IIE8UAY it~Yuu~ NaTHIE CANADIAN CHAMPION PA T (7~ ~ W. E. Adainson isBRC Values and (b~4nbI OUrith NMo CC.F. Candidate BA Face Values Venetian Blinda .-.----~~~4For Halton County 16By Joseph Lieber latieige Mes Erie Barlon, of Hamilltonn KNOX PESXTRIAN (Continluer!troin Pare One) The farmoe orbig ad tafrabctione ee-end vsting wth -NLmg l huiam ced"ta rCIu il On filotae.-.eav. LJtPh" hal tboy have tao aBer the peuple Ogl reuet varslue. trainyep o MrSa h oertarganlut and o Onario. They wmU have ngrud aieth11etomyart Cholraneate wblle ___year. Il rernln the same Place frgf.g Mm . FD Dewar bam returedMr tneC ta ber bornelhre aller tna ehlev h g~ Final plana were comp led for Lunder the saie son. Il achieves lnClione.fr.1m wel UNAMA 6-,14 more important tban any tan the big affair at ramapton on Fr1 on addod value o!f tuet!. Wvat _________ In ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I CaîooafruvrlWOL UDYMYlt.14 onlodlng ho ald the CCFP day nlght. Four local ctizens wll makes tl worth more la the tour- ters o.! bTnto v le d th Me1il00 1arn -Seio r SS. would makre the bauic ratentf Od tube partln the mus Initiation for age and determnation and thse I) /I~ ? ?U S and Mm Gerge Whte tost eeb Dacie Wocsb p- Subjet -The uge pensions $40 and uppmoaeb the Zone B7, uithte meeting A large hert-breablasg effort thrat lu put onerosSuampe Dominion governimeslto mabe nombor of members plun t0a atend io t Or, tubre-the mon who D E BIf6çj Miss Jean Hodfields of Toronto d.0 e -Servicewihdrowts in thel shre onoîher $10 'Il ès pl-t~ he meetng 10 080 te rommudes oarosal busines. Ho bas upent thse week-end with bier pr- lr of Bostos Preshyteria u sthtOt ooîy 1965 persans are r- become members et the local nothiog tt t syone mouid sot A 7WFRFE SIAE ents, Mr. and Mas. M. E. Had- Ch rch. ceiving tie addtionul $10 a monthbraneh. Cut i ll louve the Legion duplicule. Ho bus un dea ond a A 7WFRFE SIAE lietl. 7.30 p.m . Boston Preabytoctals out o! the 80000 rerniving tise regu- Hall affordtng transportation lu readines 1t0upport I witb msney Crl sch MoDor. aonaUild r$0amnblmot. everyone. acd tbought and yoara o effort. BE SURE TO SEE THE NEW FLEXALUM BLINDS We are orry ta report that oaMr umlyD.aDnl. During a quetion perlnd Mr. Jol- A letter o! appreelation mus ce- We do col grudgee mcb mec a ce- BFR UIGAYOHRKN Leonerd W. Wie lu very 111 eit tbe Tues.. May 18tb 8 p).m.-Coronat- ille oncwereat a nunber o! Inquir- ceived rma mr$.e Rose Asbwrth turc tor their toit. BfR UIGAYOHRKN hmciigduughter, Mc. Charles hm fr.R .Poey les, Inccu-,,a Ibose o!f-a couple of o. Lancaster, England for the large Bot, usoehow, au unsetakicas Shailpe. heelers, wbo promptly lett the Cure Parcel sibe recelved tro m tbegrwugeommctoanblOWITH TIEOTIK VBNU Mr. nd MsA WCordialtnaelKnoxAatiYuhall, wlec their qulerien mre ans- Miton