THE CAADIAN HAMPIN PAGESE948 ORDER SEED NOW THE POINTINO THUMB CANADA HELPS WITR RUJLE 0F THE OPEN F Nom that the expert o seeds Is B3 Joaaph Lister Rutledge FERTILIZER EXPORTS MARKET net a, coey controlled as during Yesterday'a paper - the day Il * ~ ai and peenprdcon t BpJehLserRlde the war year, the wae tanner dornt mtter, hecause il mlght aaaIspeen rdcto f ByJsp Lse uJeg mIl boy lits requirementa focr1948lbe any day - a Toronto citzen i~ - '-n togen chem icalas for fertilIser Qiercnl ale lc n eedng no. Canadian regltered mas tonard out ot hi a rcand let purposes la approxlmately 100,000 vQieaat ly aor ahcrbe aîMaga- andcerifid eedhasan xcL t frezeina dtch Hi mstae S OS t I~ onsof ryanasatd, 180,000 tans uofîchallenger] aawîber of top raBbk lend ceruttirdnaeed rtas anrck- tailfree na mltch. Sol mutak o phate of ammonla, 250,,000tona xccrilves a 10 satîfvthe salaries lnt potatian anepamala thaHeatheen a nalath i cu nv C h i t of ammoniaum nitrate, 100,000 ton thry esraad.rhe anvetgatar p<r- ets ani asl and nd t9Sc a eaa oaigthumh and CA.M ER À aI16t20 ammoniums phosphate, and cd os asaaehalder of thecrnm- United tatea. haai tapled toa inete ointePao 75,( Ins of 11-48 ammoniusm pvinof lire e\cuviia eîssed, Becasae of porr crao lansne lit, rhcccopos three srmcd men yR-sPAE h r,,oud lxi- aivteoi arero duriog 1947, nîany farmers a hodaitbo rowiting lit the h ii il Ronts iOARFN ph abThe d12,500 tenutrf whraold socmoly have sfi- .yrotid viohd inithe cralrn o ýa nai 0000 ton of 'slyhate letlgondaseed of thetc omnoroac- andadcîtrctiaioatodeIiae out ofospes aI o o«îo' t"nso-'>"o- îio'tng .iiiii' 1,l lia' ing, miliihave to boy seed. White the ilS. Rarlg aitneg thioigoeditor Bicha dectaced oas nitrate, 12,000 tons nf 16-t Walter S. Coi lenter J., aliel aI there I eyt esfiin o br_ hybn nIsnle a intec eorgeto Seald lait ammonium phaaphate, and 55000 the du l'ont (le NemousoCompîsoy. ail, delay ln ptarlng ardera may and tosard lm.lana dteh. That 0e meek sboot Ravin' Ross in mhat lhetons af 11-48 ammanlum phosphate Mr. Carpeater rontended ttat tle redore the proapectofotgetting that didadiemsa occ tter.oodtri"acm okati O ag rdcIn exceas of tifiatîionîa sn that both encra- partirular grade or varlety des- 0htsa amaetog ahout tira? .oîomaist. domeýlr realulcemenla la esportet lises at iîachcrs munt meet trie lred. This cao ha avalded hy ar- Il isa story vatyiag oly ia mînar sader allocation of International openmamrket, Ibrir value and, ranglaag tac sentd Irequiremeaha detalta. thal la repeated mcdO ay T'rcrcoasoostrctive crIn- Emergeacy Food Couacl af the consequeatty their tacame ar mages mithaut delay. mark in cillesanad tomas and raad- icom in is editorial bota appar- Unted Natians. Canada ta there- biar determiard hy wat thcy - av's al avec Caada. If theso rat atteoaîpt to attach persooslt- fore helpiag ronsiderably ta sop- c"'Id prodoîr bhat avotd hcep incidenta have an otcame other ir. plylag huagry mountries mitO nit- their effort io demaad. Il tOe top thaa the eventuai reravary af the - rogea fertîlîzer toc produeîng tond cacrotive, earalag sir much more car aad selmes of the entai- Duriao the past tma earo, tIis rrops. Farther-mare, Canada la d14 art mabe il tîossib'efr hetO inata, il la mainhy ta mahe the endumra aa attempîerd ta catI the one of the0ew ristrîca la fhO«rk'rera10prodare 1his surplus, Tom» H aines nmore mary os declde abat onder shot as lasea, mthot bringing morld aam mith ample nouragen Ilen Ithe î'scutlve toO o an a n PLASTER AN BRICK OOwO egv n-proaiisraeteagmn etlzrfrdometir reqire- ancconîîmîr condition. Thc point oLSE M RC ne a it.An the point me mould White il han bren thc prartîce of ments. aI thc