Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 May 1948, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY, MAY 2TlIl~ 39W NoicesofB50h,. Mariaie..and Dsth, _________ o__ f monos' ls preparIng for as eV-- am nurE. xMsla. is fun ins. o .adntuaity that mas' never ariae.. nesboa adiimi 0eforsSeury. Crd L ~ .L.d ..s.5 The troubis I. atnallatryiig 10 of mna. s.e JU 1 I~U wait 11001t we are at a sissrp die- IW~"~advantage Joe Stalin doumnt bava BORN i u r.1 ta asthe Cotnts'Couneli.or ltse METCALFE-To M. and Mm. Wil - peope r tise parlanent mhiaIho Bans . Metcalfo, .5 1, Milton, 5tPS 7829 STOUTI akal do. Mo toila them. That at Mount Hamlon Hospital o Native of Maltons Couty and say is a lat quiohar than ours. As May' Srd 194, a daughter, Kar- reidenl of Trafalgar Tomnahip gor Secretars' Marshall of tise United HeR iN ONAtHito 2P ycacu. Elina Matilda Knnedy, Sates satd cemtiy. 'Eaperionce sL-aieHopiNtai osMs't111h, - wldose cf the laIe William 810011 bas peovei that the demoeraeies M. ansi Mc. J. . Htbrrington. Possisi caon MoS ondcy, Mas' 17, once aoiusesi to cooceetisl action, the gPl of a son Robert Edwacd, aller ne, ilineos of the pasI four- ,o>sscothe msteciai ansi spiriunl a brother faor Saoan. teon months. Mer huubaod pro- orength ta overeome Iis adean- FORD-Mr. and Mrs. Raiph For deeeased lier la 1917. 1tage. Bo," ho marned, "'asfaite are happy' ta annaunco tise birtis Lot ta revoesber momnors' are nseaheoleg ta danger anal tllure oI thor daugtor Dianea May at t esnsadadaughter Stanley ta cet pronsptls' adds Immasur- Pol MemorlalMHospital on Sn-thesosada day May 23, a baby sIster for and Herbert at home and Mes, ebis' 11. lie rosi of ultiinate suc- Delmar Erie Menderaon and Orville of ceeau," -Coohsvlie. Sevon grandbilidros DM)and 12 great grandchiidcen ali.> Wr gueuaed secong that tise survive be. Kaisers Germons' didn't realis' WATERS- At Wellesley Hoardtl, Thoenflnerai servce mas condue- sant wae, Wo gamared ha1 Miter Toronto, on Tuffday. Mas' btb. ted hy ev J L. Blair and Inter- seoldo't puait ssatrs tan far ansd 1948. Urlah Wateru, hloved hus- band of Macry Ans Honk, and ment was at Soweu Charcl Ceose serre wcang again. Cuesslng tisai dear father of ne Miltas. and try. Rialin mlght, me cmuid vers ps- Mary <Mes. Edward Andremw.s),____ sibly ho rong again. But we seil Toroto, n fls 7th yar.he a lot btter ta prepare for nbnt T rNtob ia76b year.BAD) GUESSERS S)ne and saste or prepacatians in _____________________pence, tias to fabote hecance Tise densocracles avesi been nlo and pas'tise dreadful costa for GILBERT-n iovlsg memory of a loinusls'bail.guosers when il guesing nlght andi doing athmeg dear hasband and fathorGCo Glbert, seho passed aeas' May comm ta eilsgts probablles about I. 27, 1941.a ec o a.Wa've miased Swoet memnre irssel linger for- ot Isice, and me mas' missoul Tise Cannet change thora Ia tueagals, but t Iseut; the third ime Yearsta ta mas' came rannot seve we aughtnt ta ho taugitflalfoat- Tise goveesment sets thse mis- Our ovlng romembraase O!sou. es. Ose