PAR OU THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THWRS!DAY MAY ISth, MM4 T ~~OMAGH 0110W MollitWVMUT bAN Or VISON ~- . .~~ I - ~Western Canada should increane A hundred years ego Chmta E H L ON C U T N EW S O F D ISTR ICT cngregatin wml have thse picas- of a majority ef Canadiens Ba- manambasedor and:writerforHeLH-NI arisf e OaigPr. encan Cisu-rcis ta hea celePothe option riandthestangue frtench alao Iro of*hePreshyterian Cu ar.Sneurg'ed production o h oiat tt I i @tH iL H U I Itereting Itema Conoerning Other Centres and Commun- i Canada at theis- regutar chusct nasmuris aet as possile, te Or- thena quite cIeaýIy as tie penned j ties ln whlclî Many of Our Reedeas are Interestedl service os Sunday. der te provide food for needy rat- tisese woods: HEARTILY ENDORSES AND OFFERS ITS Rott. W. Ford ls conveleacing ton, and au a halissaris againsi ,Weary of private property, de and doing icely at hitn home fren future emnergencies t tm.h ~ sihtemlets oeoment FULL CO OPERATION TO THE te seset severe huiras Otters favred 'cautious and ce - owihtmaehegvren HORNBY ýCAMPBELL VILLE Mis s-lartinfe Marsisat repres- trolîrd" increese iacreage. A soleo cesse, ditributing to a begP IN -U eted Osoagi s sel with pupîts iisrity sues danger sn over-soso- ges-ed rommunity a chas-e prepar- Cet-ell iee areextndedtoMuflers'Daywas bseved nlfoss ther chools as ceets et tise ing of soheat, and ln dislos-ingte dv lsho te desrlceftoe er Gr.LNet-l c'icsc o i xaesded te MotherDa e obServesi At Coaty Counit os Teesday. prscrset halance ietween wnm dse t ivWdoni? Wtt a the er ss A N D BEALTIIFY Stru L. eeleda sts sYLOWat asy ays sereos Snday At Rev. Mr. MeFaul deivered e fine and ceerse graina. Ose or two dsra iosu sv ieise home and Mrs. A. King shos ts tise Anglican and Peesiyterian addrena te tise jeint meeting of caited for reaturation et a free and auttsritl4 toeeSecute your A AGNS NORDB TH been ten(tait Hospital. circises famiiy gtterings, giftn, tanday Setoot and Cisurcis on Sun- moarkset ln grain, and ergued thst decisiens? Wiso i te hntd itiss jINSPNORI B H LindaHarovdsîtieynd Por t rtiur. er nd toner etartics er ast. Tiere ws a egond attend- farmera could tiesuaive tise qses-hisit f living cisttets and turait L i n a r e v i i t n g i n P o t r t u r w r n i n h o o r o f m o h e . t t . a c r e n d lise m a n y e a u t i f u t M t - t i e n f o r n i e s s e tv e e . S t a t î s t î c s s i t e a r s i u n t ? M a l te n or i. ! t a k . M I L T O N B O A R D 0 0 T R A D E Honty A.Y.P. ladtshout ttirtY Dvidas Sunday Scisool a servce iers Day fieneresoade a ipteasing show Canadas wseeit acreege. in Witiseat individual irolerty noneMA 7h 49t mesoters out toenesoy a bowing w ltistie tieme *Tise Lord te Ail" stting. 