argument, said Me. Carpen- SAND, CEMENT & ROAD .110e to mahe la that Ibese law- the Poticrtomn rditor ta pulsh Fortsaately, Canada'a product-l- Cc oas bal if the do Pont coin- IRV14LOOM & CISS0- breahersarme net oaly breahtag tatemeoir about persans iavoîved, ion f irnf ertiizerIs fthepn didat pay ils top eecrutives POOV L STtom asbut are atse breaif g dama Oc and his oasstants have sîalas3 fCasnna ned forarIcultural t. moonlo, saine other crm- POOL STONE 1he lttle Instinctive raurteales that donc sbiîhiaî tihe rra aurrpoea-airaef mmnaaal andpsy mould, vidcncing f heir ron- moine for dorent living, no-de-plame, mole tLvrter organe 1l'lieryanarmld providea fdenvelathe gers.elves abiiy t Phone i 13r i It may nt crme ithin te fne baslbat the courage a i avo-snteîoraf lrge;10dtvrte od.Tfrmol poitantete11w3rha2mothdofion 0sal O ni a unevit ytei ranento ;tetherefote, and otiimatly the pub- Box 20, GeOrgetob pito h ata tda onsWeniae h fnigs nerhsoîphale on ammonta, ammonium lttc ai braI ',crve'd by payingthte mitO fatsad net ivlities. hat lirasignature. phosphate;ad ammonium nitrate e GLEN WILAMS .0e teel titat Il ta a factor ohat- ammoniacal itrogea; and the lsîge slaries rallher thon by losing mnigtavell coirrthie ludgmneti It goes la vbom Editar Bicha la nitrate la ammoniums nitrate, nit- the creallîr 'ervices oif the.,c mca. Julde oragtrale. There hould' fast eramiar iatiatedIrite tha cale itrogea. Ita ofreececonomy. nrclytia1i, iesne addcd penalty frmen w.oyoandmbherefores o afem oft1atttheryone suc a tape woshlp 10 brea o am te derent 10e porsmen la the nelgihoring moret' t,,the rudes i of teypan= and indi5 impulsea 0051 make li toa.rkmetf:has hae amaable to RY jusOMETOWfocman haplss orlda lttlehapler1 ao Sone o thse hve lwBs CONTR ANDHOM in ome nd iiil0e entitird ta tOe Shepherd S bple mortd n lthe bapple spirit of a a'Ri*tiros l e'ioting bencits. That in h Tmactive paîtithe10cativities, are mia iii gin- ibeir sevricetothe .10Oh -ea PROTECT THE JANIS OE blesed witb atroe sPartmaaabtp î.ainrintlimeîoowr. andendureric 24 BOIJE SERVICE -nature. lic liaîîîshiyn aofiamîiaigalng ont Oar ity reporter ater as urvey -. luit iiit- idangîers ilhalle. It Irai. Test Stand oppoasie ofIoffilce conditionos na nesebyt Tî a$s2ycvae aî O-hîm î'iicii ilaihl' 950 MILLION NEW LlOl Paslont lee metropotin, rerammends that me 1Tmbras r elynenecae tivih- ihlîomtipaoile mari ith a ash,- PHON 301 ahosd adaraf thetonnlion e cc, ministem.lcodera la tise ogrio hi-olitnd Il 1111v thr bi, Fioaii iasIo icrh ea in oa e a Union for the Protectioto an- omsity, have sera ofitaemrite înationîitiia i gh spirit ilflitriaf- vhort iaear,: t00, . yv 10e Finiari- Al I aseafIs ur Rtas P'riag Furnaces tor Hls-clad cor ___________________Femnalen.-The Srene l t a r tOctheeditors, obicbh le ltam ai P'it. is1 tOc ory af Canodo'a ipsbllsbed, riiisiag sport ln L.ove'îioflie hoe tiaýn ni% oa resilian idutiî% hirh aa emeigrît _____________________________________________ ieorgetown. îaîîatadmirable vi'timî'î. i Il anather a r, is a porerfol - givo-s people ta gra iiiicr-iniitiie plîîîiion loiamplin tiihiir _____________________________________ 'here sno nee tr ayanvocii lariil.iriiir iian rî-,vanîîddî a nd.iait. ri marhitv iailhtfe- miîtiiî'fm"iaiiih 0,lîîî,îî îagot.,ofNeavYork. Pris, lac 0crad e quooe a tetter sentmeto 1fhme(iniui>.