shoota bIl 0B5, wocrth bnowlng. 1 Thoeca a place for pou os chia tram. Takc your choicri1 Do yoo hîkc ta orgaaiîc soit direct ... -would you iike toar aauseful truite . . . or, perhapa p-ou like saîdoor acivicicu with action aplcaîp'? Theccas oppoctanity in the Canaiin Aemy Active Force- incîaiting aitvanccmcsc co commisatonrit tank-if you havet sehat trascs The Casitian Aemy Active Force offres more opportunities sow thon Ivre befoce, and to csmphec the pictare you arr assurrit of lifrîimr pension mIses poar service is compirtrit. Scrp ight in t-Ask th0e scareat Rccraiting Depot or Acmouey for enlistmet particulaca, Sing with p-as cetificatrso tf age anit citucation. Vetecana aboulit write direct to the orasea itepot isîcit beos- No. 5 Prmmi Dapos. King Sreet Wes, KINGSTON, Ontrico. No. 6 Paasncl irpoa, Chelep Park MiitsurHospital, TORONTO, Ontaria. Walssty Barcah, ElizaehScrces, LONIDON, Ontario. to a 'f. b a 'tas. 0 i Fos ie fcm ade . * nd *ecri 4- THE CANADIAN CHAMPION ICHINLSE P<YP7ERf IN INUSTRY GOESTTE IVTSPECIAL SHOW SECON1) MmL Centuries before the bIcth of 1 By Joseph Liste r Utedgs to W orn enj ChrIst, the Chine»ge wre mailg The general trend of ail Indus- pottery and porcetanln becaof try la towacd a wlder partlclpal.on _____________________________great beauty. Tisey are atIil dong of the worker la the profita of tIse 6It 'Ida art haa a hilgh Place arn- operatton. That la as It ahould bie. &à i ang Ch Oasrtch gifla to the world. That la aa lndutry, generalty, lma Thousands of such pleceo are In decided Il shall be. But tbat luaflot the Ch nese Ceramic3 section of ilay how Il appeors te the work- he Royal Ontario Museuma. Frein er. The long betief that benefîta these collections about 150 objecta are achteved orcly by colundies have bora seleoted for a specta hard. It dieo bard becauae there exMbtfotna whilh opened lIntIse are more peuple wlth a deflolte I- __________________________________ Frescro Galler-y. tnctuded are on- tereut ta keeplagfit lIve than amples famlietlr tausa as "table there are people wlth a olmlar In- ware --caps, bowla. plates, wlae lereat for dlscoverlsg the farta. and tes pots; besides voules, jaro, Coerclon, though a dangerous and oral There la TAXE A IP and sundry containers. They bave astty meapon, cas, of course, do peclal about a 1. Ioa cast mahe yoar sandwich- heen cloues for Ibis showlng for somethlng about wages anad worls- As hustesa Itlal es in odvance, provided yeu wrapt beir heauty af lartin, colour, or iog conditions If thîs Ia neceauary. spostbllt, ad hee isoaaedor ellphue ap- esatisite glace. Rarîties ln the Bat Il cossot lnduce ownershlp t0 10 teo It served er, thes ln a dlamp towel and store croopings Inclade black pottery mahe the second-mlle Invealment :h the bride bais lbem in the refrigerator. A cov- Imitations of bronze vessels Of Ibat assarea contlnoityof ropera- os ail the or- ereal vegetabîr crisper (the cecI- creol ostiqoity lciegom. 1200 B.C.l lion aod lobs, safe agals.st almost -e canoildera Ibe anglaracontainer thaol la par of grecs lused porceinsa of the 3rd aasy eveslaallty. Wbes the owsesr the eqipmest of muast electric cestora-AD.. ond seine fline eoam-roctsiy limaitbchir ows re- a tlae muaI con- refrigerotorsal a excelent for altar.-.pîc flt otcllo'pre-ba aodrl ueor h tertain weddlag iag sandowicesra ntil orvlsg time. oins stanl, dotlsg, perbopa. lrom eusntinoily cf tbe isvestlmest, tbey bsone hbp, will 2 If aot'sadwichesaore of the lac ute tc redourai. Rme of Ibesc;e oag ibiaslrcadcclook. Let te lood fer a ment, lish ce egg vsro-lie sure ijeresaore vo rare flot lbey are' os use Geserol Mtura ta illostrate lests, but a lar- ta beep the fillins al inte refrIger- aalttooi ocal In mo-crama cf the tiîl point, sot becau-,e ley are -ea apecial caler- stuc aclil juat before the sond- 1%,at, bot the Royal Ontario Mua- jacy cxception lu the gescrol este, l that Jue and ciches are mode. 