1939, tise test prewer yeer at 26 are f ree. Prolerty la nene otiserMA l7J-2h party. Ater bowling at Miltes oas eosducted iy tise seperinteis- Specisi greelings te Mre. James milon acres; in 94, 1.9mil- tison lierty." they went te tise tome et Mr. and dent Ms. Murray MeNtait. e. Peacecis and Mina Milie Pecocts lon acres; 1944, 23.3 millions; 1945 Mrs. Carence Hall for tise rietstofJetn MscNeii toi tise tieme. o itnwolatabrha n 34mlin;14,2. ilos ttc meetling. ESveryone enjoycd Mesoiers of tise Wîîtîng Workersnivet Miltn eMoay ltirtt 1947an 23.4 tin;14,237mlin, IS11FUL INFORMATIONd tis anssuai meeting. Misson Bond and Miss Norma Congratulations te Mr. and Mm. Tsre Ctrttenisgs were part of Brwne gave musical selectiens. Harvey Casopbell soo srte wed eonLIDEKTY If yee dont tnappen tc e td- tee Mtters Day service ln tise Mr. Thsomas McPtail. a faitut Sturday.- vetuteet yeu s-on tet soehoiîy Unitled Cisercis soteMs. and Mrc csecreary-treasurer efthtie Sundsy ______L_'iberty. t ln a word te con- etse de yeur empesrincnting for T N A11tert Marcismenta son and Mr. Sciseel for pears. o its o loving te s sîi, e1e e tecr'Qpu.Frintnc.FORtfr at and Mm-sC. Brooks iso re Buslintee onws uresetted sotisa jur1,C~ TlT eopth, ota o xter LlnrY es-s orenstnpcdegtety-oe dt- chrltend. ise urcs aes ret Bite fr srvies cedredhy r ieans Justice amd justice in tise terent inde et eggn and came up tly decoratcd soti spring flewern, Murrsay McPisait. saturai ar tise an et heaitis and sitis lie auteanding answer, tiset W O O D) At S. Gerges Anglican Cisurcis Everyoe s isuld bctisosisul for Sysosetcy and treosgte, o fret- s-ictee eggn teted hest. We are oA K IE ev J. Hodedc seducted a christ- tise recent cOpteucstenoers tist. racty and cooprtion.,-Henl> rmieay te asume tisat siteout tant- SCHOOL AREA No. 1, TOWNSHIP OF NELSON OAK H M ening service at wiiet Linda Mtar- thte cososnlly isse tees favored George, 'Pregrene and Poverty" ieftise tter eigtty. - go-e, yeunget dagtter et Ms. nsi thes one censiders tise -IScsied Tenders soas-hcd 'eendern for Wood" ahi lte reoeivred Oahvile's pos office laine teand Ms. H, E. WilSon, Camopbel- great destructien inteeter ps-v-____________________________ _ by Seeretas-y-Treasueer, Mrs. Marlon Kermo, Freeman, Ontario, midst et a Iprotesu et reergeniso- ville, wsus ristened. Hes- gedpar- inces. SasrIp cwearuse in s favoresl until 6 pin., May l8tis. 1949, ferte flloaring Maple and Beach tinn, whisirimey continue for semne enta are Mss. L. Biaise, et Guelphs pot.boywdt eelvr adpe ithbismnsrwo- tUne. William Litchfield, pot- Miss Mes-t Peul, et Cacpbeliville, We understand tint Mrs Deugt- sherds efthtie sciseols Ilsted ieloar: maar for te PasttwO YeamrsO nd Mr-.J.J. Walton. ofTroto ty snatr ed part errpsoprty nu and a mesoter et tisestaff &Ince Ibîndas great grsndfaîises-. Ater- on tise 7tis Une. A O I L E E I GS.S. No. 2-.MountNemo.-2corda la,-sonod, 1S rd 12"kidndling 1924, ha miased L. B. Curmne. cordsac dinner rereption nos held Ms- Stas-pe in tusy msing pre- -O I L E E N N ..N. -esn4cod e od et Teronte, le acting tstmsster t tise tome oethlie prentn nitis par-tiites fer ones oisme en tise Wiii be held in thse S.S. Ne. t-Tuc'u-2 crda 16" weed; aeho 1 cord 1.3" indtlng tesoporarity. tsorntp gueta holng presrit frein notesisrn ed et hic oprperty. It SS. Ne. 8-Zlmmeron--8 tea-da 16" wood, 1 tord 12"'linding Ttc drug clore epersted in Osk- Tesoto. Guelpis, Naccogacrys, nl te a eenapieueen location. COMMUNITY HALL SS. No. 9 Locavle-? s-rdn 16" soeod, aloo 1 rord 12' ldndBst.g ville for tise past