Tl riz A HMPO RS8A PIL1 8 PAGE mlx - -- -..~--.privilege of rejolelug over ut torast MEMORY'S WAY A Profession Sonue soul eternally aved (Luke NEW S and The Sunday School 15: 7. 10). Mueh uf Jesue min- Maybe a lot of peuple dont istry and thrat o Paul wuu gîtes thiol becaue they are atrald ut A stout hearted lady trout, Eng- tLesson te warning the %inner (Mai. 21: ulot up the apacity for thsught. land bus hadl the courcage ta sug- I37; Ac. 20: 31; Col. 1: 28; 1 Cor. We hope thats thse eas, betaUOe get ln publie thut bousesetrk VIEW SSUNDAY. APRIL 4tis 4: 14; 10: 12; Gal. 1: 6-10; 4: 2-7: sasybe me eau relleve that tesurahoutdt be eegaeded au a proteus- Of Halton F.em nerest Eph. 4: 17-21; 5: 5. 6; Col. 3: 5-8; and sentd thema bath to exerrttulug Ion. Presumubty thse blea behiod -- ----.41. Theu. 4: 6-8; 5: 14:..itu 2: 15; iheir memory. Monst peuple tlsInluatt tbis lu te belli dlgulfy, lunsmrte iltatonJerey Nw cud" A PROPHOIT AMONCI EXILES t Jno. 3: 6-9; Res-. 3: 19). tht tle mlud lu 11e a *55gful a eu y may, the housemfes trud- ChmlnGolden Text.-Sou of mau. t - Vista" loset, lwtt) bold ut us illoually cloue assoititon mith FaryR lusususln 4ya lave mode thee oàeatthmau ut'ie sB i - mach. Medital men sud selettuts dishes, dioperusud garbage. FabosseRflcsgh Zona, 141 17eaM oldl" ards- of :cv-cs::o o:nedho FculeroloOte see tet tl7however refuse ta support thut Thore naseaime mies protons- Bi-osof il%,- li1: l flee et Trababger E- ""N: l"t F .1: 1-1: 3: Tirad eare Nomî viowv Thor, Is >îmrit le mbat :::eol-.mrai] mes and -llege :0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ttn:t snCeponlt' 17-21:;4: 1-3. oit ovan: remnember or 10w long gradulees a5llMat, cith their oet- isterlo esvCapo og Exositon. L Thes:- l: -:1l-: A'n::tsremember Tt. xetPtthe ichies îecgrîy l:mitcd te tht tom, dsance vproductieon romfor Con- Cemmnssion, 1: 13. _PPoOCatJioii lmtation yen set ons yurself. You l iit3sdueiie o ada. 'Od Zoo s s e is kuown temnsiyadneiie o te ait Jersey euîhusiasts jue t ec- Ezekiel means "one wsoem Ced -setlil ynrselt levasse île mlnO ne prtitutor ressonort aili, pro- enil. ycompleied asonther retord ofas sirtngthened.' Hten-os en le- lTht numbet- etBoards of Trade mrlu hy s procesot asoeiation. fiolpe ope tome te be regaed- 660 ibs et buttrft ovith makes s re qoceihet 2 Tic. 3: 16). Hs ond Chambers et Cemmerce lfeder- if yen dont lave unytitngte0ans-cdi os more respectoble tîsu non- her lot-tme productiou 7.900ibs. tther :00 o pitst nomed Buoial.ted lu Tht Cusodion CharnIer et seciste an Ides wltl ssly the! crefesiensîs woeworled just os et bulervial. Ail of her records He had hien crrtcd cupile le Cemmerce hos ponsedl the 500 rhances are îlot yos tat remets- hord. heave