*1 IW1DAY, MAY 131h, 19"4H3AAIA HMI1 3 .WN9YT aPINOIMON T3 WAY GEORGETOWN ACTON BURLINGTON - When little wstul goaso wlnd- au Malsd a mlldp snhrough ragged Ke MeMillan, vice - president MitnT ourOar'sI.B final- h lntn- NelsonIne AnsaJ ,aldepubliety manager of George- lIs hockey ciuh-Actofl Tanner-- Urban Area Board bave boostedl Bendas ou t soradie Seat; town Hockey Club waa elevated floleei S the HolyName Socey of St. Sos- the sater rates front $10. per year Wbean, Imo by Imo, the redbreasts 10 the presldency at he annual ephs Church ln conjunctlon wth 10 $12. per year. They are also cone meeting o the club lat nlght. He the Altur Socety and Ipaster Rev. making a charge o 50c per month BAcd ther rns the ykr, succeeeda Jack Armstrong, pres- V. J. Morgan tendered a turkey service charge sehere there are 2 Aadbc nitsre a bit of grenidene 1or the last lItve yeara who dioner 10 the team and esecutive or more IlIvn reababue Peea troub tsemellngS0O elSrmain an the club esecutive. Fifty Years Ago in the chursils hall. and only one meter. 41e When oller skate, andsd kippsne Mrs es. Mooe widow o ctnslastklacksmth shop mas Sunday nlght marked the open- 3 reie ocb Moe ol hsachh aes G iurla of the brilliant concert sertes e Iý he laIe poblisher of the Hcrald. T--es, ross lis ednia ion liste Cas- -Odti aisminl y% t 0011 dreco s serlt awiyaOclber lhome onGeo- aciastChsapion,. May 1Il19a.n lN eeOcc Lloyd Blmer ol Tor- srsned hylise Velerans' Chari- And satch hciscung0e utPlay; rgelovo on Ssndoy, April 251h11s1o asdIKen DrISori f Grood Val- talesir tMmilîce o! Borilnglon ln Wlen winerrcoaladrag l s l Ilerasles of some montiss' Jas Dlloeeya obroc bayer lrom ly es î le aigiae ds iePcsor oe btedlaaon Te former Amy Clar- Scolaad prchased W. N S0115 s ad Imirovemens operale a huai- ice progrant as enchoslastically Jsnd'fecI are leaden, oo, ig.as a daughter of the hcvnem s oda o 27.oî for repairlng auto hodies and rereived hy Ithe audience. As o And yasr fe 1elin ppletitel lace Jeremlah Clarldge and Mary Lec Boyd o! Trafalgar bs ln enders, panting cars and trscks bockground for the aololsts Ham- Andyouarefelin blc; Grham and as hrn.onOOaOfarlI eli sc t:l d ndseldng and will hbkoom s Oh lIbnsfamoos flty voire Harvesl- wihasreying parcy t te10 ner MaIe Chorus sang our groups Dot fret and liink youre grose- near Sewartlawn. cear Rac Portage and has ict his Aclon Auo Body. s uses e yIereeal lng od- 1 y Town Assesor Arnot Ealy e- larm la charge o! George Denoc. Tioso wbo allecdcd lise concert ocuctors, Edma trdLester adac Taulm0rrnW hskPad ac and porled i Council meeting on Ma> W. W. Freeman, laIe of Sîarey on Monday eveine ln the UJnited gYoull wantvertmo hundresi hosises and Freoman. bas tahen charge of Church enjoyesl a rare musical comisanied hy Murray Hall. alet1sng ;s n ls.wy 10 Ito Maveroir Geeald Hamelin, his wselePearl, Smect aprne s Ruth ls W v5l' hadl becs assessed 10 date snder a hardware husînosu cI Colline- ireal frontlise HaitnMi hi utsavnthesnewîsyalem and trai, he mas woond aod removeo la liul owo and thele versaile director, M. and chir lhree children, Garry, - P11T T aiminget Saplember, 1949, 10 have lasi weeh. Alec Pudweeii. The eveni wRs u- sevoll; Lyno, Ihrec, and Paul, tw0 tePATI he Job compleled. Tise