ten years hy Mr. Mlton and Coopielvllte. Ms. David Heey whis aed hi% S.S. No. S-Cedar Spring-3 cordn 16" nood. t nord 12" klndIe and Mm.Geosr Clark han tee Ase at tise -lamr sesvice Neson tes-m on tise Dundos Higlsnssp rer- AT PALMEROSS.N.1 lhietrsda6'woanirnd2'idfg psrchaucd hy Ms. Lloyd E. (GIeas. , ary Allen Hocaard, Infant sntfl 1 ntly. sa buildng e tome on his 9 .N.1-ibie- od 6swoas od1"knln lte et Brantord Ontario. snd tes- Mr, and Stra. Alue Henard c-se()iles- fus-m on lise 71i lise at tt, 1 1 1 ~1 1f LS S. Ne. 12-Lsntone-2 corda 16" wood. 1t rd 12' indBing over tsornty yrara s-psieeto 5f as-isîtenied tpRevr. M-Heddere. -scol Mrs. Heey vved. Lvg. Mvay i 9th S. S Ne 13-~Bellis-.. tcords l6-wood, alun 1 crnd 12" indlteg deug ntre in Noranda, Que. Fsisnd-e et Mss Jotn Howard hovers-snted apastinnts frein Mr. At 8 O'cleck, D.ST. If iard inapte te heechi-3î not avalatie, tise Bard cailteen Ttc toton isbuilding prjeci us-eare sry tet es- cse alantise Ast Casopbesllentil liseis-house l M.nsss~ cenrider qsiren suhmittrd fer tise ehove quentitien aupplled ln Oelsviite la a building teint eect- Guelph Hospital, Wr ni-etlier 5-atntleted .Soe- ime ag e t r slnisrsod atsui.Tsu rdrigseteeee us cd or . LGreofr innny peody sesorsy. ssd tise iscu% and es-s-trd off thee msit epearate pris-ces-r eet. years ps-epsieetooftee Gregory Ms- and Mis- Nei Mas-t.iniOfpiae-rtes'Tes-ente man. Uiberal Candidate for Hallon County for the forthoeingtces -antnd-ntireaslyacptd Tnes Theatre. Ttis structure. isosod- eppes- NasauguccelieTwn.-hipate- Mothers Dny wtoc se6etted t t Provincial Election, null address the meeting osoetrantndro ecuiyacpe.Tnes iatriyrOSt ftise tieatre tilt son- sce s Iefs- tSeGnpsBtiel Churesca-wilh arves-ot hsp- sous- e us-seîted oetShe wsooe os- spart. tain a teur-lone oing aliey. tnt RoudS cf Mca William Paul. ticms and ceersai nen mmsr EUCHRE and MUSIC by BENNETS ORCHESTRA Tenders nl apeclty snprps-te pris- fr e- od te hoi deiivered ateca ad ntoprtneTe t NM. eod MrscGosdon MrPhial "hc W I cf Dscmsîuln heldtsi-e-frsstt1oiih eodIo ehsh cln en csh tender Icsoade. wilb te nt cosepsin tight and etetinerd ttc '-Hesypy Golckus-c-ual eccliss' end daece at Ns-o EVERYBODi' WELCOME nl haove a depth ef 150 tee. Clch-o Stus-dey e-rnivg inteirs- dos-elsn WMencday.Ic-oc e Mems ofOGuhiIe.lJunior-C hleions iis-gseetice s once-srofiosvse-candîthe.%,hae s lshs- O.H.A. hocey tta. ith veve-ct 1ye1d and rwiss-ler v ere srMs. aehîd Ic e-liaiSil fr thsis,îîîs dozen ises-eyminds-styoungtrr-.s, ,ts--s îngîc.ils-c rilotscoe tusis. vsghtý remisessoettise town'a so e- ru- ls- its-s-Intglis.. Is-Wllae-e l'ho- VA and VIN'-,if Bs-ltoi guenwers-theguestai a Jint intîg àlUnited Chsrhýs hue.tI lsite Pa- tenquret ofthe Gutsille Relus-y Mi.iVlin rihnda lrb viiItie-* o s s and Liens Cubs and the Gettilis- 1 inload r n M&hr irot ahdcdf Amaners-Spcr-e AscitioniV î'-- liilis..o s-cdlîelt-,î1'.so 's s lIs Re-ord-tat'. anMdls, ltiltllîî'ssi itsfe s1~0 ___ t ndel , ii,ilîiti aht.l,,îids- LO WVILLE \sidt- li timidlîi-C itsii-I u-s il,itsli , ti s.