oeftUnfJoblatU 'Tii *ci 0I0np o Volume 88.- No. 43, MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AI'RIL iSt.1948 Eight Home-Prînt Pages-Fine Centa. F"ormîer NjIi0IjoniamîcKNOX (7HhRCIIMit. STA"~NLEY ROIIERTS Sv j )t.Dip iai MI 1K ( II1\W ED)IN(, Milîgama 'aaulé 'W il Obsenr v PRESENTS I)RAMA lN EASTER SUNDAY I>t-IiISerlr Golden W edding Ons unt-I evesing MarCS 28th. On Saody sorss aris23I s Itiihir x t Mr. nd -t1, Senior Choir cf Knox Churrh Mr. Sasnle' Roherts, orgunisf aiel'.r .M.adMr,. E. H. L. Smsith,. presenird a Religions Musical Knoxs Pcsvhtrrn Churrh pires- Ilissî Agi ris luri S1-ociely An- Toronto. formioncf Milton ciii Drossa entitled "llie Answer frons rsted lisluis5' Choir Io tise largo front AI Itîsos' oa s l itiltir,- r' relebrate their golden sseddin,1 the Ccos." buorn thetasnt "sera î'ugt'egîstca. "lise choir loftf Sud 'Iowns Oi. ll ucstay, Mari h, 'tl e April 101h. isds (i icisas uslie rapiredl on tabe reurrangesllto ccommaidale isitisarord îsi lcliacs Pic Bath serre bore ln England, Mr. il e Cross. tIlie bth choira gîresiv e solrt sous aîs syed foc Smith urris'ing la Milton 40 roes Chacocteca ln the Drama scere Il 55555il verv pleising occasion the tIl sluai of the evcasa0 .M, ago- -the alght cf a big ire os Mms. Relu Cannon, Mr. Cameras lu se tire juniors jasa scilh tire Lscsc Walker. lirsI ire lresbdent, Main Street I helieve it cas tise Wilson, Mes. Union aloc. Miss- senior choir and 10 heur Iheir ruch'ase oalticri t Miss Mldred ,shoe tactory. Mes. Smith and tour Lois Agnew. Mes.Il. Sasllie. Mes e asogvoicca bleiiig sith the lIad, irsI foc ludies acd Me. E s daagbters :olard hlm soons aflcc MNellie Anderson: renfder. Rrv. E, senior choir.i;îs.lrtacaa Iar sus living an Jasper" Street opprst J. Phian; directrd by Relu apîNayo The luior Choirc sang ais thcIr rzlsc ei's ar)l Mis. S.W. Cbssholm tise spacioîî0 home ai Me. and lTse chair sas aslisted by Mirs. anthetat "He is Risen" A verY iand Mi. icotgI' Cuecuthets.ionss- Miss Lisvingstone leemember thesce Edna Carter and Me. Emmett beafiful duel., "tesas Lices' mwas latlas tcizess sens la Me.. Lirsc long-ugo reidents and their lily McGibbon. csstrutet'd SpfDavid and Biii:, Wallici'andt Mr. lîlgli ýumplieil. pend in the well-bept grounds?). Mes. Gorter sang the apening Loebie. Ailir liionhýs ssuscrdsot Lalethey moved teCmmesrcial'solo: "He is Despised." Sperili Tbe Scnior Coîirsngausbile, saort and tiiac'lp i'cmarbs serre St, thence ta Oak St., sabrer M. sambera ineîuded: Solo, "Intats lb" ' ua, e sRien ifiicO l ire lic esiitcnt, Me>J. A. Smithb haut tisa bouses, asisg orCt Land ci Fadelens Duc," Me. Meli ait "As il Begina fa Dac's." Flit; MasorC. H. Heslop; Reese ose the touat, slady timbres sa!- McPhil], Woodward Ave. Mail-S's.llî.