Brucch. Memberu toit that of this simple equation. Theocmse Mc. on Mn. orrodTottonam 81Itoon wered. sending the mocthly parcel wec a thon iset thut o!fro a AifaIlarae onureac norle and 'Baldwin, o! Mraton, M. and a aU_________tMeileureM____e Mca . LCretghton Toronto, and wl sot-hl poet mulbusalosmun. ohoseiprsh Mr.andMr. R Smthof orotoIt wus dectded tee eeullve lems ond] whoue -efforts t!seyca wec.we-ndl M. R.Stsýthe, ome lo ST. PAUL'S UNITED IMBEFINITERETREAT mould meet on the tirst und third underulacal. The large husiness wee ee-ed uet a te nm CURH- ocayHo echmnt, tbleth luofese isan cdimeron-__________________________the___ ot M. and 7dm. T. A. Hutelindon. Miulter-REV. j. 1, BLAMBflA. Tise timteotaland the telling btowv egulur meetings woutd ho hetd on ulan d istanoftsandupporssome- ______________________________ s~hether agicît an ecemy or an the second und fourth Mocdays. us îhicg elue thon the pralits o!f _____________________________ 4.-- SUNDAY, MAY 16h, 1948 enemy idea, lu belte elther gels avhoe heon lnthe past. The adjust- tarmers or merrlsunt. Mr. M. J. a .10.00 a.m--Senior Church Sen. set. The boser uff balance lu hait Ment o! eneculive meetings would Coldwett lu on intelligent mac. yet IEnagements 1l.00 a.r.-Wocshsi t Wtsat Dom eatea. The idea hat accepted] taciitato the regulce meetings il hoe loges toueh mith 1h10 reult -..--------4 3.00 p.m. - Churcis Membershtp smys Sr Norman Angeti, cen ue ____ creuse Bell Telephobe stort. HoeC S H A R Cna. o hieved "by uvoidtng the policy oftWHScunoot see the gret as mel as the Mr. and Mrs. Normsan R. MarveY 7.00 p.-"Pruyer thee reatot ladefinite retreut betore Ruteaia WHOSE SWETATING BROW? oace hrngacmmsag0.I FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY i44Ih and 15th wlub 10 annoscice the engagement Power on SarIs me. Oarm sheemtIhpm-pole," h atd. are prepureal 10 ni their daughter Audrey' Maine Te-reM.on n lbmlpowemhal haenebeore lie us Te ou Bol, erpmc etapye$182lie smetistarg tisaredha encCaoadDnDic Ferguson. ta Mr. Rugh John Ciil meet ut the home o! Mc.h otendvr uh apy$6 frsmtigththsàJaneCanad a alyi ter, oc o! Mr. andl Mcm.A W. Mes. Cordon MacNabb, '5Beg d*0r49 Wac; me acqiesce in the tho cotrary, there ts a gromtng faure vatue o! $100 ihat, o! course, YUEI MATFRN' Cnulter . Rt. 2. Milton. Marclage St,.Tues. May I81h t 8.30 pm. dcance of c hostile sytem ho- Ieie! abat It la possible ta eat la thelr busie."'YUWR EN O I ta take place June 121h. ai their Charlesnand ~LasThomson mlI cause me int lt lu et go bad. bread In the smeat o! aomeone Bttc uusaetcn A Fumily Picture homo ta omonto.have charge o! the meeting Whec il lu on aop o! un me con- Bssbw nos n oiia aues.raeface vulue r ' osi ll<1 I7aES-abie hoelnTrot.Mr. Blair soll ho ahe speaker. clude il ls tory badilcdeed and de- po's rto a n ons andmeliticl