Coonly Williiam Smiiey dled on Sucday der the0 auspiceas O the Marco escalsod ln iheir nicht cloches "Bt ha i oe oe sY heAssoalor has tbld hMIGeorgetown eenice lbrough a trobe of parai- Cub of the church. clrs aparte wnt. 3OSBran streolt Bumethal ilOfledosin .litlc mes el out in frosînt nmork ocnysis o n 0eof MuIons Oid- Tise aid piclare so, oem at.30. o ansymrnn sae csaso uresla a 11moder different form eacb tbnec-Over and lonwssc s eidcsadaeae b i encbul for Aclasa4 needs chie-lat isoicboeoulsIbr avec Il Se bas anythlng worth A tag day on Sacurday sponsor- SIon SW iii cthe ws en d inlyyeas ago and bnawn then auiving sisarters.-.-Gaoelte. saylng tbis la Just sehat Se aughc cd by' Countosa of Slralhmore the 50's. New onderl-and and llater as ta do -Oliver Wendell Molme. Chapler. I. . D. E. for the Canad- The Toronto horse show last reoy Theatre cimses ils doorn on Ian Instilole for the Bind met week was a greal sucress as usoal Tusdygneslt and on Tbaesday wit deide scces ad fnd aibutf wer animais thac usuai seeeetr e g e iii attend the open-ER? sigbly ovec $300 were raied.- exhislited from chis bswn and cooc-n. >fise o oy Theatre ».a Herid tY Cares ugesucsben osar- le .od.-Free Pross. Tise movice picîsce -how .pon- Co a n se he arls uger bas brie n Fer- _____ _ OYed by lise Itiernational Baryes- cdaflseconeracîs frulo0 bindge e sIer Co. under the auspices of ToSM HA»BIneCioKcroeu eseis c MODESTT a the-ir dealer, Gardon Wrightl, t- PLSTRAN RIK PSEVEnTIlON-OOOD vis te oiiser Wilîoll's. is-ceda large crowd tu thle on &M EET& ROAD - TMDIEUA huuband dragged Ona bt alas Friday evenîng. SAN»,C;c , SHORTREED- -On Friday. May 6, store shopping tour by his15 fe At a meeting of lise Norlb-Wei- GRAVEL IMLOM & CESS" Berause o tise macy difficuliîcO Elles Scot, heisved sieeof W. reporta that W-hile be was trylng lisglon Progressive Corseorendive I POOL STNE of provldlng adequate nu-e roteet- Shortîreed, Rul. aged 36 Yeats l aehmcfIenpess~AscalnnAts.o ods 1 ion a rral Istict lile pro- BELL- AI the residecce of W"i- a corner of the 05511005 redy4o- evenice. Johsn RosI, ol Erin Tows- S ecesa aial ao-at am McDcweii. Esqusiralce sc rtetle oie aw-shp h dfae cniae ntr Phone i113r22 et Cm nrta rots la b t April 27 Mrs. Hugbi Bell, 'ugcd Ierdprm oscdass iils eeîdcîiaecls 1 Mstfar, irs ocu I th mre 92 ycars. men seha bad evldently bee5 boy-Iýst l ecllsc seao nominaled 10 B« 2, C«PtWD xpesdvebuidbW th dwmîxisg dlfllculy is flsdlng a dram la rsnlel lise comne electisîs. a GLEN WLIA0Ms or bau-ns. mhlch site el cen s st Y rsA suit isese Ater galag Ihu-augh wse Laiiirphyd m0s ent aI etiv hie 11yfut-es fY mot cf the stock locthe sboweases, lise WiliisFurm, Belosclain, ,,sf- hb men. Dleciorebancs, lue -i ste t lest sase the drun of ber tcred severe burns abuhis body Ca ad eatlng, detectlve roofa end TaIes frsna the eitien aI tise "n- dreans. Il mas e oo f he and iacda, men lho ullrmpled ltu eus and hrosese stoves, cause1 adian Champioln. Ma y 10, t928 colSlng dummales.int ieiaheco tv ih t ,DU O cSTeeu. any of the ires Iavolvlng thCn5 The obliglng saiengirl srIPpeà gosoline. homes. MostIt oc hefh«lotnfli j'.,0H. Harrison. os aid Miton- .hoedusmny, leeine Il s flaI diag- Cosrdos Corbetl. employed i mis frot hee cuss repreentebtaian. isbas beon recîcci preideol 1,1 aloi maso of gleamiig paper 1). 