îoî 'asî'isklr. Nsssogais'cri; esged h-cm Miltons fit Pest Chorus, "Rock oC Ages" and "Wa; - BASIC IIFFERENCES Mi" .1. F. Wlitî'lia'l. Aciaito'ril attire. ide Cras.,"' Messes. Meil MePisai -l'i"s'sti"Mi'Elissd iJohîn- Ti'oaghoat their yeurs in tibisWnootiOad Ave. C. Wilson. E. Mc- Ily Joseph .iter Rui.attege son, priis'it<if sit hi- Alaon Fait tacs. tbey potirlpaterd sn ran- Gibbon. Mii MePhati.' Charles St. i it'cr' li sri ile urbssgîo stsg rmt'Isec' u munily aftales and mere faitbCai and H. London. Dan.' "Face ta %ir'teecicsis duond Ilie' asiss f octielyri i«McStuc iHallM ~ membres af Grarr Cburch. Mec. Fr. e Pr lii s c.LenmslaStliiand Co is a ac ii- is i isls s nts- ccîl i Smitb pomfesurd schah aImait am- Neit MecPhui. Chasles Siceet.Sla * l i.i'ic uCicossai Ah c iifi,'sîl]E. M1llea dsil. srs'tr- oatser] tfa agenias ut devrlapisg "Alace." Me. C. Wilson. Solo.sfiot offets lissîek f Rala and lis lîs'sure %ir iliin .'gsicului talenasisnlcrtildeen and lber "Opere-"Beneontb the Cross." Me. Meil %is>so iii l a sdirectis r sicdliisa Elliits's sîslîss u ic- elta" iput os la the Town Halt. McPhail. Woodw'ard Aie. Rerers- clisrtuily as hi- did to the isei stusud ad msisîc r the dancing, bil ailtihe essence ai as Esglisisios],l."He Lices" iiOsisiril li id: iîComuninîs -Nearly ocebictlr]si iseisandrelativers atrnded the tSeceptiais pasiosise. She arîroîrd. direed, ba_ ss bren "brs'd sic ibis continentstis RCHRE. BOX SOCIAL ield Msînday in hanseiiofMe. and Mes. Oscar A. Doons, Fasier Stret, areampasiud and praesîcaliy rosi- anuiniosîsher ii uathcritsss scions onro hergldnýddn nnvray. As atnin J- assud the rai and incidrentally. THE RI(HT 0F COMPLAINIr and bîobi tto ,, fia i si l s tetraiseo ONYHL snss unfsthi sCipe Cldrofiramp'tonsi utasrdesgtii stili toasd tîme tae ehibit esomi- rcoesni"Or îsay if lic "baitslcHAI> MIANY PRIZ,'t ouid l uttise îîs'siîg lsur cerus siaoc RutS Me. and Mis. Dîîîss crie lescofher handasas'band gu'drîi Oneof tberfondamentaliieatur- roofs in urlincc.s-iviiation, ains'li'iait fmn lral ruibte. and g.ts. at tise Fait Fuie. When Me. Home o', cf Casadias le is thot ibece humanisss. lit Clritiunilc asd, i A icep ejosa ie s'crnîng MI apuord Multons irai sscvie basrse ia gond deal f cassplalisg. A ibiscounctr'y. in sur Britîisiistoip s'îsrccanii] box sci i ssîsî son On 4t'iusilay ihe happy couaple crc us home Is shi i'mmedsat" - long beforu fise tairs - ise great deal oc li ssci serinas, bit .. Wr are hrbr bessch onutsfc -hMasci 25 in the fOsacnse iait, lsîmly.flisa mcii st ajyable eseosg. ptayed the piaso. tise rightIoi aisrue campluîris.ss a basis of cria'iilizutiisn o'os'iiii'. tsiiortiispBoscncinTafalgar Toishi . Meand Mia. Dions ruime tiiresido Twocdaagbters sang la tise fondamental prisîtege. and fle 0gobbockic is e psaI Wvrse'fi) "lise trizr sasnessin eus tcirs' Miltosn 2hieraugo. Mss.tisons. bîtfose her mus iao e wsatSi- cbole. Hlda ta C.N.E. medailitispeople cherishbit. rgainai smtiing wîs'bsha no0 crs-us