vaus.Tbe'aceanlugemofdtho YOU ARE INVITED ide ta reit il. But ... aggeu- citîzens are conntinalty asrting the original prico pld for l, eisd <» P EAL -'ebia c Mr. acd Mns. Stacley Bout>'. o! sion has attained a momectuos tusacibis dubtous doctrine, mI ite on- o! the bacines., the original Invest- "Wutnor Petho Nemae' Londlon, misis t0 annooncethetben- f eai ta stnp.' fuslsg momîlta that migt moU ho mont. And what mon theeface SeilCatr-G HNUVEFO EI'M8aeOl) gagement ot their only daughlerr______________________espcaes. OcyEushorEmiale go vlueo! Bll Tlepone toc Margacea RoelleanaGarth Roger- GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Ihe cemo nlo!sothe whuit erele au o el es htmspge at$80eWtock son Mordt. son o! Mir. and )MM The 1EV. GR&AS' AJIS téfrmn ftepblesrieswetawa egdai$9W JmsMorritt. o! Bîyals. Ont. RetOer CLEASUNG of Britain-dooplle a long tradi- mcdo il orte more than whuloer Jaed totalahe place on Satur- t>Y- AUCTLION SALE lion that the Interouta uoftise Royal tace value Il miglatlho given in ha dedin t.e i.l t UDY MAY ibti. 1948 Fumlly shoutd cl ot eivootved in stsry o! 75 pears. Sevecty-tive MiLNDAY andl TIESDAY, MAY 17th aMdl1M1 day lue thct3 pts.InSt. WHTSUNDAY social or plîimal oranglen-mnade yeacs cga misen yoseag <rahoni Peura Cathedral. ILondon, Ont .oc0 .m.-HoIp Communion. DAIRS CAI'WLE, PERCHERON demands ither lnvolved Royalty Bell made the finit ral trom hiig Anabclla and Tyrone Power, in 10.00 a.m.-Sonday Scianol. HOSS PIOS. FA ML- alung mth o vat army of common home on Tutelu Heights, near TOO MUCH FMR GRANTED 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer Ç0pj'.i !gr'joerttoncoScloe clsal u Boatrdt bs eghmrnhose WIS0 T.EMR.N -7.00 p .m-Evectng Prayor - conuson. Perbapa tIhe demanda h eehn ad' n aevl Saime people mha drive cmnstake Tosday, 230 pm.-W.A. The uodemsigned as rocelveal mre haie.W dntkow tIe vtehepople ntoy aced e val-aBeuiflPi 100 many taings for graint. Wedcosduy-- p.m.. Junior WA. insstrtios ou-amas ta that-one umli argument theexoprmont thought o! it only AION-AyOlPet Thts oce ressort me bave accidl- 7 pm. Junior Choir; 8.15 p'ts . . rijl«'OrI expecled. Wo feel falrly confident ou.% nrelt parlour trick. Nobody CITO-Al'Oa n ont tragedy on aur treeta anal A. Y. P. A.l'o ,el hy Public Aution ai bis and ibis sllh hlIe lclng o!flMoly saws ra ol signifllrucre. To-duy in lalghmcys. And one othIe mastil Tosday -o pm, Senior Cour foaiu.Lt 6, Towonship ni E« uea W ocbogiveblo ! thse hI5!cat~ Frîup ng. 3 miles noscltof Milton ttgh- .tu t esat age i-Canada theco are lmsst two miI- un for grneal Ul o hs hnstk rd 7.35 p.us, Girls Aux. o o No. 25, on reu11sst ruser th' 'st of Per- 1lisophones, es'lng one in ever>' enliglualied otilcemu rler_______________ WEDNE.SDAY. MAS' th sonal ,srs.sments fisoNational leca homos.usolin lite erosier ,COMING licts, olicmae uoo mc o founelis' Fein l 1 sO'5 so latlSrirt- 5 il antttt e mp oal. anmdlveopntc1h0 lem. tatoste riercen)ol z ene ise oILTON l7thmenriicg:ut1 clck trl erv iceousto lomtli odis elîetpssbl. I[AY andl SATIRDAY, MAT 21st anal 22nd gem- mu CHURe..,m lIOltS'ES sod HAIINESOl Blacki1Bu Somoloots.lce iverl Indl sv oWlacBer'aa o rk, ilenthecudriverTnélrta c ise BAPTI'" lC Iercrhsson i ;slding. 