'c -irn Arheboogy la forunote inlulus hc'o their gcopblcolty pre- canlfor caterera, 3.Itf yuhavs-al,'a-tllemlina hî--aaauuucly i"c'lin-acblreaa- seaed annulireport ia just at yourarrag-cl lceadte11elhsnt"" Prcsaoaf the Sung lIs anud. 7ange ufthtte bg cten aofiiictiy danaac the bread at- ""' Il relu'etec, as cre plerta Pleaie coun hicb tabac arguesi est ulabea. may lhe freseat by pytoisg of ait aatndicg at(Iltafcom lbh-ifs ac lae quiaeasoucd and cea- INCHEONS .,leming h1t clamp clotb ov0r Nhics uîd (hicgrccriaadiiArrsngedl-soicble balas-ls htutaa'rheffort thîem. las tîeiocthis sieaul baaisc csa-a iiicapital selmnt. Chches Salad t4, Opens aosdwi'l flea iea Oc tc- vlîcarîcta lclitcet caltOce rlp- nsilllit torelot.cs aTotwould lneat o onts atc alloarcacilh a'oaxed meat cf Cîinet c, ainelulsa Itm leesea moresucidîal]îeris oIl Cakes latter belocvandcaSabuse tOche , l' la'ccntofii ory 1tOe prcaentantact itivsretnsd aIl rlshai amn bita. daY. vvcealoal. Bot linIhl a t qulte land Punch 5. Orce large sadwaich lol cula o. Foc Instane-. cctiaaity of np aS inIa60 ur l65i liicu and 1he mal FIOFNCII5 AS 555E IS SP'ORE- ecutias lrcaide-3 bat thIe assureS onec Ic o20 auge. ______ri'tton asinsetan d continu- Sondwaiches 6. One largelouf reqoircaaa- i. taInLndnl ,s a l,cî-aol sdisoctacea Tbatcroatd eemntable abutter at about 5% lb. of tilt ng. caf" o ,,,-i paî,oaes lm at1ai- acemmus intercai ifcr wblcb bothl Shocîcake 7 Onetbl. amlleoaksaer'es 12,1o,(I laîlaaha. ramithe Frenchb ight proaide ome moasreoflIn- asd Punch Peplîe. Ose tuai eake serv-es tes ,l,.t '-ac', ad iaParla 1he aurance, Yet. a ib figures show,' ts rcecpic Oec8x8lneh cskemayie satine'sortaof vehl, -i'anaoboa. iailaiitii-ertyl Instedits con- eu cal o lchlaety picea 11iaial ialincQuebcprovince, inaiy ciîahcbtlahaveatn..n oit Said 8 Altîîar2cuescoftsacr lerit peo-pcaîleafai'allosgues mis- cit i La,,4lyesa'sersbipag-: age Chrono aîraisg. TO ccc are albout 80 ca i , l tati)tîla'cases sabaiietc-lied ul s Is retcra 38 ccns o l Biscuits usel be-t Piccade 2 pins o f ait v a-aic morie Ila aly. a'celadtollar cf receipla, mOle It' ýbert Coobles ceam toc 40 cuic cf tes. ail, li t-ýe issaiýrog and un-1911 il lacS tabac l.9 cents or .I- 9. Pour 2 quaîrts biling 's'oer cIci salatliî- leaoira as tOc part oa ist-4 hire lstmob. This differ-ý asd Pochb ce 6 tablaitos atea fr 10'a - ,.liiis a iîellectaaisau'Ic'n a'beteaircc-ruvuolnartlp capis. Mce mre in tbîao'ay asliaaa'a'i'eiir oi cuirltoread to ac,ci'flailei. tbc-a,,iaedlbaoehlnt thi caets reqirelif. incivil -t-,,î,iofIlae litccaago. At fil(- huinic--: ta cri-el liter Oms 10 i, o nt aficlcarbccisted water tai,'- iik(i.îl gon atdîpeoptleba- ,cci'eamst.ciecur, butalaotoi andcirc'a-uch ut o nhas bll il a il. wiaiN---tira-fi)anote tle 1îiJtccsefilc-ea'-l ,Oflthe 'orh- laiiirlit ,iiaaalsel d laii' cc i t o iatiall-tcms es- ('i'iuia'lcocatce-Jo i.cas.imortaat Il. Bruittce crarcmilice InIa ri.îiia'aearcofecntroeîicr. lu the a, plrcfits arc i., ait pserhlp. "cg BRicr-- tiiremase tho e,,.aUl -'?I cla d it Wtb lus 010,10ucacrail s arcoptlcgà a a.ive, 'îif ac o il about 20.iisnio iiiiaaelarirs-iacaeaaofltsIf iii a'aiifs r'clr-nr.uqaar- rter TW(Ua5lNBOX lPaul 1,a,' <i Cit1ear --t a as iamil'inla hui', ri- iaiiag at ' i 'a lii- ail1.'fl-"i iiiiiigi.'r. c u b.th.î. l'i ii lIiiei aps an,. W'.TCII VOUIIIAT 'iiiaîa .iaa iac'ti' fr eililic- l'aisdip IPSEICOAT li Y'oh n idaaa. palair iii'iii1 iic' a foreaafst-alce.", l'I. i.v' tla p,, ýo'a l i nI il,,"-'aiI., il, X .A iie' ar:'l'-. 'a i. 'l o t , q li i l, . a-u,I, aS g. i ,,, f' n n PAGE 1 Dancing - Huttonville Park WEDNFSDAY EYENING-MODEENAR&M SATURDAY EVENlNO-AL KUN COMING ATfRACTON Bert Niosi and his 16 piece Orchestra SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE l9tb GREENHOUSES Flowers for Every Occasion CoatÇes Wedding Bouquets Fuserai Deigne WEI ,DELIVER Phone 151 R. BROWN, Prop. Maian Street Wanted! DEAD STOCK HI( HEST CASH PRICES Ho-e $7.W ecc Catl t $800 csch Hoga $200 par cwt At Acrinto Sizgand Conditios f 5J JMLLF5IT ~G IALT 2718J DRLING & Co.0QLtd. Su-cteffltrs To Faimo Brffs. Step iighI m. à

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