fsilsi: ladies fîrsi. Mes. tsisîsîs daugier iiitht'leir.canad MesThsomas Galbr'aith, Trofalgae. ansd Kathleen loa saybue rm- If tiie frelt tier,' nsiimeuhingreossainstice pai o'isîh. ladîrd. Stan Lt.romnt; tiiesthîrd ccp. Shîli bocias i.aitirserher, Mr .iiiisretired fram active ithreiig embered Sp sassie tfhueier vefs croabuat anytisino tisaI neMssist1ds theay elt'pui Mec. *nýiss iss.irsRss Eeandgî' arklads'sdiil.i" is Vcit'. 5505 'l'le*ic mîmbîýkrs in t.theO aal's L'sit wchis peaeed sreaslonully in attention. bhey hasetsve gu ather ies'.sata tttess so'sîstsn.Ms Eîîsr tes I'o iIoiMa sssn rrih'itacsssbs ie mgstAise these crltinos)i. cîgeclItctise lroiser autisorities. 'therc s' no Sii 'mmsîn grmait is",.oints]lit. Mr, Charles Ausn; Me.Smilicas esspiiped ai lise or teo litiin tise egîiqatise bal- tiseen peopiile saisis uisis' iheli ir sucs si's'sslf tisu v.îr t. ScrS.isclaisr "liýiis' ar-s ý hlisrsîs iiîh(-i'lni..Mes.Gordon Roinisoni. Milto Brick,. icing the ranssIoi le-. liserelief. Inssauso instances Sp tise traditioîns if i atlosssnd s.'tiss'iconsoltsiosn, Me FanEvis' ols. ?sahcl..at hume:, ia'.ai MrEas'hecu Milton; Mes. Boss tise 1611h sHalion and Dufferis ise conditiona sîssplai edl cf can- peunrs cf siises mîtands'lîgoussii lad1es1 ra tscllsng size' Strin Marsc. isîssîctîs: E t'.mnsssss as Miltonc; unit Mcc FccsiAnderson, if Rifleis)serty afterethe astbeeab nt cul eleped.'lTtey raissinitstire liai and erauhliscil s ýotind Cunn'ingham, Irs. Gesîeo. Ruilev: 'I'inso llsisri'l'i'a- - ssralshilss's's photoibhRosslîî i'ucs ofowar. Resembe Col. Dambeya snatre of tiingsnd imaahe.ss 'otish, sssr iii ls sîssîhoisîs' cc- sîsasrIinlîc usle.A MNiii tieing receaiiing meetings "Itstslt oimpssibletg)iirelieiiilscsi ,n l Ississicrbs,dissd ison,'lT .stsmisison(-'bans. mant mec! More mes!" obes ciîls'.'sseoditions tisai csth.ng c is'sles"lîsca.udms'nîs(if ici'.. Msil CiscîrtMissî fise local talent ilîrd oct tishes- b,' don abuît I. isirieesi icr îu tr is'eaderîsisesi liThelssulc"in is'- st ecs ilcel' KII5BRIDE (CA t1'BEL2VILI5E grass? I 'saas'iee e im nsa suit tsseccii sisuiish i s s'il a'ia \ css Ma ic'ins Fler- Me servrd la Frac r i ao eiil-e alVeise a ii lcîm tieselsi thlia f41gkhAlo;MsCoIol cCl mai f li felow lwnýerraif 'c1ci ,herer thiscrisses'ns bai". t al it icii ssu s *ssds's'îsn cm, pol. ll. îitîr Mcf."ci' -,s o iiindMi.Jiir)ýor.t n ssao cfc'afeico'fas'tsssr letighiti maise eompans li' îdoî nsusiss- . si ilsiv: u fiih. ! eirn i itiMa'illi'lis - ialist"g i i ls ssii '51 roJý s ' a issu fisiseaul sî Woaded ieeturedaon theiss- ae us actc îîî"havei Si ssslib-ccîs 'ii'st'sîîî i,';l.. si'si5( iitr ssî 'ssssun Fsdl,'-skedaii pliaisip "Carpatita", hosins- if.s otuul s'e- s'stin u lsi i fMiss lue.' '5n' A.siistioif Itie VI cîliMs.aitd'bisa. Lcîîasd Puisons if bren awas'ded tise Miitaey Medsst ucederssi os isîoîg diarsjiesial cri 