6 yrs oîd Btt1 os01 eu liory iy o eM.ide nn epe osnusumpton.11cousetIse Pe.tn.-RrnChartes tfsucuehk titlt1640lt s. Blt1( Pîýrcerot Brtish so ht orksumptioo k il ;og -hcit'ct o il- abat officsrepaîoanal f hturs do.1 1d umr ulig iltti. 7 sssoldI. uit 16)ole, îlo 1ts ti Ui hass ormie comis-ar os15 itbn e 5e 0"ALIAS A ENTLEMAN" anal hélpta peven accdent. Bu noIlautO11--ittio Mor,,Il yrs lalt. rts. notis' roit'andtiltguaani-on ,,, nal lovistiirs lbre soolil bolpteprevctsecidena. BuInO ol t110 Il)s. Whi- Je 1ernt.d scrrlctiroi iht heic> -loebe t cesne ihu mttor ohat pcecautîonu are tcb- oStrsîixv, MAl.hi.1940 Mi 1 reSsrs d. lotot 1400 Ibs; orl il We , eepne ihu CACED FURY" (A CircuosPlierm) en te protet chldren in the lq arn ,.. SuvdiorSi Iool and i Set Heavy Dîohît'-Breeoihg'r'it ceus, o dr>listtoi n>tig ortiseir succoimoco. thoseoplo. so «s.Ilariss;4 ligi op olans, Od ay ny hig s %rey telimon luîlish ln Mm.Coldis cls epes, s'on Pictuceai 7Eaaib Eu'uing-MlnsOe SeVtu>' et ai 2p. streets, the most essentiol pro- BObls- 'lCu.lisilars: Sel Siogi'ltmDivîcg Har-sti,)ti tntlionatl pîtoisîmrlol. A.x 1ýtd moetathfcevl. tecaîve mesure lu and] almupo oint) p.m.-Evtoing Scrié, r.oIsr Sa'lod,- 72Par OpensTeilaor ,n dt.,-i*tc mýfjts0fr thon- 10e bure- oulur. iii ho the drivers aierlcess ccd Dîtoglos Bridle Iria FrccrauO Bridls;II to' Banholu' aidini i ' Id slill Nt-lorning aocrsnh CLEANUPPITP~J'l' casuton. Chldrens sfety hould stotsltsOOi ~ o rde '1i. tiin.animhisds csc tuscontreOr noe othnfor grsntedl. b-iddngsre ,giouduptthsae thec lopii 'l'OcMsonirbo toc- (0sWS snd IEIFI1i-- Hoîstein ussuatîioldsvitoe nitnn rttia1dr .ta1to Iend _____pin.__________________________ neIdorîng r lothe srme efort acd AU pogams sat a 0 lat7sudPtIn t 2-30îê~M childen'uuctioo ar un- t A rmois quartetîte,. du Jnc 10: Hlstein Cow. iti liso on el -rcsîîerl And ichen ~1,tlU setcfrsaa h toms doleu caus i i-s brni sceoo.ailOrig nbu liu. hsîlDec 15; Holstein itecs osloe sol-ceuleel. they ly ,isinrss tcd t heir laevau polebl.Thee marteul!tb m Os uýMessages'-in '5t555 cuw tis.sauIi[ fus', broil Jan. 30; bp mu>' cl.cbent-iaindedlp m hidot Ma -14Cottage Pruper liolsin 'tic.ln fuît fus'. bred ltt'ms'ir ,-.îîso athle otleedling tSurs'îsîîîeaiîi,; evltlird danger. The quietet of thoim aa>' iMeting at 1lie borne o! Mr. IFris. 