been mode on 2 imes milh- Bohylon (2 Ki. 24: l-161 Ezel- mar orerte firs inlime ite li- ber île ides. TInt Tait île fauttblo lot uoder flicemanagement ni her !el 0000a con icml:ersro' w:ll1r- toryof ts nationnal mevement.Tt e of or mlud. Its your Isult for 5tttspetaltoly Ionlong bc nOwners' hoot moter feeders and, cniah andl Daniel. Tht former wsusrcvcsied eday hy D. L. Mor- flot prevIdin thlepeg. mere dersbed thun eculer legl- crclaoru. lacI aod uBil Feshtr- hard prophtsitd 34 ent: blote relie. eserelive Sctreisry nf the Heo de ou eeothat? Simple lly. a quiet saut, or hcsithy body, cln ot ie'oeled bAI do lan9nlied10a 0 Cnadios Chomiser et Commerce cnoeghsys tht suthsrity. te thmaespis ly roe- mont Genlt Feru %,bastrecet ýlo ee yitear etltr lc eeme ai National lilodquesns Mon- heer mmd muode fors. minute or onleau% bs sprtuol far sud retord mis c ey 111h in île lisi Inon. Tl:e oeIl rame 1ta EzehîrI reel. Iwo, tîco ry te recoustruet your nid te erh diverst reilingo s o Cesnacl ong disance Jersey o per laser hy thhcrver Clebor. 1Mv.. Mo:rvii lsaid: "Wilh tise ai- tlen sof thosehi lu reverse, mors- hesnceand nesto-poer morS. produeet. Hte500e a manof e aimlt lfeih sand rismeut oetihe 5M0 sffliites i ighoek t e eIdesi-t t srted 'Thoniearr evro profcnioual cor In -ecognon:of etZanas grc;t gclldee ssoai bieols>have mrched] a milestone ln tlh t -i hs. r ftsI es iva ochiccement. Halson Jersen Bte- le denovrrcd ttht Isofe lsmnstmtlent f aid a sbse-u lovn ntall teP reelîng lude- Il loch thten-rld ofsport to an 'sle and rcltlst Id ot ocorommnîîy srvlrt O bsiontos eders CIls issico-operstilias ith lw efr omnt srie O ortoi]theevcnis ni île fi obr. thiol ap tht mesi cosperatlng the anaianJersy Cttl Clu (,rt.Htec-os ividiy spirituol as f tht memhevshlp luno-totemn Cas- Yeu ecthe whnle pint fil , leavssmpictions etal] this ly thta5' is staging o Bnqa t'in tht Mil ton à nisvod hc tctoeyo < pOOO da sshich t have just ceusspîtîed, I d'flotten or îlkit Tey:g in an amateur asutht auty ni- Towno Hall (se Tetoday eto-s. n coit st oliroBoard., of Trade sud Clan. oocd te say os sr ils mes-e meut lsrnalvetateasprofessonsl. Culing Aplcti 31. Co. lise Houralle Trirs- îrolslels de-cill::o n nV. 1bers of Commerce t nony mare goiherlut TInet imply tmesutthe l eorsonsaunso-ateur 10 domrigt T E, Kennedy. Mnisler of Agri- # lis catil iosgnificatif, Tht hondactlivr in thr oo ommuitu sanme thlisgWool-gtbelng mlt5 inslin itnlusuy nou-nportiug fleld. celtue-tfer Ontarios, 10 ta elhe ofe nilise El ras there aun me." bel aise lahlng s greater ltereat provîde notiing defisite for mem- Aud evos sportso-eu secm quille guesl speaker. We undersiand tîloIt oaoos nho sotîsCoe i0intionel lroliemusu se atanyOIT tne llugt