Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 May 1948, p. 7

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I9URSI3AY. MAY 1&Ja. 1948 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE aE~4 0f 1ntere§t to Women Hello Homemulserol What o .missoratisu thece la throughout Lie country authlIn time of yeur silO the houses boasting teeuh maoaf aipint sud trees ustlng 'atis udsa nd 'lossows. Wihere con une fusd greater soare uter the arduisus inter thon in the grden psllIng ehubarh is May. Tis thase mhOucois gocer these <lst edibie garden 1teoducts me Say tisank ynuc luclsy stars. Tis 100sf who realise tisaIttis food la Worth more coohed properly, me give yoo a tip, cuok ehuhorh slomly, aily until tender. PME 3 cupo dlced rhuharb , Vu cp sugar. , %cup mater, 1 cup milk, 1 (4 c7-) package hutler- scotch pudding min, 1% Itqt. lemnon juice. %top. lemisi rind. heten egg. Sitt tugether floue. hohlng pumder and sait, and add alternistely mitit milO ta creamed mixture. Spread over fruit. Buhe in oven ut 350 degs. for 50 mIss. Serves 5. TARE A TIP 1. To hbahe vegetahles: Il is not ulmoys necessary ta leave them mhole in the sin. For instansce. scesh potutues, rut ln haf and place tut olde cdoms lnanOSopen boktng dlah. 2. Tu steom vegetahies is 1he oven: Place peeled fem vegetables Sn a pan. Salt tu taule. Add not more thon 4 or' 5 Ibopa. of mater. Caver. If youe aven disit has nu cuver lu fit, lie cookerypaprchmest on mîtO a string. TOis olîl hcep the teum in. 3 To hahe desserts mth su e meal: These uhasld 0lared the upper rock and only ctseeeed il shoot 40 minutes--theis serve ut onteintp cuvlord rops. Il s. M.. J i ,h: SihouId upils he peeled toor aslad? Aouwes': Nut uniess thc sOin Iv suinhîrd sud tough. OPTIMISTIC NOTE Il hou ben ao popuior altitude su sec inevery mecitunirl advance a threott l ostulvdual Oscean effort Ail these gloomy torehodingu houe heeu mcong. Techoical decelop- ments avent cool jo. When dia] phounes mere ieut introdsred, sentimental oldulers hegais loment- ing thut the cheerful vice of the telephone upector mssld ssonhe o lOng uft he pool. But the tacts wù-sunomhst different. Tahe Toronto ais a cave Is poinit. lti many a long day since onecsull discoer on ld-style telepuslne. Titrer es emritonges ore hcsng upesed lu idd onother 12Mserti self phoneis. And the telephone girl? She hais cetused ta disappeor mth the doue and the passenger pigeon. Torontaobas sf111 1,524 uhere on the good old chshhy dsys uf 1939 there orere jussI404.- .1 L.. Was rhbar; o nt Pel --- ceýntoi ml muta IAFR AU Place Os' saucepanmih ssgae sud te i ml muto RAFR AD mater; muver and immer 8 min- lituid. uSes. Graduully hlend mile mith 4. To uhtuin eueS heumneus of Fscm Iansd in the provinces el buttersruteh pudding. Slosly add hohed foods: The puisa must neyer Ontori'o und Qsehec estend uver1 pudding lu ehuiharh. utrreisg con- touch each other or the sidet ot the shoot 41.600.990 oacres, thuugh te stastly. Add irmois Julce sud rind. aven. Arrange tem on th1e rckcs cemined total ares of the Imo Cool. su 1h01torhy du nul sit drectly pcu-vincnv is nearly 700 million Pour int Grahuce craciser oveceune suother. acres.. Subsatilul portion a ut the CeunI: Combine 18 rusheti gra- ' TUSE QUESTON BOX total res 0rusuutalr for agri- hanscracekers, v cup ugar and ', Mc. .J. R. uoht: Nom con 1 .uo- culoure due ta soli, climotie or cup meteti butter. Press mixture sîlîste