'NDERW.ATER END'RAEE ss'ssslî.Mes, ls 55 t ir csil (Il'orrsi. i si's I f; aisî le for "raonapieucu as eeey i scu 'lie gîsereiment and isisseeospe TEST IN' AR<T'IC S- ; 5 s 111le MIsil> 'Wifiui'tie s io.u lîsdîs.Mr, . i. o.Circc au- bustissa to ing theise îerd lisder ieaseigisi s-st ii teaiti' l bsisic' -i' lIsiisi.ns'rhe lis.' sfi5susliis'Tshd Oe deoo is,. f,'îMS of St. isa.'d's Cisoets sell ire." Baciinecivies.ise'cs roarssîu's'î ico ütisnIn tiS A iSiiîtsI ,lKisscsiiic sîsîsîîsîue - Ms'- t %Is issl. il asssil- sîs rl-nas ci ssîrsgs'sofM.- lfis thîMarh meeticg Thsepre.- socalsdeep intofireamuine - lie (5155. ste s'smîsîinîasismsîîs'sîi, neson .0 lIns i itise Ais s'r il silos trisaiss ris%% iarsiadl "s Itts"'.'înteibisii e tiestucsMia T . Melisl..ifed thIs peatesson sof isayactis. Adrîsiai ti pil]bI.rasitbseilssetsems fsois;lus importantsssî tesi cte 'ý-trisitl"ctuia i s i the lii' iîlîslis iiig.is se,'MesM.'Ho,- 'icci'thlthecs'asîtîlos'crhs. abatband, be pssessed iis tracs- b'o îîîiatentinc i aîîcîs'î1-î'ît lucss"'s'st 'lio. '-5'sist ls'a.s' ic' 'M- Msssil'.ssssi. 'bisaisli-tt:s ced Mrs Cis' lavr om tise tad Tisi- isgscerrtificatcFPitlssan's.l Mac- > .clons c'g setiicansdi tlss'csssis'ns'ssilis'is's' iîsrîsi 'uII. itsec istilisuts'il fiii'iii t-utu l'itst sinneea .'ssc'iis n disycMs. Peaoeb isg ta 'Torosnto, is raipts i i i.% ois îî'marond. M s.S-t'iiss.ei ' i'asilsi . isoiîsslu sisissîs su trssisllsiiiiiMs "A aictseccsg ieriue oanothe firm of'"Riches-' lsiississsthse uiasccbmeigo-'sinctirus' soldtliso t,Ils'i NIris Donaildst. 'isa'Smlu'th rs." andîfileîtrraas'ieî"ss'epssiitiws gi- est attortney-andisipc f 'thlst Ili-lsicusd ndls'cmst is'- ls'IIsssorii-sis sig itsu-.A tlsIt'ls'iiîtit oiasaSs risen-sortsirssm tSi' dffrrent fise fat tirat, asile essptsy"d ""'o ussirils,'sac;iîs' .îlong as po- gis iisaeti' cnmmille i't sî i lI iissh b' Ilts't'smm se ere isieilirs 'The berrr.he did ail the typisg, specif- A shusngere oc shed a Sulsusi 'cuisis l'lsnmoisc, tristasisy(vrhi-sus'. ..'l t sushsuuu' t sui Ms fiSton usi r tus' laissrire plusn uiisSesresicco epusrhod 7 rards less.ec. aecesoaey for ftciseon Arno *sv aptain in Cobourg On- longs-cien (i"ni'iroue- ubmucussuuHlil isuscsssiust tus maire Iiý ing fisi, qi5u.t ss'ass'silsulslainihe and lctcr roiiescand rcdcas msanufacture of tise "cci" tarif), if he sigitsfiog "I.ead . us A ctisconisst'iosns ondu - lui-tisuliavis issu-u c-usitoischito'a sussu hu fiture.' ii tluss Tise Wetname and discoo'ey, tnstlia.befare the nasse Kindly Lighi", Afler singiag tise ci-ut us tise testtutiis euscs 54)liii.. Sitaf a E- ip l'l«iuctls r scesooiusirs' Ss'lfcr Cammittro reporird 7 Bantinig 'as acclaisedby a grate- iuisedt iyssmnea hissi sr treutîmonut, 34)I l,.:, Otiusi'2se.lhbli,- ilsi'sinfcieguspeocîscses (ifirails msario,'Tisciteraure sec-- fol wald. St laesp-ssisded, is sudience, is sasse wax a-bssltie 'Tîr('sî. a'bl, isus ' ssî s s ', o T e pfY a, thsilol irelii'255h iss'u;srs 'c hes pneîialty dc-- esar.