ol tise troubles with nia la unos profit alawed on aimat ail Ever reoseoheed hs' is las- that ser dont mont ta wate a lot merrisansilse sol ln sBhitlan. Isg mite and famils'. GALLAOHER - In lovlng omey ________ of a donc fi nend Ruth Galiagisr mho pasnod amss' May 2rd, 1944. Nt dead Is Rubis but sleeplag. In ber taters homo abave. Stewarded for er suffeing for fi ne healthy birds f eed... Remacded for bier love. Every memurs' is a keesake Tbough Gasi basler ln bla berplag Weinis m ein muli nerpar 'L>arlight' Chick Starter Evor rrmembored isi'Me. and Mes. W. J. Wilson and Ismils' Md rn nevnyblnc tmuacnann i FERRIER-In ioving meosory a aefot.neel aane oml 1nann l ras moboor misa passed amas' the nececaars' ingrediensse inissare rapid grotb. Mas'26. 1942. , We auna hase a compiete stocks ni Pcat Mass, Oyster Metosrbea suono ne n Sbeii andi Grii. Gel yonms wmOue thc suppiy is adeqoale. Deth Is a henrtnehe nothire ens Oral "STARLîGHT" GUARANTEED FRESH PERDS Sorne mas' iocget yna nom s'as arr gane ne Mode By isam lnng. Sut s e nbrdbyduhe LT'ON MILLING CO. Lîzir and Huhand andi famly Mca.D FTAK Phone 50 Limited Milton Ont. Ms Wm. Galingiie, Hlba.n eigiss.seisisrs stabiani almisa sent cards flosers and baskets ai frit duing hec reent inss ________________________________ Special thanns toalal the blnd neigihors. Te fariy fthelate MrsWmin. uM M M M M MM M M U U U M M Setautimnstescrteaieo-ft hanbs ta friondssansi neigta- L tr bars and lte ePalerma outai- St* L wrenceO Fruit Croc Sor te for Ibeir floral tribales ansidV8fl~' iindîbrose, also tse Rev. .. Blair Table Queen Breadi 2 loasesfr î sanalberaseiesb. *As'Imer Calsup ....13 oz. b00l1e cM *Bight'a Tomato Juice .. 20 oz. ins. 2 for j9c* s m Ayimes9sSoupa Green Pros. French Syle Onion U LIreLoiti5.s- M Asparagaus, Ceieny ... ..... 3 linosffor 25c -laspr f eouis skes~o :CasaphellF Tomalo Soup 2 Tins for 19C M -I pteo lod kist- Arrose Brand Peas 20 oz. tins. 2 for 23c *4hwsadlghflildy Sandwich Cookies 3 fasors 21e lb.M -A mek rsinMandas' 15 elect FehGre ninSaOuc ionnday and like te tise rIn île ren nin , u* a slow saros up. a Fresh Radishes 5cmlos uargsai I bancO : UCSi1iibOcuOumbm ,tmteapaau l tlwprnces* Farm Tractors Can BANANAS.---13lb Originate Fires :frc .mtaiit.Sluss.M Witis tisemrne genrai use ono______________________________ farras of rators. trurksandssiga- dline drives mariners', cane ta neesrd ta ser biaI Iis typa Of equlpoest dors mt kecome a pt-I rotiaiasouace of farm flrs Speaing hefore tise 1947 Can-n i g . vention of the Mutuel iee Under a c n mrieosAsociation of Ontario, tiseI componirs of sehiri arcs' abut 75 pe cntrosI.a al ice lnuronce os agricutarai proprets'in Ont- l u e P c e tà B r aria. Mr. C. W. Cankos'. Son etoc C aduic e ts B r ta the Ontario ine Hacubaiai o-71h Une 1 '/2 Miles North of Horobi' laree rinphaisizi e posibr fire danger feans farce tractons ausd trcs.Pinig u ta at- Tu esday, June 1 st motive enginors hase drsaened I___ trucks and lenctorssea tIthe least possible f ire hacard Oits. MODERNAIRES