tn It neessasle8rur soohîte sge ounothiehlis whlth. tichetcc aenos avlishie tram of-, hom-:viie le s e nderflise hand atthser ime ileir hitry. Tise,-pesresliou 10 give assciaionS a I *chanceisotovsmy mi uo licrs ansi ditettrs ofthe Halton sot ths Lord lir 29: 13). Eetîltuas-etanding up and hego ooe -OHo-seiv s mapsdlcarsk Bug Jersey Club; Jas. Bremuer; Sec- "5as a surreadcrcd seul. Hetamus on nationailsufairs. I lrs:esioosimau't itistes the fond. reiscyof ettht Csusdiau Jesey orlling thot thtepoweof Gsd:i tIf c onguîarîy apissapristte DFMORA<I. It might udd dlgnity. bathbus- Club; and lise Atricalttafl Office shoeld he ulson hlmr. If mic. 11e- 1thol. tht 1001h mcmistr ostusizut- ____ores alreudy lave îlot rare dig- n Milles. siie, act dsiroos t soivviuc Cod. : io hoeid toctht Easiesd. SOsaI- M aeamy en eseut ostscmnfo e As a e -eeanocrîsî ofetflise Hal- - i:l arotci heoe l I lhson Board et Traie. qdure lt vîilingte1 ilght for tIcîr godu tIa seded sud useful - suOmethins tOnloslhttlrcserliScreincipecial endeement for endl - ton clOn-he Avficersfotua.481mre Ol Ez-sin mono sosys typical niflte te laik t ttstICa ton uoel>'. Thil neny peope, inlodiug professions- elctd s t)lo%,:-Prsien h-ts'kill5 :5dt-: Tri o.t 6) O5d.maloiyeoftrne11cin the natioal c-rte:nlý rueos-emoen :shavcn toel. Tht Prloted ;orvîti au fss';orse - Presfdene!-fîettn-f ltise m orte Wo- Dosttc, Palerme: 151 Vic- mOtemeuhallovi ionstofemete- Wsand Prco..leald R. Grahasen o Csrge- ":f0ri il.1, . 1E:iivîd ltler oeth(o:'fedevolîson ove lu comn- Ki etap 01 l tour;: 2n Vsc-PtniSe^ncans Mol01- , Il sp-n endutd t2:lh.Cso1s cp miîtssof esthon 0000 lpopul- tali o5 eget a tiesc asalysis of lat. Rso-eeod. tteretar-rrres blsctîslt0 sscnx:oe orsa sal devess-y realy mefihoalit m. ir s tsrgos tir:the vhildrenco f thv inan 5:ae nt s o strigel s talc tatement se the Ht wo bs as aopeu miud tals user. J. E.WhiselsvM ilton. Th shouloir oosstscc. Eutoed lus agileaprftaasf dn _____(':1 c.3:le:1101.:11 oordet Trde :ov gelut Grmaiy fs-o- s Go,- onsse rhr si elds Mape CisTo dd ales-on e1::os-:- Oenhbtersvdspser]t.olsenr 1117tîîsnsý:conits1isor oiîlaie reîvtesr oltont. '.%apl lnitTe ddBateris f ý.s dmoessagee tis cuiddIlv t.%ic lhva ratviewt T a rfse. Ayrshir sud Jers-y Bull. I -r-îs:ivs-151. th., it ler toto-ber hboords 50 omtter The onneai meeting et the bief to:s of ethe 7ftcOlc olonln Y Iit sih lotizo othet :mndtrln Misl ir ot e stdi ssAocat- BHolso oolc sio in sev- te oiyo h aini ion mos sheld ioale entouI ,. 1001:c Itcif :0 :n1 îo o:oshs b ne ch ols ttt otos Most. Mrh 22Od. 'h cvroivii- ohosappeîo ro liels]pied:01550are ýt-tdi-f,,-nm h- od auditorimhe,oe th itrest csloscridIn le. lIIK rTtesrotccn.ýd ai-e0tss:lme if vns the s- othestmcmhes othetuitoslie gol1 . 