% rsepsted $350 sarî nf lit- aetsposiioswac a irsiosecretay gav'ciif-EscicuCaruso n o. 'and siutsisp25th pl"s'sin s'ncs'se-,iIrs'ucctusssuuiii lsbuildig and 'rcturcpuscrissethisyeoearad (ful limel of the "West End So;- tils,'liait res-u'ia'î'd as Easie crosi ,l i Theiil 'its lsmuit s is'- uolîgst Iotushi' attention cf lise iers' Ciuihsae". Sawcanal Cn'- '(lsu'ss'sîs'u'M',MiaW A. Nu'lsc.155, lsOîaiIsinOssutsscist. wsho nis ilnev sboouk,"Toes.usss luge. He mass buse lasseiedîtilv x 1, )~ ~ ~ , ~ îleAusielsames Fisher, J3.sth bls saze'ali.'bic cm. The usiseeu".'l'lie ibrr. es -estaes meit foc su is sit gsiog atrette. I IIf.Iis 13E T E I. Ra NI 1IIi(IJ:' ' E;55'ul.so, us is21îeh vndt Fer ssi,. sthtia' ire isus aisoon. repoer]tui snissec'seved Icuist Leavsog this, hbeunfeeed tise CivlItsisssssu W (IRtu %,:1,s-s s'o sulilîssicu lissuas idu'ageneei Fuise Cslsor foc c Sosx sut Service,. urst Insh flstul dcvs lsIilif- Opoe,', i i(- iss'tisll ngsanud tise Iook, set eenshl. 'lhe asuply ion,iisen a.,seci'se offioees'eti o 'a iss.'ufoi,irlIlics- Issas (ri foriacI ni but :Iilam. alluhllu.tuessis loissg achoc us on 1941 oben lise susmodie htsuh icssuantnstls'su. -n .. 1 'sstîs in-s s-sidrssaiit.i iîill "ticsomest'tpller ilcisu reespient ni u icther Cagso Is .-Is.turiîsIs-,tsa iii 11- ro-'joisss lh'- Miltonc 'ueoRe Bousa- iscsu%%as cîoanized ailisMrs. chaieandbescis HInell-eacnd svkluuîiss si Lis is.cuussIoi iitise (cuti acntOS'Isin'cgiooppsieseuliiceicus ieisorec isc sf shorf dacataon tfi,,, si 'icgilulcssînsssssas usu sl eaiguhimnowrsoor r g i 'AIlKS DISTIIt" i' li rtissil 'titith ls'io 0 i "ulfvi'eîc- 55lc ecuciveit and th atwrh ondth tf 0 I-AItNILIIIIIN(.a tii..i napdrssuuagn util2000. "hs'Issu ho;itSptiehe -dýoent 'bics. of Enculisr tiie. isad oste q,'tisu'lsuccsisu'risyas teee'itssR. I.srl.uua.useoMtili a otsaes In cty ifer. Mcand Mrs.Smith (If 555sîih, Iss u uss".ri'd O ess"ssiss'f-, ohussc lus0 im ise iclc " la csnticccd as gocd eharcis oc ýS ' '" îlus'Iii, îîîîîu..îs i ti i ;rit i 0i-. builingsssu'scntcnfs. 'usîoî f ctheu'scaurolls suit. -Mes. S. uis bher ploya, WA. n i ý m- r l, 2 Sira :,,i -,ic vrlpqti ýItidFsv n ee Bcd CrosaseSor. Her hisa ' utl, iii ii.i% 1917, tit'i' -din ihiF, lui' sceu' c onSîrce s'-Iuufront 1ltieetissu Fia'lnd hes'c- seveluas tecr, oîperintcndentuC. iaciu uss.1e. is"ru' usra pMsMc tay delegate ie s-ose 13 yp ý'andssi s I sut tiissus,,55 a îsccsissmu si'cdid si-s- en I. M, Mn cevc sure lone- .two'Ua;-il n ---si susmonsiilinci li' ilsoi"ilctss Miss E.,?J. SsPhail s'asstuct Sf Georugesa Wslsoanduiu .1ei.-'e '-- ,-Il tssusuiiiluisitir] slsus les'." Fi,,'.isc,%'tise stadp peic l wtb Muss Janef eah SI. Cyprin'i Il w0,0 h.