îîîîîîî icmoiiti. oil s is raodsdîis - oritifc the Tiiemofste Uiedlsts- w 8,IS-ttd lis- i Ils-, 'osteos-iatiet Iliex ietd et tish ee etfMssNos-san ta tt Mit ilepiiPattt-ssti. si tiiieiiii i Langteanc-it a tarettendance "Pth -si -en is-sMlthes-i Des le charte etfteprtgs-em cas Ssrs. letIoech tu and Msa B. Gaety. Mms. E. Het-f cietutson GIarls, i-eMs-and 1iîJ5L.j hrtesmas -cguest spakser and M-Gos-cttie1Pusee.M e ville sait nas tiasegivee y avnd Mrs sel nelSslic. et Meff. t s ho s-ial f--ti Moto' Marylin Lantontiand Mm .Lang- Is v s' els riaof etli.y attails-stIa las-ýcigrgto ton deaduel nec givra ty Mrs. Rcs-hcsîid. Ms-and Ms. Dougas ii tie its-lurI s-lt 'ole t)11. E. B. Coulsea and Mrs. R. CoulSer ls-. fCmblv j nsewsrodrdb h corIIA2 Lunchis served et tise cimse of tsla tCmîh-lsll-Oeil-ot--utsetR APTE - 3- tise ~ ~ Mr tnanss.M-ud Ms-e Res-nsteuh npent als-oit hpils-ma Fs GRAPEFRUITr TheW.A buines metig wfftise day wnul MscG. Lasieand "WFlasyclssiaofr!vRA EF UI -hs-d niti theePreeldent, Mc. E oylt on Fived s- isiids-herpans h w Fotecîenthe cirs. Plîanse M-vds Pea-eadMs- and isr, Caseo W aso;,JUICE made forthe W.A.eanniverssry on Adey.efHailtenMr.antd Mrs. Ms- uniS Mia. Geoîrgason Mr.'e Sunday atemeeon, June 13. As-leur Mas-hie, et Milles-ese, Mr.tînd Mss. E. Iete gonMrTPIEEF CIV N L At tise service in SL. Georges and Met. Richard Intla, et CampS- cnd Mes.2Alvin Ceci M 3 T ns £q Chus-ch on Sanday-coeming tener- hltille, ns-se guettaof Mr. and Msc Wiilu Rees-'- ing Merises-a Day, Nec. J. Hedde Mrss (ees-ce Inglic en Moelers lMc. aed Mrs-. .. W Iteliocca erthIl nus in charge. A baptisaletses-- Day. iclî c-ss-s- omiss-s-i tiIvaCuls-es-t <as t-C 51PITE 1\ a S T 55 vice nsc etd nsen tise Infant et Ms. ainse t'era C. P N.eper- United Chasrit. iHamilton, hsfoe- woe20 Laman ~S e. M. and Mrs. Allat Heward amiduSes- ias teesi raserreed te Ken- laiing up recîdenis- in Kilissids- t- DBL~E D tUW AX SEA NS Tis *,14( tee Intant tfMs. sndMms. est lis-e is wnue ted son nl more tI-ded ascial l is al s-rlas n Waten nere haptized. %non. otî n e es-ptcasantily spris- "~'aMarsh Seua £9 Bev. W. BarS et Niagars Faits Dr.and Mss. Wn. Roets-n. tof 11 hy aeps-asetii,iets-m tsie f JIEUT1 CflCE l'i 2 RAEFUI, 6 125 spent tiseneeis-end sitisMr and Mite2n--rdnns getanti ,-ltemeis--e r2hî-el e 1> HlOI~ IC.E TI MEWUP9 " 231 GFiorida Mms. W. T. Daims. Dr. and Ms-. Bers-s o Sunday. mîtp i C5 ORANGES, 150'.....a9 A large cengregatien aîtended Dr S'. W.tClark ansiMrst(les-h the Mtters Day servis-e ln thse Ms. and Mss. Davii MsPhil and nsscgritJro b~,r D ALC 20 <Oz.Jmb ' o UidChscteSnym oen and M. aniS Ms-s Jamso, eu-fsIPeterberouagh wr uet.o aLB Y S B E ... Tis 2 C Jub Uitgd Cuscs-irenaSunamre etrstson ware-o Snday visitesaatis lin duys lu-t us-ehtitDr H. R. itîsas-.OR51% 'PTEL LEMONS 6 l-1 c ise Thservic N s-v.nch.gensofu-M. and Ms. William MePisil. IlsDenaliS and Mss MiDonld. 