ORCHESTRA an long as tise equipmont is kept oenadOdTm acn la gond ranning osaler, M. Cankes'Mdm as h un acn sad that mot ires oegnticg GOD LORRF SMNTI0 H Irons gasoline-srisen vobîcles con GO LO ERSMN OT bo teacesi ta one of tise îoliosing: Pane Maintenance-Tisr Import _____ ADMISSION 50e anl Items aremruffiers, gasoline Ilinos. rarburetors and 10e ignitton ystemn. Trouble arois' camcn______ suddenls' ansi lsrne are usnaiiy warnngu of deforla whIsch cas ho detectos insadvasee.__ Impraper refuellng ansi impe-______ fort otaage-Sraali susntitirs o0' gazoline If rerniird sisand ho carrielin saîrîs' rons os s' ansi motor sintuld ho stoppesi, mani fold I N ST N T K R ho uflr ereanahis' ool ansi I I GS O E ST K R -no smoking, osuilo tanks!S ho ng fiied. Are instaliesi ansi sens ced in the Milion dstrict. Any Acumulations oI dot, il ansi ai Ibese asers w Iltell yan 00w tonsfantable, econamicai, eaksbustihie matriai A lonsi oI geais passing bie martrer ton, cmo0erouble fret and iahon sas ng thes' are: mas' InO fre5r.stesseor haf mas' blase ta acsnslate on the O A englar, clog the radiator, plie ua)C O onstie muffien builsi sp anoaasi ANHRACITE SOFT tise tendton or trucks ta pravide direct contact ils braîssi parts INSULATION GYPROC an gel close enoagis fac uparks ta ignîbe. LIME CEMENT Poor jodgent ln operating tise equipmet or unosçsrrbed accident PIONEER FEEDS -Tractoru ansi trucks hing driv -____ en ln and acouasi arnbuildinga ohouid ho bsndied mitb thesainme rare andi gond Jusgment gives lte ~ drlslng a car os a rowdod ReS A D M ighmas'. The ligitsta accident --4t burning gaaoilne taInvosleds- PIhone 48 eaa cause a dstastrous fine. Announcement MESSRS. DICK & DICK, MR. GEORGE E. ELLI(IT and MR. T. A. HUTCHINSON wish lu announce that ibeir law offices WILL BE CLOSED ON SATURDAYS during the months of JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST THE CLASSIFIED SECTION Buy-SeIl-Exchange- Wanted Advertisements under this hoadlng 355, cash wth ordor, up te 25 words . Addiinal words le par word. If cash doos fnt 8e- rosnpany thé advrisement, minimum charge 50c and le per word additional for each word ovr 25. SuhueqUent insertions 25C. FOR SALE FOR SALE--t pigs, 6 weeks old. Phone 147r42, Milton. FOR SALE - Giravol and flii E. Smades, Phone 295 Milton. t! FOR SALE-Sow and 12 p weeks nid. E. Price, Phon S8r1 Miton. FOR SALE-4 brner Perfection coal il stose. Mmc. Roy Ourcie. Phone 09r14. FOR SALE_-P'rost & Wood Hay Loader. Apply Vera Cairns, Phone 296.r3 Milton. FOR SALE--Chlchen Hous t'a Remnember Our Complete UP-to0-Uate S'.Appol T Millar Phone Sur-F FOR SALE-Large lent in per- fect condition everytbing complote. OpticalService Phone i55r31 Milton.n p THE LAC-C.GRIM OOD JEEL- FOR SALE-192 Pontiac sedan TH* LC-C RIW OJWL gond condition. Roy Corn, Mlii LER, MAIN STREET, MILTON. St. Georgeown, Phono 141J. 2tt FOR SALE-Bine baby carniage *THE DATE-EACH AND EVERY RISioto plute olth cbrnmium ýiat- CAl' TD~AVed top and noiebrner ocen. P nne aJ~J~~ZAFOR SALE-Wonden ire bonxai *THE