ý 200il'c'lcn'th'liI'mgd misa ths., MePhial leading In prayer ansd lte Majore Bec. Chsate% aiSt. ls titis'stiii0tha isî ."UrIi.Assire(o'wai acsiel'l'is pais 5ssasgeiseiing rend hi bis ebuecishllbort tse e ceto 7' lIoro "55 su.211iui' adn ntriorn I oii i Ms .Cis r.f.Igi n and sîfered 10 ctîsdaet beforebandh ghnfg su lu tuti' nicslo'5ohcfcsstli e Ms lK csl 'FieblospcaOur a nerice uf tiash'gtvia forsusuusl h is-îtuiiis- iisîsi "'ibisouaticr f-Phis" lubc fefitisestfdr boo "00 a elrviefil.Hsansimelyfdrtis o -Fsstauthorssuilt-ac Mus. RosDaaidn ofMitvea'to Great Commission" andtscashased tisai lis- iHis nttilyldanhlisautif Ioopîî'îsîilac utoIsf hhe e bolsem, Dr. H. scn lcit'ostds toHis Disceiple,, sn Marcis cashs a sisade of sadns aR.î M ie uoi S'ni e uu~ Scticsald and Mes McDooaid. Vo Sualit heSilnean une Me. club ovrthe festicities arasged. ' ftimtsci u sris'ru' Me.ad Mias Johnso af Osa- specifll ospbsis n tliutile ssasd Mr. Smitsais aiasenpruneausecret- "~ u-nesadtte n lrfisaissu cowre woek-end visilors settis"Te". '['bc meeting o-as seosed club aryutth It ilowal Tso petity hs-Sup,.andsie uiratb-Iliseur brothler. Mes. Verae Johnons trayer hy Mes. Men7ieg Tisure Boy Scouts andl of aise Wllssdale 111n sitroosfs wo-ici' ususu(tec ronul tM%'-nd ssiM. Johson. ces-e sigiters smessrspeeseal. Cossssnity Csourit. s- ng aparisa iy cisisaltit sstng ce Me. andl Mes. Feedalie Davis lne tome beléper nal oae vsitor. ante ra neeto hshnl rS onr e frn fSpent lise wek-esd af tise iscme The Soslesa- asoisteal by a commit-! splendid coopte la thete large - ersstv ufcig rc'sutfMe. and Mrs. Wss. Clftton ai tee servedl refrecisaseala ssiicis att gadn li rcépmkn ii sucgassuise muai bciscî.es-t.Hamilton Beach. raicyrd. figored In tlie Hamvesf Hosse de- t'so cau ohohuld Sa- disp5openit hMisa Beverey OSithsof Taonto______ oeaslooa of sen catty cisorces Nv__________hul g,ôit, tast fait andl fieir sareos, pot- 1 ese lo a.shit îa iiiu taspending tise holiday meuhNW TE5VSON CNR bcSebroaghtioitalsh' bousear.osurIsl h berortle, Me. Erie MeAri- W TLVSIN CNR alors, bectsanad cabisage marre aralso-hem tise lighiY-rusmbut' or aad Ms. Mrstise. amardea pines is the Nos-lis Vos-b Foviding a point of sconie heauly siliin s cisset diatance nI Miltas, ibis'material tisr isupandsd u.euw As caus as thbe seeessaa-y mea Pos-icstumal Fais. 1 a a geyser-lise streass ofwautere sbatlg hig ieot the at, aflaeidla isltered ahosît.and maleriats becssne avnilabte Tise pair enjsy exceleta ea'b ssany ssalneiats dcelng tbe Efarter mors-end.l ILNt TELEPIIONE tise Brillis Bmadcasting Corpor- andspoda app hlIayevi Issmediaîeîy suais aiR. M. C'esea's eîtg h Rofenie WORLD NSUPPI-ER 0F OEAO ta u ut l o re-u samsser ai Laise Fas-tain (GCom- Peinf, oae con se eie alrasoaf ear spsiso caler sbafisg nearîy ABRF ccnr sLnoseesg1 tan Bay) atnd Valleyfield (Que.) Ihis-yfy Crt Intothe aie, added ta the attraction la the formsafilnIt l'Is tise Uited Kiagdass. a