¶'911I9RDAT I(AY Ittis 15f 8 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE FIVE Mr. Jack Mountale spent a very enjoyable week-end ln Chicago. Miss Mfdred Evans of Toronto apent the hollday wth her mothor Mrs. .Evans. Miss Per Sim of Toronto speat the week-end with her parents Urs. aed Ms. R. Sin. Miss Eldine Metiuigan of Te- onto apent tihe week-end wth Mr. and irs. Lrne Oilson and tam- lly. a Mins Donna Paust of tondon spont the holiday week-end wlth1 her parents Mr. and Mrs Fred Paupat. Min MrJorie Hadloy oi Hamil- toc, llted witie her parents, Mr. and Mes. Franks ladley over Use week-iied. Mr. Rob Charlton ef Smisth Faits vlsited wthhis parents, Mr. and Me. Harry Charlton over thee l- iday week-end. Mu-. Ce. SMllawsy and children of Kitchener viitef her moher Me. Gilbert and iter Mem Cahoon aver the week-end. Mrs. Glbertretsrned ta Kitchener wth her for a visit. George Buscefield f London spent the week-end wltle hic par ent, Mr. and Mu-. Wllam Bouae- field. MeHe st acepted a poation wtb these Sli Tehphohne Coc of that cty le tihe Engineering De- partment. IEngagements M, and Mss, J. E. Mclincon mis to arjiuoeotUe engagement efthir daugiter. Mry Jean ta Mervile Johc Heas,smn of Cie lata Mr. anf Mes. A. MIesens, Mi- 1015 the eficg 10 ake picre eariy ln Juse. Tise engagment is nn sceof 0 Annie Ida, daugittr o M. Chas. Wilson and tie lae Anne MeKen- zie WIieu, 10 lJophs Edmard Dre, son of Ue lae Me, sed Mes John F. Dren. Tise marriage to suite piecco r.lutoin, Juce lt. The Aversion to Dirt Au tUse tisse for sprleg house- cleaing le mith us agaic, on mon may mcnfee If tiscro le sut- tiiesi reacun for tIs spiarge oi cecisg ort, and tlsey moy nul have ctice tisaitishe hanse neefof esp suris goisg ever. Tisre isnbren a steong Cadi- ,tlan asseng ioussives hat h le nccay to erp tise home dlean. These so iel and dccl tractef Le en tise sios ofuttise tmsily af hicleg ic tise windows acf fanes. To Isemlcfs a steef p artare le needef aganst tiis ever pro- sent infiltation. As osereafs aout Iliteic many oreigs landis, tisre seesisunos ch hatredofet ist. COereeda ot mua- trios mitere eacy pespe taise do- metie animais moboiss, miUs ail hir filth, acf ose rac Imsag- tue hem such homes mosîf ho a cmit of fiel. Proisablp macy Cas- afian solfiera hava ec n sc homes ic paerip deveispef mccn- tries misre thep mmcvd. One of the feligisoo gtting iact irom ssch a place 10 Canada masif itc tisa ojoymet othtie cleanlines of the orfinarp Caafles home. A vep cstroeg aversion te fiel as bren characteritir of Canaf- tan lite for many pes. Tie olsi -lAeers emp hava noen petp ai hIt n Isol, homos ul as lite has developaf te love oni dean homet Cas grown. ise nid hascemives menCef anf srubbrf 10 teop tise f ises acf eatlsg stesails cdean. Thore cas an oif neyicg Usai everyose haf Ca cal a port of dift in ie liletime bst lise comenhav morkef iars for pertet cdenil Manp people go sut in tise nons anf came le montact ils fietln Isoemort. Tisey uualty moto s groat effrt 10 dcean up nisen tisey gel hom. The iscabasdmssocis not be tee fissreef 0tisehocse- cives have a semti-ancual srim- mage ils fict. Tisey cnreaila hat I promotea isaitisacf mates Iserhomos attractive. FArfTl "Faith entors lnto practiml evep transaction brîmees mec. Mes