PAGE POUR ~~~~~~TMSAY, APRIL 8Sf,1M024 M AAaaetras ia. NEWS OF DISTRICT Interesticg Itenms Coneffning Othier Centres ani Commun-' ties i whlcls M Ys of Our Eeadens are Interested CMNIPB LLV LLE Mr. and Me>. John :eacork of -Present mere Mr. and Mr. AI- The finance committee of the fred Freemnan of MottaI; Mr. andl Camphellville W. I. hetl a pro- Mes. John Freeman of Rock.oad; grensive euchre party Ln Christie Mr. JameasOttching of Panlincil Mal on Felday evening. Mr. Wal- and Mr. and Mes. Wm. Pîckett of tee Ferrier mas thse winner ofthfie 1ilbrlde. lucky draw. Prize inneco ive Mra. Tons Whatey andl Mca. S. eachre ere Mes. Chartes King, Sharpe have retarnea f ram the Mes. Maoon Luah. Mr. Cilarles Royal Yark Motel. Taronto alter Kng and Bllty Defocest. attendlng fthe Home ami Sehil Mes Drealge, Se.. mother of Mm,. Coneention. R. J. Early la eanvalescing in the _______ Milton Pivale Mospital. We wish her a apeedy eeeoveey. LOWVILLE Mis. olive Mahon, on thse office staff of t1e Kitehener Geseral Mes. Jaek Andeeson of 'Faront.> Hoapital, spent lait week-end ait spent the week-end with Mr. and haine. Mm S. '. Goulson. On Fiday meening. ahoat 1001 Mes. Wm. Bennett of Niagara felends andl relatives gstherd inrails viited hier alatec Mci. George thse Masonie Mll atieeta honor Readilead and Mr. Readhead lat Mr. and Mes.Howard Lasil. tarin- week. ally and id thees farewelt hefaree The memilera cf file W.MS. af leasing ta lîve la file Lowvlle tise Uited C3ureoh wlii attend file distrct.nays Hallon Peeshytecil ati Milton an porsieeficime was n ye hacoday cf t his week. andl pize sincecas eece: Mes. Wal- Miss. Marlon Readhead cf 'Tac- lace Kng and Msn Elsie Cairns. osto visiledaitatlhechomne hece laitti Bllly Elilot and Srce ore c. Mr. weeh. Rois Cacheci cead file address and an bhll aofilhe commanlty Pres- enfeal th1e coaple wtil an ouphol- ateceal ehali aldcushlon. Ailec titllaneemnony. Mr. Rohert Laki resal an aldees 10Mes. Howard Lu, andl presente lihec il a Davdi Peeshytecian Choie for A l N I I hec services endecedasa ocganlat. Bais Mc. and Mes. Lusil tilnked fthe commanily for thele kinalces D E C ( Tisci in charge cf 2the eeenlasg1 were: Mes. Roy Parker, Mes. Wni.FREE~I ESTIMA Robherts, Mes. George Inglis Mes Alexander Moore, Mca. Ross Mitch- ell, Roalger Maionsand Ross Car heMt.RE E On Satueday eveeisg Mr. andG Mes. Rohert Etiot enterfalced a, M R a progressive euehce pac'y Prize wiccees mere Mes. ergýe 1-111s Mms. Gordon McPat Wlae 178 - HO King and Mci omMe 1 t Sympaly is eeneded In, Mmj MILTN H. C. Wallon os the recent decIl h of hec rothee, Mr. Jacks Blow of Prince Abert, Soskaotchewan. Me. Robert Inglis atfended thoà Fans Forum Coneention je Toc- onto lost ioeeh. Cansyhbetîitte dstrict hasn the scne ofmonny changes oe thc ire? of Aprit week-end.Mr. fromn ther faimto 1the oe theY L E purrhasrd on 1.1. Ni. t Mo fat M.Wle nnsand fomilv i osn W lp occupyMc asd Mis. PaMr. andalIp Howard Loc.h otd their hoace ta Me. nsd Mis. Robert Fane. and mmced to Lviatle. Me. and Mcc Bert Ware 110e. l'ai il fjin Ir Paîs.îi li- sotl theie- neoly hoîlt home 10 Mer.7 I and Mie Wîiltrid Greelee . fTi10.TC Zimnermnan Me. ond Me. Ge,j I Harriesuod her farim andl have moved in Brookeilte iosSaIsi day and inre Ihen Mrs. Horris ba h ioc ce?-iat ferrda oheoarl atci and' iscon-5 calesring Cder the cmi- of Mr, îPHONE 129w - G-eorge ThomacRN Mr. andl Mes. Net-on Bousefleld yerho-îîIl th1e home of Mr. and Me.-. Ceai-,1__c- Heemna anud1the laIter arc mnoo-eI loîthe farcm homeof Mr. and Me.