7MISDAY, APRM5 lat 1Mq THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE TiJ GEORGETOWN BURLINGTON ~ t The Arts ssi CraBs ef Gerge. A complete nom set of street 0 f i teiCSL tO vui i.e l Itoma belli thaeir Mercs meeting ons slgna have beon roelved by tise O f I tere t t W o m n te 18th at the home of Mca. Ar- towt5 and ta: early date 10 la thur Beaumont, Glen Williams. hoped to place tisem ln their pro- Th nuleuchra and dan.ce ofprplaces. Th ilamoulpUssg to tise Esqueslng Agrictural Soc- $435 w a poosed by coofcl et lts " ' AM vai, mas another Mig sorcous, wits cous ement malle that tisey had Tractor expenses can ho smtetoerto houdreii enjoylng tise arrived. m in im u m y : e v e n n ' onur a l Sn t . P t i s A t o s w M o a d a e t in g o. t.h e aU A U Tisorougs and tlmelly lubrlcation. te thrd cope atenglacIner ra Are aoard o eein $400r ssp wltis replacement of wotn dace et miir Georgetown Lions. Toronto, mas ongaged as ceaidlent part& <sr luosto lest Fia nteRs nierltaslr f$2Dwt Carefl operatio, avodin oeir- oom. Novelty dance winners travelling expessa and a cr lnadlng and higis ape weeM. n rs. R.M. Ayls. mllcage o lh et ie r *Seleesion nf proper a". ni munisut Arien ssii Mr. G. W. Higisce mili hol 1n charge ni ail op -__________________________ tractor tor field and beli work. Hello Hornemaisa Wlth nsany TUIP AND) APPLE CASSER- MCallun and Mi. Ivan Craisiree crations and a tompora-y office By renernberlng thet a tracter people looing avec aeed catl- OLE mise won spot douce prises. mould hie oct up la the mater- sisosld hoe workod saoser ta tull ogues La anicipaion ni sucrulent 2 caps tisinly sllced turnip Herald. moris filtration plant hi lcrc l F r maneityas poscibl tincy. are rsh setlies,totla Idif- strlp, 1 clip slicei raw as, ope Pblie Scho B oc haue W os lcrclFr Equipment aamu psibleny flul t etedw oteirsl t bp. rw u ,1ap, additinety for n plan for tian Euclusive Dealer la iis district task af tslblsg about caccots and sait, 1 fast. lcssosd rind, 3 lape IEllIN adto ffu orst h ___potatues and turalpe. lpever, tern julce, 2 tispu huiler. Central Sciseel and have torward- MILEING MACHINES MILK COOLLERS we~~ ~ ~ cidta hr r aynwAtraelyr ftrl n d tise plaas le tise Depaciment ni CREAM SEPARATORS ELECTRIO WATER HEATERS me lsdtiai isee re an no Alecoteloerset erlplalie Bluc Mountain isili on tise Edoration toi, thisor approval. ELECTRIC FEED GRINDERS AND ROLLERS maya i iandllng these otand-isys apple la rassecole. Sprliskle ecri 7tis lnc lu clouci and a detour la Wiscn tiis lu cecved il mili he HALF TON STEEL TRAILERS u traite lentest meals interestlsg. layer mush soit sud sugor, over seseseucv due te tise apricg break I ccessoy te perheoets COMMERCIAL OR INDIDUAL CEMENT MIXERS, ETC. S Thece are oiller tfonde recomimend- top put lise tern cii andt luire perbfeth B U I eIl ia we oftn negleci beesse ssii dot mush huiler. Baise, cee- utoms conrcil te secuco tise ap- Soles ani Servico ai yur door ai noextura olet BLOC S te fmllywer no entus ccetcie la preiseated olectic oves ut Survcysi miii ie sreyirc No. prepriotion. ht lu estirnated tise ad- Quicis Dolivcry. firsl-namely pacslp, drled pes 375 degreea sstil turnîps are t4 ise s a tuice A nom gh l ay19 eiti sîo rn