aupei- thtie Cssescatn'sonoal reot misere Ibeis- yasngest daugiter, tce, ball aaouad tsecomol hrens, risse e he seaeass. Maap scIsa ent. tantise 12 atttifs rm Des-s'sboc ýdeciserbac bren dosigord lise fucit- jaci puhliabed. The BBC aise hava Phisss Mes. Cardan Osbore)se- In sec tSe snusuaa igtb, cre assared ah the beauty cf tise ire ferai- usa. 1046,faeMusemer 301h, 1947,1 itting tSe apesutisun, Sp Sind a cmber ci othee usaatIaI aids.atisn a few scebks aga. Britain ereld ree uiceatt fiprsncats cf wiotchhoni'ds cf a Os- sciseuss is-hsutbe ccmpled Tisuealum auiseeslise lathon nay Ortler ccsstey. Fils exteasicn liare cuprity, and Ibis as sassa as conditiosoa o w. Tiseso tis rea tp ttdah Mes o. hast White anme Ibîsught one' sf the ssasy apriaga aessand the ssauataio aarusmmetau Iird lcidisg desvis. ebluShfinstaroiteeeeinctade acetsa ternus o' Magaîrel; Kathleen IMma. . Iatgane os aampage, ihey arme dsappoird mies lisy learnod Ittise Ufîd States,.flic targeaît ho- silî tise uuîratian af ibe soileb- fCeqenrcoy modulion situtions W'wa.soly a breaki n a coter smain, wmicsucsspplies mater ta Milton. tlulif ci6, gisg o 'lur- Sa-st , ua ightrl ersan, con îhs-oagboa BeIta, an extenaion Lapwrsfi); Kathleen (Mrs. E. Reidents in tise district saisitise breais sas irs o aiaird auveral arrisa are, a s . s y . . Csaenlli. There as-e 5 grand-tige, dus-la0 lie sai-oerna eaîhe. At abat isse, thr ivoIre mas eearkey, tbaafgh the igisesl la calue naam is utpird andtI t tfree ,tIfti Beaadcasting House la London aanh and 5 gsanddaugisteea. naiieti i r ae e af sgs isyst Onts ioasae ment la tbe Arlentn $10,.316t,000 cluasge osany privaIs- brsocb ns- and socs egianat beodutares A recupîlon ta planuseal tas-Apil Fred Rabbins Indicataes Ibis pot beme tise ater Iraves the geaoatfi. wortis. Brilainu ttaliosesa aage esîrd fesass Btains Fol ltIt ai St. Cypaana tall, Man- Insef shoms fise farce of sloer sbaaotig fes lie centre ot a amatI suppliles nambred 1.531 alesearfI. O ffice osd operaîed bp a bitisi A hisue or dog moins toiser lb, nlng and Fallas Avenues, Tas-anto. treass, an the aldu of lise ssauniatn. Photos isy Boss Fearen 1catued ah $45,528,00c0. persos. intelligence af tieheselli W7 a ïýk' (;oldeî IlWediling A îiiversarv On Mocdny, MareS 201h, 1948, !Me. und Mea .,cor Dososo1isuld a rereptuan fore f-iu'nda and eliaves sua Se orccasioncf tii lts mcd- diso aociveeoacy ai tiiebasse sun FocîrStreet, Miltas. Recels- ing sailli the "bride und grooms" utvus thSe hidesssatd sof liffy years ugo Mrs. H. M. Clark of Beamp- Tl'e disin og mas tias tastefulty decturaîrd selis pnlloos asd white aireameis, large white bell and a profusion cf yetauc and wite s'usina. ssth tise dining table centsred isy a thee-sied meudug casci, made by the "bridte." In tbe afi rnson Ms-s. W. Bayloy preided ut lIsc ira table and un the vn ucctfeu auapued by Mes. T. Sssss. Miltonanad