IMRoMMDy, MAY 181. lm4 CROZ1ER'aS 1Men's Wear m Milton THE CNADIN CHMPIO ADVANCE NOTICE! We willveq mmeom anveto oui new I t V W at§ W 1«n f Stelt. dt 1e treebt, neeit t I s i e Doin SemS PECIAL VALUES1 Idoml eu nmd iwMilthat b. opmate uïal e bname eof08 ROM RFSCO. C»omenicngMayl1 E . JC RSR r Take this Opportunity to buy at the The Foliowing Advertised Items are allJFfrst Clam Quality and Carry Our Guarantee of Complete Satisfaction or Money Refunded SMART MIEN WANT SMART RAINCOATS ad wr've the rainie.ata "t mii thr. bil. Twili, mand gba- dineinru ummer .wigtî; . mit aieiet tyleai Si.,. 86 te 42. Neraluly priced et $25.00. Now rduoeed ti$19.50 BIER QUALITY GAIIMENT Pricemi t $29.»0 $25 Rteduerd t, 225 <ns Diaond Soxr *Hegular38U751 8PICL $85 PIr 2 AR FR 3.5 L SLEEVELES PULLOVER Ail W,,l. i r.'. amI iliareun ma i sai aiu i Media...Pelidat 1.8» SPECIAL 90c LONG SLEHV PULLOVU95 Wed MW lFigurdwai h .naor edhSar. aI bermi ReyaiBlue., Neguar Prie. *5.8 SI>HCIAL $2.95 W. bave.aa u lamoetaice SPORT COATS la MWTwni Pa8luua. Primetit 1.eami *880 A REAL BUY AT $11,95 For the. YounMerSet CLUB COATS Flager TiP Lenctii.lai OIa.aMW a&Bi SÙM e, M 8,40. Rogul.. $12.» $8.95 MEN'S TWEED TOCOATS SI.., 36, 3%88, 4,42. Pind CIa,. Merebladim. tguar Prie. 8183 $12-95 MEN'S DRES soX Ail We.I P8ii.hMmi,. lai Mmi ,,Or,,. M raimand Or..,. Tu, 1,iaiainockt wiii We.r Weil. Rgula, si.o SPECIAI. $1.O IMENS TIES TWO WEEKS SEIL9cFho SPECIALSSPECA1.00C o AIL WOOL WH4TM SHORT SME 49c SHORT SOX Fa.. Qinlt &a " miWh"a 69c 0*3 $2.00 DRESS SOX, Auorted Colore 49c MMS SPORT m Ta% BDia., elu BUYTHSE OWAT $3.95 MEN'S PANTS AUtFOB LUE. A PfaI thai wil umt- weia MY 'ethers 2 te L Ilegular Prim ,. .4 Ruedte $4.95 A 04ai.ilQumitt3ofe MENiS ¶TWEED >pAMg Ail Pue..OueGd Patte... To Cie $4.95 MEN'S NIGH'PSOWNS Niade iofOud Qualit> FlanMeeette (Nt tee Heveý r, autahir for liasm ele wa.hher Specially Prieed $1.95 TOPS CLOTHES STUHDILY CONSM~UCTED FOR COMFOR AND LONG "MA AT GREAT SAVING WORK SOX - Ctte,,, Fine Qualfty TIleh a »ietinlg eu niut ie.. Regular Prine 8@0 MEN'S BRACES Tu', tJi,. peeail>'Prleed CLIP-ONS REGULAJI (Narrow> soc 39c We lu,, a fe o uneaisl.ofi MEN'S BEL"S TO CLEAR 49c fluait ni" .Our WORK SHIRT SPECIAL 14 1/ te 17 Cotton Plad $198 CHAUFFEUR CAPS Odmi Sizes aM Coore$1 AMo BOY'S PLAID SHIRTS$1.59 WHITE DRILSS SHIRIS $ .5 BOY'S SHORTS In Fine Quality Drill $1.*49 HOY'S NAVY BIAIE (Cheviot) SUIT Size 21. 28. Regt.Jar Prioe $13.95 A BARGAIN AT $59 MEN'S PYJAMAS ln Viaie Quity NAINOlRIE( t- Oren, 1110, ad r.>'. Juat the. rlght garmnt fer suairr War $3.50 MEN'S AND BOY'S YACHTING CAPS Whie wiUi Blte Peakt lOc MEN'S SWEAT SHIRTIS A Cuiveniaeat GAinaent te wear amuid ithe noiei.m.or Oaim WIEONLY $1,98 MEN'S DRERS PANTS I COVMTS mand GABARDE lai goei eaitea.tig eolmee to wear wltà a Sport Jeeket. For o Up Wear tii.,. trauser, mV hae i.apoeamea àAstyle. PnuRne$8.95 $15.95 CUMrN DRILL PANTS Saiferiedln a D m4.'miHer.Iagbeee pat- tern. This pont l.n auluble amd Just lthe thlmg for intie,. or Sprtuwear. &»e 3/I& Speeiay PÉSed at $3.49 MEN'S GABARDINE WINDBREAKER Pmn Cotton TwdIU, 51k une&. Zlppe Front, in geed ahade ef Fawn, Pim Ranglng 38.50ani 8"9 Special O$5'.95 DON'T MISS TMFE MnsSuitt R.gRuir Prie. $37.« u A FEW TO CLE IOveralIaI AAT SPIEXAL Work Shirts AýL m $1.79 MEN'S woRKPANI 0« Si" Lew Pried at $298 MWNS OVERALLS Maie et Stan>' liard Wearlug ME'S WORK SHIRTS A Red Plud Wrk Shirt, Well SIen. A lted Bu>' At ......... 82.19 CANVAS WORK GLOVES Lether Fa«ed 2 A fewte iea, eae 25c SPECIAL Sperial MEN'S WHITE m SP<41.îl WHITE SPORT SHIRTS DRES 5jERT MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Smll Mdte, are Finle Quality Broaileloth Woven StripeAst. Pat. Emal, Meit.,, LrgeAil Slzes terisltiAlSize $1.29$2 5 J $3z m I' ibi-, À- -00 7.,.--ý- -J ý - ý - - -À , 1 - TWIP- tA IV A M A Id 41U à M l>Týw