00- Os fi -soomo roiv anioc.t:t:miostes telîsotol clth iterettthe reports mr o .oce rs odofsthe ' i.CMP. Hortisseb oltheoficr chtirtstOedlte f.Eokh:.l appls.soil "a lnathisT'acalfsom Fort Walsh wot îof oram vo-cth et tht Asocation. o:anneteil,, o- :1risees sols:: ht 55:50:,ctht Albertanlorst-r Operatosss o mmtnetd io Jase -:. 11,17-21. Testa. .mse.t et tscvtiznetngges:1 0 0 19451it amemhesshitsof78. A iThoc ve.slno-n oelhct.ed in t:nagrclturce. vnhine and rual tht end et 1947 ihis has iutreassd sooparisors :o:Ots EzecI 19: 1-32;:totts:g. satd thteqBridot Traide o- te06M an:d man>- nec- mcmbtco :i.:1-77 Fovr. oisec aned h, Icdin c srsvc rtanuiztlon havee cigneriop sinve tht htglu- Chrstan %veAr.rn:0 setose. for:-:ivrhttovmcst 1inthse rom- ntgof the >earv Thenom- hure-, hold hso a mtslhman nirsoso ' 00Iit 12010i. ntcength.sohh illhbouse tlloors os 17:J.1:-r: 17. At. 21): With flc end ortWnrId W:ril,. l6b1uls andsi ase tht ec-ilaIera- 2g 3-; ilh tt- 17.;.fer. 5 9 20 e0edonnvsooi:c i0nc toare bell: sopidly neriot coin- Tt ib a geeot rtsieee GonIeve1th-- Cnada hogon 10obo areemd pleton ordvof etJcli:oh gitii tu 0 O'. in Itrest tn puhblc prolems. te50y Sogneol applcatiosc othIchoques but il nvoîcco o alvemodnui;reseto chho-s-voconcernerd! tbtise utachednetc irestd by An- pensibtlsto' to mukec us stewards ehknn cc-oser freminunctivcec-ar- drew Stet, s-l. omasniftht Oa- othbe Worl. responsole tte atrylime eeooomy te peretime T'hat tarse Arhire Club. These ralp- lise Word teoeue telon 'nmm ntoest fhns bts-s I netolngty vt- rcsented 1038 Ayrshls-e Cew n-sth 1e iOtet 28:1-21Thec atthms', (let s::thse icreotî ot Thtolan- 5 ceent:esctocts-td hythe unit, te :oontcc :0in0 otlis 5mes-soc5 diuotChamonrcfCommerce theOe ho hved tenaaInelve monolbopertei slretiy tvom Ccd o 'Hear th >tl:rc voase. Tht nallenai te<lern- Setrtaco' WM. Cchurnofetthe IVord et mc muthi oand ta gis-e lio n asroc-o freim 150 Bors4 t of<.// 0/ Yr Jersey Clubasoepreeted r> os slsrcoo-rnizothelohssof 'rs.eîoslCl:'inmhtes f Commrcl si:gnnd up applicatos rtpresent- that Word Os- ; 337: 6-9: toa.7q. los 1917 t: 0tri5o day. levai tomn- - tnt somte 10010 Jersey ceo. Twoo1I 2 Cor 5: Il. 20; Col. t ý29).To:' misltle- o]trieen ostabllsheil te hundrd oftthicenumlbcare trom oue soho inows 50-at Ccds Id ee to:tl l afls in st 140 ot.sncl-oHllen Jeserd. nWiit tisesieo îlot thec d ocf 5::-ot crten:cnlcno Threugh- Tht leeien oteo, offiters re- do: O not ol gîterhem osrning lecoro is Field t:ce I7cppartmAnt, 0o1:r4 as llleos- :.Presîdeat. Net--nn sogoyllîn-rpnt cyeitO. TsrieeI,,h seItln oentstn.iason o-ns Prler; Vice-Pres.. jlm 0e-Dar tr n:-:l burit hool o illi tht mcmhcvetornoionnn- l:sgtlo;qSecretlary-Maooct. G. Wc:-Il