ils iaitis havehult cvery- tilg le Iis orif mortwIsmsle. Bvery isu-eer, every businessman, cisther manufacturer, tefeasman or asher, or corter, silldfos ensaliief, ias aimapa ceuhef in on fatandsftitose thal lacted il ai- mapn lost. Tisai mss troc peater- day, Ils rue today, and I10 mlii h true tomrren. Faits le tise gyeoe scope ofi ebrllzatlon. Wltis Itwo have a halascef, uniief society. Without Il eveeylhing goos crans, Mes esost beleve la Usa festlsy os mas, Lact ot talushowscmmeltier lat oi courage or lact of correct Inormaton."- KNOX pRESByTERANf aclmltaa--ltav, ELJ. Pine Me, stanbe otrt -Cegnîct and eh., ciCe SUNDAT MAT 301948 p 10.)() sn,-SeioS. S. 11000a m.-Divner Worsip. junior SI. S. OSisiet 'Tise Departure of 00f' 7.00 i.m.-Divice Worship. e kubject "Homne Religion" A Cordial WeîcomerAatis os at Knos Oscrament Sunday-JuseO e s61 . PepuetoepoServie-Juse 41is 8h psu. A 4 uiý ru tise EdiCer Dear Oie, Tou osevry excellent editorlal le last ceotas Milton Champion Is la- 0004 corthp et an aemver. Tur stetessent, tisainocte of the tisee partiiessOuning for olectien have assi sssiiey ln regord ti hese of liuoris eecurae oir so r.sThse C.C.F pus-tp couif 11Cr the soie ut ail Inouicatisg drink luaise gur- cramsent cuntroiled, ssany brer psrlousocosed, hosfslet e ue- tslied, and a thorougs oducatios agoicut tais ontl, spressi y meass ut the ucheuis in tise province. Tis hou iseen tis, C.C F. ancwer t -ho th de ati ho Cc go be ho uo de inj lm W er tlà FOIJISATIONSMuittu In toundaion pIantlcg aroecf s sassne h souif Ce remecaheref that eveegreesmitis Useir mare leticite oulline tond te dram attention taeCisc portion oethCie bous soar wchstisepare piantof. Conseqsostly they cas Ce unef 10 gouf offert In emphsisg tise best arcitctiural festeres ni tise hmse. On tise otiser isasi, fenid- uous ssuhesdo coi fs-omthe oyesù s-tiniteiy but suce a more sotten- cog elfes-i Tisey ukouif bi sedfor Istance, te isidetise ires ottract- ie foutus-eu serk us eaiigis con- este founfations. WOROC AND LVE LONG IC appoes ross ssaac a daties tint mort es nla rdo ise mortesas me ase s anetinfeg aatef te -bellotte Tise lie ae- tany of Use lad ustinai population of tise United States, wchc ros vary meuh Oeom misat eme iglt -oasoaahy expect le Canada, ne- cordicg totaheCCMoetolltan LUe nucanco Company, len1»47 eru"- ed 66%k yearn.That la aa gasof one year'a oxpentaccy of lita ever 1946. It la 20 yeern mcce tisas vos moulf have Caf a riglit ta expect In 1911-12. Qiste obyi- ously me are flot worleg csaN melves Ca deati.-.t. Shepherd's Tax 24 HOUR SERVICE Taxi stand opie po.4 OfMes PHONE 301 Ail Pamnngeras mef MILTON WELDING Eloctrirc ad Actyleso Wcldisg Repaie Wldleg ni Ail Tyea Portable EqslpmecC PHONE - 348 MOLL ST. - MOLTON BLOCKS DONCRITEand CID BLOCE -lS61»8 - Aies WASED lSAM AN» RAVEL B. SALES For J. Ceoke, Aldeeshet Phone 242W Milton PRINCES THEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MAY 28th n md 29th jane Wittsers and James Lydonnn "AFFAIRS 0F GERALDINE» mnd Monte Maleein "OUT CALIFORNIA WAY" Werser Pathe News Serla Chapler 4-"G-Mec Neyer Forger' (Maines 0.17> Platunes at 7 Eseis Evnmig-Mailmee S"O. .43 pmLn MONDAY and TUESDAY, MAY 31st and Jane lot Lucille Bal and Franchot Tone in cHERHUSBANJYS AIWAIR» ROYAL