1. Msdeil and Sosn, sullered Ab y pertodie Insplection, ndre lse PortCobourne arbuli club 1muche. Then, aller eisppng eeverre seains Io is acb und legs T A I ment of faufty eqslpmtnes Mca. William ('tasisge oes 1ih-s cusamers paccef, she nolesi the sesesssisîlse cn piacng ihe sE vi E Spontaneous combltasBstto4ls- iotsîcsf a maisceîiocenussshostece Isîrudîn! maie mulchncthlie [rameseorh of lise cew buildi ng SER ICEdeleéctIve le ctrical ntaal--yesterday aliernoosn nhonor ofiram*cllan. enrce n h uui p AilPaseges Fll Isued allonsl, andi faully' SsOlampe ai, Miss Les Lidde. a bride ln bc. lObe Sho qulchly malkesi t a anearby petesy. un Wednesday aIl ersao siof M AIlPaengrsFuly nsurd amang the greatest bazardla 'la s sisld hy ler sistîe Mev Ev- 1soisk. rsm sehihsheosis a rsin- lsas-ris ekAdvocaîs- No Tnip Tee Loag barna. Barns cas be made relative- ý uns ucd Misses KEa lHouston, Etlhi1 cool. seblcb ste draPesl nIer the y sle with efficient lightisns pero- Ehl.- and ltahy MeMssrse DioIy shieering dsnnsy. TIsen stec ment 24 Houa SRVICE tectical. and spontancoas mombust- rerersimsîs secer seecd and 5Mi,. 10 te drese racks la lsd a sultable tIn 18-Mltn dns ciabd reducesi la a mlaimum W. (sos npssred Ira.I roch 10 replace the ose ste Sud Phono218 Milosi y not mawlsg bsy or slrlng tir. Jvc IT. Ains. sebo grosiutoll[ uatI od.-Tbc Pitesi Wou-d f_______________grain mh le la I fon<'0- Ism tho Ontario Vos-inuy a si ler £n oroo sopeel! as (Ol- - -'ice inlise Hume Bmok c.tt, lise Prnce-a Theatre --onMsndly eeiga ano 1lise armc o J.H. Meru n 1 8 ______ Kilbrde as copletl de6knoèV sableieadway sefe i vsn s-dI Thecarusse o teeie n LIV INGSTON STOKERS . Thse etio thecMltdonr Ie ue EtaSe Are însîsllcd and îcrvccd in tfelicMlon districf. Any nstal sSl pt em Peties of Ibese users yl tell you how comforîablc economnical, trersraoussd tlisens. oarsa nsihyare! (Extrsa"ilr trouble free and lebor saving lhey are:DE 1 yJO1I b Hsu aesnd arden lîy o ps--Ali (;uhahs.os Wr neds 'cMI y 91 sanspîca of savtnga andi rememal C O L192SMargscel Walisc. sfe sif!imany more remarlsable %inaesMal og c 0hyu irlfralyeu omioN ANTHRACITESOTfrîfoai oroueldN INSULATION GYPROC IesXeTePse anMne LIM CEMENT Armiies PIONER ~Ry JosephIà ster Rutledge e risere are sespie esiso conident- i y isliese tout me are frighlenisg R. ~.~ J34& r44s ousoles unnccessariiy ilb ail the a R e S. D A M S tlkibo! anIsîher mur. ouWc esaols Phoneo48 argue il plausihiy ensuh.- Th ys suy: "fIG rmany and Japan cauid ________________________________________________cscdfratuls. seisolchance bus i Ras _ia mita-er ----r---oar o ______________________________anilechaical i hambos There is just oe OOei s ressiog. Wbo lise Rusia essare tryngî osis netltlis amne Ihsog1 .. uan yorp os Germaîy and Jaypal lreed t .sYUas!yurgr do True 1herr isua od deultofl1 friend doissghsbssnemsrk simiîsrsîy snlise ies olf ssis 1 tagether, by tIsîrpîssîns- Is.doy, andtiermooylsf!yeserdayI But il lsae s Le lt) the Tisere a isc oer mpdresse s! pae., Party lUne - îa rhas t ho surgOee s! wssId dosmino we orn edsI -tlie"plure islise sun.' Bult lesooen issi lhriscr iseolsassiI!