TIMF-10 A.M. TO 8.45 P.M. 80 2 wbeeled traiter in gond cmn-1 Sdition. Bcrt Jonen Jr., Miii Si.r Phonne 410. PHONE 113 FOR SAL-2 Oucbam Cows, due to frenhen. aiso bairse rahe EYES EXMINED- GLASSES FITTED - REPAIE neariy new. Appiy I. McCroady Phone 155r22, Mitnn. ____ FOR SALE-1929 Chysier Sedan, -_____ henp, also 14' irniior and 2 umaii Icaliers. C.W. MeFetters, Wend- *'z OO o%4 , .oraOege, Paiermo 5- FOR SALEF i McCormncbODeer-1 ne miv lectvr, ew c1947. nnd1 sî el obeied waovnnnAl ubape. Aeiply Cbampoon Office. e FOR SALE- Marconi radio ith chri oseoand batteries, cabinet, aIse ecdor ples 6' sulabie for bpdr o Phone 156r2, Milon. FOR SALEF Molini ronge. crm- hnt!nwoorcool and electrie,1 ruhrirdwgnce.MOsl6 irhe Apl odnRobinson, Phone FOR 'lAi F l)rLaval Hilbcr, $294 0on: lioco Wnlerc Synlean, s..$ 108-00; Beotty Vnlcr Synem. .91.i:Thor Rîecir Wnsbcr, $.9.50; ThorCaGs Wnobcc, F194.00; Wcicr Bows insinlird, é9$(.10 rrch. J. Cronb. Phone 399M. TF 1 F01R SALE iiclid Onb diniet ro uirooind tcbie 4' s6" ni'- i hoîi5' i'ift 6chains, ithiinnss -siirnsyýon'o studio n-r, lseisc'nmirro.t'ense. -nditionesîisel l =oek. moilîs"Martin SI.. Mlien FOI?1ALE 1F iinsrîolis Mollise Trti?, ,.,Csk,huli Nos.1 4ny LsoseMossci Tînsieron rubber, P1-5205 Isiscoatioal Tanrior. 20-30 Mcss's'lesir. 19408 ailpys Sio- 'ira Wes'son.1948 WllIss 5i mtn 1Pîsb.sip Truc'k, Sampiiiciv Wnstslnc Maioshiners lerimmedinir seliveecy t'.d c<tPees.-Nrl.svM-e'r. Woods. ien-i Frerme l'i.t 2 Wend's Droîn' r C,slis r SLsival Pressure Ses- t m.-ntrnatsnional lachali Jacks, ar l'ocils ose onMarel Radin <'iis'îisî'5fer Ford and Ford- Fers-raves Tr eoinc. HdrS ly fer Ford andFo rFnd -F Prczuln SnTra c- 1 ors.20.406Iiternntionnl Threeher . Warirnr Mayor nfQOakviîlie M41-42-43-44. Rircîrd ho ivilh n ri hPdder. Tram woeh j.sWodEfefrie Gindr. the inegesi mnfoelîy in the Town's History 25 cyle. Tom Hewano Phono 112W. Gorgton . 2First Presideni ni tbe re.organized Oakviiie Lions Cub. . nB 3. Chairman.cf ihe Bord nf Governors Lions InternationalLO O tc Districtif ntarnio and Qnrbec. ONTARIO STOCK YARDS 4. Presideol nf LionsInterrnationnalsaf Canada. B ULLETIN 5. Seeosd in Fîrst 'Vend Wor. /ooarmg. WALLY FORD i.119 in charge nf Dental Service for Depariteiof Soid SHAMILTON 90-4'Ii1ML ters' Civil 1Re-esablshment i Guelph. 7.15 a 7. i3ring is terni cf office ns Hayor thO Onhlîle Legion sns yesenti.d wih the s-te of 10e Legion Hall andi granird Il) vcsars f aS exemption. 8. tloiog is terni of Mayor andi ci is instigation the t10 empînyros. fir the firsi lime in bisîory mare graolesi helidnys nM 1wîîh yay. I Organizedd imcnaged the firs OH.A. hockey lIanaAn Oaiisille. 1f0. Ochonlles 100k wsraboit n 1921 for Onisoilles fir. IO.H.A. Hockey f.amn, orgonîzesi andi cîachesi hy Dr. Deans, whv, conlineosin0 ha1 capacils' antil 0934 when tbe tîcn omwn the Ineremedicle OHA. cbampionship. Dr. Deons ais o sponsocesi minor hockey for the yonngsîers 0f 1he îown andi district. il. Helprd organize cnd ployesi on the firsi O.A.L.A. lac- cesse leasn nOaksiile. 