soirt hic blond:lnt thtelband riovleoIsîie; lio ravto. tftil Ketfev .i, fhi-s sstlhfel -ervees 1(v101 C.n(,oilriisi n Chamn oi::e rssttsa WVP. Wason. Ontario Lite Eaclot liteee sl ot îlo tr Oi l 0A mnics olr -oire le fo Iter-u SoosrhCoo-isiofrrshehbs play- 1(:09-2, 27,. Th:. :-ngs oIsOni n nirtstnlonel stte:rî r ad sin rIiotparI ln tht devetop- :-l: iC«-en 2 17: Ecol. 10:11,ilprorfils,. emo- Fied sert ot heMariieUni., brougt or): Rom(: 273: Ccc ý l-21: ) tIs tqOei:' v:o-ncl:en, rvetheeegh cro on sgratulatisons and a0nine art trios.n te r:red :soiunt% n o.llnc hlO:îoal or- fs:o-cuggesin telthîe ofiftero and lsehiiet sNif> 'nace soclý ite"c::celo.otOi: teoir porial prj- to.tmh-r,nthisthc:ving neguel- ,.h1: 10- 732: Ar - o-is-st loasso-e:cec-io cal. on :--hch in rotegsoletd as il, 2ifl- M.tsssy unewi moIiif ore,, uisiorne - tr- h ,i led hoto-e o-ecl iltr tte soolrailas 2 lOiov:te s-oinsthe Province r:0ovîosciiisrs oeoe :es::iC:ohr o 'm F..csskCG.Stark 'IfMoilton ýe ,,tr: l h.2:717:,s ii27, Il le ri recto'0oravt-ionsresoi-o rftO ltoet:lnr, e(ol toneccols rv. 19). Jehovas h sso i:i.-U-targe, io- tuset losîse rt Annutlail r r .ninti Ili, :-vst 0:0:01TO: : l ilti: rencrasronts et om TNigtt in - :0n:::stfisol , c crs-. mntlvo t IN10pelvttteily îlot rinua neighimetjit Ki, 17: 0 2 Chrne: 1 s-V'i;orooloie forcet fcr geoliOs1 1, prnocooliethete ot HOT-oInt ,1. n., anrc :00-50 aso Il - choc o-nil iton as:TINlis ecso-- W iti<s r eîi ut<naiec .c-sord h th Huton 1oi ,-r12: 19-2: Il: 4 i. '.We she::,l. lo(s- v-so :illi:cc soh, e- si01r (icI eand Hallero, Mlk Pro- l:if i ll:.: -: ,sio::is s::iog-te.î: ilîîiînu'ii dor:::- - o:.tion shot l ntht, o:::::r i: tiI,:0,-crpn-gtl,.g" Pc. T-7heatre. M!IOono n coWei- 'sr1l: A, s- l , f;: Il.i _: -: oscs.:.onn fil,c ost. A _7:2: 271 tIt s net enouch Capita:l ,ui,,cn- t, t be is Ms:-l.- - odthe ilsiiting eli ill,:0:0 ;nt:1 h.,noaeoman::Oc:::: 10 io-Oronandl Mectaset Io-is to--m hNo t:gl:tssotis.ýIsin:, .: '0:0 r (,itit" res b ,,firI vrtets ot Hlte oodiencstigli:îo:o oleol ci ie le __________________ -r 1h throtr dynamit nemioes on d:osnî alnt bc le s-.mnbtrsl" - eu-ut 61 0 touî:1tie suuali (-Yliiîdcr the iclis aed pias:o ettoviion, tIe r: 211: 7Tis c os tht rounsi oi tPollock aIt(1 - Vtttsio. ao-intd quarttttesstoi:osv. l:ss ovrler gseeetocs Bovn Eo:e::s. hacettt:t -ci:n sw O aeos-l miei t:t c:-onetnus e 01. lnnîthe' evîed aos Master et Ce: conici ailotusAv.13: 22; flot, 10: 74 De Wallac soK- oon -1os: 2: 7-9). f- nîssfaclturern o :\< A(fi I 16> )a previoii-ly iiostaUl aa rvilrloct: e. ndautho:c '1:Th o lher sie ot thi,, trutb s F[11GI11 GRADE MEMORIALS îIlghtiîtfhic audtece:-o-th Ils, il- îltloton o-oicur etv EtIOA NRVN it ie laigv cyliinder jpress, snali ustreted lctr0econn a'Talrent to-o ::d ilosve cn: siticoninue, sitîtto Icodon and NewsoYrk" ilh 0 Tee. 10: 210. 