ntenegbroodo'i CONCRE5JE and CINDER ssnd beans and caosned pumptIs tender. Baise sausagcm or tender- th .erftr.Anwhih f$0,0. Te Band are as-i ROY W. GOODNVIN BLOC S ~ îcai~ psgp~g oinla een t smefime te ois celat tiseugs ansd wlll muea a fous te cet saerteii on tise addition BLA CS~- 3 cp SpiosI naD Il cas) in er ve n ai saiet co: ssiderahle toucisi business toc os quichly as spossihle ln acier to Phono Aclea 40r6 ta.bte,1tpsat s. BOSTON BAKED BRANS Eniigts sme otu e mush tise uteadily increaaiag thp. her, tp. aie, 4gg «pesurP.ok Mte. David Kalgisi suiiered a scisiol population.-Giazette. ____________________________ popper, '4 tpfigr c, ipearcosd ractored haro mises aie was rua brae SAE 1fls peu seans. llî cop saii pock, doms isy as automobsile on a sireet INHE-PLTY14 FOT J.CookeMslecaot anO~u pumpii lais sascepan 1 cisepped enlioa, 2 tisps. molasses. in ie ss 'rooTiouro-atngtaos.sts tp.ssi 4tp.pper aTro are r peue e e HIEPLNYaee - _____________________re._______ Ihn 4W Mlo nca. Neat îisarougsly, stîrcing tap. seustird. 31h copu mater. ausutohv tecstrmve 'ie o r 99 h oues37.moret Phone242W ilton freitiestîr. Six aorvissgs. Pics uver tise heana. Cavr aendl te haesci renof et cie er 99,9d203 houca ment caps R ne dIN eicrea 2RNII aUTE iii as lotn tandt haut Coi Mc. L. Oaviison, miss operates than tise average toc a5 poes. Tise C e e ta dM u t 4______________ cut isoddcdcarb,2ali n e tad1hu. t tler business ln tise village, ais cromlnc mostisa, Apdil-SIeptern- thape. botter, 2 ihaips. stance tise suit pers sn cuises ssci lightly cl oe r.Daifio n r, sull 1,388. or5.0hus julce, 1 gratod orange cii, reent meved Mln thedm preiir coRS3 or530 oesshv iscoma nw tiseter promor rnher. normal and tour helum. JuIy hid Ig tbap. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ isi como daugstoc Drain thgle aen n u Itefnrmul. Eîgist motswr bv or Sanding & rinisning M ILT ON T AXI thpCorsneal syru siiieie s andsoe ihalteqsi rmissise sIsn ol dssve tasoo poswseason.et lie greatesi iearu abv nor tist. gredlens. Close tise coiser, islsg Aiivoa. 1 ese tmu 36.0 heurs and August Have you- werk isooed now fer futore sisacîson, also ï10st oe Kney A SIS #T O AO t 15 Ili, pressure snd proceus 351 fle grealeot iseloci mlts 35.2 is. Oposî Hîc csnd) PASNP W'II TMAO minutes. 1 ATCADRJBRTL SAUCE Baises èeas Bostes Style mîtsATC N IBBRTL m-ut ~~~~4 large pacmslps. 1%i cupa tomate Tomatoca; Omit l55 cop mater andl ~ jJ ~ (LALOCLAICADWXN 2 misolo closes. 1 top. salit and % aruing cuP. rassoit, tinte hefereL LNOEM AY Promupt - Service - Cotarteoteus l lookr~ pals pp rseîcA-e esestiisescps UCINSL asis TAREer Ath5 ie iii irection lasipl Moiay-LIOEU AYN Ai Pssngr Isuei1 Bursi vegoîshies rnay ise ul- sighis n e finis cerne(it a total 1,IS-_STcoCK, FARM IMPLREM- Wr viii bc glati le rail ut asy timc e ogsvc cstsimatca 14 ~ ~ ~ ~ ri aia evc-lIeOt sn mskn otie Indie.t Cosn rageit if they ose caugmut la lime. goaul. home ssnd home seriet mitis INTS, léUIRNiT5.E. LUMBEIR 24Hu evc-itoOt lewt thrIgeinsadSisahe tisenti st uneliser pan anii Port Ijover. AND' RAIL E'ilTATE and ishom sumpirs eftlec, rtc. simmor 20 coIns. PIes oui cloves add ltile colci mater. Itoat or Hev F. .McCoscieos apenedc'i e nesge ae rwi ____________________1 andi hsy lest. Serves 6. finish"ohsg 0 s crspe a ssiiFcey n meat sisop thîo1 ii. slsicsi ui -ii d46 H NS-46 _____________________________________________ sy ursitpiees te t-e5, veis a tse suiin ig t mheccvi-ildingF (>LEYE - __________________________________________ pas.) edulite corner et Yousg and '. isel]isylpuicauctliona is Suice a Spunsisi esos soto tise Miii Sîreeto. lusci. Iiit il, Caon. 3, Te p et U U M U .M .... .. M . U J juive let froci a jar et umeet'ý An ih9toda il t1N mj .;,olLn) u * rni~mxesei k-Ies. Leave tn picistlsg ý h- sio ol-sci oves mess, mle- of Naea ousi- t ne .sî : OA VILE ALTN :srp r a a moci tises use P$, nîiuîAi2 liho s iîsgAdi-s Isu APRIL 3rsI - - pli-hic-~ ~ ~~~i . cr coi. a single et 411 pointa. lallaising: l.i'lelleCUT0FHLN 3.Nesitfinie yoa cisise creami Fisc vclerss.s snd tiseir familles IiolIE N>IAIENPr 98î AEDR 14 :saue moelsepceasl mur - f assn'te ec aie hauppy as Mosiiuy i'heri'al Mure. 5 s's., ahoot 1400 1948-LOCAL COURTSCLNA 14 * IIA1Z~7!II~' * t-ou sceit oaci 1101 haIt et d la ,hon le Mc. Pisilip Moyers, mise la lis.; islackisercherons Mare 5 yn., j_________________ ~D ~~ W M M M r' " retc terntsc ta oseo In a iiay or! i e etraabîîtp c coiui 1300; Boy Marc, 4 pro.,s O A K V LLE o., his avosbol fine an la- t hrne forntalof ffty'arsuel, VI liss.; Pechieron Gelsi - ittin at fStin a.M Tisîsavs his imeaid1~'lure isases stsce n s uboidivisonjcg, i s.. absout 1600 lits.; blacks ltgmu .., 1itu I me ho i -sprn celit- h t orsial ovec lise heys le lIre uniîs Mais, igîci; Set Bacisissd Hur- MiljFi. R EA D Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n -he M IXc abl ut:or~ tak tlav osa i- ere ~cin Har eRsl..stsi I'Ai colslsr C4.r mils-r Ioeahp Ioaioge bae Stevdce s.-.s't Mc IV.MehssWsumec lls,', t o~- llarnes;orium M iis., 3isi Ore asI sue.dua adsd ile * ~ ~ ~ M p orp hter? ln?. th s'sosr lii-u BullI 4 il.e; Assafi i-r d sons vn-lies sure anc aîiof.I1thefv C homeir re lsdi,11, etcsi. afo her st Press.is'5l-sî.ircpcic 4p' tAtsse---- ThuddestsCerai Laa 6, C O N C ET E nII ome aripies aveaI chae 1111 DramIs i-nVuuIYfi %vai-h ~àUM MMMM MUUM UMM UMUM MMMM MMMM MMM TI IP tas iar ooke i-i-i-t picîc primlp-r la oifesi-,' 51,,li, il N..e and u Adt a si î i. Llisd en, Ms il-; a, Josl toi sihorvy irni hsa ol il li ivî ieureis doit , en- i;"ll D u rhiis: iam e frd oii-, Se- ot-Ied e or etw n 4DC . Milidce s M -f e Cs soss as ten sdoer. l s0 1 isle tboaI 751)ily lh51 ol 'il' A Mi 1. .1.iii, 11,01. 11 ,Ik, ai l ai-c oni cir. "i-r lii- v is vIrisî,li o ,ill 1t te fi l lel1A4essirr, Idash pi. ipa .. Ilai pari-. prm i-sis the Voris Ie abof lut 15 sgs1) , i Nii. l "s fi * , o.. f i ilu dl o cre., ors? n idii . ci gir eo l, caise svd lis Chnsu- abouts; I IIi-i'. ii'ili O,.i jC-nAcns usa,6hjmay A %pi-Issu th Si csi o o t --la,' nIfrsix- c hil re l Bit b;ldS-)'-ils-r1 log s-t.alv'sI; tti ,l;Th..da,7t ctbr li ih p1 adii ha' c-S is I a ndssc u e aoci andci llt ensi.iiii l.ig ovr 0pe1 ( t. fine crrker cumhs. ildrenand thir fied dI 0 e n- s 'y , i. -.a-is.. lui-h l v arOd' .1 IC .M lo rs-vi'nclliirg Foa sisns. geve OjIr ofi the.li- eflsifaci--i irC C s-s'. Ssci lîsîse issvu 'io onesiuissloiat -ill n lo her li.,lîîa sîsîl ii lsa iii "'v i'>1', in