SILV5IR ANNSIVEZ&ABY PI(YWIJRE COMING FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE 4th and Sth Dacny Kaye and Virgînia Mays ic "SECRETr LIFE 0F WALTER MrMF" AU programcnme tai 7.301 pimMnd Naines. ai 2-80 PM&. aula otherwise advertlmed. ers meeting ciii ho held on ings uhere the questione usepst. CaplsissIl. s lAn. s isc.esofesi Mondey, June 1 at 2.45 le the It is aluange that ce are ne si- fligise dcnelopinens, 'I'r.gso.Cassss. a Ssnday Seheel Renm. dem cshed abositsîis verp grav-e Air Lines, ot,h(,so les-o seivzrd the tg Tiss.June 3-Maple Leal CIrle Mmotter.eIdla ioth-ssosesl siine se et the Ladies Aid ciii hold Uetr mle. uICel iC op in C iassilso so. T.Ila uad,es-an-v seonthty meeting et the home eut here thai, uolihe the 15Wo olsi nonced le.llssssssblelielaie, ee of Mrs. H. Cavel, MIII St., parties, the C.C.F. has neossuney Clasîon, Isli,rof. see, iNe ,nusil ie- Thursdcy aflernoaen. Interest ln the liqoor hu-sinessanad feoce, s uis- all seeesr-I - 1nnneoee s theseture net cenirolled by îî. eof . Dslz,lil .lisal-ss, lierpe.. ST. PAUL'S U.NITED Eduretion couif play a hig part nthe essso eg- r cons.triuion(s '.' s CHURCH ieepler the youag toIks eceya Minite-RET, . L BLDl Bfrntrmdrink, hut poveclycrecales1 more drinkera thon le reslized. yNAI ISOIA SUNDAY MAT 30, 1948 Good, cdean homes, o'llk hea lisp, OCTROSOIET E CME 10 c.m-Senior Churcis Sehool. I ceil fed, and halp people wilI do SC M W LO E il e s.-Worship "Six Steps to the mere@ su elimiste drink ancdcrime NEW MEMBERS9 Nem Lte." tha ail the policies. preseklsg, ape In fl.wtth be oe.t 3 p.m.-Chsreh Memisersiip Cass. aed peapere, ln the worif. Drials e10.ctkh hmtn s 7 pm.-Worship: Nom ce are ALOI-s oflon a cap ut escape rnesa ap- suursglsg interest ln, and a tudy bnndties. peiog conditions. The C.C.PF. Is et, aur pet, a group oi public spir- Friday June dia - Propaetaey seyag t0eschke conditosîne heter. ted tees acd cames, reprenenta- Service. Thanie peu fr drswlng hie mater iveofetait sectons ai the Province Sunday Jane 6t--Servlce antd Re- teu,,s-attention. eeganlced asnihistoricnt oety, ceptior.- cf New Mombers. t am %vhgch lovn es celater mac toror- Tlsap Jsse loi, 8a15 p.m. - Yusvr rl,.Prtdb nAto h ei Evinng Aualliary ai W.M.S, orseoe e lp, preea s "Teanar cf tois-l 1111 met et the homeofa Mrs. An IntenseCCFer.ltresTinOtinHcrea SIel Fethertene, Ouest Socety." Assusg othor objectives, speaker, Mes. Emmerson Ford. the tounders of the Socey euught Cars wcllîl ave rhe t 81 go teollect acf peeseeve fta il u'cloct. Seeds for Crops il-es large adfornai, the Motese YUARlE IN-VITED n f traditinsmoet cee planeer amc- Sold by Grade cesiors, anf the records ai he GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH ___ende, bridges, cheals, cherches, Tihe RET. GRAY RARIPta When Ue tu-st See onr i uicl &roundsanmd othor lesttu- Recor Act w mapa.d sy the Dosslim tisonsele the varlous cousutes, toms- 198 Psuliassent laise1W, te centrI iships afdcommunllles. SUNDAT MAY 30, 148 1thlhin d fO digts>jAct w« Each yecr sioce 1899. the Sec- 8.0 ses-Holy Communias, Ue control of tiseeta c My iltyha% onfeanoref la uppiy fOece 10.0 .m.-S=iday chool. seui lehl nlght bcseblissental to Ils messies a pintef volume Il.00 .m.