5: BintIsJersey Coso. flîl tint o ier filiors aide, some 'remurd. dcrt soddenly io tInth street. Thet and Mes. J. Bcis.stam flow, Iresn ut20:; Blark Jersey' dîoîtfi ei enlilu. biteo arîo ____________________u_________ bout f tbernMamuedo sie rectlous Tso'sday, May i18 Proyer and] irbalbo.br Me1o Hl'sredr !tergect auet ob ssnaa!lng on the cucb. Lts aîc iletoyu O'hot ?1;A> ici'.!"f ,b pin olOa'0îl îqeol,-icvr"he-cncmlob thitl PROTECF THSE CaUMI&M Bibý ýud aith ho e f J:1c sh'Coi i ni l uIt flua, wred ar out for lIse kido ccd givo thoaa Mc. and Mrss Rohins. tri: owciiaonfîlfrîod s is e s'osy lt s t ,ls chcce 0 gam p. tt.AREWELOME, nt beol Hotin Hîfr.brd1smtfao l.cmm1,ts Taffisa ccîdena IdOot] 132 BUOR'AN (O) îd pe; oltin Holfer .utsed,5m; fflt G onnuim Nov. 2; Holstein Helfer. Isrd Foi. hing P laces??a o 1 l ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ 7: HBosîi n .H e rs lfe sn g 2 3ru- Ontar o tot year. This l a p blie PENTECOSTAL 5 HoluloinHeltoers. onj.,,«r Id; S 4PRIN(.l1 ele avs FLOWEISS oin g Aîd Pola cesndeh HolaeIn Jsî. 2 yeucsoil .Hoers T.IR coscco ! cpdriver ohoba The Ce sof !lire in Erope Iho CHURCIS a vitrvaelnated. MARKETIaD B AR ever cegleeea 0 atch !laaeI3' for iter alel soan the lucIs of food E.I OeDS, Fastai PIGe ,-22 Yrkshire Wc.aners.chire aynorrsngtes and prticulocrlp about 000 the' Orderfo!Services DAIRY E UIPMENT-DeLuvaIl 1Shipping pring lomers iayrail FOîde llvieorcte.in tel ,people coller ruesl.I i od (ed nIOF H all) 100 i M i' ig Machine, 2 udit, , nd ic front British Colombinasi la rýtia> Oamn'pople are illse 1n- molor aod pline. lmost nom; 6 1îtîser parts o! Conudana un lm-destbs and rîppling injuries r I ousr mih u>' eece'. ecuue SIilAY MY îîb 949 Can Cemt CasIer, lmost no;M. costbsinesand] abou a mînitl cmIecrht-blltp~ tIoure s chillot] bry,00 oto om- 11010a SMAdY 16Shoo19 nd Cream Se1taculor, No. 10 mith lofsse IosaIdboiu u-lIaccident, Wea ssIi oom boa peoccO ,BechModrl Creasi Sepurator tus, hat qlte oten th dtll tIla poralu-On.Bible Cluos h lcremlo;EetoPi; uodscaemIeacnt'oltnthhappieoftns.heWo a Il am Theesuvallonne rom Ihis cause.Il îlot cm -Muesine Wocship nom; Sierers. Strclsora, Pulists. I"rM Victoria in anal uvr. nmethcg nusanal theocar driver loeether mitb însu!bîciecl fusi l. il Mp.r.engelinlie Service, HAY and <IRAit'! 300 iso. Qats: Wil, .smontf!e ferVanav o tso r weintne ,ootcarses' is no douhî a nos. prof. Il ; Quunlly o! 1sipped seaIs>' oarmand re olsicluo-rue nie i ortesWdsday 8Pr.W M.S. il Q.ed11th an4 Alfaîfu erieabrod c -TeOnaiaDprtot !8gb- of the low production w.express cama n inreeancgThOnai ertn o beadine casso.Iswot pourin eheMoiin,Ibe home o! Mm. 'A M hPLEMENrS, Ha>'. ,ilocys urges usuta remtembom tisese c o! the nocemuities o! libo mhichIu Jnisona.St ,tinBne 7f; yTudaer; number o alsalyindviduel shIu- teings. Wr munt match for tise go important a factoe in h01 sit-Mcl.. Gis Bnder ba;Ha>' M.H. sot b'aircenîscex. lîs Tîo8d>.030 p rn.