29;i 62 W'ater St, Nos-Oh GALT I i urc m erilprnii Tht alante ot tht programmtte .. 2: 1 loe : 13.15). Th, TEILEPIIOPiE 20118tt i <u cnierilprn ohilcvecytexcelentsoan hardlltis:locmoetarsos, hic vomit anî ___________ tri îlot standard oet cevent yprm C. bslsso tha. o-s ashes tae lier _______________1îîtî-p-intîîlg tdt w'iIl mee F. Picîlt. Preident cf tht1-tutoo orl.cietl le oire 2 Pet. 2:q aityp HtfeintoClub, o-s tht srybet> ho21-221. Tbel oasiseeopo Il leoso-tre vtaimasnif lhc eneuring. OeriietI:cd oleand ol tlo- 16-luwi J. M. Fraser. imim bela ,rI, engeM LTNhep o-tIIillalt idtnt nr tht H-oi-tetn-FriesI5O t'rion Jn. 10,1-5, 27-291. Il i- Ass.ociatio:an tCanada. soke brfiet- 0:: oaleimaa'5 ibusiness te souen lp sud pssented a Red Sel Ces-il- ihe hacîclidier and aise te sosce E DIN totation et Production ta Morteyr. o-enietras haisle.~ . Watson, populor fieidman of tle dts raI de Il, tht- Iacisltdtr'q Halîonclufr h ustnix iat;Irt rqitd ths ad le and Atetyient h a a i performaucesofon eeoetthe roem- Iheboe s o deep signfiantt o ý becs f tIc MalIen bord. 001er 1 osos' ords. "Ht bhal sereiy lice, Wldutg ot of toosn 60est15 lurludesi Pres. hbearse be s sarscd -- lHonbIens- epa:r Weldtng of Al Types Q a iy U î-i and irMs. W. L. MClure ut theC -i s the privitege etfsarnint Portable Eqospo-cat Q a iy C Peel club; Mr. sud Msn. 1. Me- mes, tien It antp shC turus fsrn Caugiserlis at tht Hoisteio-Fs-otsa ils ss tand livres (Jas 5: 19. 20). PHONE - 348 Scrvittg Miltomo ait Jourual; aud Ms. sud Mes Gens-tejNot nuiy do me tisas deirce our MILL ST, - ITO- Dreonas ot Cuelph, onoscul bot ne choltoute tisae for fine healthy birds feed... 'Starlight' Chick Starter Made from an evenly balanced formula containing ail the necessary ingredients to insure rapid growth. We also have a complete stock of Peat Moss, Qyseer ShelI and Grit. Get yours while the supply is adequste. STRIH'GUARANTEFD FRESH FEEDS Mode By MILTON MILLING CO. Phone 50 Limited Milton Ont. 18i LIVINGSTONE STOKERS Are instulled and serviced in the Miton distict. Any of these users will tell yon how comfortable, economical, trouble free and labor ssving they are: COAL ANTHRACITE SOIT INSULATIO N GYPROC LIME CEMENT PIONEER FEEDS R. S. ADAMS Phone 48 ,ooo0 riel.~>' ,se . e44 w~hieh i s ho0wn r1 priîîiiîî i e ()I, escription.. aII(4 c is livte l a nd <111iliost iod- ced Vertielv Miehile cylinider press, I j(4l>Iilg press aînd othcr equip- g plIant, w'- van supply quality and -t vo<ipjarison writliaîoy produced in an Champion riercial Printing id District for 88 years il TRUPRDAY, APRM lit IM THE CANADIAN CHAMPION