-- Thomasc Watsoon on No. t Sehool lise. Me. Charles Mitchellof R N C S end piggecy from t11, Kisg('l ciam Peodoetc. pI NC S 1 Mis.s Beverley FRohecrtscesr cd ber 51111 irfhday os Miisday amid her relatioveand tlcymateq FRIDAY AND SATURDA About 15 ere presenltet arahe of file irthday suppere Rh co nhomn-cd wmml cacd.c and gfts. Miss Mary Helen Wheel han celeheateal 11r f111h ithday ons IL Tacsdoy. 51e ceceivedcdadandl gifîs from ahout 15 llaymateo o ho were servedrefi-eshmen , Mes. Gerald Richards pe~înt week-end mth hec pare-sc.M ciid Me-. James Roberts. Me. and Mms. Harry Homxi, Dos- naand friesal spent Snday il M. and Mrs. William Roherts 'Fie childeen ofth11e village en- .oyed the RosIer vacation and mere pleased I dort Io nehoot ogin I MONDAY AND TUESDAI Some sigscîf sprisig arc lieý hoaziig of am, rolliog the- cum- mer ire moud. Ihetatpipsgoýftree.e foc maple nyreap and th1e tractons. whiicilaie prepariof1the eldfoi seeding. nuiminîum No. 1t wehiol hel(] a facmo foeoon meeting on Mosdoy sight wifh 23LAK NISJS pecuesî. A repoirt of t1e ronces- tion maa gires hy Me. Rohert In«-as'O.LO lis, assisîca hy Me. William Pichcli. Progressive cachre mas esloyed and qrvze inseri mre Mec iciu) Ingis. Mm. Claude nln iE gar Cairns and Mr.Claude inglos Misctyte Carns ond Ml-o Mary CMN SSweet, boIl of Guelpeh. ,;pënt thcCeI week-esd mitil Mr. and Mis. Ecîgai- FRIDAY AND SATURIOAY Cairns. ueHvradM Mes. Wm. Smith and Herte-et ofaeHoc nlM Hamiltons stenf file wek-end mitil -'I WONDER WHO'S KIS Mr. and Mem. James Early. (Celic hy rer11 Miss Audrcey Ear y stent Etcicr 1Cron-Fyn meek ifh Me. anal Me-o William -fcîo f ya. Mes. Kecneli Stenre of Roe- maod entertaiseal on Friday, Mar- A"l Isi-secnsearefartI7.8wp-s.RLa-V ch Ifthin'honsoe ffile 465 h Wed- oteslidi ding Anslvec.saey onIlhecparents. and ORATING ITIN GIVEN MURRAY ÇES 99r.32 lION ENT'S )aper - Gifis *spray I aiîîtill-î * - MAIN STREET THEATRE AY, APRIL 9 ANI) 10 CARTOON "One Note Song" TRAVELO)GIE "Holiday in South Africa' Serial No. i15-Jungle Raiders" (Matine Onlyl ir, APRIL 12 AND 13 1POwR 'Thorobreds of the World' For oduit audiencs ni, NG X', APRIL 16 AND 17 îrk Stevens in IKSING HER NOW" ng South" *morrm'" ad Matines. .t $.se pin. ailes. > 1 Marsh Seediesa GRAPEFRUIT Golden Ripe BANANAS lb.. Mesna LEMONS Cello Pkgs. (4sa) Spy APPLEb, basket Cello Baga, Insporiesl CAREfYD, Cello Baga COOKING ONIONS Yellow Newton APPLES Washed rURNIPS YAMS DutitiaSet ONIONS, IL CROZIER'S MEN'S WEAR, MILTON Everything the Working Mai Needs ZIMMERMAN Messes William anal Robsert Boy- esare vlltlng mitil thelr cster at Peterborougil foc a fcw daf's. Mr. anal Me.'F. Bac-es are the hlappy çarants of a iahy hay. 'Fie many frienals nf Mes. C. Bridgman li he sacey la teacn sile n anale Uic doctorscure Mr. anal Mra JacksHamilton of C-ýaomo Mr. M. Gardsteis anel and David ofoeurnto wereîaSuda olitors of M. anal Mes. J. Gal- breaiths. Biaise anal Wesleyu Rern-i ai Pan- lincil niitesi Sanday in tise eigh- boholnd. Me. ami Mes. A. SithUof Paler- Mo olsîtesi ist 'Fuenalay nlgilt at the Gaisatils. HORNBY Beat iches fa Mes. E. Brialgen Se., wilo ceteheateal ber Sish irfl-. day. An Important eent af tise paf meek wsanwien severai ladies cf the Insbtte. Mes. Boonel. Mes. Stacrk, Mes. MfDonsel anal Mes. D. Downs isad Ueir pîctuces tahen In olal limte aeas.hy Mm. Raf. Athenanal assistants. 'Fie igo eeadtcg "Bail "eaon opens Apil Itf ma nafceal on the hall aliamnca. AY.P. sois heldaftishe home cf Mr. ami Mes. (Goy Basi on, Mon- day evesslcg wseseabout imenfy- fiee yoang peope mece present. BOWLING CinpieUeliBe Wlldeafa R. MePhail__ 2010 189 274-63 O. Mas-lic..... 156 292 138-586 A. Mecalerson .. 