--Y.P. S. wmliiMB. Musmr. 5 I;Rd Df vr'mea se ont:calbtuiebn actIon.mcetlin the home ob Mrs. Rabe; MM. Hoay bader; RuIbom195r O crloIuas usacPro- drîvine. We alanutl ho <repacealfor One lady mho mus panninsgto SbesatI. Main St. Tireal Wagon; C7orkhull Honore miin ethoa o! tronsparlung aboIe sudaon rasancton by dclv- vli e uenunSslanlIi repopwîoe Spreader. ml sc'Coblutt so fo r hih;r-ingsol nrsdnilni vsiter mp avtseinlcol lun s Ene. elcm Manure preoder, lrge ize; Lotosonii !Ioeomacsie e Imyt eielu egu ,w" wintr, ws adisednot o cote.Farta Wagon: 2 Wheel Colvanr; *ousî> entb>' rail, onys J H ýbocho0da. Lts ail help proteCI It ms floîl aat tise lwtom arer- î,aamSteel Wheeled Wogon; rruvol Ct. =DoinioEpemnllCndabillI. atures in thse parental home waisirsBon;MB.13 Hoe <ranil li wIh ctleoSuneson, B.C ______anaa% _______fe more auseal b>'tIe lacis ob urt. And Ye SOuIt Knom the Truth anal erallzor attacbmet 2 SectioneStation,_In,__._. th rliSial Muho You Froc-- Drug CuII atoc: Steel Land] Bolier Roprîmeus u a nih I ht TS moula lbe dangerous to brbuaslshrt n.S 2 mm u'Rr'2Sl -errlain o! Isa ccuinuacutit THEGARENI6G aIABIT- also1 dppl>' y Rak:rdenineMaus oehigrhthe onclbsiosondaebT So ln coudntlso! lise oombres u8:m32 ardoen Barrom; Dine. 12 oan tiseme nble itm. ToeTHE CHURCIS 0F CHRIST plce; '3 WlklngPhen a 2: iriaet u'S O i A .snl ml o vrutinely grole- oluAllMSingle Fsrcom Rîdîne PIo:Dump stenrirtranspotain ised. peon bbla p00Oumber fui to Canada shon the>' erl fuel -Bable: Set o o Sînelelghns; ReOt Tilralsirins,s'hlch in-usb Peoplefn ge lsaifeion in anal usd rornsor unmes SUNAY, MY 11h, ~ poltaec; Fconlng 960: PIt!orm soîet] andhgsabout one t rirucrylîng on tIs artlvil>. Itla n u an oo ro u soes UNAMA 6t,198 ralés. 2000 It.: ElerluieClippes; al dusdffadils, tolips analiritnlroln tie tui' h lt 10.00asm-Sanda>' Selool. Bcru-el Sprs>neG olf 1; Clnveru niirsigtigtsuytelf C O l TM'ENAGE PROBILS 11.00 a.m.-Wocuhtp Service. Bonobier; Coller;BZ Tuuch: Wo under vard condilîions orec a twl obpluul.t.onaltiasfinaiout bthe an lVise; Blarkonllls Force: Blach- ycr perlsd. shom tlst beul recuts mîbois>'vthich tbep conlie - ~~~Comne Nom and lt Us Reagan Tu-.urnlIn Ton!s ccd Triols; Honesone us-e ctaiceal for less-tIsu-carloudhredocmn!lOihP V L N Olorpelbeafenrme-kmhtgetIser SaitIs Jehoah-Isaah 1: 18. Comhlne Vine; Fonce Rlrelrhor o 0Pariepont ucaeln- î îsilegrestnd lureocu I ta Pot Bale SIsoon; Chlrh Foontains;pit uh sWn Il Madeueioco!lIse Golet laAssembleJamosmu>'111Bronolou-,lihe nom; nspeg, ib the finen are sipped rrimle -altONature, and al 1o50AND a adefltMg8 l o e moofteeealAenby-asaaaposbefte hyhv'o.oe oucg. Sonne tay fel thatpui yG s rocacut Feodfrs. Ete.;111Barrots; Quata uso.spnir atrls> aepo nougle blNtr' a a ime o! guesl happtaea% h=ts OA u)BSO l>tsiofWser Pipîne; <7u-naisoe; boon in ater tom Imelco