-recss. Ç(ire- Isesls SsîPieuse slssst msey ssneestassiminite a sasslsi eake it a abiusst . by osses, ond Jspocssoeled ls, - rà ( sdomsole liseKat, sand s1ileos5-ý -siIylbthe ordhby rsse l'Tat ' meatggosucise and assi g tbe P RT -L R -- ~ - -armies. InXclhend, hecsa RT0'L do-i-IessO ibmIur techoscal uiiily osd Ib, pro- C U T S me deveoped muchinos, mo sue- C MI elvod, but onIy just sseivecd. C T H N Nsssias drease s difleecot. Il s oirsassperiaisir. Xc si.snt sithsue cofidence in arms. But Puîeîng sî snto pracîss s J-itdocssont plan ta imposeRuss*is on lise wsrid, as (iessany pianned ns-Z-ycall5ou ns-ski to impose bersel!. Tbere s nos, l yussrlt gaarain ise Rasiaosser-aii attitude isnRue- Ihat stherîswisu soa tls sias pion. PoascIruet reseail *Posîsod. Czeocholovaia can e- .1lîn1e fsr yus. ta lislise atlered garmenslof 1. Keep colis brief. osliosbssd. Finlanîl s 10 be frec * and independeel. Tbey con buve 2. Spots your colts. ffl I~~~~~~~heir puspet gavoraseent.il hy 3 Oe ihlo- thiak as tbey are told. 1,te i. gtf y Il la a far csier Ihing ans fifr, fa essergency cols For TICKETS and INFORMATION CONSULT- mre potetiaily doogorous, lai ossiort idect thun la espert srm- RONALD HARRIS - PHONE 404 les I ls ouser la mno a sac- 0Use ose PackgeExpremss ervIe. fer Quis Delterlee Ion 10 îîghc armios thon ta mole ~ii.su MU55M. mmm sIssII5~ li agansut inangible Ideas. But O lt us los@ enougb aI chose bat- -lies agaisst Ibese inlter Ideas, THE BELL TELEPHONE and wc iii bave lost siready the CLE N U 2.PAI T P - B~AUTFY batll aganst armies. We have COMPANY 0F CANADA CLEAN UP AINT UPbsnm. ___________________________know 1 l wmm NOTICE POULTRY MEN We are paying to-day: le PER DOZ. FOR GRADE A LARGE WRIE UGG 31c PER POUND FOR HEAVY DRERSE» FW% Halton Poultry Products Phone 1w Milton .sa1 Values in Hardware, Home- lte tiing you need right now Check your moede galnat these %er, ouw ahelvea are IomIed witli so top at MILFION HARDWARE Çeeds. "EUIREKA"' tjiscr by s poerful % .p. Gos- A G600 ssise Eceise, Iis poerlul Mosetr sili Ctla 20" Seolbiisroug youe qýSsso Uis , culti0! hight band adjus- D A BIIY AT $12000 GARDEN HOSE HOSE REELS A Iresis stock nom Moi Reel Hoîse os hess. 50 eci 100 fI. cf Hose mita coupllngn $265 AT $4.98 DOORS Seoeral izea. Avsilabic 51w N5-1b GARDENITE A Plant Fbad Enrtch Youc Garden 5 Mb Pacegot 50C ELECTEIC FANIS OD GARDEN SEEDER T'his la your OPPOr- luelty la get chat lng desiresi fan for <sosl sîraigisl sose of seess Ibe marse mealher. Eioes a Fine Job T-at oe $14.50 $11.80 ICE TRAYS Neod Hem Onon? Nawss lise lime. Heres the place. ONLY $2.69 lag the golsse Directions Cal 16 oz. $1.75 lsl. Paint-up and Clean-up Urne We carry a complete line of Moore' pints. Give your imuse the New Look inaide and out-See how proud youieJ feel CLEAN UP - PAINT UP BEAUTIFY YOUR COMMUNITY PAGE NM PROCLAMATION Clean-up, Paint-up & Beautify Wbereaî the Milton Board o! Trade are spossors of i Beaufify Yoar Communiîy' Campaigo, thc Council of se Corporation o! the Towen o! Milton, by remoloîlan,- ýrriiy codorses tbe progrum o! Clean-Up ansi Paint-Up oampuign and reqoccîl cvery cilizes. and organization, to clcun-ssp. puîol-sp and beaulify Iheir properties beîween the daIms of May l7th and May 29th, 1948 Dated Milton May 4th, 194 J u I-p - 1 quaum T14P. CANADIAN CHAMPION i~ C. H. HESLOP, Mayor ýt À