SsII lîs sîl pi' ,uos'lliîs-. wa ilw % l' o ms' i feu s' u l u C hIlio see Il , ,~ Issus'.l mus lan v i i S p ao s si i' lim F >, :,r W .i-' .f~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Nit Il 'sa oadr i lp liscicle- o a i-rc. ' lisiss llsi.iii 1 tp. buter, l' tp r)ppp iii il îsitl i osi -si- i l or as kieda 1)f :D np Zk ,8 p g at t'" fille ui- 'i-sp vud nrtari Sh poar uss'I 7 'oPss 21sil Sisula - pI-I ,Yso" paois.a .'ss , enisc.ssî a eîdn f limle iiiili sli '2 l l ' r.u ,hý f il hm l' f p d -l o. ýo l a av is g e s- li sii o ii i oi i LEAVE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i MII uni OdgrsI sMic.,n sin ocigcs lus: ain trolltais STuARr]lu ()ili 7' ,,7,mi,1E ) k l -e s quli - a gnli-rla isis day i-ics l tisci: I luiîtîce-r: iss r p a ý,r sus-s Sele iast ts faI . Bc u t iisusrs' s- aI Delsiu Si-oIs si- .170 T O R O N .170 AIr a-ilT a,,k,, l la,;, 1h.r lewis -,i nUse riSc ot ster l jsix u c i sss Iie-i dhul -s-s c64~~am g500pm 5 o lorolieast r fm u.s ror ilesîusetlssrssiS.c 'hlor Tev uliill Waoiisgis r ii 0 1 3- d 1045 n.ns d 1005 p.su. p a itulluo f e g t Ise lav i-rv aCi d lise toc is, luîiîan rssîirg tor . hii 1 idd oe 5,0 eehns ad ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h n elsa iecuicl siise e r ý so t sal u asi nie o .r f ui-ss Vegcehl 'Tis nd.. Qoche, Cea putt% 10ar hofrd of1ichc pei at i-aîg 6 i mss ac daos Pac y u a l i-bns lcsoe p'lehIItor fAn WO IYlA R(S isha ltîilit eti- eitfs ondr improv yoo tîprcsev gros a i dental meltar mlBl hok. an -si C or ale.11 ' ai ril , 1l'o c h- abls ad irfrlp i mi-st Sel fiý P4 iasil to- ai, Dental oaltis Prognai commi -u a Ifs teu il u rs qirt , ave 6 ifn ee euu 21 l oii- l so Ci h 1 ll LA E A I. O'W teifa el iame i tu-set s-eu a rosis-v rcIg m hait lu esenc ue 1--se I-mi ia s 1 (STeusse eI E ioer Louns doncnon ino th face ofat, 1ising coats ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , tia oyu leua vnn -muié is 1911 oaci hi- lit s e ovilî vi-lors a I sa7it r es-s : ;a, Yt pt o ,tee a rno nraoh -O attiseO hom aiMa ii- yl,~urge t po]int e h si Sta i-i ~ i O aig taliulos: i i e Iro sît. Ir bi Iatea Ahp ttoua mushî c g silslosce mai ci ifîO sdri-asulus-o 2 st-i-lisn e sitta . o euri i tea tsiste . chd o amp o ise ois detnt Iion %ii us r 'Ingil-sacss Msc hi ne sc i stom lcaulihd 1yer a HALFA - 5590 IN IPG - $430 neherm00e p.m tsille mils lisefulI"s ad î i bmmc t*: 2îîps 00nrIs Ni-o oisg e t an l N T W0 soths eas etrachave,0~f moes taahg deuaguev" be si. h mil hsoaruiv î an th c l I ros- oad :1 sel- tdelep oeervi57,0at teloetp o ssbecs ST .OHN 5 a 2.9 CA AR $7 5 drs 10.05ep pin.y sta Ir i atn Nem for es T mîl lis nitrifida e r orîc it m is Conren b idon si o ai t ie pomi-roVefablelTpelais,:edusllearCoNspci-si-cee os lise plolilicler Tickcs and Info matio 5t igis fo r I 69sy maor in, tc a el mst isiesta site u-ossls-eellcg h sltu v " )ý R. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -kn C.I eatis Sho Repair Stor tic-sut. mhth Usepon StsoIerviceîîîlnm. capsco i OO.Y NoPPOr Nationald Leacue. -A G S RoEALi etAT AIshulls Pus-Fr sic Mie BUS________CONNECTIONS ________________ ATTecord-SMNTEL, Anitensiv edcaia esrmo- c RA utA $560.60 I..EN iMilnlace Cii-r % 0-3h,9ile- s eaeadn oetlpoe o