132 226 193--551 M. Defoceaf 138 166 230--536 B. Ccanp .....171 132 181-487 R. Cachett . 148 163 148--479 R. Maien . 163 135 107--405 kJ. Laklcg. 121 141 132--394 J. Wileellhan M8 127 182--W7 C. Eacly _ 148 163 -311 L. Crawford 103 145 199-- 527 Fý Quinian 162 230 135-527 AUCTION SALE lT[IA'tOP% ,TRIM'R BEPLE- NMTSs ALM08T NEW The asalecaigneal Auctioneers hase receineal Instrctfions froin HAROLD C. COOPER fa oeIl hy Pulie Auctioc aitbis tarin on Mo. 5 Mlghway. %lofai mile esat of Palerme, on FIHUAT APIL 81h At 2 Oeloe' h ie fallomlsg: 1 International 'Fracter on cail- hec, Model M. sens; 1 Focal- Ferguaon Traclar mitisponwer take-oeff; 6 foot Momec; SMii'f00111t Caltlvafoc; Pont Hale Dlggee anal 2 fureeal Pîugil. allcens; Inter- natianal 3 faccase Plaugs.cens; International (Grain Mcnder. 7 foot nom: tIsternatianal Teaclar Dise, new; International týuttlng Bas a-lth Inslde and outide pipe; 1 set of Dcag Cultivitacs, ens; 1 set of Seet Maccons; 1 Massey Mailla Macace Spceadoe. iens; Internat- local 0Mow. 5 loot; 2 Robhec fîceal Wagons; 1 F acin Wago;1 Faces Wagon Ions; 2 May Irc;ks; 1 Bacilcake milS Packard Mctoc; set of Meavy Benci l Sigila 150 teet cf M Rvy R anmd Puilcys; Secesllcolla cf nem Wlee Feniig: Steel Fecce Posta; Woaden Fecce Posta;; 13 110e Masse y Sed Dll; 1 internaisallam 1211 II9clber. 12 cac. last lise cew; DeLaval MtIk- e.r 2 u0t1w largepe p anal plpisg; 1 Grain Rolier, W=d; 9411f Sealehs; about a tiloasacal iluilele 0I liais; Quantlty ai Strans; Qssa- lily of Hay; Quacllty oi Enslage. 'Fii la an exceptlonal sale ni good implensentas iil on. oc tma enceptions ail pcactlcally nens. 'FERM'-as h Setilement ilh Cleril an Day nf Sate. Mo Reserve as Use Proprleloe has solalbis dais-y ierd, afd bus th1e farin listeal foc sale. and i delisitety ginnf ap faeming. HINDLcY & ELOi 44-ZB Auctioneera I R. IFoid, Clerk. 6 for 25c 15c 12c 69c. 23c 38c 5 for 25c 2 lb. 9c 2I"- 35c 25c VALUSEFIETIVE UNTîL CLOSINC. SATURDAF Rd C hoic-Qualîty TOMATO JIE lRed (i I eStandard TONATOES CHOICE TONATOIS Rie..ail (iiy lIC. Cibles Z 23cDAITI.ETr PUIRS ea37Ç PRUNEPLUS PEANIJT BUTTER is,37ç FmLLOPUDDING Nos, 9 i elesarl Caramel. Chocoîcte or DURIAN COIN STAICI 16 iliî.il in li - . lC. PUAS & AIIOTS 19 lii aildg-iviere CHOICE UNGIADED PUS'UT166 DEEP DROWNED BEANS 2u7 21Ç CHOICE PUMPEIN 2 î~25Ç ORANGE PEKOE TEA AMBER NO. i1JIONET Al1 Branetd, STRAWBEIRY JAN "'« I33Ç i"nae 39Ç SPAETT eu,50Ç COIN SYRUP ihne&l ensas zé05ÇCINY SUCES 84 .9 Fasry Z., P16M sseN Ballonii Standard lIleelund's PEACHES Mat in 2$ MI II au-ai icald b it.!I[EI. c67Ç' 30Ç esana3 Wiiodbreakers Srnox With Dome Faatenmc Painters' Overails Dairymen's Overalis Khaki Pants Drill Pants Denim Rivet Overail Pants AilkSofltoeuiy Hariwerng overalls Sec Our Sport Shirts Dress Pants Sport CitaisaMi Gaber"u Topmeot We have a Good Selection ta choose from STUDENTS' SUITS Leftin n ery good quality, Tweeds, Size 3.3 34, 35, 36. Regisiar =.5$14 SPECIAL - A Real Buy 014695 A RealIBuy! A GOOD RANGE 0F BOYS' SUITS ln sizes 24 to 32. Pricod $12M50and up Blue Cheviot Boys' Suit Short andl Breecgh. Sizen 24, 26, 27, 28 Regular $1395 $ 9 SPECIAL..................$8 9 MEN'S SUITS I Blues, Grepu sowi oDouble mi Single BmWuMa.-Renoubly Pee Work Shfrts Work Shirts Work Shirts $1.59 and Up Pris.! [»w havlng bemPmen d1i"LitYear SHOI AND MAVEAT CROZIER'S [ GPOCEPY Ff A TUPES 1 YFGFTARZISI PAGE roua THE CANADIAN CHAMPIMU la ýç 1 lei riz SPAGNEM