- a, MrB11,1mbOchRa,. Chares a C, Cocrae. traplrmingth , aihin the nreuirn)a nd aaîl arai tti aiîrýihi'ca ii- a F arm s E lectrified For iaerC fth hmpo t aitehome t o ii..o r ,r a idu- i okiigi.. a iiifo$21 R easonable C osts ha: f""": ~îiîl.'t'ha: i'îal'tiiiiiiriy I ESTIMÂTES GLADLY GIVEN Di-ntsix: LlIME PAYMENTS AVAILABLE Bailey & Toews Main St. Phone 259 Milton MILTON GREENHOUSES Flowers for Every Occasion Corsages Wedding Bouquets Funeral Deigns .WE DELI VER Phone 151 R. BROWN, Prop. Main Street MFoTIC KETS and INFORMATION CONSULI i RONALD HARRIS - tPHONE 404 "use Our Pashage Esprou Servicesfer Qairk Delèie -j leea'1in(taiiarnM t iii oster ntcg- f-I hnt inoiiiii i; oaur, pase i'iiii.i'1iiiiiIa ,oId 11e tniii, l'aý o it inîg îon'îr i, 1iia.'ý .i'î uliai i r-i aîîii c ýd-i t,, (.î iaîh îth,îtin . , îîîî. iriîi iiO " raîidpt isan î(i i 'îiar fiai, hlui- inNýIiîiit , hi i, -a ro ..i'ai ici il" î, ira'Ihimodrilngspoitiln i pr-as the incidilcof rcl,î'ced fn bhîa'.'rher(i'îîivas fim,'înbcn participahtinirs p ahii%as oiîcna- i.oi',' in builingr ih.'rI'ocii'No,, iif apîîa-lai viirf. inimony ot ils a.Sp"h., v a maorac toin'rl i'inrihoino iid»I'inîqoî'nvY. I1Cm nicernth liitnîtIng aond fOc dci.- ah f hi' gavccnîng hîîdy iloct .-aohh'l iii u'î ncuîtthat no piîî'aahy laiaihinvIt i (but aila- u i i fici'ihi fr hifl, ninariof tal,î,afîfidov'ts, icoiing o ' o;pnýtanîd doping thi' îihtc. hiT ih,- gI' 'i lr iorn font-ca voi'iniaaoruc(h)iao îtf aItOc pro- ,î'ds rdli, ra'vodîhif.-atali' nana Aqî>roimaTIii'y 40M1 a'lh paid -. amia utofihî'Wy avli-r thi' msap- pioo- ia liaia i aiviciti lrc' r-îî iai v erýtO pamitomna. But1 n on'iiiira isral'y o, p aifh hic iîhhei'I otomîîilitoam- pur -r ith thc ioheýgrIly îîf aOHigh ISiOaîien îct, atIiihaobiosvly la Ihiv formative ears. ta saiiny thc" demandt aI mbat i-i euplemitic- stty rotted "local rivalry." lis 1%diOcl oît10uaderstad bone asho hcnme greatly agtated at International îdoube deaiag, mhen pfialytOec mmc moral pin- cîples, applied at bome, raine sa 11111e Commeat. Youes truly, Chartes 0. Cochrane.' The eîltor also cbargcd that printiag the statemeof of 'George- towa playeas gamliag on ganars,' eana Oc pst domo ta the Oat a! thse moment. It might Or added, If 1he editerof nIeIbeSOrld ishea toecaharasthe iployer In ques- tion, os eretam lu goaf ints tOc finals, me msy a-mstin apub- lihing tOc ramescofal]tIthose Ia- vhd. As me siî befre, tOe cbargevstands, andithoselaInocust- honait mutOrnamed 10 tbe proper auihorilien, mbea ccquestcd. Aberta Mous, off Berkley Square, London, hasa Oes opened ta give prospective emîigrats la- fonnation shot the province, ATTENTION FARMERS WE AREv PA'ZING THE HICHEST PREVAILING PRICES HORSES - -CATTLE - -HOGS ST aura.ië oletfor Ilmmrdlate Sscac.' GORDON YOUNG LTD.S MIILTON 210 TORONTO ADELAIDE 3636 4caà4C4 RESTAURANT Open 9 a.m. ta 12 p.m. daily INCLUDING SUNDAY MEALS - LUNCHES - ICE CREAM IFISII ANDUCHIPS TO TABE OUT WE DELIVER Please phone lni otdees by 11 oafock IVE VILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU PHONE 198J HALTON POULTRY PRODUCTS WANTED POULTRY & EGGS -0 ('liieken.i Ducks Turkeys Ctustonii Picked PHONE MILTON 1-W CHECK YOUR CAR for SPRING Yoîî arr rardially inailed 10 visit Our Newao trmrnt, Sec the Machines 1051 ,îjd Thoosnds of Miles la your Tiren, ' vou0Gralatr ing Comforl and Fron aindAlkgnaine rAsIe fStrighicsaang uiv i. nîllin iia positioin ta iîler 1110 thalt amosa BEtAl I li EldlNG SERIVI CE. Ilfnior irea veaocopped I Miiacitihhcd looîk lor shom, vîgns ofut tîlrara car; il voar cllii', illiidcnlca lii a'oder, onavia or paod aon il gas doiaîttOh' ioad, taOn bcnd. Thron are danger wvroings of conaditionsat ial îy lcod 10ruiord tiresaorcavcry coslly or trsgîc accdent. WlseSal eed Bath Staie- slip amd Dynwaaally This Eqipment is operated hy our own mechanics who have been specially trained ini the use of th.e BEAR SERVICE HITCHCOX MOTOR SALE Phones 345, 555 Oakville Ontario PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN CHAMPION -rmtwQlýàv A;D».Ti. 1.* lun