boum .A iu i aicon mill morîs1.mlu r mont poungten haveUBille VtaFEEMYTERIAN CHaUPuca-acktolsi FNe.oulaWIhie n TnIre; ' son sn mahe --_sa- tom Bocs; lOnak !lsao rr Tnemeulsae I38 resmsu a deing us aoeIl. -aiv trouble thoan. Many of tho es UIAMY 6b 98 gue GkB rces roIn Bues9; 'fcosdmspretemubîr 10 45 toaeitl e> setv gen have problem that true SGmgh3 D mARY, .M.MAY 16Coder1P48as;Double Plen: Oago ebI] ooduslrsper dmeoh DvAu Nd rCtiaE thees mor or loua d .IC.lM. Macld,2e 2 Bocees BC. CoocStînleq; o, egesr .,hee,mIsen flowenobine ondil sLithis people tlulhe- phramoe.r eg-Rden.t onl . H..Mat-0leeh; 31ntfaDvou l .laist mhta , aoh uds ue rfor hcp hem.lose utuiisas!T B B IiAR caue ats>'itlem auto-Botn ,Quanail>' nf Mineai Wood. nînve ro frýý tiosgt Donald, D. D. Cartier Pale:StIrel Wter Tank, Mshero^DY. Il mus !oand that alNot ais1. nerolonaiADBS RHSR The yobingslors are apt ta dotal- ALL ARE WELCOME W'x2'x": "; Idér:aiou-'BeeCenm l egho; m lwr I Nl nd ram loundS OCHETR ap e aneurl ag aalatgPriitclMl aieTroseb. 9x.9: udesIlifls t flm lmr sia h ocs10 rodure grtîmth, for taenr omy alpe srng ease uiBtcycie: Dooble Trees; WlsifflO e Oet^d^fbolore hcnl, anal Milii alrd t oefreaulis. theo chance to mrnuheblomn der-Tr, ,sEe eroiureetorp0, cllOuIyr,a, Gne se s e cose rs Sot' Ng lioms. Modemn li!e gives gl-laanal Every SatroKichnh heknd te _______________________ FtI1NandRE- oompIe Elahovolried grteti>' manh the bna, r os n neuhure lis shemacs baya groater maturity tIbm IbeF age blaicol nimuai losbouiet>'n yenillt r o O u !V oa ca hal ln former pes et lh ise ne EHI K QrcBnos lgh Pîne Co- etîltnt Ieamet. ssscmsdcu hog li ls 9.00 P.M. D SSNSO age and tsal>re more lkly sthan BJLO CK SL F horI 1d ali hIrs Iasn Chisu Dludt rvlr tgst>bt-cis c ll ural forces. onaToe;2 Sos>' Chairs: Woodl tsr tohen pocheal als'>, but .tulîps ______ mae is dritusafoc ism- CONCRETE anal CINDER B1s1 ilneioaisMîieesn. rosse sofres. BLOCKS ona~~thrn-i W stalsaa atoch: Toîlel as uspeere o traog sevs LCS Sol: 2 Iron Bcd.. Stprines andl Mol- tOc differenros ere ligbt. Wos-1 15 SI3tSTtTDANCE It a wllif he armwlling to - Asi Sumes - tre-es: Dreser Iro etra lucî- ngcftîe stem endsofo dalloilltok Ilu m ta dhe arotelrpa-Alun Mîrror; WrllassDesh; Paircf cinsiderhlo impand t]onl adoil 'ISsu bt, ukilil aruond tse ent, bo mm Ui ~ ASRDSAND AND rCommode <stssir Rhir:Crohu:on dy olie onh lorooo cuntslîu e nvns AI. MAY 22 letst owir'; lghCor CId have bal ider expor-DCm :Cai:R :Cok:o dyt h Ieo heoytivni1 once. Mac>' girls anal boya duo l GRAVEL (asen' BolIer BomI; Print anai on eves'lual hpmenlu. Standalrd i on udosuatc ubsilulc or wa tuIl' rajie lse angca nl'05t- B. ALS Iailal SIc bfloer nippice cartons peu'ved sua- rail the free prîre s>'temmbhat A clse ae oîintmece"'~ ERMLuahSettemon mit usnrloy fo etanalrefrgeraar ouldos tse-nme ime nsicsll