-Morning Prayee. ta agreulture. WCle malyet tise et thon clonres, traditions, records, 7.00 p.m.-Evening Prayer. prîspn llsIaId dmone sacSigin. bittera. diarten regictees. minutes Wednesday- -4 -. Junior W.A. aI At have poved stand, tis e.a-ncd other documents et the pasI. 7 p.m. oýr Choi. elcpssnt oi Canàad-anSd eoa» Over the yers neaetp torty ofi 815 p.m. A..P.A. Illlt1C production and dlntelbnt- aucr volasses have bers publshef Thurs-say 8 pm-Senior Chir. Ian ai eef. have seeeialed ce- and supplef te memehrs anf11- canionail revialonal. A nmw Seef rerles. Thon veolumes have ipoved Centrol At as pnel ln Ml11andtuIoe a greralhlpan5spleaetian NRLTON le tise 19=3 f5V1510ftisê 5.5 WU 5 te stefentu lanrhools acf roilegos. BAPTIST CHURCH changef te Use Seeda Art. XC wunent journaliuts csf publie mon, sact Paio-Rsv. CharlIasn revisef le 1937 mcd tise At PR> teordinary people who are lete- ta the Farmers Buildng cis in ht per1tuncw le turc-eseîdls. and cho f cire te bsec Itl n adtslnlteref hy Plant Pend- I more ut. eheir oco iamlly or losI SUNDAY MAY 30, 1940 arts Division, Dominion Deol icemmunlty hlstory. 1030 am.-s-Sunday Sehool. mont of Agriculture. Inadtoinhenulvlm, .00 pm.-EvenigServsce A Canaoda Io the only country ln the Society p w esmisendu e10ail quartette o girls feues Toron- 1the morîf chicis han deselopeda eires every 2 months o pinsief te cili fucer s weuh mesuages iystom oofnmarketng tractlcaUly met Lte ttne i eege n songe laUi arss peeduts infer gradle "es - er ffo sxt l Fni Msay 201 t 8O nciock -Prao ceFo, snpa ae~ pogre whl r vesmtlu bep mess- ccd Bihle tudy aI the homo prexml'grgnIohlrsln tnuch cita sny hinnrIs ut e. ed es.J. rlnow. mrtoted unfer grade and he of ru . ond M1s.t u . uioi-ot-a-dsnueml.mcnmf -1esseh bo-ive rrief os hy the Se- suge pIseyre meeigeth e Cacptef wltis confidenceIn It court- emrtl os o choie and hy membres home sf Measd Mss F. tries, Egme are marketof undee ornotkr-oecninationm inflvldsntty. RoIbisies.grade md theeconuse la nl Rassis yeraosaccusi meeting led uneld I230-Womoc's so confident ai gettleg an edible ha, hors heif etst se centre et e Mi.sionnry Circer egg men ie anys by grade Usai historilsinitecOot This yoar, Itel ALL ARE WELCOME hoeleos more oggn pr capilt ian slststh annivergae7s, thr Socety! ______________________ Iln can ther country. A numier oi mort on lIsse 01k. 91, ccd ai ther exemples muid bce91Mgles10h.utthe Martyrs Shice ncr PENTECOSTAL, HOLINESS anf il tg tn liesn, itis thl gengerail Mlaed. In the heletof Hersna CHURCH princcplo tint menuarmi, gardesni Indien egecd acf steey. A MET. nl. WOODS Patoir and lacsn efs are mrketef as- nombereoft ictreestise fsperswmlii Ordee ut Services fer grade nasse. b rf s o c oo rp iHelîfln .00 F. Halbi Cacadiana rous huy e& bYciii hoetaben 10 cearby itoiel à grade cit h assueancer tact tisey . orelities .The attondance et cs SUNIIAT, MAY Ita, 1948 ciii gel what tsep oarder. rail membres as possible Is de- 1000 cm BSndey Scheel andsIref. BlblerCises. Thae memberhlp tee Is Oly $2 i 1.00a.m.-Morisi Worssap. Nearly 10,000USA. etizons set- fors isul icoîvo mentis peried, 17.00 p..Evangeiltir Service. caeiefte Canada in 1947. chic s ersct psy the nt othtie ? Win. Rif, e-membereci Tor-______________Annuel Volume of Papiers and s snto Police, cii lreaciset ai Records or cf ties ia copies of tise L srvce, -Noms Lettre icirisare suppîtef tThursdap, .30 P.M.