mapîr sycup for sugur In atupogroiphicul easono. The agri- firl nobto n l h utter coke? culturul netiocl. ut the tmo pros'- taidsiy licpi ista te.0w nd aeinthe or es are found In the lolsud oid.o u 9 uthpieplae. ais un A 1oer: cp maple yrsp plus ufthte River St. Lamrence, mhlch ute o 325 degs. tue 8 minutes. s lteospuon bing soda les i '/ etend trum (iutpe Penittoula in Cool betoce erving. csp of mlk foe 1 cep sugue. uarrum heltasleudily inceeasing iît nLUSlfINO SErF! Sira. tD. M. ays: I have lird to u dtstue abuts650somiles slung 2 lOs. rhuhurh, 11/ csps mohe leu iscuits with rhirhen tut thc St. Luwrence. Arouttd the sugar, !/3 cup raisins, 2 thopn. but I tasîr gceuoe le thew Io do Gtreat 'Luhes- Superittr. Huron. nbrtening, 1 egg, 1%. îsps. you udd the fat? Michigan, Ontario and Erie-the buking punder. ta tep, sait. ý'a Ansmer: Yos ouiy U.,,e csP oru contint-es for about .300 mills csp milk, %h tup. vanilla. 1 cup chiches fat is place ut I csp short- Iote Ontario peninoula beto'een floue. nning or larduandeut in thechlled Lahes Ontario snd H urus snd Waub ehubarh, do non peel. Cut ft mith a paolry hiender. usospies most of te soulhtern re- lus 1 lacis plecea; mis mith 1 csp Mce. C. T. asho: At wl051 tesu- giou sîsuth of thc Otama iver. sugar. Place in geeaed casserole. perature should I hohu o souffe so, Some tat'mtng j., dune in parI of add raisins. Creom shotesing. it milI St fail?1 Ontario sunohat i is lied the Ou- vouilla sud t/3 csp sugur. Asld Anumer: Bahe ut 325 degrees fore toc::: Clay Bell. GERMAN TEACIOEESAM STUBV]INO LEIN B4DETAIN A party of oneo isndaned Ger man men and momen Icoce the Britlis Zone of ilermany are nom attending courses designed ta give them a griserai piclure of life in Brtain todoy. Lectures on var- loua aspects ot Betaina education- al technique and scial services are included. There iii l as on visita to places of itsturic Inteeest ond scenie heauty ln the vlcinlty. The visitoco are represeotatlve of leachers ai prwoary schoos in Cermussy and junior unlvecity <'LEARING i AUUITON SALE IN ERAMOSA TOWNSHIP FARM STO(C5, IMSPLEMENTSc Te oodersigned have recelved instsOctioS. fromt JOHN iM. JESTIN Io selI hyausclisisaiutIhe form. Lotf 10,. Con. 7. Erumosu Tuo,%nshlp. sit-1 oated on the ErnS und Eramosu Town Lino. ahout I mile south ot No. 24 Highmoy, os SATIWAY, MAY 15, 1948 Commeisc7ng ut One orcloch S. T.. tOc tollomtng: HORSE- Team t f Gry Perch- ernMot-es,.isged. if nul prevlously CAITILE--2 Hereford tlsms, 1 Boao Csm: 2 Bshy Bettes; Veut IIARNESS. Etc. Set ut BacO- band IHarnes.%; Set (if Breeching Harneus; Set aI Sittgle HurSeso; Osld Horness; Colluce; Bridleu; l4ocîe Blonheta, etc; slaisutity of L.umbec and Hosse Fornitute. NEW LUMBER 30 pieces 15' jind 18' long 2"u8"; 30 Pieres 15' ,n0 2'206": quantity of 2"s4", ' 10' isnd 12' loisg; quuutty ut spesce 'cstol'and pne inch lumher. IMPLE.MENrS- M. H. 'Bioder. 6 fi. cut: M. H.owe; Dump Rahe: .;jing Rojies. etc; Single Furroso riding pluo 2 Walhing Pluma; 5 section Horrcousmith dosletreeru fo, 5. 4 and a 'ecionss; Sping lsuth Cultiestor: Out-theos Disc; M. H. 11 pout Seel DiII1: M. H. Moanore Syceader No. 4. Turnip Sousse: Seruffler:ittusehoot; PFan- ning Miii: Cuiling Bus; Reufrews grolcs: Poîper: Whéelhurrom: Lad- derrs: Forks; îlots; Shovels; Ncch- sshes; Ctains: Cro brs: Sam,': Aes: (train Bags and o h-11 of artiscs 1tonnumecoun luenio \rEltlt'LES- llrmorrot:Buggy: Ocusit Sleighv: cuttter: Focto Wog- fin witOhbox: Truch Wagon: Huy Park;h Cîsvrl Bcs; Light Form W:tgou. ?su Icueo s lihe pr.yrsctr mut eil 0-aune ut pour heulth. 