Ms-. O. Stouti. Cousi ie, sistrs tuf thbe "'bride" 'lh,- a-Silo and catd gonsl books suas aîgned isy aout eigisty-fie gurusý. Many Seautifot bouqaets iii Sis-ec and ocasemoas gifîs wce ce.vd Sy tise happy cauple. On Saiarduy esenisg, Marcs 27 c fumily paelp' oas givro and aras cttesded isy Tbu rospiete fossile s-scsiating tif Mn. and Mea Cordon Rsubioaucn. Omagis Mm. unît Mes. Rossaukand Mes. ad Mss Fu'od Ander-son, Taoafat; Me. anal MsMrNeut McEuachees. M.r.oad Mes. Esseason Daos, aisd Mtiss Mahnt Daa'os Miltan; and lise eeco randehildea 'lhe fomttp îssented ibreir parents wilis a îsore of maneyand lise grand- siidrc prearoîrd lors and ksiffs. Afîra toastl Iscst;nued isap- pntsc logether Me. ana Ms-s. lissossa gracisocip tisasbed ail far tise ood aishes aund giflasnbslo'- s-d on ahem aned reesd tei- :)eýr n icco lilishe faanily lueenu fom ubia thappty occasions. ('ANADA'S DRINKING HABITS NOT YET DETERMINED \'isth'r Cucaiac., ore;'o is- ofuu-aa sc,- ncse cir esancd s- 'Ii- cas >sisutin on ot tiielp' lus is-lerssisest far accuses'rasate ci si-ua alus t, aacdsflng Io Caail- i'..ff'eumports doring theupaf 1-iu p cors Suce .'sceuaged ulmoat ibl.15000- lb. mitre 1han dauing sre-tar scaca, sapa tise basionso "ShIetiser se nt ilutigcifies iSsu scirase in oescosussptisss i abc c]!fiutifl ueamiy la de- terine sIportso suer three, loue use fuse peaca fausa owilte ar 011i foressau ettrgouge oa fa hou murS mome coffree s brin- sccsunsed inais-a caotry suas urrho 1940." lhasme1%trac cf utiaists (i Issu iss s-a as tise OCsustiil GIcrsen Average dueisgfthe tact '2 >cac s vus about pe-ar. Bus -este ArTheîlotlsscs 47,000.00n Ils ushul icis lie pelosi c - i v, esc tissus'30,000,000. 'hi srt' gssin ii asi mnqaire lier issus i scuthcu couus' sut p-cars t,) ils-s rnsscs'faietp aeuuctel- jaol Til, p550 vpl vntipio " 1I'l'lauig Ihal ccaidlotachins ,-eilogot. bis usrt cf deiliag stucs inia thess andieleasing tise unis-pot reser osilhao ote cold lic a- il cime, o Ciiagoos Seat îplicenrco-ssiicharhcge. 1:1 ..,,u.scs'iu-sss's s i a Y i - ri 'u 't.usiCanada fls,-Brs s-l I'stitiss,siItirur 's.isg P sun ICoiin Events c 00 ,, - E,,,,,s,.~ 1 ucsme and Dance, Faterssa Hait. Feidap, Aprit 2nd, Bensetîs Orchestr', auspices St. Stepiseas' A. Y. A. Luncb peovidel. Admsstn dtas 50C. Eachre and Dance. ou Ossagh Srbaat, Friday, Aps-il 2od. Roche i Mayas Orchestra. Admission 25e. 11Ladies qumavide. Ossags Soffisali Club. Euchre anal Daýncu, S.S. Mo. i 0Scisool, Frtday, April 2nal. Euehs-e 8 30, lunch or-sd fallomed by done. MutesaOrcs-bra. Ad- miasion 40r. IFood Demaonsationîa by Marfiso Loa of Smitf's Casiadian 1Com- 0009', in Kncx Peeshyemion Sos- stop Snbcat, Fetday, Apetl Ofis ai 3vp.m.* Metfs far rissy mentanal every occasion. Food usual foc dessoostmation purpases setîl bu gicra as peInes. Spanass-ed by Maple Leaf Croup, Admiausien 25c.