-T P. S. nul gla fre lumembres. Tiere Il 5noacf- metln tise hume o Mes G. 1 la e areosffc!acd tise Socety heu for Haselfldt To H a nes yers broc eucsted hp s gaves Everybodp Wecomn PLASTER AND BRICK mont geent whilh l mad e beauso AsdTe hai Reoctis Trth SAND, CEMENT & ROAD ofthtie great contrihution toefu- And e Sall nowtheTruli ad & ES csilos mhieh tan Socety Ihan mae stise Tets Shah Maite Toc Froc- GRAVEI, LOOM & 1 S acf sili motul r Jco. 8: 32 POOL STONE Tasse iterestef lc their oms i. THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST persosai amîîp hltory, or ln tise Lt OMAGit Phone i1I3r22 pasi of, local icls.cissehen, roads, %ettiemens or olmitar mat- SNAMAT 301h, 1948 Box 20, Georgetown tes5 cl indInsfctise Socety smcny 1- 10.00 a.m.-Sesday Sciseol, GLEN WILLIAMS sosures cf Inspiration. heip ced 11.80 a.m.-Woeeslp Service. guidance. AileSI are corfialir il Casse Nom anf lt Us Besson Teo- ______________lntef ta hOrosse membres Sesf etlior Sais Jehovai-Isalah 1: 18 yoer came sed affrese mlwth $2 a Vgtdcesday, 8 pm-W. M S wli _ te tise Sertary Treasuer, et,0. y Jeoue MtiShm t M JW. Speaggo, 84 (icrssIey Avenue, JA ss asS THE PROGRESSIVE Toront 12. i ____ ______ ______ CONSERVATIVE _ _ ASSOCIATION 0F WARD 5 SAUCE FOR THE GANIIR A beautiful r... Witt oif e Tise gov ,rnenon surplus oi re- AN eiptg over enpendteres for thc costsANDlsec montal endisg Jasusrp Ilst 4 75 M EUCH E D cas $741 millionse. This looks ik susplu like miaI, lelice bue- USE loess mos-Id. wouid ho calef a issge profit. Ctofusen 9348 ssillions onee borbef by credito te otiser ..PALERMO eosstrloo, wbichIn5aboust te mne a f TU MIRACLE WALL FINISH mons satonmdosrm CLEM ENTS' Fn. Evgn May 28 nohe y sabos te lelgis hoaven tisa PanIn alae Speaker - STAN HIALL ence of a seiflit mand iredator c. hoe 19w Mite SORCESTRA lte a sharehoidere eaxpectlsg hi Of EVERYBOOT WVELCOME perentage othUe pesilos. D rNOADBMSON people torgot that miat leh m letIlVAau HALL FOR HALTON for Ue gooce ltesaure foseu i 1 - ,ganfer. HEDGE SHEARS titeamsng d steiafes5 ts-ecg wc f shanflea, s ilsn- scutter. $2.60 GARDEN TOOUS Wr have Use lariely yos are ionticg for. GARDEN HOSE we have a toc bift at A nec steck 50 t Comsplote mus rei DRY MOP s sepisng and soucie. E101NS jehnaoln's GI-Cat Ho iard ort, Easy 10 apply. $1.07 Themnos Biottle Ideal toc a Pic-- sic or foe travell- ing. Galion izea $1.98 np GASOINE STOVE itas asap mofel, Jusl tise thisgfor a holiday. IC Cas wlnfdshilde. Ocdy $11.95 - ~~1' LAWN MOWERS ARE lIBR SOME, ARE RUBBER TIERD Cri youre nom as me have a nisie varilp on hande. FLASHLIGHTI __________ lf t is MOIps'intup ti-e5. SemaS 9 f or yocr paint milds. We han- die Moores Painsanmd Ecammi. Very haedy. Campletr, Sme eue Complete Uine NOW. MOP STICKS cith batteries. Sprsng tension will hold mcy 75c up mp $1.50 FOOTBALLS Goed Grai Lest- hor caver mcd a trong blader. (WIY $7.65 PAGE rms THUPJ3DAY,,X&Y 27th, 190 ai ýý ýi THE CANADIAN CHAMPION WhesnYeu rai Smaewhat yeu are buying It maken s big difference, tinte. why wesamy smo um. Every- thissg looks geod in a pWc tare, but when yea eme l, it ia mach casier te cheeem mcd be saatlsfd. Try te sSmoen for your needai.