12. Dr. Dcans bas heem on the execolive nfitee Oakville Basc- bail Club. Wt 3. Nine years caplain ni the Oakviiic Golf Club, and orGe prescri Presideni of the club. G 14. Orgnnizesi andi was chairman nf the Wariime Rainlîoe . tionr for Oakvilre, Trafalgar Township andi Milton. per i5. Chaieman nf ihe local Branch of Cisil Defense Oo. ho milice. ti 16. Chairman nf local National Cloîiag Collection for War . igi Ravagesi Counnries. in 17. prescri Chnirman of the Finance Cammile nf the Oak- ville-Trafalgar High School Arcs Bonrd. 18. Has Oen a memben of cvery Municipal Boardi n theT lnwn nf Oakvilie. His administrative abiliiy and lirelcos energy anc Whai Haiinn Needs B VOTE Dr. DEMIS X JUNE 7B Innuesi by the Hal-ton Liberal Asociation. Ai mi C. rn! wl HI In al r- THURSDAY, MAY 2TUý IM »Aar iffr»»T i WANTED WARTED-Junnr Bank Clork. .pfpiy Bank of Nava Scolla. WANTED-Caretalser for Fer- meru Building. Appîs' Os' bIter ta, C.Laundon. WANTMO-Ca(pahie girl or wn- nani for 2 dayu a weh. Mes. Ràd- wcm Hnrrop, Phor.e 9rm4, Mltais- WANTED-Livo Pnuitry wanled. ieheat pricos pald. Cali tharies Ingia, teielphnne Milton 38151. &IL 1, Camlnbeiivtiie. tg WANTED-Urgntiy need edec- trie roI rigerator, godmoditin. Phone Champion gf>ire or Anon cree Presn Office or serîlo Box 2$ elIber office. 13 WANTED.-Live Ponlirs', hMgbst orces pald aiso featheru. We cul] onaltrs. Phono ndail & Morley, Moln 143; Armstrongus Butcilor Shnp. Hilton 42; W. E. Dont, MII- ton 92r15 or write 10 Maaos Zone. 402 Doverrouet Rd.. Toronto. 49-52 LOSTl and FOUNI) STRAYED-To Lot 4, Con. 5, smali grey geiding. Ownier mas' have samne hy paylng expenus.s Phono 98r33 Milton. MSCELLANEOUS LAWN MOWERS ahacponed b3e a machinesane an the fartors' snes C. Laundon, Milton. 13 BVX, YOUR ESSOTANErs ap- pliannes frnm ynur local dealor and ho aissored of service andi parts. MeKice Bras. Hardware. Phono 2&. Hilton. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYT STANDARD TIME Gmo*ng East-7.31 a.m. dails'; SOT p.,diiy'; 8.37 p.m., dalls' ocepE Sunday. Geing WestO-0.05 ar..,dalr itlnci; 6.31 pm.. daily; 12.43 a.m. sius eept Sondny ttag). Sunday Goisg Rani 7.31 arn.; 2.07 p.m.;^ 9.14 pr. Going Westl-0.050 nm. lflag>; 6.31 p m CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Going Norih-7.58 a.m. Going SeatO 7.10 p.m. Farnworth Memorials Monuments ai Mndoomte Primas CEMETERs' LETTERING Elora Rd. aI Ceomolar7 5,L'ELP8, OT * EVERY :Saturday Night * BOB MARTIN a ND mN 11ORCHESTA Ua PLAY FOR YOUR DANCING M PLEASUItE AT THE a * PARK PAVILlON M, REFRESHMENTS de Your Kitchen.. DELIOHT WITM THE NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC Appliances ono'î sinuggie any longer th ynur old-fasbionei 5109e. it a modern electrie range bt anîomaîic timing andi de- mdabie brai conîrol. Aiso we ve ibose nem Generani ic- c eirigennamors pecînlis' de- orsi for money savng ecRic- cy. MIE PAYMENTS AVAILABLE ýailey&Toews PHONE 259 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION

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