'INMR CASH IINDI.EY & ELLIOTT7 Ass'tuot-t'v FîidBs lic. tirk'. Peud u lion ut televlniounmets la ucceleratisg. I-l FARMERS'INOOME Preliminary estimales show that the Set incarne ut Conodian forat- eslns 1947 lotuliel S 1,259,711,000 This ln t0e higheot aince compar- able stalîstlcu were started lis 1938 and comipares mitit the revised rtlmote for 1946 ot S5,160,75et00 oisd the cevisrd figure fol, 1944 ut 5l21.iSiilthe previos record high. Nuloly îid lthe oet icros inoerive ta an unprecedentet oeeli 1947, hst there wou an ail- lime record for farat cash incomu and fuether increosea lis the value ut howe-côsmumed 'farce produce. Tihssgh the change lis the valse ut year-end stoch and grain lis- veotories held on forces mas lamer in 1947 thon 1946 il did nul offset gains ln cash Incarne and incarne in hlnd, mith the resuit 1h01 grous incomne for 1947 also set a record ut $2,213,973,00. WORLD WHEAT SITUATilON There has heen s faicly tleudy flow af mheat and seheot products f rom, the foue chief-wheat-esport- lug counres lu deficit countries dsring the ouI port of 1947 and the eariy monOs of 1948. Record 1947 wheat cr10 lis the United *States and Asatralia. togethei* -ith an excellent cars crop is Argent- ina have mode thin possihle. Alhugh Conada's 1947 whcat csop wa-shelum averageand carry- suer stocks auth1e heginning of1the crsp yeor-August i. 1947-wr los, exportsofaI heat and dlsur soilI bc close ta 200 million bushels fsr thecrursent ccop ycor. Il lv estimaled 1h01 hy the end ut Maj. expursofu groin and grain pro- duels 1m thnetUnited States miii hav e smssnted Iu 521.9 milluon ushels is gron etiuivulent. and hyN thecend of thtci-op yearwmay reuch 570 million ushel5, of mhscl, sheat and flour miii mahe sp cols- sideruhiy more thon 450 million husitels. Euporl.s ut gruins Icuom ltssia. tsu. have heenrsnsider- ahle. lu viese of 1his torce lvourohîr situatiun. some internatisnal 1usd aalhoritims have furcaut an end hefome lsng lu thc international f liscutic,s of ceceai groins. ASI suchdsision, humever. vuill Ilely ioun lthe sieefuth1e United Silttes1948 mîntcr mheot sud coru ncrops in addition lu solinftctucv 1944 husuests in the morld's deficst Milton CARSTEN GLAUN SUCCESSOR TO H. C. LAIRD Optoinetrist --Optieian EVERY THURSDAY PHONE 56 - MARCHANDS - MILTON FOR APPOINTMENTS Repaira and Broken Laisses will be Servfred' ai Al lTimes CLEAN UP -- PAINT UP - BEAIUTIFY By MOFTSLd DEIGE MOUEWT * Mntge At AMla CAL ATORSOEFRYU Wot aris slvrESIGTNED OTO US WIT Aot A GlnceSSOANE on th Me.b e I r s mJM30 *Clstant hefa. CALL ATOU SOR FR OU *evc mmo& fas teter you hoe MIATON ON .PHNO8OKLETes Ct e ucado a* e F eeofiprélImes. 01SSutoAN eGÂCOTACets * 9 a maguanau anuana@Mamon mnuM _~~ili I-i ATTENTION FARMERS WE AREO PAYING THE HIGHEST PItEVAILING PRICES HORSES - -CATTLE - -HOGS iclephome (<dieStfor lumediate Service GORDON YOUNG LTD. MILTON 210 TORONTO ADELAIDE 836 Farms Electrified For Reasonable Cosa ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN TIME PAYMENTS AVAILABLE ON ALL SERVICE WORK CLEAN UP - PAINT UP - ANM BEAUTIFY YOUR COMMUMITY Bailey & Toews Main St. Phone 259 WRSDAYI MAY 13th. loa t THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE SZVZN

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