'ORAN1-11ftisseGoaden s iea s tepsoRvA.D e ,as MranMs-JcRoetoof Mms. Astisr Distenuen (il Mi- TtlSAA,. . ..1 C isted iy tiesuperintendent ef tise Mmen Ma ust RGscîon itent isatrn19iC Irpb Sunday Seisoti, Mr. SormnaisLng- GuIS and Mr. sand Mm-. EMer- heepîlsK a uscnvuasent t tise . YHwN to ton, Msses Shirley Ceulson as-d Cisstelin etBrantford n-e San' 1home et tes- mther. Mrs. lames, J U 1C E ic 1APP YeUo. N..t. n 5 25c Wildn Roertson sang a duel. day gurats nîtis Ms- ard MnIT Busns. Hec mavy trienis nich ier ~~"0 E A Ïbtaitiaei service aas hridoetsin. a peedy res-evesy, Tir'~ ' AYLMEK VEAHS in 29,c Ostario s65 nisen fiv1c islden acre heptlzed. Msa .B thlnsis3e1fr Mc Mrol aF M APPLES, basket Mctael Le Ceulson, son et M.te Grore Missine Bond on Sstss-- ilttsn and hiemrismtier-in-lan. Ms-. ,L Cellte a and Mms. Homard Caulsen; Line, day atterneen. Te Presfident epf- les-h nclgre of PeterbosrougishU( I V tras Ants Donna, daugiter et M. and ened ther meetng and Jnan Ring clent Sunday nitis friende iece. Ch1O ICE PEM ie 16, GOOKING-ONIO)NS 38c Mm o .n; aIana M rul s w ld n payrra Tise eripture les- Me, and Mc. Fsrd Davis spnt DOM IxNas" O ilvSin daugher o Mr.and rs. eorg sonwas ead y MallynMoore. tise week-end nitis hem sister, Mes. DO I ONOS,]l...... 16 CoIsn; Grden Charlea Decles, Te ropsseam presented aras as tel- Whittter and Dr. Whittaises et riiq P w e A P E A C a<y 2 <z2< New 6 son et Ms. and Mca Deavis; and ons, Nesettlen, My Dlly ty Aita Pos-t Dahie.îrP wd r A P E A CEFni 2 2 c ABGl ..... ...8c Shisrley Elizabeth Coiing, daugtter Smth; Plane due, Bright as e M. ami Mc. BerS Spsutee -os wl e oiais eI.lbl f Mr. end Mes. Elwoed Colline. Butten, ty Nos-mo Bron and VIr- Tos-nie andl M. and Mcn. VIa. l 16 (»."4 26, lb. Amnongtise maey visItesnletise gînla Mtchell. Ttiteîwaas reed Clars et Hamilton nere Sanday 155 D AKIVI'I V ACH S T -arie' ?2 13c cominuaty on Sundey aierel rtm ties tudy teookiy Ms. El- iiiocn niti Mrs. M. Cartwrilght. -uehSe Mr. and Mr. Chss, MYant, lot. The riapter bold hon James M. and Mrs. H. Hnsoes andS Ms. 4O5-Nssse sasDtIONSetl 25c- Cansphelimcs M. and Mss. George Evans isnd incened ttc alphabiet and MrssJ. Hennos-ti of Huamits -EUutonNu SaîL ES E T PE R "0 Oz 3 NINl . ... nrcoAplb itis M. and fer tise CreIndiana et tise Hort-nere iitera nitis Mm.and Ms-s. e F F E ES - ES ER EA S Tn 3c LrgeD unhe 2 or3 Mes. E. B. Coalson. land. Tise Junior sts-ywasa read J. W. Hoilingas-ti an aturday. O F S 'Millae i RE.RDS .,,ý o 5 Mr and Mrs. Chas Lorhiey antd iy Jane SmSish. Tte etferng nus Seat Sunday seceteen te Un- iln tee [uniena amiiy, Hameiton nitis Ms. ansî Mrs. sdtted ty epetîng tise MB. Ied Chusris nitlbi h sargee l l u IAIK.Il A e -C Y. 2ofb333 A. W. Ceuter. fprayer i s osn. The bisSthdsy ReM. uits et Ceivrsy Unitred Kicomello 1b. 51« *"PB RRY J c-' S2 5 Mr. and Mm Henry Rumshan sons a nng tes- Lois IsgIns. Tter ssci, Hamoilon. lie wnul hoar-'sise,*-sL--al raie and sosliy CosiOholilewitMr-. rollu satt wanencswesediyeaiskle s-mpnird sy hie s-tsrs chus- E i (L Y QBtinrls2 9 and Mss. Bsrnesc Colsen. sers-e. no isenl lead in the se"Iuee etsang PLUM jAÀM ~ - HBR ~ Mr. ami Mrs. MiiIsoy, GaiS and Ts ssS gno ledntsaned 'endersais us-t iocs.M rin ib. 47c - IaCum ,Asparagsus, Selad Mix, Mina Jean Miiroy, Hamiltn tît prayes- ty Aen Pertes- The girsailcC11 CutsMarosa Mr, ami Mca, Georgee Ceulson. tison spent issîtan oitise andss cb e Me.aa M. ameytitian mklng pistre bteks. Tues-e ere -TRAINING 1lOiaPITAtkd UN.F- i., - -1_1ANUP...PAINTnUP, anal